West Michigan Style Magazine Spring/Summer 2016

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Contributors PEOPLE


PUBLISHER DeVries Jewelers

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dawn Pick Benson, GlobeStory

David Chandler Photography

CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jim Hossler, Hossler Creative


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Chris Koens Micah Crittenden

GlobeStory Dawn Pick Benson is the owner of GlobeStory, a content marketing consultancy dedicated to helping others lead and market with cultural intelligence. With GlobeStory, companies and organizations can eliminate the guesswork and communicate across cultures—with confidence.

David Chandler is a professional photographer based in Grand Rapids. He is results-driven and passionate about delivering creative, original and timeless photography to his clients.

Downtown Market downtownmarketgr.com



Brindle & Blonde brindleandblonde.com

Hossler Creative

Kelly Braman Photography ON THE COVER: Michelle Staal photographed by David Chandler at The Grand Rapids Downtown Market

West Michigan Style magazine is dedicated to showcasing West Michigan businesses and utilizing local talent. View our behind-the-scenes videos and additional photos on our Facebook page or at westmichiganstyle.com.

Kelly Braman Photography’s unique, vintage-modern style has quickly made her one of Grand Rapids’ most desired wedding photographers. Her experience and unique style have led to work throughout the state and beyond working with stylish families and commercial and magazine shoots. kellybramanphotography.com

Content, design and production specialist Jim Hossler creates multiplatform marketing and advertising campaigns with direction for publications, video and photo shoots. hosslercreative.com

Gazelle Sports gazellesports.com

Chris Koens With a degree in visual communications and a background that includes both managing fashion retail and working in fashion marketing, Chris Koens brings a unique design perspective to his contributions to West Michigan Style. @chriskoens

West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers


Publisher’s Note |



Spring is upon us, and in West Michigan, that means it’s time to get out and enjoy it. After a long winter, we’re all ready to explore our communities, soak up the sun and savor everything warmer weather brings our way. That’s why we decided to focus this issue of West Michigan Style on fitness. And we think the perfect place to start is with Michelle Staal’s inspirational story. Her tenacity in the midst of challenges and her dedication to encouraging community members to stay active is infectious—she’s inspired us; we hope she does you as well. We’re also featuring the newly created Gazelle Sports Foundation. The foundation’s dream is to make Michigan one of the healthiest states in the nation. Its hope is to help break down barriers to fitness by focusing on funding projects that encourage fitness-centered activities and programs among lower-income and at-risk community members. In addition to our feature stories, we’re also offering practical advice for getting fit this season. In Trends, we’re including our picks for 7 of our favorite fitness apps. And don’t miss Wish List, where we’re offering suggestions for our favorite jewelry items to add to your “spring bling” collection this season. As you peruse this issue, if you notice any must-have items for the season, be sure to visit our Where to Buy page. It includes prices and locations for finding all of your favorite items featured in this issue. We hope this issue does one thing for you: inspires you to get out and get active this season, enjoy time with friends and family, and soak in all the gorgeous sights and sounds of this amazing home we all call West Michigan. Here’s to the best spring and summer yet, Dan & Dave DeVries

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CONTENTS Spring / Summer 2016

4 | Trends Our 7 favorite fitness apps

5 | Ideas Gift ideas for any fitness lifestyle

6 | Strides of Strength Michelle Staal: Inspiring West Michigan to get out and get active

12 | Foundational Fitness Gazelle Sports Foundation

18 | Where to Buy An at-a-glance list of where you'll find items showcased in this issue.

19 | Wish List Our picks for exquisite spring/ summer gifts.

20 | Designer Spotlight Sholdt Design

facebook.com/WMStyleMagazine WestMichiganStyle.com

Page 6 Michelle Staal on a mission.


West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers


Trends | What's hot this season

FITNESS TECHNOLOGY We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite apps, but there are thousands of options so you’re bound to find one that works for you.

When it comes right down to it, maintaining an active lifestyle can be difficult — especially when you try to go it alone. Well, thanks to the pocket-sized technology we all carry with us every day, staying connected and motivated is easier than ever. Today, mobile apps

MyFitnessPal - calorie counter and diet tracker. Lose weight by tracking your caloric intake quickly and easily.

RunKeeper - track your runs; see your location

can connect you to a cacophony of cheerleaders, trainers, gym rats, cardio bunnies, or like-minded exerphiles. Whatever your current fitness level or goals, there’s an app for you. Pocket Yoga - your personal yogi right in your

on a map. Integrates with

pocket. With Pocket Yoga

fitness tracking devices

you can keep up with your

(Pebble, Fitbit, etc).

practice at your own pace.

ToneItUp - daily motivation; connect with community and share workouts, recipes, photos.

Evernote - collect and share recipes, workouts, and more - from most any website - with Evernote’s virtual notebooks.

Meditation Studio guided meditations to

HealthKit - The Health app gives you an easy-to-

help declutter your mind

read dashboard of your

and improve your health.

health and fitness data.

“I’m a huge fan of incorporating fitness apps into my clients’ programs. Apps give an immediate sense of accountability by tracking their workouts or logging their meals. Recently, I had a client reach her goal weight - her lowest weight in nearly 30 years - she said it was because we used apps to track her daily food and drink. Amazing.” Kimberly Olson, PhD, CNC, CPT www.FitKim.com

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Alpina Women's Horological Smart Watch DeVries Jewelers

Some inspiration for your list



We’re not judging, it’s okay if your only marathon is your daily coffee run, or the only lifting your biceps get is the 20-pound computer bag you carry throughout your boring commute. But we all have those people in our lives who do so much more than that—or plan to do so much more than that —and finding a perfect gift for those

| Ideas

BEGINNER Saucony Compression Socks - a beginning runner will never look back after you introduce them to the difference a great pair of socks can make - bonus: Saucony is a subsidiary of West Michiganbased Wolverine World Wide. [www.saucony.com] Shefit® Ultimate Sports Bra - the girls in your life will thank you for supporting their active lifestyle - bonus: this company is based in West Michigan. [www.shefit.com] Goodbyn® Hero - perfect to help a beginner practice healthy meal planning. The Hero is a 3-compartment meal container offering style and flexibility for taking a healthy daily meal to their workplace. [www.goodbyn.com]

people can be an exercise all its own.

WEEKEND WARRIOR One thing perfect for any activity level is a massage! Mandy Hoover, LMT holistic health practitioner at Wright Chiropractic, says an afteractive massage “typically consists of stretching and lymphatic drainage, and helps release lactic acid.” She adds, “I like to incorporate peppermint oil to help with achy muscles - it feels great and gives a nice, cooling effect.” Wright Chiropractic at www.wrightchirogr.com

Plantronics® BackBeat FIT cordless headphones are some of the best wireless sports headphones for the best workout playlists. [www.plantronics.com] BluePrint™ Invigoration Cleanse™ this cleanse can be delivered right to the door and offers the perfect balance for those looking to try a cleanse without giving up too many daily indulgences. Help take an active lifestyle to the next level with a personal trainer. Fitness Together® offers a Jump Start 3-session, one-on-one private training plan. [www.fitnesstogether.com/grandrapids]

Don’t forget, regardless of their active lifestyle level, sometimes it’s nice to splurge - think about giving them a tennis bracelet instead of a tennis racket.

Lafonn's Lassaire Simulated Diamond Tennis Bracelet DeVries Jewelers

HARD-CORE FITNESS BUFF Pay for a month of their gym membership - or ask about other options such as upgrading their plan or putting a credit on their account at the facility’s on-site juice bar. Pebble Time Round - a smartwatch as beautiful as it is functional; technology is not proprietary so it integrates with most mobile phones. [www.pebble.com] Help them explore something new and get them a membership for a local Boot Camp. In the Grand Rapids area, try 8th Day Gym, they have great workouts and an incredible community.

West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers


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West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers



or Grand Rapids native

her kidneys. The disease has undoubtedly

and avid runner Michelle

made everything a bit more complicated

Staal, you’d think running

for Staal—running included—due to

comes naturally. But the

its effects on sensation in her fingers

community outreach

and feet. But Staal’s perseverance is a

training program

testament to her spirit: “It was hard

Thinking of getting more active this summer?



coordinator at Gazelle Sports is also the

to come back and keep running and

Joining a running group can be scary,

first to admit running is just plain hard—

encouraging others … but that is what I

but just do it!

no matter how you slice it.

do, and that’s what I did.”

There are plenty of local running groups

"Everyone has a challenge, and we all have good days and bad days. You just can't let the bad days stop you."

drudgery. The hardest part is making the

informational meeting wide-eyed and

Although her running time is a little

reminder of how strong you really are.

nervous: “They’ve never done anything

different now and her place among the

like this before, and they’re often scared

pack a bit altered, Staal’s smile and

to death.” She says that most don’t know

attitude is unhampered as she focuses on

anyone coming into the meeting, but she

running and pushing others toward their

enjoys watching as they fall in love with

goals. “Running is hard for everyone.

running and their fellow runners.

Everyone has a challenge, and we all have

not how long you run, but that you finish

good days and bad days. You just can’t let

that’s most important.

“It’s hard, and it’s always been hard,” says Staal, who started off as a walker and only began running in her 30s. She trained for her first 5K with a running buddy and never thought she’d be able to do it, but she found support in the community around her and fell in love with them as a result. Staal explains how she often sees new runners come to an

“We have an amazing, supportive

to join that make running more than just decision to join. But the reality is you will find people just like you here and team leaders ready to guide you through the process. Not every run will be a great run If someone tells you every run is a great run, they’re lying! Many runs will be hard and ugly, but they are all worth it—a

Mileage doesn’t matter Don’t get caught up in thinking you have to go for gold every time. Life brings everyone curveballs, so don’t be afraid to adjust your goals as life happens. It’s

the bad days stop you.” Don’t set out to win the race, but to

community, and we want everyone to be successful,” says Staal. “So many in

Running, in Staal’s eyes, is much like

finish it—with a smile

our running groups have found people

life: there are times when you run full

Running is really a race with ourselves.

they didn’t even know they needed in

out, and there are times when you need

their lives at the time.” Staal shares how

to slow down a bit and add intervals of

she’s watched them build relationships

walking or resting in order to recharge.

and form unbelievable bonds through

But in the end, what really matters is

Visit gazellesports.com to learn more

tragedies and heartbreak, but also in

finishing the race with a smile. //

about their training programs.

triumph and joy. “These are amazing people with incredible stories who come together over running. It’s really the people you run with who are the reason you show up.” And it’s these same runners who Staal says have served as her inspiration while dealing with a 2013 diagnosis of lupus, an inflammatory disease in which the immune system begins attacking its own tissues. In Michelle's case, lupus targeted

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For most of us, simply finishing a run or a race is the successful result of selfdiscipline and determination.

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West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers


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West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers



lot can be said for the

with a specific goal: To help Michigan

a more formal and organized setting.

community outreach

become healthier by assisting individuals

“It’s parallel [to] what we believe in

efforts of Gazelle

and organizations in implementing

doing … supporting the community as

Sports—a Kalamazoo-

activities and programs focused

well as supporting fitness,” explains

based athletic

on fitness and healthy living. The

Ken Sung, co-owner at Gazelle Sports.

retail store—when it comes to helping

foundation is designed to “break down

“The foundation allows us to build a

Michigan residents live a healthier

barriers to fitness [and] give preference

base of support that we put back into the

lifestyle. With its heartfelt mission and

to lower-income or at-risk community

community … The premise is that it has

philanthropic culture, it only seemed

members,” according to Rachel Ball,

to help encourage change or fitness in

natural that Gazelle Sports would transfer

strategic development & corporate

the community.”

these core values into a more formal

assistant at Gazelle Sports. Every six

setting. The answer has come in the form

months, GSF awards individuals and

Chris Lampen-Crowell had this idea

of the Gazelle Sports Foundation, a 501(c)

organizations up to $5,000 in grants to

in mind when he co-founded the store

(3) organization that supports fitness-

help meet these community health and

in 1985. Gazelle Sports' interest in and

centered programs and activities through

fitness goals.

intent to give back to the community

the biannual awarding of grants to local organizations.

is why, in 2013, the company became a The Importance

Certified Benefit—or B—Corporation. A

Leadership at Gazelle Sports chose

B Corporation differs from a traditional

The Inception

to start a foundation as a way to help

corporation in that it is held to a higher

Gazelle Sports Foundation (GSF) began

channel the company’s giving spirit into

standard, with a focus on implementing

14 West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers

positive changes in the community and environment, in addition to the traditional emphasis on financial profit and performance. GSF is simply an extension of the company’s desire to impact the community in a greater way. The Impact Since its birth in 2014, GSF has awarded grants to three organizations in Michigan. The winners—Pathways, MI; Let Me Run, Inc.; and the Down Syndrome Association of West Michigan (DSAWM)—have since used the money to create a positive impact in their respective communities. Pathways, MI is using its grant to expand its third through fifth grade boys’ fitness program, Total Trek Quest (TTQ), from Ottawa to Allegan and Muskegon counties. Let Me Run, Inc., is using the funding to provide local need-based scholarships for its program for preteen and teen boys that combines exercise with fun activities and life lessons. The DSAWM is funding its Kent County-based Shape Up! and Rapid Runners programs, which provide healthy living education, exercise classes, and 5k training for young individuals with Down syndrome.

"It’s parallel [to] what we believe in doing … supporting the community as well as supporting fitness." Getting Involved



Pathways, MI—a West Michigan-

The GSF awards grants every January

based organization providing services,

and July. The application can be found at

resources and expertise to individuals

gazellesportsfoundation.org/grants. Only

and families to help them achieve

fully completed forms will be accepted,

positive life changes. [pathwaysmi.org]

and all completed forms can be emailed

It’s no surprise that GSF is already

to info@gazellesportsfoundation.org.

making a positive impact on

Let Me Run, Inc.—a Charlotte, NC-

communities in West Michigan. From the

based running program focused on

beginning, Gazelle Sports has focused

providing preteen and teen boys an


on being more than a simple retail store;

opportunity to be active and build

Individuals and organizations interested

instead, its desire has always been to

positive relationships in a healthy

in supporting the positive work that

environment. [letmerun.org]

the Gazelle Sports Foundation is doing

help individuals and organizations in Michigan stay healthy and active. This “deeper impact,” according to Ball, is exactly what GSF is dedicated to bringing to West Michigan, both now and in the future. //

DSAWM—an organization founded as a West Michigan resource to provide awareness, support and opportunities for the Down syndrome community.

Note: grants are capped at $5,000.

can visit gazellesportsfoundation.org to learn more. GSF accepts monetary donations of all sizes. Learn more at gazellesportsfoundation.org/donate.


West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers


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Charm Bracelet, Endless; Diamond Oval Pendant and Earring Set, Cordova, from DeVries Jewelers

Horological Women’s Smart Watch, Alpina from DeVries Jewelers

WHERE TO BUY Unite Cardigan, Lolé; Darling Tank, Lolé; Eden Legging, Lolé; Metcon 2 Shoes, Nike; Dena Bag, Lolé from Gazelle Sports

Did you see a must-have item (or two) on previous pages? We've aggregated all of them onto one page just for you, making them easy to purchase for yourself—or circle a few for your significant other to find.

All wardrobe on this page is from Gazelle Sports. gazellesports.com All jewelry on this page is from DeVries Jewelers. devriesjewelers.com Sterling Silver Inlay Earring and Pendant set, Asch Grossbardt from DeVries

Denim Jacket, Patagonia; Canita Dress, Lolé from Gazelle Sports

Parker Sweater, Prana; Kara Jean, Prana; Sienna MJ Canvas Shoes, Keen from Gazelle Sports

Fish Creek Polo, Smartwool from Gazelle Sports; Torrentshell Jacket, Patagonia, from Gazelle Sports; Aquis Dive Watch, Oris, from DeVries Jewelers

Fezzman Shirt, Patagonia from Gazelle Sports

Fish Creek Polo, Smartwool from Gazelle Sports; Horological Smart Watch, Frederique Constant from DeVries Jewelers

18 West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers


Simulated diamonds in sterling silver bonded with platinum LaFonn - Necklace $125 - Earrings $130

14 kt Gold Engagement Ring. Sholdt - $3,675

Spring Bling: Set your sights on these uniquely exquisite spring and summer jewelry items.

18k Yellow Gold and Red Topaz Ceramic Spinner Ring

Sterling Silver Bracelet

Roberto Demeglio - Starting at $1,195

Officina Bernardi - $260

Alpina Horological Smart Watch Alpina $975

Leather Bracelets and Charms Endless - starting at $39 (Promotional Price)

Gemstone Slab Necklace Frederic Duclos - $260

West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers


Designer Spotlight

Kalee Sholdt

"I am beyond proud to be the fourth generation Sholdt to carry on this legacy."


imeless. Classic.

Immersed in the world of jewelry

Handcrafted and finished

since childhood, Kalee recalls how

to perfection. For four

she was intrigued as a kid by the wax

generations, Seattle-

process of creating jewelry and then

based Sholdt has been designing

later captivated as an adult by the fun

exquisite jewelry. “We have only

to be had working in her industry.

four master jewelers who work

From traveling the world in search of

together to create each Sholdt

beautiful things to meeting amazing

ring,” says Kalee Sholdt, the fourth

people and selling gorgeous jewelry,

generation member of her family

Kalee says she feels “blessed to be

who took over ownership of the

part of something so special.”

business in 2014. “Together this amazing group has more than 90 years of experience here. They know jewelry, and they have great pride

“I get to play with pretty things and meet happy people every single day,” says Kalee. “It doesn’t get much

in their work here.”

better than that. I am beyond proud

The beauty of the Pacific Northwest

carry on this legacy.”

has always inspired Sholdt jewelry: from the details of a fern to the organic shape of the coastline. And right now Kalee notes bands are the latest trend: “Fancy shaped eternity

to be the fourth generation Sholdt to

Learn more about Sholdt by visiting sholdtdesign.com. You can also find select Sholdt designs at DeVries Jewelers in Grand Rapids, Mich.

bands to stack up are a classic and fun way to personalize a unique wedding set.”

20 West Michigan Style by DeVries Jewelers

SholdtDesign.com | @_SHOLDT_

Oris Divers Sixty-Five

Automatic mechanical movement Unidirectional revolving bezel Top ring with black aluminium inlay Water resistant to 10 bar/100 m


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