UN Urges China To Urgently Address Tibet Grievances
Top EU Rights Official Urges China to Solve Tibet issues Through Dialogue
I n t e r n a t i o n a l
See Page 5 ..... Vol. 02, Issue 76, 15 November, 2012
Information blockade in Tibet
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B o d - K y i - Cha-Trin
A Message For The Voiceless
His Holiness Urges New China’s Leadership to “Adapt and Reform” By: Sophie Jay,The Tibet Post International
By: YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post International
D h a r a m s h a l a : A n e a r- t o t a l i n f o r m a t i o n b l o c k a d e has been imposed in Kanlho (Ch: Gannan) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture where seven Tibetans burned themselves in protest in the past month, according to the India based Tibetan Rights group. “Local Chinese authorities have clamped down on the Internet and mobile phone lines, imposing an indefinite ban on the sale of mobi le SIM cards on three known shops in Sangchu (Ch: Xiahe) County,” said the Tibetan Central for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), citing a source with contacts in the region. Sources from the area have also reported the closure of See Page 2 ...
PM Meets Vietnamese Freedom Fighter
The image from Tibet showing, hundreds of armed paramilitary forces were deployed in Sershul Dzachukha of eastern Tibet, on 16 October , 2012. Photo: TPI By: Sophie Jay, Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Freedom for Tibet and Vietnam from communism topped the agenda during a meeting between representatives of the Vietnam-Tibet Alliance Fighting for Freedom and Tibetan political leader, Dr Lobsang Sangay. A spokesperson for the organisation stated that Dr Sangay expressed his desire for close cooperation between Vietnam and Tibet to founder, Vietnamese freedom fighter, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hanh, at the meeting in Dharamshala on Friday, November 9. See Page 3 ...
Dharamshala: The spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has urged the Chinese government to adapt and reform in the wake of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) once in a decade power transfer, taking place behind closed doors Today (Thursday.) Addressing a press conference at the Intercontinental Yokohama Grand Hotel in Japan on Monday, November 5, the Tibetan spiritual leader criticised corruption within the current regime, imploring China’s new present (expected to be Xi Jinping) to build a more “harmonious and stable society,” and close the gap between rich and poor. “I think there’s no other alternative except some political change. Some political reform,” he said. “For that reason you need an independent judiciary, free press, and rule of law. These are very important. “Economic reform is already there. A lot of development that has brought some good things. I think millions of Chinese people’s livelihoods have improved, but without other regulations and methods there is this huge gap between rich and poor.” Citing the example of an impoverished elderly Chinese farmer he had met two weeks previously, he went on: “I asked about the conditions in his village. Really terrible, very poor, lots of difficulties. The local authority is supposed to be helping (the Chinese people). Supporting them. No. They are only concerned about their money, and use their position, their power, only for their own pocket money.” His Holiness, who last year ceded his political leadership (a role carried out by the Dalai Lamas of Tibet since 1642) to democratically elected leader Lobsang Sangay, “to benefit Tibetans in the long run,” advocated democracy as the “best political system,” stating: “The world belongs to humanity and different nations belong to the people. Not religious leaders, not the queen or king.” Calling on the CCP to create a harmonious and open society, His Holiness outlined the fact that China
Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall where more than 6,000 people attended His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teaching and talk in Yokohama, Japan, on November 4, 2012. Photo/Office of Tibet Japan
has a greater budget for internal security than for national defence, adding: “Secrecy and using force brings suspicion and fear.“That’s just the opposite of harmony. The methods used are secrecy, censorship and bullying.”Addressing a Japanese journalist’s question about anti-Japanese protests in cities across China in September, during which Japanese businesses and cars were attacked following a row over disputed islands in the East China Sea, His Holiness blamed an overemphasis on
Several Thousands Take to Streets in Call for Policy Change in Tibet
Prayer Service for Tibetan Artist
nationalism in China, stating that a “lack of information” led Chinese people to associate the Japanese with Second World War atrocities. “Basically China needs Japan and Japan needs China,” he said. “East needs west and west needs east. That’s today’s reality.”The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, whom the CCP describes as a “splittist” seeking an independent Tibet, enjoys a wide following in Japan, which has a significant Buddhist population.
Exile Response to Wave of Immolations
Hundreds of exiled Tibetans and supporters gathering to show a strong solidarity to those Tibetans who sacrified their lives to Tibet, today in Dharamshala, India, October 7, 2012. Photo: TPI
Dharamshala: Amid a shifting handover of political power in Beijing, this week alone has witnessed at least 7 reports of self-immolations in Tibet in response to Chinese rule. November 7th and 8th alone witnessed six cases of the fiery form of protest; one however is still unconfirmed. See Page 5 ...
Censorship in Tibet
By: Samuel Ivor
Dharamshala: In response to the emerging news of yet another self-immolation from within Tibet, the exile community of Dharamshala; host of the Tibetan Parliament in exile and home to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, took to the streets to pay their respects. Reports have emerged on November 4th 2012 of a selfimmolation in the Amdo region of Eastern Tibet. Sources state that 25 year old Lhundup Dorjee; a male farmer from the Rebkong district (Amdo) set himself ablaze in protest to Chinese rule. Sunday 5th November witnessed around 400 Tibetans lining the streets of Dharamshala - India, with a candlelight vigil; connected by a series of Tibetan traditional prayers scarves. Symbolically, a young Tibetan man was hoisted aloft on a stretcher covered in black makeup to represent the visual image of a self-immolator, and carried through the streets. As his body passed, members of the community placed prayer scarves onto the young actor, who powerfully provoked an image of the reaction to self-immolation within Tibet.
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Latest photos from the region show, large gatherings of several thousand Tibetans, November 09, 2012) to express solidarity with those Tibetans who have set themselves on fire in Tibet. Photo: TPI By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Following wave of self-immolation incidents in the region, thousands of people, including students and monks took to the main street of Rongpo Gyalthang township, Rebkong county, north-eastern Tibet to protest against Chinese repressive policies in Tibet. Over 5,000 Tibetans, including students from three schools in the county marched to the main street of Rongpo Gyalthang township on Friday early morning (Around 5am local time, October 9, 2012). Later they all gathered at the Dolma ground, infront of Rongpo monastery in Rebkong county, north-eastern Tibet (Chinese: Qinghai province), said sources inside Tibet. “Latest photos from the region show, large gatherings of several thousand Tibetans, including students in the Thunrin county, (Friday morning, November 09, 2012) to express and
show their strong solidarity with those Tibetans who have set themselves on fire to protest against Chinese policies in Tibet. Another latest source inside Tibet received by The Tibet Post International stated that as many as 10,000 people, including students from three major schools of the county, “reportedly” gathered at a ground located near the Rongpo monastery, shouted slogans against Chinese violations on human rights and harsh repression in Tibet. Sources said that the youth gathering has been increasing in numbers, offering loud recitation of prayers for the long life of their spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and shouting slogans such as “Equal rights for Tibetans, rights of Tibetan language preservation, Freedom in Tibet, unity among the Tibetan people, and the return of His Holiness the Dalai See Page 6 ... Lama to Tibet.”
Censorship in China is a serious matter of its own people. Photo: File By: Reporters Without Borders
Paris: Instead of restoring peace by abandoning its discriminatory policies against ethnic minorities, the regime persists in stifling the voices of dissidents who try to circulate information from within the Tibet enclave, the Paris based Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said in a latest statement. “All street demonstrations are banned and See Page 7
The Tibet Post International
Tibetan Monk Detained for Allegedly Having Iphone Conversation
15 November, 2012 Dharamshala
Tibetan Protesters Released After local People Request
A photo shows Chinese repressive police in Tibet. Photo: File
By CTA Media: Tibet Net
Dharamshala: Chinese police have detained a Tibetan monk for allegedly having a cell phone (Iphone), in Sogdzong county, eastern Tibet according to a source in Tibet on Monday. The news came out this week after carrying out of massive police raids targeting at local Tibetans’ homes to invesgate cell-phones. “Tashi Norbu, a 19-year old monk from Chagri monastery or (Singdzong Woesal Dupde Ogyen Dhamchoeling monastery), arrested October 23, 2012 by Chinese authorities, accusing him of having we-chat conversations with others on his iPhone,” said Mr Ngawang Tharpa, a Tibetan journalist in exile, citing a source inside the region. Tashi Norbu originally came from Tsadrok village in Sog county (Tibetan: Sogdzong), Kham region of eastern Tibet. But the reason behind his arrest remain unknown. “His father’s name is Gonam,” Tharpa further told The Tibet Post International. Chinese authorities took him straight to a detention center in Sog district, where he was questioned by the authorities for hours. “His whereabouts and condition remain unknown. Moreover, local Chinese authorities have not given any reason to his family for his arrest. Sog county and Driru county in eastern Tibet (Current: Tibet Autonomous RegionTAR), have been under a heavy restriction and tight controls, after the wave of tragic self-immolations protesting against Chinese repression have occurred, including in Lhasa, Tibet’s capital. Sources said, the monk was arrested after a serious police raid on cell-phones, particularly targeting Iphones has been carried out by the authorities in the county and surrounding areas, as part of crackdowns, amid deepening repression in Tibet. “Every cell-phones of Tibetans in the county are thoroughly investigated, particularly a single message or the entire conversation with
we-chat on Iphones are targeted,” it further added. The Chinese officials suspicioned that they may have connections with outside Tibet about political issues and current crisis in the region, according to the sources from inside Tibet. Sources also said that the officials on suspicion of Tibetans, sharing information about what’s happening in their country, using via mobile phone technology. According to human rights and press organisations, the regime still banned foreign j o u r n a l i s t s f r o m e n t e r i n g Ti b e t a n d i t s traditional provinces, as part of its efforts to prevent international news organizations from covering crisis in the Himalayan region. An international independent investigation panel to investigate the tragic self-immolations in Tibet also denied by the authorities of the communist regime. China is still blaming the spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama for “inciting a spate of self-immolations” taking place in all parts of Tibet. H o w e v e r, c o m m u n i c a t i o n , i n c l u d i n g t h e Internet, telephone, mobile and SMS in the region has been severely and heavily restricted by Chinese authorities since 2008 and particularly ahead of the leadership transition, the sources said, causing an unknown number of crisis in Tibet, including arbitrary and false arrests, unlawful treatment, harsh conviction, heavy sentence, life imprisonment and other different forms of Chinese oppression. “Representing the second oldest communist regime in the world after Russia, China continues to exert extremely tight control over the internet and mobile phones in Tibet since self-immolations occured in the region, specially ahead of the upcoming 18th Party Congress and leadership transition. Media censorship in China is among the most stringent i n t h e w o r l d , ” s a i d N y i m a T. J , a Ti b e t a n political analyst based in India.
By Sophie Jay, The Tibet Post
Dharamshala: Dharamshala: Around 20 Tibetans protesters were released from jail after local people requested that they be let go. A latest source from inside Tibet stated that the monks and lay people were arrested in T h a n g g a n t o w n s h i p , B h a C o u n t y, A m d o (Qinghai province) region of north-eastern Tibet. Around 20 Tibetans protesters were released from jail after local people requested that they
fainted with emotion during a gathering of around 100 monks and local people at Gaden Choepel Ling monastery, Kangtsa, Amdo. The congregation had been offering butter lamps whilst praying for the long life of the Dalai Lama, and for those who have given their lives for the Tibetan cause, including the 72 Tibetans who have self-immolated protesting Chinese rule in their country since March, 2011.
By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: A Tibetan man has died Monday after setting himself on fire in the latest selfimmolation protesting against Chinese rule, and local Tibetans have been questioned by Chinese authorities about the main causes of wave of selfimmolations in the region. Tragic reports have emerged from the region that Nyingkar Tashi, a 24 year old man has died after setting himself alight. “About four hours later, (approximately 7.15pm local time) Nyingchag Bum, a 18-year-old Tibetan man died after setting fire to himself ablaze outside of the Chinese government building in Dhowa Yultso township, Rebkong county, (Chinese: Qinghai province),” the sources stated. On Monday, two Tibetans died after setting themselves on fire, tragically bringing the number of self-immolation deaths to at-least a dozen last twelve days alone as leadership of the communist regime undergoes a once-a-decade transfer of power. At least 72 using self-immolation as a form of protest since 2009 and 57 of them have lost their lives. “On Sunday, a Chinese propaganda team arrived
...... Continues from front page I n r e a l i t y, s o u r c e s i n t h e a r e a s a y, t h e restrictions are part of the official crackdown on self-immolation protests. Quoting locals in Tsoe, a source has told TCHRD that the local authorities have now barred the schoolchildren from leaving for holidays outside the area. Even urgent requests for leave from the school are ignored by the school administration. Permissions are granted but sparingly for a couple of hours to leave the school premises. With the children confined to their school compounds, sources say many feel schools are now being turned into mini prisons.In
be let go. A latest source stated that the monks and lay people were arrested in Thanggan t o w n s h i p , B h a C o u n t y, A m d o ( Q i n g h a i province), to which they had marched 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Karmo monastery, carrying banners, shouting slogans calling for a free Tibet and praying for the long life of the Dalai Lama, at around 7.30am on Sunday, November 11.Three days earlier a number of elderly Tibetans are reported to have wept and
Another Dies, After A Man Called for Tibet’s Independence
......Near-total information blockade in Tibet Internet cafes and weak or no mobile phone signals. Local residents say mobile phone signals work only when they cross the Kanlho border.Local authorities have also restricted the sale of petrol and other flammable liquids in towns and villages in the area. Shop owners have been ordered to restrict their sales leading to shortage of fuels and making movement difficult for the Tibetans who use motorcycles and other vehicles. In Tsoe (Ch: Hezuo) County, local Tibetans believe that the Chinese authorities are in cr e a s in g r es tr ictio n s in th e ar ea o n th e pretext of the upcoming 18th Party Congress.
Peaceful demonstration in Bha county, Amdho, north-eastern Tibet. Photo: TPI
the Tibetan capital Lhasa and surrounding areas, restrictions on the sale of flammable liquids have also been imposed in recent weeks, according to a source from Nyemo (Ch: Nimu) County in Lhasa Prefecture. For instance, Tibetans in Nyemo need two different documents issued by the County p o l i c e a n d C o u n t y g o v e r n m e n t o ff i c e t o buy petrol and other flammable liquids.At numerous police check posts in Lhasa and surrounding areas, police confiscate empty water bottles and other plastic containers in suspicion that these would be used to buy and store flammable liquids.
Photo shows, Nyingchag Bum, a 18-year-old Tibetan man from Rebkong, Amdho, north-easern Tibet setting himself on fire, on 12 November, 2012. Photo: TPI
in the town from Malho and Thunrin townships, then a public meeting held, a local Tibetan official responded when public were questioned by the authorities about the main cause of the selfimmolations,” sources said. “He stunned the crowd by saying “the main reasons for self-immolations are; ban on keeping photographs of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and worshipping him, not allowing His Holiness the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet, continuing imprisonment of the Panchen Lama and no freedom in Tibet,” said Mr Dorjee Wangchuk, an official from Norbulingka Institute based in India. He was quoted as saying, “The main reason of Nyingkar tashi’s self-immolation protest, Jiang Shucheng, the highest authority in the district visited Dhowa township recently and ordered local Tibetans to remove photographs of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from their homes.” Before carrying out his self-immolation protest, Nyankar Tashi left a last message. “To the six million Tibetans led by His Holiness Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama; -”Tibet wants freedom, right to preserve Tibetan language, we want Tibet’s independence, release of the Panchen Lama from prison and let His Holiness the Dalai Lama return
to Tibet,” the message reads. “I am setting myself on fire to protest against Chinese government’s rule, my request to the six million tibetans, please keep our own language and traditional customs alive and uphold our unity. in the message, Tashi also appealed to his family members; do not suffer after me and do believe in Dharma,” the messaged further reads. A large number of armed military paramilitary forces have reportedly been deployed near Dowa township, about 100kms from Rebgong county. “It is no longer news that world leaders are less concerned about the issues of Tibet, when they trek-up the high economic pressures from the communist regime,” said said Nyima T.J, a Tibetan political analyst in exile. “The reality is that issues of Tibet and Arab world are treated differently by the world leaders for different reasons. We can not say that they treated good for Arab, because of democracy and human rights. If they really care about the values of democracy and respect human rights, what they are seeing in Tibet may not be a tragic wave of self-immolations,” he furthered.
15 November, 2012 Dharamshala
The Tibet Post International
His Hholiness the Dalai Lama His Holiness Urges China To ‘Thoroughly Concludes Teachings to Korean Investigate’ Self-Immolations Disciples By Sophie Jay, Tibet Post International
His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his first of 3 days teachings to Korean devotees at the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala, India, on October 29, 2012. Photo: TPI/Artemas Liu By Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Drawing to a close the final of three days of teachings to Korean guests, His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet concluded His guidance on chapter 24 of ‘Nagarjuna’s Fundamental Treatise of the Middle Way’ with a series of prayers, initiations and vows. Addressing the audience of the main temple in His exile home of Dharamshala; North India, the final day of teachings were rounded off on 31st October 2012 under consecutive clear blue skies and amid a jubilant atmosphere. Drawing upon the sacred text, His Holiness educated the audience on the basic principles of attaining Buddhahood; highlighting that through the understanding of emptiness, you can see the possibility of achieving liberation. His Holiness added that the nature of the mind is both empty and luminous, stating: ‘It is always better for us to take spiritual practices on one’s own level. In this way, you will be able to attain your goal. The spiritual leader of Tibet then led a series of vows, consisting of the precepts; not kill, not to steal, not to perform sexual misconduct, not to lie and to avoid alcohol. The majority of the audience participated in the vows, including the Korean delegation, under the patient guidance of the revered spiritual leader. His Holiness also reiterated the importance of cherishing all sentient beings, as well as the power of the human mind: ‘Because of the self-cherishing attitude we have, we need also to think of others; and of liberating all sentient beings. If you poke an insect, it will
fly away. This shows that it does not want suffering. We should try to use our human minds to understand the true nature of things’ A Bodhicitta ceremony, which involves the intention to achieve omniscient Buddhahood, was carefully led by His Holiness as the morning drew to a close. His Holiness stressed that it is important to cultivate Bodhicitta and the cherishing of others among ourselves. A permission initiation, as well as prayers, a Mandala offering, and vows were made, followed by a blessing of the body, speech and mind. The morning session concluded with prayers after a successful ceremony. A question and answer session for the Korean delegation was also held at 1.30 in the afternoon, to the delight of the guests. In an interview for the Tibet Post International, Korean guest and Buddhist monk Bumguk (whose master is Jinok Sunim of the Korean delegation) described his feelings at the teachings, highlighting:‘Even just a few days of teachings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama are very important. I am very happy today. Many of the guests today [from Korea] have been studying for ten years; this is a very special event. I am very happy; my mind feels clean and pure’. The teachings on Nagarjuna’s Fundamental Treatise of the Middle Way are available in video and audio format on: http://dalailama.com/webcasts/ post/259-nagarjunas-fundamental-treatise-on-themiddle-wayStop the repression and self-immolation would stop,” said Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay during his address to the Regional Council of Piemonte, Torino, Italy.
Japan Lawmakers Call On China To End Human Rights Abuse in Tibet
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is presented with an honorary degree from Hunter College in New York, NY, on 19 October 2012. Photo/Sonam Zoksang By Sophie Jay, The Tibet Post
Dharamshala: Around 150 Japanese parliamentarians have issued a strong statement urging the Chinese government to “immediately stop the unlawful suppression of the Tibetan people’s human rights.” The statement, issued by members of all Japan’s major political parties, which was read out in front of the Dalai Lama, on Tuesday, November 13, also called on the international community at large to help put an end to human rights violations in Tibet. “The Chinese government is violating the human rights of the Tibetan people in a ruthless manner,” the statement read. “It is imposing strict limitations on the Tibetans
for their freedom of political, religious, cultural and economic activities, and punishing those who protest with physical torture and other atrocious means. “A number of Tibetans have self-immolated in order to protest against such oppression. However, the Chinese government does not address the grievances of the Tibetan people and also does not respond to the Central Tibetan Administration’s repeated requests for the resumption of dialogue in seeking a peaceful solution of the Tibetan issue. ‘We strongly urge the Chinese government to immediately stop the unlawful suppression of the Tibetan people’s human rights and improve the
Dharamashala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama has called on the Chinese government to ‘thoroughly investigate’ the causes of self-immolations by Tibetans and urged the leaders of foreign governments to visit Tibet. The Tibetan spiritual leader made the comments in response to an attack in the Chinese state media, in which he was accused of glorifying selfimmolations and allying with Japanese rightwingers, to around 130 Japanese parliamentarians, in Tokyo this morning. The group included opposition leader and former prime minister - tipped by many to be re-elected to lead the country in forthcoming general elections, Shinzo Abe, known for his tough stance on China Two more Tibetans set themselves alight in Dowa township in Tongren, Qinghai province, yesterday, bringing the total number of self-immolations by Tibetans protesting Chinese rule in their country since March 2011, to 72. Yesterday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, said: “Not only did the Dalai Lama not condemn (the self-immolations), but he actually glorified these acts, which are against the national law and religious principles.” This morning, His Holiness blamed “narrowminded Communist officials” for seeing Buddhist culture as a threat, stating: “I always ask the Chinese government, please, now, thoroughly investigate. “What is the cause of these sad things?” Urging the Japanese lawmakers to visit Tibet and investigate the reasons behind the ongoing spate of fiery protests, which has gathered pace in the run up to and during the Chinese Communist Party’s 18th Party Congress, currently taking place behind closed doors in Beijing, during which its new president (expected to be Xi Jinping) will be selected, the Dalai Lama added: “I request some parliamentary groups, visit Tibet, including areas where Tibetans have died in very sad selfBy Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Hailing successful screenings of Tibetan films in both Zurich (Switzerland) and Dharamshala (India), the fourth annual Tibet Film Festival was greeted with praise and innovation; screening an array of Tibetan short films and speeches. The Swiss festival opened the event on October 26th and 27th 2012, with the Dharamshala event; hosted at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts, running on the 27th and 28th October. While both events premiered fictional films such as “A Girl from China” (by Sonam Tseten), “Old Dog” (by Pema Tseden) and documentaries such as “Tibet in Song” (Ngawang Choephel), the two host nations differed with guest speakers and live performances.A vast array of Short Films, which involved a competition and votes for the audience award, live music, talks with participants of the competition and panel discussions added colour and vibrancy to the festival.The official social media ‘Twitter’ profile of the Tibet Film Festival stated during the event: “Very happy with the turnout. Zurich record audience. TIPA packed”. The Tibet Film festival itself began four years ago, in an effort to bring attention to the unheard voices of the Tibetan people. According to ‘Filming for Tibet’: ‘Gyaljong Tsetrin founded Filming for Tibet in 2008, in order to realize his cousin Dhondup Wangchen’s dream of bringing unheard Tibetan voices to the world stage, during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Filming for Tibet is incorporated as a non-profit organization in Switzerland. Its mission is to support the work of Tibetan filmmakers and the people of Tibet. Leaving Fear Behind is its first production’. His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa praised the role of the medium of film this October; a d d r e s s i n g t h e F i l m F e s t i v a l o rg a n i s e r s in Dharamshala India. He highlighted the responsibility of film-making, and the manner in which Tibetans are trying to use video and film as a means to communicate to the outside world, amid the desperate situation within the region. It is with great anticipation that the Tibet Film Festival becomes an annual event in both India and Switzerland. Poignantly however, the fact that Dhondup Wangchen (who filmed Leaving Fear Behind; the first film by the organisers) remains detained by Chinese authorities since March 2008 on charges related to the documentary; highlights the crucial need to magnify the voices of Tibetans through the medium of film. situation. We are also ready to send such a message to the international community without any hesitation.” Tensions between China and Japan have been building over some East China Sea islands, known as Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, which the Japanese government nationalized in September in a bid to prevent Tokyo’s right-wing governor from buying them. The move sparked anti-Japanese protests in cities across China, during which Japanese businesses and cars were attacked. On Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, rebuked Japan for hosting and providing a platform for the Dalai Lama, who he accused of glorifying self-immolations and allying with Japanese right-wingers over the recent island dispute.
Thousands of people listening to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s talk at the Kenritsu Budo hall in Okinawa, Japan. Photo:OHHDL
immolations.“Perhaps the authorities, leaders of China, I think, may get the true picture if foreign lawmakers report what is actually happening there.” China has always maintained that the 77-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader is a separatist seeking an independent Tibet. In yesterday’s statement, Hong also accused him of supporting Japanese rightwingers in a dispute over some East China Sea islands, known as Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, which the Japanese government nationalized in September in a bid to prevent Tokyo’s right-wing governor from buying them. The move sparked anti-Japanese protests in cities across China, during which Japanese businesses and cars were attacked.Rebuking Japan for having provided a platform for His Holiness who has
spent the last ten days touring the country, Hong said: “To achieve his separatist goal, he associated with the Japanese right-wing forces. Chinese people despise him for what he did. We are firmly opposed to any countries providing a stage for him.” Chinese media have accused His Holiness of calling the islands by their Japanese name during a news conference in Yokohama last Monday, but an Associated Press review of a tape of the event showed he referred to them only as ‘the islands.’ Shutters remained down over business and shops in exiled Tibetan communities across India today in an expression of solidarity with the self-immolators, eight of whom, including three teenage monks and a young mother, have set themselves alight within the past six days.
Tibet Film Festival 2012 Greeted with Success in Switzerland and India
Film festival banner displaying at the main gate of TIPA, Dharamshala, India, on Sundat, October 4, 2012. Photo: TPI/Sam Ivor
... Meet Vietnamese Freedom Fighter ...... Continues from front page Mother of four, Ms Ngoc Hanh, who in 2001 attempted to self-immolate in San Francisco during a visit from Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam, Nguyen Tan Dung, and who has been jailed in Britain, The United States and Vietnam for anti-Vietnamese government activities, expressed her admiration for the Tibetan political leader, describing him as: “a bright example for Tibet and also for the people in the world who love their own countries.” Addressing her host, she added: “I can see the
big welcome to bring about a better life for our two countries. I am sure peace will come to these countries on a day not very far away.” Dr. Sangay replied that he must work even harder to get what was needed for Vietnam and Tibet to obtain freedom, and to help those countries which depend on him. The meeting was also attended by VietnamTibet Alliance Fighting for Freedom president, Phuntsok Wangdu, vice president, Thupten Tenzin, and the Central Tibetan Administration’s information secretary, Dicki Chhoyang.
The Tibet Post International
China Sentences Five Monks of Tibet to Varying Prison Terms
Geshe Lobsang Tenzin, Geshe Tsewang Namgyal, Dralha and Thinlay. Photo: TPI The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Months after their arbitrary detention and disappearance, five Tibetan monks from Drakgo Monastery have been sentenced to varying terms of six to seven years in prison for their alleged involvement in 23 January 2012 protest in Drango (Ch: Luhuo) County of Kardze (Ch: Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. According to a report by India based Tibetan Center for Human Rights Democracy, Tulku Lobsang Tenzin, 40, a reincarnated lama and
abbot of Gochen Monastery was sentenced to seven years in prison. Drakgo Monastery’s teacher Geshe Tsewang Namgyal, 42, and accountant Tashi Thupwang aka Dralha, 31, were sentenced to six years. The monastery’s shop manager Thinlay was sentenced to five years. Geshe Tenzin Palsang aka Tenga, senior caretaker of the monastery, was sentenced to six years. Geshe Lobsang Tenzin, along with Geshe Tsewang Namgyal, Dralha and Thinlay were
Father of Two Self-Immolates in North-Eastern Tibet
detained from an Internet café in Chengdu in late January. Since then, they had remained disappeared for about ten months until their recent sentencing. Geshe Tenzin Palsang was detained on 2 April in Drango and since then had remained disappeared until his sentencing. The family members and relatives of the monks said an Intermediate People’s Court in Tridu (Ch: Chengdu) city passed the sentence. The news of the sentencing reached the family after about 15 days, sources told TCHRD. No details are available on the exact charges used to pass the sentences.Three known Tibetans, Yonten Sangpo, Tashi Dhargye and Namgyal Dhondup remain missing after their detention following the 23 January protest in Drakgo.Chinese security forces engaged in disproportionate use of force to suppress the 23 January protest by shooting unarmed protesters. Six known Tibetans died and 43 sustained serious injuries. To date, over 36 Tibetans have been sentenced to varying prison terms from life imprisonment to one year and eight months. Sources say since the appointment of a new party secretary in Kardze, a new policy has been introduced under which special cadres have been assigned the work of monitoring the activities of Tibetans in Kardze Prefecture. Each cadre has been given the responsibility to prevent selfimmolation, preempt public gatherings and stem ‘leaking state secrets’ to outsiders.
15 November, 2012 Dharamshala
Tibetans Allegedly Detained for Spreading Information About Tibet
Chinese arm forces in Nagchu county of eastern Tibet. Photo: File By Sophie Jay,The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Three Tibetans have been arrested for allegedly having spread information about two self-immolations in Kham region of eastern Tibet. Ngawang Tharpa, Dharamshala journalist said that two monks, Thupten Nyedhak, 34, and Tsewang, 24, from Drlldha monastery, in Tridu village, Sok County, Kham, and layman, Phurbu, 27, were arrested by Chinese police after ‘many people’ stated that the three spread information regarding the self-immolations of Tsepho, 20, and Tenzin, 25, in Nagrog Phampa village, Driru County, Kham, on October 26. The three are also reported to have distributed fliers calling for a free Tibet.
The source also stated that Tridu is one of five townships comprising Trirula village, and that each township has a police station checking local residents’ ID cards, without which no-one can leave their town or village. The police presence is reported to have significantly increased since the self-immolations. Their whereabouts and condition remain unknown. Moreover, local Chinese authorities have not given any reason to their family for their arrest. Source said that armed Chinese military forces and police personels have increasingly deployed heavily in the recent days at the monastery and surrounding areas.
Two Brothers Arrested For “Promoting The Tibetan Language By Sophie Jay, Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Two brothers are reported to have been arrested for “promoting the Tibetan language and encouraging nationalism”, in east Tibet, on October 28. President of the Indian-based Dra Sog Dri Sum Association, Ngawang Tharpa, said that Dawa and Lhadruk, sons of the Drotsang family from Meri village, Tsala township in Driru county, Kham region of eastern Tibet, are currently being
Diru County. Photo: naglha.net
held at an undisclosed location.He also stated that the area is currently being held under very tight security by the Chinese military and police. Their whereabouts and condition remain unknown since their disappearance. Source said that armed Chinese military forces and police personels have deployed heavily and the authorities also have imposed extreme restrictions in all areas of Driru county, particularly in Nagshoe Driru area.
Monks Detained in Tibet for Spreading Information about Self-Immolations By Sophie Jay,The Tibet Post International
A photo received from inside Tibet shows a large number of local Tibetans gather around the man’s burned body wrapped in traditional scarves in front of a photo of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Photo: TPI By Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Latest reports have emerged on November 4th 2012 of a self-immolation in the Amdo region of North-Eastern Tibet. Sources state that 25 year old Lhundup Dorjee; a male farmer from the Rebkong district (Amdo) set himself ablaze in the early hours of Sunday morning. It has emerged that as onlookers gathered around Dorjee; who appears to have died at the scene, Chinese security forces attempted to force their way towards the body in an effort to remove his remains from the site. In return, Tibetans at the scene are reported to have resisted, and taken the young man’s body to nearby Rongwo Monastery (Rebkong). Upon arrival at the monastery, according to a press release from the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress and Tibetan Women’s Association of Dharamshala, India, prayers were conducted by ‘thousands of monks and lay-people’. It has emerged that Lhundup; who was a native of Rebkong in Amdo, was the father of two young daughters; aged just 4 and 2 years old. He is also survived by his wife; Yangmo Tso; aged 26. The self-immolation of Lhundup Dorjee
highlights the latest act of fiery protest which Tibetans are using to reflect the extreme measures and pressures those in the region are facing under Chinese rule. The fact that 25 year old Dorjee is succeeded by such a young family suggests the levels of sacrifice Tibetans are willing to make to express their protest and discontent. Amid a shifting government in Beijing, pressure is mounting for a solution to the deteriorating situation. A photo received from inside Tibet pn the same day shows a large number of local Tibetans gather around the man’s burned body wrapped in traditional scarves in front of a photo of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Over 63 Tibetans- including monks, nuns, students and lay people - have set themselves on fire in Tibet since 2009 and most of them have repotedly died. Chinese security forces have swamped streets and roads in and around the county, placing heavy restrictions on the movement of the local Tibetans. Communications, including internet and mobile have also been reportedly cut off, according to sources inside Tibet.
Dharamshala: Four monks are reported to have been arrested in Tibet for spreading information following two self-immolations. Lhachup Jinpa, a researcher at Gu Chu Sum, an NGO which supports Tibetan former political prisoners, reported that Lobsang Choephel, Tsundue, Losel, and Topden from Tsoe Gaden Choeling Monastery, in Tsoe, Amdo, are currently being detained at an undisclosed location. According to sources within Tibet, Lobsang Choephel, who is aged around 30, was arrested twice, firstly for “disseminating information to the outside” about the self-immolation of Dolkar Tso on August 7. He was released following public demonstrations against the Chinese authorities protesting his detention, only to be re-arrested not long after for the same offence. Tsundue and Topden, both in their forties, and Losel, 35, are reported to have been arrested in the middle of their night two days after the
Tibetan Monks Arreste from Tseo Monastery in Amdo.
self-immolation of the grandfather of Gunthang Rinpoche, Tamdin Dorjee, on October 13. The
three are alleged to have “provided information and evidence” to the outside world.
...Observe Self-Immolation of Tibetan Artist ...... Continues from front page The community respectfully wound their way down to the main temple courtyard where a series of prayers and speeches were made, led by organisers of the event the Regional Tibetan Women’s Association and the Tibetan Youth Congress. It has emerged that Lhundup; who was a native of
Rebkong in Amdo, was the father of two young daughters; aged just 4 and 2 years old. He is also survived by his wife; Yangmo Tso; aged 26. The self-immolation of Lhundup Dorjee highlights the latest act of fiery protest which Ti b e t a n s a r e u s i n g t o r e f l e c t t h e e x t r e m e measures and pressures those in the region are
facing under Chinese rule. Amid a shifting government in Beijing, pressure is mounting for a solution to the deteriorating situation. The exile community of Dharamshala has remained poignantly united as the numbers of self-immolations appear to rise during the cutthroat transition period for Chinese leadership.
15 November, 2012 Dharamshala
Top Tibetan official Addresses World Pilgrimage Festival In Korea
The Tibet Post International
UN Urges China To Urgently Address Tibet Grievances
Kalon Pema Chhinjor (2nd from right) with Korean Buddhist leaders at the World Pilgrimage Festival in Jeonju city in South Korea on 11 November 2012. Photo: tibet.net By Samuel Ivor, Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Below is an extract of Kalon Pema Choejor’s speech on Sunday 11 November 2012. The speech, which focused on Pilgrimage and Religious Harmony, was delivered at the World Pilgrimage Festival in South Korea. Source: Central Tibetan Administration “I would like to say that the pilgrimage is one of the important facets of our culture. It is done with motivation to seek Buddhahood for the benefit of others and this practice is followed from ancient times in Tibet. I am sure this is same in Korea also. I believe you all have earned many merits during this time. We share common faith.The promotion of religious harmony is one of the most important commitments of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He is leading us with example to respect other religion and coexist with people following different faiths. He travels wide across the world meeting religious leaders of different faiths, visiting churches, temples, gurudwaras, and mosques. And, also attends interfaith dialogue, prayer sessions, and preach in several occasions. He initiated and instituted dialogue between Science and Buddhism which is becoming very popular in Western Countries.He always tells us: “follow your own faith with respect to others” and “all
faiths are equal when it comes to showing us the path of a happy and compassionate life”. The motivation of all religions and practices is similar, which is to spread message of love, compassion, forgiveness, sincerity, and honesty. The basic goal is the benefit of humankind with each type of system seeking in its own ways to improve the life of human beings. As you know even the faith that we follow is categorized as Theravada, Hinayana, and Mahayana. These have occurred because Lord Buddha has adopted different approaches in his teachings. He has taught on the basis of mental disposition of human beings. So, different faiths have evolved only because of differences in the mental disposition of human beings. Thus, I would like to stress on importance of “religious harmony”. We shouldn’t let our emotion and greed overpower our sense to forget about the common features of all faiths. We are all same human being. We all need happiness and avoid sufferings. Happiness is also achieved by respecting religious freedom of others and abiding to one’s faith sincerely and honestly. May the teachings of Lord Buddha spread far and wide and sentient beings gain freedom from sufferings!”
Dr Sangay Slams China Allegation of Encouraging Self-immolation
SIkyong Dr Lobsang Sangay speaking during a grand prayer service to mourn self-immolations in Tibet, in Dharamsala, India, on Sunday, 11 November 2012/Photo by Namgyal Tsewang/Tibet TV By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala:The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Sunday, 11 November has rejected the accusations and claims by officials of the so called Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) that oversea Tibetans have encouraged the self-immolations. The political leader’s response came after some official mouthpieces of the Chinese Communist party claimed that the protests were being instigated by external separatist groups. Addressing a grand prayer service for selfimmolators at the main temple here today, the Tibetan political leader, (Sikyong) Dr Lobsang Sangay reiterated the CTA’s grave concern over the prevailing grim situation in Tibet, adding that the Tibetan people are passing through one of saddest periods in its history. The international community, including the UN, EU and US had repeatedly criticized China over the widespread self-immolation protests in Tibet, reflecting the lack of respect for the fundamental freedom and human rights in Tibet, as well as communist regime’s policies that threatening the traditional religious, cultural, and linguistic preservation that underpin the Tibetan identity. The elected political leader of Tibet said the escalating number of self-immolations by Tibetans reflects how repressive and unbearable is the situation under the Chinese rule. “The massive protest by thousands of Tibetan students in Rebgong in north-eastern Tibet (China’s Tongren in Qinghai) on Friday reflect their deep resentment against China’s policies to undermine the Tibetan language and cultural
identity,” Dr Sangay added. “We categorically reject the accusations and claims by a handful of Tibetan leaders of Tibet Autonomous Region that Tibetans in exile have encouraged the self-immolations and Tibetans in Tibet are enjoying freedom and happy, during their press conference in Beijing on Friday. We are saddened to hear such false statements on the situation in Tibet from Tibetans,” Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay said. Dr Sangay reiterated the blame and solution for the crisis in Tibet lies squarely with the Chinese government, adding, the self-immolations will end if Beijing its repressive policies and find a lasting solution to the issue of Tibet through dialogue. Exile political leader said his administration and Tibetans in exile would do everything to fulfill the unequivocal universal aspiration of Tibetans inside Tibet for the restoration of freedom for Tibetans and His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s return to Tibet. The political leader of Tibetans urged the US government to provide strong support to meaningful efforts made by Tibetans in exile in democracy and non-violence as part of Obama administration’s “pivot to Asia” policy. He also strongly called on the media to draw the attention of the international community, including Chinese people, on the escalating tragic situation in Tibet. Despite repeated appeals by the Central Tibetan Administration to refrain from drastic actions, over 70 Tibetans have set themselves on fire in Tibet since 2009, calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and freedom for Tibetans. Officials from the so called TAR held a meeting in Beijing on Friday along the sidelines of the CCP’s 18th National Congress, which opened on Thursday. “External Tibetan separatist forces and the Dalai clique are sacrificing the lives of others to achieve ulterior political motives,” Lobsang Gyaltsen, the TAR Deputy Governor, was quoted as saying by Reuters. “We believe that this is contrary to humanity’s common conscience and morality, they will never achieve their evil purposes and will also suffer intense condemnation.”, Jampa Phuntsok, (Chinese: Qiangba Puncog), the head of the so called TAR government’s People’s Congress,
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay addressing the general assembly in New York on 24 October 2012. Tibetan Official Media:tibet.net
Geneva-2 November 2012 - United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Friday urged Chinese authorities to promptly address the longstanding grievances that have led to an alarming escalation in desperate forms of protest, including selfimmolations, in Tibetan areas. The UN human rights chief said she was disturbed by “continuing allegations of violence against Tibetans seeking to exercise their fundamental human rights of freedom of expression, association and religion,” and pointed to “reports of detentions and disappearances, of excessive use of force against peaceful demonstrators, and curbs on the cultural rights of Tibetans.” Cases have included a 17-year-old girl who was reportedly severely beaten and sentenced to three years in prison for distributing flyers calling for Tibet’s freedom and the return of the Dalai Lama. Others have been sentenced to between four and seven years in prison for writing essays, making films or distributing photos of events in Tibet outside China. Serious concerns have been raised about fair trial standards, and the torture and ill-treatment of detainees. “I have had several exchanges with the Chinese Government on these issues. But more needs to be done to protect human rights and prevent violations,” Pillay said. “I call on the Government to respect the rights to peaceful assembly and expression, and to release all individuals detained for merely exercising these universal rights.”The High Commissioner also
added that the protests were “concentrated around six to seven monasteries out of more than 10,000 in the region”. He ruled out allowing foreign observers into Tibetan areas, as suggested recently by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay., Mr Phuntsok said on Friday the government “hoped that people from all fields within the country and outside go to Tibet often to look around, study and travel, but as to some other aspects, we are not that welcoming,” referring to foreign observers. “Those who think there are any problems in Tibet, human rights problems, arrogantly wanting to pursue investigations, to use these situations to propose entering Tibet,” he added, “I am afraid we feel it’s inappropriate.” Since 2009, all Tibetan self-immolators called for China to end its repressive policies in Tibet and demanded the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and freedom in Tibet. Over 70 self-immolation protests occurred in different parts of Tibet since 2009 and and most of them died from severe burn injuries. Atleast six people, including mother and teenagers committed self-immolation, a day before the start of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Beijing.
appealed to Tibetans to refrain from resorting to extreme forms of protest, such as selfimmolation, and urged community and religious leaders to use their influence to help stop this tragic loss of life. “I recognise Tibetans’ intense sense of frustration and despair which has led them to resort to such extreme means,” she said, “but there are other ways to make those feelings clear. The Government also needs to recognise this, and permit Tibetans to express their feelings without fear of retribution.” The High Commissioner urged the Government, as a confidence-building measure, to allow independent and impartial monitors to visit and assess the actual conditions on the ground, and to lift restrictions on media access to the region. She noted that there are 12 outstanding requests for official visits to China by UN Special Rapporteurs on various human rights issues, including one by the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion and belief. During the Universal Periodic Review of China’s human rights record before the UN Human Rights Council, the State pledged to step up cooperation with Special Procedures. Pillay called on the Government to facilitate their access. “ S o c i a l s t a b i l i t y i n Ti b e t w i l l n e v e r b e achieved through heavy security measures and suppression of human rights,” she said. “Deep underlying issues need to be addressed, and I call on the Government to seriously consider the recommendations made to it by various international human rights bodies, as well as to
avail itself of the expert advice being offered by the UN’s independent experts on human rights.” Among the recommendations made by international human rights bodies to the Government of China on Tibet are the following: - UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, recommended a suspension of non-voluntary resettlement of nomadic herders, who make up the majority of the Tibetan population, and called for a meaningful consultation. - The UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination (CERD) recommended to China that any policies or incentives offered that may result in a substantial alteration of the demographic composition of autonomous minority areas be reviewed. CERD also recommended that the State party carefully consider the root causes of the unrest in March 2008, including interethnic violence, and the reasons why the situation escalated. - The UN Committee Against Torture in November 2008 recommended that China conduct a thorough and independent inquiry into events surrounding the protests in March 2008, including the reported excessive use of force against peaceful demonstrators, notably monks, in Kardze county, Ngaba county, and Lhasa; and into allegations of torture and ill-treatment against those arrested and detained. “My office also stands ready to assist constructively on these issues in the region and promoting best practices from around the world with regard to protection of minorities,” Pillay added.
...Take to Streets in Response to Wave of Immolations ...... Continues from front page Marking the wave of self-immolations emerging from Tibet, the exile community of Dharamshala took to the streets on the evening of November 8th with a peaceful vigil and prayer service. Highlighting their respect for brothers and sisters in within the land of snows, the community of Dharamshala; home of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and seat of the Central Tibetan Administration, closed businesses for the day and led a series of marches through the town. The event was organised by the regional chapters of the Tibetan Women’s Association, Tibetan Youth Congress and Students for a Free Tibet (India). Holding aloft Tibetan flags and images of those who had self-immolated, the community witnessed hundreds taking to the streets in support and solidarity. The peaceful protest was concluded with a prayer service the Main Temple (Tibetan: Thegchen
Choeling Tsukla Khang). In a press release, the organisers highlighted the deteriorating situation in Tibet, stating: ‘Decades of intense suffering in Tibet has led many Tibetans to feel compelled to engage in extreme acts of protest, reflected in the everincreasing wave of self-immolation protests taking place.’ ‘The immolations are intended at sending out a strong message to the new leadership taking part in the Congress’ stated Lobsang Choedak recently, spokesman for the Tibetan government in exile. As the Chinese Communist Party Congress is about to commence, the harrowing number of Tibetans willing to sacrifice their lives in a bid to voice their protest under Chinese rule looks to rise; at least 69 using self-immolation as a form of protest since 2009.
The Tibet Post International
Independent Film Festival Brings Inspiration to Exile Community
Dharamshala Independent Film Festival Brings Inspiration to Exile Community, photo taken during the festival, on October 4, 2012. Photo: TPI/Sam Ivor By Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post
Dharamshala: Hosting a series of independent films from November 1st to 4th, the Dharamshala Independent Film Festival turned heads and inspired minds as it celebrated its first event in the Tibetan exile hub of India. As vibrant turquoise auto-rickshaws popped up on the busy streets of the quirky town, and as the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts was adorned with banners, cuisine stalls and retail tents, an atmosphere of anticipation greeted the premiere of the festival. Amid clear blue skies and against the scenic backdrop of the Himalayas, the festival itself could not have been hosted in a more unique and inspiring location. ‘Bringing independent cinema to the mountains’, the festival boasted a colourful array of
contemporary Indian and International films, as well as the presence of many of the directors and producers themselves. Screening 26 films, features, documentaries and shorts, the event which was hosted at the scenic Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts - delivered a wealth of inspiration and quality filmmaking to the community. Uniquely, the festival addressed the talent of young filmmakers, encouraging bilateral engagement with guests. In an interview for the Tibet Post International, Wen King, one of the organisers of the event, highlighted: “This is really exciting for Dharamshala; we have not had this many filmmakers to the community before for an event like this. The Dharamshala Independent Film Festival is unique because after most of the films, there is a question and answer session. It’s very interactive”. She added: “There are 14 filmmakers doing master-classes, and for those attending it’s been very successful”. The event also included live music from performers of the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts; who awed the crowd with traditional folk music from the land of snows. The final day of the festival also included a more concentrated question and answer session with a selection of the filmmakers, who further addressed with depth and experience questions and discussions by audience members. As the last of the turquoise rickshaws (which had been decorated colourfully to highlight the festival) wound their way down the narrow forest path leading from the venue, and the final film had been discussed, it is with anticipation that the community can look forward to more of such events; which bring bilateral dialogue and independent cinema to the bustling global town.
15 November, 2012 Dharamshala
Fifth Annual Bike Rally to Support the Tibetan Cause Held in Maharashtra By Sophie Jay, Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: More than 50 cyclists took part in a bike rally to support the Tibetan cause in Maharashtra on October 24. Wardha-based Indian support group, the National Campaign for Tibetan Support, organised its fifth annual rally under the banner “Free Tibet, Save India,” between Wardha and Nagpur to coincide with the 56th Dr. Baba Sahib Ambedkar ’s Dharmachakra day. Former Municipal Council chairman, Shri Shekhar Shende, and former Zilla Parishad councillor, Shri Vijay Athale, started the event, before the cyclists were warmly welcomed by residents including the presidents of the local Tibetan Assembly, regional Tibetan Youth Congress and regional Tibetan Women’s Association, at Norgyeling Tibetan Settlement, upon their arrival in Nagpur. The cyclists also visited a statue of the Buddha en route at Dhammabhumi, where they enjoyed a flower ceremony to seek blessings for the journey.
National Campaign for Tibetan Supports, an Indian Support Group for Tibet in Wardha organized a bike rally to show their support for the Tibet cause from Wardha to Nagpur, state of Maharashtra, western region of India. Photo: TPI
TYC Protestors Arrested Storming The Chinese Embassy in Delhi
Taiwanese Runners Don Prize-Winning Fancy Dress to Raise Awareness for Tibet
H.H the Gyalwa Karmapa addressing at the the 52nd founding anniversary of TCV at Dharamshala on 23rd October 2012. Photo: TP/Artemas Liu By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post
Dharamshala: Highlighting their support for those suffering under Chinese rule in Tibet, the Tibetan Youth Congress protested outside, and further attempted entry into the Chinese Embassy in Delhi on 12th 2012. It has emerged that during
the peaceful demonstration, Delhi police arrested 13 of the Tibetan activists, who were led by the current TYC President Tsewang Rigzin. The demonstration; organised by the Tibetan Youth Congress, also involved members of the
Regional TYC of bothSamnyeling and Rohini. At the embassy, Tsewang Rigzin demanded to confront and speak to members of the Chinese government, to highlight the deteriorating situation within Tibet. Before his arrest, Rigzin released the following statement: “We demand the Chinese government under the new leadership of Xi Jinping to do the right thing by working on a timeline during this ongoing 18thCommunist Party National Congress to return Tibet to its rightful owner: the Tibetan people.” Addressing world leaders, he urged them to: “stand on the right side of history”highlighting the need to support the Tibetan people’s rightful aspiration to be free from Chinese occupation. It is reported that all 13 activists; which includes eight students; 2 women, are currently being held in Chanakyapuri Police Station,New Delhi. The protest comes as the toll of self-immolations surpasses 72 this week (since 2009).Thousands of Tibetans have taken to the streets in recent weeks, largely Rebkong in Eastern Tibet; protesting against Chinese rule and expressing their discontent with policy failures, suppression, and for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The wave of protests has coincided with Chinese Communist Party’s week-long 18th National People’s Congress,passing the mantle of leadership to the next generation in Beijing.
2nd Preliminary Int’l Rangzen Conference to be Held in Taiwan By Sophie Jay, Tibet Post International
Taipei: Eight students used eye-catching fancy dress to draw attention to the Tibetan cause during a Taiwanese marathon. The Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) Taiwan members won first prize for their elaborate costumes and face-painting following the annual fancy dress Taipei-Taroko Gorge marathon on Saturday, November 3. Some of the runners painted their faces with yaks, snow lions and Tibetan flags, and others carried yak mascots whilst one brave pair, Lin and Yu,
donned full yak and snow lion costumes. An SFT Taiwan spokesperson said that the students aimed to: “illustrate the importance of Tibet as the third pole of the Earth.” The group also gathered signatures during the event for a petition to Taiwanese president, Ma Ying-jeou, urging him to openly express concerns over the ongoing spate of self-immolations by Tibetans protesting Chinese rule in their country, and examine the current human rights situation inside Tibet.
...Take to Streets in Call for Policy Change ...... Continues from front page Although, this peaceful demonstration came after four Tibetans, including a young woman, calling for freedom in Tibet, set themselves on fire as China readied to showcase its 18th Communist Party Congress. The latest is movement of the Tibetan students, as the majority of protesters are studens from four counties (Thunrin, Chantsa, Tsekhog and Hinan) of Malho and its capital Rebkong, as well as the surrounding areas, currently studying in major schools of Rebkong, sources said. Over 6,000 people gathered in the earlier evening, later around 10,000 including high school students and nomads from neighboring areas, reportedly gathered in Thunrin township of Rebkong (Chinese: Tongren, Guizhou) on Thursday afternoon after two self-immolation protests - a 23-year-old mother on Wednesday and a teenage boy on Thursday. They step up their protests against Chinese rule, shouted slogans, demanding the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and freedom in Tibet. The situation in Rebkong is reportedly becoming more critical as tense after the Chinese authorities
had imposed heavy restrictions on the local Tibetans. It said, a large number of armed Chinese military forces being deployed as well as propaganda teams. Armed Chinese police in paramilitary vehicles also stepped up patrols in the areas increasingly and surrounding areas to prevent anti China protests. However, sources said Friday that there was no clash between local Tibetans and Chinese forces erupted yet. On Friday evening (6-7pm local time), hundreds of Tibetan students from the Qinghai University for Nationalities in Xining city, Qinghai province organised a prayer service and Candle Vigil to show their solidarities with those Tibetans who have sacrificed their lives for Tibet and its people. The 18th CPC National Congress started Thursday and 2,325 delegates will elect the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and a new leadership in power. Its old policy as Chinese ruling party will remains same. However, some Tibetans say there are hopes for a political reform in Tibet after appointing the new Chinese leaderships.
By Keary Huan, Tibet Post
Taipei: Tenzin Norsang, Joint Secretary of Tibetan Youth Congress, who is on a 10-day trip to Taiwan organizing the 2nd Preliminary International Rangzen Conference scheduled to be held in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, on the 1011 November. A press conference was held on 9 October, started with screening of a video clip to introduce the tragic self-immolation by many Tibetans. The conference was introduced by Cai Jixun, a Taiwanese Tibet supporter.Norsang told reporters pointed out that The Chinese government is solely “responsible” for the continuing self-immolations by Tibetans in Tibet. In-order to prevent the actions of the self-immolation of Tibetans in Tibet, “independence is the only option” to solve the self-immolation crisis. “The Chinese government has the responsibility to address the issues of injustice, as well as the international community,” he further added. The Chinese Communist regime labeled Tibetan self-immolations a form of terrorism, but, whether from a religious point of view or political point of view, this is selflessness sacrifice and nonviolent protest. They are demanding human rights in Tibet, and resisting the illegal occupation,” Norsand told reporters. “Tibetans set themselves on fire to protest against the Chinese rule over Tibet, but they never hurt any Han Chinese and they do not want to harm other people too,” asid Mr Tashi Tsering, the founder and former president of RTYC, Taiwan. Tashi said that, his parents passed-away in India as exile life, they could not go back to Tibet. in-
Mr Cai Jixun introducing during the press conference being
order to complete their wishes. “I joined the TYC, when I was 18-year-old, as TYC’s goal is for the restoration of Tibet’s independence,” he further added.Mr Lobsang, President of RTYC Taiwan said that TYC respects the Tibetan governmentin-exile and opposes the communist regime’s brutal colonial rule in Tibet. He said TYC’s political stand or philosophy on Tibet issue, will continue as fully independent state. Since 2009 Since, there are 69 self-immolations, protesting against the Chinese occupation over Tibet. Taiwan is a free and democratic country now, we hope and pray that Taiwan will not become next Tibet. “ On November 8, 2012, Taiwan, he visited and met with two executive members; Dylan P.C. .Kup, Executive Secretary and Y-Chi-Yang, Campaign Coordinator of Amnesty international, Taiwan at their office. The meeting lasted almost 40 minutes where they informed me of their campaigns for Tibetan human rights situation and their efforts at generating awareness for the cause of Tibet. They assured that they would continue
to do more in the future.Norsang said, he thanked them for their relentless work and expressed my views and opinions on the situation inside Tibet and the wave of self-immolations since 2009. A public talk titled, Tibet was held in the evening at 7:30 pm: a burning issue was attended by more than 80 Taiwanese, some Italians and few Tibetans most of whom were RTYC Taiwan members.The talk, which was organised by RTYC Taiwan was targeted for the Taiwanese crowd. Lasting more than two and a half hours (interpretation time included) I introduced Tibetan Youth Congress as a movement and spoke about our aims and objectives and our activities and why TYC retains Independence as a goal and why we think Independence is possible. Later Norsang spoke about the self-immolations inside Tibet that has gripped Tibet and paralysed China and what can be achieved through their sacrifices and what the International Community can do to help.Some of the interesting questions they asked were; why Tibetans offer traditional Tibetan scarf to the self-immolators? What is the role of a Taiwanese in the Tibetan struggle? They wanted to know about HH the Panchen Rinpoche etc.It was a very enthusiastic crowd and the feedback from the audience was very positive. Many of them commended TYC for its stand for Independence and its non-violent approaches. A candlelight vigil was held by Tibetans and Taiwanese supporters at the Freedom Square in Taipei on Friday evening to show their strong solidarities to the Tibetan martyrs, who have selfimmolated for Tibet and its people.
15 November, 2012 Dharamshala
Exile Tibet Administration Welcomes Obama’s Re-election as President
The Tibet Post International
Top EU Rights Official Urges China to Solve Tibet issues Through Dialogue
By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post
Dharamshala: The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has welcomed the reelection of President Barack Obama as US president, as many countries across world are celebrating his second term in the White House. “Once again the United States of America has captured the imagination and attention of the world. The spirit of the Founding Fathers and their declaration echoed throughout the robust election of the President of the United States,” elected Tibetan political leader of the CTA, Dr Lobsang Sangay stated in his congratulatory letter to US President Barack Obama. “I, on behalf of the Central Tibetan Administration, would like to congratulate you on your historic re-election. It goes without saying that your re-election reflects not only the endorsement and support of your Administration’s policies but also manifests the expectations and hopes for a better America, and indeed the world,” said Dr Lobsang Sangay. The Tibetan political leader praised on the long term supports by the United States government. “Under your leadership, Tibetans have also enjoyed your warm and sincere support. Since 2008, Tibet has seen unprecedented
and widespread uprisings. We are extremely concerned about the tragic spate of selfimmolations in Tibet.” “We recall with sincere gratitude your meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 2010; the daunting task being carried out by the Special Coordinator for Tibet; Secretary Hillary Clinton’s persistent work on Tibet, including with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi during the APEC Summit in 2011, and recently on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York,” Dr Sangay added. The political leader also reminded president Obama of the need for his administration to express concern over Tibet in the future, particularly the increasing wave of selfimmolations in recents years. “We are especially encouraged and inspired by the visit to Ngaba in Amdo (Sichuan Province) and the statements made by Ambassador Gary Locke. We hold this as the true testimony of your Administration’s commitment to freedom and human rights in Tibet.”“As you have promised, “America, the best is yet to come”, we appeal to your Administration to use its good offices to envision a “brighter and better” future for Tibet as well,” he further stated.
Political Leader Calls on China and Int’l Bodies to Visit Dharamshala Admin
Barbara Lochbihler, who represents Germany’s Green Party in the European Parliament, in 2008. Photo: AP YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: - A top Human Rights Official of the European Parliament, Tuesday, 6 October urged Chinese leaders to resume dialogue with Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama to solve the issue of Tibet. “China’s new leaders must resume dialogue with the Dalai Lama Lama aimed at finding a lasting solution to the issue of Tibet,” Ms Barbara Lochbihler, chair of the Human Rights Subcommittee of the European Parliament told reporters in Germany. Ms Lochbihler also criticised the Chinese government over the deteriorating human rights
The Tibet Post InternationalInternational
Dharamshala: The Central Tibetan Administration condemned China’s dismissal of the recent UN statement on Tibet as interference in its internal affairs, and its allegations that the Tibetan leadership is behind the current protests in Tibet. “The blame and solution for the present tragedy in Tibet lies entirely with Beijing. “We welcome representatives of the Chinese government as well as that of any independent international body to investigate these allegations by visiting our offices in Dharamshala, India” s t a t e s S i k y o n g D r. L o b s a n g S a n g a y, t h e democratically-elected leader of the Tibetan people and political successor to His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet. “We applaud, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay’s, urging to the Chinese government to “promptly address the longstanding grievances that have led to an alarming escalation in desperate forms of protest, including self-immolations, in Tibetan areas.” As noted by Pillay, China should accept “the 12 outstanding requests for official visits to China
by UN Special Rapporteurs on various human rights issues.” Like Hon. Gary Locke, U.S. Ambassador to China, we urge other ambassadors and members of the press to visit Tibetan areas and investigate the present human rights situation. Six more Tibetans set themselves on fire across Tibet since Wednesday, November 7th, taking the total number of self-immolations to 69. Almost all the self-immolators belong to the generation brought up since China’s occupation of Tibet which began in 1949. The Central Tibetan Administration affirms that the reasons for the self-immolations are self-evident: political repression, economic marginalization, environmental destruction, and cultural assimilation. Chinese leaders selected during the 18th Party Congress must recognize that China’s hardline policies in Tibet have utterly failed and only through dialogue can a peaceful and lasting solution be found. “We firmly believe that an end to repression will effectively end the cycle self-immolation” says Dr. Sangay.
Chinese authorities to address the underlying policies that are pushing Tibetans in Tibet to burn themselves to death. “The situation is Tibet continues to remain grim as more than 63 Tibetans have self-immolated since 2009 in protest against the Chinese government’s repressive rule,” Tibetan official media; Tibet Net stated. “The self-immolators have called for freedom for Tibetans and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Central Tibetan Administration has repeatedly appealed to the Tibetans inside Tibet not to take drastic actions,” it added.
...Suppressing “Bad News” in Tibet ...... Continued from front page arrests are frequent. The increase in repression in Tibet is reflected in a wave of arbitrary arrests in Tibetan monasteries,” said RSF. “The arbitrary nature of the arrests in the region is becoming more and more flagrant, while the increase in police raids is pushing monks to acts of despair. Around 60 self-immolations are estimated to have taken place since the start of 2009. The exact number is not known because they authorities try to hide them from the international community. In order to contain the information coming out of the region, the movements of the population are strictly regulated. Access to the city of Lhasa is getting harder and harder because its Tibetan inhabitants are required to have a specific identity card. The authorities have banned schoolchildren in Hezuo, the capital of Gannan, a Tibetan prefecture in the western province of Gansu, from
Dr. Lobsang Sangay, elected political leader of the Central Tibetan Administration delivering an inauguration speech at the launch of Tibet Policy Institute at Kashag Secretariat, Dharamshala, India, 15th February 2012. Photo: TPI
situation in Tibet. She said there should be a systematic change in the annual EU-China human rights dialogue to make it more result-oriented. Ms Lochbihler’s comments came 3 days after the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay urged China to address the longstanding grievances in Tibet, including selfimmolations. The UN human rights chief said she was disturbed by “continuing allegations of violence against Tibetans seeking to exercise their fundamental human rights of freedom of expression. In last month, the US government urged the
taking holidays outside of the region, and have suppressed mobile phone communication in the Tibetan part of Sichuan province, permitting only fixed telephone use. Anonymous sources have reported that in Gannan virtually all communications have been blocked, the sale of SIM cards has been suspended and Internet cafés have been closed.The Chinese government is particularly concerned to suppress any information about the frequent selfimmolations by Tibetan monks. Tibet Post International, a Reporters Without Borders-backed online newspaper based in the northern Indian city of Dharamsala, learned on 1 November that four monks identified as Lobsang Choephel, Tsundue, Losel and Topden had been arrested in Tsoe Gaden Choeling monastery on charges of “disseminating information and evidence abroad.” It is not known where they are currently being held.
Similarly, a 38-year-old monk identified as Jinpa, who had already been detained in 2008 for circulating information abroad, was arrested again for no clear reason on 25 October.Two days before that, the 19-year-old Tibetan monk Tashi Norbu was arrested for making a call with a Smartphone, apparently because it can be used for connecting to the Internet. Smartphone owners have often been targeted during police raids on monasteries. It has meanwhile been confirmed that Golog Jigme Gyatso, a monk who helped Dhondup Wangchen secretly film the 2008 documentary “Leaving Fear Behind,” was arrested on 20 September when he returned to Gansu province.” China is ranked 174th out of 179 countries in the2011-2012 Reporters Without Borders press freedom index and is on the 2012 Reporters Without Borders list of “Enemies of the Internet.”
Day Two of Teachings to Koreans Continue from Tibet’s Spiritual Leader By Samuel Ivor, The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Addressing the Korean delegation, which numbered almost 1000, as well as Tibetans, international visitors and Indian guests, His Holiness the Dalai Lama continued His teachings into Chapter 24 of ‘Nagarjuna’s Fundamental Treatise of the Middle Way’. Tuesday 30th October witnessed yet further insight into the sacred text by one of the world’s most revered spiritual leaders, in the Main Temple of Dharamshala: India. Drawing upon Chapter 24 of Nagarjuna’s Fundamental Treatise of the Middle Way, which examines the Four Noble Truths (in forty verses) His Holiness stated:‘We must rid ourselves of negative emotions, and self-grasping’. His Holiness added that to overcome negative emotions one must understand that nothing exists inherently, and that one must focus on emptiness. He drew upon verses eleven and twelve of the text by Nagarjuna, which highlight the nature of emptiness, and the Buddha’s approach to teaching the Dharma. His Holiness divulged:‘What the Buddha has done is see that it is difficult to understand emptiness. He first taught the Four Noble Truths to His disciples,
His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Ven Jin-Ok greeting wellwishers on their way to the main Tibetan temple at the start of second day of teachings in Dharamshala, India, on October 30, 2012. Photo: OHHDL/Tenzing Choejor
then let His disciples understand emptiness when they were ready’.Particular attention was drawn to verses 18 and 19 of ‘Nagarjuna’s Fundamental Treatise of the Middle Way’ (Chapter 24), urging followers to recite the verses when practicing and meditating on emptiness. He added that: ‘Without understanding emptiness, you cannot understand the Three Jewels’‘Because the essence of Buddhahood is within yourself, the activity of the Buddha can work in you. You can then reach enlightenment yourself. You have to combine emptiness with altruistic intention. The possibility
of liberation will be combined with emptiness’. His Holiness warned however that:‘It depends on your effort. You cannot make wishful thinking to achieve liberation. It has to take effort. When you aspire to liberation, you have to focus on emptiness’.His Holiness the Dalai Lama drew the second day of teachings to a close during the afternoon, having thoroughly educated and inspired the guests.In an interview for the Tibet Post International, Venerable Jinok Sunim; esteemed Korean Lama of the visiting delegation, highlighted:‘We had wished for a meeting with His Holiness for a long time. His Holiness wishes to make some teachings of the Buddha’s Dharma; He wants to improve the happiness of human beings’Having arranged the meeting and visit for the Korean guests, Venerable Jinok Sunim highlighted that upon returning home, he wishes for the Korean guests to practice what they have learnt from His Holiness. ‘[In Korea] people’s egos are sometimes very strong now, in our society. His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teachings can teach us to seek change in society’.Commenting upon future visits, the revered Korean Lama highlighted that he wished sincerely for more visits and teachings of Korean disciples in the future.
The Tibet Post International
Another Teen Dies in Protest at Ongoing China’s Party Meet
15 November, 2012 Dharamshala
Tibetan Self Immolates In Rebkong In Aftermath Of Protests By Samuel Ivor, Tibet Post International
Gonpo Tsering, 19, dies after setting himself on fire in Achok, Tsoe, in north-eastern Tibet on Saturday, 10 November 2012. By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post
Dharamshala: Gonpo Tsering, the 19-yearold teenage Tibetan, who set himself on fire in an apparent protest against Chinese repressive policies in Tibet on November 10, has passed away. A latest report coming out of the north-eastern region of Tibet confirm that the teenage boy set himself in-front of Shedup Tendhar-ling monastery, Lhushoe Khungru Thang township, Amchok, Tsoe County, (Chinese: Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefectures, southwest of Gansu Province) Amdho region of eastern Tibet, on Saturday evening, (2.30pm local time), 10 November. “Gonpo chanted and shouted slogans while setting fire to himself, calling the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet”, and demanding equal rights for Tibetan people and its language,” said Ajam, a Tibetan from Bangalore, south India, citing sources inside Tibet. Sources received by The Tibet Post International stated that “many local Tibetans and monks a r r i v e d a t t h e s c e n e a l m o s t i m m e d i a t e l y. They tried to extinguish the flames but were
unsuccessful. He was passed-away at 4.40pm as a result of a serious burn injury.” “Local Tibetans have carried Gonpo’s body to his home, where they gathered to pay their last respects and organized a special prayer service,” said Ajam. With the on-going tragic crisis in Tibet, the number of self-immolations has now reached over 70 and most of them died from severe burn injuries. “Tsering was a respected genuine Tibetan, studied at high school in the county, during which he received awards for best student and excellence in studies. Later he became an artist,” Ajam said. “locals recognize his friendly personality as a great asset.”Since 2009, all Tibetan selfimmolators called for China to end its repressive policies in Tibet and demanded the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and freedom in Tibet.Over 70 self-immolation protests occurred in different parts of Tibet since 2009, atleast six people, including mother and teenagers committed self-immolation, a day before the start of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Beijing.
Protests Soar As 18 Year Old Tibetan Self-Immolates
Dharamshala: News has emerged from Tibet that a 24 year old man has self-immolated in Rebkong (Chinese: Gansu province), Amdo region of Eastern Tibet. Reports state that the young man named Nyingkar Tashi took to the fiery form of protest just four days after Kalsang Jinpa (18) self-immolated in the same region. Rebkong has since witnessed thousands of students taking to the streets in peaceful protest, calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet, and for freedom. According to emerging reports from the expolitical prisoners association in India; Gu-ChuSum, Nyingkar Tashi self-immolated on the afternoon of November 12th at 3:15. It is reported that 24 year old Nyingkar called for a return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet, before selfimmolating. Like so many other Tibetans who have selfimmolated recently, Nyingkar reportedly has a family, including a 23 year old wife named DugmoTso; highlighting the sacrifices Tibetans are willing to take and the level of pressure and suppression imposed upon them.No further information has emerged on the condition of Nyingkar Tashi, or his whereabouts.The selfimmolation of Nyankar comes amid a shifting
Nyankar Tashi, 24 year old. Photo: TPI
handover in Beijing for political power; as the start of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Beijing gets underway.In return, Tibetans have staged a staggering number of protests; at least 71 since
2009, against Chinese rule. Recent weeks have witnessed the number of self-immolations soar, as well as unprecedented numbers of Tibetans taking to the streets in Rebkong to express their discontent.
New String of Tibet Self-immolations, Four More on Eve of CCP Meeting By YC. Dhardhowa, The Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Four young Tibetans, including 23-year old mother and three teenage monks set themselves on fire separately in Amdho region, north-eastern Tibet, on the eve of the Communist China’s 18th National Congress, bringing the number of self-immolations to about 70 since 2009, the largest immolation protest in human history. Three Tibetan Buddhist monks from Ngoshul Monastery, Ngaba county in their teens set themselves on fire in Ngaba County. One of them has reportedly passed-away from severe burning, local Tibetans fear two other also might not survive due to their severe burn injures. Moreover, reports from Tibet of a fourth Tibetan self-immolation happened in Rebkong, Amdho region of north-eastern Tibet, on the eve of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, protesting against China’s 60 year errorridden polices in Tibet, according to sources from inside Tibet. D o r j e e , a 1 5 - y e a r- o l d m o n k o f N g o s h u l Monastery, from Tsodruk village of Ngatoe Gomang area in Ngaba county, North-eastern Tibet, died after he along with two other colleagues from same county setting themselves alight around 3.0 p.m. infront of a Chinese local police station in the Ngatoe township, Ven Kanyak Tsering and Lobsang Yeshe, media coordinators for India based Kirti Monastery told The Tibet Post International (TPI News), citing latest sources inside Tibet. Two other young monk; Samdup aged 16, Dorjee
in the area.However, the other two are reported to have suffered severe burn injuries and they might not survive after taken by Chinese authorities to a hospital in Ngaba county of Tibet, according to Tibet sources received by TPI.One of the selfimmolators today was reportedly a 23 year old nomad mother, named Tadrin Tso, originally from Dhowa Dro Rongpo village in Rebkong county, died after setting himself alight around 6.30 p.m. at Dro Rongpo Gemarthang, 50kms from Rebkong township, Dorjee Wangchuk, an official from India based Norbulingka Institute told TPI News, citing sources inside Tibet. Tadrin Tso who was mother of a 6-year-old son, also shouted slogans demanding the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet. Her body was reportedly controlled by local Tibetans in the nomad area. Over 3,000 Tibetans gathered to offer their prayers and final respects to Tadrin Tso who sacrificed her precious life for Tibet, he further said.“In the evening, with a large crowd gathering of local monks and Tibetans shouted slogans, demanding the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, freedom in Tibet, and Long live His Holiness the Dalai Lama,” Dorjee Wangchuk was quoted local sources as saying, So many people from surrounding places are still arriving in the area to pay their homage to Tadrin Tso.Following the self-immolations, a large number of Chinese armed forces, security personals and police were deployed in Ngatoe township and surrounding areas. The situation becoming tense and under strict surveillance, according to the sources.
Tadrin Tso, photo: TPI/file
Kyab aged 16, with their colleague Dorjee took to the main gathering area of Ngatoe Gomang area in Ngaba county, north-eastern Tibet. They shouted slogans calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and freedom in Tibet, shortly after, the Chinese police took two of them to a hospital in Ngaba county. It is still Not Clear that whether the 15-year old Dorjee’s body was taken by local Tibetans or the Chinese authorities
Tibetans Protest China’s Nexen Bid Over Human Rights Concerns in Tibet By Sophie Jay, Tibet Post International
Jinpa Gyatso, 18 Years Old. Photo: TPI By Samuel Ivor, Tibet Post International
Dharamshala: Today at 4.20pm, (local time) a man named Kalsang Jinpa, 18 years old from Dhowa (nomad settlement) in Rebkong (Chinese: Gansu province) Amdo region of Eastern Tibet self-immolated against Chinese rule. He died of his injuries at the scene. The location of Jinpa’s self-immolation was at Dolma Thangchen; the area beside Rongpo Monastery in Rebkong. As he set himself ablaze, Jinpa could be heard shouting for a return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet, according to reports from Lhachab Jinpa (a member of the Gu Chu-Sum Politial prisoners asscociaton in exile). Following his protest, the monks of the local monastery as well as local Tibetans took his body to Dhongyal-le (usually a location where high lamas are cremated). It has been reported that thousands of people reportedly attended his funeral, where his
remains were cremated. Sources state that the situation is becoming tense, as the local Tibetans refused to leave the area. The self-immolation of Jinpa comes amid a shifting handover in Beijing for politcal power. In return, Tibetans have staged a staggering number of protests; at least 69 since 2009, against Chinese rule. This week alone has witnessed at least 7 reports of self-immolations; a harrowing number of lives - largely young Tibetans including women, parents and monks, attempting to get their message to the world yet remaining peaceful against Chinese forces. On the 7th November it has been reported that a man from Pekar township of Driru County (Kham: Eastern Tibet) set himself ablaze. There have been no further details released, amid draconian blackouts enforced by the Chinese authorities.
Toronto: Tibetan-Canadians and Tibet supporters across Canada protested the pending sale of Canadian oil giant Nexen to China’s stateowned corporation, China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC), on Wednesday, October 31. Industry Canada is expected to make a decision on the $15.1 million bid next week as pressure escalates on Prime Minister Harper to oppose the takeover because of national interest and human rights concerns. In Toronto, a protest took place between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm in front of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, in Yonge Street, demonstrating the Tibetan community’s opposition to the deal.“This deal is bad for Canada, and it is bad for Tibet,” said National Director of Students for a Free Tibet Canada, Urgyen Badheytsang.“The Chinese government has a horrific track-record of violating trade agreements, state-sponsored espionage, and human rights abuses. “CNOOC itself is complicit in human rights abuses in Tibet, funding China’s efforts to force millions of Tibetan nomads off their land to make way for mining and oil extraction. This policy is driving Tibetans to self-immolate in protest, with 50 self-immolations in the past year alone. The Canadian government must not sell off our national resources to a company that destroys Tibetan lives.” Protests are also planned over the next week in Calgary and Victoria.Students for a Free Tibet Canada, the country’s largest pro-Tibet youth organisation, is encouraging its members to write directly to Prime Minster Harper, whilst urging their MPs to raise CNOOC’s Tibet connection in the House of Commons, calling on the Harper
government to publicly address the growing human rights crisis in Tibet where at least 62
t e r
Tibetans have self-immolated in a wave of protest against Chinese rule in their country.
t i
Advicer Mr. Thomas Keimel Advicer Dr. Vincent Brucel Editor in Chief Mr. YC. Dhardhowa Chinese Editor Ms. Keary Huang Project Manager Mathew Singh Toor Tibetan Editor Mr. Sangay Dorjee Assistant Editor Ms. Pema Tso Circular Ven Phuntsok Dhondup Publisher Mr. Sonam Sangay Editor, Tibet Post Europe Mr. James Dunn Designer Ms. Pema Tso
Contributors for this Editon
Keary Huang Taiwan Mathew Singh Toor India Sophie Jay UK Samuel Ivor UK YC. Dhardhowa India Sangay Dorjee India Pema Tso India
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