The Tibet Post International Online Newspaper

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Page1 Tibetan Uprising Day Page 2 Book Exhibitiont Page 3 Spring Monlam Festival Page 4 International News

Page 5 Statement Of H.H Page 10 Tibet


10th March

Welcome to Chinese Front page..... Vol. 01, Issue 13, 15 March 2010

Taiwan Friends Of Tibet

Chinese Tourists in Taipei. Photo: TPI/file

Taipei: The organization Taiwan Friends of Tibet has launched a two-day campaign to educate Chinese tourists about the Tibet situation. The action started today in Taiwan's capital, Taipei, with the raising of two banners, reading "Let the Dalai Lama go home!" and "Stop cultural genocide in Tibet!" ...See page 3







B o d - K y i - Cha- Trin







Front page.....




Tibetan Uprising Day: His Holiness Discusses China, Buddhism and Life in Exile Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama yesterday welcomed a group of 23 prominent democratic activists from around 9 countries and regions; USA, Australia, Germany, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, New Zea-land, Taiwan and Hong Kong to a ceremony to mark Tibetan National Uprising Day, in Dharamshala, India. The group included several Chinese campaigners living in exile, who His Holiness specifically addressed, saying they had not travelled to Dharamshala out of any desire for self-gain or celebrity, but rather out of a belief in the Tibetan cause and the wish to lend support to others. He added that Chinese people everywhere feel the Tibet issue sullies their country’s good name, so one reason to resolve it would be to restore that good name.

Protest and Arrest, Delhi “Our main struggle is to preserve Tibetan culture and Buddhism,” His Holiness continued, “which could benefit 1.2 billion Chinese people. “When I meet Chinese friends, they say 1,000 years of their culture and moral traditions were destroyed in just 60 years – that Chinese people today are materialistic and without

The 51st anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day, in Dharamsala, India, on 10 March 2010. Photo: TPI/YC.Dhardhowa

morals, and they hope Tibetan Buddhism and culture can one day solve these problems.

“So Chinese people have many reasons to support Tibetan Buddhism and culture,” His Holiness concluded, before once again .........See page 3

Policemen detain a Tibetan activist protesting against the Chinese government outside the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, March 9, 2010. Photo: AP

His Holiness Conveys Message to Ninth Session of Tibetan Parliament "It is very important that we sustain our motivation and efforts to improve parliamentary process and standards, keep our sense of equanimity and avoid letting personal conflicts with colleagues affect our work. "Because parliament is responsible for both the administrative executive and the judiciary, it should be accountable to the Tibetan people.

New Delhi: 9 March 2010-Police say they have detained nearly two dozen Tibetan exiles from outside the Chinese Embassy in the Indian capital, where they protested on the eve of the anniversary of the failed uprising that sent the Dalai Lama into exile .....See page 2

Tibet Women The ninth session of the 14th Tibetan Parliament in exile gets underway, 09 March 2010. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala: The ninth Tibetan parliamentary budget session, to set government expenditure for 2010-2011, began yesterday in Dharamshala, India.

Tibetan prime minister Prof Samdhong Rinpoche speaking during the discussion in Dharamshala, India on 4 March 2010. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala: The Social and Resource Development Fund of the Financial Department of the Central Tibetan Administration opened a two day long Symposium of Tibetan Women's Empowerment today in Dharamshala. Tibetan Prime Minister, Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche led proceedings, and is joined by prominent ministers of the Exiled Government Tsering Thondup, Taklha Kelsang Yangkyi and former ministers, ......See page 2

"Since our people elected the prime minister to office, I have semi-retired from political leadership. However, I will continue to try my best to work on Tibetan issues and the ChinaTibet dialogue, as long as the Tibetan people trust and believe in me.

"I greet all the parliamentary members attending the ninth session of the 14th Tibetan Parliament-in-exile and wish you all success with the process.

"The five-point peace plan is a vision for the future and is not strongly related to the ChinaTibet dialogue. Because the Chinese government clearly rejected the Strasbourg Proposal of 1988 without thoroughly considering or discussing it, the peace plan has necessarily lost its validity. "Since the resumption of China-Tibet talks in 2002, we have tried to prioritize discussion of the future status of all Tibetans.

"Since coming from Tibet to exile in India, we have succeeded in turning the Tibetan political system into a democracy, as we had long dreamed of.

"We have taken China's views into account and endeavoured to be as realistic and openminded as possible, as is evident in statements issued every year on Tibetan Uprising Day.

"It is a source of pride that our legislative and economic systems, etc, are now under the control of members of a parliament directly elected by the Tibetan people.

"At the eighth China-Tibet talks, we presented a memorandum demanding genuine autonomy for all Tibetans, under the

Today His Holiness the Dalai Lama conveyed a message, as follows, to the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, on democracy, internal conflict and the China-Tibet dialogue:

......See page 9

Take Candle Light

Tibetans and supporters hold a vigil condemn on Saturday, 06 March 2010. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala: Hundreds of exiled Tibetans including nuns and monks and supporters on Friday held a mass candlelight vigil in Dharamshala, India to condemn "Strike Hard" campaign in Tibet's capital of Lhasa ............ See detail on page 9

Social Service

Samasource Initiates Tibetan Employment Project in Dharamshala. 27 February 2010. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala: The non-profit organization Samasource yesterday began a data-processing employment program for Tibetans in Dharamsala. YC Dhardhowa, editor of the Tibet Post, talked to Samasource’s Chief .....Detail on page 9

TPI TIBET IN EXILE 2 Book Exhibition Commemorates More than Two Dozen Tibetans Detained for Protest Outside Tibet’s 50-Year Struggle Chinese Embassy Against China 15 March , 2010 Dharamsala

The Tibet Post

......continued from frontpage in India.

those detained by police.

Chanting "Free Tibet," the protesters on Tuesday r ushed toward the Chinese Embassy gate but were blocked by Indian police officers who put them in a van and drove to a nearby police station.

The protest was organized by the Tibetan Youth Congress.

A police officer says they were likely to be released later Tuesday. The officer spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to talk to reporters. One Tibetan protester chained himself to a pole outside the Chinese Embassy. He was among

China claims Tibet has always been part of its territory, but many Tibetans say the Himalayan region was virtually independent for centuries until Chinese troops invaded in the 1950s. The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has lived in the northern Indian town of Dharmshala since fleeing Tibet following the failed 1959 uprising against Chinese rule.

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Symposium on Tibetan Women’s Empowerment Commences in Dharamshala A Mega book exhibition opened by Guchusum movement of Tibet in Dharamshala, India on 4 March 2010. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala: The ex-political prisoners organization, Gu-ChuSum Movement of Tibet this morning launched a three-day book exhibition in the library of Namg yal College, at the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala, India, where exiled Tibetan government based for last 50 years. The exhibition commemorates 50 years of peaceful struggle to save

Tibet from Chinese oppression, and features 200 books about the achievements of those who have fought and in some instances lost their lives for the Tibetan cause. Gu Chu Sum's president, Ven Ngawang Woeber, told The Tibet Post International, "The exhibition marks the end the first 50 years of Tibet's occupation and of Tibetans living in exile.

"The books were written by expolitical prisoners who fled to India, and other Tibetans in exile, describing the real situation in Tibet, in opposition to misleading Chinese propaganda." Ven Ngawang added that it is very important for Tibetans in exile to read and understand these stories, as historical evidence of China's tyranny.

His Holiness Discusses China............ country,” His Holiness continued, “and even today it is home to many Buddhists.” He said that Five Terrace Mountain, which is associated with the Manjusri Buddha, is in China, as is Dala Mountain, which is associated with the Avalokiteshvara Buddha. His Holiness joked that, “Usually when I meet religious Chinese friends, I say to them, ‘You are a senior Buddhist student, and we are junior students. But junior education is no poorer than senior education!’”

Members of Chinese Democractic activists from 9 countries meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala, India on 10 March 2010. Photo: TPI

......continued from frontpage thanking the Chinese campaigners for attending. Turning to the subject exile in India, he said that, although it is a sad situation, one positive thing is that it has enabled Tibetans to teach the world how precious their religion and culture are. “If I was still living in the Potala in

Tibet, drinking butter tea,“ he said, “I would not have had the opportunity to meet so many people and share my Buddhism and my culture. “I am fortunate to be able to teach Buddhism in exile – so something good has come out of something bad. “Historically, China was a Buddhist

He concluded by saying that the Tibet issue is not simply political, but is also concerned with Buddhism which, in turn, is about wider issues than Tibet. “Just as rivers flow through many countries, so does Buddhism,” he said. “It is essential to take a wide perspective. We should all take heart and develop our inner energy. “Focusing solely on the sadness of our situation in exile will not help us.”

Symposium on Tibetan Women’s Empowerment Commences in Dharamshala. Photo: TPI

......continued from frontpage Rinchen Khandro and Jetsun Pema. Around 40 female members, nuns and representatives of the Central Tibetan Administration, nunneries and Tibetan NGOs were in attendance. In his keynote address, Prof Samdhong Rinpoche asserted that the Women's rights situation in Tibet was much better than in much of the world, explaining that "In the ancient society of Tibet, since human civilisation began, there has no gender inequality. That is due to Buddha including both genders in his Heart Sutra, and in Tantric teachings." The Prime Minister proposed that "We should have a clear acknowledgment of women's empowerment. It is not a demand for the rights of women, but to ensure we provide equal opportunities and activate the inherent power of womanhood." Samdhong Rinpoche resented

figures for gender representation in government, showing that the gender ratio of staff in Tibetan settlement offices of India and Nepal is 446/ 274 for males to females. The figure of women in governing bodies of cooperative societies is only 25 compared with 229 men. Out of 206 local leaders just 24 are women. "In the schools under Central Tibetan Administration the gender ratio is now almost equal. This level of equality gives us a great opportunity for the future." The Prime Minister said. This compares favorably with generations ago, where the female population of the exile community is very low. The session will proceed with a panel discussion featuring Dr Juile Thekkudan of the Society for Participatory Research in Asia; Ms Dolkar Wangmo, counselor at the department of education and Ms Tenzin Dadon Sharling, research and media officer at the Tibetan Women's Association.

The Tibet Post


His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teaching Ends Spring Monlam Festival

15 March , 2010 Dharamsala


Taiwan Friends of Tibet Campaign to Educate Chinese Tourists ......continued from frontpage Campaigners also handed out leaflets in front of Taipei 101, Taiwan's tallest building, containing information to counter Chinese propaganda about the history of and current situation in Tibet. Most of the tourists who were approached refused to accept the leaflets, and some reacted with hostility. Ms Meilli Chow, Chairperson of Friends of Tibet, said, "We understand that the Chinese

people, under the Chinese Communist Party, have faced a long-term system of censorship, mis-education and biased reporting. "We do not expect Chinese tourists to accept our leaflets initially," she continued, "but want them to witness freedom and democracy in action in Taiwan, where different points of view can be aired in public. Some culture shock is a good place to start!" Report edited by Mattew, The Tibet Post International

Chinese-language Version of His Holiness’ Autobiography Launched Today His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teaching Spring Monlam Festival. photo:TPI

Dharamshala: The five day Spring Monlam Festival finished yesterday with His Holiness the Dalai Lama's teachings of Jataka Tales, the story of the life of Buddha, at the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala. The Exiled Tibetan Spiritual Leader addressed Tibetan new arrivals who had come to India to see their relatives, telling them, "this teaching is especially for you."

Buddhism Indian Master Shanti Deva introduced to Tibet includes the complete teachings of the three vehicles of Buddhism, the Foundational Vehicle, Mahayana and Vajrayana," His Holiness told the attendees. "In the 8th century, King Trisong Detsen invited the famous Indian Tantric mystic Padmasmbhava to Tibet, who helped the King to rapid expansion of Buddhism in Tibet."

Teachings began with a review of the historical roots of Buddhism in Tibet and its subsequent flourishing in the 7th century AD. "The

In the teachings, the Tibetan Spiritual Leader stressed that Tibetan Buddhism is not Lamaism, "The Buddhism which flourished in

our snow land is a full, complete version inherited from the ancient Nalanda University in India, it is not so-called lamaism, as is seen by some Buddhist fellows." He also advised against Tibetan lamas and monks taking secret mothers [wives], with the exception of White Robe Long Hair Monastic Order [Nyingma and Sakya sect]. His Holiness the Dalai Lama ended the teachings by emphasising the importance of the Tibetan language, only in which the full Buddhism texts are available and can be studied.

His Holiness The Dalai Lama Sends Condolence Over Chile Earthquake condolences to "those who have been directly affected by this tragedy".

His Holiness the Dalai Lama on 28 February respectfully sent message (letter) of sympathy and condolences to President Michelle Bachelet of Chile. photo:TPI

The streets were deserted Sunday night in Concepcion, Chile's second largest city, amidst a curfew imposed to clamp down on looting a day after the South American nation was rocked by an 8.8-magnitude earthquake that has caused at least 711 lives.

Dharamshala: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama on 28 February respectfully sent message (letter) of sympathy and condolences to President Michelle Bachelet of Chile, expressing his sadness "by the loss of many lives and the extensive damage to roads and buildings as a result of the massive earthquake that struck Central Chile".

An estimated 90 aftershocks continued to rattle the region since the early Saturday temblor, according to the US Geological Survey. The aftershocks included a 6.9 magnitude quake off the coast.

The 74 years old Nobel laureate, His Holiness in his message to the Chilean President said, prayers, sympathy and

The government of President Michelle Bachelet imposed a 30-day state of emergency and sent 10,000

However, Chile appears to have been spared a higher death toll thanks to strict building laws put into effect after past earthquakes.

soldiers into the worst-hit regions of Maule and Biobio. The military will also oversee the distribution of food, blankets and medication to hundreds of thousands of people. In Concepcion, a city of more than 600,000, rescue teams searched feverishly for residents trapped in a damaged apartment block. Thirty people were pulled alive from a 14-storey building, which broke into two halves, but an unknown number remained inside. Most were asleep when the quake hit at 3.34 a.m. (1204 IST) Saturday. While the Pacific basin was spared a major tsunami, there was major tsunami damage in Chile. In the coastal city of Talcahuano, where the surge reached nearly 5 metres from peak to trough, a bizarre exchange took place: While even larger boats landed in the city centre, entire homes floated out to sea.

My Land And My People, cover copy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s book. Photo: TPI/Keary Huan

Taipei: Taiwan Friends of Tibet will today publish a Chinese-language version of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's autobiography "My Land and My People", to mark the 51st anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day.

Written by His Holiness in 1962, the book describes the search that indentified him as the 14th Dalai Lama and reveals his evolution from simple monk to world religious leader. It also paints an intimate portrait of Tibetan

Buddhism before the Chinese invasion. Taiwan Friends of Tibet said the launch of the autobiography is highly significant and will hopefully convey a sense of inheritance to the next generation of Tibetans. This evening, pro-Tibetan Taiwanese non-profit organizations will hold a candlelight vigil in Freedom Square, Taipei, in remembrance of those who have sacrificed their lives in the struggle for a free Tibet.

The Tibet Post TPI INTERNATIONAL US House of Representatives Remembers The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Held a Press Conference Today in Tibet's Struggle on National Uprising Day Dharamshala


15 March , 2010 Dharamsala

Tibet and bolster China's reputation in the world. "Meanwhile, the Chinese government has not won the hearts and minds of the Tibetan people and attempts to drive a wedge between the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people have been counterproductive for the Chinese government. Tibetans are as devoted to their beliefs as ever and the bond with His Holiness the Dalai Lama is unbreakable. "It is long past time for Beijing to work toward a solution that respects the human rights of all Tibetans. The US House of Representatives speaker, Nancy Pelosi and a group of US House of Representatives met H.H the 14th Dalai Lama today, Friday 21st March 2008 at main Tibetan temple, Dharamsala, India. Photo: TPI/YC.Dhardhowa

ashington, DC: US Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, released the following statement yesterday on the 51st Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising.


"Today, on the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising, we honor the many brave Tibetans who have sacrificed their lives fighting for freedom and the aspirations of the Tibetan people to live in peace. "51 years ago today, the people of

Lhasa peacefully assembled and called for an end to harsh Chinese rule in Tibet. The ensuing crackdown was brutal, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama was forced into exile. "For more than five decades, Tibetans have waited for peaceful evolution and democratic reforms that would usher in a brighter future in China and Tibet. The dialogue continues between Tibetan envoys and Chinese officials, but there has not been any substantive progress. A negotiated agreement is essential and it would ensure internal stability in

"President Obama is to be commended for his meeting with the Dalai Lama at the White House last month. The meeting marked another chapter in the long friendship and close ties between the United States and the people of Tibet. We will continue to stand with His Holiness to promote, preserve, and protect the rights of all people to live in freedom worldwide. "On the 51st anniversary of the Dalai Lama being forced into exile, we heed his transcendent message of peace, and we remember the people of Tibet in their ongoing struggle."

EU Parliament Urges China To Change Its Approach On Tibet Negotiations

European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek talks to the audience during a ceremony to mark the start of the European Union’s Lisbon reform treaty in Lisbon December 1, 2009. Photo: Reuters

Dharamshala: At the opening of this week's Strasbourg plenary session, European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek appealed to the Chinese leadership to change its approach and to resume the dialogue with the representatives of the Dalai Lama.

hundreds of MEPs placed Tibetan flags on their desks during the plenary session at Strasbourg. MEPs applauded the speech by the Chairman of the EP Human Rights Committee concerning the current situation in Tibet.

"The 10th of March is the 51st anniversary of the peoples uprising in Tibet. Together with 80'000 followers, the Dalai Lama had been forced to flee the country. We always hope and continuously appeal to the Chinese leadership, to change its approach and to resume the dialogue with the representatives of the Dalai Lama," Mr Jerzy Buzek said.

The organiser of the 'Flag Campaign', the Chairman of the Tibet Intergroup of the EP, Thomas Mann MEP, said: "10 March is a day of mourning. It is also a day of solidarity and of resistance against the silencing of thoughts and speech, against the violation of human rights and the oppression of cultural and religious identity. Today, everywhere in the world, Tibetan flags are being hoisted on official buildings. Every year, thousands of cities and communities

On the occasion of the International Tibet Memorial Day, 10 March,

in the EU take part in this event. MEPs sent a strong signal today of solidarity with the Tibetan people." Underscoring the necessity of helping the Tibetans with all their might in order to break through the diplomatic dead ends, Mr Thoman Mann said: "In numerous EP Resolutions, we have demanded the unconditional continuation of constructive dialogue between the Chinese leadership and the Dalai Lama. In February 2010, the ninth round of talks with the Tibetans ended without progress. Despite all official Tibetan declarations, China sees its unity and sovereignty in great danger. The demonisation of His Holiness does not cease. But in China, however, there are not only hardliners and nationalists. The EU has to support all approaches inside China which respect the territorial integrity of the State and at the same time ensure the cultural and religious identity of the Tibetan people. During His Holiness' visit to the US in February, President Barack Obama clearly supported and acknowledged this middle way approach of His Holiness." More than 110 MEPs from across the political spectrum are Members of the Tibet Intergroup. Its existence in the EP goes back to 1989. "We will also put our efforts into a constructive dialogue and cooperation between the Chinese and Tibetan people during this legislative term", said Mr Mann.

The members of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a press conference today in Dharamshala on 11 March 2010. Photo: TPI/Yangyal Sham

The committee is one of two institutions in Brussels which advises the European Parliament. President Mario Sepi accepted a personal invitation from the Committee's Chinese counterpart, the Economic and Social Council of China last October to visit Tibet. Over the course of the three-day visit to Dharamshala the committee has met with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government Samdhong Rinpoche in Exile to discuss how the EESC, with its potential 36 million euro budget, can best help the Tibetan people. Sepi has said the visit's intentions were to,"increase our knowledge of the economic and social situation in Tibet, as well as [to explore] all possible fields of cooperation and dialogue which can be developed, especially in the areas of education, access to employment, health-care, and gender equality." Anne-Marie Sigmund, head of the delegation, outlined the purpose of the EESC's Dharamshala visit, "We are here on a fact-finding mission. We want to go back with a lot of knowledge and possibilities to create networks in order to put in place some concrete activities." Henri Malosse, President of the Employers' Group of the EESC, stressed the importance of developing a stronger EU-Tibet business relationship through the EESC. "We will engage to strengthen the local civil society, to see how we can build up contacts and partnerships with European and other partners to engage in concrete projects with the [Tibetan] Chamber of Commerce, with the business sector and with small scale industry," assuring attendees that "We will not just go back with a nice picture with the Dalai Lama (...) We have concrete proposals and projects." Marie Schama, a UK member of the institution, said "We have heard from the Dalai Lama that he would like more help for small-scale industry. We learned from the Tibetan chamber of commerce that they would like to develop more links with European

businesses to help them grow." The conference' main focus was on the importance of investing in youthoriented projects. Schama spoke highly of her visit to the Tibetan Children's Village, and stated her intentions to start an entrepreneurship program, along with microcredit initiatives to encourage students into enterprise. The scarcity of scholarships for Tibetan students, most of whom face severe financial difficulty in pursuing higher education, was addressed by Sigmund, who pointed out that while Erasmus Mundus scholarships were available for both Chinese and Indian students, but that Tibetan students did not qualify for either. Sigmund promised that "We will explore the possibilities of making Erasmus Mundus [scholarships] available for Tibetan students." Malosse also brought up the possibility to establish a Tibetan University in order to encourage learning and preserve Tibetan culture. Following on from the Dalai Lama's recent call for more women in leadership roles, the Committee was active in discussing initiatives to provide more opportunities for women in the community. Schama emphasised the importance of grassroots entrepreneurship in "bringing women a voice" and stated, quoting Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche's in their meeting the previous day, "the question is not about empowering women, it's about how we utilise the power of women." When asked about whether the political sensitivity of Tibetan issues particularly regarding the EESC's meeting with the Dalai Lama, whom Chinese authorities accuse of leading a concentrated campaign for Tibetan Independence - might hinder progress and the allocation of the EESC's 36 million euro budget, Sigmund stated "The EESC is not a political body." Malosse admitted that "difficulties" were likely to be encountered, but responded that "for me that is a very poor excuse to do nothing."

The Tibet Post


15 March , 2010 Dharamsala


Statement of H.H the Dalai Lama on the 51st Anniv. of the Tibetan National Uprising Day result will be achieved soon. Nevertheless, our stand to continue with the dialogue remains unchanged. It is a matter of pride and satisfaction that our mutually beneficial Middle-Way Approach and the justice of the Tibetan struggle have gained growing understanding and support year by year from many political and spiritual leaders, including the President of the United States of America, reputed nongovernmental organisations, the international community, and in particular from Chinese intellectuals. It is evident that the Tibetan issue is not a dispute between the Chinese and Tibetan peoples, but has come about because of the ultra-leftist policies of the Chinese Communist authorities.

Tibet's Political and spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama delivers his statement on the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day, in Dharamsala, India, on 10 March 2010. Photo: TPI/YC.Dhardhowa

Dharamshala: Today marks the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan people's peaceful uprising in 1959 against Communist China's repression in Tibet, as well as the second anniversary of the peaceful protests that erupted across Tibet in March 2008. On this occasion, I pay homage to those heroic Tibetan men and women, who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Tibet, and pray for an early end to the sufferings of those still oppressed in Tibet. Despite the great hardships Tibetans have faced for many decades, they have been able to keep up their courage and deter mination, preserve their compassionate culture and maintain their unique identity. It is inspiring that today a new generation of Tibetans continues to keep Tibet's just cause alive. I salute the courage of those Tibetans still enduring fear and oppression. Whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, it is the responsibility of all Tibetans to maintain equality, har mony and unity among the various nationalities, while continuing to protect our unique identity and culture. Many Tibetans in Tibetan areas are working in various responsible posts in the party, government and military, helping Tibetans in whatever way they can. We recognise the positive contribution that many of them have made up to now, and obviously when Tibet achieves meaningful autonomy in the future, they will have to continue to fulfil such responsibilities. Let me reiterate that once the issue of Tibet is resolved, I will not take any political position nor will members of the Tibetan Administration in exile hold any positions in the government in Tibet. I have repeatedly made this clear in

the past. To understand the situation of the Tibetans in exile and their aspirations, I invite Tibetan officials serving in various Tibetan autonomous areas to visit Tibetan communities living in the free world, either officially or in a private capacity, to observe the situation for themselves. Wherever Tibetans in exile have settled, we have been able to preserve and promote our distinct cultural and spiritual traditions, while generating awareness of the Tibetan cause. Unlike other refugees, we have been relatively successful because we have also been able to give our children a sound modern education, while bringing them up according to our traditional values. And because the heads of all four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism and the Bon religion are in exile we have been able to re-establish various institutions for religious training and practice. In these institutions over ten thousand monks and nuns are free to pursue their vocations. We have been readily able to provide educational opportunities for those monks, nuns and students who continue to come from Tibet. At the same time the unprecedented spread of Tibetan Buddhism in both East and West and the prospect of continuing to flourish in the future gives us hope that it may yet survive. This is some solace to us during this most critical period in Tibet's history. Today, the Chinese authorities are conducting various political campaigns, including a campaign of patriotic re-education, in many monasteries in Tibet. They are putting the monks and nuns in prison-like conditions, depriving them the opportunity to study and practise in peace. These conditions

make the monasteries function more like museums and are intended to deliberately annihilate Buddhism. Tibetan culture based on Buddhist values of compassion and nonviolence benefits not only Tibetans, but also people in the world at large, including the Chinese. Therefore, we Tibetans should not place our hopes in material progress alone, which is why it is essential that all Tibetans, both inside and outside Tibet, should broaden their modern education hand in hand with our traditional values. Above all, as many young Tibetans as possible should strive to become experts and skilled professionals. It is important that Tibetans maintain friendly relations not only with people of all nationalities, but also amongst themselves. Tibetans should not engage in petty disputes with each other. I earnestly appeal to them instead to resolve any differences with patience and understanding. Whether the Chinese government acknowledges it or not, there is a serious problem in Tibet. As the world knows, this is evidenced by the fact that there is a huge military presence and restrictions on travel in Tibet. It is good for neither party. We have to take every opportunity to solve it. For more than 30 years, I have tried my best to enter into talks with the People's Republic of China to resolve the issue of Tibet through the Middle-Way Approach that is of benefit to us both. Although I have clearly articulated Tibetan aspirations, which are in accordance with the constitution of the People's Republic of China and the law on national regional autonomy, we have not obtained any concrete result. Judging by the attitude of the present Chinese leadership, there is little hope that a

Since the demonstrations in Tibet in 2008, Chinese intellectuals inside and outside China have written more than 800 unbiased articles on the Tibetan issue. During my visits abroad, wherever I go, when I meet Chinese in general, particularly the intellectuals and students, they offer their genuine sympathy and support. Since the Sino-Tibetan problem ultimately has to be resolved by the two peoples themselves, I try to reach out to the Chinese people whenever I can to create a mutual understanding between us. Therefore, it is important for Tibetans everywhere to build closer relations with the Chinese people and try to make them aware of the truth of the Tibetan cause and the present situation in Tibet. Let us also remember the people of East Turkestan who have experienced great difficulties and increased oppression and the Chinese intellectuals campaigning for greater freedom who have received severe sentences. I would like to express my solidarity and stand firmly with them. It is also essential that the 1.3 billion Chinese people have free access to information about their own country and elsewhere, as well as freedom of expression and the rule of law. If there were greater transparency inside China, there would be greater trust, which would be the proper basis for promoting harmony, stability and progress. This is why

everyone concerned must exert their efforts in this direction. As a free spokesperson of the Tibetan people I have repeatedly spelled out their fundamental aspirations to the leaders of the People's Republic of China. Their lack of a positive response is disappointing. Although the present authorities may cling to their hardline stand, judging by the political changes taking place on the international stage as well as changes in the perspective of the Chinese people, there will be a time when truth will prevail. Therefore, it is important that everyone be patient and not give up. We acknowledge the Central Government's new decision taken at the Fifth Tibet Work Forum to implement their policies uniformly in all Tibetan areas to ensure future progress and development, which Premier Wen Jiabao also reiterated at the recent annual session of the National People's Congress. This accords with our repeatedly expressed wish for a single administration for all those Tibetan areas. Similarly, we appreciate the development work that has taken place in Tibetan areas, particularly in the nomadic and farming regions. However, we must be vigilant that such progress does not damage our precious culture and language and the natural environment of the Tibetan plateau, which is linked to the wellbeing of the whole of Asia. On this occasion, I wish to take the opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to the leaders of various nations, their intellectuals, the general public, Tibet Support Groups and others who cherish truth and justice for continuing to support the Tibetan cause despite the Chinese government's pressure and harassment. Above all I wish to pay my heartfelt gratitude to the Government of India, the various State Governments, and the people of India for their continued generous support. Finally, I offer prayers for the happiness and well-being of all sentient beings. The Dalai Lama 10 March 2010

The Tibet P st I n t e r n a t i o n a l

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15 March , 2010 Dharamsala


The Tibet Post

The Statement of the Kashag on the 51st Anniv. of the Tibetan National Uprising Day Dharamshala: Today - 10 March 2010 - marks the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan people's peaceful uprising against the Chinese authorities. On this momentous day, the Kashag pays homage to the brave men and women of Tibet who have laid down their lives for our spiritual and temporal cause. The Kashag also, in solidarity with those Tibetan compatriots who are presently undergoing torture inside Tibet, extends its best greetings and commiserations to all of them. As detailed in the Kashag's 10 March Statement of the previous year, we have witnessed both positive and negative developments during the last over 50 years. On the one hand, all Tibetans living inside and outside Tibet have endured tremendous hardships and our spirituality, polity and race have suffered irreparable damages. However, on the other hand, Tibetans inside Tibet of all ages have, without losing heart and inner strength, kept alive our struggle for truth all these years. In exile also, we have made great spiritual and political accomplishments, particularly in the fields of the preservation and promotion of Tibetan spirituality and culture. Today, while remembering all these things, the Kashag would especially like to express our deep sense of gratitude to His Holiness the Dalai Lama because all the positive results that we have been able to accomplish during these years is due to His Holiness the Dalai Lama's leadership. From the last 10 March anniversary until now, the Tibetans in exile and their administration have been organising numerous programmes, or commemorative events, to mark the 50 years of their life in exile and to express their heartfelt "Thank You" to their host countries. As a part of this programme, an informal meeting of the employees of Central Tibetan administration (CTA) was held recently to reflect upon the past experiences and to propose ideas regarding our future plans. A summary of what transpired in this meeting, which has already been brought to the attention of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, includes, among other things, the CTA employees re-pledging themselves to the path of peace and non-violence in carrying forward our struggle for truth until the eventual resolution of the Tibet issue. It is our firm belief that the larger Tibetan population inside and outside Tibet will join in this solemn pledge. Of abiding concern to us is that no positive developments have taken place in Tibet since a new crisis developed on 10 March 2008. Therefore, the Kashag would like to urge the People's Republic of China (PRC) to put an immediate halt to their inhuman and unlawful actions, including repression and violations of human rights in Tibet, as well as

handing down death and long-term prison sentences to the Tibetan people without due process of law. The Kashag would also like to make an emphatic appeal to them to release all the innocent Tibetan prisoners, including the young Panchen Lama Gendun Choekyi Nyima. Furthermore, the Kashag would like to appeal to the Tibetans inside Tibet to exercise utmost restraint and caution. In the on-going dialogue process, we have presented to the concerned officials of the PRC the Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan People on 31 October 2008. In this memorandum, we have, besides articulating the fundamental aspirations of the Tibetan people inside and outside Tibet, requested for the full implementation of the National Regional Autonomy provisions as enshrined in the constitution. The Chinese side has, however, sought to distort or misrepresent the requests we have made in it. In order to offer clarifications to these, as well as to make a fresh request of two points, the envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited Beijing this year and conducted ninth round of talks with their Chinese counterparts on 30 and 31 January. In this latest round of talks, the envoys, as advised by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, put forward these two points for the Chinese government's consideration: 1) The ultimate concern of His Holiness is only the welfare of the sixmillion Tibetan people. Regarding this, the Chinese central government contends that the Tibetan people in Tibet are leading a happy life to their satisfaction and that there is no such issue as the Tibet issue that needs to be resolved. We believe, however, that most of the Tibetans in Tibet face tremendous hardships. There is, among them, a strong feeling of dissatisfaction or discontentment in every respect - be it religion, politics, economy, language, culture or social conditions. In the light of such divergent views between the two sides, there is a need for us to collectively undertake a careful investigation of the situation on the ground so as to understand what the reality is. We would like to, therefore, request the Chinese government to undertake the proposed investigation in a manner that affords all Tibetans the real opportunity to express their true feelings without any fear and doubts in their minds. If, as a result of such an investigation, it is found that most of the Tibetan people do not believe there is a problem in Tibet and that they are completely satisfied with their lot, then this is what His Holiness the Dalai Lama is calling for. There is, then, no need for both sides to argue about the issue of Tibet in the future. Whereas if we find that most of the Tibetans are dissatisfied,

then the Chinese central government should also - treading the path of "seeking truth from facts" acknowledge that there is a problem in Tibet and start discussions to collectively find the ways and means of solving the problem. 2) The allegation that His Holiness the Dalai Lama or his exile organisation has instigated the spontaneous and peaceful uprising that rocked the whole of the Tibetan areas since 10 March 2008 is not true. Hence, this allegation is not acceptable to us. This has been put across to the Chinese leadership during the informal discussion that took place in Shenzhen. As a result, during the seventh round of talks, the Chinese central government accepted the reality by changing its stance from the "Three Stops" to "Four Not-to-Supports". Of late, however, it has begun to make the same kind of allegations against us. A need has, therefore, arisen for the Chinese central government to clarify now as to whether its viewpoint is same as it was during the seventh round of talks, or has it changed since then. If it has indeed changed, then the Chinese central government should undertake an indepth investigation - both inside and outside Tibet - to determine scientifically the truth of these accusations. The verdict of such an investigation should be accepted by both the parties concerned. Moreover, we should make amends if we are found to be wrong. If we are not found to be wrong, then the Chinese central government must stop spreading lies, or making such baseless allegations, both domestically and internationally, and issue a clarification to this effect. The Chinese government didn't provide any clear answers to these two points and they also failed to exactly communicate our requests in its subsequent press briefings or statements. As for us, we will continue to press ahead with these two requests we made in a sincere and honest manner. If the views held by the Chinese central government - and what they say - have any truth in them, then it should not hesitate to subject these to investigation. All of us can vouch for the fact that once a proper investigation is undertaken, it will help clear things for the future, thus making it easier for all to see the reality. During the past nine rounds of talks, the envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama have stated categorically to the Chinese government that they have nothing to talk about the personal issue of His Holiness or about the issue of a few people surrounding him. The sole agenda of the dialogue process was to discuss about the welfare of the six-million Tibetan people. In none of these exchanges had they raised the personal issue of His Holiness. We have made this amply clear earlier and we would like to

Prof Samdhong Rinpoche, the prime minister of Tibetan Government in-exile delivers his statement on the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day, in Dharamshala, India, on 10 March 2010 Photo: TPI

reiterate this today. Therefore, the Chinese government's saying, through its official statements, that their purpose of engaging in dialogue with us is only to talk about the personal issue of His Holiness and not about the welfare of the Tibetan people is not true. This is simply irrelevant. Although there is no change whatsoever in our determination to engage in dialogue with the PRC until the issue of Tibet is resolved once and for all, the Kashag would like to emphatically state that the agenda of the dialogue process should be only about the welfare of six-million Tibetans and nothing else. Therefore we reiterate that there is nothing to discuss about the personal welfare of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Considering the Tibet problem to be a domestic issue that has to be resolved within the framework of the PRC, we are always engaging with the Chinese central government. However, the Chinese side continues to talk about His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the issue of Tibet and exert enormous pressure in connection with these issues everywhere - be it in their bilateral relations with other countries or in various international forums. It is clear to all of us that this is what actually drives the issue of Tibet towards becoming an internationalised issue. Our struggle is based on truth and non-violence. We have no doubt that if all Tibetans living inside and outside Tibet put their complete faith in the non-violent path that we have chosen and practise, then the truth of the issue of Tibet will prevail sooner rather than later. Today, there are an increasing number of justiceloving countries, peoples as well as religious and political leaders, showing great concern and support to the issue of Tibet. A significantly large number of Chinese intellectuals from Mainland China and from abroad are now beginning to appreciate and support His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Middle-Way policy. Moreover, the truth about the Chinese government's wrong policies in Tibet is becoming ever more evident these days. Particularly,

the mutually beneficial Middle-Way policy does not envisage victory for oneself and defeat for others. Envied by all the people of the world, it has the strong support of the USA and many other likeminded countries. Tibetan intellectuals inside Tibet, across three regions of Tibet, also admire and support it. Hence, the issue of Tibet has achieved - and is continuing to achieve - great results that have both the short- and long-term benefits. While expressing our immense gratitude to His Holiness the Dalai Lama for formulating such a genuine policy, the Kashag would like to pledge before Your Holiness that we will continue to uphold this policy without any doubt in our minds in the future. Unimaginable atrocities and cruelty of the past about 60 years have not been able to shake the spirit and determination of the Tibetan people. The Chinese government is now further sharpening its strategy of employing deceit and money to destroy the spirit and unity of the Tibetan people. The Kashag believes that the Tibetan people will not fall prey to these Chinese deceptions. The unity among all the Tibetan people, which has remained intact for a long time now, has been strengthened after the popular uprising of 2008. The Kashag would like to urge all Tibetans to make efforts to further strengthen this bond of unity and to stay clear from the incitements or machinations of the other side to drive a wedge between us Tibetans. The Kashag would like to also urge that we Tibetans should caution by refraining from indulging in internal squabbles over petty matters. Two important issues that the Tibetans inside Tibet must give a serious thought to are: 1) Tibetan youths should be encouraged to broaden their educational horizon by concentrating on both traditional and modern education and by acquiring professional and specialised skills in their chosen fields of study; and 2) explore all possible ways and means to save the delicate environment of the Tibetan plateau from further

The Tibet Post


15 March , 2010 Dharamsala


March 10 statement of the Tibetan parliament-in-Exile Dharamshala: While paying obeisance to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Spiritual and Temporal Leader of the Tibetan people and the Supreme Leader of World Peace for His august presence, I would like to convey the Tibetan Parliament-inExile's greetings to the Venerated Sangha, Former and Serving Dignitaries of the three organs of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile and the Autonomous Bodies, Former and Serving of the Tibetan Government officials, President of Dharamsala Local Tibetan Assembly and Representative of Tibetan Welfare Office, President of Dharamsala Tibetan Freedom movement, Leaders and staffs of the NonGovernmental Organizations, Teachers and Students, all the Tibetan people in and outside Tibet, all supporters of the Tibetan cause and specially our Chinese and Foreign friends who have travelled a long way to be with us here today to observe the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day. Driven by the evil designs of the Chinese communists, the Tibetan people rose up in a popular uprising against them in 1959. Since then, the Tibetan inside Tibet have had no freedom whatsoever, and this state of affairs continues even to this day. Besides their failure to take the ground realities in account, the Chinese leaders-bye adopting an arrogant and hardline approach-have pursued and are pursuing wrong policies and programmes, These are not in agreement with the basic aspirations of the Tibetan people. As a result, they have not been able to solve the problem that exists between the Tibetans and Chinese authorities for the past 51 years. All these years the issue of Tibet has, however, continued to remain on the international stage

as an important issue that needs to be resolved. Moreover, it has become an issue that cannot be wished away by the Chinese government. This is due mainly to His Holiness the Dalai Lama's meritorious services throughout the world, and the courage and determination of the Tibetans inside Tibet as well as the amount of support that we have been receiving form the governments and individuals globally. I would like to take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude and thanks to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan People inside Tibet and our international supporters. As per the resolution adopted by the Tibetan Parliament-in Exile last year, a memorial stone in honour of all those heroic men and women inside Tibet has been recently erected. Even though His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Exile Tibetan Administration have been making sincere and great efforts, the SinoTibetan problem remains unresolved to this day, This is due to lack of political will on the part of the Chinese leaders and also due to their arrogant and hardline attitude rising from a sense that in today's global political situation virtually no powerful nation of the world can function in any field without appeasing China-be it in politics, economy, environment, or security. This is particularly clear when we see that there are some Chinese leaders who believe that the issue of Tibet will cease to exist once His Holiness the Dalai Lama is no loner there and that the Tibetan voices can be suppressed by brute force. On the basis of our experiences during the nine rounds of talks so far, the present Chinese leadership is trying to fool not only the Tibetans but also

......continued from page No 6 degradation. These are non-political issues that have a strong bearing on the short- and long-term benefits of both the Tibetan and Chinese peoples. Therefore, it is very important for both sides to make collective efforts towards these ends. Similarly, everyone should make best efforts to put into practice the advices His Holiness the Dalai Lama give to the people of world in general and to the people of Tibet in particular, the advices of both spiritual and temporal aspect that have huge bearing not just in this life but also in many lives to come. If the Tibetans, who are currently divided into many administrative units, could be brought under a single autonomous administration, it will be more helpful in devising a uniform policy to bring about all-round development in the fields of education, culture, health, etc. It will, in particular, help protect the unique

culture and identity of Tibet. The request to bring all Tibetans under a single administration has now and again been made to the Chinese government since 1951. As such, during the recent Fifth Work Forum on Tibet, delegates from all Tibetan areas were summoned to deliberate upon a uniform development plan for all Tibetans. The Forum has also identified the fact that the Tibetans in general, and the Tibetan farmers and herders in particular, are lagging behind as far as the standard of living is concerned. We must take note of these developments indeed. We await the Chinese government to actually implement a uniform development programme for all the Tibetaninhabited areas. His Holiness the Dalai Lama will turn 75 on 6 July 2010. The Kashag plans to celebrate his coming birthday more elaborately than the previous ones with major spiritual activities.

to confuse Chinese people and to deceive international community with their contradictory statements. It has become clear that their only aim is to postpone and no have the real desire to resolve the Sino-Tibetan issue. This is clear from the fact that on one hand they engage in talks with envoys of His Holiness the Dali Lama about the Tibetan issue and on the other hand they say that His Holiness does not legitimately represent the Tibetans. There have been nice rounds of talks in the past eight years during which issues concerning the form and status of autonomy for the welfare of Tibet and the Tibetans were discussed. In accordance with their suggestions the envoys of His Holiness presented the Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan People. The contents of the Memorandum were rejected in totality at that time and they announced that during the ninth round of talk the envoys did neither revised nor made any concession on the Memorandum. This is stranger knowing clearly from the widespread peaceful protest in 2008 how much respect and veneration the Tibetans have for His Holiness both historically and in reality. In truth they say these only because of their inability to bear His Holiness' fame and achievements and not because they have the confidence and pride to hold a plebiscite for Tibetans inside Tibetan monitored by a third party. His Holiness has stated many times on various platforms, both in India and around the world, that he is not seeking independence. It is particularly mentioned clearly in the Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for the Tibetan People that the genuine autonomy should be achieved within the framework of the

Similarly, our exile democracy will complete 50 years on 2 September, this year. Therefore, we are planning to commemorate this day as well. We hope that all Tibetans will bear these upcoming events in mind. Although it is very difficult for the Tibetans inside Tibet to openly come out and celebrate these upcoming events, we believe they will be able to join us Tibetan exiles in their hearts and minds. To conclude, the Kashag prays for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the spontaneous fulfilment of all his wishes. May the truth of the issue of Tibet prevail soon! The Kashag N.B. This has been translated from the original statement issued in Tibetan. If there is any discrepancy between the two, please treat the Tibetan version as authoritative and final.

......continued from frontpage

Mr, Penpa Tsering, the speaker of Tibetan Parliarment in Exile delivers his statement on the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day, in Dharamshala, India, on 10 March 2010 Photo: TPI

constitution of the People's Republic of China. Although the Chinese leadership has acknowledge that His Holiness' stand is "welcome news" during the fourth round of talks, to this day they claim that His Holiness is a separatist. Such contradictory talks are solely to confuse the Chinese people and nothing else. Though there is a wide gap between the Chinese Government and Central Tibetan Administration's outlook on the real situation inside Tibet, the demand to have a common investigation into the real situation is left unanswered by the Chinese. We welcome the uniform policy and program to be carried out in whole of Tibet to develop the economy after the so-called Fifth Work Forum on Tibet was held. However, Tibetans are being made to build new houses irrespective of their wishes. Such actions are simply aimed to increase demands for Chinese goods when the demands are going down due to global recession. If the programmes are meant to benefit the Tibetans then apart from building houses, they should clearly identify the aspirations of the Tibetan people. And then improvement should be made in the fields of education, health and environmental protection in Tibet. Particularly, Tibetans must be given the freedom of thoughts and promote opportunities to develop Tibet's unique culture, religion, language and to engage in Buddhist studies. Likewise, developmental projects in Tibet must suit the aspirations of the Tibetans and to develop human resources so that Tibetans are able to carry out these projects by themselves. It is unfortunate that even today even a slight, the Tibetan people inside Tibet who exercise their human rights to peacefully express their views and dislike of the Government are made to suffer suppression, imprisonment and other inhuman treatments. Some even face execution. The Chinese leadership should clearly recognize that if this situation persists then it is impossible to have cordial Sino-Tibet relationship. We urge Chinese

Government to immediately release all political prisoners who are undergoing suffering in Chinese prison and those already sentenced. As His Holiness the Dalai Lama always states, the purpose of our meeting with justice-loving people from other countries is because the Chinese leadership has not properly responded to our overtures. If the Chinese Government had accepted and responded properly to the mutually beneficial Memorandum forwarded to them, then we have no reason to appeal to them. The Chinese Government tries to prevent His Holiness the Dalai Lama from meeting with the world leaders and if at all such meetings take place then they are vehemently criticized. Such behaviors are not only childish but also very unbecoming of a powerful country. Therefore, if the Chinese leadership is able to resolve Sino-Tibet problem by recognizing the mutually beneficial approach and in accordance with the ground realities, then it will benefit both China and Tibet and improve relations between the two peoples. Tibetans in Tibet demonstrates their sincerity and heroism in a very intelligent manner. Therefore, we urge Tibetans in exile to be more determined and sincere and to our international friends to continue their support to us. In essence, as per the wishes of His Holiness, we must unitedly work hard towards a productive outcome. Today we have some Chinese friends including democracy activist present here with us today to commemorate the Tibetan people peaceful uprising day of March 10. We like to thank their offering of a souvenir with "Path to freedom of the Tibetan people" inscribe on it to the exile Tibetan Government as a symbol of their solidarity with the Tibetan people. To conclude, we pray for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and for the reunion of Tibetans inside and outside Tibet Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile 10 March 2010


The Tibet Post TPI INTERVIEW Knights Templar of Britannia Plans a Humanitarian Support for Tibet 15 March , 2010 Dharamsala

or four months. One thing you'll learn about the Knights Templar is that the determination [that we have] is huge. Once we set a goal we achieve it. Part of Buddhist teaching is that if you believe something and you manifest it, it will happen. I believe, along with my colleagues at the Knights Templar, that we are going to make this fund available. [We] have manifested it and it will happen.

......continued from frontpage

700 years of history is not a short period of time, so what have been your main successes in the 21st century?

YC. Dhardhowa talking Lord Christopher Macklin at the office of The Tibet Post on 5 March 2010. Photo: TPI/Sangay

Dharamshala: UK based spiritual organization "Knights Templar of Britannia" claims it is planning assist in the struggle for Tibetan rights. TPI's Y.C Dhardhowa talked to Lord Christopher Macklin, a senior council member of The Knights Templar of Britannia, who is involved in coordinating the project. The recent discovery of a nail by Lord Macklin's organisation, claimed to be used to crucify Jesus Christ, has attracted media attention in the UK. Conspiracy theories concerning the Knights Templar have been rife since the publication of Dan Brown's immensely popular, though critically panned, The Da Vinci Code franchise, and the resulting critically panned Hollywood blockbusters. Modern organisations with links to the Knights Templar are frequently implicated in these conspiracy theories, and are often looked upon with a substantial amount of skepticism. Lord Macklin has travelled to Dharamsala to seek an audience with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. TPI: Can you introduce yourself briefly? Lord Christopher Macklin: Certainly, my name's Lord Christopher Macklin, I'm a council member at the top of the Knights Templar of Britannia. This is one of 36 orders throughout England which the Vatican has studied in the past, and in fact our order is the only order which has a grandmaster that has ancestral links to the ancient grandmasters of before. So it is a proper order and we therefore have ancient knowledge that the Knights Templars had going back thousands

of years, and also artifacts which we have kept secret up until now.

so much money from them that he couldn't afford to pay it back.

What is the purpose of the Knights Templar of Britannia? Is it devoted to a religious or spiritual cause?

That's why, once the grandmaster was killed, some Knights Templars disbanded into the Knights Hospitalice, and others jumped onto ships and set sail with all the artifacts and all the gold they had and dispersed throughout the world.

The Knights Templars are historically spiritual. They are originally the Knights of the Temples, and these 'Temples' were the pyramids. The Knights Templar used to guard the pyramids. These pyramids were very special to the Knights Templar and we are going to release the reasons why in the future. What are the intentions of the current Knights Templar? The Knights Templar are basically very spiritual people. They have complete integrity. They do many good works throughout the world. They get involved in humanitarian projects, and also within the order we have many different projects in England. [People] have to have integrity when they join the Knights Templar. People, if they want to, can be trained as a Knight. To be trained they have to become spiritual. [There are] many different aspects of becoming a Knight, which are spiritual abilities, for example manifestations. When was established?



It was established a long time ago. It's been around for many years - I think it's 700 years old. It comes from the ancient Knights Templar. In 1300 the Knights Templar disbanded. Because of the order of the pope, the grandmaster at the time, Jacques de Molay, was slow-roasted at the stake. The pope ordered this because the King of France put pressure on the pope to disband the Knights Templars, because he had borrowed

And who are the employers of the Knight Templars? Er... there's no employment. It's a spiritual organization which is completely charitable. People get involved in the Knights Templar on a charitable basis. How do people get involved in the Knights Templar of Britannia? Some are very involved and have missions out all over the world in Africa. There are things going on in America - some are looking after soup kitchens. People get involved all over the world, but people can be as involved or uninvolved as they like. But are there any conditions to join? Any requirements, Christianity? No. It's not a Christian organization it's a spiritual organization. We understand how all the religions come together, and how everything fits together. That's why we're looking at writing a book about the Knights templar. We recognize all religions.

We've had many successes. What we realize is that there's a lot of darkness at the moment which is engineered from monetary greed. This seems to be controlling the world at the moment. Greed seems to have manifested within people all over the world. What we're trying to do is educate people to step back and think "the world is not about money, it's about helping people." It's about waking the spirituality within people, to get them to start helping. That's really important to us. You have to remember that the world's money is held by the very few, and they're pulling all the strings. It's our mission to try and turn that around, and get people feeling positive again. People live in fear at the moment, because the economic situation in the Western countries is very poor - people are in debt or can't pay their bills - and because of that, because of the fear factor and the negativity within them, they can't become spiritual. What we hope to do is to reeducate them to let go of that money-side and help them to become spiritual. We have some ideas for [doing] that in the future, which will be released. You flew from the UK to Dharamshala to meet Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Why is it important to meet His Holiness for your organization? It's most important because His Holiness has great wisdom, as you know. We have wisdom also, and I think [ours] is in symbiosis with His Holiness' ideas, therefore I'm very keen to meet His Holiness to get some focus on how we can help him and the Tibetan people, as well as how he can help us to move forward with the projects we are doing, of which there are many, and [which] are going to be huge.

How are the Knights Templar of Britannia interested in Tibetan issues?

You've mentioned that you've already met some officials from the Central Tibetan Government.

We don't like to see the humanitarian problems which Tibet is having at the moment, and therefore we support His Holiness and the Tibetan people to try and free themselves of their problems. We're hoping to release a big fund of money in the next three

I've met the secretary who was excited to arrange a meeting with the Prime Minister in April. It's my mission to come back, because with His Holiness and the Prime Minister behind what we're doing, I think we can do some great work together.

Getting spirituality back and getting the Tibetan people to manifest for the humanitarian problems to be over is important. We're hoping to make the fund available which we're starting to manifest now in various forms, so hopefully in the next three months we'll be able to help monetary-wise as well. If you couldn't meet with His Holiness this time, would you be discouraged? I never get discouraged. One thing about [myself], as I said, is when I set a goal I achieve it, and I think His Holiness would back me up on this because he is a spiritual person of equal standing for myself... I think we're two people with the ability to perform some amazing things in the future, and that's why I'm very excited to meet his Holiness. I know His Holiness will meet me in the future, for sure, because he is a very beautiful spirit. You've had some media attention over the discovery of a "Holy Nail", could you tell us about that? When Jack de Molay was slowroasted at the stake, and [the Knights Templar's] ships set sail all over the world, one of the fleet went via Madeira, and they set new commandries up all over the world to keep the Knights' Temple alive. Our order manifested out of that. The "Holy Nail" was in a box with particular Temple symbols which [corresponds] to our records. We identified the nail as Christ's crucifixion nail, which we've been guarding for over 2000 years. Now we've got joint ownership with the Prince of Pontinha, so we're very excited about this find. I think it's one of our momentous finds. Is that the photo [of the nail] in your hand? It is. It's about four inches long. Yeah, I can see that in the photo. When Christ was crucified, not many people know this, but with crucifixion what they normally did was they strapped [the victim's] arms up, then put the nail through the bottom part of the arm to cause more pain. Archaeologists confirm that the nail is from the first or second century, and also that it had been handled in a careful way by many people over a long period of time. Obviously they can't confirm that it was Christ's nail, but from our records we can confirm that it was the nail which was lost in the fleet. And where is the nail now? Well, I can't really tell you! It's with our security.


The Tibet Post

15 March , 2010 Dharamsala


Samasource Initiates Tibetan Employment Project in Dharamshala ......continued from frontpage Executive Officer, Leila Janah, and Heidi Minx of, who is involved in coordinating the project. Leila Janah Samasource is based in San Fransisco, USA. Our mission is to level the playing field for digital work on the internet, by training women, youth and refugees for employment. Sama means “equal” in Sanskrit.

would flourish. The main reason they weren’t able to find job opportunities or continue their studies was that they happened to be born in a poor place, through no fault of their own. I realised then that the most tragic outcome of poverty is wasted talent, and I wanted to devote my life to doing something about that. Later, after graduating from

50 women and men. We have highlighted work for women because they often do domestic work which goes formally unacknowledged. So they often don’t get the benefits of working outside the home, and very rarely develop the skills that can move them out of poverty. We think digital work is part of the new economy. It is the way the world’s headed in terms of jobs. We

personal security. It’s that kind of poverty that we want to eradicate from the world. I would like to see one million Samasource workers one day!

jobs on their own. We train them to do work. We find them a job and they do the work. If they perform to a certain standard, which means their speed has to increase during the training, we can find work for them.

Regarding our Tibetan workers, their primary benefit is the money they’ll earn. Secondly, they learn about how to use the internet to gain paid employment. These skills will benefit them wherever they live after the

In San Francisco, we have a sales team, a business development unit and an account management unit that identifies big American companies that can provide work. We convince these companies to sign contracts with us, then we work with our partners to deliver the workers.

The organization was set up in September 2008, and currently we work with 600 people from nine countries - in Africa, South and South Eastern Asia, and Haiti in the Caribbean. We have found $350,000worth of work for our trainees in digital services.

I found out about Samasource last summer, from friends in California who are involved in different social networks and fundraising. I checked it out and realized it could provide job opportunities for my friends in Dharamsala who have trouble finding work.

My parents come from India, but I never spent much time here when I was young. My only exposure to poverty was when my parents told me to eat all the food on my plate, because there were starving children back home in India. I never really understood what that meant.

Plenty of work can be done remotely from different cities and countries using a computer. But even if you could do that work, if you don’t know how to pitch to the client and collect the money, you won’t get it. The Samasource model takes that difficulty out of the equation.

When I was sixteen, I received a scholarship from the Lorillard Tobacco company. I felt really guilty about using this money for college because it was dirty tobacco money! I thought maybe I’d feel better if I used it to volunteer somewhere, and I also wanted to learn more about poverty outside the US.

In Dharamsala, we approached different NGOs. I would say half our students are Gu Chu Sum graduates, with others from the Hope Centre and LHA.

So I finished high school early and moved to Ghana, West Africa, to work as an English teacher in a small village of about 200 people. My students were incredibly bright and motivated. I knew that if they were in US public schools, they

Samasource Initiates Tibetan Employment Project in Dharamshala. 27 February 2010. Photo: TPI

university, I became a business consultant and leaned about the outsourcing sector. I saw big companies in places like Bombay and Bangalore employing tens of thousands of people to do digital work for US companies and I thought, if it can work in Bombay or Bangalore, why can’t it work in Dharamshala and Nairobi…? Right now our trainees are about 50-

want to make a special effort to include people who would otherwise be left be out. And that includes women. 1.4 billion people in the world live on less than $1.25 a day. That kind of extreme poverty means you don’t have enough money to meet your basics needs. You can’t afford to care for your children. You can’t afford basic health care, education and

training. For now, we’ll see how our pilot project in Dharamsala goes. Then we may accept other Tibetan refugee partner organizations. Our organization exists to benefit people through income generation. It’s completely apolitical. We don’t train our workers to find

Students with intermediate English skills and basic computer training qualified for the program. If our workers later move abroad, then they will have had the benefit of computer work experience, not just classes. And whilst they are with the program, they are well paid. So, the project is built on giving people respect and sustainability, and the tools to enable them do what they do best.

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His Holiness Conveys Message to Ninth Session of Tibetan Parliament ......continued from frontpage framework of the Chinese constitution. "During the ninth talks, we issued a public note of explanation about the memorandum, in order to dispel Chinese misrepresentations of its intent. "I worked hard on the abovementioned issues, and all decisions were agreed by resolutions passed by the Tibetan parliament. "However, there are rumours that the memorandum and note were not shown to parliament, or were not agreed by it, or ran counter to my opinions. These r umours should be thoroughly discussed during this session, in the name of transparency, as the issues involved

are fundamental to the Tibetan cause. "If new ideas and points of view regarding our future working plans for Tibet emerge from these parliamentary discussions, please remember to present them in light of Jorngoe Jesum - the principle of preparation, implementation and outcome." NB: This article has been translated from a message in Tibetan from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, distributed by the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile. If there is any discrepancy between this and the Tibetan text, the Tibetan version should be considered authoritative and final.

Tibetans Hold Vigil to Condemn New ‘Strike Hard’ Campaign in Tibet ......continued from frontpage which launched by communist regime of China recently. The event was organized by four large Tibetan NGOs, Tibetan Youth Congress, Tibetan Women's Association, National Democratic Party of Tibet and Students for Free Tibet. "The Chinese government's continued suppression has intensified in recent days. With the approach of the historic March 10 uprising commemoration and the fear surfacing the reoccurrence of nation white uprising in 2008, the Chinese government has reportedly launched a "Strike Hard" campaign in Lhasa, Tibet's capital and in the surrounding areas to intimidate and suppress Tibetans in the lead up to this sensitive anniversary," a joint circular from the above organizers said. "The campaign is aimed to quell

Tibetans hold banner said on Saturday, 06 March 2010.Photo: TPI

political dissent through mass detention and arrests. More than 70 Tibetans were reportedly detained in Lhasa and capital retains a huge presence of Chinese solders. Recently, Karze People's Intermediate court has sentenced Pema Yeshi to two year suspended death sentence on the charges of "inciting separatism" and "disturbing social order"."The Chinese government doesn't hesitate killing Tibetan political prisoners with

impunity and many are sentenced to life imprisonment and varying prisoner terms. We strongly condemn the Chinese government's brutal policies," the statement read. "We salute and bravery of the Tibetan martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the just cause and we stand in solidarity with our fellow Tibetans inside Tibet who continues to suffer the brutal regime." According to a Chinese newspaper report in Lhasa, the city government ordered a 'strike hard' campaign, which covers all prefectures that fall under the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR), a large part of what was previously Tibet on March 3. There are orders to "strike hard against all kinds of criminal activities and to vigorously uphold the social order stability," according to the report.


15 March , 2010 Dharamsala

China launches “Strike Hard” Campaign ahead of sensitive anniversary


Oppression of Tibetans in Sog County Eastern Tibet Remains Severe Dharamshala: Tashi, a Tibetan man from Rata village, Sog County in the East of Tibet, has been detained by the Chinese authorities since the middle of last month, Mr Ngawang Tharpa from Sog County currently living in Dharamshala Today told The Tibet Post International. "He is charged with contacting the outside world and looking at political pictures on the internet. The 24 year old is now incarcerated in Napchu county, Eastern Tibet," said Tharpa.

The members of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a press conference today in Dharamshala on 11 March 2010. Photo: TPI/Yangyal Sham

Dharamshala: The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) strongly condemns the Chinese authorities’ “Strike Hard” campaign, aimed at carrying out further detentions of Tibetans in Tibet as the anniversary of the 10 March Tibetan uprising approaches. According to the official newspaper Lhasa Evening News (Ch: Lasa Wen Bao) today, “the Lhasa City Public Security Bureau (PSB) officials under the order of Lhasa City government, the “Tibet Autonomous Region” (‘TAR’) PSB, “TAR” Party Committee and Lhasa City Party Committee had carried out the “Strike Hard” Campaign from 9:00PM (Beijing standard time) yesterday across the Tibetan Capital, Lhasa….the campaign was also launched across all seven prefectures under the “TAR” in order to strike hard according to law against all kinds of criminal activity and to vigorously uphold the social order and stability.” The length of this campaign was not mentioned, and it may last for months. Additional security forces were deployed in full combat gear in and around the city of Lhasa and at every entry point into the city. Vehicles driving to and from Lhasa city are being thoroughly searched and everyone entering or leaving the city is required to show identification. New security barricades have been set up to look for any possible suspects and round-the-clock security measures have also been implemented. Security forces in combat unifor ms were seen patrolling the major gathering points, conflict areas, and raids were carried out on guesthouses. There is no information on how this campaign has fared in other prefectures of the “TAR”. According to the official report, Lhasa PSB officials during the campaign last night detained 70 people without official registration cards and identity cards from rented rooms located on Sera Road. Seven counties under the Lhasa municipality also carried out the “strike hard” campaign with searches and raids. The new “Strike Hard” campaign is being launched after years of severely tight security and repressive political conditions in Tibet. Unlike previous “strike hard” campaigns, which

mostly focused on Lhasa city, this year’s campaign has been launched throughout the “TAR” simultaneously. This new development signals Chinese authorities’ hardening policies in Tibet and the their preemptive move to squash any protests in the coming days. “Strike Hard” campaigns are normally carried out in various parts of the People's Republic of China prior to major events, including national holidays, anniversaries, as well as before the main annual government and Party conferences, often with the stated intention of "cleansing the social environment." The “strike hard” campaign launched yesterday could lead to a series of arbitrary detentions and arrests prior to the anniversary of the 10 March Tibetan uprising. The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPCC), China’s top advisory body that convenes today and the annual plenary sessions of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) on Friday. Though the primary objectives of the current "strike hard" campaign were mentioned as fighting criminals, upholding social order and stability, the TCHRD believes the largest motive behind this campaign is the Chinese authorities' attempt to detain Tibetans involved in political activism, to target former political prisoners and Tibetan residents from outside Lhasa, as well as monks and nuns. Under this campaign, Chinese law enforcement bodies abuse the fundamental human rights of the Tibetan people through arbitrary arrest, detention, interrogation and torture, dismissal from jobs and expulsion from religious institutions. TCHRD condemns the launch of "strike hard" campaign and questions the motivation behind the campaign. With unprecedented levels of security presence already throughout Tibet accompanying the launch of this campaign, TCHRD fears that widespread unlawful detentions of Tibetans will intensify in the coming weeks and months, and that they may be used to silence, intimidate and stifle political dissent in the build up to the 10 March anniversary when the authorities fear fresh unrest following the wave of protests that swept across the Tibetan plateau in the past couple of years.

The Tibet Post

According to Mr Tharpa, another

Imprisoned Tibetan, Gyalsang - who was arrested during the 60th National Chinese Day and was sentenced to 3 years in prison - was permitted visits from his family, however he faces weekly interrogations which involve frequent beatings. Paramilitary policemen are seen during an exercise to demonstrate police forces as an effort to ensure security before China’s 60th National Day on Oct. 1 in Zibo in east China’s Shandong province Thursday Sept. 24, 2009. China is taking no chances in ensuring its celebration of 60 years of communist rule is free of disruptions, banning foreign tourists from Tibet and telling people living along the Beijing parade route not to watch from their balconies. (AP Photo)

In general, the situation in Sog County, particularly in Rata village, has become very intense under the Chinese "Love your Religion, Love your Country" political campaign so called "Patriotic Re-education Campaign."

China Detains Hundreds of Tibetans in Lhasa Under “Strike Hard Campaign” Dharamshala: With the launch of "Strike Hard" Campaign in the "Tibet Autonomous Region" (‘TAR') from 2nd March, the Chinese security forces had detained nearly 500 Tibetans alone from Lhasa city

Security forces checking ID

alone, according to reports given in the state run web portal. According to the official report dated 4 March 2010 given in the state run web portal, "during the campaign, the Lhasa City Public Security Bureau Police Brigade (Ch: Lasa Gong An Ju Xing Jing Zhi Dui) raided a total of 4,115 rented accommodations, thoroughly checked 60 high prone areas where crime is concentrated, gathering areas for floating population, places with complex social order and iniquity, carried out comprehensive checks on a total of 7,347 non-permanent residents of the city, raided more than 70 guest houses, internet cafes, entertainment centre and bars; and detained a total of 435 people. Of these 7 were arrested on theft and burglary, 3 persons on stealing motor bikes, 1 person for duping, 3 others suspected burglary accomplices." There is no detail information or reasons were given on the remaining people who were arbitrarily detained during the "strike hard" campaign

launched since 2 March 2010. The same web news portal dated 5 March carried a report on the "Strike Hard" campaign stating, "the Lhasa City PSB headquarters had mobilized 1,134 of its personnel and more than

Lhasa Metropolitan area had formed a new "security escort staff " in each and every sub-districts since 1 March. This new body will work in conjunction with the local public security officials. The primary objective of this new body was cited as "to maintain social order, thorough inspection and tracking down of suspects, and detaining those without "three no" viz. Identity card, household registration card (Ch: Hukou) and Temporary stay permit and prompt reporting of such cases to the local police station. The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) believe during the Strik-Hard Campaign. Photo: TCHRD that this new requirement other 300 security forces raiding in signals authorities' attempt to target total 2,787 rented accommodations; and stranglehold those Tibetans 21 high prone areas; 71 Karaoke from outside "TAR" who are on bars, guest houses, internet cafes, visit to the holy city for pilgrimage bars; confiscated 12 knives and 6 or engaged in businesses as many of banned publications and detained 49 those Tibetans were known to be suspects without "three no" (Ch: San actively involved in the Spring 2008 Wu)" The latter refers to Identity protests in Lhasa. card, household registration card (Ch: Hukou) and Temporary stay permit TCHRD condemns this campaign in (Ch: Zian Zhu Zheng). The report strongest terms and calls the also said that a nun was detained but government of the People's no detail was given. Republic of China to immediately end this infamous campaign which According to our sources, in the past under the guise of fighting crimes few days the movement of monks and upholding stability violates and from three major monasteries in and abuses many fundamental human around Lhasa city: Drepung, Gaden rights of the Tibetan people through and Sera were restricted for indefinite arbitrary arrest, detention, period, however, the monasteries' interrogation, restriction on the free staffs dealing with food supplies to movement of people. TCHRD these monasteries were known to believes that the Chinese authorities have been issued special permit by the are using this campaign as doubleauthorities for their daily duties. edged sword to fight crimes and uphold stability as stated objective To spur up further restriction and but at the same time it is using this crackdown on potential dissent ahead campaign to silence, intimidate and of sensitive anniversary, Lhasa stifle political dissent ahead of Neighborhood Committee under the sensitive anniversary.


The Tibet Post

Tibetan Parliament In-Exile Reconvenes for Ninth Session

15 March , 2010 Dharamsala

China's Communist Regime Indicates Hard Line on H.H. The Dalai Lama succession Peace Prize winner, His Holiness said last month he would have no misgivings ending the centuries-old spiritual tradition if Tibetans so choose.

Pema Trinley (Ch: Padma Choling), the newly oppointed governor of so called Tibet Autonomous Regoin. Photo: TPI

The ninth session of the 14th Tibetan Parliament in Exile is set to begin this Monday with the commencement of the budget session in Dharamshala, India. Photo:TPI

Dharamshala: The ninth session of the 14th Tibetan Parliament in Exile is set to begin this Monday with the commencement of the budget session in Dharamshala, India's Northern Hill station, where exiled Tibetan government based for last 50 years. Along with aiming to set the budget for the coming fiscal year, the talks will address the overspill from last year's meeting, which ended under acrimonious circumstances, short of its concluding session. The biennial conference was postponed last year following a walkout of MPs over allegations of unfair claiming of travel expenses, which left Speaker for the Tibetan Government Penpa Tsering

with no choice but to shut down proceedings. "As usual this March session is mainly devoted to annual budget of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile that includes administration of all the government offices, including the regional ones. Out of the 11-day session, at least 3-4 days will be devoted to the budget matters," Penpa Tsering told Other issues, such as increasing the number MPs on the representative council, and planning celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan Parliament, will also be discussed. The session will be convened between the 8th and 20th of March.

International Students from Sixteen Countries Stood in Solidarity with Tibetans

The governor of the so called "Tibet Autonomous Region", Pema Trinley (Ch: Padma Choling) (newly appointed by the Communist regime of China), claimed on Sunday that Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama "did not have a right to choose his successor," Chinese state controlled news agency Xinhua has reported. "It must get the approval of the central government otherwise the reincarnation will be illegitimate and invalid," he told reporters on the sidelines of the China's National People's Congress session. But, His Holiness has said his successor could be appointed before his death or democratically elected. The Dalai Lama could also, he has said, be reincarnated in exile -- out of Beijing's reach. Amid such worries, the 1989 Nobel

Members of Students for a free Tibet Pune outside Symbiosis Vishwabhavan, Pune. Photo: SFT/India

Pune - Students from 16 different countries in Pune met today to commemorate the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising day at Symbiosis Auditorium. March 10 holds a special significance in the hearts of all Tibetans as on this day, 51 years ag o, Tibet experienced one of the bloodiest massacre in the history of our struggle. Thousands of innocents and nonviolent protesters were killed by the People's Liberation Army(PLA) in Lhasa. The day also signifies Tibetan people's resistance against Chinese occupation of Tibet when thousands of Tibetans gathered infront of the Potala palace to guard the Dalai Lama and defy the foreign occupation. "It is our responsibility as Tibetans growing in the free world to share the plight of our brothers and sisters in Tibet to the global community." said Tenzin Tselha, Coordinator of Students for a free Tibet - Pune chapter. "Organizing this meeting of

"Through this meeting, we were able to highlight the current situation in Tibet to the participants." said Tenzin dolkar, a Tibetan participant and member of Students for a free Tibet. "Situation in Tibet has never improved since the Occupation. We demand the Chinese government to stop oppressing people of Tibet." Pune is a city of many communities and diverse culture. Known for its educational facilities with more than hundred educational institutes and nine universities, Pune has attracted international students for different parts of the world. Students for a free Tibet, Pune chapter remembers this day and wants to acquaint the plight and tragedy of Tibet that is fragmented into the hearts of six million Tibetans to Pune and beyond.

"(Its) ultimately up to people, I made clear, whether this very institution should continue or not," His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama told National Public Radio on a visit to Los Angeles. "If majority of Tibetan people feel the Dalai institution is no longer much relevant, then this institution should cease -- there is no problem. "It looks like the Chinese are more concerned about this institution than me," he said with a laugh. "Right now there is no need to excessively discuss this issue of reincarnation," Tibet's regional chairman Padma Choling told journalists. "At this moment the Dalai is still alive, let's wait until he is dead and then we can talk about it." Controversy emerged over the reincarnation issue in 1995 when China selected Gyaltsen Norbu (Ch:Gyaincain Norbu) as the 11th Panchen Lama, one of Tibet's

highest ranking figure, regarding Tibetan Buddism. In doing so, the Communist regime of China rejected a Tibetan boy recognized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The child, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, has disappeared from public view and is believed to have been put under a form of house arrest. He is also known to be the youngest political prisoner in the world. Asked at the same press conference about the boy's whereabouts and why he disappeared, Padma Choling said he was being kept out of public view at his own request. "As far as I know he and his family are now living a good life in Tibet," he said. "He and his family are reluctant to be disturbed and want to live an ordinary life," he added. China has been raising the profile of its 20year-old choice as Panchen Lama in an apparent attempt to legitimize him. The so called Gyaincain Norbu was recently appointed vice president of China's national Buddhist association and as a delegate to a body that advises the main parliament, which is the midst of its March 5-14 session. He has been quoted by state media praising Chinese control of Tibet.

California Psychologist fulfills His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Urgent Request

international students enable us to educate our peers from different parts of the world to understand Tibetan struggle better." In today's event, "Knowing Others", Tibetan students did a special presentation on the Tibetan freedom str ug gle and Tibetan culture to the gathering followed by presentation of culture by student participants from different countries. The participants also sang their feelings through songs, hence creating an atmosphere of international union.


The portrait gallery reveals the striking faces of the elders who made this project come to life. Photo: tibetoralhistory

San Francisco, California, USA (March 1, 2010) - "I have been waiting my whole life to tell what happened in Tibet," declared an 82 year-old Tibetan refugee after meeting with Marcella Adamski, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist working in San Francisco's Financial District, who is working to record the life stories of exiled Tibetan elders. Dr. Adamski explained that, "When I met with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, I asked what could be done to help the people of Tibet. He emphasized the vital importance of recording the life experiences of older Tibetans in exile, who both witnessed and endured the invasion and occupation of Tibet by the Chinese. She added, "The Dalai Lama urged that the elders be interviewed before they pass away and their stories are lost forever." In response to this, Adamski founded a non-profit organization

in 2003 called the Tibet Oral History Project, which has videotaped 85 elders' eyewitness accounts to date. In an effort to preserve as many oral histories as possible, Adamski will travel this April to Dhoeguling Tibetan Settlement in Mundgod, a Tibetan refugee town in southern India nicknamed "Little Tibet." Adamski and her team of Americans and Tibetans plan to videotape over 50 interviews with elderly Tibetans in Dhoeguling. When H.H the Dalai Lama was forced to flee Tibet in 1959, an estimated 80,000 Tibetans followed their spiritual leader into exile in India, where most still live. The Project's interviews document both the memories of the refugees' lives in Tibet before the occupation, and their accounts of the Chinese invasion and the hardships of life under foreign rule. Adamski described, "The refugees that we inter view come from diverse backgrounds - nomads, far mers, housewives, traders, monks, nuns and community leaders. After the Chinese invasion of Tibet, many of them became political prisoners, forced laborers, and even resistance fighters. Now, at the ages of 80 or 90, these refugees are the last generation who can describe what it was like to

grow up in a free Tibet." Film footage and printed transcripts of 25 of these inter views are currently available on the Project's website. The complete oral history collection will also be provided to Tibetan archives and international research libraries. In addition, Radio Free Asia's Tibetan Ser vice is broadcasting interview excerpts worldwide, even in China, on their weekly "Life in Exile" radio show. Radio Free Asia's Senior Editor, Benpa Topgyal, explained, "I feel it is as important for the present and the future generation of Tibetans to know their forefather's legacy as it is for the Chinese to understand Tibetan issues from an angle and source other than the official Chinese government propaganda." Many Tibetan advocacy groups around the world have shown their appreciation for Dr. Adamski's work. Dennis Cusack, a San Francisco attorney and Co-chair of the International Tibet Support Network, stated that, "The Tibet Oral History Project plays a crucial role in the Tibetan struggle for freedom. Hearing these interviews, younger generations of Tibetans can bind themselves even more tightly to the Tibetan identity that they and their elders are fighting to preserve."



15 March , 2010 Dharamsala

The Tibet Post

Tibetan National Uprising Day

Members of Chinese Democractic Activists from 9 countries meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala, India. Photo: TPI

His Holiness the Dalai Lama meeting a Weiming Chen, member of Chinese Democractic Activists in Dharamsala, India. Photo: TPI

Weiming Chen’s sculpture “Tibetan Road to Freedom”, dedicated to the heroes of Tibet on the 51st Tibetan National Uprising Day. Photo: TPI

Members of the French Green Party commemorates the 51st Tibetan National Uprising Day in Paris. Photo: TPI

ATibetan protester on the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day, in Dharamsala, India. Photo: TPI

Leading members of the Chinese delegation from 9 countries and regions abroad attending commemorations on National Uprising Day in Dharamsala, India. Photo: TPI

Exiled Tibetan Women commemorate the 51st anniversary of the Tibetan Women’s National Uprising Day in Dharamshala, India on 12 March 2010. Photo: TPI

Members of the French Green Party in Paris. Photo: TPI

Protestors are surrounded by Nepalese police in Boudha, Kathmandu, on the 51st Tibetan National Uprising Day. Photo: TPI

Ministers of the Tibetan Government Exile attending commemorations in Dharamsala, India. Photo: TPI

Journalists from news agencies in exile at work during commemorations in Dharamsala, India. Photo: TPI

Journalists struggle to take pictures of the commemorations in Dharamsala, Indai. Photo: TPI

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