Helping individuals and organisations to flourish
Division for Lifelong Learning Courses in Management and Leadership
Are you looking to develop your management and leadership skills? Are you looking for flexible study that you can complete in your own time? Are you an employer wishing to develop your staff? If so, then the University of Bath Management and Leadership CPD courses could be for you.
Short Courses and CPD Division for Lifelong Learning University of Bath Tel: 01225 383491 Email:
“As a business owner, the flexible study style and immediate personal support means that I can continue to run a business and study at the same time.� Laura (currently studying the Conducting a Management Project unit)
What are we offering? We offer a number of Management and Leadership short courses which have been designed for practising middle managers and other individuals who wish to develop core management skills and practices and enhance employability. These units include: Personal Development as a Manager and Leader, Resource Management, Conducting a Management Project, Performance Management, Being a Leader and many more.
How are the courses delivered? These courses are delivered by distance learning using the University of Bath Virtual Learning Environment, Moodle, with full support provided via e-mail by qualified tutors with experience in the Management and Leadership subject area. This method of delivery provides the student with greater flexibility.
What qualification will I get? These Management and Leadership units have been developed in partnership with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) As well as gaining University of Bath credit, students are eligible for a CMI Award, Certificate or Diploma in Level 5 Management and Leadership upon completion of the appropriate number of units.
‘‘The team at Bath helped me tremendously; their service was efficient, concise and unfailingly friendly’’
Danny (currently studying the Resource Management unit)
When can I start? There are four entry points throughout the year: January, March, July and October and students usually study a maximum of two units in any three-month period.
Do I have to attend the University? You are not required to attend the University of Bath for this course. However, as a full student of the University you will have access to the institution’s facilities, including the Library and Sports Training Village. You will also be eligible for a student card which provides you with discounts on a number of products and services.
How do I find out more? For further information or to apply for a course, please go to or contact the University of Bath, Division for Lifelong Learning on 01225 383491
“I decided to study for the CMI Management Units because of the professional accreditation attached to them. In addition this type of studying fits in with my work and personal commitments. I have found that I have already, in my current role, benefitted from the units studied so far as they have helped me to focus on what I do well and what I need to improve on. In the future having such a professionally accredited qualification will enhance my employability.”
Elaine (currently studying for the full CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership)