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Getting the most out of your tour means choosing a provider who will support your child from the word go. You'll want learning opportunities for your child which are curriculum-linked, with meaningful outcomes; plus a safe, secure and friendly environment with comfortable accommodation and plenty of good quality food. You'll also want inspirational mentors who encourage and motivate your child to succeed and who let them enjoy the trip as well. All activities, equipment, instruction, food and accommodation are included in the cost of the trip. Making the right choice for your child couldn't be easier.

Studying at the

Top School in the UK


Tough Choices or Tough Times: NCEE 2009 Cardiff Sixth Form College (CSFC) literally searches the world for the best approaches to education. Our teaching philosophy draws from both East and West. Like our multi-cultural student body, we believe that our integrated methods set us apart from other boarding colleges.

In 2016, 96% of CSFC students achieved A*-A grades, whilst 99% of students achieved A*-B grades. For seven years running they have been awarded: Top Private School in the UK, Top Private Co-educational Boarding School and Top Private Sixth Form College. (DVWHUQ HGXFDWLRQ SUL]HV ULJRXU DQG GLVFLSOLQH DQG VWXGHQWV UHFHLYH D ͤUVW UDWH XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI FRUH VXEjects across the student body, while Western approaches value individual creativity. Throughout the tour your child will be challenged to think differently and develop their leadership skills. However, what differentiates Tutors in China and CSFC from others is their urgency to prepare students for 21st century professions. They understand WKDW WKH FXUUHQW &KLQHVH DVVHVVPHQW V\VWHPV DUH ULJRURXV EXW LQVXIͤFLHQW ,Q many cases they are measuring skills that are rapidly becoming obsolete. The jobs of the future will be complex, require innovative and creative thinking. Jobs that are not, will be done by a computer.

Aim higher achieve more


Engaging children to learn through challenging situations is where your child can achieve personal growth. Which is why we offer a choice of many different activities, each one designed WR PRWLYDWH EXLOG FRQͤGHQFH DQG HQFRXUDJH SHUVRQDO GHYHORSPHQW LQ •

Decision making


Cultural appreciation


Innovative thinking


Team building

Your child will develop skills that will help them stand out and become highly valued and useful in their future careers. Whether they are in or out of the classroom, students will be learning, improving, and having fun. Which means more opportunities to push limits, reach further, succeed and making the friendships and memories that last a lifetime.

Multi-disciplinary Tour Through challenge, we inspire Multi-Activity. Because there's more than one way to deliver a transformational experience for your child. Each day is packed with adventure to H[FLWH LQVSLUH DQG EXLOG FRQͤGHQFH Bringing a whole different dimension to their learning experience. For the children it's about digging deep. Finding the courage to think, act and to take a step into the unknown. It's learning to give and receive support. Strengthen friendships. Grow and be more than they are inside the classroom. So how does it work?

Flexible Courses We have core options which all students must take part in. However, we also have electives which your child can decide on. These include: Golf; horse riding; canoeing; mountain biking; touch rugby; orienteering and raft building.

Discover More Make learning unforgettable Help your child discover a world of learning outside the classroom. It's a modular, curriculum-linked course covering Science, English Language and Mathematics. It's full of practical and fun activities which will have your child learning without even realising it. By exploring the link between ideas and practical experiences they'll develop a deeper understanding of all subjects; and by mixing practical activities into the equation we make it meaningful, accessible and lots of fun. It's learning with a difference. So how does it work? Choose from our tried-and-tested study modules according to the learning requirements of your child.

Tailor-made programme Students on the course are tested before leaving to the UK and placed in groups according to their ability; this allows each student the best opportunity to improve as much as possible during their time in the UK. Students are tested again at the end of the course to asses and compare their progress. To date, there has been an average improvement of 30% in students' level of English.

Add some adventure

Complementing your study programme, our adventure activities and a busy programme of evening entertainment help ensure your child gets the most out of their stay.

Impacting Others

The John Muir Award

As a part of the 14 days tour we will also be enrolling all students will take place in a 4 day residential course in West Wales. As well as learning about responsible behaviour outdoors, participants are given the opportunity to put something back. In just two weeks, your child will:

Discover a wild place discover an area in West Wales alongside the coast

Explore it take time to research the area before visiting

Conserve it take some practical action and personal responsibility Share your experiences Let others know about it, what's been achieved and learned. At the end of the course everyone will be awarded with a FHUWLͤFDWH ZKLFK FDQ EH XVHG ZKHQ applying for university courses in the future.

Trips To Famous Places of Interest Students receive hands-on experience of British life, history, and culture by visiting national icons such as the British and Natural History Museums, The National Gallery, Caerphilly Castle, Cambridge University, Bath's Roman Baths, The London Eye, and The Millennium Stadium. These experiences are then used as a basis for lessons and discussions.

Who are the Mentors? Colin grew up in a one-bedroom London council flat. His Irish immigrant parents, a builder and a FOHDQHU HPSKDVLVHG WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI HGXFDWLRQ +H ZHQW RQ WR EHFDPH WKH ͤUVW SHUVRQ IURP KLV IDPLO\ WR DWWHQG XQLYHUVLW\ JDLQLQJ D ͤUVW FODVV GHJUHH LQ 0DWKHPDWLFV IURP 2[IRUG University. Colin uses a flipped classroom approach to teach mathematics to London students aged 11-18. He believes there is no such thing as being 'bad at maths'; it is simply a case of hard work and receiving the right kind of tuition and support. (RLQ KROGV D ͤUVW FODVV KRQRXUV % $ 0RG LQ 0DWKHPDWLFV IURP 7ULQLW\ &ROOHJH 'XEOLQ 'XULQJ his undergraduate years he was awarded many prizes and scholarships. Eoin also twice UHSUHVHQWHG ,UHODQG DW DQ LQWHUQDWLRQDO OHYHO ͤUVW DW WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDO 0DWKHPDWLFDO 2O\PSLDG then at the International Mathematics Competition, being awarded a third prize at the latter. He has been accepted to continue his studies at the University of Cambridge at PhD level. Jitka is completing PhD in English at Trinity College, Cambridge. Her work at Cambridge University as a supervisor (specialising in individual as well as group teaching) and she also helps with being academic writing mentor. She has a proven track record of improving student academic results by coaching them to write well-structured and persuasive essays. Her extensive experience as a private tutor of English helps her students reach their full potential. +DQD LV D \HDU ROG VWXGHQW HQWHULQJ P\ ͤQDO \HDU DW &DPEULGJH 8QLYHUVLW\ VWXG\LQJ (QJOLVK Literature. She's bilingual and am a fluent French speaker from my years living in both Canada and Switzerland. Her extensive skills in drama and collaborative teaching methods will mean all students will have a great experience.

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