9 - 12 9-10
Live Chat
Toggling Displays
Property Cart
Home Page
11 - 12
12 - 31
Office/Agent Maintenance Uploader
12 - 13 13
Listing Maintenance
13 - 31
Viewing Your Listing Inventory
14 - 5
Add Listing
15 - 6
Partial Listings
16 - 17
Add Listing As A Comp
17 - 18
Add Listing From Tax
Change Listing
Add/Edit Virtual Tour
Reposition On Map
19 - 20
Status Changes
20 - 21
Clone Listing
Transfer Listing
Delete Listing
Photo Maintenance
22 - 26
Uploading Documents
26 - 28
Showing Manager Open House
28 28 - 29
Page 3
Views/Reset Views Create Flyer III
29 29 - 31
31 - 53
31 - 32
Listing Tools Menu/Icons
Property Types and Status
Selecting Drop-Down Options
Tab Key
Show Criteria
Resetting The Search Screen
Start Search
Listing Tools Menu/Icons
Range Search
“Wildcard” Searches
33 - 34
Customizing The Search Screen
34 - 35
Adding And Deleting Data Fields
Moving and Minimizing Containers
Types of Searches Property Type
36 - 45 36
Map Search
36 - 42
Quick Search
Display By MLS Number
Hotsheet Search
43 - 44
History Search
Tax Search
Search Options
45 - 54
View Listings
Email Listings
46 - 47
RPV Selected
47 - 48
Filter Selected
48 - 49 Page 4
Quick Stats
48 - 49
Market Summary Report
Sold/List Price Analysis
MC 1004 Report
Quick Comparison
50 - 51
Search Options
51 - 52
View Search Criteria
Save Search
Return To Search Screen
Start New Search
Display Types
52 - 53
Results Displays Full Displays
52 - 53 53
54 - 58
Agent Reports
54 - 55
Firm Reports
56 - 57
Report Builder
57 - 57
58 - 60
Office Roster
58 - 59
Agent Roster
59 - 60
Office With Agent Roster VI
60 61 - 67
Adding Contacts
Viewing Contacts
61 - 62
Editing And Emailing Contacts
62 - 63
Page 5
Converting Contact To Prospect Prospects
63 - 67
Adding A Prospect
Reverse Prospecting
64 - 65
Viewing Email Notification Log
Editing A Prospect
Converting Prospect To A Contact
65 - 66
Importing Contacts
66 - 67
Exporting Contacts or Prospects VII
67 68 - 78
CMA Settings
Edit Adjustment Settings
68 - 69
Edit Search Settings
69 - 70
Edit Resume Settings
Creating A CMA
70 - 72
To Create With A Subject Property
To Create Without A Subject Property
CMA Setup
72 - 76
Setup/Search Comps
72 - 74
To Use A System Search
View And Adjust CMA
Additional Options
Publish CMA
75 - 76
76 - 78
Viewing A CMA
Editing A CMA
Deleting A CMA
76 - 77
Cloning A CMA
Adding CMA To The System VIII
77 - 78 78 - 88
News And Events Info My Calendar
78 - 83
Adding Appointments
Viewing Appointments
79 - 80
Exporting Your Appointments
80 - 82
Editing And Deleting Appointments
Adding Tasks And Notes
82 - 83
Viewing Tasks And Notes
MLS News
Open House/Caravans
83 - 84
Office News
84 - 85
Agent News
85 - 86
86 - 88
88 - 102
Display Builder Building A Full Display Adding/Removing Data Fields Adding Data In Customized Rows Adding Free Form Test
88 - 92 88 88 - 89 89 89 - 90
Cloning A Display
Editing A Display
Deleting A Display
Building A Results Display
90 - 92
Building A Wireless Display
Viewing Your Displays
92 - 93
User Manuals
Financial Calculators
94 - 97
Buyer Pre-Qualification
94 - 95
Estimate Fixed Monthly Payments Page 7
Estimate Adjustable Rate Payment
95 - 96
Extra Principal Payment Comparison
15 & 30 Year Mortgage Comparisons
96 - 97
3-Way Mortgage Calculator
Buyer’s & Seller’s Closing Worksheet
Seller’s Proceed Details
97 - 98
Custom Export
Navica Assistant Export
My Navica Settings
99 - 102
Customizing Home Page
99 - 100
My Calendar
My Prospects
My Reports
My Links
Saved Searches
Market Activity
MLS News
Navica Software
100- 101
Navica Tutorials
101 - 102
Page 8
________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to Navica Revolution, the most powerful and complete business tool of its kind! Navica Revolution will enable you to Search for Properties listed within your MLS; Manage Your Listing Inventory, Create CMAs, Manage Prospects and Contacts and Create Reports for Yourself as well as for your Clients and Much More! This User’s Guide will assist you in understanding how to perform the many operations that appear within Navica. The chapters to follow will walk you through all of the Menu and Sub-Menu items that appear on the Home Page of the system. In addition to using the HELP functions within Navica, you may contact SEI Customer Support by calling 1-800-367-8756 from 8:00am to 7:00pm Monday through Friday Eastern Standard Time. There is a Customer Support Representative on call Saturday and Sunday. We offer E-mail Support seven days a week at Finally, you may Chat Live with a Customer Support Representative Monday through Friday. You will find the following options available on every screen within Navica: HELP ________________________________________________________________________ The icon indicates Help within Navica. You will see this icon throughout the system and when you see it beside a feature within a page in Navica, it indicates there is a Definition or Explanation of that feature available. To access this information click the icon and a brief explanation will appear on your screen in a pop-up box. Once the icon to continue to view definition loads, you must keep your mouse pointer over the the pop-up. If you remove the mouse pointer, the popup will disappear. In addition, you will find the icon in the top and bottom right-hand corner of every screen beside the icon. Here, you are able to Search for a Particular menu item to receive more detailed information on that topic. When you click on the icon or the HELP link, a new window will open that displays the HELP Contents for the page that you are currently viewing in Navica. You will be given an overview of the topic as well as the sub-topics that are available. If you would like to view all of the topics that are available under HELP, click the Contents link. If you would like to search for a HELP topic, click the Search tab and enter the topic you are interested in.
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LIVE CHAT ________________________________________________________________________ The Live Chat feature enables Navica users to communicate with SEI Customer Support while still connected to the Internet. This service is available to users Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am to 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time. The Live Chat is a great way to get a quick answer to a question you may have about Navica. It works especially well for users who are on a dial-up Internet connection and have only one phone line. In this case, users can stay connected to Navica while getting the assistance they need from Customer Support. To Start a Live Chat, follow these steps: icon that appears in the top and bottom right-hand corners of 1. Click the Every Screen within Navica. 2. Type in your question. 3. Click Start Chat. When a Customer Support Representative enters your chat session a message will pop in to the chat box indicating their name and they will respond to you shortly. You will also see an indicator when they are typing a response to your comments. If you would like to Print out a chat transcript, click the Print Link. Or you may E-mail a chat transcript to yourself by clicking the E-mail Link. When you feel your questions have been thoroughly answered and you are ready to end the chat session, click on Logout to close the window.
Page 10
PRINTING ________________________________________________________________________ If you would like to Print the current screen you are viewing on Navica, you may use the icon to take you to your printing options. When viewing an item on Navica there are several “Frames” that display on the screen at a time. For example, the Title Bar and the Menu Bar are each separate “Frames” from the screen you would be viewing if attempting to do a Property Search. If you would like to Print the Search Screen and use the Print option within your browser (select the Print icon or select File then Print from your browser’s menu), you would Print the main “Frame” within Navica (it will appear in the top and bottom right hand corners of every screen). This will Print the top “Frame” or the Search Screen in this case and will eliminate the hassles of trying to figure out how to Print the correct content that you are interested in. There are several other ways to Print within Navica and will be discussed in Other Sections. TOGGLING DISPLAYS ________________________________________________________________________ You are able to change the layout of your screen by clicking one of the Toggle Display Buttons that appear in the title bar of every screen. These buttons enable you to expand the view of the screen by Hiding either the Title or Menu Bar. By clicking on the icon you are able to Hide the Navica Title Bar. By clicking on the icon you can Hide the Navica Menu Bar. PROPERTY CART ________________________________________________________________________ The Property Cart enables you to Save Listings to a single location so that you can easily access them. The Property Cart can be used when Searching Listings for a Client and later load for your Client to View or Saving Listings to use with a CMA. Listings may be Added to and/or Deleted from the Property Cart as needed. To access the Property Cart simply click on the icon on any page within Navica. Adding and Deleting Listings from the Property Cart will be discussed in the section on Property Search. HOME PAGE ________________________________________________________________________ The Home Page is the first screen you view when log into Navica using your unique Login Name and Password provided to you by your local MLS Association. You may customize the appearance of your Home Page of Navica by choosing various Pods from the My Navica Settings menu item. For instructions on changing your Home Page Settings, please refer to the section My Navica Settings under the Resources menu item.
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The Pods that are available to be placed on your Home Page include: My Calendar
My Prospects
My Inventory
My Reports
My Links
Saved Searches
Real Estate News
Market Activity
MLS News
Address Search/MLS Number Search
________________________________________________________________________ Under the Maintenance menu item you will find three (3) tabs; Off/Agt Maint, Uploader and Listing Maint. These tabs enable you to Maintain some of your Personal Information as allowed by your Board, a place to Upload your Agent Photo and to Maintain your Personal Inventory of Listings. OFFICE/AGENT MAINTENANCE Under the Maintenance menu item, you will find a tab at the top of the screen called OFF/Agt Maint. This screen enables you to Maintain your Personal Information as allowed by your Board. Broker and Office Staff users will have the ability to Edit the Office’s Information as well. This is the information that appears on the Office and Agent Rosters within Navica. The availability of this option is at the discretion of your Board and all features may not be available to all users. Everyone has the Ability to enter an E-mail Signature. This Signature can be added to any e-mails that are sent through Navica. Everyone also has the ability to enter a Text Message Provider and Number that can be used with the Prospecting feature. In addition, if Listing Syndication is available the Broker or Office Staff users will have the ability to choose any sites you DO NOT want to syndicate your listings to. This feature if found in the Office Maintenance section. To Remove a website from Listing Syndication place a checkmark beside the site you want to remove.
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UPLOADER The Uploader tab enables you to Add your Agent Photo to Navica. Brokers and Office Staff have the ability to Upload an Office Logo as well. Agent Photos will appear on the Roster, Some Displays, RPV Slide Show, CMAs and your Board Public Website on To Upload an Agent Photo or Office Logo, follow these steps: 1. Click on Maintenance. 2. Click on the Uploader tab. 3. Click the Browse button to locate your Image File from your computer. Photos and Logos must be an Image File Type such as jpeg, jpg, tiff, gif, bmp. 4. When the Choose File window opens, specify the location of your picture in the Look In field. 5. Once you have located your file, click the File Name to select it and then click Open. You will then be returned to the Upload screen with your file name placed in the Select Photo Option. Click the Upload Image Button. 6. If the correct photo is displaying, click Save. LISTING MAINTENANCE By clicking Maintenance from the Navica main menu, you are able to view quickly your Personal Inventory of Listings. In addition, this screen enables you to perform various functions that Add, Edit and Maintain Listings. The following are the Menu Categories that you MAY find on the Maintenance screen: Add Listing
Add Listing as Comp
Change Listing
Add/Edit Virtual Tour
Reposition on Map
Pend Listing
Sell Listing
Clone Listing
Photo Maintenance
Upload Documents
Delete Documents
Transfer Listing
Temporarily Off Market
Withdraw From Market Page 13
Bring Listing Back
NOTE: The availability of some of the above Maintenance functions is at the discretion of your Local Board. Some Menu functions MAY NOT appear on your Navica site based on these Board decisions. In ADDITION, your MLS may choose to include other statuses not mentioned above. If you have questions regarding what is located in your Maintenance drop-down please contact your Local Board Office. There are two (2) locations on the screen to select your Maintenance Options. The first is located at the top of the screen under the Maintenance title bar. This menu differs from the other drop-down in that it includes the functions of Add Listing and Add Listing as Comp. The second drop-down menu is included in the display of each listing in your inventory. This enables you to make changes to your listings while viewing your entire inventory. In addition the Inventory Search section enables you to choose which type of Inventory is displayed. You can choose from the various Property Types and Listing Statuses, or you can select to view either your Inventory or your Partial Listings.
VIEWING YOUR LISTING INVENTORY When you click on the Maintenance menu item your Listing Inventory will automatically load at the bottom of the screen. The Listing Inventory includes all Property Types and Statuses. To narrow down your List of Inventory you may select the desired Property Type(s) and/or Status(es) from the drop-down menus under the Inventory Criteria heading on the Maintenance screen. Also if you would like to load your Partial Listings you may select that option from the Partial/Listing drop-down. Page 14
To E-mail or Print your Inventory click on the E-mail/Print Inventory. See Diagram Above highlighting all these features. In addition you have the ability to change the appearance of your Displays for your Inventory Lists. You may also define how many listing displays will appear on one page. If you checkmark the Photos box, you are able to view a thumbnail photo of your listing. To view the Full Display of the listing click on the MLS Number hyperlink. There are two (2) standard display Layouts for you to choose from in Maintenance: Slim Line: This display is in a printer friendly format. It shows the details only; however, if you place your mouse pointer over a listing the thumbnail photo will pop up for you to view. Traditional: A small photo displays to the left of the listing details. The Select Option drop-down appears beside the thumbnail photo in this display. Finally, if you have created any custom Maintenance/Inventory Results Displays in Navica you are able to choose these as well from the Content drop-down menu. Creating a custom Maintenance/Inventory Results Display enables you to choose the data fields that appear on the Listing Inventory screen. For more information on creating custom displays please refer to the section titled Building a Results Display.
ADD LISTING To Add a Listing, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Add Listing from Maintenance Options drop-down. 3. Select the Property Type from the second drop-down menu and the click the icon to load the input form. 4. When the screen loads select the appropriate Listing Office and Agent from the drop-down menus at the to of the page (for Board, Broker and Staff Access Users Only). 5. Enter the information for your property in the fields provided. Fields with an * (asterisk) are Mandatory Fields and must be filled in before a listing can be submitted. 6. Spell Check is available for all Remarks sections. Enter your information then Page 15
click on the Spell Check icon. 7. Once your information has been entered you may choose to Save Partial or Submit. When you click Submit you will be assigned an MLS Number for your property. By selecting Save Partial you are able to load the listing later and finish adding the Property Details. Please refer to the following section titled Partial Listings for more information. 8. If there is a Co-List Agent click At the top of the page. This will open the boxes to select the Co-List Agent: Select the Office from the first drop-down and then the Co-List Agent from the second drop-down. There can be a maximum of five (5) Co-List Agents per Listing. NOTE: The availability of this option is at the discretion of your Board and may not be available to all users. PARTIAL LISTINGS When adding listings to Navica you have the ability to save it as a Partial Listing. Partial Listings do not require that all mandatory fields be filled in before the listing is submitted as a Partial. When you select Save Partial you are able to load the listing later and finish adding the Property Details. Partial Listings will not be assigned an MLS Number but rather will be assigned a temporary number until the listing is submitted to the system. Photos and Documents Cannot be Added to a Partial Listing. Agents are able to save Unlimited Partial Listings; Broker and Staff access-level users are able to Save and Finish unlimited Partial Listings for all agents within their office. To Finish a Partial Listing, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Under the Inventory Criteria heading locate the Partial/Inventory drop-down menu and select Partial Listings. Broker and Staff access-level users will the select the Agent Name from the drop-down to choose the Agent for whom they wish to do Listing Maintenance. 3. Click Get Maintenance Inventory. 4. The inventory of Partial Listings will load on the screen. 5. Located the listing you wish to complete from the inventory (you may use either the temporary number or the property address of the listing to determine which listing you would like to complete). 6. Select Finish Partial from the Select Option drop-down in the same row as the listing you wish to Finish. 7. When the input form loads, make the appropriate changes. 8. Click Submit to Save the changes. You will receive verification that the listing has been Changed.
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To Remove A Partial Listing from your Partial Inventory, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Under the Inventory Criteria heading locate the Partial/Inventory drop-down menu and select Partial Listings. Broker and Staff access-level users will then select the Agent Name from the drop-down to choose the Agent for whom they wish to do Listing Maintenance. 3. Click Get Maintenance Inventory. 4. The inventory of Partial Listings will load on the screen. 5. Locate the listing you wish to remove from the list (you may use either the temporary number or the property address of the listing to determine which listing you would like to remove). 6. Select Remove Partial from the Select Option drop-down in the same row as the listing you wish to Remove. 7. You will receive a prompt asking if you are sure you wish to Remove the listing. Click OK. 8. The Partial Listing will purge from your Inventory List. ADD LISTING AS A COMP If you need to add a listing to the system that has already Sold within the MLS, you will want to use the Add Listing as Comp menu item. Using this option instead of the Add Listing option you can include the Selling Information for the listing. In addition, it will not be necessary to mark the listing as Sold using the Sell Listing menu option. To Add a Listing as a Comp, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. In the Maintenance Option drop-down menu, choose Add Listing as Comp. 3. Select the Property Type from the second drop-down menu and then click to load the input screen. 4. When the screen loads, select the Listing Office and Agent names from the dropdown menus at the top of the page (for Broker and Staff access-level users). Page 17
5. Enter the information for your property in the fields provided. Fields marked with an * (asterisk) are mandatory fields and must be filled in before a listing can be submitted. 6. Fill in the Selling Info section. 7. Click Submit. When you click Submit you will be assigned an MLS Number for your property. ADD LISTING FROM TAX This feature allows you to Add a Listing from your Tax Records. Not all Fields will auto populate, just the ones available from your Tax Information. THE AVAILABILITY OF THIS FEATURES IS AT THE DESCRETION OF INDIVIDUAL BOARDS. To Add A Listing From Tax, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Add Listing From Tax from Maintenance Options drop-down 3. Select the Property Type from the second drop-down menu and then click to load the appropriate Tax Record Information. 4. Enter the information of the Tax Record you want to add and click Search. 5. Click on the Parcel Number for the listing. 6. Click on the Auto-Populate Link. 7. The information available from the Tax Records will auto-populate to the Listing Input Form. 8. Follow Steps 4 - 7 above for Adding A Listing. CHANGE LISTING Periodically you may need to make miscellaneous changes to your listings. These changes might include a price reduction, an extension of the expiration date, a correction of a misspelling or the addition of a property feature. Note: You are unable to change the List Date to a date later than the originally submitted date. You may select the Change Listing menu item from the drop-down located at the top of the maintenance screen and then enter the MLS Number of the Listing you wish to Edit. Or you may locate the MLS Number from your Inventory List and select Change Listing from the Select Option drop-down menu located in its display. To Change a Listing, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Change Listing from the drop-down menu (as noted above). 3. When the input screen loads, make the appropriate changes. 4. Click Submit to save the changes. You will receive verification that the listing has been changed.
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ADD/EDIT VIRTUAL TOUR Virtual Tours are moving images of your property and may be added to listings with the Navica system. To add a virtual tour to the MLS you must have a “host� for your tour. In other words, you must have a unique website address for your Virtual our in order to place it into Navica. You may select the Add/Edit Virtual Tour menu item from the drop-down located at the top of the maintenance screen and then enter the MLS Number of the Listing you wish to Add a Tour. Or you may locate the MLS Number from your Inventory List and select Add/Edit Virtual Tour from the Select Option drop-down menu located in its display. To Add or Edit a Virtual Tour, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Add/Edit Virtual Tour from the Select Option drop-down menu. 3. Type in the http address of your Virtual Tour. 4. Click Update to submit the Virtual Tour to your listing. You will receive verification that your Virtual Tour has been updated. Once the Virtual Tour has been submitted an your Search Results.
Icon will display with the listing in
REPOSITION ON MAP Once you have submitted your Listing to Navica you will be prompted to re-map your property if there is insufficient data for Navica to map it automatically. You are able to Reposition your property at the time your listing is added or you may make the change later. You may select the Reposition on Map menu item from the drop-down located at the top of the maintenance screen and then enter the MLS Number of the Listing you wish to Reposition. Or you may locate the MLS Number from your Inventory List and select Reposition on Map from the Select Option drop-down menu located in its display. To Reposition on Map, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Reposition on Map from the Select Option drop-down menu. 3. When the map loads, Right Click on the Pin and drag the Pin to the specific point on the map where your Property is Located. To confirm the changes, click on Apply Reposition. This will permanently change where the property appears on the map. When re-mapping your property you may need to adjust the area that appears on the map. Below are some guidelines for adjusting the view of the map: Magnifying Glass: There are two icons on the map that will enable you Page 19
to either Zoom In or Zoom Out. Scroll Mouse: If you are using a Scroll Mouse you are able to Zoom In or Zoom Out on the map as well. Toggle Switch: There are a series of Directional Arrows on the map that will enable you to adjust the map North, South, East or West. STATUS CHANGES MLS Associations use a variety of Statuses such as Under Contract, Pending, Under Contract With Options, Contingency, Lease, Rented, First Right of Refusal, Withdraw From Market, Temporarily Off Market, Sell Listing, etc. All of these Status Changes are found in the Select Option drop-down located at the top of the Maintenance screen or the Select Option drop-down located on the Display in your Inventory. To Make A Status Change, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select the Status Change from the Select Option drop-down menu. 3. Make the Status Change and Click Submit, Pend, Lease, etc. - you will be prompted. NOTES: Certain Status Changes may require additional information. For example when you Pend a Listing you may be prompted to add a Pend Date. When you Sell A Listing you will be prompted for Sold Information. These will be Mandatory Fields and information must be included before you can Submit the Status Change. If your MLS Association calculates “Days on Market� from the List Date to the Pending Date, you must mark a Listing as Pending before you can Sell it. If you are unsure of how your MLS Association calculates DOM please contact your local Association Office. TEMPORARILY OFF MARKET enables you to withdraw a listing from Active Status within your MLS. A listing should be temporarily withdrawn when the Seller does not want to show their property for a predetermined period of time but still want to put their listing back on the market at a later date. A listing whose status is changed under Temporarily Off Market will remain in the MLS until it reaches its expiration date. The availability of this status will be determined by your MLS Association. WITHDRAW FROM MARKET immediately takes a Listing to an Inactive Status and will remain in the MLS for the allowed days to retain Inactives as determined by your MLS Association. It will then be marked as Deleted and purged from the system. The availability of this status will be determined by your MLS Association. BRING LISTING BACK is used when a Listing needs to be returned to an Active Page 20
Status. This menu item can be used when a listing has Expired and the contract has been extended or when a Listing has been marked as Pending or Under Contract and the contract falls through. Listings that are marked for Deletion may not be brought back to Active Status using Bring Listing back. Deleted Listings may only be brought back to Active by your local Association Office if they have not been purged from the system. When Bringing A Listing Back to an Active Status you may be prompted for a New Expiration Date. The availability of this status will be determined by your MLS Association. CLONE LISTING This menu item enables you to add listings that are similar to listings currently in the MLS. Please note that you may only clone listings that were Originally Listed by You. It is not possible to clone a listing that was originally listed by another Agent regardless of its Status. In addition listings can only be cloned within the Same Property Type. To Clone a Listing, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Clone Listing from the drop-down menu (as noted above). 3. The existing listing will load on the page. Make any necessary changes for the New Listing. Some fields will be automatically blanked for you so that you may enter the correct information for your New Listing such as List Date, Expire Date, and Owner’s Name. 4. Click Submit and you will receive a New MLS Number for the Listing. TRANSFER LISTING This menu enables Broker and Staff level users the ability to Transfer Listings from one agent to another within their Office. To Transfer a Listing to Another Office, please contact your local MLS Association Office. The availability of this menu item will be determined by your MLS Association. If this option is not available at the broker and Staff level, please contact your local MLS office for any listings that need to be transferred. You may select the Transfer Listing menu item from the drop-down located at the top of the maintenance screen and then enter the MLS Number of the Listing you wish to Transfer. Or you may locate the MLS Number from your Inventory List and select Transfer Listing from the Select Option drop-down menu located in its display. To Transfer a Listing, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Transfer Listing from the drop-down menu (as noted above). 3. Select the Agent’s name to which you wish to Transfer the listing. 4. Click Transfer. 5. You will receive verification that the listing has been transferred.
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DELETE LISTING This menu enables Broker and Staff level users the ability to Delete Listings belonging to their Office. The availability of this menu item will be determined by your MLS Association. If this option is not available at the broker and Staff level, please contact your local MLS office for any listings that need to be Deleted. You may select the Delete Listing menu item from the drop-down located at the top of the maintenance screen and then enter the MLS Number of the Listing you wish to Delete. Or you may locate the MLS Number from your Inventory List and select Delete Listing from the Select Option drop-down menu located in its display. To Delete a Listing, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Delete Listing from the drop-down menu (as noted above). 3. When prompted if your are sure you wish to complete this function click OK. 4. You will receive verification that the listing has been Deleted. PHOTO MAINTENANCE Within Navica you are able to upload and attach photos to your Listings. When you submit photos to be uploaded they are sent to Navica’s Central Processing. Typically they will process and appear with your listing within 20 minutes from when you uploaded them. Some Basic Guidelines for Uploading Photos: The first photo submitted to a listing should be the Main View. Please be sure to upload this photo in the box marked Main View. You may upload up to 44 Additional Photos to a Listing. You may upload photos 15 at time - depending on the Size of your Image Files and your Internet Connection Speed. Photos can be uploaded in any Image Format such as .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .gif and .bmp. You may choose a Photo Name from a pre-determined Label List or you may Label Your Own. You may use a combination of the two (2) options. Landscape and Portrait Photos can be uploaded. If uploading a Portrait photo be sure to check the box for Portrait when submitting the photo. You will see a List of Photos that have currently been assigned and/or processed. You may select the Photo Maintenance menu item from the drop-down located at the top of the maintenance screen and then enter the MLS Number of the Listing you wish to Upload Photos to. Or you may locate the MLS Number from your Inventory List and select Upload Photos from the Select Option drop-down menu located in its display.
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To Upload A Photo, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Photo Maintenance from the drop-down menu (as noted above). 3. Select the Label Name or Label Your Own. You may use the same Label for Multiple Photos. 4. Click the Browse button to locate your image file from your computer. 5. When the Choose File window opens, specify the location of your picture in the Look In field. 6. Once you have located your file single-click the file name to select it and then click Open. You will then be returned to the Upload Photos screen with your file name placed in the appropriate field. 7. If you have additional photos to upload, repeat the above steps. 8. Click the Upload Now button. 9. You will now see the View you are uploading, the Label Name (you can change the name if you need to), Orientation to check if Uploading a Portrait Photo, the ability to type in Photo Remarks and the choice to Process the photo or Not (if Not, remove the checkmark from the box and the photo will not Process). 10. Click Submit. You will receive a message that your Photos have been sent for Processing.
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DELETE PHOTOS The Delete Photos menu item allows you to delete photos that are attached to your listings. You may select the Photo Maintenance menu item from the drop-down located at the top of the maintenance screen and then enter the MLS Number of the listing for which you want to delete photos, then click on the Delete Photos tab at the top of the page. Or you may locate the Photo Maintenance from your Inventory List and then click the Delete Photos tab at the top of the page. To Delete a Photo, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Photo Maintenance from the drop-down menu (as noted above). 3. At the top of the page click on the Delete Photos Tab. 4. Thumbnail views of all photos attached to your listing will appear on the screen. Place a checkmark in the box beside the photo(s) you wish to Delete. 5. Click Delete Photos. You will receive notification that your photos have been deleted.
LABELS/REMARKS The Remarks Tab allows you to Edit the Label Name, you can add up to 200 Characters of Photo Remarks to each additional photo. You may select the Photo Maintenance menu item from the drop-down located at the top of the maintenance screen and then enter the MLS Number of the listing for which you want to add remarks or change the label name, then click on the Label/Remarks tab at the top of the page. Or you may locate the Photo Maintenance from your Inventory List and then click the Label/Remarks tab at the top of the page.
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To Add Remarks or Change a Label, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Photo Maintenance from the drop-down menu (as noted above). 3. At the top of the page click on the Label/Remarks Tab. 4. You can now Edit the Photo Label, Add or Edit Photo Remarks. 5. Spell Check is now available on Photo Remarks. Enter your information in Photo Remarks. Click on the Spell Check icon.
RE-ORDER PHOTOS The Re-Order Photos tab allows you to change the position of the photos you have uploaded to the listing. To Re-Order Photos, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Photo Maintenance from the drop-down menu (as noted above). 3. At the top of the page click on the Re-Order Photos Tab. 4. To Move a photo one space at a time Click the arrows beneath the Photo Name. 5. To Quickly Move to a Different Position, type in the Desired Number and Click on the Green Arrow to Move the Photo to that location.
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UPLOADING DOCUMENTS By scanning your document and saving it to your computer you are able to later upload it into Navica. The Upload Documents menu item provides two (2) options: you may save your documents as image files or you may save your documents as a .PDF file. The availability of this menu item is at the discretion of your local MLS Association. You may select the Upload Documents menu item from the drop-down located at the top of the maintenance screen and then enter the MLS Number of the Listing you wish to Add Documents. Or you may locate the MLS Number from your Inventory List and select Add Documents from the Select Option drop-down menu located in its display. Typically they will process and appear with your listing within 30 minutes from when you uploaded them. To Upload Documents from an Image file, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Upload Documents from the drop-down menu. 3. Choose the document type from the drop-down menu under the upload option on the left. 4. Click the Browse button located beside Page 1. 5. When the Choose File window opens, specify the location of your document in the Look In field. 6. Once you have located your file, either single-click the file name to select it and click Open, or double-click the file name to insert. You will then be returned to the Upload Documents screen with your file name placed in the appropriate field. 7. If the document has multiple pages, repeat the above steps. You must upload all pages of your document in a single session. Your document may be up to 9 pages. Please remember to upload your pages in the correct order. The system converts the files in the order that they were uploaded. 8. Click the Upload Now button. 9. Once the files have been successfully uploaded, you will see a listing identifier to verify that that the document is being uploaded to the correct listing. 10. If the images are correct, click Submit. If you would like to cancel your upload Page 26
at this point, you MUST click Cancel. 11. Once you click Submit, your files will be sent to the processor.
In addition to submitting your documents to the uploader as an image file, you are also able to submit them as a .PDF file. When you choose this option, you will need to save all pages of the document into a single file. In order to use this option, you will need special software on your computer that enables you to create these types of files. There is a 1MB file size limitation on using this method. If your file is larger, it is recommended that you upload your document as an image file so that the Navica processor can reduce the file size for you. To Upload Documents from an PDF file, follow these steps: 1. Click Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Select Upload Documents from the drop-down menu. 3. Choose the document type from the drop-down menu under the upload option on the right. 4. Click the Browse button located beside document you wish to upload. 5. When the Choose File window opens, specify the location of your document in the Look In field. 6. Once you have located your file, either single-click the file name to select it and then click Open, or double-click the file name to insert. You will then be returned to the Upload Documents screen with your file name placed in the appropriate field. 7. Click the Upload PDF button. 8. Once the files have been successfully uploaded, you will see a listing identifier to verify that the document is being uploaded to the correct listing. 9. If the file is correct, click Submit. If you would like to cancel your upload at this Page 27
point, you MUST click Cancel. 10. Once you click Submit, your file will be sent to the processor.
SHOWING MANAGER ________________________________________________________________________ Navica Showing Manager will allow you to Setup Listings for electronic showings, Request Showings, and to maintain and manage Property Showings. There is a separate Showing Manager Manual. OPEN HOUSE ________________________________________________________________________ The Open House feature enables you to add and edit a Public or Private Open House for your listings. Open Houses are searchable as well as display on the Open House Calendar in the News and Events section of Navica. In addition Public Open Houses will display on your Board Public Website on To Add a Public or Private Open House, follow these steps: 1. Click on Maintenance from the main Navica menu. 2. Scroll to the bottom of the Maintenance Page where your listings are featured. 3. Click on the Open House link on the Results Display of your listing. 4. Click on Add Open House and enter the Date, Time and any Notes for your Open House. 5. If you are having a Private Open House (one that you do not want displaying on the Board Public Website), place a checkmark in the box beside Private. 6. Click on Save Settings.
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To Edit a Public or Private Open House, follow these steps: 1. Click on Maintenance from the main Navica menu. 2. Scroll to the bottom of the Maintenance Page where your listings are featured. 3. Click on the Open House link on the Results Display of your listing. 4. All Open Houses for your listing will be displayed. 5. To Edit the Open House click on the Hammer Icon located in Options. 6. To Delete the Open House click on the Delete (Red Circle) Icon located in Options.
VIEWS/RESET VIEWS The Maintenance Results Display displays the Views (the number of times someone within your MLS has looked at the Expanded Display) of each listing. Views are not counted when the Listing Agent, the MLS Board Staff or an employee of Systems Engineering views the listing. You may Reset the Views at any time by clicking on the Reset Views Link located in the Maintenance Results Display of each listing. CREATE FLYER The Flyer Builder is a tool intended to enable the user to easily produce quality flyers of their properties. This application requires a custom flyer to be created for each unique property. Flyers cannot be cloned from one property to another. If you wish to E-mail or Save your flyer, you must use a PDF creator to do so. If you do not have a PDF creator, we recommend the FREE application, PDF995. The FREE download and instructions are located at the top of the Create Flyer page.
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To Create A Flyer, follow these steps: 1. Click on Maintenance from the Navica main menu. 2. Scroll to the bottom of the Maintenance Page where your listings are featured. 3. Click on the Create Flyer link. 4. There are 8 Flyer Templates to choose from. To Select a flyer, Click on the template you with to use. 5. When the template loads you will see Photos as well as Text Boxes. Each has an Edit (Hammer Icon Text.
) allowing you to Click to Change a Photo or to Add
To Add Text, follow these steps; 1. Click on the Hammer Icon in the Text Box. 2. To Select Listing Data from Navica, click on the field to display in the Select Listing Data Dropdown. 3. You may also Type Additional Information into the Text Box. 4. Once your information has been entered into the Text Box you may use the Word Editor Features (such as Bolding, Centering, Numbering, Colors, Fonts, Size, etc) at the top of the page. To Change Photos, follow these steps; Page 30
1. Click on the Hammer Icon located on the on the Photo you wish to replace. 2. When the Choose Photo Box opens click on the Photo to Replace the Original One. To Add Designations , follow these steps: 1. In the top Right Corner of the Flyer you will see 4 icons; the Realtor Logo, a Printer, A Paintbrush and a Back Arrow. 2. To Add Designations click on the Realtor Logo Icon. 3. Click on your Designations in the Select Your Designations Box. 4. Once you have chosen your Designations click on Submit. You will not see your Designations on the Flyer until it is printed. To Change The Background, follow these steps: 1. In the top Right Corner of the Flyer you will see 4 icons; the Realtor Logo, a Printer, A Paintbrush and a Back Arrow. 2. To Change The Background click on the Paint Brush Icon. 3. Click on the Corresponding Dropdown to Select a Color for that section of your Flyer. 4. Once you have made your Color Selections click on Submit. To Print/Save the Flyer, follow these steps: 1. In the top Right Corner of the Flyer you will see 4 icons; the Realtor Logo, a Printer, A Paintbrush and a Back Arrow. 2. Click on the Printer Icon. When the Print Box opens look for the printer named PDF995, Highlight it and Click Print. 3. When the Save As Box opens Name the Flyer, Select the Location to Save the Flyer and Click Save.
________________________________________________________________________ By clicking Search from the Navica main menu, you are able to Locate and View Listings within the MLS. In addition, you are able to search for Listing Histories of properties that were previously recorded in the MLS. When doing any type of Search within Navica, you will receive Search Results based on the criteria entered. The Search Results can be viewed in various Layouts. For descriptions of these Layouts, please refer to the section Display Types. To Begin a Search Click on Quick Search or Detailed Search on the Navica main menu. If Detailed Search is selected, Click on the desired Property Type to begin your search. Page 31
Below are some General Guidelines on Searching within Navica: LISTING TOOLS MENU/ICONS: When you receive your Search Results, you will notice either Listing Tools or various Icons on your Listing Displays. Below is a list of what these Icons represent: Mapping Icon: Shows where the property is located on a map. History Icon: Shows the Listing history for the listing. Email Icon: Enables you to email the listing to a client. Open House Icon: Indicates there is an Open House scheduled for this listing Driving Directions Icon: Provides directions and a map to a listing. RPV Slide Show Icon: Creates a RPV slideshow of your Listing Details and Photos. Additional Photos Icon: attached to the listing. Enlarge Photos Icon:
Indicates there are additional photos Enlarges the Additional Photos
Additional Documents Icon: Indicates there are Documents attached to the listing. Property Cart Icon: Indicates you have saved properties to your Cart. Virtual Tour Icon: Indicates there is a Virtual Tour attached to the listing. Create Flyer Icon: Enables you to Create a Flyer for a listing. Report Listing Icon: Provides a link to your Board Office’s Email so that you may Report the Listing to the Board. PROPERTY TYPES AND STATUSES: On the Search Results Screen the letter preceding the MLS number represents the Property Type. The letter following the MLS number represents the Property’s Current Status. NOTE: For a list of Property Types and Property Statuses please go to Resources, Forms, Listing Codes. SELECTING DROP-DOWN OPTIONS: To select more than one option on a drop-down menu, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on the desired features. This key may also be used to deselect a choice. TAB KEY: To advance from field to field use the Tab key on your keyboard. SHOW CRITERIA: By clicking the Show Criteria button that appears at the top and the bottom of the search screen, you are able to see a list of the criteria that you have entered for your search. In addition, you can see the Number of Search Results that will be returned with these criteria.
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RESETTING THE SEARCH SCREEN: The Reset Form button will clear your form of all criteria that you have previously entered so that you may start a new search. START SEARCH: You may begin your search at any time by clicking the Start Search link at the top or bottom of any Search Screen or you may hit your Enter key at anytime to start your search. LISTING TOOLS MENU/ICONS: When viewing your Search Results you have the option to use either Listing Tools or Icons. To change from Listing Tools to Icons click on Detailed Search, the Property Type, scroll to the bottom of the Search Screen where you see Preferences. You will see Listing Tools: Menu or Icons. Change to Icons and click on Start Search. This will default your Search Results screen to Icons. RANGE SEARCH: Some fields on the Search Screens are set as a High to Low Search Range. You may enter information in one or both boxes. For example when searching List Price if you enter an amount in the first box and leave the second one blank the system will search for listings that price and above. If you enter an amount in the second box the system will search for listings that price and below. If you enter an amount in both boxes the system will search for listings between that price range.
“WILDCARD� SEARCH OPTIONS: When it is necessary to type criteria into a data field, you will find a drop-down menu that precedes the field in order for you to determine how you would like the system to search for the criteria you have typed. There are two types of Wildcard Searches described below. CONTAINS/EXCLUDES/EQUALS/STARTS WITH: Contains: The system will search for listings that includes your text anywhere in the spelling of the corresponding data field. For example, if you entered Oak as the School Area name, the system will search for any School Area name with Oak in its spelling such as Oak, Tall Oaks or Oakwood. In addition, it will search for any direction such as North, South, East and West. If searching for multiple criteria, place a semi-colon (;) between entries. Excludes: The system will search for all listings except for the text that you typed into the data field. For example, if you typed entered Oak as the School Area name, the system will exclude any listings from the search that contain the word Oak, such as Oak, Oak Ridge, West Oak. If searching for multiple criteria, place a semi-colon (;) between entries. Equals: The system will search for listings that match exactly to the text that you typed in the data field. For example, if you typed in Oak for your School Area name, the system will search for listings with that exact spelling. In this case, the system will not return results that are spelled Tall Oaks, Oak Ridge, Oakwood. If searching for multiple criteria, place a semi-colon (;) Page 33
between entries. Starts With: The system will search for listings that match the spelling of your text and include anything after that as well. For example, if you typed in Oak as your School Area name, the system will search for any School Area that begins with Oak such as Oak, Oakwood, Oak Ridge. If searching for multiple criteria, place a semi-colon (;) between entries.
MATCH SEARCH: This type of search is used by typing into the data field for searches such as Listing Agent, Listing Office, Selling Office and Selling Agent. For example, if searching for a Listing Agent begins typing the first few letters of their Last Name. The Matching Agents Box will start to populate with anyone’s last name matching those letters. When you see the agent’s name you wish to search by Click on their name moving them to the Selected Agent’s Box. To Search Multiple Agents, once you have moved the first agent’s name to the Selected Agent’s Box, Clear the Listing Agent Box and repeat the process above. To Remove an Agent from the Selected Agent’s Box simply Single Click on their name. To remove all Agents from the Selected Agent’s Box Click on Clear Criteria underneath the box.
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CUSTOMIZING THE SEARCH SCREEN ________________________________________________________________________ Navica gives you the ability to customize your Search Screens to better accommodate your searching needs. By customizing the screen, you are able to add or delete fields as well as hide container or sections of the Search Screen that you generally do not use. ADDING AND DELETING DATA FIELDS To Add O Delete A Data Field On The Search Screen, follow these steps: 1. Click Search from the Navica main menu. 2. Select the type of search you would like to do (Property Type or Quick Search). 3. When the search screen loads Click the Customize Link in the Container you would like to edit. 4. To Add a New Field, double-click the name from the Available Fields menu. It will move to the Selected Output Box. To move the location of the field up or down on the Search Screen highlight the field name and then Click either the Or Icons. 5. Choose the number of columns in which you would like your data fields to display. 6. Type in your preferred Search Container Title. 7. Click Save Settings.
MOVING AND MINIMIZING CONTAINERS In addition to adding or deleting data fields on your search screen, you are also able to move the location of the Search Containers around on the search screen for easier searching. You can hide certain Search Containers as well. To move a Search Container farther up the screen, click the the container farther down the screen, click the Icon.
Icon. To move
All Search Containers with the exception of Preferences can be minimized by clicking the Icon. This icon should be used if you would like to completely hide the section from appearing on your search screen, if you commonly do not use any of the data fields that appear in the container when performing your daily searches.
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TYPES OF SEARCHES __________________________________________________________________ Below are the types of searches you can do within Navica: PROPERTY TYPE This option enables you to search by a Specific Property Type and to enter specific criteria such as price range, number of bedrooms or square footage. In addition to entering criteria you can search for your Office’s Inventory of Listings. You are also able to Save your Search Criteria for later loading. To search by Property Type, follow these steps: 1. Click Search from the Navica main menu. 2. Select your desired Property Type for searching. 3. When the Search Screen loads, enter your desired criteria. 4. Click the Start Search button either at the top or the bottom of the Search Screens to load your Search Results. SEARCH BY MAP You are able to retrieve search results by defining an area on the map in which to search. To select your area, click on Detailed Search, Select your Property Type, click on the Search By Map link within the search screen. When the map loads, you can locate the area in which you would like to search by a Radius Search, a Box Draw Search a Display Properties On Map Search or an Address Search. You can also choose the Property Statuses you wish to view on the map. To Select a Map Area to Search, follow these steps: You have several ways to Zoom The Map in or out to narrow or expand the area to search. 1. There are two zoom icons in the top left corner of the map. Click the plus icon to zoom in or the minus icon to zoom out.
3. zoom
If you have a Scroll Mouse you can simply scroll your mouse up or down to
in or out. 4. A Display Properties On Map search allows you to choose all properties within a particular area without using a Box Draw Search or Radius Search. 5. You may also select to do an Address Search by typing in the Property Address, City and/or Zip Code. Page 36
Once you have selected your Primary Area you have four other options to further define the Map Area for your search; a Box Draw, Radius Search, Display Properties On Map Search or an Address Search. To Map A Search With A Box Draw, follow these steps: 1. Once you have defined the Map Area you’d like to Search select the radio button Box Draw Search. 2. Select the Property Status/Statuses you would like to include in your defined search area. Property Statuses are displayed as follows: Green Houses will be Active Listings, Red Houses will be Sold/Closed Listings and Black Houses will be all other statuses. 3. Draw a box over the area you wish to search. To draw your box, click on your starting point on the map and drag your mouse to form a red square. You may draw multiple boxes to be included within your search. 4. Once each box is drawn, the screen will reload with properties within the selected area. 5. To see information on the listing, hover your mouse over the House Icon to see a Thumbnail Display. To see the Full Expanded Display, click on the Details Link within the thumbnail. 6. You will see your defined Box Areas in the top right corner of the mapping window showing how many properties are located within each particular box. To Remove an area within your search, simply uncheck the box for that area. 7. Once you are satisfied with the area/areas you have selected on the map, click Proceed to Search Screen, or if you would like to start over, click Reset Map. 8. Your search area has now been set. To see all properties simply click on Start Search. 9. You can also further define your search criteria by choosing features such as Status, Property Type, Price Range, Bedrooms, Baths, Square Footage, etc and then click on Start Search.
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To Map A Search With A Radius; follow these steps. 1. Once you have defined the Map Area you’d like to Search select the radio button Set Radius On Map Single Click. 2. From the Select dropdown choose the Number of Miles for your radius and select the radio button for Include Radius In Search or Exclude Radius In Search. 3. Select the Property Status/Statuses you would like to include in your defined search area. Property Statuses are displayed as follows: Green Houses will be Active Listings, Red Houses will be Sold/Closed Listings and Black Houses will be all other statuses. 4. Click your mouse on the map for the Center of your Radius Search. The screen will reload with properties within the selected area. Your search area will be defined by a Green Circle. You may set multiple radiuses to be included in your search. 5. To see information on the listing, hover your mouse over the House Icon to see a Thumbnail Display. To see the Full Expanded Display, click on the Details Link within the thumbnail. 6. You will see your defined Radius Areas in the top right corner of the mapping window showing how many properties are located within each particular box. To Remove an area within your search, simply uncheck the box for that area. 7. Once you are satisfied with the area/areas you have selected on the map, click Proceed to Search Screen, or if you would like to start over, click Reset Map. 8. Your search area has now been set. To see all properties simply click on Start Search. 9. You can also further define your search criteria by choosing features such as Status, Property Type, Price Range, Bedrooms, Baths, Square Footage, etc and Page 38
then click on Start Search.
To Map A Search By Display Properties On Map, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the desired location on the map. 2. Select the Property Status/Statuses you would like to include in your defined search area. Property Statuses are displayed as follows: Green Houses will be Active Listings, Red Houses will be Sold/Closed Listings and Black Houses will be all other statuses. 3. Click on Display Properties On Map, the screen will reload with all properties within the area displayed on the map. 4. To see information on the listing, hover your mouse over the House Icon to see a Thumbnail Display. To see the Full Expanded Display, click on the Details Link within the thumbnail. 5. You will see your defined Box Area in the top right corner of the mapping window showing how many properties are located within the search. 6. Once you are satisfied with the area you have selected on the map, click Proceed to Search Screen, or if you would like to start over, click Reset Map. 7. Your search area has now been set. To see all properties simply click on Start Search. 8. You can also further define your search criteria by choosing features such as Status, Property Type, Price Range, Bedrooms, Baths, Square Footage, etc and then click on Start Search.
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To Map A Search By Address, follow these steps: 1. Enter the Address of the Property in the Address Search line. As part of the address please include the City, State and/or Zip Code. Example: 5413 100th Street, Lubbock Texas 79424 OR 5413 100th Street, 79424. 2. Select the Property Status/Statuses you would like to include in your defined search area. Property Statuses are displayed as follows: Green Houses will be Active Listings, Red Houses will be Sold/Closed Listings and Black Houses will be all other statuses. 3. The screen will reload with your property mapped. You can now choose to do a Box Draw or Radius Search around this listing by following the steps above for each type of search.
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OTHER FEATURES AVAILABLE: Additional Features that can be found on the maps are the Aerial View, Bird’s Eye View, Labels and Available Layers. NOTE: These features must be available for us to obtain within your individual areas to be part of Mapping. Aerial View
Bird’s Eye View
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Labels This feature allows you to remove the Street Names from the Map.
Available Layers This feature enables you to select Additional Layers of information to you your search. This feature may not be available in all areas.
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QUICK SEARCH The Quick Search appears on the Navica main menu as a separate menu item as well as by clicking the Detailed Search menu item and clicking on the Quick Search tab at the top of the page. The Quick Search is considered an All Property Type search and enables you to do a search based on limited search criteria for Multiple Property Types. DISPLAY BY MLS NUMBER This option enables you to quickly load listings for properties for which you already know the MLS #. You are able to retrieve up to 48 listings at a time from the Display By MLS # search. In addition, you may type the MLS #s in the order that you wish the listings to appear. The Display By MLS # Search is considered an All Property Type search (you can load multiple results for multiple property types in a single search). To Display by MLS #, follow these steps: 1. Click Search from the Navica main menu. 2. Select the Display By MLS # tab. 3. Type in the MLS # of the listing(s) you wish to view in the first box. The cursor will advance to the next box so that you may enter the next MLS #. If the cursor does not automatically advance, hit the Tab button on your keyboard to advance to the next box. Continue this process until you have entered all of the MLS #s that you wish to view. 4. Click Get Listings to retrieve your Search Results. HOTSHEET SEARCH This option enables you to search for Selected Activities within the MLS for multiple Property Types and Multiple Areas within a Specified Date Range. Activities are considered changes that have been made to listings or the addition of new listings within Navica. Below are explanations of Some of the Hotsheet abbreviations: NW: New Listing PR: Price Change SD: Sold/Closed WD: Withdrawn BS: Back From Sold BW: Back From Withdrawn MS: Miscellaneous Change PN: Pending Listing EX: Expired Listing UC: Under Contract/Contingency BU: Back From Under Contract/Contingency There are three options for entering your date range. You may select a number of days from the Days Back drop-down menu. Choosing a number of days back will Page 43
automatically insert your date range in the From and To boxes. You may also click on the icon to select your dates from the calendar. Or you may type in your dates manually. To search for Hotsheet Results, follow these steps: 1. Click Search from the Navica main menu. 2. Select the Hotsheet Search tab. 3. Enter your date range by one of the steps above. 4. Place a checkmark on the Office Only checkbox if you would like Hotsheet results from your Office’s Inventory Only. 5. Checkmark each preferred Activity from the list. If you would like results for all, place a checkmark beside All Activities and the system will auto-check all of the activities in the list. 6. Checkmark each preferred Property Type from the list. If you would like to search for all, checkmark All Properties or leave all checkboxes under Property Type unchecked. 7. Checkmark each preferred Area from the list. If you would like to search for all, checkmark All Areas or leave all checkboxes under Area unchecked. 8. Click Get Hotsheet to retrieve your results. Navica “remembers” your previous Hotsheet search criteria and will hold it as your default until you change your criteria. If you have all options in a category checked an you will to redefine your criteria, click the All Activities or Property Type or Area button to deselect all checkboxes. Information included in the Hotsheet is the Hotsheet Activity Type as well as the date and time that the activity occurred. Search results will be sorted by Hotsheet Activity, Property Type and then Date. HISTORY SEARCH This option enables you to search for histories of listings that are currently or have been in the MLS. Histories include any activity that occurred to a listing such as a price reduction, transfer of ownership or going under contract. Listing histories remain in the system indefinitely and will never purge from Navica. You are able to access a listing history by entering either an MLS # or an address for the property. If you search for a history by address, Navica will display all history for all MLS #s of that property regardless of its current MLS #. To do a History Search, follow these steps: 1. Click Search from the Navica main menu. 2. Select the History tab. 3. Enter your known property criteria (either MLS # or address information). 4. Click Search to retrieve your results. 5. Click on the MLS # to view the history for that listing.
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TAX SEARCH Navica enables its users to search for Local Tax Records under the Tax Search option. The availability of this search is determined by your local MLS Association and is dependent on having access to your area’s tax data. Through the Tax Search option you are able to enter various search criteria and search tax records for any matches. Entering very specific information may limit your search results. If you are unsure of a spelling, you may enter a partial spelling and the Tax Search will look for records that contain that text. To do a Tax Search, follow these steps: 1. Click Search from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Tax Search tab. 3. Enter your search criteria. If you want to search for exact spellings use quotation marks around the criteria. 4. Click Search. 5. When the results load click on the link for the Parcel Number of the property you would like to view. 6. The available Parcel Information will load on the screen. NOTE: You are able to sort the results by clicking on the column headings. In addition, you may click on the Download Mailing Labels link to create a file so that you can print address labels. SEARCH OPTIONS ________________________________________________________________________ The Search Options dropdown menu appears at the top of the Search Results and Full Display screens. The menu items within this dropdown may vary in accordance with the screen you are viewing. When selecting an item from the Search Options dropdown you will want to click the
icon to proceed.
Below are the functions that are available within the Search Option dropdown menus: VIEW The View option allows you to View All or View Selected listings (place a checkmark in the box beside the listings you wish to view) in a Full Display. You will then be given the option to choose the type of display to view. There are two types of Full Displays. One is the MLS Default Display which includes all available listing information. The other type of displays are various Public Displays for your clients. Once you proceed to view your Full Displays you will see a dropdown called Change Your Display where you may choose your preferred display for that listing. When viewing the Full Displays you are able to select which listings you would like to print by placing a checkmark in the right-hand corner of the display. If you want to print all the listings you are currently viewing place a checkmark in the box for Select All. Click Print Page to print your listings. Page 45
EMAIL LISTINGS You are able to email a single listing or a group of listings to a client. To do so you may click the icon on the listing you are currently viewing or you may choose Email All or Email Selected from the Search Options dropdown menu located at the top of the Search Results page. To Email Listings, follow these steps: 1. Complete your Search. 2. Click the icon in the display of the listing you wish to email or checkmark the listings you wish to email and choose Email Selected from the Search Options Dropdown. 3. When the Email Listing window opens, fill in the required fields (fields marked with an asterisk (*). 4. You may type in a Recipient’s Name or you may select a name from your Contact Address Book. These are names you have saved in Navica under the Contacts menu item. NOTE: If using your Contact Address Book simply highlight the name, do not try and move the name to the Recipient Box. Also if you are using your Contract Address Book the date, time and MLS #s you emailed to your client will post in the Notes section with your client in your Contact information. 5. Place a checkmark beside the Options and Documents you would like to attach to your listings. 6. Select the Display you would like to send in your email. You may choose to send listings in a Results Display or a Full Display. 7. Select the Send option for your email. You may choose to Use Your Mail Package or choose to Send with N-Mail. Choosing the first option enables you to send the email with your Browser’s Default Email Package, generally this is a program such as Outlook. If you choose to send your email with N-Mail, you will use Navica’s mail servers. If you use N-Mail you may want to send a copy to yourself if you would like to keep a record of the email being sent.
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NOTE: To email multiple listings, separate the MLS #s with a comma. RPV SELECTED This feature enables you to email multiple RPV Slide Shows. To email multiple RVP Slide Shows, follow these steps: 1. Complete your Search. 2. Place a checkmark beside the listings you wish to send the slide show and click on Search Options. 3. Choose RPV Selected. 4. You may type in a recipient’s name or you may select a name from your Contract Address Book. . NOTE: If using your Contact Address Book simply highlight the name, do not try and move the name to the Recipient Box 5. Click Email RVP.
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FILTER SELECTED After you have placed your checkmarks by the listings you wish to review you may choose Filter Selected from the Search Options dropdown menu. The results displayed will be only the ones you had previously selected. This feature works best with larger search results that may appear on several pages by “filtering� out all of the unwanted listings and placing only the ones you are interested in onto the Search Results screen. Filtering also allows you to Print only the Results Displays you are interested in printing. When you are ready to return to your Search Results go to your Select Options dropdown and choose Remove Filter. STASTICS This section features the following Search Reports: QUICK STATS: Once you have your Search Results you are able to run Statistics on All of the listings in the search or you may put a checkmark in the box beside the listings you would like to use. From the Select Options dropdown choose either Quick Stats All or Quick Stats Selected. The statistics included in this report include Low, High, Median, Average and Total numbers for: List Price Sold Price List/Sold (%) Price/Sq FT $ Days on Market REPORTS SELECTED/REPORTS ALL: : Once you have your Search Results you are able to run Reports on All of the listings in the search or you may put a checkmark in the box beside the listings you would like to use. From the Select Options dropdown choose either Reports All or Reports Selected. The following Reports are available:
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Market Summary Report The Market Summary Report enables you to create statistics grouped by List Price or Sold Price. The statistics included in this report include the following: Price Range Number of Listings in the Price Range Sum Dollar Volume Average Dollar Volume Median Dollar Volume Average Days on Market Totals and Averages for each Sold/List Price Analysis The Sold/List Price Analysis Report includes the following information: MLS # of Property Property Address List Price Sold Price Sold Price/List Price % Day on Market Totals and Averages for each Market Conditions Addendum to the Appraisal Report The MC 1004 Report is included the Statistical Report. This report includes the following information: Inventory Analysis Medial Sale Price Information List Price Information Days on Market List/Sold % QUICK COMPARISON: You may create a Quick CMA by choosing Quick Comparison Selected (place a checkmark beside the listings you would like to include in the Quick Comparison) or Quick Comparison All from the Select Options dropdown menu. On the Quick Comparison Options screen enter your client’s name and address and choose the Client Display you would like to use. Click Go to load the Quick Comparison. You will then click a link to either view or email your Quick Comparison. The Quick Comparison will provide you with Low, High, Average and Total statistics for the following. List Price Sold Price List/Sold % Cost/Sq ft List $ Cost/SQ Ft Sold $ Days on Market Page 49
EXPORTING Navica enables you to create export files of your search results so that you can import these searches into other programs. By default there are export setups for Top Producer, Toolkit and Pocket Real Estate. If you would like to export to another software package you will need to create a Custom Export setup. The export can be created under the Custom Exports menu category which is located under the Resources menu item. Please refer to the section titled Custom Exports for instructions on how to do this. To Export Properties, follow these steps: 1. Perform a search and retrieve your Search Results. 2. If choosing certain properties place a checkmark beside the listings you would like to include in your export. 3. From the Search Options dropdown menu choose either Export Selected or Export All. To proceed. 4. Click 5. When the Existing Custom Export window opens click on the Name of the export setup you would like to use (if you would like to include photos in the file place a checkmark in the Photos column). 6. Right-click on the link, Right Click to Save As. 7. Select Save Target As from the menu. 8. When the Save As window opens select the location from the Save In dropdown to where you would to save your file. 9. Type in your File Name. 10. Click Save. The export file will be saved as a zip file on your computer. Once the file has been saved it can then be imported into another software program or application. NOTE: If exporting photos when you click the Name of the export you will have two files to Save, one for Text and one for Photos. Follow the same steps as above to export the Photo File. MAPPING This option enables you to map listings returned in your Search Results. When using the Map Option you have the choice of Mapping All or Map Selected (place a checkmark in the box beside the properties you want to include on the map). Once the Map loads you have the ability to zoom in or out, see a thumbnail of the property by hovering your mouse over it and to look at the Aerial and Birds Eye views if they are available from your County. CART The Property Cart enables you to Save Listings to a single location so that you can easily access them. The Property Cart can be used when Searching Listings for a Client and later load for your Client to View or Saving Listings to use with a CMA, to Email or Create a Flyer. Listings may be Added to and/or Deleted from the Property Cart as needed. Page 50
To Add A Listing To The Cart, follow these steps: 1. Perform a search and retrieve your Search Results. 2. Place a checkmark beside the listings you would like to Place in your Cart. You may checkmark a listing from the Results Display or a Full Display. 3. From the Search Options dropdown menu choose Add Selected to Cart. 4. Click to proceed. To Remove A Listing From The Cart, follow these steps: 1. Click on the Cart. 2. Place a checkmark beside the listings you would like to Remove from your Cart. 3. From the Search Options dropdown menu choose Remove Selected to Cart. 4. Click to proceed. SEARCH OPTIONS This section enables you to View Search Criteria, Save a Search, Return to the Search Screen and Start A New Search. VIEW SEARCH CRITERIA: If you would like to see what criteria you have entered for your search choose View Search Criteria from the Search Options dropdown menu. The Loaded Criteria window will open to provide you with a list of the criteria you have entered as well as indicate how many Search Results your criteria will return. SAVE SEARCH: If you would to Save Your Search after you have received your Search Results you are able to select Save Search from the Search Options dropdown menu. Type in your Search Name and Select your Search Options. You may choose to Save to My Saved Searches or Assign to a Contact. Click Save Search to return to your search results. When you Save A Search your are saving the Search Criteria that you entered and not the Search Results. If you saved your search to your Saved Searches you can retrieve it by selecting its name from the dropdown menu that appears next to the corresponding Property Type on the main search screen. If you chose to Assign Your Search to a Contact you will select the Contact’s Name from the Assign Contact dropdown menu when saving your search. The search can later be retrieved by going to the Contacts menu item. By clicking on the Icon in the same row as your Contact’s Name. You can view all of the searches you have assigned to that person. RETURN TO SEARCH SCREEN: If you are unhappy with your Search Results and would like to change some of your criteria you may select Return to Search Screen from the Select Options dropdown menu to return you to your Search Screen. Make any changes to your Search Criteria and the click Start Search to retrieve your new results. Page 51
START NEW SEARCH: If you would like to start your search completely over you may select Start New Search from the Select Options dropdown menu. After you select this option a new Search Screen will load so that you can enter your new criteria. DISPLAY TYPES _______________________________________________________________________ There are two primary types of displays within Navica: The Results Display and the Full Display. RESULTS DISPLAYS: When doing any type of search within Navica you will receive Search Results based on the criteria entered. The search results can be viewed in 6 standard layouts. SLIM LINE: This display is in a Printer Friendly Format. It shows the listing details only; however, if you select the Photos checkbox you can place your mouse pointer over the MLS # and the thumbnail photo will pop up for you to view. You are able to define how many listings will appear on one page with this layout. TRADITIONAL: A small photo displays to the left of the Listing Details (if you have selected the Photos checkbox). You are able to define how many listings will appear on one page with this layout. COMPACT: Displays portrait style with a photo. You are able to define how many columns across and rows down will appear on one page. PORTFOLIO: Displays landscape style with a photo. This layout includes the MLS # and List Price only. You are able to define how many listings will appear on one page with this layout. BOOK: Displays a larger photo with the listings to the right of the photo. You are able to define how many listings will appear on one page. SHOWCASE: Displays all photos within your search on the left side of the display. The center contains a large photo of the first house and additional photos on the right side of the display. Listing information appears beneath the middle photo. You can change listings by clicking on the next listing on the left. These layouts are short displays that appear as search results. You are able to select which short display you wish to view from the Layout dropdown menu on the Search Screen Results. You may choose which Results Display format you wish to use by selecting it from the Content dropdown that appears above the Search Results. In this dropdown you will find several default displays and any displays that are created by your MLS. In addition, you are able to create your own Custom Displays using the Display Builder option found under the Resources menu item.
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FULL DISPLAYS: A Full Display is an expanded display that shows more of the listing data that the Results Display. You may load the Full Display by clicking on the MLS # in the Results Display of a listing. Once you have pulled up and viewed a Full Display you may view the next property by clicking the Next>> link. To view the previous property click the <<Prev link. To return to the search results click on Search Results. You may also view your listings as Full Displays by placing a checkmark beside the listings you wish to view on the Search Results screen and the selecting View Selected from the Search Options dropdown menu. You will then be prompted to choose which Full Display format you wish to view. Displays created at the board level will be available for you to choose from. You may also create your own custom Full Display by using the Display Builder located under the Resources menu item. Once you have selected your display and proceed to the Full Display screen you may then scroll the page to view all of your selected listings.
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CREATING CUSTOM DISPLAYS: Within Navica you are able to create custom displays for both your Search Results and Full Displays. By creating a custom display you are able to define which data fields will show as well as where the data fields are placed within the display. For more information on building a Custom Display, please refer to Display Builder under the Resources section.
IV. Reports Within Navica, all users are able to create various Reports that calculate their individual productivity. In addition, Broker-level users can create reports that provide them with statistics for their office. Brokers and agents are able to build reports in the Report Builder that they can choose to share with other members of the office. Board-level users may also create reports that can they choose to share with all members of the MLS. NOTE: THE AVAILABILITY OF REPORTS IS AT THE DESCRETION OF THE INDIVIDUAL BOARDS. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE REPORTS LISTED BELOW, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BOARD OFFICE!
Agent Reports There are two sections of reports, Performance Reports and any Custom Reports that you have created in the Report Builder that will be displayed here. Also available in this section are the NAR Residential Sold Report and the Historical Active Report. To create an Agent Performance report, follow these steps: 1. Click Reports from the Navica main menu. Page 54
2. Under the Agent Performance heading, choose a report from the Production drop-down menu. . 3. Click 4. Select your Sold Date type, Date Range, Property Types, and Areas, and then click Generate Report (Broker-level users may also select which agents on which they would like to run the report).
Agent Performance
The Agent Performance reports enable agents to generate reports on their individual sold statistics. For Navica users with Broker access, the statistics will include, and be broken down by, each member of the office. The Reports under Agent Performance include: Market Share Report - Reports the agent’s market share in their office within a specified date range. • Sold Market Share- Reports the number of properties that you sold within a specified date range, regardless of whether you were the listing agent of the property or not. • Listed Market Share- Reports the number of properties that you listed within a specified date range that were sold, regardless of whether you were the selling agent or not. • Listed and Sold Market Share- Reports the number of sold properties, within a specified date range, for which you were the Listing Agent, as well as the Selling Agent. • Listed or Sold Market Share- Reports the number of sold properties, within a specified date range, for which you were either the Listing Agent or the Selling Agent. • Listed Not Sold Market Share- Reports the number of sold properties, within a specified date range, for which you were the Listing Agent, but not the Selling Agent. • Sold Not Listed Market Share- Reports the number of sold properties, within a specified date range, for which you were the Selling Agent, but not the Listing Agent. • Agent Inventory – Reports the agent’s inventory within a specified date range for Active Due to Expire, Solds, Expireds and Pendings. Can also include listings in the system that are currently Active, Under Contract, Pending Expired or Sold. • Agent Inventory With Co-List and Co-Sell - Reports the agent’s inventory within a specified date range for Active Due to Expire, Solds, Expireds and Pendings. Can also include listings in the system that are currently Active, Under Contract, Pending Expired or Sold. This report also includes properties in which you are the co-listing or co-selling agent. • Listing and Selling Transaction Report – Reports the number of properties within a specified date range with what the agent has listed and sold providing credit in volume, percentage and dollar value for both sides of the transaction. It also reports the number of coop sales for the agent as well as the number of transactions and agent participated in. • Market Comparison Report – Reports the sold number of units and dollar volume for property types comparing one specific date range to another. • Market Comparison Report by Price - Reports the number of sold units and dollar volume grouped by price ranges comparing one date range to another. • Activity Reported This Period – Reports activity grouped by Area, Property Type and Date Range. Includes all statuses, Total Listing Volume, Total Sold Volume and Total Co-op Volume as well as average sales volume and average days on market. • NAR Residential Sold Report- This report will give you total sales by price in a defined date range. It will also give you statistics on New Listings that sold within the specified time period, and a breakdown of sales by the type of Financing. The NAR Report provides stats for the Residential property type by default, and includes an Other category, which is a second property type that is determined by your MLS. • Historical Active Report – This report will provide a list of active properties within a specified date range regardless of their status now. Page 55
Firm Reports To create a Firm Performance report, follow these steps: 1. Click Reports from the Navica main menu. 2. Under the Firm Performance heading, choose a report from the Production drop-down menu. 3. Click . 4. Select the Sold Date type, Date Range, Property Types, and Areas you would like to include. 5. Click Generate Report to load the report onto your screen.
Firm Performance
Broker access-level users can generate the following reports that provide sold statistics for each office within the MLS: • • • • • • • • • •
• • •
Market Share By Office – Report compares your office market share to with all other offices. Sold Market Analysis – Reports the values of Sales and Co-op Sales grouped by property type and area. Sold Market Share- Reports the total number of properties sold by each office, within a specified time period, regardless of whether the listing belonged to the office or not. Listed Market Share- Reports the total number of sold properties within a specified time period that each office listed, regardless of whether the firm was the selling office as well. Listed and Sold Market Share- Reports the total number of properties, within a specified time period, in which the firm was both the Listing Office and Selling Office for the property. Listed or Sold Market Share- Reports the total number of properties, within a specified time period, in which the firm was either the Listing Office or Selling Office. Listed Not Sold Market Share- Reports the total number of properties, within a specified time period, in which the firm was the Listing Office, but not the Selling Office. Sold Not Listed Market Share- Reports the total number of properties, within a specified time period, in which the firm was the Selling Office, but not the Listing Office. Listing and Selling Transaction Report- Reports the total number of units sold for each office, with a breakdown in the number of Co-op Sales and List & Sold by Sales, within a specified date range. Broker Inventory – This report allows the Broker to load an inventory of the office’s listings. He/she can specify the type listings to be included on the report. The statuses of listings available include: Active Due to Expire, Solds, Expired, Pending, Under Contract in System, Active Listings in System, Pending Listings in System, Sold Listings in System, and Expired Listings in System. Sold Percentage of Listed Property – Reports each agent’s list to sale percentage within their office. Activity Reported This Period - Reports activity grouped by Area, Property Type and Date Range. Includes all statuses, Total Listing Volume, Total Sold Volume and Total Co-op Volume as well as average sales volume and average days on market. NAR Sold Residential Report- This report will give you total sales by price in a defined date range. It will also give you statistics on New Listings that sold within the specified time period, and a breakdown of sales by the type of Financing. The NAR Report provides stats Page 56
for the Residential property type by default, and includes an Other category, which is a second property type that is determined by your MLS. Historical Active Report – This report will provide a list of active properties within a specified date range regardless of their status now.
Report Builder The Report Builder enables you to create personalized reports that include the data fields of your choosing. The types of reports you can create include: • Listing
Listing and Selling
In addition to choosing the fields for your report, you may also choose the colors and fonts that you would like to use. For Board-level users, you may choose to share your report with other members of the MLS. Broker access-level users are able to create reports that can be shared with other members of their office. To create a report using the Report Builder, follow these steps: 1. Click Reports from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Report Builder tab. 3. Select your Report Type, and adjust your preferences for Report Totals, Report Border, Row Color Divider, and Distinguish First Column. 4. Select the Calculated Fields you would like to use in your report. These are the columns of statistical data that will be included in your report. To select more than one field, press and hold your Ctrl key while clicking your other choices. 5. Choose how you would like to group your data by clicking a field from the Select Group By menu. 6. Type a Main Title for your report. 7. Type the Font Sizes you would like to use for your report titles and headers (or, you may use the default settings). 8. Select the Font Colors and Background Colors you would like to use by clicking on one of the color boxes under these headings. This will open up a color wheel for you to click on the color of your choice. Once you have made your selection from the color wheel, click on OK. The color code will be placed in the space to the left of the color box. 9. Select your Font Styles from the drop-down menu.
Click Save. Or, if you would like to look at your report before saving the setup, click Preview. Then click the Close Window link to return to the Report Builder so that you can Save the setup.
Custom Reports _____________________________________________________________
The Custom Reports enables you to load your customized reports that you created under the Report Builder. For instructions on building custom reports, please refer to the section titled Page 57
Report Builder. To open a Custom Report, follow these steps: 1. Click Reports from the Navica main menu. 2. Under the My Custom Reports heading, click the name of the report you would like to view. 3. Select the Date Range, Property Types, and Areas you would like to include. 4. Click Generate Report to load the report onto your screen.
V. ROSTER _____________________________________________________ Under the Roster menu item, you are able to create a list of all offices and agents currently stored in Navica. The Rosters will provide all contact information, including addresses, telephone numbers, email and website information. In addition, an Export link will appear beside the title of the Roster you are currently viewing. You may rightclick on the link and Save Target As to save a text file to your computer of the Rosterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Information. You can use the text file in conjunction with Navicaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Label Generator (located under the main menu item Resources, Navica Software) to create mailing labels for offices and agents within the MLS. The file may also be imported into other software such as Excel and Outlook. OFFICE ROSTER When creating an Office Roster, you are able to define which type of office you would like to include in your report by placing a check mark beside the Office Type. You have the option of including the full Roster or selecting a letter from the Group All dropdown for all offices beginning with that letter. To Create An Office Roster, follow these steps: 1. Click on Roster from the Navica main menu. 2. Select the Roster Type, Office should be in the drop-down menu by default. 3. Select the checkboxes beside the types of offices you would like to include in Page 58
4. 5. 6. 7.
your Roster. If you do not check any, it will include all offices by default. You are also able to select a letter under the Group-By drop down to further sort your list. To select Offices within a Single Board, place a check mark beside the Board. Select the Order for your Roster. Click Create Roster.
If an Office has uploaded a Company Logo, it will be indicated by the Icon in the far right column. By clicking the icon an additional window will open up with the Office Logo displayed.
Contact information for each office is sorted by office name. Once the offices are displayed, you can select any office to view the agent roster for that particular office. If there is any information that needs to be changed or corrected, please contact your Board Office. AGENT ROSTER When creating an Agent Roster, you are able to define which type of Member you would like to include in your report by placing a check mark beside the Agent Type. You have the option of including the full Roster or selecting a letter from the Group All dropdown for all Agents last names beginning with that letter. To Create An Agent Roster, follow these steps: 1. Click on Roster from the Navica main menu. 2. Select the Roster Type. 3. Select the checkboxes beside the types of offices you would like to include in your Roster. If you do not check any, it will include all offices by default. 4. You are also able to select a letter under the Group-By drop down to further sort your list. 5. In addition, you may search the Roster for Individuals by entering their name in the First Name, Last Name boxes. 6. You have the option to Include Agent Photos in the Roster. If you would like to include Agent Photos check Yes. 7. To select Members within a Single Board, place a check mark beside the Board. 8. Select the Order for your Roster. 9. Click Create Roster. Page 59
Contact information for each agent is sorted by last name OFFICE WITH AGENT ROSTER When creating an Office Roster, you are able to define which type of office you would like to include in your report by placing a check mark beside the Office Type. You are also able to define which type of Member you would like to include in your report by placing a check mark beside the Agent Type. You have the option of including the full Roster or selecting a letter from the Group All dropdown for all Agents last names beginning with that letter. To Create An Office With Agent Roster, follow these steps: 1. Click on Roster from the Navica main menu. 2. Select the Roster Type. 3. Select the checkboxes beside the types of offices you would like to include in your Roster. If you do not check any, it will include all offices by default. 4. You are also able to select a letter under the Group-By drop down to further sort your list. 5. To select Offices within a Single Board, place a check mark beside the Board. 6. Select the Order for your Roster. 7. Click Create Roster. Contact information for each office is sorted by office name. Once the offices are displayed, you can select any office to view the agent roster for that particular office. If there is any information that needs to be changed or corrected, please contact your Board Office.
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VI. CONTACTS _____________________________________________________ The Contacts menu item enables you to manage an Internet-based Address Book in order to store names of interest to you. In addition, Navica enables you to import Address Books from other Software Programs into My Contacts through the Import/Export Option. A Contact may be set up as a Prospect as well in Navica. When you set up a Contact as a Prospect you are able to Save their Search Criteria to automate Property Searches through Navica. Also, when the system locates listings that match your Prospectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Criteria you can elect to have automatic email notifications sent to either You, Your Client or Both. NOTE: If you click on Contacts from the Navica main menu and you have not yet entered any names into the Contact Manager you will receive a message indicating that you do not have any Contacts to display. Besides the message there will be a link that you may click to add or import your Contacts.
ADDING CONTACTS A name may be added to My Contacts for various reasons. Most importantly, you may want to add the names of your past, present and future customers. In addition, your Client Contacts may be set up as Prospects so that you may Save their Search Criteria in Navica to aid you in Property Searches. My Contacts may also be used to manage all of your Business Contacts. These may be names of Appraisers, Home Inspectors or Attorneys that you often recommend to Clients during their home buying or selling experience. You may use My Contacts to store personal names as well. Remember because My Contacts is an Internet-based Address Book, you never have to worry about losing your names and numbers should your computer crash. Also, since it is web-based, you may access this Address Book from any computer, anywhere. To Add A Contact That Is Not Designated As A Prospect, follow these steps: 1. Click Contacts from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Add Contact/Prospect tab. 3. Fill in the desired information. Fields marked with an * are Mandatory Fields and must be filled in before being Saved. 4. Click Save. If you would like to add more than one Contact in a session, click Save and Add Another instead of Save.
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VIEWING CONTACTS When you click on Contacts from the Navica main menu, your entire list of Contact Names will automatically display on the screen.. You are able to Sort your list of Contacts as well as Search for a Particular Name from the main Contacts screen. To Sort Your Contact List, follow these steps: 1. Click Contacts from the Navica main menu. 2. In the Filter By Type drop-down, select the type of Contact you are interested in viewing. You may also choose whether or not to include Shared Contacts. This will provide you with the Contacts that are being shared with you by other agents. 3. Click the Icon to retrieve your list. NOTE: You may also sort My Contacts by clicking on a letter that appears in the alphabet above the Contact List. Letters that are highlighted in blue indicate that you currently have a Contact with a Last Name beginning with that letter stored in your list. To Search Your Contact List, follow these steps: 1. Click Contacts from the Navica main menu. 2. In the Search For drop-down select how you would like to search: By First Name, last Name, Email Address or Contact ID. 3. Once you have selected how you would like to search, enter the information into the Like box. Icon to retrieve your list. 4. Click the NOTE: The Contact ID is a number assigned to each Contact. It will appear in parentheses ( ) in the Contact List beside the name. The Contact ID will also appear in the email Prospect Notifications that are sent to you notifying you of properties that match your Prospectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s criteria.
EDITING AND EMAILING YOUR CONTACTS Once a Contact has been added to the system, you are able to Edit the file or Create an Appointment for the Contact. You may also convert the Contact to a Prospect and you may email your Contact from this screen as well. To Edit your Contactâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Information, click the Page 62
Icon to load the Contact Summary.
Once you have made your corrections to the Contact’s File, click Update. To Create An Appointment For Your Contact, follow these steps: 1. Click the Icon under Tools located in the right corner of the same row as the Contact’s Name. 2. When the Appointment Window loads, type in the Subject, Description and Location for the Appointment. A Subject will appear by default, but you may choose to change it if you wish. 3. Enter the Date and Time of the Appointment. 4. If you would like to share this Appointment’s Information with other agents in your office, select the name(s) from the Office Recipients drop-down menu. 5. Click Save Event. Once an Appointment has been added to a Contact, you may click on the Icon in the Notes column of the My Contacts screen to view the details of when the Appointment was created. Your Appointment Details will display on My Calendar under the News and Events menu item. To Email A Contact, follow these steps: icon under Tools located in the same row as the Contact’s Name. 1. Click the 2. When the Email window opens, verify the name of the Contact Recipient. You may also type in Other Recipients’ email addresses separated by a comma or semi-colon. 3. Type in a Subject and a Message for your email. Check whether you wish to Send A Copy to yourself and whether you want to include a Signature. 4. Click on Use Your Email App if you would like to use your default email package. Or, click Send with N-Mail to use Navica’s mail package. 5. If you choose Use Your Mail App your default email package will open up. You will then send your message as you normally do within that package. 6. If you choose Send with N-Mail, you will then receive a confirmation that your mail has been sent. NOTE: If you choose to send your email with N-Mail, remember to place a checkmark beside Send Me A Copy if you would like to have a copy for your records. This option sends your mail through Navica’s main server. CONVERTING YOUR CONTACT TO A PROSPECT When viewing My Contacts, your Contacts and Prospects are included in the list. If the entry is a Contact only, you will see a Icon in the same row as the Contact’s Name. If you click this icon you will be prompted to Create and Save a Search for your client, converting them to a Prospect. For more information on Prospects, please refer to the following sections.
PROSPECTS Adding a Prospect in My Contacts allows you to save a Customer’s Search Criteria along with their Personal Information so that you may Search Listings for them more Page 63
efficiently. If your email address is stored in the Agent Roster in Navica, you are able to receive automatic email notifications when there is new activity that meets your Prospect’s Criteria. ADDING A PROSPECT To Add A Prospect, follow these steps: 1. Click Contacts from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Add Contact/Prospect tab. 3. Select Yes beside Setup As Prospect. 4. Fill in the Prospect’s Information. Mandatory fields marked with an * (asterisk). While not a Mandatory Field, remember to fill in the Prospect’s email address if you would like to be able to send them automatic email notification. 5. Click Save and Setup Prospect. 6. When the Saved Searches screen loads, select the appropriate property type for your Prospect’s Search Criteria. 7. Enter your Prospect’s Search Criteria. Click Start Search. 8. When the Search Results load, select Save Search from the Select Options dropdown menu. Click . 9. Verify the Search Name, Search Options and Assign Contact fields. 10. Click Save Search. 11. You will receive a confirmation that your Search has been Saved and will be provided with a Search ID number. 12. Click Save. When the Notification Settings window opens, fill in the desired information. You may type a Standard Message that is sent out in every notification email to your Prospect. You will also want to select Who to Notify, Notify When and the Frequency of the notifications, Reverse Prospecting Options and whether or not to include your N-Mail Signature. NOTE: If you have a Popup Blocker turned on the Notification Settings window will NOT open. You will see the following message at the Top of your screen: Please click "Edit Settings" below to complete the setup process for this prospect. Your prospect will not receive notifications until this is done. Your Prospect has now been properly set up. If you have chosen to have automatic email Prospect Notifications sent to either Your Client or Yourself, Navica will be begin searching for New Properties that meet your Prospect’s Criteria. NOTE: You will need to email the Original Search Results to your Prospect, they will not Automatically be sent to your Client! REVERSE PROSPECTING When adding a Prospect you have the option within the Prospect Notification Settings to Allow Reverse Prospecting. Reverse Prospecting enables the Listing Agent to receive an email notification when one of Their Listings meets the Criteria of your Prospect. Rest assured that the Reverse Prospect Notification only includes the Page 64
Contact ID along with Your Name and Contact Information. The Contact ID is provided in these Notifications for your reference in cases where the Listing Agent contacts you to discuss scheduling a showing for your Prospect. Please contact your local board office to ensure that your Agent Record is activated to receive Reverse Prospect Notifications. VIEWING THE EMAIL NOTIFICATION LOG Once a Prospect has been added to the system and the Automatic Notifications begin, Navica will keep a record of all of the emails and MLS #s that have been sent out. In addition, if the Notifications are those that are sent directly to the Prospect, Navica will track how many times the Client has viewed a particular MLS #. To View The Email Notification Log For A Prospect, follow these steps: 1. Click Contacts from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the My Prospects tab to load your List of Prospects. 3. Click the icon under the Tools heading in the same row as the Prospect’s Name or under the Prospect Notification click on the link for View Email Notification Log. 4. The Email Notification Log for your Prospect will open up. 5. Click Close when you are through viewing the log. The Email Notification Log will indicate Which MLS #s have been sent to your Prospect as well as the Number of Times your Prospect has Viewed A Listing, the Email Addresses the Notifications are being sent to, how many times your Client has received that Listing, the Last Date and Time your Prospect has viewed that Listing and the Last Date and Time that Listing was sent to your Prospect. You may click on the hyperlink for the MLS # to view the Full Display of the Listing.
EDITING A PROSPECT Once a Prospect has been added to the system you are able to go back and Edit their Prospect Notification Settings or Edit their Saved Searches. To Edit the Prospect Notification Settings click the icon in the Tools section on the same row as your Prospect’s Name, make the necessary changes and click Save. icon in the Tools section To create a New Saved Search for your Prospect click the on the same row as your Prospect’s Name. Then choose the desired Property Type to enter your new Search Criteria. Click Start Search and then follow Steps 8 - 12 under the Adding A Prospect section above. CONVERTING A PROSPECT TO A CONTACT To Convert Your Prospect To A Contact, follow these steps: Page 65
Click Contacts from the Navica main menu. Click the My Prospects tab. Locate the Prospect you would like to convert Back to a Contact. Click on the icon in the Tools section on the same row as your Prospect’s Name to load the Saved Searches assigned to the Prospect. 5. Click the icon to Delete the Saved Search for the Prospect. 6. Once all of the Saved Searches have been Deleted, the Prospect will Convert to a Contact. 1. 2. 3. 4.
IMPORT/EXPORT OPTIONS If you have Contacts stored in Other Programs that you would like to place in My Contacts with Navica, then you may use the Import/Export tab to do so. In order to use the Importer, you must Save Your Data you wish to import as a Text (.txt) File First. You may also import directly from Microsoft® Outlook®. The Import/Export Option also enables you to Export your list of Contacts and Prospects. Before Importing or Exporting your Contacts and/or Prospects you will need to click icon and change Security Settings on your computer. on the
IMPORTING CONTACTS To Use The Importer Options, follow these steps: 1. Click the Contacts menu option. 2. Click the Import/Export tab. 3. Choose whether you would like to import from a Text File or Outlook ®. To Import From A Text File, follow these steps: 1. Click the Import From A Text File Link. 2. Click Browse to locate your Text File that you wish to import into My Contacts. 3. From the drop down menus select the Data Delimiter, and Contact Type you wish to use. 4. Click Step 2 Map Fields. 5. You will be prompted to choose the Fields from the Navica Fields Menu that you would like to Import from your File. To do so, highlight the Field Name from your Text File in the Far Left Box and then click on the Field Name from the icon to Navica Fields Box that you wish to call the Field. Then, click on the move the Field to the Mapped Fields Box. Once you have selected all of your Fields to use, Click Step 3 Finish. To Remove a Field from the Mapped Fields Box, highlight the field you wish to Remove and click the icon. Page 66
To Import From Outlook®, follow these steps: 1. Open Outlook ®. 2. Click the link to Import From Microsoft Outlook ®. 3. If you receive the Internet Explorer ® Security Prompts, click Yes to proceed. 4. Select the Contacts stored in Outlook ® from the drop down menu that you would like to import by clicking on the name. To select more than one, hold down the Ctrl key. 5. Click Import. 6. When you receive the Microsoft Office Outlook ® prompt asking if you want to allow a program to access email addresses click the Allow Access For checkbox and then click Yes. 7. Your Contacts should now be imported into Navica. EXPORTING CONTACTS OR PROSPECTS The Contacts menu item with Navica enables you to send your Contacts or Prospects you have stored to various other programs. The programs you are able to export to include: Word®, Excel®, Outlook® and the ability to create a Text File.
To Use The Export Options, follow these steps: 1. Click Contacts from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Import/Export tab. 3. Select whether you wish to Export Contacts or Export Prospects. 4. If you choose to Export Contacts, select the Contact Type you wish to Export. Then select the Program you wish to Export to. If you choose to Export Prospects choose the Program you wish to Export to. 5. Click Export. 6. If prompted with an Internet Explorer ® Security Warning, click Yes and/or OK to complete the Export of your Data. 7. The Newly Created File will open up displaying the Data you choose to Export.
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VII. CMA _____________________________________________________ By clicking CMA from the Navica main menu, you are able to Create and Save Comparative Market Analyses for your Clients using data that is already stored within the system. The CMA feature within Navica offers additional inserts to be included with your Analysis such as a Resume, Comparable Pricing and Estimated Seller Proceeds. In addition, the fields for Comparison are Adjustable so that your Client can get a more Accurate Representation of a Suggested List Price for their Property. CMA SETTINGS CMA Settings enables you to customize your CMAs that you create within Navica. Included in these Settings is the ability to add a Personal Resume to your CMA printout. You may also Assign Adjustment Amounts for various data fields within the analysis. Finally, you may define Default Search Criteria when searching for comps to use within your CMAs. EDIT ADJUSTMENT SETTINGS This setting enables you to enter Pre-Defined Adjustment Amounts for certain Fields and Features within All of your CMAs. For your Fields, you will enter a Single Adjustment Value. For your Features, you may enter a Per Feature Value that applies to All Items within the Feature. You ma also enter Individual Values for Each Item within the Feature. For example under the Floors Field, you may enter a $200 adjustment for carpet and a $300 adjustment for tile.
To Edit Your Adjustment Settings, follow these steps: 1. Click CMA from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the CMA Settings tab. 3. Click Edit Adjustment Settings. 4. Click on the Property Type. 5. Type in our Adjustment Values. For Features, you may choose to enter a Per Feature Value in the Feature Heading or you may choose to enter Individual Page 68
Values in each of the Sub-Categories. See the Paragraph above for Explanations of Per Feature and Individual. 6. Once you have entered Adjustment Values for the Fields you wish to Adjust, Click Save.
EDIT SEARCH SETTINGS When Searching for Comps for your CMA you have the option of entering in Specific Criteria to search for under the CMA Settings. This option allows you to place â&#x20AC;&#x153;Valueâ&#x20AC;? on Certain Fields by requiring that the system only Search for Comps that have Exact Features as the Subject, or have Features that Closely Resemble the Subject within a Specified Range. For example, if your Subject Property has 4 Bedrooms, you can set your Search Settings to only Retrieve Comps that have 3, 4 or 5 Bedrooms. To Edit Your Search Settings, follow these steps: 1. Click CMA from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the CMA Settings tab. 3. Click Edit Search Settings. 4. Place a checkmark beside the fields that you want the Comps to be Exact Matches of the Subject. 5. For Fields such as Bedrooms and Baths you may assign a Range Value. You may then determine whether your range will be =/+, -/= or =/+ to your Subject. For example, if you assign a range of 1 beside Bedrooms and select -/+ and your Subject Property has 4 Bedrooms, the System will search for Comps that have 3, 4 or 5 Bedrooms only. 6. Click Save. NOTE: Navica will pre-assign a Value to Certain Fields such as Area Bedrooms, Baths and Half Baths. It will search for Exact Area Matches and for properties with =/+ 1 Bedrooms, Baths and Half Baths. If you do not want these Search Values, you will want to set your Search Settings before completing a CMA. Page 69
EDIT RESUME SETTINGS Under the Edit Resume Settings option, you are able to add your Personal Information to Navica in order to compile a Resume to be included with your CMA. To do so, click on the Add Resume Link. Once you have entered your information, Navica will place it into a pre-defined Resume template. When you add your Resume, you may select it as the Default Resume that will automatically be placed in the CMA when you choose to include the Resume as an insert. The Fields of information to include when entering a Resume are: Title
Personal Association
Personal Information
Once a Resume has been added to Navica you can View its Content under Edit Resume Settings under the CMA Settings tab. In addition, there are links to Edit Resume and Delete Resume. You will also see an indicator that lets you know that a Resume has been selected to be the Default Resume. CREATING A CMA When you create a CMA within Navica, you have 3 Options for your Subject Property. You are able to Enter Data for your Subject Property, create a CMA Without a Subject Property or create a CMA by using a Listing Currently In The System for your Subject Property. If you Select to use an Existing Listing as your Subject Property this page will already display the data. You will be Prompted to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Place A Check Above The Field(s) You Wish To Use In Your CMAâ&#x20AC;?. You also have 2 Search Options for Searching for your Comparables. The 1st Option is Page 70
the CMA Search and/or MLS #s. The CMA Search is a Limited Search using the data you entered for your Subject Property when Searching for Comps. The MLS # Search allows you to enter Selected MLS #s before you start the CMA Process. The 2nd Option is Use System Search. This Search will direct you to the regular Navica Search Screen for the Appropriate Property Type. This Option allows you to use all features on the Search Screen including Mapping and all available Navica Searchable Fields. There are 3 Contact Information Options available for your CMA. By selecting the 1st Option, Populate Using An Existing Contact your Navica Contact Address Book will open and you will be prompted to “Choose the Contact to attach to your CMA by Clicking On Their Name.” If you choose the 2nd Option, Add A New Contact your Navica Contact Address Book will open for you to enter their information. When you click on Save their information is entered into your CMA. By selecting the 3rd Option, Continue Without A Contact, no contact information will appear on your CMA. Agent Notes allows you to enter Notes about the Property or CMA for your Personal Information Only.
To Create A CMA, follow these steps: 1. Click CMA from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Build CMA tab. 3. .Type in a Title. Select your Property Type from the drop-down menu and Choose the Property Status from the Available Status Menu (to select more than one status, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and click on each Status you’d like to use). The Status Field indicates the Status of Comps you wish to use in your CMA. These Fields are Mandatory Fields and must be completed before advancing to the next screen of the CMA. 4. If you are using an Existing Listing for the Subject Property, type in the MLS Number for the Subject Property. Page 71
5. Determine if you are doing a CMA Search and/or MLS # Search or a System Search. 6. Select the Contact Information. You may choose to Populate Using An Existing Contact, Add New Contact or Continue Without A Contact. 7. Enter Agent Notes if desired. 8. Click Next. To Create A CMA With A Subject Property, follow these steps: 1. Follow Steps 1 - 8 Above. 2. When the Details Screen loads, enter your Subject Property’s information. You may enter as little or as much information as you would like. You may complete this screen at a later time and add the Property as a listing to the MLS. 3. If you entered an MLS # on the CMA Setup Screen, all of the Listing Details will populate on the Details Screen. Place a checkmark above each field you wish to include in your CMA. 4. Click Save Subject. 5. The next page will be a list of Data Fields. The ones that you have included in your Subject Property information will be Checked. You may Add Additional Fields that you may not have entered for your Subject Property but would like to include in your CMA. You can also Remove any Fields you may have decided not to include in your CMA. 6. Click Next. To Create A CMA Without A Subject Property, follow these steps: 1. Follow Steps 1 - 8 in “To Create A CMA”. 2. Since there is not a Subject Property the next page to load will be the List of Data Fields. You must place a checkmark beside Any Field you wish to include in your CMA. 3. Click Next. 4. To Complete CMA Setup, follow these steps: 5. Once you have clicked Next of the Data Fields Screen you will be ready to complete the CMA Setup. 6. If you need to Add A Contact or Edit Contact Information, click on View/Edit Contact Details. CMA SETUP 1. When the CMA Setup screen loads, you may click on the link View/Edit Contact Details to make any changes to your Contact’s Information or you may also Add A Contact as well. 2. Next, click Upload Photo to Add a photo of your Subject Property. When the CMA Subject Photo window opens, click Browse to locate your Photo and then click Upload to place your Subject’s Photo into the CMA. To Remove a Subject Photo click on Remove Image. 3. Next, you may click Add Seller’s Proceed Details and type in any pertinent amounts, such as Total Existing Mortgages, Real Estate Taxes and Home Warranty. There are additional Blank Options at the bottom of the page for Page 72
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Additional Expenses such as Closing Costs, Carpet Allowance, etc. Click Save. Filling out this form enables you to Add an Estimated Seller’s Proceeds insert to your completed CMA. Adding the Estimated Seller’s Proceeds insert to your CMA is optional. Under the Subject Property Details section, you may click on the Edit Subject Property Link to make any changes to your Subject Property. If you do not wish to use any Pre-Defined Adjustments for this CMA, click on the Clear Adjustment Values Link. This will Remove the Adjustments for this CMA. To Add or Remove any Additional Fields to your CMA, click on the Add or Remove Fields Link. Add or Remove the Fields and click Next. You may click on one of the Edit Links to change your Adjustment Values for this CMA only. However, if you wish to change the Default Adjustment Value at this point, place a checkmark in the Update CMA Defaults column. To Retrieve the comps you would like to use for your CMA by the CMA Search, there are 3 options: You may enter specific Search Criteria for the Data Fields you selected to show. Remember what you are entering here is your Search Criteria, NOT your Subject Information. Some Fields may have Default Numbers in them. For example, if you’re Subject Property has 4 Bedrooms the Bedroom Field may show 4 to 5. If you wish to change those numbers simply click in the box, remove the information and type in your selection. You may retrieve comps based on the Settings you defined under CMA Settings (see Edit Search Settings). To retrieve comps based on the Search Settings, simply click Search Comps. You may type in the MLS #s of the Listings you want to use for your CMA. This option is located at the bottom of the screen. When entering your MLS #s, hit the Tab key to advance to the next box. Once you have entered all of your MLS #s, click Next.
To Search/Select Comps, follow these steps: 1. When the Comparables Screen loads it will be broken down into 3 areas; Sold Within Last 6 Months, Sold Within 6 to 12 Months, Sold Within 12 to 24 Months. 2. To View a Comparable, click the icon to the Right. 3. You may Select up to 12 Listings. Page 73
4. Click Next. To Use A System Search, follow these steps: 1. Enter your Subject Property information and click Next. 2. Select any Additional Fields you would like to include in your CMA. 3. You are now directed to the Navica Search Screens. Once you have entered your Criteria click on Start Search. Place a checkmark beside the properties you wish to include in your CMA. At the top of the page you will see â&#x20AC;&#x153;Click here to continue your CMA after selecting listings.â&#x20AC;? You will be returned to the Subject Property Details screen where you can make any additional changes or simply click Next.
VIEW AND ADJUST When the View and Adjust Screen loads there are Several Types of Adjustments that can be made. 1. Click the icon below the Listing Photo to Delete a Comp from the CMA. 2. Click the icon below the Listing Photo to Add any Miscellaneous Adjustments to your CMA. This adjustment is entered per Comp and will Display in the Misc Adjustments row directly below the Sold Date Row on only that Comparable. Type in the Description and the Adjustment Amount. Remember to use a minus sign (-) if you are subtracting value. 3. To make a Field Adjustment, click on Any Field within one of your comparables. Remember to use a minus sign (-) if you are subtracting value. This Adjustment Value applies to an Individual Comp and will not adjust across All Comparable Listings. 4. You may click on one of the Links in the Field Name column to enter and apply an Across Comp Adjustment. Entering a value here will ensure that the Value is Added or Subtracted to each applicable comp within your CMA.
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ADDITIONAL OPTIONS There are Additional Options available by clicking on the Select Options dropdown and icon. then clicking on the Additional Options available include: New Non-MLS Listing - This feature allows you to enter information for a Property that you would like to include in your CMA that is not currently in your MLS. Enter the Property Information and click on Save Subject. Existing Non-MLS Listing - This feature allows you to Select a Property you have entered as a Non-MLS Listing to use with the CMA. Place a checkmark beside the ones you wish to include and click Next. Listing(s) From CMA Search Screen - This feature enables you to go back to your Subject Property Details screen where you can make any changes before Searching Comps again. Once you have made your changes click on Search Comps. The next screen will show you the Comps you have Currently Selected for this CMA and below those you will be able to choose Additional Comparables. Place a checkmark beside the Additional Comps you would like to include and then click Next. You will now see these Additional Comps in your Side-By-Side Comparisons. Any Across Comp Adjustments you have made will be adjusted on these comps as well. Listing(s) From Main Search Screen - This feature allows you to enter Criteria from the Navica Search Screens. Once you have entered your Criteria click on Start Search. Place a checkmark beside the properties you wish to include in your CMA. At the top of the page you will see â&#x20AC;&#x153;Click here to continue your CMA after selecting listings.â&#x20AC;? You will be returned to the Subject Property Details screen where you can make any additional changes or simply click Next. You will now see these Additional Comps in your Side-By-Side Comparisons. Any Across Comp Adjustments you have made will be adjusted on these comps as well. Listing(s) From Cart: This feature allows you to Select Listings you have previously placed in your Cart for the CMA. Click on Listing(s) from Cart. Next place a checkmark beside the listings from your Cart you wish to use and click Next. You will now see these Additional Comps in your Side-By-Side Comparisons. Any Across Comp Adjustments you have made will be adjusted on these comps as well. Add Or Remove Field(s): This feature allows you to now select Additional Fields you would like to include in your CMA. Place a checkmark beside the Fields you would now like to Add and click Next. PUBLISH CMA Once you have selected all of your Comps and made your Adjustments you are ready to Publish your CMA. Click the
icon below the Publish CMA button to select which Publish Options you Page 75
would like to include with your CMA. From this screen you may choose to include: Cover Page
Selling Office
Selling Agent
Comparable Pricing
Estimated Seller Proceeds
Side By Side Display
Days On Market
Comparable Pricing Page
Seller’s Checklist
Once you have selected the Options you wish to include, click Save and Close. Click Publish CMA. To Select a Cover Sheet, select one of the three options in the Cover Sheet Dropdown. To Print the CMA, click the
icon within Navica.
To Email the CMA, click the Icon. Type in the Recipient’s email address, Subject and Message. Select whether you wish to include your Signature (this is set up in Navica and stored in your Agent Record) and if you would like to Send Yourself A Copy. Click Send with N-Mail. Your email will be sent using Navica’s Mail Servers and will send the CMA as a PDF attachment. To Convert the CMA to a PDF File, click on the
MY CMAs When you click CMA from the Navica main menu, the My CMAs screen will load. This will display any CMAs that you have Created and Saved. By clicking the link for the CMA’s name, you are able to view the Published CMA. If you have not Published the CMA, you may click on the Edit CMA (under the Tools heading) link and Complete the Analysis. Also under the Tools heading you are able to Delete CMA, Clone CMA or Add To System. VIEWING A CMA If you would to View a completed CMA, you may do so by clicking on the CMA Name hyperlink. Only completed CMAs will display under My CMAs as a hyperlink. For CMAs that are still in progress, click on Edit CMA. EDIT A CMA By clicking the Edit CMA link, you are able to continue working on your CMA or making any Changes to the CMA. DELETING A CMA To Delete A CMA, follow these steps: 1. Click CMA from the Navica main menu. Page 76
2. Under the Tools heading, click Delete in the same row as the name of the CMA you wish to purge. 3. When the prompt “Are you sure you want to delete this CMA’ appears, click OK. 4. The CMA will be purged from Navica. CLONING A CMA When Cloning a CMA, the clone will be for the same Contact and Subject Property. You are however, able to Edit the Subject Property and Search Criteria for your comps once you are in the CMA Setup.
To Clone A CMA, follow these steps: 1. Click CMA from the Navica main menu. 2. Under the Tools heading, click Clone in the same row as the name of the CMA you wish to Clone. 3. You will receive a prompt asking if you would like to Include Comparables. If you Do Not wish to use the same Comparables, remove the checkmark and click icon. If you Do, simply click the icon. the 4. Type in a Title for your new CMA and a Description (optional). Click Next. 5. When the Subject Property page loads, place a check above the Field(s) you wish to include in the CMA. 6. Click Save Subject. 7. You may now Edit Contact Information, Upload A Photo, Include A Seller’s Proceeds Page, Search for More Comps, Add or Remove Fields or Clear Adjustment Values. 8. When you have completed these options, Click Next. 9. All of your Additional Options are available by clicking on the Options Dropdown. 10. Click Publish CMA. Your new CMA has been created. (see Publish CMA) ADD TO SYSTEM Navica enables its users to submit Subject Properties for CMAs as a Listing to Navica at a later time. To Submit A Subject Property To Navica, follow these steps: 1. Click CMA from the Navica main menu. 2. Under the Tools heading, click Add To System in the same row as the name of the CMA for which you want to submit its Subject Property as a Listing. 3. When the Details screen loads, ensure that All Mandatory Fields that are marked with an * are Complete. 4. Click Save Listing. 5. You will receive confirmation that the Property has been Saved as a Listing and you will be provided with the MLS # for the Property. Once the Subject Property has been added to the system, the Add to System link will Page 77
no longer appear beside the CMA name or any Clones created from that CMA. If you entered an MLS # of an Existing Listing in Navica for your Subject Property when you created your CMA, and the Listing did not belong to you, the Add to System link Will Not Appear.
VIII. NEWS AND EVENTS _____________________________________________________ By clicking News & Events from the Navica Main Menu you are able to view information that is pertinent to the MLS. In addition, you will find Forums in which you may make comments or ask questions to fellow members of your MLS. The options you will find under the News & Events menu item include: My Calendar
Open House/Caravans
MLS/Board News
Office News
Agent News
NOTE: When adding any type of event or appointment under the News & Events menu item, you can include clickable links to other sites, email addresses and to listings by entering a single URL or email address, or a comma-separated list of MLS numbers between two pound signs (for example:, or #12345,54321#). To enter multiple URLs or email addresses, the # sign must be in front of and behind each address (for example:, MY CALENDAR ________________________________________________________________________ The My Calendar feature allows you to add events to your personal calendar and view events that have been posted by other members of your office as well as your MLS board office. The categories of events that you may add include: MLS Event: Office Event: Agent Event Appointment Task
For Board-Level Users Only For Broker or Staff Level Users
Each Event Type heading will display in a different color box on the calendar so that you may easily locate events that you are interested in viewing. To view details of the Event or Task, you may click on the Event Heading box. Also, you may choose which events you wish not to view on the Calendar by de-selecting the checkboxes before each Event Page 78
Type that appears directly above the calendar. By default, all Event Types are checked for viewing. The Current Monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Calendar will display by default. To advance to the next month or to go back to the previous one, click the corresponding link located directly above the calendar. The current date will display on the calendar bordered in Red. If you select another date on the calendar it will display on the calendar bordered in Gray. If you select a date that has Tasks or Events stored in it, they will display to the right of the calendar under My Events. ADDING APPOINTMENTS To Add An Appointment To The Calendar, follow these steps: 1. Select News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. When the calendar appears, click the Add An Appointment link in the box to the right of the calendar. Or, click the Add An Appt link located below the calendar. 3. When the Appointment Box opens fill in the desired information such as Dates and Time and a Description Of Your Event. 4. If this is a Recurring Appointment, select Yes beside Recurrence. When you select Yes an additional row of dates will appear so that you may define how the appointment reoccurs. You may have an appointment re-occur by Day or by Date. 5. Select the Desired Recipients by clicking their names in the Recipients box if you would like to share the event with others in your office (to select more than one, hold down your CTRL key while clicking on additional names, or click the Select Entire Office link). 6. Click Save Event. VIEWING APPOINTMENTS Once an Appointment has been added to the calendar you are able to view the details. You have the option of Viewing An Appointment by either clicking on the link for the day of the month you are interested in, or by clicking on the Event Heading Box of the appointment that appears under a particular date. To View An Appointment To The Calendar, follow these steps: 1. Select News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. On the My Calendar screen click the link for the Date of the Appointment you wish to View (Note: When you click on a date, the date box will be highlighted with a Gray border to indicate it is the date you are currently viewing. The current date box will continue to be highlighted with its Red border). 3. After you select your date, a list of appointments will appear in the box to the right of the calendar. Click on the desired Event Heading. icon to view all the Details of the Appointment. 4. Select the 5. Click the Close link to close the Details of the Appointment. To View An Appointment By Selecting The Event Heading, follow these steps: Page 79
1. Select News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. On the My Calendar screen, click the Event Heading within the date on the calendar you wish to view. 3. When the window opens, click the icon to View the Details of the Appointment. 4. Click the Close link to close the Details of the Appointment. EXPORTING YOUR APOINTMENTS If you are a Microsoft ® Outlook ® user, you are able to export your appointments into that program. To Export Into Outlook ®, follow these steps: 1. Ensure that Outlook ® is opened. 2. Select News & Events from the Navica main menu. 3. Om the My Calendar screen, click the Date of the Appointment you wish to view (or you may click directly on the event heading you are interested in). 4. If you clicked on the date on the calendar a list of appointments will appear in the box to the right of the calendar. Click on the desired Event Heading. icon to export the information. 5. Select the 6. If prompted with an Internet Explorer ® Security Warning, click Yes and/or OK to export your data. 7. Your event should post under the calendar section of the program. NOTE: There are two Settings with Internet Explorer® which are required for this feature to work on your computer. Should you have problems Exporting Your Appointments and Events to Microsoft Office ®, please see below for help in changing these Security Settings. If you are having problems with the Microsoft Office® integration features in Navica please read the following instructions. You must have Microsoft Office® Installed on your PC for any of the Microsoft Office® Integration pieces to work. This functionality was developed to work Client Side and requires Office® to be installed.
Page 80
On the Trusted Sites popup make sure that the "Require server verification" checkbox at the bottom is unchecked then add "" to your list of trusted sites and click "Ok."
If you receive the following ActiveX prompt when using the Office速 integration tools, please click "Yes" to continue.
When importing contacts from Outlook速 you will receive the following prompt, please check the "Allow access for 1 minute" checkbox and click "Yes" to allow Navica to import your contacts. Page 81
Microsoft® Warning Microsoft® ActiveX® controls can pose a security risk in some situations, because the controls can be used to distribute malicious code or viruses, especially on computers where appropriate security-related settings are not in place. For instance, if an ActiveX control that is not signed is downloaded from a Web page to a computer where High or Medium security is not enabled through Microsoft Internet Explorer, the control will run without warning. If that control contains malicious code capable of introducing a virus or some other form of attack, the computer and data could be damaged. Systems Engineering Inc Microsoft® ActiveX® controls can provide helpful and intuitive functionality to your MLS System. The IE security settings that need to be modified for this functionality to run can pose a threat to your system from sites other than Navica, you should make these settings Prompt rather than Enable. All sites other than Navica should be considered "dangerous", and when prompted on other sites to allow ActiveX® marked as unsafe to run you should answer with a "No." EDITING AND DELETING YOUR APPOINTMENTS To Edit Or Delete One Of The Appointments You Have Added To The Calendar, follow these steps: 1. Click News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. On the My Calendar screen, click the link for the Date of the Appointment you wish to view on the calendar. 3. After you select your date a list of appointments will appear in the box to the right of the calendar. Click on the desired event heading. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Select the icon to Edit Your Appointment. Click Save Event. To Delete an appointment, follow steps 1 through 3. Click the icon to Delete Your Appointment. When the system asks you to verify, click OK to Delete Your Appointment.
ADDING TASKS AND NOTES In addition to adding events to the calendar, you are able to add Tasks and Notes as well. Adding Tasks enables you to keep track of due dates and enables you to check them off as they are completed. You are able to add personal notes as well.
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To All A Task Or Note, follow these steps: 1. Select News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. On the My Calendar screen, click the link Add A Task or Add A Note. These links are located below the calendar. Or, you may click on the appropriate tab located to the right of the calendar in the My Events box to locate the corresponding link. 3. When the Add window opens, fill in the desired information such as Dates and Time, a Description and Location of your Event. 4. If you would like to share your Task or Note with other members of your office, select the desired Recipients by clicking their names in the Office Recipients box (to select more than one, hold down your CTRL key while clicking the additional names or you may click the Select Entire Office link). 5. Click Save Task or Note. VIEWING TASKS AND NOTES To View your Tasks you will need to select the tab for this category from the My Events box to the right of your calendar. Once you select the tab you will see a list of all entries you have made. You may click on the title of a particular entry to view further details. If you need to view another dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worth of tasks, click that particular date on the calendar to load the tasks for that day. When viewing a Tasks in the My Events box you are able to mark a Task as Complete by placing a checkmark beside its heading. To View your Notes, select the tab for this category from the box to the right of your calendar. These entries are not associated with particular dates as are Appointments and Tasks so when the Notes tab is selected all of your entries will display by default. MLS NEWS ________________________________________________________________________ The MLS News screen enables you to view important News & Events pertaining to your MLS Association. These events are posted by your local association office for the benefit of all of its members. Since there may be time sensitive information posted on this screen, it may be important to check this page periodically to ensure you do not miss certain deadlines issued by your association or board. To access the MLS News screen, click New & Events from the Navica main menu and then click the MLS News tab. OPEN HOUSE/CARAVANS ________________________________________________________________________ The Open House/Caravans screen enables you to View Open Houses that have been added from Maintenance to the Open House calendar. You may also click on the Open House link to Add An Open House. This link will redirect you to your Maintenance Page 83
Inventory. See instructions in the Maintenance Section to Add An Open House. Users also have the ability to Add a Property and to View all properties on the Board Caravan. To View Open Houses, follow these steps: 1. Click on News & Events on the Navica main menu. 2. Click on the Open House/Caravan tab. 3. Under Upcoming Open Houses And Caravans you are able to view individual Open Houses for Today, This Week or This Month. 4. To View all Open Houses for a Particular Day, click on the Open House link on the calendar. To Add A Caravan, follow these steps: 1. Click on News & Events on the Navica main menu. 2. Click on the Open House/Caravan tab. 3. Click on the Add Caravan link. 4. Enter the Date, Time and any Caravan Notes. 5. Click on Save And Add Listing. To View A Caravan, follow these steps: 1. Click on News & Events on the Navica main menu. 2. Click on the Open House/Caravan tab. 3. Under Upcoming Open Houses And Caravans you are able to view individual Caravans for Today, This Week or This Month. 4. To View all Caravans for a Particular Day, click on the Caravan link on the calendar. OFFICE NEWS ________________________________________________________________________ Broker and Staff-Level users are able to enter Events pertaining to their office for all of their members to view. When adding an Office Event you have the option of posting the event on the Office News screen, the My Calendar screen or both. If you choose to display the office event on the Calendar it will post to the Personal Calendars of all members of your office. To Add An Office News Event, follow these steps: 1. Click News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Office News tab. 3. Click the link Add Office Event. 4. Select from the Type drop-down where you would like the Office News to display. 5. Type in the Subject and Description of the event. 6. Verify your Purge Date. The event will purge from the system at midnight thee following day from the Purge Date entered. To change the Purge Date click the Page 84
icon and select your new date. 7. Click Save Event. To View Your Office News, follow these steps: 1. Click News & Events from the Navica main menu 2. Click the Office News tab. 3. When the page loads, all Office News Events that have been posted to Navica will display on the screen in the order they were submitted with the most recent submission at the top of the screen. NOTE: To view an Office News Event on your Personal Calendar click the event heading on the calendar to view the details. AGENT NEWS ________________________________________________________________________ The Agent News screen enables all agents to communicate with other agents in their MLS concerning their News and Events. You may post your Agent News to the following categories: General
Open House
Selling Bonus
To Add An Agent News, follow these steps: 1. Click News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Agent News tab. 3. Select the link for the category to which you would like to add your event. 4. Click the link to add your event (the link to add an event is highlighted in Blue and will indicate what type of event you are adding. For example on the Rentals page, the link will say Add Rental). 5. Type in your Subject heading and your Description. 6. Verify the Purge Date. You may change your date by clicking the icon and selecting your appropriate Purge Date. The Purge Date refers to the date the event will automatically be removed from the Navica system. Events purge at midnight of the day you indicate in the Purge Date field. 7. Click Save Event. NOTE: When you add an Agent News event it will post to your Personal Calendar as well. Other agentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s events will not post to your Personal Calendar. They may only be viewed from the Agent News page. When adding any type of event or appointment under the News & Events menu item, you can include clickable links to other sites, email addresses and to listings by Page 85
entering a single URL or email address, or a comma-separated list of MLS numbers between two pound signs (for example:, or #12345,54321#). To enter multiple URLs or email addresses, the # sign must be in front of and behind each address (for example:,
To View An Agent News Event, follow these steps: 1. Click News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Agent News tab. 3. Select the events page you would like to view by clicking its heading. The General Events page will appear by default. 4. After clicking the Appropriate Heading, the page should refresh with the events displayed for your review. When viewing the List of Events you are able to click on hyperlinks for website addresses and MLS listing numbers. By clicking on the link, you are able to view the website indicated or view a Full Display that is stored in Navica. FORUMS ________________________________________________________________________ Under the News & Events menu item there is a Forums section where agents can communicate with one another electronically. This feature enables you to ask questions of other agents within the MLS concerning the use of Navica or information pertaining to your MLS. The Forums are also a great resource to use to search for frequently asked questions within your MLS. The MLS Board Staff defines the Categories and the Forums available to its members. Within each category there may be multiple forums or topics of discussion which are defined by the MLS Board as well. STARTING A THREAD Each Forum is comprised of multiple “Threads“. A “Thread” is a now topic of discussion within the Forum (a Forum is located within a Category). If the question you wish to ask or the information you wish to share is not currently represented in the forum, you are able to start your own thread. To Start A Thread, follow these steps: 1. Click on News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. Click on the Forums tab. 3. On the Forums screen, select the Forum Title in which you want to start a thread (the Title of the Forum is a link highlighted in blue). 4. Click on New Thread. Page 86
5. Type in your Title. 6. Type in your Message. 7. Click Post Message. Your message will now be posted in the Forum that you selected. NOTE: When adding a Message to a Forum you can include clickable links to other sites, email addresses and to listings by entering a single URL or email address, or a comma-separated list of MLS numbers between two pound signs (for example:, or #12345,54321#). To enter multiple URLs or email addresses, the # sign must be in front of and behind each address (for example:, VIEWING THREADS There are several different ways to View A Thread than another member has posted to a Forum. You may Search for a particular Thread using the Advanced Search feature or you may click on a Forum and then select the Thread you wish to View. You may also View the Last Message added to a Forum by clicking the Blue Arrow to go to the Last Post Submitted. To View A Thread, follow these steps: 1. Click on News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Forums tab. 3. Click on the Title of the Forum you wish to view. 4. Select the Thread you wish to Read and click on its Title. OR 1. Follow Steps 1 & 2 above. 2. Select the Thread of your choice displaying under Last Post and click the to proceed to that page.
To Search For A Thread, follow these steps: 1. Click on the News & Events from the Navica main menu. 2. Click the Forums tab. 3. Clicked on the link Advanced Search. 4. Enter a Keyword, or a First Name and/or Last Name of the user who posted a Thread. You may also choose the Date Range you wish to search. 5. Click Search to retrieve your results. 6. Select the Thread you wish to read and click on its Title. POSTING A REPLY TO A THREAD After you have read a message that another member has posted you are able to post a reply. When you submit your reply to the original posting you have the option of including the original text in your message as well. To Post A Reply To A Thread, follow these steps: Page 87
1. Select the Thread you wish to read. 2. When you are ready to write your reply, click Post Reply. If you want to include the original text in your message, click Quote. 3. In the Message box, type in your reply. 4. Click Post Message to Save. When a Forum is setup by the MLS office, they have the option of assigning a Moderator to the Forum. If a Forum has a Moderator then a posting to a Thread will not appear until the Moderator has approved the comments. In addition to approving posts to a Thread, the Moderator can identify a Thread as being “Sticky”. A “Sticky” Thread is indicated by icon and will always display as the first Thread within a Forum. If multiple Threads are defined as “Sticky” then they will display in the order that they were designated.
________________________________________________________________________ The Resources menu item includes various features that will enable you to navigate thru the Navica system more successfully. Under Resources you will find the following submenu items: Display Builder
User Manuals
Financial Calculators
Custom Exports
Nav. Assistant Export
My Navica Settings
Navica Software
Training Tutorials
DISPLAY BUILDER ________________________________________________________________________ The Display Builder menu item enables you to define the data that will display with listings, as well as the layout of the displays. There are three types of displays that can be built: Full Display: This setup determines what data fields and photos will be included in an Expanded Listing format. Results Display: This setup determines what data will be included on your Search Results page. Wireless Display: This setup determines what data will be included on your Search Results page on your wireless. Page 88
BUILDING A FULL DISPLAY A Full Display is the one that loads when the Expanded Property details are viewed. To Build A Full Display, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Display Builder. 3. Click Build A Full Display. 4. Type in a Display Name. Choose from the drop-down box the Property Type In the Display Type drop-down you may choose from either MLS or Public. The MLS will include All Data Fields while the Public will exclude the fields that your Client typically Does Not See. 5. Select whether or not you would like to Show Empty Data. If you select Yes, then a Data Field heading will show regardless of whether the Field is Empty on the Input Form. 6. Select whether to Show Main Photo and the Address on the Display. 7. Select the Flyer Format for your Display. There are 9 pre-defined templates to choose from. 8. Click Save & Proceed. 9. When the template loads, add your desired information. See below for instructions on how to Add or Remove Data Fields to the different type Display Panels. 10. Type in a Custom Heading for each section of the template in the appropriate boxes. If you choose not to, the headings will be left blank. 11. Click Save & Preview. 12. Enter an MLS # and then click Preview Display to see how a listing will appear in your Displayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s format (or you may click the link Click here to view with any listing). Once you have created your Full Display, you are able to go in and Edit the display so that you may Share the Display with other members of your office. ADDING/REMOVING DATA FIELDS Depending on the Flyer Format you selected, there are several different methods for choosing the data you wish to show in your Full Display. You may select data fields for pre-defined display panels or you may customize your rows. In addition, some of the templates allow you to enter free-form text using a text editor. To Add Or Remove Data To A Pre-Defined Display Panel, follow these steps: 1. Click the Add button to add data fields to the Display Panel. 2. When the Add Fields window opens, double click on each field you would to Add to the Display Panel. 3. Click Add & Close. 4. Your selections will appear in the Selected Fields box. Once a Field has been selected, you may click the Up or Down buttons to determine the Order that you would like the Fields to Display. Page 89
5. To Remove a Data Field that has been entered, highlight the Field you wish to Remove and click on Remove. ADDING DATA IN CUSTOMIZED ROWS Flyer Template #1 allows you to Customize your Rows within the Display. To Customize Your Rows Within A Display Panel, follow these steps: 1. Click Edit to Add Data Fields to the Display Panel. 2. When the Add Fields window opens, click Add Row to insert your first row of data. 3. When the Available Fields menu opens, double click the Field Names that you would like to Add to your Row. 4. You may highlight a Field and click the or icons to reposition its location in the Row. 5. Click Update to Add the Row. 6. Once your Row has been added, you may click the Edit button to make changes or click the Remove button to remove the Row altogether. 7. If you wish to Add Another Row, repeat Steps 2 through 6 above.
ADDING FREE FORM TEXT Flyer templates 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 allow you to add Free-Form text to your Full Display using a text editor. You can choose the Text Style and Font Size for text that appears in the panel. In addition, you can Add Bullets and Numbered Lists, Hyperlinks and Font Colors. Advanced Users can edit this panel in HTML by placing a checkmark in the box Edit HTML.
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To Add Free-Form Text To A Panel, follow these steps: 1. Click in the Text Editor to place your cursor in the Edit Window. 2. Type in your Text. 3. Highlight your Text to select the Text Style, Font Size and Font from the dropdown menus. 4. To Add a Hyperlink, Highlight your Text and click the icon. Type in the URL Address that you would like to Link to the text on your Full Display. 5. Click OK. CLONING A DISPLAY In addition to Creating a Full Display you may choose to Clone an Existing Display. To Clone An Existing Display, follow these steps: 1. Click on Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click on Display Builder. 3. Click on Full Displays. 4. Choose the Display you would like to Clone and click on the icon in Tools for that Display. 5. Change the Display Name. 6. Follow the Steps Above for Adding/Removing Data Fields, Adding Data In Custom Rows and Adding Free Form Text. 7. Click Save and Preview. 8. Enter an MLS # and then click Preview Display to see how a listing will appear in your Displayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s format (or you may click the link Click here to view with any listing. EDITING A DISPLAY You may Edit A Display you have Created or Cloned by clicking on the icon in Tools. Follow the Steps Above for Adding/Removing Data Fields, Adding Data In A Custom Row and Adding Free Form Text. DELETING A DISIPLAY You may Delete A Display by clicking on the
icon in Tools.
BUILDING A RESULTS DISPLAY A Results Display is the Display that loads when you are retrieving your Search Results, your Listing Inventory within the Maintenance Menu Item or your Property Cart. To Build A Results Display, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Display Builder. 3. Click Build A Results Display. 4. Type in a Title for your Display. Choose from the drop-down boxes the Result Page 91
5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
Type, Display Type and Property Type. (NOTE: If you are building a display to use for an MLS # Search or Hotsheet Search be sure to select All Property Type display) and the Display Type. In the Display Type drop-down you may choose from either MLS or Public. In the Results Type dropdown you may choose either Search Results, Maintenance/Inventory or Wireless. The MLS will include All Data Fields while the Public will exclude the fields that your Client typically Does Not See. Click Save & Select Data. Highlight a Field from the Display Data box and then click the icon to move the Selected Field into the My Display box (or you may double click a Field Name to move it to the My Display box). You may hold down your CTRL key to highlight more than 1 field, then click the icon to move them in a group. Once all of your fields have been selected you may change the order of the fields by highlighting a Field Name and then clicking the or icon to move the Selected Field either Up or Down. Click Save Settings. Your Inventory of Results Displays will appear on the screen.
BUILDING A WIRELESS DISPLAY This feature enables you to build a display for your Wireless. To Build A Wireless Display, follow the Steps Above for Building A Results Display. VIEWING YOUR DISPLAYS By clicking on either the Results Displays or Full Displays tabs you are to view and Inventory of all Displays that are available to you. The following Icons will appear on the Display Inventory screen to identify various attributes about a display. Indicates that this is a Display that you are Sharing With Others. Indicates that this is a Display that is Shared From Others. Indicates that this is a Display that is Shared By Your MLS. Indicates this is a Search Results Display. Indicates this is a Maintenance/Inventory Results Display. In the Tools Section it also allows you to Edit the Display. Enables you to Clone your Display. Enables you to Delete your Display. When viewing your Results Displays Inventory, your Selected Fields will display under the Displayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Title for your reference. NOTE: You are only able to Edit and Delete displays that you have personally created. Page 92
You will not be able to Edit or Delete displays that are being Shared with you by your Board or Other Navica Users. USER MANUALS ________________________________________________________________________ The User Manuals menu item provides Navica users with access to manuals for each of the Navica family products. The manuals provide step-by-step instructions of how to use the various features of each program. Adobe Reader 速 is needed on your computer in order to open and view these user manuals. To Access The User Manuals, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click User Manuals. 3. Click the Link for the Manual you would like to open. Or, you can right click on the link and Save Target As. Choose the location on your computer where you would like to Save The File and click OK. LINKS ________________________________________________________________________ The Links menu item provides users each access to other websites of common interest. The links that display on this screen are determined by the MLS Board Office. Should you have any suggestions of Links you would like added to the Links page, please contact your local Board Office with your recommendations. To Access A Link, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Links. 3. All Links that have been posted by the Association Office will display by default. You can then locate the Link for the website you wish to display and click on it to open. OR choose a Category from the drop down menu at the top of the screen to narrow the links that appear on the Links page. Once your results have been narrowed, locate the Link for the website you wish to view and click on it to open. 4. If you would like to add a particular Link to your list of Favorites within your Browser, click the Add To Favorites link. Click OK. LINKS PREFERENCES Under the Links Preferences tab you may define how you would like the Links page to display. Your options include: How would you like your Links Displayed? How would you like your Links Sorted? Which Category would you like Displayed? How many Links would you like to be Displayed on a Page?
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DOCUMENTS ________________________________________________________________________ The Documents menu item provides users each access to Board Approved Documents your MLS Board Office has posted to the system. Adobe Reader ÂŽ is needed on your computer in order to open and view these Documents.
FINANCIAL CALCULATORS ________________________________________________________________________ The Financial Calculators menu item provides you with various Calculators to aid you in estimating the payment and loan amounts for your clients. This enables the client to better estimate the Price Range of homes with which they would be most comfortable. The Calculators found under this menu item include: Buyer Pre-Qualification Estimate Fixed Monthly Mortgage Payments Extra Principal Payment Comparison 15 & 30 Year Mortgage Comparisons 3-Way Mortgage Calculator Buyer and Seller Closing Estimate Worksheet Sellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Proceed Details To Access The Financial Calculators, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Financial Calculators. 3. Select the Calculator of your choice. BUYER PRE-QUALIFICATION This calculator provides a way to estimate the Loan Amount for which an individual might quality. It takes into account the three most important factors in establishing the amount of a home loan that may be approved: Income, Existing Debt and Amount Of Down Payment. Most lenders rely on a debt-to-income ratio to determine the qualifying loan amount. The Pre-Qualification Report uses the 28% / 36% debt-to-income ratio. This Estimator permits you to select and modify the various ratios to better reflect lending terms in your geographic area. It also provides up to five estimates for down payments of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and one user-defined percentage. Under the Load Factors area, you will be able to make slight modifications and save these new values for future estimates.
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To View Or Change The Factors Used In The Estimate, follow these steps: 1. Click Loan Factors from the Buyer Pre-Qualification screen. 2. Make the Desired Modifications in the Appropriate Fields. 3. Click Save. 4. To Restore the Default Loan Factors, click Restore Defaults and then click Save. 5. To Apply these Loan Factors when calculating the Buyer Pre-Qualification place a checkmark beside Use Custom Factors. Once the Buyer Pre-Qualification has been calculated you are able to Print it for your client by choosing the icon. In addition you may Email the estimate to your client by clicking Email and then filling out the From, To and Subject fields and clicking Send. To Calculate The Buyer Pre-Qualification, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Financial Calculators. 3. Click Buyer Pre-Qualification. 4. Enter the Monthly Income, Annual Expenses, Monthly Payment and Loan Terms. 5. Click Calculate. ESTIMATE FIXED MONTHLY MORTGARE PAYMENTS This calculator gives you the monthly PI (principal and interest) payment or the monthly PITI (principal, interest, taxes and insurance) payment including homeownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s insurance and property taxes. In addition you have the option of entering the Appraised Value of the property and choosing the % down to display the Loan Amount before calculating the payment. This Estimator will give you an Amortization Schedule as well. To View this schedule, click Display Schedule. To Estimate The Fixed Monthly Mortgage Payment, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Financial Calculators. 3. Click Fixed Monthly Mortgage Payment. 4. Enter the Loan Criteria such as Loan Amount, Interest Rate, Loan Terms and Payments Per Year. 5. Click Calculate. ESTIMATE ADJUSTABLE RATE MONTHLY MORTGAGE PAYMENT This calculator gives you the Monthly Payment for an ARM loan where the Interest Rate will change after a specified period of time. To Estimate The Adjustable Rate Monthly Mortgage Payment, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Financial Calculators. Page 95
3. Click Estimate Adjustable Rate Monthly Mortgage Payment. 4. Enter the Loan Amount, Interest Rate, Loan Terms, Payments Per Year, Homeowner’s Insurance and Property Taxes. 5. Enter the number of months Before adjustments and the number of months Between adjustments. 6. Enter the Interest Adjustment and the Rate Cap. 7. Click Calculate. NOTE: You are also able to leave the Loan Amount blank and enter the Appraised Value of the property instead and the click on the % Down to calculate the payment. To View or Print a complete Amortization Schedule, click Display Schedule. EXTRA PRINCIPAL PAYMENT COMPARISON This calculator gives you the ability to enter Extra Payment Options to calculate the Interest Savings as well as calculate the Time it takes to pay off a mortgage. You may enter several options to make comparisons for your client. To Estimate The Extra Principal Payment Comparison, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Financial Calculators. 3. Click Estimate The Extra Principal Payment Comparison. 4. Enter the Loan Amount, Interest Rate, Loan Terms and Payments Per Year. You may also choose to enter the Appraised Value, Homeowner’s Insurance, Property Tax Information and the Buyer’s Tax Bracket. 5. Enter the Number of Payments for the first year. 6. Enter the Additional Principal Payment. 7. Enter the Start Month for the Additional Payment. For example, to start after 2 years, enter 24. 8. Enter the Frequency of the Additional Payment. For example, for every month, enter 1; for once a year, enter 12; for twice a year, enter 6. 9. You may enter up to 4 choices to compare the payment and payoff. 10. Place the bullet beside your choice and then click Calculate. As you enter different payments and click Calculate, it will hold your previous Calculations. NOTE: You are also able to leave the Loan Amount blank and enter the Appraised Value of the property instead and the click on the % Down to calculate the payment. To View or Print a complete Amortization Schedule, click Display Schedule. 15 AND 30 YEAR MORTGAGE COMPARISONS This calculator gives you the ability to quickly compare different Loan Options. You may compare loans for any two terms: 10 years and 20 years, 15 years and 30 years, etc. To Use the 15 And 30 Year Mortgage Comparisons, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Financial Calculators. Page 96
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Select 15 And 30 Year Mortgage Comparisons. Enter the Short and Long Term loan amount. Enter the Short and Long Term interest rate. Enter the Short and Long Term loan terms (number of years). Click Calculate.
You may also enter data to calculate the Adjustable Rate Mortgage Payment and the Extra Principal Payment Comparison. 3-WAY MORTGAGE CALCULATOR This calculator gives you the ability to enter some of the loan factors to calculate the missing factors. To Use The 3-Way Mortgage Calculator, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Financial Calculators. 3. Click 3-Way Mortgage Calculator. 4. Enter the information you have such as Loan Amount, Interest Rate and Loan Term (number of years). 5. Click Calculate. BUYER’S AND SELLER’S CLOSING ESTIMATE WORKSHEET This form is the HUD-1 Settlement Statement. You may fill out the form on line, then either Print and/or Save the form. To Use The Buyer’s and Seller’s Closing Estimate Worksheet, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub menu items. 2. Click Financial Calculators. 3. Click Buyer’s and Seller’s Closing Estimate Worksheet. 4. Enter your Data into the form 5. To Save the form click on the
6. To Print the form click on the
SELLER’S PROCEED DETAILS This form allows you to Add Seller’s Proceed Details and type in any pertinent amounts, such as List Price, Total Existing Mortgages, Real Estate Taxes and Home Warranty. There are additional Blank Options at the bottom of the page for Additional Expenses such as Closing Costs, Carpet Allowance, etc. To Use The Seller’s Proceed Details, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Financial Calculators. 3. Click Seller‘s Proceed Details. 4. Enter your Data into the form. 5. Click Calculate. Page 97
6. The form will calculate from the Suggested List Price with Possible Offers with 92%, 94%, 96%, 98% and 100% what their Sellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Proceeds will be. CUSTOM EXPORTS ________________________________________________________________________ The Custom Exports menu item enables you to design a custom setup so that you can select the Data Fields you would like to include in an Export File. Once you have completed this setup, you can Create Export Files by using the Export Selected or Export All functions which are located in the Search Options drop down menu on the Search screen (form more information on creating Export Files, please refer to Export under the Searching section). To Create Your Custom Export, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Custom Exports. 3. Click New Export. 4. Click to highlight your desired Property Type. Click Next Step. 5. Double click to select the data fields you would like to include in your Export File. Click Next Step. Once you have selected all of your fields, you may use the Up or Down arrows to position the Fields in your Desired Order. 6. Type in a Name for your Export Setup. 7. Choose whether you would like to include a Header Row in the file. Select the type of Column Delimiter. 8. Click Complete Export. NAVICA ASSISTANT EXPORT ________________________________________________________________________ You may create a Navica Assistant Export for your PalmOS, Pocket PC or Mobile 5 Devices. Once you have created the Navica Assistant Export follow the instructions located in the Navica Assistant Install Instructions for your Hand Held Device. To Set-Up A Navica Assistant Export, follow these steps: 1. Click the Resources menu item to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click Navica Assistant Export. 3. Click New Export. 4. Select your Property Type and click Next Step. 5. Approximately 11 Fields are included in the Export File. To Add Additional Fields, double click the Field from the Available Fields List. icon. 6. To Remove a Field, highlight the Field and click on the 7. To Move a Field Up or Down, click on the Or icons. 8. Name the Export File and click on Complete Export. 9. To use the Export follow the instructions located in the Navica Assistant Install Instructions for your Hand Held Device. Page 98
MY NAVICA SETTINGS ________________________________________________________________________ You may Customize the Appearance of your Home Page of Navica by choosing Various Pods from the My Navica Settings Menu. The Pods that are available to be placed on your Home Page include: My Calendar
My Prospects
My Inventory
My Reports
My Links
Saved Searches
Real Estate News
Market Activity
MLS News
My Prospects
To Customize Your Home Page Using The My Navica Settings Menu, follow these steps: 1. Click Resources from the Navica Main Menu to display the sub-menu items. 2. Click My Navica Settings. 3. From the Available Pods Menu, single click the item you would like too place on your Home Page. 4. In the appropriate Column Box, click the Add button to Add the Item to the column. 5. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 above until you have selected all of the items you want to appear on your Home Page. 6. To remove an item from a Column Box, highlight the Itemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Name and then click Remove. This will return the item to the Available Pods Menu. 7. To Reposition an item in its column, highlight the Item name then click the Up or Down button until it is in your desired order. 8. Click Save. Once you have selected the items you want to appear on your Home Page you can determine the Content that will appear under each. To Apply Your Settings, click Save. The following are some General Guidelines for the Options available for each Item: My Calendar: You may choose which Event, Task and Note Settings you would like to show. Your Options for each include: None
This Weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
My Prospects: You may choose to show either Five or Ten of your last saved Prospects on your Home Page. Or you may choose to show Selected Prospects on your Home Page. To show Selected Prospects click on the Select Prospects Link, hold down the CTRL key, highlight your Prospect Names. Click Save. Page 99
My Inventory: You may choose which Statuses you would like to appear on your Home Page. You may elect to Show Up To 4 Statuses. Place a checkmark beside the Statuses you would like to show. My Reports: You may select which Reports you would like to show on your Home Page by highlighting the desired ones from the Available Reports Menu. To select more than one, hold down your CTRL key to select Additional Reports. Or, you may choose to show the last Five or Ten of your saved Reports on your Home Page. MY CMAs: You may choose to show either Five or Ten of your last saved CMAs. My Links: By clicking on Add Link, you are able to place links to other websites of Personal Interest on your Home Page of Navica. Type in the URL (website address) and Description and then click Save & Close. You may add up to 5 links. Saved Searches: You may choose to show the last Five or Ten of your Saved Searches. You may also select which Saved Searches you would like to show on your Home Page by highlighting the desired ones from the Available Saved Searches Menu. To select more than one, hold down your CTRL key to select Additional Saved Searches. Market Activity: You may choose which Recent Activity Types you would like to show on your Home Page. In addition, you can choose how many Days Back you would like the Market Activity to record. You may select up to 5 Statuses. MLS News: You may choose to show the last Five or Ten News Items entered by your MLS Association on your Home Page. NOTE: In addition to using My Navica Settings to Add or Remove Pods from your Home Page, you may also click on the icon located in each Individual Container on the Home Page to minimize the contents while still displaying the Containerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Title. To Open A Closed Container, click on the icon that will located in each Individual Closed Container. FORMS ________________________________________________________________________ Located in this section are your Listing Input Forms for each Property Type. In addition, there may be Additional Forms your Board has requested. Adobe Reader ÂŽ is needed on your computer in order to open and view these Forms.
NAVICA SOFTWARE ________________________________________________________________________ The following additional Navica Software is available for all users. Click on a Link in Page 100
the list to download Software and Instructions. Save the file to your MLS Software Directory. The available Software includes: Navica Revolution Offline for Windows 2000/XP Navica Revolution Offline for Windows Vista/Windows 7* Compatible with 32 Bit Operating System Only Navica Assistant for PalmOS Navica Assistant for Pocket PC Navica Assistant for Mobile 5 Navica Label Maker Wireless Order Form
Installation Instructions for the following are located here as well: Navica Offline Install Instructions (Windows 2000/XP0 Navica Offline Install Instructions (Windows Vista/Windows 7) Navica Assistant Install Instructions Navica Label Maker Install Instructions NAVICA TUTORIALS ________________________________________________________________________ Featured in this section are Tutorials for some of the Features in Navica. Simply click on the Tutorial you wish to View. The available Tutorials include: Adding A Listing Clearing Cookies and Cache in Internet Explorer 7 Clearing Cookies and Cache in Mozilla Firefox CMA - Using the CMA Search Part 1 CMA - Using the CMA Search Part 2 CMA - Using the CMA Search Part 3 CMA - Using the CMA Search Part 4 CMA - Using the CMA Search Part 5 CMA - Using the CMA Search Part 6 CMA - Using the CMA Search Part 7 CMA - Using the System Search Part 1 CMA - Using the System Search Part 2 CMA - Using the System Search Part 3 CMA - Using the System Search Part 4 CMA - Using the System Search Part 5 CMA - Using the System Search Part 6 Page 101
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