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Wetlands, Ponds, Ditches ‐ Ques ons? A workshop organized by the Polk Soil & Water Conserva on District.

Bring your regulatory ques ons about waterways, wetlands, ditches, streams and ponds!

June 22, 2015 9:00am – 12:00pm

OSU Extension Services Conference Room ‐ 289 E. Ellendale Dallas, OR Jo Morgan, an ODA Agricultural Water Quality Specialist for Polk County and beyond. Jericho Winter, a NRCS Resource Specialist based in Oregon City will discuss NRCS policy as well as informa on from the Department of State Lands and the Army Corp of Engineers. Todd Whitaker, a Professional Engineer with Polk County Planning Department. Pre‐registra on by June 16 recommended to ensure accommoda ons & snacks provided meet demand. Phone Polk SWCD at 503 623 9680 x5 or email marc.bell@polkswcd.com to RSVP. This workshop is free, thanks in part, to support from the NRCS, ODA, and the Polk SWCD.

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waterways by R Wheeler - Issuu