Scout n About Devon Issue 2

Page 1

Autumn Term

Iss. 2

t u o b a ’ n ’ t u o c S

D evo n

r e m m u A s nture of adveof the things that some Find out just is summer h t to p u n e e Scouts have b

find us on facebook search ‘Devon Scout’

a e S , n u S n u F d n a Surf ts explorer all the Otter y Scou side fun of the sea

Woodlands 2012

Denmark 2012

A weekend of getting wet and wild

Retrace the experience of a lifetime

Devon Scout Council County Officers President: Eric Dancer CBE, JP (HM Lord Lieutenant of Devon) Deputy President: Captain The Rt Hon The Lord Clifford of Chuddleigh Vice Presidents: Roger Avenall Colin Greensmith Goodfrey Foot

Acting County Commissioner John Jarvis Deputy County Commissioner (Media and Development) Steve Hagger County MDM Steve Michaels

Officers Chairman: Andrew Leadbetter Treasurer: Barrie Pratt

General enquiries County Administrator Mrs Jane Batchelor Rose Cottage Yarnscombe Barnstaple Devon EX31 3LN

T: 07789 546110 E: Office hours Mondays: Wednesdays: Thursdays:

12.00 - 14.30 09.15 - 12.00 17.00 - 19.00

Assistant County Commissioners Beavers: Margret Jarvis (acting) Cubs: Sandra Johnson Scouts: David Moate Explorer Scouts: Andy Ellis Activities: Martyn Drew International: Kate Taylor


Photography Fiona Gage, Charlotte Turnbull Steve Michaels,Matthew Spalding Bruce Harvey/OSM Scouts., Daisy Bol

Please note: No views expressed in this magazine are those of the Scout Association or are endorsed by , its regional, county or district representatives but are instead independent views held by various leaders who want to spread the word about how fantastic Scouting in Devon can be.

Japan 2015 are you ready It seem silly but only this time last year we were all still glowing in the aftermath of the World Scout jamboree in Sweden. Even at last weeks amazing Explorers Birthday Party leaders and explorers alike were still reliving stories,talking about friends they made and now the same team that went over to Sweden are also talking about planning the next one and thats not until 2015. The journey begins next year at Petroc College between the 24th and 27th of May with what has been regarded as the most Fun a Devon Scout can have since they invented scouting. A whole bank holiday weekend full of fun is planned and this time its in the North of the County at Petroc College. North Devon.

To make sure you are part of this amazing opportunity make sure you visit the Devon Scouts Website and register your interest. Leaders or explorers can do this as explorers you don’t necessarily need to go with your group. email for more info on this.


Jan 2013 will see the release of the dates and details of the adults selection.

Feb 2013 County Young leaders Training Camp, Great Torrington

May 2013, Run To The fun at Petroc College, Barnstable. July 2013 Adult selection at Caddihoe.

Sept 2013, sees the Young people selection for Japan WSJ.

Think! - Please try and save the Trees - Do you really need to print this out to read it - this publication is designed to be read online, so save the paper and take advantage of the great features and let your friends know.

Scout ’n’ about 3


26 Features Japan 2015 ................................................................3 Recruitment Drive ...................................................7 Willand ......................................................................8 Theme park ............................................................16 Network Chat .........................................................19 Surfs Up ..................................................................20 Woodlands..............................................................22 Up in Smoke...........................................................25 Denmark 2012........................................................26 Beavers Trust .........................................................32 Party Time...............................................................34 Necker Challenge .................................................38 Glide into Scouting...............................................41

22 S T N E T CON News County News ..........................................................10 Jobs...........................................................................15 Gallery .....................................................................28 Paralympics ............................................................31 Activity King..........................................................31 Madagascar ...........................................................37 County Training (Southern)...............................43 County Directory ...................................................44

Scout ’n’ about 5


Join in!

ct cruiting proje re lt u d a st e g e. nched its big unty executiv o c Devon has lau e th m o fr oost with a cash b

Steve Hagger Deputy County Commissioner (Development) explains “The majority of our leaders were at one time parents of scouts.

After speaking to people who are very successful at recruiting volunteers I have discovered a 'trick' that some may have tried successfully in the past.

Invite parents and young people to a BBQ, sports afternoon, open evening or the like with promise of fun and free refreshments.

During that event one or two your current volunteers do nothing else but collect information from parents about their skills and offer them flexible v o l u n t e e r i n g

o p p o r t u n i t i e s In addition the Regional within the group.” Development Services will be working with the To help all groups county team producing put on such an some handouts packs event in the next including leaflets videos 12 months County and vacancy boards for Executive have use at the events. agreed to match fund the cost of A Recruitment Training events by 50%.” session is planned for the evening of Thursday 25th Andrew Leadbetter October at 16th Exeter County Chairman Emmanuel Road St said, “After talking to Thomas at 7.30pm. To leaders I know that register your interest in their main concern is training or to discuss an to recruit adult volunteers event email to help provide the fun development@devonsco and challenge of scouting or phone to young people in Steve Hagger Home Devon. We hope this 01395 442 631 Mobile project will go a long way 07901517948 to help.”


Doing anything special for 2012 let us know we will capture the day for you.

Scout ’n’ about 7

New group opens up due to popular demand

e n o d e b n a c It

Who are the WPA

The WPA Benevolent Foundation has a clear remit: to promote healthy and active opportunities for young people in the South West.

The Foundation likes to support three year projects, working with communities and special-interest groups who share our hopes and ambitions. Longerterm partnerships ensure that we are able to work from the inception of a ´good idea´ through to maturity.

The Trustees of the WPA Benevolent Foundation direct the work of the Foundation and decide which good causes it will support. At the current time we are actively involved in a number of projects. Some examples of our work are: supporting Music in Schools that widens pupils´ musical experiences; assisting an important Youth and Children´s Centre in Bristol; helping to expand Scouting membership in Devon and Somerset.

The Benevolent Foundation is a sister Organisation to the WPA Charitable Foundation that supports families, with poorly children, in financial distress

8 Scout ’n’ about

Adults and young people in rush to join Scout Group at Willand For the first time in living memory young people from Willand have the chance to experience the fun adventures

and challenges of scouting in their village. The scout group officially opened on the 24th September and the young boys and girls started their scouting adventure by taking part in an evening of activities laid on by the new adult volunteers.

WILLAND George Lewis, Regional Development Officer for the Scout Association said, “Working with the people of Willand to set up their new Scout group has been very rewarding. With no group existing in Willand only three months ago; it goes to show that the ‘Everyday Adventure’ of Scouting is in demand all around the UK. With over 30 new local adult volunteers coming forward to help with getting the group going; it’s going to continue from strength to strength. 120 youngsters between the ages of 6 and 14 have signed up to group and the taster sessions they have experienced have been a fantastic success.”

who is funding a scouting development project in the South West.

The group has been set up with the assistance of the Western Provident Association (WPA) Benevolent Foundation

Where’s Willand?..

The Parish of Willand, is situated in the countryside of Mid Devon, approximately 7 miles south of Tiverton.

The village straddles the B3181 (the old A38) and is easily accessed from all local areas as well as either Exit 27 or 28 of the M5. We are on the edge of the picturesque Blackdown Hills and have easy access to Exeter, Taunton, Tiverton and North Devon. Both Exmoor and Dartmoor are less than a one hour drive away.

Scout ’n’ about 9

s w e n The YL Development A Young Leaders development strategy took place on 14th October 2012 at Exeter HQ. This is a chance for our Young Leaders to give leaders thier views on Scouting what they would like to do, how they might like to do it and how to open communication links. We will have further details on the outcome of the meeting next issue. You can contact Andy on

y to A unique opportunit attend a Scouting workshop in France this December.

d in e your section abroa Would you like to tak tting find out more about se summer 2013? Want to s? h foreign Scout group up youth exchanges wit

ean nity to attend the Europ Here's a great opportu and ce in Morbecque, Fran Exchange Workshop from Guide representatives meet fellow Scout and and ary venia, Poland, Hung Bulgaria, Sweden, Slo open a seminar, training, Iceland. Combining es tak p ject, the worksho dialogue and a real pro d, ghts from the UK, foo place in December. Fli are e nc Fra nsport whilst in accommodation and tra is t the only cost involved all covered, meaning tha and ney for socialising some spending mo is g date for applications souvenirs. The closin October 15 2012.

nne it the link below. Bo For more details, vis chance! 2/4 https://members.scouts. es-workshop 57/european-exchang

uth t taking part in yo to learn more abou exchanges.

10 Scout ’n’ about


Get well soon


Soap Box

County so ap box derb y 3rd Nove and its FR mber Watc EE to ente ombe r...

Devon Exp


Check out the new Fa cebook Gro SCouts its up Devon E where you xplorer will find all events and the latest in chat from o fo rmation, ther Explore rs in the co unty.

Denmark 2012 Vid

Check out the Photos and memorises of explorers at Denmark 2012 online now, simply visit . ark%202012.docx.wmv

Cubs Wanted

We would really love to hear what our Cubs have been up to in the County

If you are cub leader or even a cub, we would love to hear about some of your adventures.

Contact us to book a photographer.

Got your special Rememberance day Woggle.

Check out http://www.onestopsc for more info.

Scout ’n’ about 11

Hill Walking its all up and down

Safeguard Training Okehampton - 7th November Contact



: North Devon, venue will be in Barnstaple

Wed Oct 31st 2012 7pm (half term week)

opportunity for leaders in Teignbridge to enhance their Hillwalking skills so that they extend their Cub, Scouts' or Explorers' their opportunities for adventure to include those parts of Dartmoor which lie within Terrain Zero. Contact Mike Ruffles for further information.

Sunday Nov 25th 2012 2pm

Sunday March 3rd 2013 2pm Friday May 17th 2013 7pm Contact



: Teignbridge - Dawlish

Tuesday 4 December

Contact Kirsty Solway for details : Torbay

Tuesday 23 October (evening)

Saturday/Sunday 17 and 18 November

Tuesday 27 November






12 Scout ’n’ about


pton and ivybridge Well done to Plym has written a fantastic Explorer Lauren who d ark jamboree 2012 an nm De e th t ou ab e ec pi a developed her as how Scouting has ge news. person, made front pa tp://edition.pagesuite Pop over to ht nch.aspx?pbid=7868 and 4-5a490b0348ae 5792-66ee-40d4-b2b lf. take a look for yourse


Use the correct logo.. please

go has The Generic Scout lo sure changed please make lour co you use the single dence version in correspon and n rather than the gree purple version.

e at Check print centr edia m or . and


The next Scouts qu estion time is in Br istol 1st December, This is a great opportunity for Ex plorers, I know a couple went to the last one in Wi nc hester and found it enlighte ning.

Can you please let yo ur explorers know an d get them to apply if interested, will be operated on a first come first serve basis,

So please spread the work. Details are on the fol lowing


http://www.scouts.or 489/scout s-question-time-bris tol

there is £30 travel av

ailable as it says

Scout ’n’ about 13

Volunteering as a leader or perhaps helping behind the scenes is Jobs one of the most rewarding jobs you can do.

s i h t f o t r a p e b n You too ca e r u t n e v d a g n a ma z i


Section Leaders required for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are needed across the following areas. Throughout Devon

Assistant Leaders

Fancy helping out and having a lot of fun assistant leaders are required in the following areas. Throughout Devon

Group Scout Leaders

If you are a born manager and want to do something fantastic for young people, ensuring they have a great program, the facilities to do it and like to help develop people then this really is the role for you.

Throughout Devon


To chair the running of the group scout executive for the following groups.

Positions available through out Devon

Shop Assistant

To assist in sales to scout groups and individual members of the public and parents of scouts. Newton Abbot Saturdays 10am - 12pm.

For these and similar voluntary roles in the Scout Association go to for full details or contact Development@devonscouts.o for further details.

What are they looking for? No formal qualification necessary.

You need to enjoy working with children and other adults. You will be required to undertake an enhanced CRB disclosure check.

Flexible training is offered to all adults in Scouting through a variety of methods at a time and place to suit you. Our training scheme can lead to recognised qualifications including - OCN Level 2, Providing Voluntary Youth Services - Foundation Degree in Working with Young People

How will you benefit? This is a great opportunity to meet new people and have a fantastic time while changing the lives of local young people.

You can learn new skills and enhance your CV showing employers direct experience of leadership and management skills.

Volunteering is simple. It's about giving your time to do something useful, without getting paid (apart from expenses).

In return you get the satisfaction of time and effort well spent. In addition, volunteering can be a great way to: meet new people learn new skills gain useful experience. It should also be fun! The range of opportunities is huge. Whatever skills and experience you have, there is something that you can do. The best way to see what is available is to browse on the do-it database. Use the quick search to get started.

Scout ’n’ about 15

Theme Park Camp 2012

o t m r a w S e g d i r r o T 12 Theme Park Camp 20

orpe Park September 7th-9th Th

depart Bideford Quay for London baby. Summit Network who are the organisers, are friendly, organised, accommodating, motivated and fun. Highlights.....Red London Bus ride to Thorpe Park, a plethora of rides from Tidal wave but is an On request from our Surrey, Explorers we put this awesome weekend. date in our diary twelve Friday evening saw 15 months ago, and started Explorers and 3 leaders planning, it's a long trip to from Torridge North

16 Scout ’n’ about

When Theme Park camp do Camp fires... they cheat...

(wet, wet, wet) to Stealth (positive and negative G in a very short space of time), Colossuss (some amount of twists and turns) to Swarm (making like mad crazy bees on the rampage).

After a day in the park just to tired to make it to the tent...

Saturday Nights Silent Disco......Bogeying on down with headphones to a choice of two soundtracks...funny thing was removing them just left a bunch of Explorer Scouts and Network singing....hmmmmmm Tea and cake on Sunday morning, an opportunity to say goodbye to friends made, before the long journey home via Stone Henge. It works really well, it's a

friendly fun packed camp experience which is a must at some point in an Explorers career. It's good value for money, and there is plenty of stuff going on, and as always on these big organised camps someone crazier than you!!!


Who? What? When?

Who? The camp is open to any members of the Scout Association between the ages of 14 and 25 and their leaders. The two age groups (Explorers and Network) will be camping separately.

Where? The camp takes place at a Scout campsite in Surrey near the M25, A3 junction (J10). On Saturday morning all participants are taken to Thorpe Park by coach and returned after a full day of fun in plenty of time for the evening entertainment. When?

Needless to say it will be going on our must list for 2014. Highly recommended.

It has become traditional to have the camp on a weekend early in September when unit members have not returned to universities across the country.

d zzing from the weeken bu ill st e ar we nn an Maa plorer Leader... Rachael Torridge Ex Scout ’n’ about 17

E K TA RE T N E C E G STA evement i h c a d n a n lebratio e c f o y a d a Be part of

s or d n i w / k u . g scouts.or

For further information, or if you es have tions, anyplease qu contact 3the Organising 201 Team at windsor or 020 on8433 7138.

Club 18-25. Having fun does not stop at Explorers.

New units

. . . k l a T , t a h C t e r, Rain or shine

and Christian Walker had We now have two new Members from Devon to prove they both had a network units, the first is Network saved the day at head for heights, they a city based Network unit the County Scout camp were invested at the top in Plymouth, this unit is at Woodlands, the of the wall. primarily meeting at volunteers came to help Blindmans Wood but will with car parking but They are the first move around the city actually ended up helping Networkers in Devon to depending on what is on with Security for the be invested in this way, the programme. weekend. It rained and let’s hope the memorable rained but they still had investitures continue. The second is in North fun. Turkey Stuffing Devon district and is just starting with a very active New heights programme based in Annual Christmas Meal Collard Bridge. Two new members have Places are filling up thick and fast for our annual head for heights Contact us for more Network Christmas Meal. information. This year’ event will be After an evening Climbing at YMCA held at the Plymouth, Matt Spurling Odd Wheel in Wembury

Be part of it



on the 28th December. The cost will be £25 per head. As this year will be the 10th Anniversary of Network, all Network members past and present are invited to attend.

Contact us for more information.

You can contact Devon Network Scouts by going o and selecting Network

Scout ’n’ about 19

this is a real endurance activity if you think swimming in a wet suit, buoyancy aid, helmet and shoes is easy

f r u s ’ n Sand

Where to stay... Ocean Backpackers is an independently owned hostel with a homely atmosphere, relaxed check-in times and no curfew. This cool, clean and friendly budget accommodation has a self-catering kitchen, communal lounge, large storage basement and car park.

The hostel offers excellent facilities for walkers, cyclists, surfers, divers as well as families, activity groups, schools and of course the independent traveller.

Situated in Ilfracombe, a quaint North Devon coastal town built around an ancient Victorian fishing port, we are central not only to the harbour itself but also the bus station, high street, cliffs, pubs, cafés and restaurants.

We have the spectacular South West Coastal Path almost on our doorstep and we are also close to the start of the Devon coast to coast cycle route 27 and the Tarka Trail.

Just a short drive away you will find the sandy surf beaches of Croyde Bay, Saunton Sands and Woolacombe Bay. 20 Scout ’n’ about

A group of 38 intrepid Scouts and Explorers from Ottery St Mary Scout Group along with leaders have just returned from an amazing weekend of adventure. The group departed Ottery St Mary in a fleet of three minibuses and headed to the North Devon coast. They were based at a back packers hostel in Ilfracombe which they took over for the weekend.

Ocean as they went coasteering. For those not familiar with this popular activity it involves swimming in the sea, scrambling up and over the rocks and then jumping off the cliffs at various points. John Green – Explorer Leader commented “ this is a real endurance activity if you think swimming in a wet suit, buoyancy aid, helmet and shoes is easy, then hauling yourself across rocks and finally leaping off the cliff then think again.” John went onto add “Some of the jumps that were undertaken were over 10 metres in height but the whole group took on the challenge with many who were a p p r e h e n s i v e overcoming their fears as they saw their friends leap off one at a time”. After the coasteering the group headed back to Ilfracombe where they given money to go any buy themselves an evening meal.

The young people aged 11 to 17 embarked upon a packed programme of activities over the weekend. On Saturday The following morning they braved the Atlantic the group were up bright and early to head


of to Putsborough beach for a morning of surfing lessons which was great fun. The afternoon was rounded off with a tradition on the Sand n Surf weekends – a s a n d c a s t l e competition. Not just any sandcastle but ones of epic proportion. Each group then had to stand atop their creation as the incoming tide lapped around them and the winners were deemed to be the last group standing. This years winner were the Explorer guys who triumphed over the rest.


Excitement is already mounting for one of the limited places.

Jim Green Group Scout Leader 1st Ottery St. Mary.

Extreme adventure, 10m high jumps

The group arrived back early evening all shattered, but the most frequently used phrase by most of the Scouts and Explorers was – awesome weekend can we do it again?

The Scouts and Explorers have just announced there plans for next summer when the young people will have the chance of a 10 day international adventure based in

Scout ’n’ about 21

2 1 0 2 s d n a l d Woo A Camp of two halves Over 500 young people aged between 10 and 14 from all over Devon got caught in one of the heaviest downpours this summer during their annual camp at Woodlands Theme Park, Dartmouth this weekend.

The weekend started incredibly well with high spirits as Scouts from all over Torbay and Teignbridge joined up with fellow Scouts from around Devon. They

spent the whole of Saturday in near glorious sunshine exploring all the facilities that woodlands had to offer, making new friends and just been allowed to be young people.

After a continued night time of activities most young people soon made their way back to their own respective tents until around 1 am when the heavens opened. Tents were blown

22 Scout ’n’ about

down or quickly filled up with water from the increasing downpour. Soon some areas may have looked more like a

washed out music festival than a Scout Camp but this did not stop the fun and adventure from continuing.

Feature perience x e t a e r g a lands was d o sunny o s W a t w a r y e a h t w a a e ay the w weekend d g t s in was ir p f y m e a a h d t c d t n n u O o o . c c p e s o Our es. The s scout tro id k r e e e h t w f h o perfect ig ll H a a t n s s o 1 a o e w g h t t I o r t ! o f s of fun d derful day a n o lo away w d d a n a e h k m l e r il t e a s w w e n d an have a fu old, but w o t c d d n n a a s y p d wet, win scout grou r e h t o t e e to m opportunity leaders. d n a p o o r t with our By Millie

Thanks to the leaders and some fantastic young people they took the inspiration and put all their training to good use to set about making the best of the situation, with some scouts still taking to the rides whilst leaders and supporters helped put away the tents and rectify the damage whilst still managing to put on a warming feast for the returning adventurers.

Rob Davey Scout Leader from 1st Highweek Scout Group Said "despite the weather it was a fantastic weekend, it was great to see just how many young people were involved in Scouting all in one place.

It was amazing to see how everyone pulled together when required and diverted what could have been a lot more dramatic incident into a positive experience that I know will last in the memory of many young people for years to come."

Scout ’n’ about 23


e k o m s e h t n i Up n g in Londo n ti u o c s r ture fo gest adven ig b e th f o Be part

The annual Southern 50 Challenge Hike is on Saturday 16th February 2013 and they would love to see your Explorer section there.

complete either a 50 mile, 50 km or 30 km route. The 30 km route is exclusively for Explorer Scouts.

All walkers are encouraged to stay over on the Saturday night. There will be entertainment and activities for Explorer Scouts on the Saturday evening and the Teams of 3 to 5 presentation of trophies participants have to and certificates for all navigate their way walkers takes place at around one of three 1000 hrs on the Sunday routes, walking from morning. checkpoint to checkpoint. This annual event has Walkers have 24 hours to been running

This is an adventure based navigation event which takes place from a new venue every year at a different location in The Chiltern Hills.

for over 30 years and as we said before would love to see more Explorer Scouts and adults from Devon being part of the adventure. More info can be found on and follow us on Twitter @S50Challenge


MUSIC ZONE We provide the docking station and you provide the music. How brilliant is this! All genres of music welcome. Then just stick around to hear what other people are listening to. FILM ZONE Ever popular - we will be showing yet another great selection of everybody's favourite GAMING ZONE Another fantastic new idea for this year. We will provide consoles for Xbox, Playstation and Wii. You will need to bring your own controllers and games. CRAFT ZONE Some nice traditional scout craft skills here. Ever wanted to make your own Turks Head or Bead Woggle? Perhaps you would like to make friendship bracelets for your team members or new friends made on the way.

Scout ’n’ about 25


r y t n e v e g o v o Sj enture Fun and Adv

Devon Explorer Scouts have just arrived back from the biggest international gathering of scouts in the world this year.

atmosphere. I have been talking to the leaders about how difficult it is to describe the vibe at the camp; it really is a place you need to be to feel it. Scouting is a big family, I Anne White (14) a scout never thought I would from Bradnich tells us experience what that what she thought. saying really means and I don’t think anyone “Denmark 2012 is my first would understand it ever Scout jamboree I without being at a camp loved every single minute like this one, the amount of it but what really made of hugs I gave out during it amazing was the the camp must have been in its hundreds!! Even though people come from all over the world and you have never met them everyone is so similar in that they just want to meet new people.

Being at Denmark jamboree made me feel as though I had 40,000 brothers and sisters. You didn’t need to know their names or where they came from to feel as though you are friends, because you are linked by scouting and that is 26 Scout ’n’ about

Denmark 2012

what makes this family unique.

Our contingent are amazing we are all so close like a family now, and the worrying thing is the leaders are too amazingly similar to my parents as well! I really

act or what I look like but how I feel about myself. I believe in myself more and that I can do things, and I don’t others all the time for help, I have learnt so many things from Danish scouting too which has made me become more independent as well. I never thought a trip like this could do this for me but It has, I think just being pushed to your limits makes you see what you really can do am going to miss even if its 3am in the everyone so much... morning!

I really don’t know where the time is going because it’s already ending! When it feels like we left England yesterday...

This camp has really changed me, not in how I

Annie was just one of 50 young people who attended the 2 week event from Devon with a team of 8 leaders.

This hasn’t just been a jamboree it has been a real trip of a lifetime, and I will never forget it.”

Scout ’n’ about 27

28 Scout ’n’ about


Scout ’n’ about 29


Andy Ellis

CONGRATULATIONS on the 50 Devons Explorers who survived the mudbath called Gilwell 24. they say mud is good for the skin, then we will all have really good complection.

30 Scout ’n’ about

Especially well done to Gemma who remembered her promise on the fairground rides during her investiture, well done and see you all next year


c i p m y l Para Glory

1st Liverton celebrated across the group with the return of thier Paralympic representative Jim Bonney who recently took part in the Paralympic Torch parade. Jim had the prestigious job of carrying the torch

past one of the Citys most famous Landmark the London Eye. Pictured here is Jim

letting 1st Liverton beavers try it for size and then later the same day giving the chance for the

1st Liverton Scout Group to share in his glory.

s e i t i v i t c a r o f t u All o Meanwhile just across the Road from 1st Liverton Cub Scout. James from 1st Bovey Tracey was proudly showing off his full arm of

activity badges.

James has now completed every activity badge available which covers everything from astronomy to air activities from artistic badges to

Marshall Skating.



A great achievement James and we look forward to watching your progress through the rest of scouting.

Scout ’n’ about 31

s r e v a e B s e r i p s n i t s u Tr venture d a g in z a m a n e start of a h t e b n a c e m ay from ho w a t h ig n t s ir F

National Trust inspires first night under canvas for Beaver group

A group of 20 Beaver Scouts spent their first ever night camping at East Soar in South Devon, having been inspired by the National Trust ’50 things to do before you’re 11 ¾ ‘Campaign.

spending a night away from home was quite an adventure – let alone being in a tent.

Steve Michaels Group Scout Leader ‘it was refreshing to see another high profile organisation talking about the same ideas that attracted me to volunteering with the Scout Association’ The South Devon ranger The 1st Kingskerswell team jumped at the Scout Group were keen chance to offer a to take up the challenge weekend of camping and of experiencing their first outdoor activities to the night under canvas with group. the National Trust. Beaver scouts are boys Ranger Emma Reece and girls aged between 6 went to meet the Beaver and 8 years, so

group to offer them the choice of three types of camping experiences. These ranged from true wild camping, with no facilities, to a more traditional camp site. The Beavers decided on the camp site option. They have an adventurous spirit, as this was only by one vote.

The Rangers offered the group different activities based around the 50 things campaign, tailoring the weekend to what the Beavers wanted to do.

32 Scout ’n’ about

Activities included canoeing, bug hunts, snail races, fire lighting, camp fire cooking and kite making.

In South Devon we not only have a beautiful coastline, but also some fantastic partner organisations that deliver quality outdoor activities – to enable all ages to ‘get outdoors and closer to nature’

East Soar Farm offered the perfect opportunity to the Beavers; they could camp in Bell Tents with lots of outdoor space to

Beavers play in and communal areas for the children to enjoy the activities.

East Soar Farm are a National Trust tenant and run a campsite near Marlborough on the outskirts of the Salcombe

from home, and just the beginning of their scouting adventure’.

‘From experiences like this we hope to allow children to learn not only about the opportunities away from their game stations, but also to learn The National Trust also respect for their offered the opportunity to environment and to experience canoeing. develop personal skills Another partner Singing like team and confidence Paddles. The Beavers building.’ were very excited to take up this challenge – and Josh a Beaver said, “I had a fantastic time. was a bit nervous as this was my first camp, but its Darren thompson Beaver great being here with all Leader said ‘The National my friends and the food is Trust Rangers formulated pretty good too.” the Beavers ideas into a stunning weekend. With Beaver Scout Zak, (7 ½) many Beavers having one of the twenty girls their first ever night away and boys from

don’t get these opportunities in school, to sleep in tents, to socialise and develop in a safe but adventurous environment. I’ve had to buy a sleeping bag, water bottle and things for my Helping to look after the son but the benefits are young people was John, immense, it’s a a parent helper. He said, springboard for “This weekend has been adventure, well, for life.” blinding. The youngsters

Kingskerswell stopped flying his kite for a second to tell us “The best thing I’ve done today is catching the tadpoles, I caught loads”.

Our Beavers get arty, in a brief respite manage to have a play with the Media Man’s camera... Scout ’n’ about 33

e m i T y t r a P Its t about a e r g s t a h t g te ever ythin a r b le e c o t d uts A weeken Explorer Sco

Last weekend we saw over one hundred members of the scout association from Devon joined together at Caddihoe Camp site near Exeter not only to celebrate that the Explorer Scout section has the largest growth in number since they started 10 years ago, but

to celebrate their 10th birthday.

The weekend started with a chilled out party with DJ’ing by Torquay Explorer Matt before they made thier way back to thier tents in the early hours.

10 year old would have been proud of, the Explorers then continued to party hard, late into the early morning, with a neon party with faces not only glowing in the UV lights but also from just being allowed to be themselves and enjoy.

Cubs and Scouts descending on the camp ready for the Boot challenge where teams had to pioneer a device to throw a tennis ball as far as possible.

Even thought the explorers had been up most of the night Then after arranging thier All to soon the party was Gangnam style this did own breakfast saw the over and the Explorers not stop them coming up arrival of the inflatables awoke to the sound of with some superb and lots of mud.

Before long the party games were out and the Explorers began really letting their hair down and enjoying themselves, a party that a

34 Scout ’n’ about

Explorers designs which was crammed with photos eventually won by Torbay and talk of all the things District Explorers. people got up to and talk quickly turned around to It was then fitting that the when they can do it again weekend was finished off with one explorer even with two more young wanting it to be a people being invested monthly thing such was into the section plus we the friendship built up were lucky enough to between the group. witness the presentation of a queens Scout award A Stunning weekend to Jake from Axe Air and memories that will Explorers, this is the last a lifetime before highest award for Scouts they start thinking now can achieve after they of Frosty Hosty, Run 2 have obtained the Duke the Fun and Selection of Edinburgh Gold Award. for Japan 2015 all coming up very soon. It was not long after the weekend celebration that facebook was then

Scout ’n’ about 35

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et tense g o t t o n w o h rk find out o w t e N n o v e D

The Piano Bash The Sunday morning challenge is a piano bash. It is quite simple - all you have to do is post a whole piano through a letter box!

Each team were provided with a selection of tools to smash their piano in to bits and then all of the bits are posted through the letter box.

The winning team was the team to post all of their piano through the letter box the quickest. If the rules are broken or the safety people ignored then there was a sin bin where individuals or teams can be sent for a period of time. 36 Scout ’n’ about

Scouting does not end at 18. Network Scouts allow you to continue having amazing fun until you are 25 and Devon Network members have just proved this point after returning from thier annual pilgrimage to Bristol, Avon Networks gathering “Intense”. Every year the camp is based around a theme and as a;ways fancy dress is all part of the party. This years theme was medieval and included many buxom wenches and fryer tucks plus the occasional robin hood and a castle????.

As always this year' event included the traditional Piano Bash! which you can read about elsewhere on this page. Always a guaranteed crowd puller and one of the highlights of the weekend. Now Network are preparing thier adventures for next year and looking forward to including Intense on thier once again. Intense 2013 dates are confirmed as Friday 13th to Sunday 15th September 2013.

Scouts get behind the scenes of the law at Middlemoor Police station in Exeter


4 r a c s a g a d a M

Explorer Belt

The explorer belt is the challenge of a lifetime, open to explorer scouts aged 16 and over and members of the scout network.

It is a chance to take part in a ten-day expedition that brings a real understanding of a different country, its people and way of life.

To complete the explorer belt award, an explorer scout or scout network member must meet a number of challenges over a 10 day expedition.

Most explorer belt expeditions are undertaken on foot, although other forms of transport including canoe, bicycle and horseback are equally acceptable.

Some teams may wish to use local public transport as part of their expedition and, as long as this provides real opportunities to meet and talk with local people, then it is acceptable.

Madagascar 2013 is a large and ambitious expedition with the aim of developing young people in Scouting through international experiences, building strong international relationships through close cooperation and delivering credible benefit to local partners through defined project work.

Sixty three participants aged 16 to 25 and 16 leaders from South West England will be joining over 50 Malagasy Scouts to undertake the Explorer Belt and a development project in July 2013. All seven Scout counties in the southwest are represented and Scouts from all across Madagascar are taking part in the expedition.

Project Penguin will be working to a water point and latrine block as well as delivering health and sanitation education in the village of Ambohidratrimo. Team Lemur will be undertaking the Explorer Belt expedition in Ambositra District Lost Penguins will be undertaking the Explorer Belt expedition in Antsirabe District Team Shark will be undertaking the Explorer Belt expedition in Fianarantsoa District Following the Project and Explorer Belt phase all members will spend time exploring a little more of Madagascar on the beaches, in the rainforests, up mountains, in cities and a whole lot more.

The preparation and training is underway in both countries to ensure that everyone is fully prepared and can make the most of the main event, the expedition next year. The Expedition comprises four contingents, each working in different locations in Madagascar.

Scout ’n’ about 37



e g n e l l a h c r e k c e n n Cub o t v e D u h t o r o c N bs for 50th cess Olympic Suc

Cub Scout meets challenge with Olympic success. Scouting today is all about getting involved in the community and being part of one big adventure so taking on a challenge is all ways a favourite with young people, but when the Assistant District Commissioner for Cubs in North Devon Judy Smith set down there latest challenge no one expected young cub Scout Nathan Ware to reach the heights he managed to obtain by visiting nearly every Olympic location around London.

The challenge laid down over the summer holidays was to see where their cubs went over the summer holidays and to obtain pictures of where they managed to reach wearing their Group Scarves and although the challenge is still

running until the 17th of the month, leaders were stunned when they received Nathans entry earlier this week and thought it worthy of an early mention.

Nathan like many people was lucky enough to visit the Olympic Stadium in London and managed to obtain some stunning photos of his adventure whilst helping to promote scouting in the process, obtaining pictures of his cub Necker around Wenlock and Jessica Ellis as well as at the Stadium, Aquatic Centre and the Hockey pitch and even up the impressive orbit tower.

Clare Young Cub Scout Leader with 50th North Devon said “In our group we have over 24 cubs made up of boys and girls and one of the big rewards of being a volunteer leader is seeing some of the amazing things our young people get up to. So when we set the challenge we expected the odd photo of families sat on the beach or perhaps like many of us this s u m m e r watching the Olympics on TV, but never realised that Nathan was in

38 Scout ’n’ about

can’t wait to find out what amazing adventures our Nathan who has been cubs have managed to taking part in scouting for get up to this year, it over 4 years when he would be great if we started as a Beaver aged could find another cub might have just 6 yrs said “Being part who managed to watch some of the Olympics was breath taking, we saw so of the Paralympics as many famous athletes well, perhaps meeting and it was amazing to David Wier or Ellie watch, it has definitely Simmonds as well” inspired me now to try even harder at the things Judy Smith I do” Assistant District Commissioner Cubs Judy Smith said finally “I North Devon. am hoping that when the rest of the entries come in, we find even more inspirational stories and the thick of the action. “

Scout ’n’ about 39

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g n i t u o c s o t n i e help de ir with th a e h t o t e k a t Scouts g Society in d li G r o o m t of Dar

Scouting today is now so much more than what it was. Although they still go camping and perhaps every now and again tie the odd knot today it can be so much more. Now it is just as much fun for leaders as it is for our young people, as they get up to more and more exhilarating activities. In the last couple of weekends 1st Highweek Scout group have been giving young people an experience that they many children their age might never have the chance to do. Thanks to the generosity of staff and trainers at the

Dartmoor Gliding Club in Tavistock. They managed to take a large number of both Girls an Boys in the air to experience the power of flight first hand and without the noise and disturbance of a normal aircraft.

The Team at Dartmoor Gliding Club could not of been more helpful after the safety training and basic make up of what is involved in glider flight they happily answered all the Scouts questions before taking to the air. Each Scout manage to get at least one

flight each which due to the weather lasted from 5 mins to one fantastic flight taking over 37 minutes to complete.

Rob Davey 1st Highweek Scout Leader said “I don’t mind admitting it but I really was Scared. I don’t like flying in normal planes let alone taking to the air without an engine, but once up there it was a fantastic experience that I can’t wait to repeat with Scouts in the future, I am so glad I volunteered it was such an amazing experience”

Dartmoor Gliding Society is a small but very friendly club located on picturesque moorland in beautiful South Devon within sight of the very well known Brentor Church.

Our Club was founded in 1983 by a small group of enthusiasts with a twin seat open cockpit glider with a wooden hut to keep it in and a lot of energy to carve out a runway on the top of Burnford Common. From these humble beginnings the club has steadily progressed to become the thriving gliding community it is today. The club now boasts a well cared for grass runway, a refurbished club house and a purpose built hangar to house the club fleet of 2 twin seat training gliders and 3 single seat gliders.

Launching is by winch only. The site offers good thermal soaring and , when the wind is in the east, Wave to heights in excess of 16000 feet right off the end of the wire.

Scout ’n’ about 41

Training Many people don’t know you don’t have to complete your training in your own district or some modules can be completed online

g n i n i a r T y t Coun ) n o v e D h t u o S ( s Date

Module 5 - Fundamental Values of Scouting Saturday 6th October 2012 Exeter Saturday 26th January 2013 Plymouth Sunday 24th February 2013 Exeter Saturday 5th October 2013 Exeter

Module 7 - Valuing Diversity Saturday 6th October 2012 Saturday 26th January 2013

Sunday 24th February 2013 Saturday 5th October 2013

Module 8 – Skills of Leadership Sunday 7th October 2012 Saturday 23rd February 2013 Sunday 6th October 2013 Saturday 23rd November 2013

Module 9 - Working with Adults Sunday 7th October 2012 Saturday 23rd February 2013 Sunday 6th October 2013 Saturday 23rd November 2013

Exeter Plymouth Exeter Exeter

Exeter Exeter Exeter Plymouth Exeter Exeter Exeter Plymouth

Module 11 – Administration (Section Leaders) Saturday 6th October 2012 Exeter Saturday 17th November 2012 Plymouth Sunday 24th February 2013 Exeter Saturday 28th September 2013 Plymouth Saturday 5th October 2013 Exeter

Module 12 – Providing a Balanced Programme Sunday 7th October 2012 Exeter Saturday 17th November 2012 Plymouth Saturday 23rd February 2013 Exeter Saturday 28th September 2013 Plymouth Sunday 6th October 2013 Exeter Module 13 – Growing the Section Saturday 6th October 2012 Exeter Saturday 26th January 2013 Plymouth Sunday 24th February 2013 Exeter Saturday 5th October 2013 Exeter

Module 14 – Young People Today Saturday 6th October 2012 Sunday 24th February 2013 Saturday 11th May 2013 Saturday 5th October 2013

Exeter Exeter Plymouth Exeter

Module 15 – Challenging Behaviour Saturday 6th October 2012 Exeter Saturday 23rd February 2013 Exeter Saturday 11th May 2013 Plymouth Sunday 6th October 2013 Exeter

Module 16 – Introduction to Residential Experiences Sunday 7th October 2012 Exeter Saturday 23rd February 2013 Exeter Monday 24th June 2013 Plymouth Sunday 6th October 2013 Exeter Module 17 – Activities Outdoors Saturday 6th October 2012 Sunday 24th February 2013 Saturday 5th October 2013 Saturday 23rd November 2013

Module 18 – Practical Skills Sunday 7th October 2012 Saturday 23rd February 2013 Sunday 6th October 2013

Module 19 – International Saturday 6th October 2012 Sunday 24th February 2013 Saturday11th May 2013 Saturday 5th October 2013

Exeter Exeter Exeter Plymouth Exeter Exeter Exeter Exeter Exeter Plymouth Exeter

Module 38 – Skills for Residential ExperiencesWeekend 11/12th May 2013 Exeter

Module 25 – Assessing Learning Saturday 27th October 2012


Manager / Supporter Modules (4 and 20 – 26) Weekend17/18th November 2012 Exeter Weekend 16/17th November 2013 Exeter

For conformation of dates, venues and allocation please email your local training advisor. To add your training dates to the schedule email

Scout ’n’ about 43

y l i m a f g n i t u nty Scouts u o o C c n o s v e D on s that make up

DYouer guvide to the Districts and Groups East Devon Acting District Commissioner John Jarvis

f 1st Axminster f 1st Beer f 1st Colyton f 1st Honiton 1st Lym Valley 1st Ottery St Mary f 1st Seaton f 1st Sid Vale 1st Tipton St John none 1st Whimple none f 1st Axe Air Explorers

Exeter District Commissioner Jason Dugdale

f 2nd Exeter (St Michaels) 2nd Exminster 3rd Exeter (Ladysmith School) f f 4th Exeter (Whipton) f 6th Exeter (St Thomas) 7th Exeter (Southernhay) none 10th Exeter (St James) 16th Exeter (Emmanuel) none 17th Exeter (Alphington) none 19th Exeter(Sea Scouts) none 21st Exeter (St Lawrence) none 1st Pinhoe 1st Topsham (Sea Scouts) none f ISCA Explorer Scouts

Exmouth & Budleigh District Commissioner Denis Gover

1st Budleigh Salterton none 1st Exmouth none 1st Woodbury none 3rd Exmouth none 5th Exmouth (St. Andrew's) none 7th Exmouth (All Saints) Otterton Rural none

Mid Devon District Commissioner Tony Johnson

1st Chulmleigh 1st Crediton none 1st Drewsteignton & Chagford 1st North Tawton 1st Okehampton f 1st Sandford f 1st South Zeal Tedburn and Cheriton none

North Devon Acting District Commissioner Andy Ellis


1st Bratton Fleming none 1st Chivenor f 1st Fremington Air Scouts f 1st Ilfracombe (Holy Trinity) 1st North Devon (Barnstaple) f 1st South Molton none 44 Scout ’n’ about

1st Tawstock none f 12th North Devon (Pilton) 50th North Devon (Barnstaple) f 5th North Devon (Bishops Tawton) f Braunton Sea Scouts f Taw Explorers

Plymouth District Commissioner Sue Hoskin

f 1st Crownhill 1st Keyham 1st Roborough none f 3rd St Budeaux (St Philip) 7th Plymouth 9th/21st Plymouth none 10th Devonport (St Bartholomew) none 10th St Budeaux none 11th Devonport (St Michaels) none 11th Plymouth none 19th Plymouth (Emmanuel) none f 27th Plymouth (Compton) 29th Plymouth none 30th Plymouth none f 31st Plymouth (Ernesettle) 33rd Plymouth (Woodland Fort) none

35th Plymouth 42nd Plymouth (Eggbuckland) 45th Plymouth 47th Plymouth




none none District Commissioner Terry Hawkins

1st Ivybridge 1st Plympton 3rd Ivybridge 3rd Plympton (Woodford) 6th Plympton


f f f

none f District Commissioner Robert Sheldrake

1st Brixton and Yealmpton f f 1st Elburton (Methodist) 1st Plymstock none 1st Wembury none 2nd Elburton none 2nd Plymstock (St.Mary's) none

Directory District Commissioner Sue Larner

1st Dartmouth & Kingswear 1st Marlborough 1st Modbury 6th Kingsbridge


none none none none District Commissioner None Appointed

f 1st Bishopsteignton 1st Bovey Tracey none f 1st Chudleigh 1st Dawlish none 1st Heathfield none f 1st Ipplepen 1st Kenton f 1st Kingskerswell 1st Liverton 1st Lustleigh none 1st Moretonhampstead none 1st Newton Abbot (Sea Scouts) none f 1st South Brent 1st Teign Valley none 2nd Newton Abbot (SA) none f 3rd Newton Abbot 4th Newton Abbot none 4th Teignmouth none f 1st Highweek 1st River Teign (Sea Scouts)

Tiverton District Commissioner Margret Jarvis

1st Bradninch 1st Hemyock 1st Silverton 2nd Tiverton (St Pauls) 1st Culmstock Bampton Cullompton Tiverton Scout Group District Commissioner Ian Fisher

10th Torbay (Babbacombe) 11th Torbay (Sea Scouts) 13th Torbay (Churston & Galmpt) 14th Torbay (St Paul's Sea Scout Group) 15th Torbay (Belgrave) 17th Torbay (Methodist) 1st Marldon 1st Stoke Gabriel 1st Torbay (St Mary Church) 20th Torbay (Grammar School) 26th Torbay (St Mary's) 3rd Torbay (Shiphay) 3rd Totnes (Sea Scout) 6th Torbay (Paignton) Brittannia

This list has been created from information available in the public domain mainly discovered from the internet, twitter or Facebook and is not taken from any official Scout database/record. So it is as accurate as possible if you know of any discrepancies for example groups that are not listed, new contact details etc then please email.



South Hams

Torridge District Commissioner Linda Buckland

1st Bradworthy 1st Dolton 1st Edgehill & Torridge 1st Halwill 1st Hartland 1st Holsworthy 1st Torrington 2nd Bideford

West Devon District Commissioner Paul Hughes

1st Buckland (St. Andrew's) 1st Lifton (Sea Scout) 1st Princetown 1st Tavistock 2nd Bere Alston Brentor and Mary Tavy Bridestowe Scout Group Horrabridge Sea Scout Group Walkham Valley Whitchurch Scout ’n’ about 45

nal o i t a n r e ’s int l l a w n r Co ack. b s i e e r Jambo ies t i v i t c a 100 + ds n e i r f f o 1000s de . a m e b to a, e s , f r u s ll, Cornwa g. n i t u o c sun, S

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28th July st 3rd Augu

the n o r e e Volunt w. e r C w o Kern ernow K s ’ l l a e. Cornw r u t n e v r ad summe

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