Road Scholar 2011 – Kathryn Tesh
Changes in rules this year:
1. DESCRIPTION: Remove adjectives “interpretive” to noun “questions”, and now permits the use of satellite/aerial images. 2. EVENT PARAMETERS: No change. 3. THE COMPETITION: Rule changes “will” to “may”, leaving option to present test in other than storyline format and making drawing portion of the test optional. Note that there are some items marked with an asterisk, to be written at an introductory level for regional exams. Last year item 3.a.xix, Universal Transversal Mercator, was marked to be written only for state & national exams but this year it is included in the regional material. Note that testing areas and scoring are unchanged, as are the recommended resources.
Helpful Resources: The North Carolina Science Olympiad home page. NCSO Division B/C Event resources page. NCSO Road Scholar resource page. USGS Teaching Resources for using maps. o 27 Ideas for Teaching with Topographic Maps Contains 27 ideas for teaching with the approximately 57,000 topographic maps that the USGS offers. o All about USGS Topographic Maps A comprehensive description of topographic maps and how they were made prior to the digital age. o Finding Your Way with a Map and Compass A brief description of how to navigate using a compass and topographic maps. o Topographic Maps Illustrating Physiographic Features Lists of USGS topographic maps (listed by state) that show good examples of over 200 different physiographic features. o Map Symbols An explanation of topographic maps and map symbols. o Free Digital USGS Topographic Map Quadrangles Click on "Map Locator" to download free USGS topographic map quadrangles in georeferenced PDF (GeoPDF) format. These files were created using high-resolution scans and average 10-17 megabytes in size. National Science Olympiad Road Scholar resource page. The information below should not be interpreted as an extension of the rules. The official rules in the current Rules Manual take precedence.
Sample Student Map Design Exercise
In the 2010 Science Olympiad Test Packet, the graph on P. 65 is difficult to read due to light copy, so we've added a JPG of the original here. Page 65 Graph - Road Scholar 2009 1