D&H CANVAS August 2022

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Your Free Arts, Entertainment and Buy Local Guide

CANVAS Orange, Pike & Sullivan Counties | Cragsmoor, Damascus, Ellenville, Marlboro & Wallkill


art • cinema • dance • festivals • holistic living • music • opera • poetry • theatre

From The Publisher... by Barry Plaxen Welcome to the start of CANVAS’ 19th year! See the beautiful birthday card created by CANVAS supporter and friend, Karen E. Gersch on page 30. We thank you so much for that thoughtful and lovely card, Karen! Welcome Back from the Pandemic: Bloomingburg Cultural Center. Liberty Jazz Festival. Highlights of the Month: World renown artists in Eldred (Ann Hampton Callaway), Livingston Manor (Midori), Middletown (Jefferson Starship) and Bethel (too many to list!) A circus in Newburgh with kids and

teens as performers. Remembering Sullivan’s department store with an exhibit, a tour and a conference in Liberty. Synchronicity of the month: A Cindy Lauper Cabaret in Forestburgh and a Cyndi Lauper portrait exhibited in Port Jervis. Kudos to: Michael Boyle, Jr. and Jessica Jaber for creating a new Equity theatre venue in Cornwall. Highland Arts Alliance for creating a new ongoing Photographer’s Salon. Warwick-based Hudson Valley Jazz Festival for its outstanding roster of events, not only in CANVAS territory,

but elsewhere in the Hudson Valley. Welcome back: Opera Cowgirls in Lake Huntington. Neo-Burlesque in Hurleyville. Elaine Bromka and her three First Ladies in Goshen. Celebrating: Bill Evans in Port Jervis and John Denver in Ellenville. Ukrainian music in Milford. Harry Potter in Bethel and The Little Mermaid in So. Fallsburg. And once again, a heartfelt thanks to our advertisers who help CANVAS promote the arts and keep this publication free, and to those in our Arts Community who submitted their events to us and helped create this fantastic August issue!


Business Directory

On The Cover

Dear Barry and Sophia, 18 years? How can it possibly be 18 years that CANVAS has been bringing us art news from around the region? 18 years of calendars and feature articles on wonderful organizations, presentations, gallery shows, theatre productions, sweet song and delightful dance. Who imagined that a newspaper devoted strictly to the arts could survive in the little hamlets and towns of the Hudson Valley. You did! You imagined it, dear Barry and Sophia, and those of us in the arts community will remain forever grateful. Bravo and brava!


Herbal Alchemy of Soap & Incense Craft Two Crow Cottage Burlingham, NY 12722-0210 www.etsy.com/shop/happyherbssoap


- Carol Montana Artistic Director, Big Sky Productions Publicist, Shandelee Music Festival


Movies Exhibitions Performances (845) 985-4722 hurleyvilleartscentr.org gallery222.org


May I Have a Word with You �������������23


Talent Management & Arts Administration glo@gloriabonelli.com



Corporate Graphic Design Michael Tobin tobincreative.net

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Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

see page 21

Art & Photography ����������������������������18 Books ������������������������������������������������15 Category ����������������������������������� 15 &18 Centerspread: August 2022 �������� 16-17 Children & Teen’s ������������������������������14 Lectures & Talks & Demos ����������������18

CANVAS Home Delivery


Gramercy Brass Orchestra of New York

Amity Gallery, Warwick ���������������������23 Artery Gallery, Milford �����������������������13 Bethel Woods �����������������������������������20 Bloomingburg Cultural Center ������������3 Bradstan Cabaret Series, Eldred ��24, 31 Catskill Art Society, Livingston Manor � 4,11 Catskills’ Preservation Conference ���28 Chadwick Lake Park, Newburgh ������26 CMA Gallery, Newburgh �������������������11 Cochecton Pump House �������������������26 Continuum Gallery, Greenwood Lake �29 Cragsmoor Library ������������������������������4 Crawford Library, Monticello ���������4, 30 Desmond Center, Newburgh ��8, 12, 25 DVO Center, Lake Huntington ����22, 27 Eldred Preserve ��������������������������24, 31 Farm Arts Collective, Damascus ����4, 9 Forestburgh Playhouse ����������������������6 Fuller Moon Arts Festival, Warwick ���30 Gallery 222, Hurleyville ���������������������25 Goshen Art League ���������������������������31 Goshen Public Library ������������������������4 Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra �22 Grey Towers, Milford �������������������������20 Highland Falls Library �����������������������13 Highlands Arts Alliance �����������������4, 13 HPAC, Hurleyville �����������10, 25, 27, 28 Hudson Valley Jazz Festival �������������29 In Memoriam: Franklyn Schneider ����19 Josephine-Louise Library, Walden �24,26

Community Arts: News, Views And Schedules Delaware & Hudson CANVAS 297 Stone Schoolhouse Road Bloomingburg, NY 12721 Publisher, Barry Plaxen barry@dhcanvas.com calendar@dhcanvas.com 845.733.4979 Editor, Sophia Krcic editor@dhcanvas.com ads@dhcanvas.com 845.666.0000 Email calendar submissions by the 15th of the prior month to calendar@dhcanvas.com Nothing in this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Kevin Owen, author ��������������������������12 Kindred Spirits Arts, Milford ��������������20 Liberty Jazz Festival �������������������������28 Liberty Museum & Arts Center ����������28 Mamakating Historical Society ���������12 Mark Rosengarten, artist ������������������31 Morahan Park, Greenwood Lake ������29 NBNY Art Scene, Newburgh �������������11 Nesin Cultural Arts ����������������������������30 On the Lawn, Sugar Loaf ������������19, 29 Orange County Arts Council �������������30 Pacem in Terris, Warwick ������������������26 Paramount Theatre, Middletown ���������9 Phillipsport Community Center ���������24 Pine Bush Gazebo ����������������������������26 Pocono Env. Education Center ���������18 Port Jervis Library �������������������������������3 Railroad Green, Warwick ������������������29 Ritz Kids Circus ��������������������������������24 River Rep Theatre ����������������������������22 River Valley Artists Guild ���������������������8 Rivoli Theatre, South Fallsburg ��������12 Run 4 Downtown Park, Middletown ��26 Safe Harbors Green, Newburgh �������24 Shadowland Stages, Ellenville �����������5 Shandelee Music Festival �����������������21 St. Joseph’s Church, Wurtsboro ���������3 Stanley Deming Park, Warwick ��������26 Sullivan County Architectural Tour ����28 Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop 12 SUNY Orange, Newburgh ������������������9 Theatre on Main Street, Cornwall �����22 Unitarian Universalist Congregation �14 UpFront, Port Jervis ��������������������10, 29 Vaune Sherin, artist ��������������������������14 Wallkill River School, Montgomery ���19 Warwick Historical Society ����������������29 WaterWheel Cafe, Milford �����������������11 Wickham Works, Warwick ����������������30 Wisner Library, Warwick ���������������4, 29 WJFF Radio Catskill ���������������������������3 Wooster Grove, Walden �������������������26 Wurtsboro Art Alliance ����������������������25

Bloomingburg Historic Museum & Cultural Center: Open House on July 31 The Bloomingburg Restoration Foundation Inc. and The Old Dutch Reformed Church: A Gem of Mamakating Still Standing! by Joann C. LaBrecque Though we’re weathered from time, the variety of storms, and the illness that has wrecked havoc on the world these past two years, we are still here and standing tall. In spite of lockdowns and not being able to host gatherings or have events, we have not sat idle. With the help of the Town of Mamakating and our community we have been able to get much needed work done. In the Autumn of 2019 the Town hired a contractor who began the work to restore

the front steps of the church. By summer of 2020 the front steps were finished and looking much as they did when they were first laid. Also in the spring of 2020, it was noticed that the roof was in need of repair. That same year we worked with the Town to apply for a municipal grant from The Sullivan Renaissance. The Town won the Silver feather award. For those of us not familiar with the grant process this became a lesson in patience, waiting for approvals

St. Joseph’s Art Show: July 30 - Aug. 1 If you read the July issue of CANVAS, you would know that the Ave Maria Guild affiliated with the Parish of St. Joseph is once again hosting their annual art show. Held in St. Joseph’s Summer Church Hall, 180 Sullivan Street, Wurtsboro, the show features artworks by adults, teens and children.

Planned for July 30 to August 1, the exhibit will be open from Noon-8:00pm on July 30, and 10:00am6:00pm on July 31. The awarding of prizes takes place on August 1, after 7:00pm. Masks are optional for those who are vaccinated or immune. Free admission. For info: 845-888-4522.

WJFF Radio: Open House on July 30 On June 23, WJFF Radio Catskill began broadcasting from its new facility in Liberty, and said hello to a sound future for WJFF listeners. The new home offers more studio space, state of the art digital equipment, and room for community meetings and outreach. Additionally, there’s a direct line-of-sight connection to the tower used to transmit broadcasts, improving reliability and sound quality. “We remain committed to renewable energy and have received an award from the New York Power Authority to

supplement our electricity needs with a combination of hydro and solar power,” said General Manager Tim Bruno. See WJFF’s new home at 4765 Route 52, Liberty, during their open house on July 30, from 11:00am-4:00pm. For info: 845-482-4141.

and going through the bid process for contractors. The lessons were worth learning. This year, although the weather was far from cooperative, the roof of the Old Dutch Reformed Church was replaced by June 3. Next on the schedule with the exterior of the church, it is hoped that the old paint will be scraped off and fresh coats applied. From there to the interior where it too will get a much needed beautification treatment.

In the meantime, the Bloomingburg Restoration Foundation Inc. had applied for and received a grant to install a small piazza or large paved open space on the front lawn next to and in front of the steps of the church. By having this installed we believe it will bring our unique and diverse community together to enjoy our outdoor Historic and Cultural programming. Come to our Open House and Concert on July 31 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Enjoy music, food, 50/50, and a silent raffle of baskets and support us in our continuing endeavor! Editor’s note: Congratulations to the BRF on the re-opening and re-naming of the Bloomingburg Historic Museum and Cultural Center, 112 Main Street (enter on High Street). Call 845-481-3252.

Plein Air on The Delaware: July 30 Plein Air Paint-Out Local artists will be painting like the Delaware River flows: carried by the surprise of its own unfolding! Coordinated by artist Susan Miiller, Plein Air on The Delaware is an outdoor community event for artists and art lovers. Beginners as well as master artists are invited to this outdoor painting party. Artists may bring their own supplies or use those provided, and the event gives all a chance to celebrate the River, as well as surrounding historic buildings, parks, streetscapes, and gardens. Maps will be provided showing several locations along the Delaware River in and around Port Jervis, such as the walkway along the Delaware River to West End Beach, Riverside Park, Elks-Brox Park and the Hawks Nest, to name a few. Participants will meet at the Creamery (5 Water Street, Port Jervis) right next to the River Walkway, and may choose to travel anywhere along the river they like. All participants will be provided bagels and pastries in the morning, courtesy of

Local plein air artist Greg Pelly

Carmine’s Bakery in Port Jervis, treated to a free ice cream from The Creamery, and lunch bags to go. It’s all happening on July 30, from 10:00am-3:00pm. Rain date: August 6. Registration is required. Register by visiting: www.barryvilleareaarts.org/ PleinAirAdventures.html Plein Air Exhibit An exhibit of the work created will be on display August 13-30 in the Community Room of the Port Jervis Free Library, 138 Pike Street. A wine and cheese reception will be held at UpFront Gallery, 31 Jersey Avenue, on August 13 from 1:00pm-4:00pm.

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Cragsmoor Music: July 30 Music on the Mountain is returning! Cragsmoor musicians Beatrice Affron, Joanne Biershank, So Brown, Ashima Scripp and Miranda Scripp will perform an evening of eclectic music, featuring everything from Bach to contemporary fiddle and folk tunes,

on July 30 at 7:00pm at the Cragsmoor Library. A reception will follow. Seating is limited to 30 persons so reserve by signing up at the Library or sending an email to: Nancy@ cragsmoorfreelibrary.info or call Nancy at 845-647-4611.

Art Supply Swap: July 30 Do you really need that many color pencils? Are you really going to use all of that yarn? Let’s be honest, you’re not actually going to use all of those blank sketchbooks... ...on the other hand, maybe your color pencils are worn down to nubs. Maybe you could use some (or all) of that yarn to finish a project. And who doesn’t like a fresh sketchbook? That’s why Highlands Arts Alliance will be hosting an Art Supply Swap for artists and makers! The swap is a great way to get rid

of unused and unwanted supplies that can be utilized by other creators! Trade markers, swap paint colors, or just give away all of those extra knitting needles or paintbrushes! Attendees can just bring what they can carry or register for individual table space and network with other artists and makers (see ad page 31). www.highlandartsalliance.org The event is FREE to attend and open to all artists, makers, and the curious, on July 30, from Noon-3:00pm at the American Legion Hall, 34 Old State Road, Highland Falls.

Livingston Manor: Kids’ Musical Catskill Art Society Kids are hosting a free concert from Rolie Polie Guacamole, a family friendly band. Winner of the prestigious Parents’ Choice® and NAPPA Awards, Rolie Polie Guacamole has developed a smart, parent-friendly musical style that dresses up original tunes and classic covers

with vibrant harmonies and deft instrumental layers, plugging in a sizzling electric current of rhythm that lights up lyrics humming with relevance and humor. It’s on August 13 at 10:00am at the CAS Laundry King, 65 Main Street, Livingston Manor. Call 845-436-4227

Phillipsport: Concert in the Cemetery The Kurt Henry Band performs multi-genre original, rock, and singersongwriter music. Fisher & Kean are a harmony based, dynamic duo. Both songwriters in their own right, their sound features traditional to contemporary and originals. Breakneck Annie (pictured) is a five piece band bringing you Americana songs in a folksy way. Jeff Entin sings, plays guitar, piano,

bass, and composes music. Along with other musicians, these entertainers will help the Polar Grove Cemetery in Phillipsport raise funds for its maintenance during the 7th annual Grateful We’re Not Dead concert, a night of Tunes among the Tombs on August 6 at 5:00pm. Bring lawn chairs and flashlights to 180 Phillipsport Road. Food and beverages available for purchase. Suggested donation $5.

The Neversink-Hackledam Project, although under consideration long ago, will interest and amaze you. Presented through the joint efforts of Henry & Gordon MacAdam, (pictured) it is a little-known and long forgotten proposal to build a hydroelectric dam on the Neversink River in Forestburgh. Proposed in 1913, it would have changed the face of Sullivan County, with a 9-mile-long reservoir stretching upstream from Forestburgh across the

Town of Thompson into the Town of Fallsburg, with a 60-foot depth at Bridgeville! Building this massive project would have included a 2½-mile train line, a 5½-mile tunnel through the Shawangunk Mountains, as well as relocating the hamlet of Bridgeville and three cemeteries. The project was abandoned when

Goshen: First Ladies Emmy Award-winning actress Elaine Bromka stars in the off-Broadway hit, Tea for 3 - Lady Bird, Pat & Betty, a deeply moving and witty play in a performance hailed as a “subtle feat of brilliant acting.” It is a behind-the-scenes look at three remarkable First Ladies: Lady Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon, & Betty Ford, as they face their final days in the White House. Registration for the August 13,

Elaine Bromka in “Tea for 3 Lady Bird, Pat & Betty”

3:00pm free event at the Goshen Library, 366 Main Street, is required. Visit www.goshenpubliclibrary.org or phone 845-294-6606.

Welcome Lenape Nation, July 31 The Lenape Nation of PA embarks on a treatysigning journey on the Delaware River every 4 years. Willow Wisp Organic Farm and Farm Arts Collective will once again welcome the sojourners with a hot meal and a friendly welcome on the land of their

ancestors. The welcome is open to all community members. Bring a dish to share with the kayakers and enjoy the Welcome Potluck on July 31, 5:00pm-8:00pm, at 38 Hickory Lane, Damascus, PA, five minutes from the Callicoon bridge.

Warwick: Author Talk Michele Harper (pictured) is a female African American emergency room physician in an overwhelmingly male and white profession. As Harper learned to become an effective ER physician, bringing insight and empathy to every patient she encountered, she understood that each of us is broken - physically and emotionally. How we recognize those breaks, how we

try to mend them, and where we go from there are all crucial parts of the healing process. The Albert E. Wisner Library, 1 McFarland Drive, Warwick, presents The Beauty in Breaking: Author Talk with Michele Harper on August 22 at 9:00pm, one of a series of live, online author talks. Visit www.albertwisnerlibrary.org for details and to register.

Cragsmoor: Craft & Flea Market The Cragsmoor Library is accepting donated items for a Fancy Flea & Crafts Market. Items can include all kinds of crafts, new and Art by LeGrand Botsford used books, homemade baked goods, sandwiches, salads and desserts. (No clothing, shoes or electronics.) The August 7, 9:00am-3:00pm fundraiser will include a Rubik’s Cube

demonstration at 1:00pm, in addition to author Beat Keerl who will lecture and sign his new book on artist LeGrand Botsford at a time

TBA. Donations may be dropped off during Library hours. For info, contact Nancy at 845-647-4611 or visit the website at: www.cragsmoorfreelibrary.info

Monticello: Dam the Neversink!


Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

funding was diverted to the World War I effort, but the survey for this reservoir, which included property belonging to Benjamin Wechsler, would snarl the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation in a protracted and expensive lawsuit in 1986 as they acquired land for the current Neversink Gorge Unique Area State Park.

The proposed Dam would have inundated the Neversink Gorge. Join Gordon MacAdam as he explains the plans for this Dam and its impact. His historical knowledge will fascinate you! This program will be in the Crawford Library, 479 Broadway, Monticello. Masking and social distancing are strongly encouraged and registration is required. Go to ebcpl.org and then to “Adult calendars” to register for the August 11, 6:00pm presentation.

Shadowland: Plays by and about Tom Hanks & John Denver Shadowland Stages, the said, “Shadowland Stages cultural jewel of Southern is the ideal venue for Safe Ulster County, announced Home - a safe home for a the world premiere new play. The possibility production of Safe Home to come back to the by Tom Hanks and James theater, to the fine hands Glossman, based on of the ensemble, is fresh, stories by Tom Hanks. thrilling and due!” Safe Home serves The seven-member as the centerpiece of cast, headed by Timothy Shadowland’s 37th Busfield, James Riordan season, and is one of the and Nikkole Salter was most exciting projects thrilled to welcome Hanks in its history - with an to rehearsal on July 1st. extraordinary ensemble The cast with Tom Hanks Bushfield has appeared creating the first-ever and Shadowland’s Artistic on Broadway in Brighton production of this new play Director, Brendan Burke Beach Memoirs and A Few co-written by beloved American actor Good Men. He lives in the Catskills and Tom Hanks, and based on stories from NYC with his wife, television icon and his book Uncommon Type. best-selling author, Melissa Gilbert. In the play, we meet Bert Allenberry: Riordan’s Broadway credits include a smart man, many say a genius. His Noel Coward’s Present Laugher, inventions have changed the world. He Jerusalem, Noises Off, The Elephant has everything a man - a very rich man Man and Dance of Death. - is supposed to have, need, or want Salter is an award winning actress, except for Time. So now Bert is about to playwright, educator and arts advocate. dive headlong through a door, into other For her work she has received the OBIE, people’s lives in other people’s places, in a Helen Hayes Award, an Outer Critics a time-bending odyssey to find his way Circle Award, a Global Tolerance Award safe home. from the Friends of the United Nations, About the production, Tom Hanks a Selfdes-Kanin fellowship from the

Theatre Hall of Fame, and most recently, a Lily Award for her contributions to the betterment of the theatre field. Elena K. Holy, managing director said, “Sales are ‘brisk’, to say the least. Our loyal subscribers sustain Shadowland Stages and we are so proud to bring them this world premiere production as a part of our first full season back following the pandemic. All of us (board, staff, volunteers and subscribers) are thrilled to welcome the many brand new audience members to both Shadowland and beautiful Ellenville.” Safe Home runs through August 7. Almost Heaven is a musical tribute and intimate celebration of John Denver’s life and career, told through his hit songs including Rocky Mountain High, Sunshine on My Shoulders, Annie’s Song, Leaving on a Jet Plane, Calypso John Fitzpatrick as “John Denver” in Ellenville’s and more. 4th of July parade This musical

revue creates a uniquely theatrical narrative celebrating a true American troubadour, and chronicling his impact as both storyteller and activist, with songs by John Denver and others, orchestrations and vocal arrangements by Jeff Waxman, original concept by Harold Thau, directed and music-directed by Chris Blisset. The ensemble includes John Fitzpatrick, Chris Blisset, Amanda Ryan Paige, Patrick Dinnsen, Victoria Chaieb & Carrie Lyn Brandon. The show runs from August 12 to September 11 on the Shadowland’s Mainstage, 157 Canal Street, Ellenville. For tickets, visit www. shadowlandstages.org or call the Box Office at 845-647-5511.

August 2022

Chris Blisset

A. R. Paige

Patrick Dinnsen

Victoria Chaieb

C. L. Brandon

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS



Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

Forestburgh Playhouse: It’s Okay to Dance in the Aisles! Theatre for Young Audiences A brand-new musical version of the timeless classic takes you down the rabbit hole with the ever-curious Alice to a land of zany adventures where nothing is as it seems. The White Rabbit, Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, the Mad Hatter, the Caterpillar, the Mock Turtle, the mysterious Cheshire Cat, the Queen of Hearts, and all of your favorites from Lewis Carroll’s beloved books make this a magical, tuneful, and over-the-top entertaining musical for the whole family! Alice in Wonderland is performed Thursdays & Saturdays at 11:00am through August 20.

Rotten! Set in the 1590s, brothers Nick and Nigel Bottom are desperate to write a hit play. When a local soothsayer foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing, and acting at the same time, Nick and Nigel set out to write the world’s very first musical. Direct from a hugely successful run on Broadway, Something Rotten! features large song and dance numbers (yes, fabulous tap dancing too!), and a wacky cast of fun characters. Mainstage August 16-28

Mainstage August 2-14

Billy Porter, left, & Stark Sands in the Broadway production of Kinky Boots, 2013. photo: Sara Krulwich/The New York Times

Something Rotten! Brian d’Arcy James, left, and Brad Oscar, St. James Theater. photo: Sara Krulwich/The New York Times

Welcome to the Renaissance and the crowd-pleasing musical farce, Something

Get ready for Kinky Boots! This exhilarating true story about a struggling shoe factory will lift your spirits to highheeled heights! Winner of six Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Kinky Boots features a joyous, Tony-winning score by Cyndi Lauper, and a hilarious,

uplifting book by four-time Tony winner, Harvey Fierstein. Filled with fabulous songs and thrilling dance numbers, Kinky Boots will inspire audiences to dance in the aisles and discover why, sometimes, the best way to fit in...is to stand out! Mainstage August 30-September 4 Broadway’s two-character play Constellations is a spellbinding, romantic journey that begins with a simple encounter between a man and a woman. But what happens next defies the boundaries of the world we think we know - delving into the infinite possibilities of their relationship and raising questions about the difference between choice and destiny. Dinner/Cabaret August 2-12 Broadway and film composer Cole Porter left an indelible mark on the American songbook! In this Cabaret, The Hits of Cole Porter, the ResCo (Resident Company) will turn back time with hits like The Jan. 31, 1949 of TIME. Anything Goes, I Get cover Cover Credit: a Kick Out of You, It’s Boris Chaliapin

Delovely and more. Dinner/Cabaret August 16-26 CyndiLauper is the ultimate 80s rebel and pop star. The ResCo will have you up and dancing to her hit tunes: She-Bop, Girls “Mixed Tape” (Cyndi Just Wanna Lauper) by Jen Charton, see story on pg. 8. Have Fun and so much more! Come on out to the Forestburgh Tavern for Time After Time - A Cyndi Lauper Cabaret. Dinner/Cabaret August 30-September 2 Get ready to be wowed once again by Broadway’s Douglas Ladnier. Douglas’ silky smooth baritone vocal stylings will enchant you. In Silky, Smooth and Fabulous he will be singing hits from Broadway and the American Songbook. Forestburgh Playhouse is located at 39 Forestburgh Road. For tickets: www. fbplayhouse.org or call 845-794-1194.

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


River Valley Artists Guild: Works Depict Late Summer

“Martha’s Vineyard” by J. Weiss

Art About Town, sponsored by the River Valley Artists Guild (RVAG), will present exhibits with the theme, End of Summer at various locales from August 1 to September 30. Included are photographs, prints, paintings, color pencil drawings and pastels by artists celebrating the visual beauty of late Summer in Orange County. Curator Susan Miiller says: “I hope the viewer enjoys the appeal of color and styles that our art brings.” See works by RVAG member artists at Gio’s Gelato Cafe: Paintings in oil and acrylic by Jen Charton highlight social concerns; Judith Cramer works in acrylics, pastel, and pencil with styles ranging from Impressionism to Abstract; paintings by Joyce Lee reflect the


“Seahorses” by S. Provenzano

spirit of the landscape; Roz Hodgkins’ paintings originate from common frames of reference such as the cycle of seasons and other phenomena of nature; stilllife oils by Gene Iovine reflect Autumn colors, self-taught artist Patty Koch has nearly 50 years of art experience; RVAG president Joan Kehlenbeck includes local historic buildings and scenes in her work; watercolors by Stella Provenzano depict the beauty of the environment, and Judith Weiss begins her work from landscapes, then moves into recall and personal feeling. See curator Susan Miiller’s oils and pastels at Bon Secours Hospital Cafeteria. “I want to give the viewer the appeal of color and luminosity of late Summer in my artwork,” she says.

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

“Stuck in Lower Forty” by J. Petrosi

See color pencil drawings by Joe Petrosi at the Mayor’s Office, City Hall. Award-winning artist Joe Petrosi is a certified textile airbrush specialist. He founded PAPA (Paterson Association of Progressive Artists) in the 1970s. And, see Joan Kehlenbeck’s ongoing exhibit at Deerpark Town Hall. Joan has shown her oil paintings and pastel drawings regionally and is well-known in the area for her demos and workshops. Locations: Gio’s Gelato Cafe, 30-32 Front Street, Bon Secours Cafeteria, 160 E Main Street, Mayor’s Office in City Hall, 20 Hammond Street, all in Port Jervis; and Deerpark Town Hall, 420 Route 209, Huguenot. See page 7 for RVAG artist-member Jen Charton’s painting of an ‘80s idol!

Ansel’s Work

Ansel Adams’ (pictured) most important work was devoted to what was - or appeared to be - the country’s remaining fragments of untouched wilderness and other protected areas of the American West. His work was recognized in 1936 in a solo show at Alfred Stieglitz’ An American Place NYC gallery- in opposition to many of Adams’ contemporaries who thought that photographers should be making pictures that related more directly to the huge economic and political issues of the day; the Depression years. Explore the life and works of a photographer who used the natural landscape as his subject matter, and used his prominent position in the field to increase the public acceptance of photography as a fine art, with Laura Nicholls, on August 3 at 12:30pm at the Desmond Center for Community Enrichment, 6 Albany Post Road, Newburgh. To register: 845-565-1326.

Dream on the Farm: 2022 Farm Arts Collective (FAC) creates and produces original devised performances in a collaborative process with its resident ensemble. The company performs at home and also tours with a performance repertory that includes Dream on the Farm, Stone Soup Cooking Class, Decompositions, and special pop-up performances. Dream on the Farm is a decalogue of performances taking place from 20202030 to explore the vast subject of climate change. 2020 saw the premiere play, created and performed by the FAC ensemble of 15 musicians, actors, stilt walkers, ecologists, farmers, and Chief Gentlemoon of the Lenape-Nation, staged as a mobile experience (the audience walked from scene to scene) on the 30 acre organic farm where FAC has a greenhouse theater, and in 2021 FAC produced another mobile event, The Scientists, a fictionalized debate between Carl Sagan and Lynn Margulis that is now touring in the Hudson Valley. This year’s Dream on the Farm

performance, subtitled Tavern at the Edge of the World, is set in a make-shift tavern. A host of characters tell their stories of migration, loss, and disruption due to extreme changes in climate and environment. This new devised performance was created by and will be performed by the FAC Ensemble. Writers are Hudson Williams-Eynon, Mark Dunau, Manon Manavit, Melissa Bell (dramaturg), chorus leader is Carol Negro, assistant director is Manon Manavit, Technical Director is Ace Thomas, Production Manager Sue Currier, and directed by Tannis Kowalchuk. Dream On The Farm - Tavern at the Edge of the World will run from August 3-7 at 7:30pm at Willow Wisp Organic Farm, 38 Hickory Lane, Damascus, five minutes across the bridge from Callicoon. Food and drink is included in this highly original immersive theatre performance. Phone: 570-982-0050. Please note that this year’s performance contains adult themes and adult language.

Jefferson Starship in Middletown When founding member Paul Kantner formed Jefferson Starship in the ‘70s, he envisioned the band as a cast of musical adventurers, contributing to his epic concept albums and eventual deep catalog of rock classics. When the current lineup of the band came together alongside Kantner as a unit in 2012, with many members joining years before, he couldn’t have imagined that the band would become the road-conquering heroes they’ve been in the last few years. Jefferson Starship’s five members describe themselves as both a “family” and a “gang,” and that comes across in talking to them and in their robust live performances, which have taken them to all 50 U.S. states, five continents, and too many countries to list here (a recent tour of New Zealand was mentioned among the band’s favorites), drawing from a massive set list of hit after hit. In addition to original member David Freiberg, the band includes drummer Donny Baldwin (whose Jefferson Starship roots go

back to 1982), keyboardist Chris Smith (who joined in 1998), guitarist Jude Gold (who joined in 2012), and singer and guitarist Cathy Richardson who joined in 2008 after Kantner saw her tour with Big Brother and the Holding Company. As Jefferson Starship approaches their 50th anniversary, the group’s members look to the future with the word Kantner, who unfortunately died in 2016, used to say to them all the time: “Onward.” “To me that exploration - that Paul Kantner thing of just getting on a rocket ship and firing it as hard as it will go, and taking off and exploring the cosmos and the music, and everything in between is really the spirit of Jefferson Starship, and that’s very much alive in the band today,” Gold says. “And that comes straight from Paul. And always has.” The Mother of the Sun Tour comes to the Paramount Theatre, 17 South Street, Middletown on August 19 at 8:00pm. For tickets, call 845-346-4195 or visit www.MiddletownParamount.com.

Diverse & Intense Art at SUNY Orange The Mindy Ross constant and variable Gallery in Kaplan Hall, dialogue between SUNY Orange opens figuration, surrealism and the academic year of minimalism.” exhibits with a dramatic Soto graduated from and intense show by artist the San Juan School of Jose Gonzalez-Soto. Plastic Arts and Design His artworks are diverse in 1996. His works have in size and medium. been shown in galleries His painting medium is and museums in different Gonzalez-Soto stands next to acrylic; however, he uses his work, “Cultural Transfer” cities of Puerto Rico, three surfaces on which Latin America, the U.S., to paint: canvas, wood, and Europe, and Asia. In recent masonite. His sculptures are years, his works have been in created in a variety of media: five digital-virtual international wood, ceramic, metal, and shows during the pandemic and fiberglass, plus papier mache 36 shows in the U.S. for his masks and mixed media SCARS: Pain and Death for the accompanying figures. of an Inheritance will be on All are designed in an array of exhibit August 15 to October meaningful colors. 14, with a reception August 27 Soto states, “Art gives our from 3:15pm to 7:00pm. Joy public the opportunity to be Zelada (guitar) will play Latin part of a legacy that inflames American music. The show our culture, thus allowing new gives visual voice to Hispanic generations to cultivate an Heritage Month. influence on color, form and the Kaplan Hall is located at pictorial concept. the corner of Grand & First “Color and gestures take on Streets, Newburgh. For hours a meaning by transforming and questions, email cultural@ their essence into a provocative “Uncompleted” sunyorange.edu or visit www. vocabulary of a truth, a acrylic on canvas sunyorange.edu/culturalaffairs August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Celebrating Bill Evans’ Birthday

Musical Treasures in Hurleyville

William John Evans (1929-1980) thorough reharmonisations. was an American jazz pianist and Musical features included added composer who mostly worked tone chords, modal inflections, as the leader of a trio. His use unconventional substitutions, of impressionist harmony, and modulations. interpretation of traditional Evans received 31 Grammy jazz repertoire, block chords, nominations and seven awards, and and trademark rhythmically Bill Evans was inducted into the DownBeat (1929-1980) independent, “singing” Jazz Hall of Fame. Many melodic lines continues of his compositions have to influence jazz pianists become standards, played today. and recorded by many Classically-trained artists. Evans joined Miles You can hear some of Davis’ sextet, which in them played by world1959, then immersed J. V. Tranchina Neil Alexander class artists Joe Vincent in modal jazz, recorded Tranchina (piano), Neil Kind of Blue, the bestAlexander (synthesis), selling jazz album ever. Bryan Kopchak (drums) In late 1959, Evans left and Robert Kopec the Miles Davis band (bass), who will be and began his career as Celebrating Bill Evans’ a leader. During the mid- Bryan Kopchak Robert Kopec Birthday on August 16 1970s he collaborated with Tony Bennett at 7:00pm at the groove port music on two critically acclaimed albums. series at UpFront Exhibition Space, 31 Evans is seen as the main reformer of Jersey Avenue, Port Jervis. the harmonic language of jazz piano. That The gallery opens at 1:00pm for language was influenced by impressionist viewing the current art show and will be composers such as Debussy and Ravel. open through to the concert. His versions of jazz standards, as well Tickets at the door. BYOB! as his own compositions, often featured See also HV Jazz Fest story page 29.

What makes a song Using disparate become a ‘Standard?’ narrative and musical Most originated in elements, Driver and Broadway shows or his colleagues create a films. Some were hybrid musical/visual so immediately experience that is compelling that they both informative and effortlessly lodged emotionally engaging. themselves in the Driver is an public’s imagination, American singer, perhaps never to performer, songwriter, Driver performing “Lizzie Come Home” leave. But quite a few and video artist/ incredibly good songs, from films or producer. He first achieved prominence plays that you didn’t even necessarily in the mid-1990s with his band MEOW, know had songs in them, fell by the his role in Roy Nathanson’s Fire at wayside for one reason or another. The Keaton’s Bar and Grill, and a stint as moment wasn’t right. It didn’t catch. The the understudy for the roles of Roger movie flopped. and Mark in the original Broadway cast David Driver’s show, Imitation of of Rent. Rob Tannebaum of The Village Life: Musical Treasures from the Silver Voice credited Driver with creating “an Screen, highlights a selection of these oblique Downtown twist on saloon under-known gems, as well as some singing, devoid of melodrama, like Jerry more familiar songs whose origin stories Vale dreaming of Chet Baker.” are fascinating in and of themselves - in Imitation of Life: Musical Treasures combination with clips from the films from the Silver Screen will be performed themselves, their trailers, as well as other August 5 & 6 at 8:00pm in the complementary material. Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre, The show is designed to take advantage 219 Main Street. For tickets, www. of a stage with a full-sized movie screen, hurleyvillartscentre.org and 845-985as the footage is projected over the players 4722. Masks required regardless of during the course of the performance. vaccination status.


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Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

CAS Expansion: Online Art Auction Friends and past talent and generosity exhibitors of Catskill bestowed upon the Art Society (CAS) CAS organization. have generously View the artworks at donated their work to Laundry King through an online auction with August 27. all proceeds benefiting The online auction CAS and their plans for runs through August the new “Catskill Art 31, and can be Space” expansion. viewed by visiting Much of the work catskillartsociety.org is being exhibited at This is an opportune CAS’ Laundry King moment to collect (65 Main Street, “Pecking Order” by Barbara Friedman a work from one of (oil on linen) Livingston Manor) your favorite CAS with online bidding open to all. This exhibitions! For further information, exhibition is a survey of the tremendous visit www.catskillartsociety.org.

Mixed Media Works in Milford

medium is off limits Reimagine, a mixedas she delves into both media art exhibit by materials and themes Philadelphia artist that move her. Two Diana T. Myers is on themes are prominent display until August in this exhibit. The 31 at the WaterWheel, first, time, is expressed 150 Water Street, with multiple layers Milford. and textures that Reimagine explores expose fragments of and interprets aspects the past and glimpses of Myers’ life and into the future. The art as she ages and “Falling Leaves” by Diana T. Myers second theme, nature, changes. She delights in (bamboo and encaustic) working with found objects and organic envisages the essence of trees and the materials to create multi-dimensional, impact of the changing seasons. For more information contact Myers mixed-media works - reimagining new forms and combinations. No material or at: dianatmyers@gmail.com.

Newburgh NY Art Seen Art Walk between MSMC The last Saturday and the City of monthly Art Walk’s Newburgh through closing reception the presentation for NBNY Art of media that Seen on August 27 is sourced, is being held at the developed, and CMA Gallery at informed by the Mount Saint Mary experience of College (MSMC) living and working from 5:00pmin Newburgh. 7:00pm. During the The exhibition, last Saturday titled Dissolving monthly Art Walk, Boundaries, is an most Newburgh experimental show Work by Vernon M. Byron galleries are open that delves into the multi-disciplinary practices of local from 1:00pm-5:00pm. The CMA Gallery is located on the artists Vernon M. Byron and Dharman first floor of MSMC’s Aquinas Hall, Abdullah. Byron and Abdullah utilize 330 Powell Avenue, Newburgh. After enjoying the closing reception, printmaking, paper-folding, video, drawing, mixed media, and other related NBNY Art Seen also invites the public means in order to create work that to then continue on at/after sunset to activates a variety of perceptual pathways see Forcefield by Liz Nielsen, a largewhich evoke the interconnectivity of scale, site-specific installation, hosted space, time, and place. The aim of the by Strongroom at the Dutch Reformed exhibition is to deepen the connections Church, 134 Grand Street, Newburgh. August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Killing Time in Summitville & Newburgh “In Kevin Owen’s (pictured) historical truecrime book, Killing Time in the Catskills, the reader discovers creeping evil in every meticulously researched, blood-soaked detail. Step aside Lizzie Borden; Elizabeth “the Catskill Ripper” McNally Halliday commands your attention.” Mark Ebner, New York Times bestselling author. Killing Time in the Catskills is the true account of one of America’s most dangerous women: Lizzie Halliday. This compelling narrative provides a complete biographical timeline of her life, outlining the most accurate account of her disturbing criminal career available to date while correcting misinformation of the past. The author provides the reader with not only a detailed exposé on Lizzie’s crimes but also provides a comprehensive biography, the result of years of investigative research which revealed that Lizzie, in her late twenties, left behind a trail of failed marriages, bigamy, horse theft, arson, insurance fraud and multiple murders. After her sensational trial in


Monticello, Lizzie became the first woman in the world sentenced to die in the electric chair, and although eventually locked behind bars for life, she managed to continue her reign of terror. Kevin Owen is an author, artist and forensic researcher. His initial research found various inconsistencies and missing information about Halliday’s criminal career which led him down a rabbit hole of exploration and forensic research into this crazed killer. What was amassed from this research led to the book, which is also a biography of Halliday, her victims, acquaintances and her sordid life. Owen reads from and discusses his book at the Mamakating Historical Society, 136 Summitville Road, Summitville, on August 5 at 7:00pm, (phone: 845888-2851), and at Desmond Campus, 6 Albany Post Road, Newburgh, on August 15 at 10:30am. To register for Desmond: 845-565-1326. (Editor’s Note: If you’re into a blood curdling true-crime read, this book is for you! And most of it took place locally!)

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

“The Little Mermaid” in So. Fallsburg Disney Theatrical had success with stage adaptations of its animated musical films Beauty and the Beast in 1994 and The Lion King in 1997. Thomas Schumacher, head of Disney Theatrical, proposed another adaptation, this time of the 1989 film The Little Mermaid, approaching songwriter Alan Menken, who had composed the music for the film, to be part of the production team. Schumacher initially brought on director/ choreographer Matthew Bourne to helm the musical, but Bourne left when their visions on the project differed. Schumacher then approached Francesca Zambello, telling her, “We haven’t found a way to do the water.” Zambello’s experience with the fantasy elements of opera made her open to the project, and the decision was made that there would be no water, wires or flying in the production. Playwright Doug Wright was brought on as writer, focusing the story line on Ariel’s longing not for her prince, but for “a world in which she feels

truly realized on her own terms...her ambitions are bigger than any one man.” For the songs, Menken brought on lyricist Glenn Slater, whom he’d worked with on Home on the Range, and together they wrote ten new songs for the stage musical, adding ‘60s rock, vaudeville and 1920s Brechtian cabaret to the sound of the show. The Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop will present the Disney classic The Little Mermaid on the Rivoli Theatre stage, 5243 Main Street, South Fallsburg, where it will come to life with the magical, musical kingdom where the beautiful mermaid, Ariel, longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. You’ll see all of your favorite characters and hear the songs, Under the Sea, Kiss the Girl, Part of Your World, and more. Show dates are weekends, August 12-21. Advance tickets can be reserved at www. MyRiverTickets.com For more info: www.SCDW.net

Realism to Surrealism in Milford

“Daydreaming” by Madeline Tully

Reflections of Summer is the August theme for the ARTery Gallery exhibit featuring artworks by Madeline Tully and Reggie Cheong-Leen. Tully’s work is reminiscent of the Old Masters offering a soft old-world charm through her loose, soft, transparent application of oil paint in her landscape, floral and portrait paintings. She is also known for her watercolors, having studied with renowned watercolor instructor Matilda Grech (1927-2015). Tully succeeds in making watercolors the visual equal of oil paintings and vice versa, easily transmuting the qualities of each. Over the years, she has developed many followers and collectors as her uniquely romantic style has become instantly recognizable.

“Delaware, Old Mine Rd” by R. Cheong-Leen

For many years, while pursuing a career in NYC, Cheong-Leen found little time or space to pursue his infatuation with surrealism - a passion since his teen years. Since relocating to Milford in 2001, he paints regularly, inspired by the beautiful scenes in our area, centered around the presence of water. He’s particularly attracted to the Delaware River’s seasonal color changes, often including surrealistic elements to his landscapes. Reflections of Summer runs from August 11 to September 5. The opening reception is on August 13 from 6:00pm9:00pm at the ARTery Gallery, 210 Broad Street, Milford. Visit www.arterygallerymilford.com or phone 570-409-1234 for more info.

Photo Salon & Art Show, Highland Falls “More Than Words” Art Exhibit Photographers’ Salon Libraries are more than books, and Highlands Arts Alliance (HAA) has announced a new, ongoing program, books are more than words. They are the Photographers’ Salon. Moderated vessels of inspiration, thrills, controversy, by Karen Parashkevov, its mission and knowledge. The stories, symbols or is to connect photographers of all facts they contain have the possibility backgrounds and experience, to share to be eye-opening and life changing. and critique work, learn new styles/ And that’s why HAA, in conjunction with Highland Falls types, and techniques. Library, are celebrating The salon plans to offer books and the power discussions, special they have on us. interest projects, guest Titled More Than speakers, workshops, Words, the literature photo walks, and a themed art show will yearly photography run from August 5 exhibition. to September 9 at The first meeting Highland Falls Library, is on August 6, from 298 Main Street. 11:00am-1:00pm at the Initially planned for American Legion Hall, March of this year, the 134 Old State Road, show was postponed Highland Falls. The “Coffee Pot on Library Card” meeting agenda includes by Rachel Williams (see pg. 25) in order to include the a discussion on Photo Storage Options, artwork of children participating in the as well as a showing and critique of Library’s Summer Reading Program. Several professional artists will have participants’ photos. Future meetings will then be held on the first Saturday of works on display. At the time of printing, contributors include D.C. Anderson, each month, same location. The salon includes a fee. For details, Anika Raza, Maureen Hart, Donald visit: www.highlandsartsalliance.org/ Schwartz, Rachel Williams and Veronica Gilman. photographersalon

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Music - pop, Folk, Country, Blues, rock, etc. sponsored by Steve’s Music Center, Rock Hill and Al’s Music Center, Port Jervis

CANVAS cannot be responsible for errors & omissions. Please verify dates and times

Callicoon Center Band �������������� Haypress Barn, Callicoon Center, Wednesdays, 8pm FREE Shades pop, r&b ��������������������������Crawford Library Outdoors, Monticello, Jul 28, 6pm FREE Jaketown Road Bethel Lakeside Music �����������Gazebo Park, Kauneonga Lake, Jul 28, 6pm FREE Ray Longchamp & Vinnie Mazo Simon & Garfunkel ����������������������������������������������������������� Run4, Downtown Park, Middletown, Jul 28, 6pm FREE Green River On the Lawn ��������������������Railroad Crossing, Sugar Loaf, Jul 28, 6:30pm FREE Midnight Slim & Laurie Anne rock, country, blues ��Pine Bush Gazebo, Jul 29, 7pm FREE Abraxis Santana ���������������������������������������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Jul 28, 7pm Gentlemen of Soul ��������������������������������������������Degnan Square, Middletown, Jul 29, 6pm FREE Arlen Roth & The PayPals blues ������������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Jul 29, 7pm Little Sparrow & Friends Americana ����������������������Liberty Soul Stage, Liberty, Jul 30, 6pm Cragsmoor Musicians classical, fiddle, folk, etc. �����������������Cragsmoor Library, Jul 30, 7pm Deadgrass & Friends Jerry Garcia ���������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Jul 30, 7pm Mike Miz & The Northeast Extension Americana, roots, rock ���Tusten Theatre, Jul 30, 7pm Norah Jones w/Regina Spektor ���������������������������������������������� Bethel Woods, Jul 30, 7:30pm West Point Band’s Benny Havens Band “Noche Caliente”” ������������������������������������������������� Trophy Point Amphitheater, West Point, Jul 30, 7:30pm FREE Stoneflower ����������������������������������������������Stanley Deming Park, Warwick, Jul 31, 7pm FREE Far Beyond Gone ������������������������������Farmers Market Park, Rock Hill, Aug 3, 6:30pm FREE Dale Hammond & Friends ��������������������������� Wooster Grove, Walden, Aug 3, 6:30pm FREE Elissa Jones folk, rock �����������������������Run4Downtown Park, Middletown, Aug 4, 6pm FREE Laura Garone & Southern Fried Soul ���Gazebo Park, Kauneonga Lake, Aug 4, 6pm FREE All To Real Band �����������������������������������Chadwick Lake Park, Newburgh, Aug 4, 6pm FREE Best Friends Girl On the Lawn ���������� Railroad Crossing, Sugar Loaf, Aug 4, 6:30pm FREE Funk Junkies ������������������������������Clinton Street Gazebo, Montgomery, Aug 4, 6:30pm FREE Songs & Stories | A Songwriters Round �������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 4, 7pm Jimmy Buffett & The Coral Reefer Band ����������������������������������� Bethel Woods Aug 4, 8pm Jenna Esposito pop �������������������������������������� Degnan Square, Middletown, Aug 5, 7pm FREE Sons of Hudson country, rock ��������������������������������������Pine Bush Gazebo, Aug 5, 7pm FREE The NYChillharmonic progressive rock, pop, jazz ����������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 5, 7pm Korinya (“roots”) Folk Band ����������������������������various Milford Locations, Aug 6, 2pm-7pm 7th Annual Grateful We’re Not Dead Concert ��Poplar Grove Cemetery, Phillipsport, Aug 6, 5pm Ed Palermo Big Band Zappa, Bowie, Beach Boys ����������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 6, 7pm West Point Band’s Benny Havens Band “Give up the Funk” ����������������������������������������������� Trophy Point Amphitheater, West Point, Aug 6, 7:30pm FREE Uncle Shoehorn �������������������������������������������Railroad Green, Warwick, Aug 6, 7:30pm FREE Harry Potter & New Jersey Symphony ��������������������������������� Bethel Woods, Aug 6, 7:30pm Foreigner wDon Felder rock ��������������������������������������������������������� Bethel Woods Aug 7, 7pm E’lissa Jones �������������������������������������������� Stanley Deming Park, Warwick, Aug 7, 7pm FREE Soul Purpose ������������������������������������������������ Wooster Grove, Walden, Aug 10, 6:30pm FREE Shades ����������������������������������������������Farmers Market Park, Rock Hill, Aug 10, 6:30pm FREE All She Wrote folk ���������������������������Run4Downtown Park, Middletown, Aug 11, 6pm FREE Callicoon Station ������������������������������������Gazebo Park, Kauneonga Lake, Aug 11, 6pm FREE 8th Grade Science On the Lawn ������� Railroad Crossing, Sugar Loaf, Aug 11, 6:30pm FREE Sass & Brass �����������������������������Clinton Street Gazebo, Montgomery, Aug 11, 6:30pm FREE Mark Henderson ������������������������������������ Cornwall Library Outdoors, Aug 11, 6:30pm FREE Chris Beard & Joe Beard blues �������������������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 11, 7pm Rachel Leeyz pop, soul, jazz, rock ������������ Degnan Square, Middletown, Aug 12, 7pm FREE Breakneck Annie Americana, folk ����������������������������Pine Bush Gazebo, Aug 12, 7pm FREE Dylan Doyle Band roots, rock, funk �������������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 12, 7pm Outlaw Music Festival ����������������������������������������������������������� Bethel Woods, Aug 13, 4:30pm Crusty Gentlemen ��������������������������������������������Phillipsport Community Center, Aug 13, 7pm West Point Band’s Benny Havens Band “Sing-Along: Family Movie Favorites” ��������������� Trophy Point Amphitheater, West Point, Aug 13, 7:30pm FREE Cuboricua! Outdoor Summer Salsa! ������������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 13, 8pm Backroads Blues Festival ������������������������������������������������������������ Bethel Woods, Aug 14, 6pm Alix O’Connor ��������������������������������������������� Wooster Grove, Walden, Aug 17, 6:30pm FREE The Big Sticky Band �����������������������Farmers Market Park, Rock Hill, Aug 17, 6:30pm FREE Scott Eckers Broadway Review ������������Gazebo Park, Kauneonga Lake, Aug 18, 6pm FREE Liza Doolittle Trio jazz, pop, soul ���Run4Downtown Park, Middletown, Aug 18, 6pm FREE Hurley Mountain Highway Band �������Chadwick Lake Park, Newburgh, Aug 18 6pm FREE Midnight Image ������������������������Clinton Street Gazebo, Montgomery, Aug 18, 6:30pm FREE Popa Chubby �������������������������������������������������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 18, 7pm The Vibe 50s-present ��������������������Run4Downtown Park, Middletown, Aug 19, 6pm FREE Oxford Station Band acoustic rock ���������������������������Pine Bush Gazebo, Aug 19, 7pm FREE Brandi Carlile, Yola, Allison Russell ���������������������������������������� Bethel Woods, Aug 19, 7pm paris_monster funk, soul ������������������������������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 19, 8pm Jefferson Starship ������������������������������������������Paramount Theater, Middletown, Aug 19, 8pm Sweat! Summer of Love fundraiser ���������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 20, 2pm-12am Phil Lesh & The Midnight Ramble Band ���������������������������� Bethel Woods, Aug 20, 7:30pm West Point Band wind band classics ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Trophy Point Amphitheater, West Point, Aug 20, 7:30pm FREE Santana w/Earth, Wind & Fire ������������������������������������������������� Bethel Woods, Aug 21, 7pm Encanto: The Sing Along Film Concert ������������������������������� Bethel Woods, Aug 23, 7:30pm Kevin Cronin ����������������������������������������������� Wooster Grove, Walden, Aug 24, 6:30pm FREE 14

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

Lost Angeles ������������������������������������ Farmers Market Park, Rock Hill, Aug 24, 6:30pm FREE Joanna Connor blues guitar �������������������������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 24, 7pm Aerial Acoustics & The Wagner Project ����� Gazebo Park, Kauneonga Lake, Aug 25, 6pm FREE “Rhythms Around the World” SCCO players, Griffin Brady (drums), NCA Students �������� Crawford Library Outdoors, Monticello, Aug 25, 6:30pm FREE The Bruce Show On the Lawn ���������� Railroad Crossing, Sugar Loaf, Aug 25, 6:30pm FREE Jerry Hat Trick ����������������������Clinton Street Gazebo, Montgomnery, Aug 25, 6:30pm FREE The Beach Boys w/The Temptations ������������������������������������Bethel Woods, Aug 25, 7:30pm Tom Freund & The Restless Age �����������������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 26, 7pm The Jennys �������������������������������������������������Railroad Green, Warwick, Aug 26, 7:30pm FREE Nailed Shutt & Moonshine Creek ������ Stanley Deming Park, Warwick, Aug 28, 7pm FREE Dan Brother Band ���������������������������������������Wooster Grove, Walden, Aug 31, 6:30pm FREE Abraxis �������������������������������������������� Farmers Market Park, Rock Hill, Aug 31, 6:30pm FREE Chris O’Leary Band blues, rockabilly ���������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 31, 7pm Tangent ������������������������������������������������������Railroad Green, Warwick, Aug 31, 7:30pm FREE Nilko Andreas & LaMar NYC ��������������� Gazebo Park, Kauneonga Lake, Sep 1, 6pm FREE The Axiom Project ��������������������� Clinton Street Gazebo, Montgomery, Sep 1, 6:30pm FREE West Point Concert Band, Hellcats, Benny Havens Band fireworks display ����������������������� Trophy Point Amphitheater, West Point, Sep 3, 7:30pm FREE Darius Rucker, Jameson Rodgers & Elvie Shane �����������������������Bethel Woods, Sep 3, 7pm Some Guys & a Broad ���������������������������������Railroad Green, Warwick, Sep 3, 7:30pm FREE OPEN Mic & IN-HOUSE MUSIC

sponsored by Neil Alexander & NAIL, Newburgh and WaterWheel Cafe, Milford Listings not included in our centerspread calendar.

Robert Kopec & Friends Live Jazz ��������������������� Tapped, Middletown, Tuesdays, 7pm-9pm The Parting Glass Band Celtic �����Loughran’s Pub, Salisbury Mills, Thursdays, 5:30pm-6:30pm Open Mic ������������������������������������������ Heartbeat Music Hall, Grahamsville, Wednesdays,7pm Open Mic ���������������������������������������������������������������� Rafter’s Tavern, Callicoon, Sundays 3pm Open Mic ������������������������������������������������������������� Tango Cafe, Hurleyville, Aug 1 & 15, 7pm Oxford Station Band ���������������������������������������������������Cochecton Pump House, Aug 12, 6pm Community Open Mic ������������������������������������Safe Harbors Green, Newburgh, Aug 14, 4pm Oxford Station Band ���������������������������������� The Smoke Joint, Livingston Manor, Sep 3, 5pm

Children & TEenS Calendar

sponsored by Music on Market, Ellenville & Nesin Cultural Arts, Monticello JLPL ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Josephine-Louise Library, Walden PEEC ��������������������������������������� Pocono Environmental Education Center, Dingmans Ferry


Listings not included in our centerspread calendar.

“Sadie, The Tail Waggin’ Tutor” Children (of all ages) read to Sadie the dog �������������������������� all ages, JLPL Aug 1, 5:30pm Storytime pre-k/toddler �������������������������������������������������������������Chester Library, Aug 2, 10am Graphic Novel Book Club grades 2-5 �������������������������������������������� Chester Library, Aug 2, 4pm Storytime ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Liberty Library, Aug 3 & 10, 11am Baby Time Rhyme up to 3 yrs �����������������������������������������������������������JLPL Aug 4 & 11, 10:30am It’s Story Time �������������������������������������������������������Cragsmoor Library, Aug 6, 13 & 20, 2pm “The Inheritance Games” by Jennifer Barnes, teens �������Cornwall Library, Aug 8, 6:30pm EntertainmenT & Recreation

“Alice in Wonderland” musical �Forestburgh Playhouse, Thurs. & Sats., 11am, thru Aug 20 Ocean Movie Trivia Night for Teens ����������������������������������������������� JLPL Aug 2, 6pm FREE Family Fun Night �������������������������������������������������������������Chester Library, Aug 3, 6pm FREE Pirate School! family comedy/variety show ���������������� Liberty Library, Aug 4, 6:30pm FREE “Swim with Fish Storytime” w/Eileen Stelljes, ages 5 & under ��������������������������������������������� Delaware Youth Center, Callicoon, Aug 5, 10:30am FREE Dungeons & Dragons “The Royal Heist” teens ��������������������� JLPL Aug 5 & 19, 5pm FREE “Magic! The Gathering Club”, teens ������������������������������������� JLPL Aug 6 & 20, 2pm FREE Rolie Polie Guacamole music ������������CAS Laundry King, Livingston Manor, Aug 13, 10am “Rhythms Around the World” SCCO players, Griffin Brady (drums), NCA Students �������� Crawford Library Outdoors, Monticello, Aug 25, 6:30pm FREE Ecozone Discovery Room! ������������������������������������������������������������������������ PEEC Aug 28, 1pm

Vaune Sherin’s Art in Rock Tavern

See Winding Hills Entrance (pictured) by artist Vaune Sherin in her solo exhibition at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern, 9 Vance Road, Rock Tavern. The exhibit runs through August 30, with an opening reception on August 6, from 3:00pm - 5:00pm. For further information, call the UUC at 845-496-9696.

Canvas category calendar

sponsored by Matthews Pharmacy, Ellenville; Endico Watercolors, Sugar Loaf; High Withers, Goshen; and Peggi’s Place, Cornwall CANVAS cannot be responsible for errors & omissions. Please verify dates and times.

Art Walk

NBNY Art Seen ������������������������� Newburgh Art Galleries, Jul 30 & Aug 27, 1pm-5pm FREE


“Cole Porter” Dinner Cabaret ����������������������������������������Forestburgh Tavern, Aug 2-12, 6pm Joey & the Paradons doo wop, 50’s, 60’s, Motown ������������������ Eldred Preserve, Aug 7, 8pm “Time After Time-A Cyndi Lauper Cabaret” Dinner Cabaret �������������������������������������������� Forestburgh Tavern, Aug 16-26, 6pm Ann Hampton Callaway “Fever! The Peggy Lee Century” �� Eldred Preserve, Aug 21, 8pm “Silky, Smooth & Fabulous w/Douglas Ladiner” Dinner Cabaret ��������������������������������������� Forestburgh Tavern, Aug 30-Sep 2, 6pm Jeanne MacDonald ��������������������������������������������������������������������� Eldred Preserve, Sep 4, 8pm


Drag Brunch w/Pixel �������������������������� Tango Cafe, Hurleyville, Aug 14, 11:30pm & 2:30pm


Ritz Kidz Circus ���������������������������������������������� Safe Harbors Green, Newburgh, Aug 12, 6pm

Classic Cinema

“Shang-Chi” ������������������������������������������������� Safe Harbors Green, Newburgh, Jul 28, 7:30pm “Dr. Strangelove” P. Sellers, intro by John DiLeo ������������������� Milford Theatre, Jul 31, 4pm “Summer of Soul” documentary ���������������������Wisner Library, Warwick, Aug 1, 1pm FREE “Space Jam, A New Legacy” ����������� Safe Harbors Green, Newburgh, Aug 4, 7:30pm FREE “Marty” Ernest Borgnine ��������������������������������Wisner Library, Warwick, Aug 8, 1pm FREE “The Eyes of Tammy Faye” Jessica Christain ������������������������������������������������������������������������ Wisner Library, Warwick, Aug 15, 1pm FREE Hudson Valley Film Fest ��������������������������������������������������������� Warwick Drive-In, Aug 16-18 “The Woman in the Window” Amy Adams �Wisner Library, Warwick, Aug 22, 1pm FREE “King Richard” Will Smith ���������������������������Wisner Library, Warwick, Aug 29, 1pm FREE

FAIRS & Festivals

Pine Bush First Fridays ������������������������������ Main Street, Pine Bush, Aug 5, 4pm-7pm FREE Second Saturday Maker Market & Street Fair ������Mountaindale, Aug 13, 11am-5pm FREE Fuller Moon Arts Festival ����������������������������������Kutz Camp, Warwick, Aug 27, Noon-11pm The Harvest Festival ���������������������������������������������������������Bethel Woods, Aug 28, 11am-4pm


Catskill Art Society Benefit Auction Art Exhibit �������������������������������������������������������������������� CAS-Laundry King, Livingston Manor, thru Aug 27 Black Bear Film Festival cocktail party ������Marie Zimmermann Farm, Milford, Aug 6, 5pm Poplar Grove Cemetery “Grateful We’re Not Dead Concert” ������� Phillipsport, Aug 6, 5pm Cragsmoor Library Flea & Crafts Market ������������������Cragsmoor Library, Aug 7, 9am-3pm Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra �����The Powelton Club, Newburgh, Aug 7, Noon LGBTQIA+ Sweat! Summer of Love Festival ���� The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 20, 2pm-12am Newburgh Free Library Back Door Books (sale) ������������������������������������������������������������������� Newburgh Library Montgomery Street Entrance, Aug 27, 11am-3pm

Museums (events not listed in centerspread)

Open House new displays ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Mamakating Historical Society, Summitville, Jul 30, 10am-2pm FREE Sensory-Friendly Museum Day ��������������������������������������� Museum at Bethel Woods, Aug 13

Music - Classical

Weekend of Chamber Music Music Talks w/Hannah Kendall, & performance ������������������ CAS Laundry King, Livingston Manor, Jul 28, 7:30pm Weekend of Chamber Music open rehearsal ��Jeffersonville Bake Shop, Jul 29, 8pm FREE Weekend of Chamber Music The New FANTASTIC ������������������������������������������������������������ Jeffersonville Bake Shop, Jul 30, talk:7pm, concert:8pm Gramercy Brass ���������������������������Shandelee Music Festival, Livingston Manor, Aug 6, 8pm Midori violin ���������������������������������Shandelee Music Festival, Livingston Manor, Aug 9, 8pm Midori violin �������������������������������Shandelee Music Festival, Livingston Manor, Aug 10, 8pm Fader-Gendron-Haas Trio ��������Shandelee Music Festival, Livingston Manor, Aug 13, 8pm Gregory Hayes organ, Krista Bennion Feeney violin, Johanna Hood viola, John Feeney bass � Pacem in Terris, Warwick, Aug 14, 5pm Borislav Strulev cello �����������������Shandelee Music Festival, Livingston Manor, Aug 16, 8pm Borishevich Duo �������������������������Shandelee Music Festival, Livingston Manor, Aug 18, 8pm Mikhail Kopelman violin, & Yosif Feigelson cello � Grey Towers, Milford, Aug 20, 5:30pm Sara Davis Buechner piano �������Shandelee Music Festival, Livingston Manor, Aug 20, 8pm Emerson String Quartet ����������������������� Boscobel House and Gardens, Garrison, Sep 3, 6pm

Music - jazz (**hudson Valley Jazz Festival Concert)

Hal Galper Trio ���������������������������������������������������� Rafters Tavern, Callicoon, Saturdays, 3pm Joe Lovano’s “Trio Tapestry” �����������������������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Jul 31, 7pm Joe Farnsworth’s Trio w/Sullivan Fortner, Rodney Whitaker �����The Falcon, Aug 7, 7pm

17th Liberty Jazz Festival ��������������������Liberty Museum & Arts Center, Aug 13, 4pm FREE **Hudson Valley Jazz Festival ����������� Stanley Deming Park, Warwick, Aug 14, 7pm FREE “Celebrating Bill Evans” Joe Vincent Tranchina, Neil Alexander, Bryan Kopchak, and. Robert Kopec UpFront Exhibition Space, Port Jervis, Aug 16, 7pm **The Hudson Valley Jazz Sextet On The Lawn �������������������������������������������������������������������� Railroad Crossing, Sugar Loaf, Aug 18, 6:30om FREE **Brian Kastan & guests improv music ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������, Continuum Art & Photography, Greenwood Lake. Aug 20, 3pm **Slide Attack ����������������������������������Thomas Morahan Park, Greenwood Lake, Aug 20, 7pm **The Rick Savage 4Tet �����������������������UpFront Exhibition Space, Port Jervis, Aug 20, 7pm **Oz Noy guitar, Anton Fig drums ����������Railroad Green, Warwick, Aug 20, 7:30pm FREE **Billy Ware ���������������������������������������������������Wisner Library, Warwick, Aug 21, 2pm FREE **Joe Vincent Tranchina Composers 4-um ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Warwick Historical Society, Aug 21, 6pm FREE Martin Pizzarelli Trio “Tribute to Bucky” ��������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 21, 7pm Palladium Wayne Shorter Birthday Celebration �����������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 25, 7pm Kevin Hays, Al Foster, Matt Brewer �����������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Aug 28, 7pm .


Opera Cowgirls opera & country ���Delaware Valley Opera, Lake Huntington, Aug 13 & 14

Poetry Readings w/Open Mic

Teresa Costa ���������������������������������������Noble Coffee Roasters, Campbell Hall, Aug 4, 7. 7pm Jill Grogan ���������������������������������������Java Blue Coffee & Market, Montgomery, Aug 16, 6pm Summer Poetry Café Laurie Byro, Marlene Tartaglioni, Robert Milby �������������������������������� Florida Library, Aug 19, 6:30pm FREE Ted Gill Poetry at the Church ����������������������������������Goshen Methodist Church, Aug 29, 7pm


Lenape Nation Welcome Potluck ����������������������Willow Wisp Farm, Damascus, Jul 31, 5pm Newburgh Drum Circle ����������������������Safe Harbors Green, Newburgh, Aug 9 & 23, 6:30pm Trivia Night w/Arthur Aulisi ����������������������Tango Cafe, Hurleyville, Aug 18, 6:30pm FREE Tri-State Drum & Dance Drum Circle ���UpFront Exhibition Space, Port Jervis, Aug 23, 7pm

Theatre - Musical & Variety

“Mamma Mia” musical ����������������������������������������������������Forestburgh Playhouse, thru Jul 31 “Something Rotten” musical ����������������������������������������������Forestburgh Playhouse, Aug 2-14 “Imitation of Life: Musical Treasures from the Silver Screen” ������������������������������������������� Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre, Aug 5 & 6, 8pm “The Little Mermaid” musical, Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop ��������������������������������� Rivoli Theatre, So. Fallsburg, Aug 12-21 “Almost Heaven” songs of John Denver ������Shadowland Stages, Ellenville, Aug 12-Sep 11 “Kinky Boots” musical �����������������������������������������������������Forestburgh Playhouse, Aug 16-28 “Glitter Gutter” Neo-Burlesque ��������������Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre, Aug 19 & 20

Theatre - Play

“Deathtrap” Veterans Repertory Theatre, play reading ���������������������������������������������������������� 16 Quaker Avenue, Cornwall, Jul 30, 7pm “Safe Home” by Tom Hanks & James Glossman ��������Shadowland Stages, Ellenville, thru Aug 7 “Tavern at the Edge of the World” Farm Arts Collective ����������������������������������������������������� Willow Wisp Farm, Damascus, Aug 3-7 “Danny and the Deep Blue Sea” River Rep Arts Center ��������������������������������������������������������� Delaware Valley Opera Center, Lake Huntington, Aug 6-7 “Tea for 3 - Lady Bird, Pat & Betty” w/Elaine Bromka �������������������������������������������������������� Goshen Library, Aug 13, 3pm FREE “Orpheus Descending” ��� Your Dance Closet, Theatre on Main Street, Cornwall, Aug 19-28 “Constellations” �����������������������������������������������������������Forestburgh Playhouse, Aug 30-Sep 4

Books: Discussions / readings / Signings sponsored by Josephine-Louise Public Library, Walden

“Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty” by Charles Leerhsen ������������ Cornwall Library, Aug 3, 4pm “The Power” by Naomi Alderman ��������������������������������������Tuxedo Park Library, Aug 4, 7pm “River Road” by Carol Goodman �����������������������������������������������Florida Library, Aug 5, 1pm “Killing Time in the Catskills” by/wKevin Owen �������������������������������������������������������������������� Mamakating Historical Society, Summitville, Aug 5, 7pm Chester Book Club �����������������������������������������������������������������Chester Library, Aug 8, 6:30pm “Long Bright River” by/w/Liz Moore ������������������������������Zoom-Wisner Library, Aug 9, 9pm Sidewalk Book Sale �������������������������� Josephine-Louise Library, Walden, Aug 13, 10am-2pm “Killing Time in the Catskills” by/wKevin Owen �������������������������������������������������������������������� Desmond Campus, Newburgh, Aug 15, 10:30am “An Absolutely Remarkable Thing” by Hank Green ��Thrall Library, Middletown, Aug 17, 3pm “The First Eagle” by Tony Hillerman ���������������������������������� Cornwall, Library, Aug 18, 2pm “The Beauty in Breaking” by/wMichele Harper �����������Zoom-Wisner Library, Aug 22, 9pm “Little Shop of Found Things” by Paula Brackston ���������� Florida Library, Aug 24, 6:30pm “The Maid” by Nita Prose ����������������������������������������������������� Cornwall Library, Aug 25, 7pm August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


BOSC ����������������������������������������� Boscobel House and Gardens, Garrison BW ����������������������������������������������������������Bethel Woods Center for the Arts CON-GWL ��������������������Continuum Art & Photography, Greenwood Lake DEGNAN �������������������������������������������John F. Degnan Square, Middletown DEMING ����������������������������������������������������� Stanley Deming Park, Warwick DVO ������������������������������� Delaware Valley Opera Center, Lake Huntington

FAC Farm Arts Collective �������������� Willow Wisp Organic Farm, Damascus FAL �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro FB ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Forestburgh Playhouse FMP ���������������������������������������������������������������Farmers Market Park, Rock Hill GAZEBO Bethel Lakeside Music ��������������� Gazebo Park, Kauneonga Lake GAZ-MONT ������������������������������������������ Clinton Street Gazebo, Montgomery



Please see the schedule for Art & Photography Exhibit Receptions, pg. 18 Cinema ““Summer of Soul”” Wisner Library, Warwick,1pm



Cabaret/Dinner “Cole Porter” FB 6pm Theatre - Musical “Something Rotten” FB 8pm

Music Dale Hammond & Friends Wooster Grove, Walden, 6:30pm Music Far Beyond Gone FMP 6:30pm Theatre - Play FAC 7:30pm “Tavern at the Edge of the World”

Cabaret/Dinner “Cole Porter” FB 6pm


Recreation Drum Circle SAFE 6:30pm

Music Soul Purpose Wooster Grove, Walden, 6:30pm

Theatre - Musical

“Something Rotten” FB 8pm

Cinema “The Eyes of Tammy Faye” Wisner Library, Warwick,1pm


Cinema “The Woman in the Window” Wisner Library, Warwick,1pm


Cinema “King Richard” Wisner Library, Warwick

Poetry Ted Gill Goshen United Methodist Church, 7pm



A Cyndi Lauper Cabaret FB 6pm

Theatre - Musical “Something Rotten” FB 2pm & 8pm

Cabaret/Dinner “Cole Porter” FB 6pm

Music Shades FMP 6:30pm Music Callicoon Center Band Haypress Barn, 8pm

Music-Classical Midori violin SHANDELEE 8pm


Cabaret/Dinner “Cole Porter” FB 6pm Theatre - Musical “Something Rotten” FB 2pm & 8pm

Music Callicoon Center Band Haypress Barn, 8pm

9 Cinema “Marty” Wisner Library, Warwick,1pm


Music-Classical Midori SHANDELEE 8pm


Theatre - Musical “Kinky Boots” FB 2pm & 8pm

Poetry Jill Grogan Java Blue Coffee. Montgomery, 6pm

Cabaret/Dinner A Cyndi Lauper Cabaret FB 6pm

Music - Jazz Celebrating Bill Evans UpF 7pm

Music Alix O’Connor Wooster Grove, Walden, 6:30pm

Cinema HV Film Fest Warwick Drive-in, Dusk

Music Big Sticky Band FMP 6:30pm

Theatre - Musical “Kinky Boots” FB 8pm

Cinema HV Film Fest Warwick Drive-in, Dusk

Music-Classical Borislav Strulev SHANDELEE 8pm

Music Callicoon Center Band Haypress Barn, 8pm


Cabaret/Dinner A Cyndi Lauper Cabaret FB 6pm

Recreation Drum Circle UpF, 7pm


Cabaret/Dinner A Cyndi Lauper Cabaret FB 6pm Music Kevin Cronin Wooster Grove, Walden, 6:30pm

Music Encanto Sing Along Film Concert BW 7:30pm Theatre - Musical “Kinky Boots” FB 8pm


Cabaret/Dinner Douglas Ladiner FB 6pm

Theatre - Play “Constellations” FB 8pm

Theatre - “Kinky Boots” FB 2pm & 8pm

Music Lost Angeles FMP 6:30pm Music Joanna Conner - FAL 7pm Music Callicoon Center Band Haypress Barn, 8pm


Theatre - Play “Constellations” FB 2pm & 8pm Cabaret/Dinner Douglas Ladiner FB 6pm Music Dan Brother Band Wooster Grove, Walden, 6:30pm Music Abraxis FMP 6:30pm Music Chris O’Leary Band FAL7pm Music Callicoon Center Band Haypress Barn, 8pm

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022



GOSH ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Goshen Public Library GREY ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Grey Towers, Milford HPAC ������������������������������������������������������ Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre LMAC ������������������������������������������������������������ Liberty Museum & Arts Center MONT-LIB ���������������������������������������Crawford Library Outdoors, Monticello NFL-MONT ������������������� Newburgh Free Library, Montgomery St. Entrance


Theatre - Musical.........“Alice in Wonderland”.............FB 11am Cabaret/Dinner.....................“Cole Porter”............................FB 6pm Music.....Laura Garone & Southern Fried Chicken...GAZEBO 6pm Music - Folk-Rock.................Elissa Jones........................RUN4 6pm Music...............................Best Friends Girl...................RRX 6:30pm Music.........................Funk Junkies...................GAZ-MONT 6:30pm Music.............Songs & Stories | A Songwriters Round.....FAL 7pm Poetry.................................Teresa Costa.......................NOBLE 7pm Cinema....................“Space Jam, A New Legacy”......SAFE 7:30pm Theatre - Play.....“Tavern at the Edge of the World”....FAC 7:30pm Theatre - Musical............”Something Rotten”.......................FB 8pm Theatre - Play....................“Safe Home”....................SHADOW 8pm Music.........Jimmy Buffett & The Coral Reefer Band...........BW 8pm


Fair...................Pine Bush Fir Cabaret/Dinner.....................“C Music - Pop......................Jenn Music - Country-Rock.............S Music - Rock-Pop-Jazz.......Th Theatre - Play.....“Tavern at th Theatre - Play....................“Sa Theatre - Musical...........”Som Theatre....“Musical Treasures









Theatre - Musical.........“Alice in Wonderland”....................FB 11am Cabaret/Dinner.....................“Cole Porter”............................FB 6pm Music - Folk........................All She Wrote........................RUN4 6pm Music...............................Callicoon Station................GAZEBO 6pm Music..............................8th Grade Science..................RRX 6:30pm Music.........................Sass & Brass...................GAZ-MONT 6:30pm Music...........Mark Henderson.....Cornwall Library Outdoors, 6:30pm Music - Blues..............Chris Beard & Joe Beard................FAL 7pm. Theatre - Musical............”Something Rotten”.......................FB 8pm

Theatre - Musical.........“Alice in Wonderland”....................FB 11am Cabaret/Dinner............A Cyndi Lauper Cabaret...................FB 6pm Music - Jazz-Pop-Soul.........Liza Doolittle Trio................RUN4 6pm Music................Scott Eckers Broadway Review.......GAZEBO 6pm Music........Hurley Mountain Highway......Chadwick Lake Park, 6pm Music - Jazz.......The Hudson Valley Jazz Sextet.........RRX 6:30pm Music...........................Midnight Image..............GAZ-MONT 6:30pm Recreation..............Trivia Night w/Arthur Aulisi.........HPAC 6:30pm Cinema...........Hudson Valley Film Fest.......Warwick Drive-in, Dusk Music....................................Popa Chubby.........................FAL 7pm. Music - Classical.................Borisevish Duo.........SHANDELEE 8pm Theatre - Musical.........“Almost Heaven”..................SHADOW 8pm Theatre - Musical.................“Kinky Boots”...........................FB 8pm

Cabaret/Dinner....A Cyndi Lauper Cabaret..............FB 6pm Music......Aerial Acoustics & The Wagner Project....GAZEBO 6pm Music..............................The Bruce Show.....................RRX 6:30pm Music.............Rhythms Around The World.........MONT-LIB 6:30pm Music.........................Jerry Hat Trick.................GAZ-MONT 6:30pm Music - Jazz..........Palladium: Wayne Shorter Birthday..........FAL 7pm Music..............The Beach Boys w/The Temptations.....BW 7:30pm Theatre - Musical.........“Almost Heaven”..................SHADOW 8pm Theatre - Musical.................“Kinky Boots”...........................FB 8pm


Cabaret/Dinner.....................“C Circus................................Ritz Music - Pop-Soul-Jazz-Rock... Music - Americana-Folk.........B Music - Roots-Rock-Funk.......D Theatre - Musical............“Alm Theatre - Musical...........”Som Theatre - Musical...........“The L

Cabaret/Dinner............A Cynd Music - 50s +.....................The Music..............Brandi Carlile, Poetry.................Summer Poe Music - Acoustic Rock.....Oxfo Theatre - Play..........“Orpheus Music....Jefferson Starship..... Music - Funk-Soul...........paris Theatre - Musical.........“Almos Theatre - Musical.................“K Theatre - Musical...........“The L Theatre - Burlesque............“G

Cabaret/Dinner............A Cynd Music...................Tom Freund Music................................The Theatre - Play..........“Orpheus Theatre - Musical.........“Almos Theatre - Musical.................“K

Music.................Nilko Andreas & LaMar NYC.......GAZEBO 6pm Cabaret/Dinner...............Douglas Ladiner.............................FB 6pm Cabaret/Dinner...............Doug Music.........................The Axiom Project...........GAZ-MONT 6:30pm Theatre - Musical.........“Almos Theatre - Play.............“Constellations”.................................FB 8pm Theatre - Play...............“Cons Theatre - Musical.........“Almost Heaven”..................SHADOW 8pm

y d e r o e

t 2022

NOBLE �������������������������������������� Noble Coffee Roasters, Campbell Hall PACEM ������������������������������������������������������������Pacem In Terris, Warwick PBGAZ ����������������������������������������������������������������������� Pine Bush Gazebo PHILL ����������������������������������������������������Phillipsport Community Center POP ���������������������������������������������� Poplar Grove Cemetery, Phillipsport POW �������������������������������������������������������The Powelton Club, Newburgh


rst Fridays........Main Street, 4pm-7pm Cole Porter”............................FB 6pm na Esposito..................DEGNAN 7pm Sons of Hudson.............PBGAZ 7pm he NYChillharmonic..............FAL 7pm he Edge of the World”....FAC 7:30pm afe Home”....................SHADOW 8pm mething Rotten”........................FB 8pm s of the Silver Screen”......HPAC 8pm

Cole Porter”............................FB 6pm z Kidz Circus......................SAFE 6pm ....Rachel Leeva...........DEGNAN 7pm Breakneck Annie.............PBGAZ 7pm Dylan Doyle Band................FAL 7pm most Heaven”...............SHADOW 8pm mething Rotten”........................FB 8pm Little Mermaid”......................RIV 8pm

di Lauper Cabaret...................FB 6pm e Vibe.................................RUN4 6pm , Yola, Allison Russell...........BW 6pm etry Cafe.........Florida Library, 6:30pm ord Station Band.............PBGAZ 7pm s Descending”................YDC 7:30pm .....Paramount Theater, Middletown 8pm s_monster..............................FAL 8pm st Heaven”..................SHADOW 8pm Kinky Boots”...........................FB 8pm Little Mermaid”......................RIV 8pm Glitter Gutter”.....................HPAC 9pm

di Lauper Cabaret...................FB 6pm d & The Restless Age...........FAL 7pm e Jennys...........................RRG 7:30pm s Descending”................YDC 7:30pm st Heaven”..................SHADOW 8pm Kinky Boots”...........................FB 8pm


RIV Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop ��������� Rivoli Theatre, So. Fallsburg RRG ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Railroad Green, Warwick RRX On The Lawn Series ��������������������������������Railroad Crossing, Sugar Loaf RUN4 �����������������������������������������������������������Run4 Downtown Park, Middletown SAFE ���������������������������������������������������������������� Safe Harbors Green, Newburgh SHADOW ��������������������������������������� MainStage, Shadowland Stages, Ellenville


Theatre - Musical.........“Alice in Wonderland”..............FB 11am Music - Ukraine..Korinya (“roots”) Folk Band.Milford, 2pm-7pm Music - Jazz.........Hal Galper Trio.....Rafter’s Tavern, Callicoon, 3pm Fundraiser.....Black Bear Film Festival....Zimmermann Farm, Milford, 5pm Music....................Grateful We’re Not Dead Concert.........POP 5pm Theatre - Play.........“Danny and the Deep Blue Sea”........DVO 7pm Music - Zappa-Bowie-etc........Ed Palermo Big Band ..........FAL 7pm Music - Funk.................Benny Havens Band.........TROPHY 7:30pm Music - Cinema.....Harry Potter & NJ Sym. Orch............BW 7:30pm Theatre - Play...“Tavern at the Edge of the World”.......FAC 7:30pm Music................................Uncle Shoehorn...................RRG 7:30pm Music - Classical..............Gramercy Brass...........SHANDELEE 8pm Theatre - Play.....................“Safe Home”....................SHADOW 8pm Theatre - Musical...........”Something Rotten”.........................FB 8pm Theatre....“Musical Treasures of the Silver Screen”.......HPAC 8pm





Theatre - Musical.......“Alice in Wonderland”...........FB 11am Music - Jazz.........Hal Galper Trio.....Rafter’s Tavern, Callicoon, 3pm Music - Jazz....Brian Kastan & Guests improv......CON-GWL 3pmn Music................Summer of Love Festival Day.....FAL 2pm-Midnight Music - Classical....Mikhail Kopelman & Yosif Feigelson....GREY 5:30pm Music - Jazz....Slide Attack....Morahan Park, Greenwood Lake, 7pm Music - Jazz...................Rick Savage 4Tet..........................UpF 7pm Music - Jazz........OZ Noy guitar, Anton Fig drums......RRG 7:30pm Music - Folk...................Music for Humanity............NOBLE 7:30pm Music......Phil Lesh & The Midnight Ramble Band........BW 7:30pm Music............................West Point Band................TROPHY 7:30pm Theatre - Play..........“Orpheus Descending”.................YDC 7:30pm Music - Classical...Sara Davis Buechner piano...SHANDELEE 8pm Theatre - Musical.........“Almost Heaven”...................SHADOW 8pm Theatre - Musical.................“Kinky Boots”...........................FB 8pm Theatre - Musical...........“The Little Mermaid”.......................RIV 8pm Theatre - Burlesque............“Glitter Gutter”.....................HPAC 9pm

Comedy............Drag Brunch w/Pixel.....TANGO 11:30am & 2:30pm Opera...............................Opera Cowgirls.........................DVO 2pm Theatre - Musical............“Almost Heaven”...............SHADOW 2pm Theatre - Musical...........“The Little Mermaid”......................RIV 2pm Theatre - Musical...........”Something Rotten”........................FB 3pm Music - Classical..Organ, Violin, Viola, Bass Quartet..PACEM 5pm Music........................Backroads Blues Festival..................BW 6pm Music - Jazz.......Hudson Valley Jazz Festival............DEMING 7pm

Theatre - Musical............“Almost Heaven”...............SHADOW 2pm Theatre - Musical...........“The Little Mermaid”......................RIV 2pm Music - Jazz...............Billy Ware.........Wisner Library, Warwick, 2pm Theatre - Musical.................“Kinky Boots”...........................FB 3pm Theatre - Play..........“Orpheus Descending”.....................YDC 3pm Music - Jazz....Joe Vincent Tranchina Composers 4-um....WHS 6pm Music - Jazz....................Martin Pizzarelli Trio...................FAL 7pm Music.........................Santana w/Earth, Wind & Fire..........BW 7pm Cabaret - Peggy Lee...Ann Hampton Callaway..Eldred Preserve, 8pm





Fundraiser....Newburgh Library........NFL-MONT 10am-2pm Festival...Fuller Moon Arts Festival..Kutz Camp, Warwick, Noon-11pm Art Walk............NBNYArtSeen......Newburgh Art Galleries, 1pm-5pm Music - Jazz.........Hal Galper Trio.....Rafter’s Tavern, Callicoon, 3pm Theatre - Play..........“Orpheus Descending”.................YDC 7:30pm Theatre - Musical.........“Almost Heaven”...................SHADOW 8pm Theatre - Musical.................“Kinky Boots”...........................FB 8pm


Fundraiser - Flea & Crafts Market...Cragsmoor Library.....9am-3pm Fundraiser..Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra..POW Noon Theatre - Play....................“Safe Home”....................SHADOW 2pm Theatre - Play........“Danny and the Deep Blue Sea”........DVO 2pm Theatre - Musical...........”Something Rotten”........................FB 3pm Music - Rock...............Foreigner w/Don Felder...................BW 7pm Music - Jazz-Swing..........Joe Farnsworth Trio...................FAL 7pm Music....................................E’lissa Jones..................DEMING 7pm Theatre - Play.....“Tavern at the Edge of the World”....FAC 7:30pm Cabaret - Doo Wop.....Joey & The Paradons...Eldred Preserve, 8pm


Theatre - Musical.........“Alice in Wonderland”........FB 11am Fair..........Maker Market & Street Fair.......Mountaindale, 11am-5pm Theatre - Musical.........“Almost Heaven”.......SHADOW 2pm & 8pm Theatre - Play.........“Tea for 3 - Lady Bird, Pat & Betty”.....GOSH 3pm Music - Jazz.........Hal Galper Trio.....Rafter’s Tavern, Callicoon, 3pm Music - Jazz..............17th Liberty Jazz Festival..............LMAC 4pm Music............................Outlaw Music Festival................BW 4:30pm Opera...............................Opera Cowgirls..........................DVO 7pm Music - Bluegrass.............Crusty Gentlemen...................PHILL 7pm Music - Disney..............Benny Havens Band.........TROPHY 7:30pm Music - Classical......Fader-Gendron-Haaz Trio...SHANDELEE 8pm Music...........Cuboricua! Outdoor Summer Salsa!..............FAL 8pm Theatre - Musical...........”Something Rotten”.........................FB 8pm Theatre - Musical...........“The Little Mermaid”.......................RIV 8pm

SHANDELEE ��������������������� Shandelee Music Festival, Livingston Manor TANGO ������������������������������������������������������������������� Tango Cafe, Hurleyville TROPHY ���������������������������������������Trophy Point Amphitheater, West Point UpF ������������������������������������������������ UpFront Exhibition Space, Port Jervis YDC ���������������������� Your Dance Closet, Theatre on Main Street, Cornwall WHS ����������������������������������������������������������������� Warwick Historical Society

Festival.........................The Harvest Festival............BW 11am-4pm Theatre - Musical............“Almost Heaven”...............SHADOW 2pm Theatre - Musical.................“Kinky Boots”...........................FB 3pm Theatre - Play..........“Orpheus Descending”.....................YDC 3pm Music - Jazz........Kevin Hays, Al Foster, Matt Brewer.......FAL 7pm Music..............Nailed Shutt & Moonshine Creek ......DEMING 7pm

Music - Jazz......Hal Galper Trio...Rafter’s Tavern, Callicoon, 3pm Music - Classical............Emerson String Quartet...,,,,,,,,,BOSC 6pm Theatre - Musical............“Almost Heaven”...............SHADOW 2pm glas Ladiner.............................FB 6pm Music....Darius Rucker, Jameson Rodgers & Elvie Shane....BW 7pm Theatre - Play..................“Constellations”...........................FB 3pm st Heaven”..................SHADOW 8pm Music...Benny Havens & Concert Bands, Hellcats...TROPHY 7:30pm Music - B’way-Jazz-Pop....Jeanne MacDonald...Eldred Preserve, 8pm stellations”..............................FB 8pm Music.......................Some Guys & a Broad..................RRG 7:30pm Theatre - Musical.........“Almost Heaven”...................SHADOW 8pm Theatre - Play.............“Constellations”.................................FB 8pm

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Canvas category calendar

sponsored by Catskill Art Society, Wallkill River School, Goshen Art League & Wurtsboro Art Alliance CANVAS cannot be responsible for errors & omissions. Please verify dates and times.

Art exhibits

DVAA ����������������������������������������������������������������Delaware Valley Arts Alliance, Narrowsburg WRS ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Wallkill River School, Montgomery

T.A. Clearwater paintings, pastels, prints ���Clearwater Gallery at Jones Farm, Cornwall, ongoing Karen E. Gersch, Gabrielle Dearborn, Josiah Dearborn drawings, paintings, silverwork Gersch Home Gallery, Montgomery, by appt, ongoing “Bashakill/Nature” group show ������������������������������������� Wurtsboro Art Alliance, thru Jul 31 David Dann “An Existential Inquiry”, Yvetta Fedorova “What’s Left of Her” ������������������ DVAA thru Jul 31 Rachel Taylor & Vincent Roy “Kinaloha” ������������������������������Cragsmoor Library, thru July Desmond Student Art Show ����������������������������������� Desmond Center, Newburgh, thru Aug 1 Mitchell Saler �������������������������������Leo’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria, Cornwall, thru Aug 8 Yeoshin “Helen” Hwang & Scott Helfand “Inspired by Nature” watercolors, pottery ������� ARTery Gallery, Milford, thru Aug 8 Judy Singer & Judy Thomas “Dynamic Duo” ���Holland Tunnel Gallery, Newburgh, thru Aug 14 “By The Sea” group show ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� WRS thru Aug 14 Vernon M. Byron & Dharman Abdullah “Dissolving Boundaries” multiple genres ��������� CMA Gallery, Aquinas Hall, Newburgh, thru Aug 27 CAS Benefit Auction ���������������������������� CAS-Laundry King, Livingston Manor, thru Aug 27 “Lisa Winika’s Misunderstood Women Project” solo exhibit ���������������� WRS thru Aug 28 “Leave a Mark: Works on Paper” group exhibit ������������������������������������� WRS thru Aug 28 Artists of the Catskills ��������������������������������������Liberty Museum & Arts Center, thru Aug 28 “Telling Stories and Seeing Color” group show �������������������������������������������������������������������� UpFront Exhibition Space, Port Jervis, thru Aug 28 Diana T. Myers “Reimagine” mixed media �������������Waterwheel Cafe, Milford, thru Aug 31 Mini Solos: 2nd Installment Goshen Art League ���������������Goshen Music Hall, thru Aug 31 Mark Rosengarten �������������������������������������������Griffith-Olivero Realty, Goshen, thru Aug 31 “Incorrigibles: Bearing Witness to the Incarcerated Girls of New York” ������������������������� Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, thru Sep 9 2022 Special Exhibit & Art Fair ������������������������������������Museum at Bethel Woods, thru Dec


Ave Maria Guild Annual Art Show ��������������� St. Joseph’s Parish, Wurtsboro, Jul 30-Aug 1 River Valley Artists Guild Art About Town: “End of Summer” ������������������������������������������ Susan Miiller oils & pastels, Bon Secours Hospital Cafeteria, Port Jervis, & Joe Petrosi color pencil drawings Mayor’s Office, Port Jervis City Hall, & Joan Kehlenbeck “Summer Florals” oils & pastels Deerpark Town Hall, Huguenot, & RVAG members’ group show Gio’s Gelato Café, Port Jervis ���������������������� Aug 1-Sep 30 Afrofuturism Celebration �����������������������������������������������Gallery 222, Hurleyville, Aug 5-31 “More Than Words” Highland Arts Alliance group show, adults and kids ������������������������� Highland Falls Library, Aug 5-Sep 9 “Creatures Large and Small” group show �������������������� Amity Gallery, Warwick, Aug 6-28 “Dreams and Illusion” group show ���������������������������������� Wurtsboro Art Alliance, Aug 6-28 Vaune Sherin paintings ���������� Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Rock Tavern, Aug 6-30 Katie Coughlin “Watch the Curve”, Colleen O’Hara �������������������������DVAA Aug 6-Sep 18 Rachel Williams “What Once Was” paintings �������� Desmond Center, Newburgh, Aug 7-31 Marie Perry Edwards & Judi Silvano ��Leo’s Restaurant & Pizzeria, Cornwall, Aug 9-Sep 9 Madeline Tully & Reggie Cheong-Leen “Reflections of Summer” �������������������������������������� ARTery Gallery, Milford, Aug 11-Sep 5 Sullivan’s! ������������������������������������������������������������Liberty Museum & Arts Center, Aug 12-28 Plein Air on the Delaware group show ���������������������������������� Port Jervis Library, Aug 13-30 Jose Gonzalez-Soto “SCARS: Pain and Death of an Inheritance” ��������������������������������������� SUNY Orange, Mindy Ross Gallery, Newburgh, Aug 15-Oct 14 “Local” group show ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������WRS Aug 19-Sep 11 Chantelle Norton, Carl Van Brunt, Joseph Ayers “Otherness” ������������������������������������������ Holland Tunnel Gallery, Newburgh, Aug 20-Sep 25 Art Educators Show �����������������������������������������������Liberty Museum & Arts Center, Sep 2-24 Tony Conner “Outside Observations” ��������������������������������������������������������WRS Sep 2-Oct 9 “Realism: An Academic Approach” group show ��������������������������������������WRS Sep 2-Oct 9

Photography exhibits

“Along the Towpath: The D&H Canal in Mamakating, 1828-1898” ��� Wurtsboro Library Douglas Shindler, Michael Davis & Tyler Sanford “The Day I Went Home” �������������������� Gallery 222, Hurleyville, thru Jul 31 Angelo Marcialis “Dulcet Vistas” ����������������������� Clearview Vineyard, Warwick, thru Jul 31 Bonnie McCaffery “Fantasy Photos” �� Gallery at Chant Realtors, Lords Valley, thru Aug 27 Nick Zungoli “AOTEAROA New Zealand” �����������Exposures Gallery, Sugar Loaf, thru Dec “A Comprehensive Exhibition of Arctic and Antarctic Photography” ������������������������������ Sullivan County Museum, Hurleyville, thru Dec 1

ART & Photography receptions

Douglas Shindler, Michael Davis & Tyler Sanford “The Day I Went Home” �������������������� Gallery 222, Hurleyville, Closing Party: Jul 30, Noon-7pm NBNYArtSeen art walk, closing reception ��������Visitor Center, Newburgh, Jul 30, 5pm-7pm 18

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

“Dreams and Illusion” group show ���������������������Wurtsboro Art Alliance, Aug 6, Noon-2pm “Creatures Large and Small” group show ���������Amity Gallery, Warwick, Aug 6, 3pm-6pm Katie Coughlin, Colleen O’Hara �����������������������������������������������������DVAA Aug 6, 3pm-5pm Vaune Sherin paintings ��������Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Rock Tavern, Aug 6, 3pm-5pm Rachel Williams “What Once Was” paintings �����Desmond Center, Newburgh, Aug 7, 1pm-3pm Plein Air on the Delaware ����������� UpFront Exhibition Space, Port Jervis, Aug 13, 1pm-4pm Sullivan’s! �������������������������������������������������������� Liberty Museum & Arts Center, Aug 13, 4pm Afrofuturism Celebration ��������������������������������� Gallery 222, Hurleyville, Aug 13, 4pm-7pm Madeline Tully & Reggie Cheong-Leen �������������������������������� ARTery Gallery, Milford, Aug “Otherness” ��������������������������������������� Holland Tunnel Gallery, Newburgh, Aug 20, 5pm-7pm Mini Solos: 2nd Installment Goshen Art League ��� Goshen Music Hall Aug 24, 6:30pm-8pm Mark Rosengarten ����������������������������Griffith-Olivero Realty, Goshen, Aug 24, 6:30pm-8pm Jose Gonzalez-Soto � SUNY Orange, Mindy Ross Gallery, Newburgh, Aug 27, 3:15pm-7pm NBNYArtSeen art walk, closing reception ������ CMA Gallery, Newburgh, Aug 27, 5pm-7pm

Lectures & TALKS

sponsored by SUNY Orange and Town of Newburgh Desmond Center DESM ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Desmond Center, Newburgh JLPL ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Josephine-Louise Library, Walden MEEC ����������������������������������������Mamakating Environmental Education Center, Wurtsboro PEEC ��������������������������������������� Pocono Environmental Education Center, Dingmans Ferry Lectures, Demos & Artist Talks are FREE unless otherwise noted: (FEE) (Events Not lncluded in Centerspread Calendar)

lectures & Discussions “How To Go Through College Without Going Broke” Rick Nathan �� DESM Jul 28, 10am FEE “Beethoven and his Contemporaries” Kenneth Korn �������������� DESM Jul 29, 10:30am FEE “James Madison: Father of the Constitution” Tom DeStefano ��� DESM Aug 2, 10:30amFEE “Propaganda Music and Film of World War II” Rick Feingold � DESM Aug 2, Noon FEE “Ansel Adams” Laura Nicholls ��������������������������������������������������DESM Aug 3, 12:30pm FEE “Creating Butterfly Habitat” Pam Golben ������� Crawford Library, Monticello, Aug 4, 6pm Bridge the Gap: Pond Paddle ������������������������������������������������� PEEC Aug 7 & Aug 28, 10am Bug Exploration ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� PEEC Aug 7, 1pm FEE “Artist LeGrand Botsford” Beat Kearl ���������������������� Cragsmoor Library, Aug 7, time:TBD “Harlem Hellfighters in France” Johanna Porr ���������������������DESM Aug 10, 10:30am FEE “The Neversink-Hackledam Project” �������������� Crawford Library, Monticello, Aug 11, 6pm 25th Architectural Tour ������������������������������������Liberty Music & Arts Center, Aug 13, 10am Edible & Medicinal Plant Walk ���������������������������������������������������� PEEC Aug 13, 10am FEE Wilderness Walkabout ��������������������������������������������������������������������� PEEC Aug 13, 1pm FEE 19th Catskill’s Preservation Conference �� Liberty Music & Arts Center, Aug 13, 1pm-4pm “Killing Time in the Catskills” by/wKevin Owen ��������������������DESM Aug 15, 10:30am FEE “Ancient Civilizations in MesoAmerica: The Olmecs & the Mayans” Barry Kass ������������ DESM Aug 17, 11am FEE “The Challenges that People Face in Raising Exotic Pets & Small Farm Animals” ���������� John Albarino DESM, Aug 18, 11am FEE “Cutting the Cord: How to Reduce Your Monthly Payments” Vince Kayes ���������������������� DESM Aug 24, 10am FEE Silent Movie Discussion: “Stella Maris” (1918) �������������������� Monroe Library, Aug 24, 6pm Science Cafe: “ VIRUSES!” Toby Rossman ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� for Vails Gate restaurant location, contact: tobyrossman@yahoo.com, Aug 24, 7:30pm “Stop Battling Disease & Start Building Wellness” Tonijean Kulpinski ������������������������������ DESM Aug 25, Noon FEE Bridge the Gap: Fishing for Beginners ��������������������������������������������������� PEEC Aug 27, 1pm Nature at Night ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� PEEC Aug 27, 8pm FEE ARTIST Talks Leslie Bender artist �������������������������������������������Mamakating Library, Wurtsboro, Jul 28, 7pm Weekend of Chamber Music Music Talks w/Hannah Kendall, & performance ������������������ CAS Laundry King, Livingston Manor, Jul 28, 7:30pm Weekend of Chamber Music Pre-Concert Chat ��������Jeffersonville Bake Shop, Jul 30, 7pm Highlands Arts Alliance Photographers’ Salon “Photo Storage Options” ��������������������������� American Legion Hall, Highland Falls, Aug 6, 11am FEE DEMOS Rubik’s Cube demonstration ���������������������������� Cragsmoor Library, Wurtsboro, Aug 7, 1pm

Dingmans Ferry: Farm to Table Dinner

Enjoy the summer season with a Farm to Table Dinner on August 13, at 6:00pm. This dinner features local produce perfect for the season! Bring your friends and family to enjoy this refreshing evening. Payment is required at registration. The event was

sold out for the last three years - call early to reserve your seat! The Farm to Table Dinner happens at the Pocono Environmental Education Center, located at 538 Emery Road, Dingmans Ferry. For information, call 570-828-2319.

In Memoriam: Franklyn Schneider (April 25, 1938 - June 25, 2022) by Robert Milby Franklin Schneider was a rare man. Not only was he the epitome of authentic talent, creativity and empathy but he was a natural teacher. I met him, not at one of the poetry readings he’d come to love, but while working together for Dial America in Middletown back in late Spring, 1999. During down time when the phones were not ringing, and we were not selling magazine subscriptions to benefit Mothers Against Drunk Driving, The Special Olympics, and other worthy charities, Franklin would sing arias from renowned operas. The younger employees looked at him puzzled, and some snickered, but I was impressed because of my own interest in classical music. We spoke of the arts in Orange County, and the Hudson Valley region and I

invited Franklin to several of the poetry readings I hosted and attended. Some of them, such as Bill Seaton’s popular Poetry on the Loose in Middletown, Franklin had already known. Franklin Schneider, a true Renaissance Man, not only supported poetry in the region all of the years I had the pleasure of knowing him, but he brought an eclectic love of all of the arts, and for 23 years I had the privilege to call him friend. The Troubadour

A poem by Robert Milby

In Memory of Franklin Schneider A troubadour was born in Brooklyn, New York.

Came to the world in 1938, with Earth on the cusp of another war. Here was a child running in the streets; stick ball and snowball fights; riding his father’s bus. A troubadour in training; a soul whose voice would find song and words for poems before we came along. Here was a voice in a music school; here was a voice in the Army. Here was the thinker and reader; a man of countless skills and ideas. His future brought Tevye, not with five, but one daughter: a light in his soul; a poem in his mind. Here was a gentleman; here was our teacher.

Many late nights at Bodles, with Jarvis, and many more at poetry readings. Hiking in Black Rock Forest in Summer, and walks on the Heritage Trail in Autumn, after teaching people about wines at the Brotherhood. Here was a gentleman of elegant tastes, and a historian of the common man. From the Polish-Americans of Greenpoint to the Hudson Valley’s artists, musicians, and poets. The Troubadour cured sadness with laughter, and praised all women; chose grassroots over affluence, and made kindness his living. There was no impossible dream for Franklin Schneider. The world was his Dulcinea.

Summer Arts Programs For Children, Teens and Adults

Summer Arts programs for children at Wallkill River School (WRS) a.k.a. Wallkill River Center for the Arts continue through mid-August. “WRS has enjoyed a very active, creative, and well-attended 2022 summer season so far,” said executive director, Sarah Pierson. “We anticipate August will bring more of the same.” While some sessions are sold-out, several spots remain. One of the August offerings is jewelry making (open to grades 5-12) with instructor Janet Baskerville. “My ethnic heritage and experiences are my greatest influences. I enjoy working three dimensionally, as it is an intuitive process. Jewelry is my passion and I like the tactile nature of combining various methods of construction, such as forging metal, stamping and etching metal, wire wrapping and weaving,

8th Grade Science

beading, resin casting and the inclusion of relic-like found objects and artifacts,” explains Baskerville. Most summer programs run for 2 hours a day Monday Janet Baskerville to Friday. Morning sessions are from 10:00amNoon, while afternoon sessions are from 1:00pm-3:00pm. Additionally, some special one-day workshops will be offered. Books will be re-purposed into unique time-pieces during a workshop scheduled for August 14, from 10:00am-Noon.

for instructors for Participants 16 and year-round classes older are invited to and workshops. create their book Currently, some clocks under the sought after classes guidance of Teri include anime and Richardson, a library computer illustration, media specialist at as well as the more Washingtonville traditional studio High School, as well classes. Instructors in as a reference librarian all genres are invited at East Fishkill to email: spierson@ Community Library. wallkill.art with Summer Art classes Children and teens (grades 5-12) can are held in WRS and learn how to make jewelry with Janet inquiries. Baskerville at WRS this August! Benedict Farm Park While summer in Montgomery. Additionally, some classes are in session on weekdays classes may be offered online. Check through mid-August, the three WRS the website for detailed information gallery spaces will continue to offer art and additional offerings: www. exhibits, which are open to the public Friday to Sunday, Noon-5:00pm at 232 wallkillriverschool.com As the summer 2022 session concludes, Ward Street, Montgomery. For information, call 845-457-ARTS. WRS will continue to have openings

8th Grade Science is a high energy band playing classic rock, blues and R&B. Covers from the Rolling Stones and the Pretenders to Lynyrd Skynyrd, Janis Joplin, Grace Potter and Adele and an “8th Grade Science twist” on some of the older favorites. They perform on August 11 at 6:30pm for the On the Lawn free music concert series at Sugar Loaf Crossing.

Poster Design by Karen Hudson

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


NJ Symphony at Bethel Woods Since the world premiere of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in Concert in 2016, more than 3 million fans have enjoyed this magical experience from The Wizarding World, which is scheduled to include over 1,434 performances across more than 48 countries worldwide through 2022. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry learns on his 11th birthday that he is the orphaned son of two wizards and possesses magical powers of his own. At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he learns the high-flying sport of Quidditch and plays a thrilling ‘live’ chess game en route to facing a Dark Wizard bent on destroying him. Justin Freer, President of CineConcerts and Producer/Conductor of the Harry Potter Film Concert Series explains, “The Harry Potter film series is a oncein-a-lifetime cultural phenomenon that continues to delight millions of fans around the world. It is with great pleasure that we bring fans for the first time ever an


opportunity to experience the award-winning music scores played live by a symphony orchestra, all while the beloved film is simultaneously projected onto the big screen. This is truly an unforgettable event.” Brady Beaubien of CineConcerts and Concert Producer for the Harry Potter Film Concert Series added, “Harry Potter is synonymous with excitement around the world and we hope that by performing this incredible music with the full movie, audiences will enjoy returning to the Wizarding World.” The New Jersey Symphony will perform Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in Concert on August 6 at 7:30pm. Audiences will be able to relive the magic of the entire film in high-definition on a 40-foot screen while hearing New Jersey Symphony perform John Williams’ unforgettable score live. Tickets: www.BethelWoodsCenter.org, www.Ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster outlets, or by phone at 1-800-653-8000.

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

Ukrainian & Chamber Music in Milford Ukrainian Music, August 6

Korinya (“roots” in English), began as a family band in 2005. Their music brings the village band tradition and Ukrainian musical heritage into the context of modern life. For a Celebration of Ukrainian Music, Song & Dance, internationally renowned Korinya will be joined by other performers in an outdoor event across the Milford historic district at Delmonico Cottage Green, Ann Street Park’s Gazebo, and other locations, on August 6, from 2:00pm-7:00pm. For details, times & locations, visit the Kindred Spirits Arts Programs (KSAP) website: www.kindredspiritsarts.org. Chamber Music, August 20 “We’re delighted to be back at Grey Towers, which is where Kindred Spirits got its start more than 20 years ago,” says Yosif Feigelson, KSAP Artistic Director.

“This 19th-century chateau amid a grand landscape was the summer home of Pinchot, the godfather of the renewable resources movement, and that fits handin-glove with Kindred Spirits’ mission to connect the arts with nature.” The former leader of the legendary Borodin and Tokyo string quartets, Mikhail Kopelman and Feigelson will perform duets by Handel, Beethoven, and Zoltan Kodaly, who did much to bridge the gap between Hungarian folk music and the European art music tradition. The tensions of the time are quite apparent in Kodaly’s emotionally harrowing Duo for Violin and Cello, Op. 7, but so is his gift for melody, honed by his vocal writing and his technical experience with both instruments. Seating is limited for the August 20, 5:30pm concert at Grey Towers, 151 Grey Towers Drive, Milford, so reserve KSAP tickets ASAP on the website!

World-Renown Midori Highlights Shandelee Music Festival’s 29th Season

An exciting 29th season awaits fans of the Shandelee Music Festival (SMF) with a full two weeks of world class music highlighted by 2021 Kennedy Center Honoree Midori. The 2022 season begins on August 6 with An Evening of Chamber Music featuring the music of Sir Arthur Sullivan, John Williams, Meredith (76 you-knowwhats) Willson and others, performed by the award winning Gramercy Brass Orchestra of New York, one of the

leading professional ensembles of its kind in America today, based in the Gramercy-Flatiron community of NYC. In 1982, conductor Zubin Mehta invited the then 11-year-old Midori to perform with the New York Philharmonic in the orchestra’s annual New Year’s Eve concert, where the foundation was laid for her following spectacular 40-year career. In recognition of her lifetime of contributions to American culture, she was the recipient of the Kennedy Center Honors in 2021. Midori is a visionary artist, activist and educator who explores and builds connections between music and the human experience and breaks with traditional boundaries, which makes her one of the most outstanding violinists of our time. In concerts around the world, she transfixes audiences, bringing together graceful precision and intimate expression. On August 9 and 10, the SMF proudly

welcomes Midori. August 9 will be an Evening of Violin, featuring the music of Bach, Isang Yun and John Zorn. And August 10 will also be an Evening of Violin featuring the music of Bach, Clara Iannotta and Thierry Escaich. Due to alleged acts of espionage, Isang Yun (1917-1995) was kidnapped by the South Korean secret service from West Berlin in 1967. He was tortured, attempted suicide, forced to confess to espionage, threatened with the death sentence - and in the first instance sentenced to life imprisonment. A worldwide petition was presented to the South Korean government, signed by approximately 200 artists, including Luigi Dallapiccola, Hans Werner Henze, Heinz Holliger, Herbert von Karajan, Joseph Keilberth, Otto Klemperer, György Ligeti, Per Nørgård, Karlheinz Stockhausen and Igor Stravinsky. Yun was released in 1969, returning to West Berlin. John Zorn (b.1953) is an American composer, conductor, saxophonist, arranger and producer who “deliberately resists category.” His avant-garde and experimental approaches to composition and improvisation are inclusive of jazz, rock, hardcore, classical, contemporary, surf, metal, soundtrack, ambient, and world music. Clara Iannotta (b.1983) is particularly interested in music as an existential, physical experience. “Music should be seen as well as heard. This is one of the reasons why I sometimes prefer to talk about the choreography of the sound rather than about orchestration.” Composer, organist and improviser Thierry Escaich (b.1965) is a unique figure in contemporary music and one of the most important French composers of his generation. The three elements of Escaich’s artistry are inseparable, allowing him to express himself as a performer, creator and collaborator in a

wide range of settings. Ticket Special: the Midori concert on August 10 will be free for all students 12-18 years old, and students will be able to meet and greet Midori after the performance - a once in a lifetime opportunity! SMF’s Sunset Concert Series continues on August 13 with An Evening of Chamber Music performed by The Fader-Gendron-Haas Trio,

featuring the music of Haydn, Brahms and Mendelssohn. After they graduated from the Juilliard School, the three artists began making music together in 2015. And on August 16, SMF presents An Evening of Cello with Borislav Strulev, featuring cello masterworks and famous opera aria transcriptions. Strulev is a multistylist, a Renaissance man in the music world, who extends the range of genres from classical and contemporary classical music to folk, rock, pop and jazz. He had the honor of carrying the Olympic Torch for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. An Evening of Chamber Music with The Borisevich Duo will be presented on August 18, featuring the music of Beethoven, Grieg, Paganini and others. Pianist Margarita Loukachkina and violinist Nikita Borisevich were winners of numerous international music competitions, and have performed on world renown stages such as The Kennedy

Center, Mozarteum University Salzburg, Grand Hall of Moscow Conservatory and Manuel de Falla Auditorium (Granada, Spain), among many others. Wrapping up SMF’s 29th Sunset Concert Series on August 20, Sara Davis Buechner returns to Shandelee with An Evening of Solo Piano, featuring the music of Mozart, Chopin, Federico Longas and Gershwin. She attended the Juilliard School as a pupil of Rudolf Firkusny and later worked with both Byron Janis and Paul BaduraSkoda. Federico Longas (1897-1968) studied piano with Enrique Granados. His oeuvre includes piano pieces, and his best known include his mastery and knowledge of the classics of Catalan music. Buechner has performed with different orchestras with an active repertoire of more than 100 concertos, and has given master classes on four continents. All concerts begin at 8:00pm and will be performed in the climate controlled, fully accessible and fully sanitized Sunset Concert Pavilion, 442 J. Young Road, Livingston Manor. The SMF is committed to the safety and health of concertgoers, staff and artists, and has developed safety protocols to assure that. For info and tickets, or to become a donor, visit www.Shandelee.org or call 845-439-3277. View artworks by Marie Perry Edwards & Judi Silvano in Leo’s Dining Room in Cornwall, Aug. 9 - Sep. 9

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


GNSO Honors Friends at Fundraiser in Newburgh

River Rep Theatre

In May 2014, the Greater GNSO Benefit; Dr. James Newburgh Symphony Cotter, Mount Saint Mary Orchestra (GNSO) hosted College Professor, Author, its first Spring Brunch Benefit reviewer and supporter of at the Powelton Club in the GNSO; Noreen Davis, Newburgh, honoring Fred GNSO Violinist, Orchestra and Betsy McCurdy, Committee Chair, GNSO longtime leaders of and George Handler Martha Mackey James Cotter Member; George Noreen Davis Board (1928-2020) (1928-2022) (1929-2022) (1938-2022) contributors to the Orchestra. Handler, Co-Founder of the The event was an GNSO, Insurance Executive, unqualified success and was Civic Leader; Nancy Karp, followed up in April 2015 Marketing Executive, with a similar Benefit Brunch Graphic Designer, GNSO honoring the co-founders of Board Member; Martha the Orchestra, first president Mackey, Newburgh School George Handler and Music System Executive, GNSO Tony Costa Sue Najork John Smith Nancy Karp Director Dr. Woomyung Board Member; Susan (1940-2021) (1945-2020) (1933-2021) (1953-2020) Choe. Najork, multiple Non-Profit In 2016, GNSO honored David Rider and Sue Bliss. John served as president Boards Member, long-time GNSO for his outstanding contributions to the of the GNSO for five years, and his wife supporter, and John Smith, Insurance community. In 2017, GNSO honored Sue worked tirelessly on the development Executive, Civic Leader, and long-time Alan Marks of PKF O’Connor aspects of the GNSO and the prior Spring GNSO supporter. Brunches. Davies. The Champagne Brunch Benefit This year, GNSO is honoring patrons honoring friends of the GNSO, is Charles Frank, Chairman of the Board of Mount Saint Mary College, and his who were long supporters and who were slated for August 7 at Noon at the wife Lynn were honored in 2018. Both unfortunately lost in the last 18 months. Powelton Club, 29 Old Balmville Road, (Editor’s Note: And might we add, some Newburgh. are dedicated community members. In 2019, Dick Polich, founder and who were dear friends and contributors This event is tax-deductible. president of Polich Tallix Fine Arts to CANVAS) For tickets visit the GNSO website at: Honorees are Tony Costa, Community www.NewburghSymphony.org Foundry, was honored, and most recently, in 2020, GNSO honored John Banker, Civic Leader, First Co-Chair of Powelton Club: 845-561-4481.

Long before John Patrick Shanley won a Pulitzer Prize for Doubt and an Oscar for Moonstruck, he wrote the classic play, Danny and the Deep Blue Sea, a heartbreaking and poignant love story about two damaged outcasts who discover redemption and release in a Bronx dive bar. River Rep Theatre’s production of the play was originally staged at the Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre in May 2022, and is currently touring the Sullivan Catskills region. The play stars Sadie Isseks and Charlie McElveen, and is directed by Christopher Peditto. It will be performed on August 6 & 7 at the Delaware Valley Opera Center, 6692 State Route 52, Lake Huntington. Tickets at www.delawarevalleyopera. com and at the door. Call 845-887-3083.

Sadie Isseks and Charlie McElveen

New Equity Theatre in Cornwall

Theatre on Main Street, founded by Michael E. Boyle, Jr. and Jessica Jaber, is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization working under a Small Professional Theatre contract with Actor’s Michael Boyle, Jr. Equity Assocation (AEA). The company is proud to announce its first season of theatre productions in 2022, starting with Tennessee Williams’ Orpheus Descending. Based on the Greek myth, Orpheus & Eurydice, the play is a modern retelling of the ancient Orpheus legend and deals - in the most elemental fashion - with the power of passion (its repression and its attempted recovery), art, and imagination to redeem and revitalize life, giving it new meaning via lush, poetic dialogue and imagery. It was first presented on Broadway in 1957. In 1959, a screen adaptation starring Marlon Brando and Anna Magnani appeared under the title The Fugitive Kind; it was directed by Sidney Lumet. Orpheus Descending, a film adaptation of the Peter Hall stage production was released in 1990, starring Vanessa Redgrave. 22

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

The play was also adapted as a two-act opera by Bruce Saylor and J.D. McClatchy in 1994. The play is a rewrite of a 1940 play by Williams called Battle Jessica Jaber of Angels. It was the first produced play written by Williams. At one point, Boston’s city censors and the City Council threatened to shut down the production over its “lascivious and immoral” language. The play will be presented in an audience immersive setting, August 19-28, at Your Dance Closet, 45 Quaker Avenue, Suite 100, Cornwall. For tickets: www.yourdancecloset.com/ theatreonmainstreet or 929-483-4776. See ad on page 28. Producer-actors Boyle and Jaber (see photos) will be joined by other Equity actors, in addition to AEA ‘eligibles’. “We met in a master class 11 years ago and worked on several scenes from the play,” explained Jaber. “We always wanted to put it up, and now that I own the store, we thought it was the right time to do it!” CANVAS welcomes this new theatre company to the Hudson Valley!

“Creatures Large and Small” at Amity The representation of dimension. Stenciling animals in art dates at least and the use of spray paint as far back as the Paleolithic reflect a more modern pop period, as in the caves of art sensibility. Along with Lascaux, France or Altamira, graphite and charcoal, the Spain. Over the course of use of silverpoint creates human history there have an especially delicate line been multiple themes in in drawing. Woodcuts the depiction of animals by generate prints in black artists: magical, symbolic, and white or color. Finally, totemic, and purely for the sculpting in wood, stone, fascination and love of the Work by Shayne Haysom metal or ceramic creates animal itself as a vital force concrete works of art with in the natural world. 3-dimensional presence. An exhibition titled, Artists include: Flavia Creatures Large and Small Bacarella, George at Amity Gallery will Corbin, Connie Dorsey, include an array of wild Roslyn Fassett, Pat Foxx, and domestic creatures. Shayne Haysom, Chesley The mediums reflect the Leber, Phyllis Lehman, individual artist’s sensibility. Dan Mack, Karen Martis, The exhibit highlights the Michael Netter, Lisa Toth, various creative processes Lynn Youland, and the late artists use to realize their Natalie Surving. goals. Genres represented The exhibit runs Work by Lisa Toth include painting, drawing, stencil, weekend afternoons August 6-28 at woodcut, sculpture, and photography. Amity Gallery, 110 Newport Bridge In addition to the traditions of painting Road, Warwick. An opening reception in oil, acrylic or watercolor depicted in this will be held on August 6, from 3:00pmshow, the use of newer materials such as 6:00pm. micron pens and markers create another Visit www.amitygallery.org

May I Have A Word With You...

Quips, Quotes & Quiddities with Carol Pozefsky Not What You’re Expecting Paraprosdokian is a fancy term for a statement with an unexpected ending. Greek in origin, the word means contrary to expectations. “I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it.” “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.” “In the park today, I wondered why a frisbee looks larger the closer it gets. And then it hit me.” “When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them.” Who Knew? You may greet your fellow commuters each morning, possibly even by name, but know little else about them. Similarly, many of us know little or nothing about the origins of the words and phrases we use each day. We know that a mentor is a wise and trusted counselor. But where did the word ‘mentor’ originate? Mentor first appears in Homer’s epic Greek poem, The Odyssey. When Odysseus goes off to fight in the Trojan

War, he puts his trusted friend and counselor, Mentor, in charge of his son, Telemachus. Over time, the upper case Mentor becomes the generic, lower case mentor, a teacher and confidant. BTW, where was Odysseus’ wife, Penelope? We’re told that she was busy warding off an army of wannabe suitors. There’s more to the story and it’s well worth the Google tap but now it’s your turn... Manifest Destiny is a future event considered inevitable; a foregone conclusion. In the 19th century, it was believed that America’s expansion across the North American continent to the Pacific Ocean was meant to be; inevitable and justifiable. Manifest Destiny. The Poker Faced Humor of Steven Wright “Borrow money from a pessimist. He won’t expect it back.” “I parked in a tow away zone. When I got back, the whole area was gone.” “If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?” “I named my new dog Stay. Come here, Stay. Come here, Stay.”

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


A Homegrown Circus Program in Orange County by Karen E. Gersch Orange County is a recreational smorgasbord of camps for sports, science, nature studies, visual arts, theater, photography, animation, dance, music, writing. But perhaps the most unusual program that exists and thrives here is a two-week summer intensive that introduces youth and teens to the world of circus. Safe Harbors of the Hudson, a community-minded arts and housing organization in Newburgh, has sponsored Ritz Kids Circus for the past five years. This is a free program reaching out to underserved neighborhoods. Kids learn to juggle, tumble, physical comedy, to partner one another, build human pyramids, vault from mini trampolines, to balance objects or balance ON objects (stilts, rolling globe, tight wire, unicycle), to defy their own fears of gravity by hanging upside down on trapeze, lyra, silks and other aerial rigging. And, the ultimate trial: flying trapeze - sailing through the air from a platform high up to the arms of a professional catcher. Much more importantly, the circus program inspires and encourages teamwork: a sense of responsibility and

respect for one’s partner, the equipment, of sharing and communicating ideas. The daily physical regimen is tough, but the kids take pride in how they condition and develop strength and confidence. The coaches are all professionals, with decades of performance and teaching experience behind them. I am one having joined the project in its inception and teaching year-round programs at Safe Harbors during the fall and winters ever since. I still serve as Senior Coach and Co-Director of Ritz Kidz Circus, along with Sara Deull, a Canadianbased aerialist who studied with ZipZap Circus in Capetown, S. Africa. The majority of this year’s applicants range in age from ten to seventeen, with one longtime participant (now nineteen and enrolled in college). Three of the older returning students are serving in

Leadership roles. Circus requires focus, tenacity, and a certain amount of “giving”. Learning and mastering a physical skill is one part of the equation. Being able to “pass it on”, to show younger or less assured students the way to tackle a problem or finesse a trick, is even more uplifting. The two weeks of relentless practice and physical studies culminates in a free public show on the Safe Harbors Green, where families and friends can witness the remarkable transformation and growth of these kids in such a short span of time. Showtime this year is August 12 at 6:00pm at Safe Harbors Green, Broadway and Liberty Streets, Newburgh. Free admission. Bring chairs! Open to the general public, Safe Harbors of the Hudson is once again hosting flying trapeze workshops. One of the most iconic and spectacular of traditional circus acts, the flying trapeze was once reserved for the most elite acrobats, but now, everyone can learn to fly! Schedule at www.eventbrite.com. Search “trapeze” in the seach bar. Dates and times are limited. All proceeds raised will support Ritz Kidz Circus!

Games for Teens Explore your role playing skills and make some new friends with Dungeons & Dragons, a co-operative roleplaying game where everyone works together to create a fun story and go on adventures. Your decisions influence the story you make, guiding your heroes through quests for treasure, daring rescues, intrigue, and more! All experience levels welcome. August 5 & 19, 5:00pm-8:00pm. Spots limited. Register in advance by emailing Liz at Llinton@rcls.org. Magic! The Gathering Club is a card game where you are a wizard casting spells and summoning creatures. Your goal is to defeat the opposing wizards. All experience levels welcome. If you have your own cards, please bring them. If not, the library will provide some for you to borrow. August 6 & 20, 2:00pm-4:00pm. Ages 13+. Register at the Main Desk. Email questions to: Llinton@rcls.org. Josephine-Louise Public Library, 5 Scofield Street, Walden. Call 845-7787621 or visit waldenpubliclibrary.org

“They’re a lot better than they sound” “They ain’t broke, but they’re badly bent.” The Crusty Gentlemen are back and crustier than ever, playing the bluegrass music that has kept them in the forefront of the downtown NYC scene for decades, and once they get started, they can’t remember to stop. These road worn but feisty veterans of the stage always entertain the audience even when they’re not playing. Just look

at them and laugh. Critics say, “They’re a lot better than they sound.” See them on August 13 at 7:00pm for Phillipsport Community Center’s Music Night, 657 Red Hill Road. Doors open at 6:30pm but the concert is outside, weather permitting. $10 gets you music, homemade pie & a non-alcoholic drink. For information, call 845-313-1772

Let Joey & The Paradons bring you back to the beginning of real “Street Corner” harmony. Enjoy the music and sounds from Brooklyn and The Bronx, all the way back to where Doo Wop had its start! Joey & The Paradons have been singing and performing since 1959. Their unique sound and harmony will take you back to the corners where you first heard your favorite groups singing together. Singing hits from the ‘50s and ‘60s, they will take you on a trip down

memory lane, give you a feeling of days gone by, when everything was simple, life was easy and all you needed for entertainment was to gather on your favorite corner and listen to the ‘guys’ sing! Join hosts Scott Samuelson and Eddie Dudek for a revival of The Bradstan’s famous New York City-caliber cabaret series on August 7, at 8:00pm at the Eldred Preserve, 1040 State Route 55, Edlred. For info, call 845- 557-8316 or visit www.theeldredpreserve.com

Doo Wop at the Eldred Preserve


Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

Afrofuturism Celebration, Hurleyville The first annual Afrofuturism Celebration is a month-long event centered around the images and imaginings of an Afro-centricly bright future. This celebration includes a monthlong gallery exhibition featuring Afrofuturist Tim Fielder (pictured) book signing, workshop and a film screening, intending to bring awareness of this genre, described by Ytasha Womack as “an intersection of imagination,

technology, the future, and liberation.” The celebration runs from August 1-31 at Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre’s Gallery 222, 222 Main Street, Hurleyville.

Desmond Gallery: “What Once Was”

vintage paper evokes The Alice Desmond a feeling of nostalgia. Gallery presents What Each painting surface is Once Was, a solo show of carefully paired with its paintings by Newburgh subject to capture that artist, Rachel Williams. memory or emotion in This exhibit features time. paintings from the past The opening reception up to Williams’ most will feature a live recent work. “Each piece performance by jazz is a quiet moment in musician Robert Kopek time. In these moments, we make connections “Submerged” by Rachel Williams (see pages 10 & 29) and with ourselves and others. It is a time for a dessert table prepared and served by reflecting on past memories or looking Culinary Institute of America graduate forward to the days ahead. Memories of Hasina Grice of Perfect Sweets Inc. The reception will take place at Alice childhood, relationships with loved ones who have passed, relationships with Desmond Center for Community Enrichment/Town of Newburgh friends, life choices, and more.” Painting on a variety of surfaces Recreation, 6 Albany Post Road, including canvas, burlap, wood, paper Newburgh, on August 7, from 1:00pmdoilies, library cards, sheet music, and 3:00pm. For hours: 845-565-1326.

“Dreams and Illusions” in Wurtsboro

“Church’s View from Olana” (48” x 12”) by Patricia Rottino Cummins

their son Brian Cummins. Dreams and Illusions The company creates is the Wurtsboro Art graphics for the court Alliance’s new show. room. Their daughter, One of the featured Alexis Cummins, became artists is Patricia Rottino senior graphic designer Cummins, who is new to for Disney in Orlando. the area. Her pastel work, Pat will offer a FREE Church’s View from Olana Patricia Rottino Cummins will be on view. Since 2006, Pat has class on how to become an Artist-Inbeen selected 15 times to be a National Residence at a National Park, on August Park Artist-Resident. She has lived and 6, 10:00am to Noon, just prior to the worked in Crater Lake, OR, Petrified Noon-2:00pm reception. Register for the Forest, AZ and Voyagers, MN National class by emailing pearllau@aol.com. Stop by to see the dozens of other Parks to name a few. Pat has had great influence as an art artists exhibiting in Dreams and educator for the Miami, FL school Illusions, Saturdays & Sundays, Noonsystem 36+ years. Her husband Jeff was 4:00pm at the John Neilson Gallery, 73 an attorney. The combination of Pat’s art Sullivan Street, Wurtsboro. The show ends August 28. and Jeff’s legal expertise combined in Info: contact@waagallery.org creating Champion Legal Graphics with

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Pacem in Terris: Organ, Violin, Viola & Bass Gregory Hayes returns to Pacem in Terris with an organ! He will be joined by Krista Bennion Feeney (violin), Johanna Hood (viola), and John Feeney (bass). “We will be playing the Trio Sonata 1 in E-Flat Major by Bach (from Sonatas for Organ BWV 525). We’ve played the Trio Sonatas 3 and 5, BWV 527 and 529 many times with just violin, viola and bass,” said Krista. “They are particularly well suited for the trios that in the past were referred to as specifically for solo organ. The right hand of the organ part is played by the violin, the left hand by the viola, and the pedal part is played by the bass. When an audience sees and hears the fluency and dexterity required to execute just one of the three parts on our string instruments, it should help in understanding the majesty and power that belong to the organ above any other instrument. “BWV 525 works best with an additional organ joining (a smaller chamber organ of course!), so it’s ideal for our program with Gregory Hayes. And we’ll also be playing Trio # 3 BWV 527 with just the three strings, Ernest Bloch’s “Prayer” (from Jewish Life #1) for bass and organ, and August 6 for

K. Bennion Feeney

Gregory Hayes

John Feeney

Joanna Hood

violin and bass by Arcadia Players, Shinji Eshima,” a regional periodshe concluded. instrument Composer ensemble. Shinji Eshima (b. Krista, 1956) has been described as “a violinist with a a double bassist for San Francisco Shinji Eshima J.S. Bach Ernest Bloch gift for elegant Opera and San Francisco Ballet since phrasing” by the New York Times (April 1980 and 1982, respectively, and holds 2022), is very active as a chamber the position of Associate Principal Bass musician, soloist and orchestral leader in the San Francisco Ballet Orchestra. in both historical and modern settings. August 6 was commissioned for the 50th From 1979-1992 Krista was the founding anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima member and first violinist of the Ridge (1995). String Quartet, recipients of the Diapason Gregory Hayes retired this spring d’Or award and nominated for a Grammy as Senior Lecturer at Dartmouth for their recording of the Dvorak Piano College, where he has taught piano and Quintets with Rudolf Firkusny. She has harpsichord since 1991. He has performed served as concertmaster of the Orchestra on keyboard instruments of various of St. Luke’s since 1983. kinds with the Springfield, Vermont, and John Feeney is principal double bass of Albany Symphony Orchestras and with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s, the American

Classical Orchestra and Opera Lafayette. Written about John in The Strad: “There is much virtuosity on display...accurate, muscular and impressively controlled playing.” And in the New York Times: “The charismatic double bass of John Feeney...” Joanna Hood is the violist of Canada’s Lafayette String Quartet, the only all-female ensemble in the world to comprise of the four original members for more than thirty five years. She plays with the Pacific Baroque Orchestra, the Seattle Baroque Orchestra, and is a cofounder of the Victoria-based new music ensemble Tsilumos. She plays on a viola made by Edmond Aireton in 1754. Because of the close seating in the small venue space and to protect the musicians, masks and proof of vaccine will be required at each concert. For the August 14, 5:00pm concert in the old mill at Pacem in Terris Sculpture Garden, 96 Covered Bridge Road, Warwick, there will be short intermissions between pieces to allow for better air exchange. No reservations possible. Box Office opens at 4:00pm. Arrive early and visit the Sculpture Garden. Pacem in Terris is not handicapped accessible.

A Small Sampling: Free Summer Music Concert Series Walden - Wednesdays Since his teens, Dan Brother has been performing in venerable local blues clubs like The Corner Stage, Waterwheel Cafe, Bodle’s Opera House, and The Dan Brother Downtown. Having shared the stage with mentors like his, it’s no wonder Dan picked up a little of everything along the way - from protest era psychedelia to straight-up blues; classic era soul to southern rock and Texas twang. His Band is at Wooster Memorial Grove, 89 East Main Street, Walden on August 31 at 7:30pm. Hank’s Franks food truck will be on site. Questions? Call the Josephine-Louise Library at 845-778-7621 or visit www. villageofwalden.org Town of Newburgh - Thursdays Chadwick Lake is a reservoir supplying water to the Town of Newburgh. It was created by damming Quassaick Creek in 1926. It is located immediately to the northwest of the junction of NY 32 & 300 in the Cronomer Valley section of 26

the Town, 1702 Route 300. Hurley Mountain Highway is a Cornwall based acoustic-electric quartet (guitar, piano, bass, drums) playing the finest ‘60s and ‘70s (and beyond) poprock “Feel-Good Music” around. They’ll be at Chadwick Lake Park, on August 18 at 6:00pm. Bring lawn chairs. Middletown - Thursdays & Fridays All She Wrote, a folk band that has collectively played all over New England and New York and whose songs have been featured on radio shows throughout, will play at the Run 4 Downtown Park on North Street on August 11 at 6:00pm as part of the free Middletown Thursday night music series. David Laplante, Steven Pounds, and singer-songwriter Gloria Jean bring their harmonies and fingerpicking to add to classic ‘60s and ‘70s folk as well as well-crafted originals played on acoustic instruments created by luthier Laplante. Their melodic arrangements take on love and loss with skill, harmony, and

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

beauty. Their personal stories about Pete Seeger, John Sebastian, and others add interest to their performances. Joining them for this performance will be special guest Larry Packer, the very talented musician who compliments the group with violin and mandolin solos. Larry has played with many famous music groups including The Band and Levon Helm and appears in the movie The Last Waltz, about The Band. Noel Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul, and Mary commented on this group, “Clearly devoted to the acoustic resonance of real life, these three are homegrown and rich in flavor. Their voices and arrangements are at once reminiscent of family and friends...originals.” Pine Bush - Fridays Oxford Station Band is a bluegrass band named for the small, quiet rural Town of Chester hamlet - (YES! Exit 128 on Route 17), singing and playing traditional instruments, pickin’ and singin’ together for a decade. Oxford Station Band performs for the Town Of Crawford Summer Concert Series at the Gazebo, 65 Main Street, Pine Bush, on August 19 at 7:00pm. Bring chairs or blankets. (Editor’s note: They also perform at

Oxford Station (left to right): Susan Hoffman, vocals; Leon Swyka, guitar, vocals; Paul Laux, bass; Richie Jackson, drums. Not shown: Vince James, keyboards & Rusty Park Pedal, steel guitar.

the Cochecton Pump House, on August 12 at 6:00pm, not a free music event). Warwick - Sundays E’lissa Jones is a prolific songwriter, violinist, pianist, and guitarist. She is an exceptionally talented artist with a wide range, whose songs embrace audiences with powerful melodies and expressive lyrics. Influential styling ranges from folk to rock in her catalogue of over 250 original songs. Catch E’lissa and her Band on August 7 at 7:00pm at Stanley Deming Park, South Street and Park Way, Warwick.

HPAC Helps Create New Library

Irrepressible & Irresistible Cowgirls

The Hurleyville and adults, and host Performing Arts Centre talks and community (HPAC) announced that discussions. Welcoming it has been awarded the residents and visitors highly competitive Artist of all backgrounds, the Employment Program project will promote grant from Creatives greater understanding Rebuild New York in the of Black history and amount of $407,800 over culture, advocate for two years. Funds will be racial justice in Sullivan used to establish The Douglas Shindler & Michael Davis County and beyond, Black Library, a library and community and act as an incubator for the next art space in the Village of Monticello generation of local artists. celebrating Black history and culture. “This award is truly amazing and an The project was initiated by Monticello- opportunity for us to create an important native artists Douglas Shindler and space for education, dialogue, and Michael Davis. Shindler is a Monticello- creativity that can make a positive impact based painter and photographer. Davis on our community,” says Shindler, who is a Guyanese-American photographer, along with collaborator Davis is already also based in Monticello. hard at work on a two-year plan for the “Douglas Shindler and Michael project and seeking a permanent space. Davis have worked closely with HPAC “We are grateful for this generous over the last few years in a number of opportunity from CRNY and honored capacities as presenting artists and as that this important project was selected,” service employees, and we could not says HPAC Chief Development Officer be happier to support them through this Tal Beery. project,” says HPAC Executive Director Book donations can be dropped off Erin Dudley. at Ethelbert B. Crawford Library, The Library will carry books by Black 479 Broadway Monticello, through authors, exhibit visual art by Black artists, September 30. offer educational workshops for children For info: www.theblacklibraryny.com

What do you get when you Pearls, plus a rollicking takeoff cross a little bit of Dolly Parton on Dolly Parton’s Jolene (where and Waylon Jennings with the man-stealing vixen’s name is equal measures of Bizet and changed to Bizet’s Carmen), and Puccini, then throw in a dazzling much, much more. assortment of instruments, C. McKechney After the concert the Cowgirls ranging from guitar to autoharp were besieged by excited to bells to accordion? Toss all of youngsters eager to take them these elements together and you’ll up on their offer to try out some end up with the incredible Opera of their incredible assortment Cowgirls! of instruments. It was a familyIn August of 2021, the Opera S. Beckham-Turner friendly, wonderfully good time Cowgirls - professional opera for all. singers who have sung all over Back by popular demand: the the country - made their debut Opera Cowgirls return to DVO on with the Delaware Valley Opera August 13 at 7:00pm & August (DVO) at Callicoon Hills in two 14 at 2:00pm at the Delaware magical performances. Founder Valley Opera Center, 6692 State M. Henry Caitlin McKechney and her Route 52, Lake Huntington. cohorts Sarah Beckham-Turner, Tickets can be reserved at: Mila Henry, Maria Lindsey, www.delawarevalleyopera.com/ and Jessica Sandidge had the index.php/tickets-for-2022 or by sell-out crowds dancing in the calling 845-887-3083. aisles and calling for encores as Tickets can also be purchased M. Lindsey they reeled off clever, lively, and at the door. marvelously-sung country/opera Come see the Opera Cowgirls, hybrid renditions of classics such and hear for yourself what all the as Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, glorious excitement is about...we Quando me’n vo (Musetta’s (DVO and CANVAS publisher Waltz) from Puccini’s La Boheme, Barry Plaxen) guarantee you’ll the band’s original Pearlsnaps and J. Sandidge be glad you did!

August 2 at 6PM:

“Ocean Movie Trivia Night” For Teens! Prizes Awarded! Refreshments served!

August 13, 10AM-2PM: “Library Sidewalk Book Sale” (In the event of rain, the book sale will be held in the Library) See page 24 for a story about games for teens! Visit WaldenPublicLibrary.org

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Neo-Burlesque in Hurleyville The Slipper Room theatre’s Glitter Gutter is a variety showcase featuring comedy, acrobatics, strip-tease, and magic by some of downtown Manhattan’s biggest stars. The Slipper Room is the birthplace of neo-burlesque. They have been thrilling audiences with their unique brand of variety entertainment since 1999, and are proud The Slipper Room’s Glitter Gutter comes to the HPAC Cinema on August 19 & 20 at 9:00pm to bring their show to the Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre on August 19 & 20 at 9:00pm. This is an 18+ adult only show. Teens (HPAC). Don’t miss this unique opportunity to allowed accompanied by an adult. For the see the Slipper Room show, right here safety of the staff, masks are encouraged. in the Catskills, in the elegant HPAC For tickets: www.hurleyvilleartscenter. Cinema at 219 Main Street, Hurleyville, org or call 845-985-4722.

Sullivan’s: Exhibit, Tour, Conference Sullivan’s was a local icon. It started as more or less a surplus store back in the 1950s, and it expanded to become an impressive sized department store. In fact, it was apparently so successful, that the owners decided to build a second one in Middletown, even larger, in the former Orange Plaza Mall. “Sullivan’s puts a smile on the face of so many of us. Bring your memories and memorabilia to the Liberty Museum & Arts Center, 46 South Main Street, Liberty,” said Museum Director Robert Dadras. “We are looking for your stories and to borrow your Sullivan’s keepsakes for an exhibition at the Museum. The Sullivan’s exhibition Sullivan’s! Celebrating a Sullivan County Landmark

will run August 12-28. The reception will take place on August 13 at 4:00pm.” The 25th Sullivan County Architectural Tour will focus on Sullivan’s and will take place on August 13 at 10:00am, a car convoy driving tour. Contact LMAC at 845-292-2394 for more information. Lastly the 2022 Catskills’ Preservation Conference, the 19th Conference, will also focus on Sullivan’s and what it meant to the Catskills, on August 13, from 1:00pm-5:00pm. Bring your family and friends. All of the events have free admission.

The 17th Annual Liberty Jazz Festival

Cecil served in Vietnam, but when he Cecil Allen grew up in Alabama in the 1950s listening to all kinds of music, returned it wasn’t long before the family from Wilson Pickett and Duke Ellington had a band that was performing all over to Earl Scruggs and Doc Watson. The the Catskills with everyone from Peg Leg whole family was musical, and the Bates to Mickey Barnett. They appeared church was a big part of his musical at the Concord and the Raleigh hotels, upbringing. He also remembers listening as well as at many of the local summer camps. to Rosa Parks and Martin One of the bands Cecil Luther King take on racial played with was called segregation, as the civil Junction, and it included rights movement gripped the nation. Perry Gips, now wellknown as the owner of In the late ‘50s the family Hurleyville business Party moved to Monticello in search of better jobs Cecil Allen (front), Perry Gips Master. Junction toured & members of the band all over the country and and better lives. And he “Junction” (early 70’s) brought his “two-stringed” guitar, as once even opened for James Brown at a did his brothers with their instruments: show in Canada. The 17th Liberty Jazz Festival will Buddy’s saxophone, and their other brother Harrison’s bass. Harrison, who feature Cecil & friends on August 13 passed in December of 2000, is the at 4:00pm in the Liberty Museum & father of renowned Sullivan County Arts Center, 46 S. Main Street. Free blues guitarist Slam Allen. admission. See ad pg. 5. 28

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

Get Your Groove On: The 13th Annual Hudson Valley Jazz Festival

The purpose of the Hudson Valley Jazz Festival (HVJF) is to feature leading Hudson Valley jazz artists and groups. Performances take place in different G. Tranchina settings. Clubs, restaurants, non-profit organizations, town concert series, galleries, arts centers and others are often the venues. The presenting venues are J. V. Tranchina the producers of those concerts with guidance and scheduling from the Festival. The Festival celebrates it’s 13th season August Ed Littman 18-21. The opening concert features The Hudson Valley Jazz Sextet. Internationally acclaimed vocalist Gabriele Tranchina brings a world view to her J. Brunka music - music as a force for wholeness, a source of unity and energy for all. She will share the stage with Joe Vincent Tranchina (keyboard), Ed Littman (guitar), B. Magnuson J. Brunka (bass), Bob Magnuson (sax), and HVJF producer Steve Rubin (drums). They perform for the On The Lawn series at Railroad Crossing in Steve Rubin Sugar Loaf, August 18, at 6:30pm (see ad page 11). Free admission. Bring chairs and blankets. Food is available on site. Guitarist, electric/fretless bass player, composer, author, and Digital Landscape photographer Brian Kastan has released 38 albums as a band leader

or band member. He and a group of friends will perform improv music at Continuum Fine Art & Photography, 97 Windermere Avenue, Greenwood Lake, on August 20 at 3:00pm. Also in Greenwood Lake: jazz quintet Slide Attack, featuring trombonists Howard Levy and Alan Goidel, is a modern incarnation of the group formerly led by the great J.J. Johnson and Kai Winding. They play fresh arrangements of jazz standards, from the swing era to hard bop and beyond, by famous composers along with original material. They perform at Thomas Morahan Park, 7 Windermere Avenue, on August 20 at 7:00pm. Jazz trumpeter Rick Savage has made his mark on the NYC area jazz scene. Recently a surprise encounter with drum legend Eliot Zigmund has hatched an inspiring chemistry between the two. “A friend hired me to play jazz at a NYC party. I arrived at the gig and was excited to recognize Zigmund on drums from Bill Evan’s Trio (see page 10). We had a ball playing that night and that has continued whenever we play!,” said Savage. Jazz series “groove

Brian Kastan

Howard Levy

Alan Goidel

Rick Savage

Eliot Zigmund

David Janeway

Steve LaSpina

port” is hosting The Rick Savage Group, with Zigmund, David Janeway (piano) and Steve LaSpina (bass) on August 20 at 7:00pm at Oz Noy UpFront Exhibition Space, 31 Jersey Avenue, Port Jervis. Students of the four participating musicians get a 50% discount off admission. Guitarist Oz Noy was Anton Fig born in Israel. He started his professional career at the age of 13 playing jazz, blues, pop and rock music. By age 16, he was playing with top Israeli musicians and artists. Billy Ware By age 24, he was one of the most established studio guitar players in the country. Since his 1996 arrival in New York, he has made a huge impact on the Eric Person local and international music scene. Oz will be joined by drummer Anton Fig for a free concert at Railroad Green, Warwick, on August 20 at 7:30pm. Robert Kopec Bring chairs. Vibraphonist Billy Ware played bass and piano early in his career, playing at the Harlem Jazzmobile. He has done several projects blending Peter O’Brien jazz with Western classical music as well as five film scores. The Albert Wisner Library, 1 McFarland Drive Warwick, presents Ware on August 21 at 2:00pm. Free Admission. Register by phoning: 845-986-1047. “Music is a moral law. It gives a soul

to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness and gaiety, and life to everything. It is the essence of order that leads to all that is good, just and beautiful, of which, it is the invisible, but nevertheless dazzling, passionate and eternal form.” - Plato. Pianist-composer-arranger Joe Vincent Tranchina displays that statement on his website. Tranchina was voted Hudson Valley 2010 Jazz Musician of the Year in the Times Herald-Record’s Best of Readers poll, and was recognized for 23 years with the annual ASCAP Plus award for “creative contributions to American music”, and twice honored by the Lehman Center for the Performing Arts Best of the Bronx series with concert presentations of his original work. The Joe Vincent Tranchina Composers 4-um is a new venture for the HVJF. Comprised of Tranchina, Eric Person (alto/soprano sax and flute/composer), Robert Kopec (bass/composer) and Peter O’Brien (drums/composer), each member of the quartet will display their composition skills and contribute two original tunes to be played by the ensemble. “Considering their large catalog of originals, there is a plethora of material to choose from! They are looking forward to sharing a few with you,” enthused Tranchina. Join them on August 21, at 6:00pm at the Warwick Historical Society, 2 Colonial Avenue. Free admission. Friendly donations welcome. Visit www.HudsonValleyJazzFest. org for a complete up-to-date listing, including a plethora of additional HVJF performances in Port Chester, New Paltz, Kingston and Accord.

This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson.

“Dreams and Illusions” OPENING RECEPTION: AUGUST 6, 12PM-2PM

“Church’s View from Olana” by Patricia Rottino Cummins

See “Dreams & Illusions” weekends from Noon-4pm at the Wurtsboro Art Alliance, 73 Sullivan Street, Wurtsboro For info: contact@waagallery.org

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Rhythms Around the World, Monticello

Fuller Moon Arts Festival, Warwick

Oswego native Griffin Brady has a Master of Arts degree from Goddard College, with a focus in Ethnomusicology and Music Pedagogy. His Master’s thesis and adjoining musical method books Griffin Brady A. Trombley Chiu-Chen Liu were inspired by his work as a touring musician and educator with groups such as the Saakumu Dance Troupe of Ghana, West Africa. Upon founding the Slyboots School of Music, Art & Dance in Buffalo, NY in 2006, Griffin has been teaching and performing at over 800 universities and schools promoting the Slyboots mission: positive social change through cultural maintaining the professional Sullivan arts education and performance - and County Chamber Orchestra (SCCO). bringing the world together, on the sly. These programs continue to grow The Nesin Cultural Arts (NCA) and enhance the lives of those in our Summer Arts Academy program, directed community.” - Diana S. Scheide. by Akiko Hosoi, is designed for those Nesin students, plus Andrew youngsters who strive to achieve the Trombley, Chiu-Chen Liu and other highest level possible in their technique. SCCO members, will collaborate with NCA’s schedule includes technique special guest master drummer Griffin class, lessons, supervised practice and Brady for Rhythms Around the World on ensembles. “NCA has demonstrated a the Crawford Library Outdoor Stage, commitment to elevating the quality 479 Broadway, Monticello, on August of life and supporting artistic growth 25 at 6:30pm. in the Sullivan County community. Admission is free. Bring chairs. Their programs fill an essential void in For information: 845-798-9006 or the arts from education to creating and email marina@nesinculturalarts.org.

The Fuller Moon Arts Festival celebrates the convergence of performance, art and nature with a oneday festival situated by the lake on the grounds of an old world summer camp. Visitors of all ages will enjoy live music and dance, art installations, and theater. There will be a curated Makers Market, family-friendly art-making stations, an Funkrust Brass Band artists open studio, and tents featuring Theatre, De Novo local food, cider and Dance, Warwick beer. Dance Collective, The The Fuller Moon Moving Company Arts Festival has Modern Dance commissioned artists Center, Darrah Carr to create temporary art Dance and Ten Minute installations to be sited Playfest. throughout the Festival Darrah Carr Dance Produced by grounds, with works in Wickham Works, Orange all media - especially work County Arts Council, that is immersive, interactive, and the Warwick Dance participatory, performative, Collective, the Festival intriguing, inspiring, takes place on August 27, magical, transformative, from Noon-11:00pm on the and/or ethereal. The Festival grounds of the former Kutz is providing an opportunity Camp at 46 Bowen Road, for artists to present works that require audience Emotions Physical Theatre Warwick. (Rain date: August 31). participation. Visit www.wickhamworks.org for Performers include: Funkrust Brass Band, Rosestoller, Emotions Physical more information.

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Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

Callaway is Back This-Away in Eldred

New Goshen Art League Exhibitions

Ann Hampton Dizzy Gillespie, Stevie Callaway is one of Wonder, Dr. John, Liza America’s most gifted and Minnelli, Betty Buckley, prolific artists. A leading Dianne Reeves, Dee champion of the great Dee Bridgewater, Audra American Songbook, she’s McDonald, Harvey made her mark as a singer, Fierstein, Ramsey Lewis, pianist, composer, lyricist, Kurt Elling and Michael arranger, actress, educator, Feinstein. TV host and producer. Her live performances Voted “Performer of the showcase her warmth, Ann Hampton Callaway Year” by Broadwayworld. spontaneous wit and com and two years in a row as passionate delivery of “Best Jazz Vocalist,” Ann is a standards, jazz classics born entertainer. Her unique and originals. She is one singing style blends jazz and of America’s most gifted traditional pop, making her improvisers, taking words a mainstay in concert halls, and phrases from her theaters and jazz clubs as well audiences and creating as in the recording studio, on songs on the spot, whether television, and in film. She Norma Deloris Egstrom alone at a piano or with a is best known for her Tonysymphony orchestra. a/k/a Peggy Lee. (1920-2002) nominated performance in Ann Hampton Callaway the hit Broadway musical Swing! and for continues the 2022 Bradstan Coming writing and singing the theme song to Home Cabaret Series with her show: the TV series The Nanny. Fever! The Peggy Lee Century on A Platinum award-winning writer, August 21 at 8:00pm at the Eldred Callaway is the only composer to have Preserve, 1040 State Route 55, Eldred. collaborated with Cole Porter. She For information, call 845-557-8316 or has shared the stage with great artists visit www.theeldredpreserve.com. from many genres - George Shearing, See ad page 8.

The Goshen Art League (GAL) invites you to its second installation of Mini Solos which shows the art of eight different GAL artists. “Along with exhibiting more of their art then our larger group shows usually allow, artists were “Liberty & Freedom” by Mary Mugele Sealfon asked to provide a bio and/or a Hudson Valley artist statement so photographer that local patrons and painter of the arts could who specializes get to know and in landscapes, understand the lighthouses, local artists and luminous sunrises their work better,” (and sunsets) and explains curator, violent weather. Pat MacDonald. A longtime high “Mini solo exhibits “Bryce Canyon” by Mark Rosengarten school chemistry offer a diverse and personal experience for a group of artists teacher, now retired, he spends his days who would like to be recognized and with a camera or paintbrush in hand. The show is on display at Griffith Olivero represented individually.” You are invited to view the works Realtors, 226 Main Street, through the Monday to Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm, or end of August. A reception for both exhibits will be by appointment, at GAL’s home gallery in the Goshen Music Hall, 223 Main held on August 24, 6:30pm-8:00pm. For info, or to make an appointment Street, through August 31. In addition, across the street is a new to view the exhibit at the Goshen GAL solo show featuring works by Music Hall during off-hours, email Mark Rosengarten. Rosengarten is goshenartleague@gmail.com.

August 2022

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS



Delaware & Hudson CANVAS August 2022

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