BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 06 OUIL603 Extended Practice – Major Brief BRIEF TITLE Immersive Travel Illustration Brief I have identified in a number of screen based journalistic publications that there is a gap in the market for editorial imagery that creates a more memorable experience for the reader. With digital conversion from print to screen everyday, I feel that there is an opportunity to explore more visually engaging elements that decorate and illustrate an article through digital processes. I will create 3 double page spreads for screen-based travel publications that utilise illustration, animation and virtual reality elements.
Products & Proposals
Function & Context
Gif/Animations Layout Design Travel Editorial Illustration
To create a more immersive/ interactive experience into the editorial content.
Context & Distribution
Audience & Tone of Voice
Web-versions of Publications Screen based: Apps, Apple Newsstand, Snapchat Discover
Travellers Holiday Makers (or Audience of chosen publication)
Could be developed into online advertising campaign for different travel brands like Expedia.
Informative, Atmospheric
Additional information/Considerations How will you animate the images? Aftereffects? Gifs in Photoshop?
Deliverables Set of 3 x Double page spreads/Articles Inc: 1x Full page Image 2 x Spot Illustrations
Market Research
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See what’s already available, products, apps Formats?
Select Existing Travel Article to Illustrate
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Travel websites, Magazines from the library
Something that interests me?
Image references
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As I am not going to be able to travel the world and collect my own reference imagery, I will use youtube, travel guides, google images etc for visual reference.