CHALLENGES IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY It is becoming a growing challenge for automotive OEM's and Tier One's to LQFUHDVH YHKLFOH TXDOLW\ ZKLOH DOVR ͤQGLQJ a balance between maintaining production speed and accuracy on the assembly line.
Recently, an OEM in a Top Ten global automaker and Fortune Global 100 company partnered with PTI to overcome these challenges.
THE DIFFICULTIES FCA FACED FCA depended on their supplier quality assurance team (SQA) to address shipping defective components. This task impacted their day to day operations since the team is responsible for a multitude of taks, ranging from initiating phone calls for collaboration between supplier and contractor to obtaining commercial approvals on complex projects. Their varied responsibilities left SQA spending more time on materials management, manufacturing, and plant quality, but left no time for managing the implementation of permanent corrective actions, such as ensuring supplier compliance with quality policy and contributing to a learning organization. Additionally, FCA purchasing was FRQVWDQWO\ VWUXJJOLQJ WR ͤQG TXDOLͤHG DQG FHUWLͤHG FRQWDLQPHQW VXSSOLHUV PDQDJH total landed cost, and mediate disputes between part suppliers, the plant, and the containment supplier. FCA suppliers often lacked real time information from the containment supplier. There was also a lack of transparency on time, materials, and containment performance. Complexity and lack of systematization OHIW )&$ 64$ IDFLQJ D VLJQLͤFDQW slowdown in how it operated. However, the company was committed to aligning its area to the vision of the corporation, and they started enacting strategies to increase speed, flexibility, and to regain the effectiveness and focus of their
functional goal. By choosing to outsource the containment process management to PTI, all non value added and non essential tasks were taken from FCA's workload.
IMPROVING EFFECTIVENESS BY OUTSOURCING TO PTI: PTI recently helped FCA TAP Assembly plant during an extremely demanding vehicle launch by implementing a rigorous system to manage every single step of the quality recovery process. PTI was able to maintain a fast-paced, dynamic, and demanding environment, managing over 100 quality projects on any given day. PTI provided a digital containment management platform to streamline,
organize, and integrate all processes and stakeholders of the containment function. This resulted in valuable cost savings, effectiveness, and transparency for all stakeholders involved. The PTI digital containment platform became a central hub for all stakeholders to interact, making it much easier to maintain everyday operations.
RESULTS OF PTI'S INVOLVEMENT: Working with PTI Digital Platform proved incredibly easy, as the solution connects all stakeholders and supports all the containment process needs. PTI was able to: > streamline communication, > allow real time data to be available to stakeholders, > add performance transparency, and
> reduce commercial disputes among stakeholders. In addition, the overall vehicle quality and satisfaction increased while project time and cost decreased. This returned time to stakeholders so that they could focus on their value-added functions and maintain their commitment to designing, building, and producing the best quailty vehicles in the world.