rm Summer Te
Iss. 4
t u o b a ’ n ’ t u o c S k se o o b e c a f n like us o
o v e D ’ s t u o c nS arch ‘Devo
3 1 0 2 K E E W Y T I N U M COM
Ten Tors Aerocamp Windsor Cub County Shield Japan 2015 and much much more...
Devon Scout Council County Officers President: Eric Dancer CBE, JP (HM Lord Lieutenant of Devon) Deputy President: Captain The Rt Hon The Lord Clifford of Chudleigh Vice Presidents: Roger Avenall Colin Greensmith Godfrey Foot
Acting County Commissioner John Jarvis countycommissioner@devonscouts.org.uk Deputy County Commissioner (Media and Development) Steve Hagger development@devonscouts.org.uk County Media Manager Steve Michaels media@devonscouts.org.uk Social Media Manager Ian Robertson social@devonscouts.org.uk
Officers Chairman: Andrew Leadbetter Treasurer: Barrie Pratt
General enquiries County Administrator Mrs Jane Batchelor Rose Cottage Yarnscombe Barnstaple Devon EX31 3LN
T: 07789 546110 E: countyadmin@devonscouts.org.uk Office hours Mondays: Wednesdays: Thursdays:
12.00 - 14.30 09.15 - 12.00 17.00 - 19.00
Assistant County Commissioners Beavers: Margaret Jarvis (acting) Cubs: Sandra Johnson Scouts: David Moate Explorer Scouts: Andy Ellis Network: Damien Miller Activities: Martyn Drew International: Kate Taylor
Photography Fiona Gage, Peacock Dreams Photography’
Please note: No views expressed in this magazine are those of the Scout Association or are endorsed by its regional, county or district representatives but are instead independent views held by various leaders who want to spread the word about how fantastic Scouting i n
DevonClive can be. Pearson
Wow!!!! Biggest ever issue
This term we have been inundated with news, event, stories and lots and lots of fun and adventure that we have never been able to find a time to stop putting things in the magazine.
The cover has changed four times and every time we finish the last story another stunning event just pushes that deadline just a little bit more.
We started with the fantastic pictures of Duchess of cambridge out in the snow with taking part in he leadership training, followed by some of our Scouts being awarded with the Queen Scouts Award, then a fantastic story of one very
dedicated cub followed Community Week. by county cub shield, aero camp, Ten Tors and Making this our biggest then finishing off in the ever issue. blazing sun of
S C O U T I N G T H E MUST HAVE LOOK F O R 2 0 1 3 .
Recently Hello magazine listed all the outfits that Princess Katherine had used in one week and asked their readers to vote.
Guess what a Scouting knecker/Scarf/Thing that goes around neck and some out door clothing got more than 50% of the vote. It appears its trendy to be a Scout again.
Think! - Please try and save the Trees - Do you really need to print this out to read it - this publication is designed to be read online, so save the paper and take advantage of the great features and let your friends know.
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 3
P ic o f th e t
23 Features Community Week ....................................................6 Fishy Tales................................................................8 Recruiting Help .......................................................9 Ten Tors ...................................................................10 Master at Arms ......................................................12 African Adventure ................................................13 District News ..........................................................14 News.........................................................................16 Get Involved ...........................................................19 Commic Capers......................................................20 Go Home Pet ...........................................................20 Cubjam ....................................................................21 Exmoor Safari........................................................22
Eggstatic Scouts ...................................................23 Collard News..........................................................24 Japan 2015..............................................................25 Japan Young People Selection & Forms ..........26 County Cubs ...........................................................30 County Targets Goos Show ................................32 Super Cub ...............................................................34 Super Leader ..........................................................35 Queen Scouts .........................................................36 Census 2013 ............................................................38 Scouts Away ..........................................................40 The Gallery.............................................................42 Beaver Camping....................................................45 Annies Song...........................................................46 Media .......................................................................51 Training Dates .......................................................53 Directory..................................................................54
Learn from the past - don’t live in it
(Justin King, CEO J Sainsbury National Scout Conference 2012)
25 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 5
1st Ki Beer Scou
Beave at Wo then h
roup could be s een worki ng very hard, weeding sanding painting a nd plantin g on the Jubilee ga rdens in B eer. tG
Dawlish C ubs
are follow ing up on our pro from last y ear which was a sen garden a ttached t o Westc Primary sc hool in Da wlish
South Mol
Scout Gro H e lpe d ou up t on Ex m o or with the involved a Mir e ll sections and young leader 6 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
up o r G l l e w s ingsker helped out
couts S d n a b u C and er, y a u q r o T t ojec after. oodend pr d n e k e e w the had a party
Community Week
y g, e
oject nsory cliffe
Pr oje c t, rs.
1st Torring t
n Helped cle ar up the lo cal area around the Scout Hut/ HQ o
ts u o c S n o t Fields, g More n i y a l P ing at the ar ye t s a L Car wash . d a e t nhamps o t e r o M in 200 £ c i t s a t n a af they raised
Q, Groups & B h it w p . ing u local store t, by team c ir e je o th r p y b e of th ered as ortant part support off ls, B&Q h p o d n im to a n d s a n e a c e r r kills e s ou B&Q a ss. elp with s from the r h d r o te real succe fi e e a r n to e ts b c -s je in o r g p have in unity is fundrais their comm e k a ear m Whether it to Groups e second y y th n r a fo m k d e e le ity W enab g an t Commun hile playin u w o c ls S il g k s in r w ne onso arn useful ud to be sp le o r le p p o is e p Q & “B oung .” d to help y n a g community in ir n e n th ru g in v in impro active part
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 7
s l e s s u M h t i w s t u Sco Recentl;y the scouts from 1st Lym Valley went to Hix’s restaurant to look at how to prepare and cook different fish. This year Lym Valley are celebrating their 100th year. They were originally 2 groups which amalgamated over 20 years ago.
These groups were the Lyme Regis Sea scouts and the Uplyme Scout group.
They are now based in Uplyme and known as Lym Valley and come under East Devon District Scouts.
They have had a badge designed which represents the flags of Devon and Dorset and in the middle is an anemite fossil showing the Jurassic coast which we are on.
Head chef Lin Pidsley was kind enough to allow the scouts into the kitchen and explore the world of fish.
We were shown different types of fish and how to prepare them. We were lucky to try some of the delights and even the lobster was still alive (but we didn’t cook it).
how to cook what we catch. Scouts outside the Restaurant
smell!! But a very interesting night which does show that food does not just turn up on little plastic tubs in Sainsburys.
Pictures show Lin showing us some Mussels and Scouts Thanks inspecting the different Karen Yelland fish, not sure about the 1st Lym Valley
All the fish cooked at the restaurant is caught locally by local fishermen and is of a high quality.
Next month the scouts are going fishing off the cob, so we will all know
Who you calling stinky?
ct cruiting proje re lt u d a st e g e. nched its big unty executiv o c Devon has lau e th m o fr oost with a cash b opportunities within the group.”
To help all groups put on such an event in the next 12 months County Executive have agreed to match fund the cost of events by 50%.”
Steve Hagger Deputy County Commissioner (Development) explains “The majority of our leaders were at one time parents of scouts.
After speaking to people who are very successful at recruiting volunteers I have discovered a 'trick' that some may have tried successfully in the past.
Invite parents and young people to a BBQ, sports afternoon, open evening or the like with promise of fun and free refreshments.
During that event one or two your current volunteers do nothing else but collect information from parents about their skills and offer them flexible v o l u n t e e r i n g
Andrew Leadbetter County Chairman said, “After talking to leaders I know that their main concern is to recruit adult volunteers to help provide the fun and challenge of scouting to young people in Devon. We hope this project will go a long way to help.”
In addition the Regional Development Services will be working with the county team producing some handouts packs including leaflets videos and vacancy boards for use at the events.
If you would like to find out more about how you can develop your group and join in the next recruitment evening simply just email development@devonsco uts.org.uk or phone Steve Hagger Home 01395 442 631 Mobile 07901517948
If you need leaders don’t miss this chance
g n i t i u r c e r r u o y h t i Help w
Join in!
t n e m t i Recruions lut rk. soOlympics! o w t a h t Doing anything special for 2012 let us know we will capture the day for you.
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 9
A team of Plymouth Scouts finally completed their Ten Tors route one month after the actual event! The team lost 3 hours on the Ten Tors expedition in May going to the assistance of another team that were in difficulties and waited for Dartmoor Rescue to arrive to take over and airlift the casualty from the moor.
The time lost in this selfless action combined with poor conditions meant the team only reached the third of their ten tors by the end of the first day. Undeterred they set off on the second day determined to make up the time and amazingly reached the ninth tor of their 35 mile route just before 2pm when in deteriorating conditions it was deemed by the organisers that they would not reach the finish in time for 5pm. They joined the 550 others who did not complete this year.
On their return to Okehampton their selflessness in helping others was recognised by Brigadier Piers Hankinson, Director Ten Tors who said "Their actions were entirely in the spirit of Ten Tors" and decided that the Scouts should in fact receive their medals despite not being able to complete the event. The team were presented with their medals at a special ceremony some half an hour after the finish line had closed together with two other teams who had also been involved in helping other teams in separate incidents during the weekend.
Whilst delighted to be recognised in this way, the Scouts from 27th Plymouth in Compton, still wanted to complete the challenge and returned to Sittaford Tor (their ninth) one month later to complete the 7 mile walk to Anthony
10 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
Stile. Team Manager and Scout Leader Clive Deacon said "We put 3 hours and 8 minutes on the clock as a bit of a challenge as this was the time they would have had on the event. Carrying their full kit, but in much better weather and not quite as tired, they completed within the time set and with 10 minutes to spare."
" I was disappointed that we didn't finish on the event but delighted our leaders gave us the opportunity to finish the walk this weekend."
Clive Deacon said "We are very proud of our team. On the event weekend we were a bit worried about them as we only had the times that the teams passed through the Tors and they were way behind schedule. It wasn't until they got back we realised the full scale of their adventure and what great Scouts they had been in helping others before their themselves. This is entirely the principles that we try and teach our members and are delighted they were able to be of some assistance."
About the emergency 15 year old team leader Tom Nash said "Whilst walking to our first tor we heard whistles, and we ran towards the sound. It was there we found three girls on either side of the river with one girl, who had hurt her ankle, showing some signs of hypothermia. Whilst some of their team and ours were busy putting layers on the girl and getting themselves into a bothy bag, the rest of us helped the rest of the Clive Deacon team back across the Team Manager and Scout Leader swollen river." Plymouth District Scouts
Ten Tors
If the prospect of covering 35, 45 or 55 miles over two days across Dartmoor is not enough of a challenge then the weather for the 2013 event certainly was.
laced their boots and gobbled down some hot breakfast before setting off for the start in some of the worst conditions that the event has seen for many years.
The renowned Dartmoor This Ten Tors challenge mist, a strong breeze and saw the culmination of 6 heavy, persistent drizzle months of training for the greeted the walkers as young people and the they crawled from their dedicated adult leaders tents at 5am on Saturday. and supporters who have Woken by the music from been working together to Chariots of Fire pumped prepare for the annual out over the PA system at event. the Okehampton army camp, the young people
For those not familiar with the challenge, the young people hike across the moors (unaided by adults) with the objective of following their preplanned route by visiting checkpoints at each of the Ten Tors. The teams carry all their kit with them, including food and tents for the weekend as they walk, eating and sleeping on the moors.
Brigadier Piers Hankinson MBE, Director of Ten Tors Challenge was quoted on the ITV West Country news website as saying “Really tough conditions this year. When they set off there was a lot of rain and very poor visibility. A number of teams got disorientated early on. We've had to have a lot of safety guidance along the river lines. But there's been some fantastic Samaritan work - teams helping other teams.” Dartmoor Mountain Rescue to set up ropes to secure one river crossing which caused delays of up to an hour for many teams and forcing others to make detours to their
planned route. One of the Ottery Explorers Robert Johnstone who completed the 35 mile challenge commented “On Saturday morning we had to wade across the river in water up to our thighs so we were soaked through for the rest of the day!” On Sunday despite the weather all teams were greated home with triumphant applause and hundreds of proud parents, leaders and well wishers from groups all over the south west.
Even leaders who were not at the event but either at home or on training sessions were constantly checking in to the Ten Tors website or Social media site to follow the young people on their journey passing on news as it happened,
One thing that shone through no matter where you were was the sense of pride leaders thad for these young people and prasie for their trainers.
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 11
Tedburn and Cheriton
. . . d e r e t s a m A rm s r e t e x in E
Over a period of 11 weeks, from 14th January to 27th March, Tedburn and Cheriton Scouts took part in the five sessions and competition needed for their Master at Arms badge at Little Silver Scouting Centre, Exeter.
Twelve scouts signed up for the course, and 7 persevered and achieved their aim.
s a w e s r u o “The c reat fun “ .....g
Throughout the sessions, the Scouts, along with their parents and leaders, who also joined in, honed their shooting skills, gradually improving their aim and scores. To gain the highest their badge the Scouts had to participate in five score. Everyone did their shooting sessions and best, some doing better than others, and all who one competition. completed all the needed We held the competition sessions earned their ourselves and fought for Master at Arms badge.
12 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
The course was great fun and I, for one, would gladly do it again.
Thomas Barclay, Scout. 1st Tedburn and Cheriton Scout Troop.
n o i t c e n n o C n a i b m Ga
an I’m Tasha Gardiner, with sectional assistant with international troop would 1st Bishopsteignton. allow our Because I’m recovering scouts to work from a severe crash a towards their couple years ago, I can’t g l o b a l help the scouts with their challenge, as of the noisier and more active one activities. So a few r e q u i r e m e n t s The months ago, during was to make package included planning the next terms contact with Scouts from woggles the scouts made programme, I got in touch another country outside themselves, their replies with 8th Kombo B troop in of the UK. and a collection of Gambia. To start, the scouts wrote information they thought 8th Kombo B might find The aim was that contact our initial letters and e- fascinating and lots of mailed them to one of 8th Kombo B’s interesting photographs. leaders, most of them got a reply, with in a matter of weeks! So we decided instead of just e-mailing them we’d put together a small package to send out.
We’re still waiting for them to receive this package, but we’re sure they’ll like it, and hopefully we’ll get something back. As for plans for the future, nothing definite has been decided, other
than we’ll keep communicating with them. It came up in conversation with the Gambian leader that it would be nice for some of us to go out there to join them on their summer camp, so I’m looking in to that. It also came up that 8th Kombo B intend to put together an agricultural project, so maybe we will find a way of helping with that.
So watch this space, you never know we might soon have even more Devon Scouts on their first international Adventure.
Tasha Gardiner 1st Bishopsteignton
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 13
r t s i D e g r e m o t l a s s o e p u o r Q P d e k s A y l t n e u Freq p Scar Will the Grou
What are the proposals? a). Or
Merge Plympton and Ivybridge with Plymstock Merge Plympton with Plymstock Merge Ivybridge with South Hams
the District o t n e p p a h What would funds? ansferred r t e b ld u o w s Existing fund basis to the a it p a c o r p on a new District Will there be what will be t a new District badge he design? and Yes there .With prevwioill be a new District Bad ge competition us mergers a h a new badge as been held to des ign
Will there be a District scarf?
Why not. Be proud to be part of your new District 14 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
f Change?
r scarf to o f n o s a e r O Would be N the same. in a m e r l il w p ou change as gr ame meeting s s r e d a le e Sa m al place as norm
What will be the name of the new District? Need to establish a new identity, so maybe Plymstock and Plympton. Local thoughts on this be paid to? is h t l il w o h sW Explorer Sub h o a Group wit t s b u s y a p s Some ES Uynithave a partnershippay this whom the t, whilst others may er agreementhe District Treasur direct to
What will happen to the existing District Executive Committees? These will cease to function once any District is formally closed. Any new District will need to recruit a new Executive Committee and Officers. Any merger should result in a larger pool of adults from which to recruit members
ricts stions
What do you man by more opportunities for everyone ? Adults - Looking at a different approach as to how the District Team can best support groups. Maybe DC with Deputy DC’s each with their own areas of responsibility i.e sections, activities, development etc. Therefore better opportunities for adults who wish to develop themselves and move into a management role. Young people - New faces, new ideas, new friends, better attendance at District events = more available funding for more ambitious activities Scout Active Support Unit s As the name implies this s ection’s role is to support Scouting. Exis ting SASU’s will still be su pporting the same people whatever th e outcome o f any merger. A ne w District ma y wish to set up addition al SASU’s for a specific task i.e. Cam psite , Gang S how, District Events etc
Why Change? Currently 14 Districts which we hope to reduce to around 10. Feedback from delegates at County Conference identified that the County Structure and support needs to be reviewed to see how best we can operate Scouting in Devon both for today and towards the Vision 2018. There is often a duplication of resources, roles and equipment as well as the difficulty in recruiting Adults for key roles. By merging some Districts there should be a larger pool of available adults to fill these roles
T? X E N S T A H W O S
Current proposals to be put to Plympton & Ivybridge Leaders. Questionnaires were sent out with a deadline of May 14th for a response
District Executive Committees to be appraised of this proposal, via a ballot open to all leaders and young people of Explorer age. Should the majority of members favour either one or other of the proposals, then we would hope to commence implementing any merger by the beginning of September2013. This would necessitate holding extraordinary meetings to formally close down the relevant Districts and an extraordinary meeting to form a new District Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 15
s w e n The Reunion 2013 Biggest ever Reunion
The 87th Reunion takes place from 6 to 8 September 2013 and is set to be the biggest yet; welcoming 2,000 adults and Scout Network members from around the UK and the world to Gilwell Park for an action-packed weekend. Packed programme
The Reunion 2013 programme includes all your favourite features; such as the market place for all your Scouting needs and the ever popular Saturday night campfire, plus there will be plenty of opportunities to try something new. Rock out to The Beavers on Saturday night in the Lid and there's a Doctor Who theme in celebration of the programme’s 50th anniversary.
Brian Hun t is joinin g the Teig team. Bria nbridge D n will be r istrict esponsible Shooting a all aspects nd Archery of . He will be a valuable a s set to our strengthen team and h this disc elp ipline thr District. oughout the
So what are you waiting for? Book now at gilwellpark.ticketseller.co.uk - it won’t be the same without you!
Cubs Wanted
For more details visit scouts.org.uk/reunion.
Great response on Cub Leader stories last issue, sorry we could not get all of them in here .
So this time we would like to hear of your Beaver stories w hat fantastic things have you been up to. Who has been camping trie d archery we would love to find out. 16 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
27th July to 3rd August 2013 www.kij13.org.uk
THANKS FOR THE GREAT COMMENTS I've just been reading "Scout 'n about"
It's amazing. I think our young people and supporters need a magazine just like this. Don't change a thing.
New appointment I am pleased to announce that Martyn Drew has been appointed as County Training Manager with immediate effect.
Martyn has relinquished his former role as ACC Activities to enable him to focus on the provision of Adult Training across the County.
Please join me in congratulating him on this new challenge. John Jarvis Acting County Commissoner
Use the correct logo.. please
This years Theme Park Camp is on 6-8th September 2013.
12th - 14th July 2013 Be Prepare d
go has The Generic Scout lo sure changed please make lour co you use the single dence version in correspon and n rather than the gree purple version.
e at Check print centr edia m www.scouts.org.uk or . and devonscouts.org.uk
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 17
Annual Reports: more adventure, less hassle
Need a simple, cost effective way to
produce your Annual Report this year?
The Scout Print Centre has user-friendly
templates to help you create PDFs of your document. Log in at our website using
password and select Print Centre from the My Tools menu. .
WellDone... Barrie Pratt County Treasurer Gordon Cowell GSL 6th Torbay Sue Larner South Hams
ll be i w M G A County ll a H y t n u o held at C ne u J h t 4 1 y on Frida 2013. . e m o c l e w All are 18 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
Bar to Silver Acorn Silver Acorn Silver Acorn
Volunteering as a leader or perhaps helping behind the scenes is Jobs one of the most rewarding jobs you can do.
s i h t f o t r a p e b You too can e r u t n e v d a g n i z a ma
Section Leaders required for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are needed across the following areas. Throughout Devon
Assistant Leaders
Fancy helping out and having a lot of fun assistant leaders are required in the following areas. Throughout Devon
Group Scout Leaders
If you are a born manager and want to do something fantastic for young people, ensuring they have a great program, the facilities to do it and like to help develop people then this really is the role for you.
Throughout Devon
To chair the running of the group scout executive for the following groups.
Positions available through out Devon
Shop Assistant
To assist in sales to scout groups and individual members of the public and parents of scouts. Newton Abbot Saturdays 10am - 12pm.
For these and similar voluntary roles in the Scout Association go to www.do-it.org for full details or contact Development@devonscouts.o rg.uk for further details.
What are they looking for? No formal qualification necessary.
You need to enjoy working with children and other adults. You will be required to undertake an enhanced CRB disclosure check.
Flexible training is offered to all adults in Scouting through a variety of methods at a time and place to suit you. Our training scheme can lead to recognised qualifications including - OCN Level 2, Providing Voluntary Youth Services - Foundation Degree in Working with Young People
How will you benefit? This is a great opportunity to meet new people and have a fantastic time while changing the lives of local young people.
You can learn new skills and enhance your CV showing employers direct experience of leadership and management skills.
Volunteering is simple. It's about giving your time to do something useful, without getting paid (apart from expenses).
In return you get the satisfaction of time and effort well spent. In addition, volunteering can be a great way to: meet new people learn new skills gain useful experience. It should also be fun! The range of opportunities is huge. Whatever skills and experience you have, there is something that you can do. The best way to see what is available is to browse on the do-it database. Use the quick search to get started.
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 19
p u o r G r o f t n e Marathon ev
Young people from 1st Kingskerswell Scout Group aged between 6 and 13 helped raise over £200 for comic relief by working together, planning and developing their own ideas so that they do some good for others and came up with the Kingskerswell Comic Relief Walking Marathon. So on the day before the official comic relief fundraising started 6 Scouts and 4 Beaver Scouts set out to walk a
combined distance of just over 26 Miles around the village dressed up as anything from a power ranger to a very curious afro styled elf. With plenty of parental support and a steady supply of cakes, biscuits and will power managed to walk the distance in just under 2 Hours.
people event doing something for Several comments of support were made about came from a anonymous others and that this the event from onlookers donor online who said “It reflected the true spirit of but what summed up the was great to see young Scouting”
e m o h o g s r e v a Otters Be
Ottery Beavers made their first visit of 2013 with a trip to Pets at Home – Rydon Road in Exeter. Over 20 beavers along with leaders and helpers visited the store and had the chance to meet and find out about a wide range of different animals., including snakes, rabbits and a dragon lizard.
Pets at Home are sponsors of the OSM Beavers Animal Care badge that all the young people are working towards, so the vist was an ideal opportunity for
them to learn a great deal about caring for animals and about their different habitats and feeding habits.
tortoises, but we hope that as a result of the visit the young people appreciate that there is much more to owning a pet than just playing with Liz Johnson – Assistant the animals. Each animal Beavers leader who organised the visit commented “The beavers had a great time handling all the animals and many of them had never seen these sorts of creatures up close before. We would like to extend our thanks to all the staff at the store” Liz went onto add “We’d like to apologise to any parents for all the requests from Beavers for pet snakes or
20 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
requires a lot of special care and attention to ensure that it stays fit an healthy. In this respect they are no different to the Beavers!”
Ahoy Shipmates Twenty North Devon Cub Scouts took part in a week of adventure & fun at ‘Cubjam’, a jamboree organised especially for 8 to 11year olds at Gilwell Park the home of the World Wide Scouting Movement.
The young people were accompanied by a team of 7 voluntary leaders from North Devon. They were the first Cubs from North Devon to set sail to this exciting ‘Pirate’ themed event. They spent half term week camping and taking part in a wide range of
swashbuckling activities. As well as searching for pirate gold the Cubs tried a vast and varied array of modern activities from Aeroball to Zorbing, including such favourites as Archery, Pistol
to learn new skills, try new experiences and make new friends, as well as having stacks of fun and gaining many badges and parts of their awards.” The whole week was rounded off by a carnival and fun fair where all the rides were provided without any extra cost including the very popular dodgem cars. The safe and secure location also meant it was a great way for parents to give their children a bit of freedom to gain their independence in a safe environment.
Cub Scout Tom PaviourCoward said ‘It was all very exciting, my favourite activity was the 3D swing. I have also made loads of new friends.’ Contingent leader Judy Aldrich-Smith thanked all those who have supported this amazing adventure for our Cubs in North Devon including North Devon District Scout Council, The Barnstaple Rotary Club and The Rotary Club of Braunton.
shooting and Climbing. Among the many highlights were craft sessions, falconry, music and circus skill. A day was spent in London sightseeing with a visit to the Science Museum. Contingent leader Judy Aldrich-Smith said, “Cubjam was a great opportunity for the Cub Scouts from North Devon Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 21
. .. g n i m o c r o f s Snake encounters.. An evening of animal
Two Scout Groups from North Devon 5th North Devon and 1st South Molton went on an evening of discovery thanks to the Staff and volunteers at Exmoor Zoo.
what the chinese new year involves.
Staff were fantastic and as well as listening to to the staff at the Zoo the highlight had to be when when the scouts got the opportunity to handle some of the snakes
To celebrate this year being the Chinese year of the snake the scouts Richard Smith went through some of Scout Leader their badge work finding 5th North Devon out about Snakes and
22 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
Exmoor Zoo began back in 1993 with 2 staff and 10,000 visitors and has consistently grown every year since. Today 40,000 people visit annually, enjoying the friendly relaxed and natural atmosphere of the zoo.
Over 14 staff, a head keeper and education officer all endeavour to instil the importance of looking after the environment and respect for the habitat of native and exotic animals. This is obvious as you explore the zoo as there are now over 35 breeding programs to maintain the captive population of endangered species! This breeding and encouraging respect for the animals is now a very important part of the work.
to Getting the chance the handle some of residents of the zoo.
10th Torbay
o t o r t n i g n i h s a Sm Scouting
do this activity again. Joining the sea scouts has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life”.
Its always great to hear what people new into Scouting think of the experience and recently Isabella Turpin, newly invested member of the 10th Torbay Sea Scout troop was asked what she thought so far
On the same night whilst climbing was taking place Becky Sheppard was attempting to beat her record of 43 in the shooting activity run by Richard Hale, shooting permit holder. 12 scouts and 3 leaders were able to have a go and majority hit the target! Becky did gh Yeah.. close enou beat her record with a well done... commendable score of or even five legged race 44 = well done! over two benches and outs back again – this took c s a e s e “Joining th the best skill, team work and f o e n o n e has be e in everyone went home I have mad s n io is c e d with their prize egg – . ” fe * li well done to the 5 legged Isabella lets us know my team of Becky, Charlotte, replies “I have only been The sea scouts rounded to section nights few off the night with an egg Isabella, and Jack G – times but every time it and spoon race with a more caterpillar style but has been a really fun twist – not content with a still managed to finish experience learning new 3 legged race but a four with 3 eggs intact. things and meeting new egg-static people. One of the most Torbay Scouts get ts memorable things is over accomplishmen climbing the indoor wall – personally I am scared of heights but it was very thrilling. Slowly climbing up, every move was carefully handled. The moment you get to the top, a sigh of relief and a large smile! I can’t wait to Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 23
d r a l l o C After a long hard winter and one that destroyed the bridge at Collard Bridge back in December, this May Collard Bridge Scout Campsite is set to reopen. Three miles from Barnstaple in a small
hamlet called Snapper in North Devon, beside the River Yeo nestled between the trees you will find a haven of nature being explored by youngsters who have a common theme in mind, having fun.
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network and many of their leaders and helpers can be seen exploring the fantastic area, learning new skills and improving old ones, the activities offered here are numerous; camping, climbing, caving, fire-
s n e p o e R e g Brid
lighting, orienteering, access to the site. There archery and shooting, to were times when it looked unlikely the site name a few. would ever recover, but The facilities have recover it has and soon it improved over the years will open, bigger and from a muddy field to a better. real adventure site, with tarmac road, purpose Bookings will be from built toilet and shower taken at the end of May block, covered barn area and a day of preparation is planned May 18th from 9.30 onwards to get the site ready for action. We need parents, friends and anyone else who is willing to give a few hours to lend a hand with reopening facilities, from for wet days and indoor cleaning, painting, cutting grass and many odd jobs scout hut. that need doing. Light Back in December, all refreshments available, this was jeopardised by bring a picnic and make a the river breaking its day of it in this beautiful banks, flooding the camp picturesque setting. sites and destroying the listed old bridge, the main Andy Bowman
24 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
About the Site
Medium size campsite secluded within a narrow valley, along side a river about 5 miles north of Barnstaple.
Booking Secretary Tel : 0844 4142734 michael.hedges3@talktalk.net
Mrs Frances Hedges, 19 Anne Crescent Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 3AF
Finding Us SS 595 357 The Ordnance Survey Landranger Map for North Devon is sheet 180.
Collard Bridge is marked on two of the Explorer series maps, sheets 139 and OL9. Sheet 139 covers Barnstaple, Bideford & Ilfracombe along with most of the glorious North Devon coast. Sheet OL9 is a double sided map that shows the whole of the Exmoor National Park and a large part of North Devon.
The OS grid reference for the site entrance is 595 357
For many the opportunity to represent Devon will be the highlight of their Scout Career.
運 幸 . . 5 1 0 2 Japan
Just to remind you all that applications to undergo the World Scout Jamboree Leaders Selection will close on 1 June.
If you would like to part of this then you need to ensure your application form is received before then.
We are searching for 5 leaders to take 45 Young People to the 23rd World Scout Jamboree to be held in Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi City, Japan, 28 July To 8 August 2015
The selection for leaders will take place for this once in a life time event will be held over the weekend of 5,6 & 7 July 2013 at Cadihoe Camp Site nr Exeter. I am afraid if you are unable to attend the weekend it is very unlikely you will be selected.
The selection is open to any leader who will be 18 before the start of the jamboree.
We have been informed that we will be allowed 5 patrols, the break down of these will be three patrols and a patrol from a guide group and two patrols with two patrols from Cornwall. We feel this will give our young people and Leaders an even better experience at this event.
are expecting we may have to do an initial selection process before the selection weekend.
If you would like to take part in the selection process for this prestigious event and hopefully get selected please review the job description and complete the form available on the Devon Scout web site and from you DC.
Can I remind you that the closing date for We are aware that a lot of applications is Saturday 1 you are thinking of June 2013. applying, in order for us to get the best people, The selection process will Gillwell have given us job be open and assisted by descriptions for the teams of Young People and leaders and will be positions. run on a similar process Please read these as the last jamboree carefully and it will help selection. you complete the application form. In view The selection teams of the large numbers we decision will be final.
e n i L e m i T
Date for applications: Invites to selection weekend sent out by: Selection weekend: County Appointments committee: Appointments confirmed by: Hard work starts
Can I wish every body good luck 幸運
1 June 2013. 8 June 2013 5, 6 & 7 July 2013. 9 July 2013 12 July 2013 13 July 2013
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 25
Open letter to Devon Scouts.... As you may be aware 2015 will be the next World Scout Jamboree (WSJ), to be held in Japan.
The selection for this adventure will take place for this once in a life time event will be held over the weekend of 27, 28 & 30 September 2013 at Cadihoe Camp Site nr Exeter. I am afraid if you are unable to attend the weekend it is very unlikely you will be selected.
Devon County Scouts are searching for 45 Young People to represent Devon Scouts and attend the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi City, Japan, 28 July To 8 The selection is open to August 2015. As any any young person who body who has attended a will be between the ages WSJ will tell you this is a of 14 to 18 before the once in a life opportunity start of the jamboree. You and most young people need to be born between only get the one 28 July 1997 and 27 July opportunity to attend as a 2001, there is no leaway participant.
26 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
we would ask that you inform your leader as a We have been given courtesy that you are limited information about putting yourself forward the actual event, we for selection, it is your believe the entire event responsibility to get the will include home form to us. hospitality in the area, the entire event normally At present we have not been give any idea of the lasts about 3 weeks. cost for this event, we are We are aware that a informed it will be number of you are released before the end thinking of applying, of July, please see accompanying application form. The closing date for If you would like to take applications is Sunday 1 part in the selection September 2013. process for this prestigious event and The selection process will hopefully get selected be open and assisted by please complete the leaders and will be run on attached form and send a similar process as the in. there is an entrance last jamboree selection. fee of £15. Please make The selection teams cheques payable to decision will be final. “Devon Scouts” and attach with the Can I wish every body good luck at the application form. The application for selection. If you have selection is made by any questions please do yourself and should be not hesitate to contact sent direct to the county, me. on this I am afraid.
WSJ 2015
s n o i t s Que s r e w s and An Q. What is the World Scout Jamboree?
A. The World Scout Jamboree is a global gathering of Scouts and Guides from over 150 countries from around the world. The event itself offers a unique international experience with opportunities to meet Scouts from around the world, take part in exciting activities and have an amazing adventure. Q. When Jamboree?
A. The 23rd World Scout Jamboree starts on Tuesday 28 July 2015 and runs until Saturday 8 August 2015.
Q. Where does it take place?
A. The 23rd World Scout Jamboree will take place in Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan.
Q. What will the climate Q. How old do I have to in Japan be like during be to attend the the Jamboree? Jamboree as a participant? A. The typical climate will be hot and sweaty with A. To be eligible to be a an expected 4.1mm of participant at the 23rd rain per day. The average WSJ you must be born temperature will vary between 28 July 1997 between 30.6 degrees and 27 July 2001. These Celsius and 15.2 degrees age ranges are set by the Celsius. World Organisation of the Scout Movement and are Q. Who can go to the not flexible. If you are Jamboree and what younger than this age roles are there? bracket then you will have an opportunity to A. Participants are aged attend the 24th WSJ in between 14 and 18 and North America. If you are must be born between 28 older on the given date July 1997 and 27 July you are able to apply to 2001. Adult roles (18+) become a member of the include Unit Leaders, IST, CST or a Unit members of the Leader. International Service Team (IST), the Contingent Support Team Andy Ellis (CST) and the Jamboree Assistant County Planning Team (JPT). Commissioner Explorer Scouts.
Kate Taylor Assistant County Commissioner International
Time line:
Closing Date for applications: 1st September 2013.
Invites to selection weekend sent out by: 8th September 2013 Selection weekend: 27th, 28th & 29th September 2013.
Results sent to Participants to arrive 4th October 2013
Results released generally 5th October 2013
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 27
Cu b
n u o C o t n i h s s Spla swimmers, one using arms only whilst the second hold their legs whilst then using their own legs. It proved to be a very good and fast race. The leaders finished the day off with a sculling, in the rings, race.
30 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
rd To rb ay
id ef o
1s tB
The eventual winners were 1st Bideford, and in 2nd place just pipping Torbay by 1 point were Mid Devon.
M id
Then in true Cub style the afternoon continued with a series of fun races such as sculling in large rubber tubes and new for this The gala had all the usual year was the more than races of front crawl, back adventurous tandem stroke and breast stroke race. This involves two and various relays.
Six teams from across the County participated in the 2013 gala held at the Middlemoor Pool, Exeter
D ev o
This was won by a Young Leader from Chulmleigh, Harry Davenport.(Who was presented with a chocolate "Banderlog" (monkey) as his prize)
The only sad part of the day was that the team from Torquay had to turn round and return home as some of their member were Throughout the day 10 taken ill. teams from around the County visited 11 bases The Cubs gave a where they were huge "Bravo" to all those challenged to a great leaders who had worked so hard to give them a variety of activities. great day. From Curling to climbing through the spiders web, Sandra Johnson firing off balloon rockets, Assistant County Commisoner Devon finding body parts, using a compass to draw a picture, juggling, spinning plates, batons and diablo's all part of the circus skills, volcanoes, helium sticks and stomping, fishing, testing the senses and making, cooking, tossing and eating pancakes the cubs were put through their paces, with varying degrees of success. The eventual winners or the 2012 County Shield
k st
1s t
Ta w 1s t
where 1st Topsham from Exeter with 1st Tawstock of North Devon 2nd and very close in 3rd place 31st Plymouth.
Eventually after one to many postponements owing to the vagaries of our weather, February 16th turned out bright and sunny, if cold. The venue at Braunton Sea Scout HQ together with Braunton Cricket club proved to be one of the best venues we have used for the Shield.
To 31 ps st ha Pl m ym ou th
s t n e v E nt y
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 31
r o f s t o o h s ion t a Dan r i p s n I c i p ly m O h t i w s s e c c Su
Axe Explorer Daniel Knapp helpED round of a weekend to be proud of by being part of one of the most succesful Devon Teams to have taken part in the Scouts national Shooting Contest.
from afar afield as Axminster the east of the county to Barnstaple in the North.
As part of the Team Daniel and 7 other Devon Scouts and Explorers went underwent a day’s intense training session The new Devon Scout under the expert eyes of Shooting team was 5 Club Instructors and 1 initally selected after County Coach. taking part in a postal competition and a day’s They then set off to the shoot off at the Exeter annual Inter County Scout HQ. Competition at the large
The team of 8 were from across Devon coming
of the 30 lane indoor range at section competition. A l d e r s l e y , Wolverhampton. Andy Bowman Team The Sunday morning Manger & Coach said after the safety briefing all “You could almost feel the 112 young Scouts the tension in the air as and Explorers took to the the room fell silent and all range for the 10m rifle
ld “You cou f eel t h e in n o i s n e t th e a i r ”
32 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
el e f o t d te r a t s I n to the n e s w a d m n a u o e te h t r a s th e r o f nt e d i f n o od. o g g n more c i k oo l e r e w scores place overall which was Following the one up on last year. announcement Daniel said “After seeing However the good news Olympian shooter After this round the did not stop there. The Georgina Geikie at our Scouts and training session last week Devon team were lying Devon 12th out of 14 teams. A Explorers had a fantastic it gives me inspiration break for lunch was taken pistol section resulting in to follow in her and a team talk to boost second place in the pistol footsteps and I am at being the spirits before the round. Scott Westlake stunned and Daniel Knapp also asked to join GB afternoon round of 10m got called up to join the Juniors” pistol was required. National Scout Squad Sam Sargent aged 16 while Daniel also had the Upon hearing the said “This was my first honour of being invited to news Georgina said big competition and I was join the GB Junior Pistol “it’s Awesome news that the team did so not feeling as confident Team. going into the pistol round as I had with my rifle round” you could hear was the pinging of lead hitting the targets.”
well, It’s great to see young people following me into the sport. It shows such discipline and strength of both body and mind.”
Fiona Gage Explorer leader from East Devon said “I was watching the pistol round and as the round went on I started to feel more confident for the team as the scores were looking good.”
After the shoot the teams waited with bated breath for the results.
The room fell silent as the result began to be read out. Devon’s placed a very respectable 6th Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 33
o t n i s p m u j r a t s Cub e g r a h c take s eexxppeeririeennccees rs re lo p x E rs in re lo rt share a ppaart in Exp BBeeaavveers rs share a
Saturday 9th February 2013 started off like any other with 8 Year old Declan O'Dwyer at home helping his mum who was 7 months pregnant, whilst Dad was at work in Exeter but everything changed very quickly when Mum Sally O’Dwyer spilt a full kettle of boiling water over her front badly damaging herself and potentially threating the health of her unborn child.
With out Panic though 8 year old Declan having just completed his first aid badge at 1st Marlborough Scouts in the South Hams, Devon. Quickly jumped into action. With his mum screaming in pain he calmly manoeuvred his mum up a flight of stairs to the bathroom. Where fully clothed he got his mum into the bath and got cold running water from the shower to bring down the temperature of the scolding water. During this time he also phoned his Dad working in Exeter with the Police Force to get home as soon as possible. He
then removed his mums hot clothing and proceeded to make her as comfortable as possible to the point when dad had managed to complete the 40 mile race home, he then found his wife with her feet up on the sofa, with wet flannels keeping her cool and even a towel underneath her keeping the drips of the upholstery
When Mum Sally O’Dwyer was then checked on by her local GP he said that the quick and calm action carried out by Declan not only reduced the injury to Sally but also potentially saved the life of his now two week old brother Joe.
News of this event reached Declans Cub Leader who realising such calmness in
34 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
adversity was an amazing thing for someone so young. He contacted South Hams District Scout Commissioner Nigel Hobbs who quickly passed the information on to Chief Scout and TV Adventurer Bear Grylls.
Declan was awarded this special medal by his Akela at the St Georges Day Celebration in front of two very proud parents and 2 week old brother Joe.
His Akela said “This is a very proud moment in Scouting it is such a rare event that someone so young should receive this prestigious award. Declan is one of the most Bear Grylls said “He enthusiastic cubs in 1st thought Declan was an Marlborough cub pack amazing cub who really and it gave him great showed calmness under pleasure in giving him pressure and is such a this special award” Special Cub Scout” So much so that he awarded Declan also received a him one of the top personal letter from Bear Scouting Honours Chief Grylls which went on to Scout Commendation for say “That he wanted to Meritorious conduct write to him to offer his which is only ever personal congratulations obtained by very few in that his story was an Scouting for young inspiration to so many people or Adults who and personifies what is have really gone that best about Scoutin and an example to all”Nigel extra distance.
Beer Scout Leader Nigel Groves has been honoured by the Scout Association and the young people of Beer Scout Group for his hard work enthusiasm and unflagging sense of Fun. While on a rafting session with the scouts on Beer Beach they decided to celebrate the award as only they knew how…. by soaking Nigel with buckets of water.
Nigel Groves who has been a Scout Leader in Beer for 8 years said “I don’t do scouting for the awards, the best reward for me is seeing the reactions from the young people when they overcome something or master a new skill. I was very surprised and pleased to receive this award from the Scout Association”
The Chief Scout’s Commendation for Good Service is given in respect of not less than 5 years good service, Parents of the scouts that which stands out. It is were gathered on the regarded as the Chief beach at the end of a Scout’s recognition of the rafting session said “We very real contribution are really grateful for the made to the Association the individual hard work Nigel puts in by concerned. for the scouts, they are always busy doing something or going somewhere” Scout Kate Dack said between laughing “Its so funny to get Nigel back, he was soaked”
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Duchess of Cambridge sets trend as more adults join Scouts in Devon
Could the sharp increase in the number of adults volunteers joining Scouts be linked to their newest member, the Duchess of Cambridge. The Duchess, who volunteers with Cub Scouts in North Wales, is one of nearly 40 new adult volunteers to join this year. These figures represent a national trend in new adults getting involved in the last few years.
As well as attracting more adults the total number of young people in Scouting has seen an extra 25% join Devon Scouting in the last 10 years, figures have risen from 6,391 in 2003 to 8,005 in 2013. However despite attracting more adults the Movement still has 754 young people
across Devon wanting to join the Movement but are unable to do so because the organisation still needs more adult volunteers.
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout, said:
“It’s great that so many adults are joining the Scouts, and I am sure the increase has had much to do with the Duchess of Cambridge becoming a Scout volunteer last year.
The Duchess is an incredible role model and she helps us show that Scouting’s not just for boys. She’s also such a generous volunteer and everyone is so excited to have her in the Scouting family. Many people have followed her lead and are getting involved and enjoying the adventure!”
36 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
He added "All the young people at Windsor Castle ceremony have given so much time and energy to achieve their Queen’s Scout Awards, and I admire their spirit so much. They are huge inspirations to all the other Scouts across in the UK and I am so pleased that both the Duchess of Cambridge
and Scouting have honoured them. Reaching Queen's Scout is a remarkable achievement & along the way they will have all had the adventure of a lifetime!”
As one of the UK’s most high profile figures, it’s hoped the Duchess’ involvement will inspire
Contents other adults to get involved in Scouting. With waiting lists at an all-time high of almost 38,000 across the UK, there is an urgent need for more volunteers, in order to meet the growing demand.
am normally a Chartered Accountant but currently on maternity leave so like the Duchess I am able to fit volunteering around my busy lifestyle.”
“I didn’t think I’d have the time to volunteer, but the Scouts make it really Kate Farley an Scout easy to volunteer around Active Support Member my other commitments – from Exmouth says and they let me give as “Being a member of the much or as little time as Scout Active Support I’m able. I saw that the team is a great example Duchess in Cumbria did of flexible volunteering. I some training last month.
If someone as busy as the Duchess can find time to volunteer, anyone can! I couldn’t recommend volunteering more highly; I just wish I’d got involved sooner!”
The total number of teenagers in Scouting has almost doubled in the last 10 years, from 23,446 in 2003 to 40,578 in 2013. However despite attracting more adults the Movement still has 37,867 young people
wanting to join the Movement but are unable to do so because the organisation still needs more adult volunteers.
All this underlines the fact that Scouting is the largest co-educational youth Movement in the UK. On the back of eight consecutive years of growth, total membership has increased over 20% since 2005 to 536,787 this year. (2005: 444,936)
The Duchess recently honoured over 400 Scouts at Windsor Castle.
international adventurer Bear Grylls also attended the event at Windsor Four Scouts from Devon castle and accompanied Sophie, Ryan, Gillian and fellow volunteer the lloyd were honoured at Duchess of Cambridge in Windsor along with giving out the awards. Scouts from all across the UK. When they Queen’s Scout Awards achieved by recieved their Queen’s are completing completing Scout Award, the highest honour a Scout can many tasks from working in the community, achieve. learning new skills, taking The Queen’s Scout part in expedition and Award recognises demonstrating leadership personal achievement, and team work skills endeavour and service to normally completed over others, and is the a number of years. ultimate goal of Scouts in Bear Grylls said: 'All the UK. these young people have lived the adventure of a Chief Scout and
lifetime to achieve their Queen's Scout Awards, and I admire that spirit so much. 'They are huge inspirations to all the
other Scouts in the UK and I am so pleased that Scouting has honoured them today. They are amazing.'
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 37
F t s u J 3 1 0 2 30%
More Explorers
North Devon
Female Volunteers
n o v e D
g n o r t S e l p 9590 Peo
More adult Volunteers
38 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
More Cubs
East Devon Over 230 More Young People in just 10 years
Plymstock 75% More explorers
Tiverton 56% More Beavers than previous census.
Torridge 100% more Beaver Sections since 2006
5% West Devon 30% of Cubs are female...
. . . s e r u Fig TEIGNBRIDGE
More Sections
14% People Scouting
d n a s t o l s of Plus n t o l d lots eaat people gr g enjoyinnearly g the Scoutin f o y a d every w eek
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 39
More Scouts
Scouts Away Twenty four Scouts spread over 10 Districts in Devon were lucky enough to be selected along to take part in a camp of a lifetime when they had the chance to find out from professional pilots a wide range of skills covering three highly skilled disciplines meterology, including navigation and aviation skills. it “ She gave 10...” 100 out of
These were then put to test by each person being allowed to take to the skies in small two person planes which once up in the air been allowed to take control of the plane following their own course across the coast and fields of north Devon. The weekend camp started on the Friday evening with Scouts attempting to set up their tents and straight away new making began friends with lots of banter
developing between the different groups. For groups that had not been before it was an eye opening experience.
Then Scouts and leaders all got together where after supper provided by County own our Commisoner and our ever helpful wife and District local fellow Commisoner who kept the whole airfield fed, watered and generally no fear these were not topped up over the going up in the air as they weekend. measured a few inches and had to be put soon together from bits of were Scouts underway building their plastic and glue. own aeroplane but have
40 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
on start early An Saturday morning but soon proceedings were underway with series of bases that taught each of after diciplines the
Aerocamp eventually being allowed to take to the air one by one with their own pilot reaching heights of over 3,000 feet and with great weather and visability were able to see the North Devon countryside like never before.
children from over 10 Scouting districts and is done in association with Peter White from Feet of the Ground (F.O.G) who provide aeronatic experiences for charities and young people across the south west.
After just being in control of such a small aircraft and allowed to get her breath back 13 year old Charley Miles from 1st Bishopsteignton Scouts who only recently received her Gold Chief Scout award (the highest award you can receive in the Scout section) said “That was one of the best moments of my life, it Peter said at the end of was just awesome. I want the event “I would like to to go again and again, I give sincere thanks to am just so thankful that I everyone that helped out got the chance to come, I during the weekend for cannot believe what I just all the hard work and joy done. She gave it 100 out that as pilots, tutors and of 10” helpers have brought to our Aerocamp held at The North Devon Aero Belle Vue last weekend. Camp which is organised We had 24 very excited by Devon County Scouts and happy young has now been running for scouts each with a 9 years and included fistful of badges,
certificates and goodies winging their way homeward to report to their parents and friends about their unique and fun packed weekend.
meterology skills has given the young people I brought into the world of flying. For me it was empowering as a Scout Volunteer I was even able to conquer my own feer of flying."
The weather gods obviously made a David Moate who along mistake in their diary as with Clive Deacon helped we were very fortunate organise the Scout side and this certainly of the event said "Another fantastic enhanced our event.” Scouting weekend with a Heather Johns from difference, 10 different South Zeal said troops from all over "Awesome for both the Devon taking part. Thats Scouts and the leaders, a record for this event gaining a special insight which is now in its ninth into mechanics and year.. Lets go for a record instrumentation of flying 10th year in 2014 and together with youre can be part of this adventure.. Its open to ALL scout troops in Devon."
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42 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 43
s r e v a e B e s n e Int The sun shone bright upon the first overnight camping experience for the Ottery St Mary beaver scouts on their recent trip to Salcombe Regis.
A group of 18 beaver scouts (aged 6 – 8) along with the leaders, young leaders and a small number of parents took part in the first ever, overnight camp for the Ottery beavers. The Scout Association recent rule change now enables the youngest section of the Scout family to camp overnight under canvas.
The Ottery beaver scouts were keen to make the most of the rule change and the weather for the event could not have been better.
The beavers arrived on Saturday full of excitement, as well as a little apprehension. For several of the group this was the first time they had stopped away from home. However, no one needed to worry as the young people had a packed programme of activities to occupy them.
The activities included archery, bug hunt, shelter building, wide games and a campfire where everyone joined in to sing songs and roast marsh mellows and jelly babies.
leaders for giving up their weekend to show us the ropes “
Liz added “Can't wait for the next camp - but can we order the same weather please! Our Not only was this a new beavers are the experience for the best....I'm so proud of beavers, but also for the them all” beaver leaders. The new leadership team John Green – Group took over running the Scout Leader group in January, and commented “I was although none of the delighted that the beaver team had had previous camp was a great experience of being success and it was all volunteers in scouting, down to the hard work they were keen to from the leaders and organise their first adults who organised the camp. Liz Johnson – camp they made a huge Assistant Beaver difference in the short leader commented “It time they have been was great fun. Thanks running this section” so much to the cub Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 45
Annies Song
‘I’ve been in the All in the Movement for eight years now – through Beavers, planning Cubs, Scouts to joining Here, she tells us all Explorers and being a To prepare myself and about it Young Leader for get to know the other 50 Beavers. young people I’d be travelling with, I had three New Horizons I’m also registered training weekends in partially sighted; I have Devon. Being at an international nystagmus, astigmatism, Jamboree made me feel hypermetropia and my At the first I was quiet; I as though I had 40,000 vision is recorded at 6/18 found it hard to be myself The Story. brothers and sisters from in both eyes. I don’t let it and felt self-conscious. all around the world. have an impact on my When 14-year-old day-today life; I don’t see By the third day I was a Explorer Scout Annie I didn’t need to know their why I should. whole new person; travelled to Denmark, she names or where they everyone was so lovely came from, because ‘One of my friends and supportive that I Scouting was our link. coaxed me into came out of myself. Noapplying for the trip one cared what you to Denmark, looked like or where you which consisted of came from. I learned a week at a practical skills such as H o l s t e b r o pioneering and cooking Jamboree in the over an oven fire, as well east of the country as not to give up when and another at a things go wrong, or to fret camp close to and panic. Copenhagen. I was hesitant because I’d These weekends made never done anything the prospect of going like it before, but the away much more real. moment I sent off my ‘After months of forms I knew I had fundraising, which started on an included bag packing, amazing journey. running
Scouting Magazine recently ran our story based on Annie a young leader and Devon Explorer so we thought we would run the story here for anyone that missed it. Recomended reading for any Scouts thinking of going to japan 2015.
46 Scout ’n’ about
had no idea how enriching the experience would be.
jumble sales, coffee mornings and doing a sponsored triathlon, it was overwhelming to finally arrive in Denmark at 4am one July morning.”
joining a 1,500-strong flashmob in the town.
The sight of all us Scouts doing random stuff like jumping up and down 10 times amused all the local residents and was The first thing we did on great fun. ‘From taking the Jamboree site was part in a life-sized version pioneer an entrance gate of Angry Birds to for our mini campsite and threelegged football, tables for 80 people; so maypole dancing, and the skills I picked up hosting dinner for 130 during my training people on our open fire, immediately came in use. there are too many highlights to mention. I felt quite emotional – and not just because I I’ll never forget the was exhausted! It was incredible to see so many different nationalities together; it really gave me sense of just how large Scouting is.
One big Scouting family
‘I met so many brilliant people throughout the week; the number of hugs I gave out was probably in the thousands. Every day I got stuck into a of structured activities, including
opening ceremony, nor the electric atmosphere at the closing ceremony.
understand it until you’ve been at a huge event. It was inspiring to look around to see an endless sea of Scouts.
In my second week away we travelled to Copenhagen, explored I loved the fact that even the city, learned more though nothing was about the Danish way of perfect and we were all life and picked up muddy, everyone still had smiles on their faces. practical skills. Sitting sharing your days ‘But it’s the simple with thousands of people pleasures that were truly the same age is a special experience. memorable. Scouting is a big family but I don’t think you
Back to reality
‘Since Denmark we have had countless meet ups, where I love seeing my second family again. I’ve developed a thirst for travel; I want to stick with doing smaller Jamborees in the UK, but I am hoping to go to the selection camp for the 2015 World Scout Jamboree in Japan. ‘My trip changed not how I act but how I feel about
myself. I’m more and with additional needs that believe that I can do you shouldn’t let anything things rather than asking hold you back. for help all the time. Never give up hope I am more comfortable because you can do so with my visual much when you put your impairments and I don’t mind to it; yes, it will take care what people think lots of hard work and about me because perseverance but you everyone is unique in can achieve anything. their own special way. Don’t be afraid to be I want to tell all Scouts different and to be you. ‘I
48 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
never thought a trip could change my outlook on life but Denmark did.
Being pushed to your limits at 3am in the morning makes you realise what you really can do.
It wasn’t just a Jamboree, it was a trip of a lifetime, and I will never forget it.’
‘It was incredible to see so many people together; it really gave me sense of just how large Scouting is.’
Tribute to all Devons Queen Scout Award Recipents
. . . e r o m h c u m o s
rs anymore e p a p in s ic p tting Its not just pu out there... ld r o w le o h theres a w
Along time ago media just meant send a pic into the local paper and a bit of a write up in the paper showing the latest Scout or Cub with a staggering award.
worlds largest families.
So media has developed and the volunteers and members who are part of this have also had to develop and bring new skills to help sections, Great news for Mum, Dad groups and districts show and Auntie Flo but what all the fantastic stuff they did this do for the get up to. movement. Did the other 20,000 people that read Devons’ Media team is at the story look at this and the forefront of this and think it was amazing and have been used as an want to be part of the big example to others by Gilwell on how things can adventure. be done. Research has shown that it didn’t and that Media So what can the media has to be handled in line team do for you? Well, with the way that the we can help you with world now communicates those all important press and has to be in a way releases or even join you that inspires others and at your events helping show people how much you to craft an 'On Brand' fun can be obtained by story. We have web becoming one of the people in place to help
you develop your own 'easy to use' websites and email accounts. We also have a new Social Media Manager who can help with any social media campaigns, groups or feeds that you might want to set up.
We can also help with your printing requirements from creation of posters, flyers and banners to group shirts, gifts and more.
We will also assist you to set up or improve your own group or district newsletters.
All these resources are here for anybody in Devon Scouts to use just contact us via our email.
or if you have a story for the next issue of scoutnabout then email.
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 51
A Add dd another dimension tto o yyour our uni w week... eek...
Find out more about Scouts and Guides in Plymouth uni at http://www.facebook.com /groups/147543619104/
w www.ssago.org.uk ww.ssago.org.uk
Training Contents Many people don’t know you don’t have to complete your training in your own district or some modules can be completed online
g n i n i a r T y t Coun Dates 24th June 2013 Module 16 Plymouth
28th September 2013 Module 11,12 Plymouth
28th September 2013 Modules 5,9,11,14,17,19 Teignbridge/Torbay
29th September 2013 Modules 7,8,12,13,15,16 Teignbridge/Torbay
16th - 17th November 2013 Modules 20,21,22,23,24,26 Exeter Area 23rd November 2013 Modules 8,9,17 Plymouth
For more information and details please see the Devon Scouts website and go to Adult Support. Adult training then Adult Learning Opportunities or click the following link http://www.devonscouts.org.uk/sscaladult_training-adult_trainingadult_learning_opportunities.html
12th October 2013 Modules 7,8,12,13,16,18 North Devon
13th October 2013 Modules 5,9,11,14,15,17,19 North Devon 26th October 2013 Modules 5,9,11,14,17,19 Exeter
27th October 2013 Modules 7,8,12,13,15,16 Exeter For conformation of dates, venues and allocation please email your local training advisor. To add your training dates to the schedule email scoutnabout@devonscouts.org.uk Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 53
y l i m a f g n i t u nty Scouts u o o C c n o s v e D on s that make up
DYouer guvide to the Districts and Groups East Devon
www.eastdevonscouts.co.uk Acting District Commissioner John Jarvis
f 1st Axminster f 1st Beer f 1st Colyton f 1st Honiton 1st Lym Valley 1stlymvalley.webs.com 1st Ottery St Mary otteryscouts.org.uk f 1st Seaton f 1st Sid Vale 1st Tipton St John none 1st Whimple none f 1st Axe Air Explorers
scouts-exeter.org.uk District Commissioner Jason Dugdale dc@scouts-exeter.org.uk
f 2nd Exeter (St Michaels) 2nd Exminster exminsterscouts.synthasite.com 3rd Exeter (Ladysmith School) f f 4th Exeter (Whipton) f 6th Exeter (St Thomas) 7th Exeter (Southernhay) none 10th Exeter (St James)10thexeter.co.uk 16th Exeter (Emmanuel) none 17th Exeter (Alphington) none 19th Exeter(Sea Scouts) none 21st Exeter (St Lawrence) none 1st Pinhoe pinhoescouts.org.uk 1st Topsham (Sea Scouts) none f ISCA Explorer Scouts
Exmouth & Budleigh exbudscouts.org.uk District Commissioner Denis Gover dc@exbudscouts.org.uk
1st Budleigh Salterton none 1st Exmouth none 1st Lympstone none 1st Woodbury none 3rd Exmouth none 5th Exmouth (St. Andrew's) none 7th Exmouth (All Saints) 7thexmouthscouts.org.uk Otterton Rural none
Mid Devon
middevonscouts.org.uk District Commissioner Tony Johnson dc@middevonscouts.org.uk
1st Chulmleigh chulmleigh-scouts.org.uk 1st Crediton none 1st Drewsteignton & Chagford 1st North Tawton northtawtonscouts.co.uk 1st Okehampton 1stokehamptonscouts.org.uk f 1st Sandford f 1st South Zeal Tedburn and Cheriton none
North Devon
www.northdevonscouts.org Acting District Commissioner Andy Ellis andy.ellis@devonscouts.org.uk
1st Bratton Fleming none 1st Chivenor sites.google.com/site/1stchivenor 1st Fremington Air sites.google.com/site/fremingtonairscouts/ f f 1st Ilfracombe (Holy Trinity) 1st North Devon (Barnstaple) f 54 Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk
1st South Molton none 1st Tawstock none f 12th North Devon (Pilton) 50th North Devon (Barnstaple) f 5th North Devon (Bishops Tawton) f Braunton Sea Scouts brauntonscouts.org.uk f Taw Explorers
www.plymouthdistrictscouts.org District Commissioner Sue Hoskin hoskinsue@hotmail.com
f 1st Crownhill 1st Keyham 1stkeyham.plymouthdistrictscouts.org 1st Roborough none f 3rd St Budeaux (St Philip) 7th Plymouth 7thplymouth.plymouthdistrictscouts.org 9th/21st Plymouth none 10th Devonport (St Bartholomew) none 10th St Budeaux none 11th Devonport (St Michaels) none 11th Plymouth none 19th Plymouth (Emmanuel) none f 27th Plymouth (Compton) 29th Plymouth none 30th Plymouth none f 31st Plymouth (Ernesettle) 33rd Plymouth (Woodland Fort) none 35th Plymouth none
42nd Plymouth (Eggbuckland) 45th Plymouth 47th Plymouth
none none
www.devonscouts.org.uk District Commissioner Terry Hawkins terry.hawkins@btinternet.com
1st Ivybridge 1st Plympton 3rd Ivybridge 3rd Plympton (Woodford) 6th Plympton
f f f
none f
www.devonscouts.org.uk District Commissioner Robert Sheldrake bobandjudy@btinternet.com
1st Brixton and Yealmpton f f 1st Elburton (Methodist) 1st Plymstock none 1st Wembury none 2nd Elburton none 2nd Plymstock (St.Mary's) none
South Hams
1st Dartmouth & Kingswear 1st Marlborough 1st Modbury 6th Kingsbridge
none none none none
www.teignbridgescouts.co.uk District Commissioner Chris Solway dc@teignbridgescouts.co.uk
f 1st Bishopsteignton none 1st Bovey Tracey f 1st Chudleigh 1st Dawlish none 1st Heathfield none f 1st Ipplepen 1st Kenton 1st-kenton.btck.co.uk f 1st Kingskerswell 1stlivertonscouts.co.uk 1st Liverton 1st Lustleigh none 1st Moretonhampstead none 1st Newton Abbot (Sea Scouts) none f 1st South Brent 1st Teign Valley none 2nd Newton Abbot (SA) none f 3rd Newton Abbot 4th Newton Abbot none 4th Teignmouth none f 1st Highweek 1st River Teign (Sea Scouts)seascouts.me
tivertonscouts.org.uk District Commissioner Margret Jarvis margaret.jarvis3@btinternet.com
1st Bradninch 1st Hemyock 1st Silverton 2nd Tiverton (St Pauls) 1st Culmstock Bampton Cullompton Tiverton Scout Group
www.torbay-scouts.com District Commissioner Ian Fisher fisheril@blueyonder.co.uk
10th Torbay (Babbacombe) 11th Torbay (Sea Scouts) 13th Torbay (Churston & Galmpt) 14th Torbay (St Paul's Sea Scout Group) 15th Torbay (Belgrave) 17th Torbay (Methodist) 1st Marldon 1st Stoke Gabriel 1st Torbay (St Mary Church) 20th Torbay (Grammar School) 26th Torbay (St Mary's) 3rd Torbay (Shiphay) 3rd Totnes (Sea Scout) 6th Torbay (Paignton) Brittannia
This list has been created from information available in the public domain mainly discovered from the internet, twitter or Facebook and is not taken from any official Scout database/record. So it is as accurate as possible if you know of any discrepancies for example groups that are not listed, new contact details etc then please email.
www.devonscouts.org.uk District Commissioner Sue Larner sue@tor-cottage.co.uk
www.devonscouts.org.uk District Commissioner Linda Buckland lindabuckland@tiscali.co.uk
1st Bradworthy 1st Dolton 1st Edgehill & Torridge 1st Halwill 1st Hartland 1st Holsworthy 1st Torrington 2nd Bideford
West Devon
devonscouts.org.uk District Commissioner Paul Hughes paulhughes12@googlemail.com
1st Buckland (St. Andrew's) 1st Lifton (Sea Scout) 1st Princetown 1st Tavistock 2nd Bere Alston Brentor and Mary Tavy Bridestowe Scout Group Horrabridge Sea Scout Group Walkham Valley Whitchurch
Scout ’n’ about www.devonscouts.org.uk 55