D & H CANVAS December 2015

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Your FREE Monthly Arts, Entertainment & Buy Local Guide

Orange, Pike & Sullivan Counties, Marlboro, Cragsmoor & Ellenville

December 2015

art • cinema • dance • festivals • holistic living • music • opera • poetry • theatre

Publisher’s Column by Barry Plaxen Friends, As we were preparing to go to press with this issue, we got word of the passing of an artist beloved by all that knew her, Matilda Grech, b.Italy:1927 - d: Port Jervis:2015. I apologize for not knowing her full history as an artist, teacher and community icon, but I do know that Matilda was instrumental in creating and / or nurturing a number of art groups, such as the Pike County Arts & Crafts, the oldest (established 1950) and largest arts education organization in northeastern Pennsylvania. In the mid 1960s Matilda joined the original committee and eventually became a co-chairperson. She was a Charter Member of North East Watercolor Society and served as the group’s Historian. She also was a member of the Middletown Art Group, the River Valley Artists Guild, and was an award winning exhibitor in many, many galleries in the tristate area, NYC and beyond. In just the last three days since her passing

CANVAS Friends Directory

on November 19, artists and friends have already started to send CANVAS paeans, memories and stories about Matilda, so we will create a celebratory In Memoriam to Matilda in our January, 2016 issue. A celebration of Matilda’s life will be held on December 6, from 1:00pm-4:00pm in the The Foundation Room of The Columns Museum, 608 Broad Street, Milford, where works of her art will be on display. ******* On a more joyous note, this issue is chock full of stories about wonderful people, the creators, interpreters, lecturers and writers who will be performing, displaying, speaking in just about every locale in this remarkably art-rich area. We appreciate your giving them your attention and hopefully sharing some of the holiday season with them, be it for music, dance, theatre, visual and literary art, or for the purchase of gifts for your loved ones, friends and colleagues. Enjoy the holidays, share some joyful noise, and we’ll be back in 2016. Blessings!

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, So I’d just finished re-reading one of my favorite plays, Frank Gilroy’s “Who’ll Save the Plowboy?”, and then I started reading the October CANVAS and found a tribute to both Gilroy and the play. “It is worth the trip to Samuel French,” says J. A. Di Bello, “for another peek into the life and legend of an insightful playwright.” Amen to that, and it’s high time somebody revived this play. Meanwhile, for weeks I’ve been trying to remember the name of another play concerning a Jewish plantation owner and two of his former slaves in the days after Lee’s surrender. A few pages past Di Bello’s article, I saw a piece about Shadowland’s revival of this extraordinary play, “The Whipping Man”.

CANVAS, It’s been so nice working with you. What you do is so important for the creative people in our community. I’m sure our paths will cross again. - Sue Petry, Creative Impulse CANVAS, Thanks so much for the article on Jennifer Ferdinandsen in your November issue. It was a wonderful surprise. The color photo of her painting “I am Light” looked fabulous! The artist was just thrilled to get this kind of exposure. Thank you for your continued support of this area’s artists. - Susan Miiller, artist

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Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

December 2015

Classifieds FOR SALE - Industrial Parcel Town of Crawford - 8.4 undeveloped acres with view of Shawangunk Ridge. 3 miles from Exit 116. Zoned industrial BUT in Orange County Agricultural Distrct, so can be farmed. $75,000. Call 845-926-4646.


25 words @ $10, 25 cents per addt’l word (Phone number = one word) email to: ads@dhcanvas.com

“City Hall Tree, Newburgh” by Mary Evelyn Whitehill (see ad page 10)

The tree was decorated by Regina Angelo (see page 10) and the painting was gifted to her by the artist.

Calendars Art & Photography ����������������������������������18 Books ������������������������������������������������������18 Category �������������������������������������������������15 Children & Teen’s ������������������������������������18 Clubs, Demos, Lectures �������������������������14 Music - Pop, Folk, etc., ���������������������������14 December 2015 Calendar �����������������16-17

Columns May I Have A Word With You �����������������20 Meet Me in The Green Room �����������������30 Community Building Through The Arts ���8, 9 Spotlight on Sugar Loaf Guild �����������������19 Whispering Pines w/ Chef Frey ��������������31


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Happy Herbs Soap “herbal alchemy of soap & incense” @ Two Crow Cottage Burlingham, NY 12722-0210 happyherbssoap.etsy.com

On the Cover

I won’t say your staff is psychic, but you certainly give your readers what they need! - Judith Wink, New York City

Mail payments to: CANVAS 297 Stone Schoolhouse Road Bloomingburg, NY 12721

HEALTH & HOLISTIC SERVICES Alternative Counseling, Cornwall Holistic approach to healing Diana Underwood, LMSW George Toth, LCSW-R 845.534.2980, mrge0rge@aol.com


2 Alices Coffee Lounge, Newburgh ��������25 Adria Goldman Gross, Author �����������������20 American Youth Ballet, Salisbury Mills �����7 Amity Arts Pottery, Florida ������������������������7 Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh ����������������23 Barbara Adams, Poet �����������������������������10 Cameron Brown’s Birthday Bash, Marlboro � 29 CAS Arts Center, Livingston Manor ����������� 27 Classic Choral Society ������������������������������� 21 Cookie Boone, Music Teacher ������������������� 19 Cragsmoor Historical Society ��������������������� 24 Crawford Arts Association, Pine Bush ������� 24 Crawford Gallery of Fine Arts, Pine Bush ���� 5 Dead End Cafe, Parksville ������������������������� 27 Decora, Neil Alexander: New Year’s Eve �� 11 Delaware Valley Choral Society ��������������22 East Ridge Pottery, Warwick ��������������������6 Elex Vann & Franz Vezuli �����������������������19 Ellenville Public Library ���������������������������24

Community Arts: News Views And Schedules Managing Editor, Barry Plaxen barry@dhcanvas.com Editor, Sophia Krcic editor@dhcanvas.com ads@dhcanvas.com Delaware & Hudson CANVAS 297 Stone Schoolhouse Road Bloomingburg, NY 12721 www.dhcanvas.com 845.926.4646 phone 845.926.4002 fax Please email calendar submissions by the 15th of the prior month to calendar@dhcanvas.com Please email submissions for classifieds, opportunities & auditions to classified@dhcanvas.com Nothing in this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.

Fallsburg Library ���������������������������������������3 Flowers by Lynn, Wurtsboro & Ellenville �� 12 Gallery at Chant Realty, Lords Valley �������6 Garin Baker & Robert G. Breur ���������������11 Goshen Art Walk ���������������������������������� 8, 9 Hudson Valley Conservatory, Walden �������7 Josephine-Louis Library, Walden ����������� 30 Kindred Spirits Arts, Milford ����������������������4 Marya Kennet Dance Center, Goshen ������7 Middletown Concert Chorale ����������������� 23 Monroe Library �������������������������������������� 31 Mt. St. Mary College, Desmond Campus � 32 Museum Village, Monroe ����������������������� 16 Music in Central Valley �������������������������� 13 NACL Theatre, Highland Lake ������������������4 Newburgh Free Library �������������������������� 10 Newburgh Symphonic Chorale ������������������23 Orange County School of Dance, Monroe ��7 Otisville / Mt. Hope Art Exhibit ��������������� 32 Port Jervis Council for the Arts ������������ 4, 7 Potluck Concerts, Cornwall-on-Hudson � 29 Queen of the Hudson, Newburgh ���������� 20 Regina Angelo, Tree Designer ��������������� 10 River Valley Artists Guild ���������������������������7 Robert Milby, Poet ��������������������������������� 12 Rolling River Cafe, Parksville ���������������� 27 Shadowland Theatre ���������������������������������3 Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center ��� 6, 13 Sullivan County Community Chorus ������ 22 Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop ��������4 SUNY Orange �������������������������������������������8 UpFront Exhibition Space, Port Jervis ��� 26 Upper Delaware Writers Collective �����������3 Village of Montgomery ����������������������� 5, 26 Walden Historical Society ���������������������� 13 Wallkill River School, Montgomery �������� 28 Warwick Valley Chorale ������������������������� 22 Wurtsboro Art Alliance ��������������������������� 12

Poetry in Narrowsburg, December 5

The Upper Delaware Writers Collective (UDWC), curated by established poet and teacher Mary Greene, is dedicated to promoting the literary arts in the Upper Delaware region. The UDWC serves as a networking organization to bring writers together, and has been recognized for its ongoing contribution to the community, which includes readings, media events, publications, and sponsorship of poetry contests for area youth. Nancy Dymond (see photo) is a familiar figure to many in the Upper Delaware River valley, with her red hair and ready smile. But how many know that inside this modest, friendly

woman lurks a brilliant poet? Find out for yourself when Nancy reads selections from her debut poetry collection Sleep Barn which consists of 61 poems divided into four parts, each part opening with an evocative short poem, i.e. Weed in the garden/ blooms like a flower/ bright with life/ I cannot pull it, and with subjects ranging from family relationships to the natural world, from comic confessions to the heights and slights of language, at the Delaware Arts Center, 37 Main Street, Narrowsburg, on December 5 at 2:00pm. Admission is free (donations welcome). A reception and book signing will follow. For information: 845-252-7506.

Shorts & Sweets for The Holidays The Fallsburg Library in South Fallsburg will hold their monthly Ladies Night Out on December 3, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm with Big Sky Productions’ Artistic Director, Carol Montana, performing a Shorts and Sweets program. A holiday theme will be on tap with jokes and stories about Christmas and Hanukkah. The event is open to ladies only - 18 and over please - and admission is free. Attendees

are asked to bring a dessert or snack to share. The Fallsburg Library is located at 12 Railroad Plaza in South Fallsburg. For additional information, call Rena at 845-436-6067. CANVAS would like to congratulate Carol on her new position as editor of the Sullivan County Democrat. We wish her well in her new and exciting endeavor!

“Greetings!” from Shadowland Theatre

After years of renovations and truth and the nature of earthly planning, the Shadowland Theatre reality. has reached one of its long-time Billed as “A Magical, Funny goals: producing an annual holiday and Surprising Holiday Treat for show for the region! all Audiences”, it was called “A Tom Dudzick is one of the few wonderful, wacky look at how playwrights who makes a living at cleverly a mixture of Christmas, it. And in some, not all of his plays, Hanukkah, and New Age he concentrates on the humor found philosophy can - in the right hands in religious upbringings. - flick on the electricity...” by the Tom Dudzick His plays include: LA Times. Hail Mary!, an irreverent look at His first New York venture, religious fundamentalism. Greetings! starred Greg Edelman Over the Tavern, a comedy about and the late stage and screen a repressed 1959 Catholic family. veteran, Darren McGavin, Four children are caught between and it is fast becoming a happy the claustrophobic authoritarianism alternative to A Christmas Carol, of the Roman Catholic Church. appearing annually in theatres all Miracle on South Division Street, over the country. the story of the Nowak family, Bernie Sheredy No wonder it has found its way to living amidst Clara, the matriarch, Ellenville, (Thank God!), and also and her twenty-foot shrine to the thanks to Shadowland Theatre’s Blessed Mother which adjoins the Artistic Director Brendan Burke house. who will be directing Dudzik’s fiveDudzick’s Greetings! is about a character comedy for a December young man who brings home his 4-20 presentation, starring Bernie Jewish atheist fiancé to meet his Sheredy, David C. Yashin, Justin very Catholic parents on Christmas Pietropaolo, Sally Minich and Eve. With the inevitable family Molly Densmore. explosion comes an out-of-left- David C. Yashin The Shadowland Theatre is field miracle that propels the family into a located at 157 Canal Street, in Ellenville. wild exploration of love, religion, personal For tickets, call 845-647-5511.

December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Port Jervis Swings with Big Band, Dec. 11

Dan Bradley is a lifelong musician, pianist, accompanist, and entertainer. He received a Bachelor of Music in music composition and Masters in Music Education from the Manhattan School of Music. The organizer and arranger of The Dan Bradley Big Band, big band music has always been a love of Dan’s since he first heard Buddy Rich perform, and listened to the music of Goodman, Miller and Ellington. The Dan Bradley Big Band have The Dan Bradley Big Band is coming to Port Jervis! served swing, jazz and classic rock music to romantic ballads, Broadway pop, Latin, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Polish, Hebrew, and special requests. Connecticut since 1992. They’ve performed You can meet the musicians and see them everywhere - from amusement parks, perform at a reception in the Deerpark backyard BBQ parties, benefits, church Reformed Church, 30 East Main Street basements, and conventions, to castles, in Port Jervis on December 11 at 7:00pm. hotels, inns, dance competitions, street (Snowdate: December 13 at 3:00pm). corners and funerals. Homemade goodies will also be available! The ten member band’s instruments include For tickets, head to Flora Laura, 186 Pike two saxes (double and triple on flute, clarinet Street, Smith Plumbing & Heating, 66 Jersey and various saxes), two trumpets, trombone, Avenue, The Herb Shoppe, 15 Jersey Avenue, piano, guitar, drums, - and vocalists, too. Tri-State Chamber, 5 S Broome Street, or Every band has a specialty and the Dan UpFront Exhibition Space, 31 Jersey Avenue, Bradley Big Band’s specialty is swing. Hot, all in Port Jervis. cool, and classic modern swing from Benny Purchase tickets online by visiting the to Sinatra to Voodoo! Not limited to swing, Port Jervis Council for the Arts website at: the band also performs classic rock from www.portjerviscouncilforthearts.org. the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, disco, dixieland, Students are admitted free!

Milford Sings with Ensemble, Dec. 19

Unlike most chamber music enterprises, the Mirror Visions Ensemble is run by singers rather than instrumentalists, and its programs are shaped with an ear to the poetry of song texts. Mirror Visions Ensemble’s work, presenting concerts for soprano, tenor, baritone and piano, has figured prominently around performing and commissioning musical ‘mirror visions’ - multiple settings of the same text by one or more composers. What began with programs focusing on poets such as Dickinson, Heine, Shakespeare and Verlaine, has since expanded to include the commissioning of over 80 works from 24 composers. Rooted in commissioned works for vocal chamber music ensemble,

founder and artistic director Tobé Malawista, along with the musicians, curates each concert; composers, poets and historical figures are explored not only through their published works, but also through correspondence and other anecdotes. Soprano Vira Slywotzky, tenor Scott Murphree, and baritone Jesse Blumberg will perform Holidays Around The Globe, the music of Berlioz, Poulenc, Sibelius, Copland, and traditional carols for Kindred Spirits Arts at the Milford Theatre, 114 East Catherine Street, Milford, on December 19 at 5:30pm. For tickets, visit www.Eventbrite.com or head to Books & Prints at Pear Alley, 220 Broad Street. Children under 15 admitted free.

Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop (SCDW) is inviting families, neighbors and friends to come see two heartwarming holiday plays: A Charlie Brown Christmas, the lovable holiday tale brought to life by SCDW’s youngest director, Grace Strauss, is a heartwarming rendition of a children’s classic that reminds us all that the spirit of Christmas comes from the heart, not things...

...followed by the Live Radio Play, It’s a Wonderful Life, with several community actors performing the voices of dozens of characters while creating Foley sound effects. The shows run back to back on December 11-13 at the Sullivan County Museum in Hurleyville. Tickets can be purchased for one or both productions. $5 off for every person who brings an unwrapped toy for 2015 Toys for Tots.

Christmas Double Bill for Kids & Families

NACL Stilt Corps Wants YOU!

NACL Theatre, Highland Lake’s professional ensemble of actors, singers, stilt-walkers and musicians under the direction of Tannis Kowalchuk is inviting new performers to join the NACL Stilt Corps. People ages 13+ are invited to attend and participate in the ongoing stilt-walking training practiced by the theatre company weekly. Performance or stiltwalking experience is not required. The NACL Stilt Corps meets every Thursday at 6:30pm at the Delaware Youth Center in Callicoon, to stretch, strengthen and stilt walk. The company is in training for a summer of community parades, performances, and will be featured in NACL’s newest theatrical extravaganza, COURAGE. The NACL Stilt Corps training is free of charge. The training is directed by Kowalchuk 4

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

December 2015

and the lead stilt walkers of the NACL Stilt Corps. New arrivals receive oneon-one training from one of the experienced lead stilt walkers of NACL. Once a participant learns to walk on stilts and is comfortable, they will be invited to join the stilt corps training activities that include: stilt walking drills, the prop work with flags and costumes, creative choreography, and the music/drumming work. Interested individuals should wear sneakers, long pants, exercise tights or sweat pants and be prepared to move and work with others in a fun, challenging, and supportive environment. Call 845-557-0695 for more information. If you are interested to watch, drop-ins are welcome and encouraged. The Delaware Youth Center is located at 8 Creamery Road, Callicoon. Visit www.nacl.org for more information.

Montgomery Holiday on Display by J. A. Di Bello High on the list of notable villages in Orange County is the Village of Montgomery. Like so many others, it’s a river town, and once during its formative period was commonly known as Ward’s Bridge, the name of the well-known village miller. It also served as a major crossroads for the delivery of agriculture and other products to the port at Newburgh or road travelers with sights set on Binghamton. The Newburgh and Cochecton Turnpike (known as NYS Route 17K) intersected with the Minisink and Montgomery Turnpike (known as NYS Route 211) in Montgomery. This historic location is now marked by the dubious distinction of the village’s sole traffic light. With travelers, sightseers and visitors in abundance, the village’s hotels and eateries flourished. To this day the restaurants of Montgomery are widely known for their flair, noted chefs and friendly atmospheres. Verbal foodies have declared: “Montgomery, New York - The Culinary Capital of Orange County!” In addition to the notations above, the residents of this historic village celebrate the holidays in grand style, with a dedicated, traditional “Old Fashioned Weekend,” (December 12 & 13). It is designed to celebrate the joys of a special season. On December 12, beginning at 12 noon,

the village will begin its activities with a band concert presented by the award winning Maybrook Boy Scout Band, Troop 236 and directed by its photogenic, charismatic leader James Barnett. Following the concert at 1:00pm the forever willing-and-able Montgomery Fire Department will insure that Santa arrives at the Village Hall, where he will be available for yearnin’s and admissions until 3:00pm. During that period reliable sources confirm that Mrs. Claus will conduct the cherished Mrs. Claus Story Time in the Village Court Room. In the afternoon the annual tree-lighting ceremony will take place on the front lawn of the Academy Building. On December 13 at 11:20am, the USMC Toys for Tots’ campaign will pull into Railroad Avenue where unwrapped toys will be accepted for future distribution to needy children. And then: The Historic Montgomery Association will continue its 25-year tradition with a tour of historic homes and buildings in the village, all decorated for the holidays. Joan Buck Smith recently commented, “They offer a unique look at America’s past since most have been in continuous use for more than 175 years without significant change. The emphasis has been on preservation of the most desirable features of our architectural heritage without sacrificing the practical necessities of modern life. These are not museum pieces; rather

The Orange County Firefighters Museum

they are living examples of early architecture serving the needs of their current occupants as faithfully as they did in earlier times.” Additionally and according to Ms. Smith, the village’s “quaint shops and antique shops will be open” noting further that “Village Historian Marion Mohr Wild researches all the histories for our brochure.” On the day of the tour, there will be a scrumptious brunch served at the historic Ward’s Bridge Inn. Beginning at 11:00am, it will continue through 1:00pm. This year’s tour will include: The Montgomery Museum on Clinton Street, the Orange County Firefighters Museum on Clinton Street, the Noorlander Residence on Union Street, the Phillips Residence on Union Street, the Frumes “Borland House B&B” on Clinton Street, the Pavelski “Montgomery House” Residence on Union Street, the “Montessori School” owned by Parinaz

The Gersch residence, only a few steps from the Firefighter’s Museum, is also an art gallery. Stop by and see the artwork of Karen E. Gersch, Gabrielle Dearborn & silversmith, Josiah Dearborn

Makhtari on Clinton Street, the John Crabtree House known as “Hillside Gardens” (Robert Williams) on Factory Street, the Gersch Residence on Clinton Street, and the AdamisSampson Residence on Clinton Street, all in the Village of Montgomery. Tickets are available at Montgomery Village Hall or at the Montgomery Museum, or by mail: Joan Buck Smith, 364 Goodwill Road, Montgomery, NY 12549. Tickets in advance are $15 for tour or $35 for brunch and tour. The Town bus will take people to farther points. On the day of the tour, tickets will be available on December 13 starting at 12 noon at the Montgomery Museum on Clinton Street for $18. Questions? Call Joan Buck Smith at 845-457-3457.

December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


It’s A Wonderful Life...in Sugar Loaf

Glen Macken Catherine Capolupo Craig Browne

See all of your favorite Bedford Falls characters while you experience an authentic 1947style radio broadcast complete with live sound effects, music and a story that has been a holiday movie favorite for decades! WHAT?!? You don’t know about Bedford Falls? Yes, you do. It’s where you loved to hate Mr. Potter, the villain. Where you met Uncle Billy, the inept relative you loved to forgive; high school sweethearts George Bailey and Mary Hatch; Ma Bailey, as American as apple pie; Violet, the wayward girl with the heart of gold; Mr. Gower, the pharmacist who deafened George Bailey’s ear; Pa Bailey & big brother Harry Bailey; Cousin Tilly & “best friend” Sam Wainwright; and Bert & Ernie (the humans, not the muppets). And re-meet Clarence, George Bailey’s remarkable angel, when you see six actors portray all of the above in It’s A Wonderful Life and take you back to Bedford Falls for a Live Radio Play where YOU can be part of the audience

Andrew Hankins Amanda Baumler

Matt Michael

during a LIVE BROADCAST of this beloved holiday classic. A “Foley Artist” will be at the Foley Table and perform the dozens of fascinating, live sound effects as they were used in the days of live radio broadcasts! Presented by the professional resident company at Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center (SLPAC), opening night (December 11) will feature the live broadcast on Q92, 102.3 WSUS and streaming on iHeartradio, where the audience will be part of the broadcast, benefitting both Catholic Charities and SLPAC, and will include a special after show reception with the cast. The evening hosts are Joe Daily from Q92 Wake up with Joe & Michelle and Steve Andrews from the WSUS Morning Show. You will love hearing the movie come to life on SLPAC’s magnificent Main Stage, December 11-13, directed by Ed Romanoff. Tickets are on sale now at the SLPAC box office: 845-610-5900 or by visiting SLPAC at www.sugarloafpac.org/events

Give The Gift of Pottery! “I have been a busy bee creating new work and firing the kiln,” says East Ridge Pottery’s Sharon Galbraith. “I’m very excited about my new glaze combinations!” Sharon’s 4th annual Holiday Open Studio Sale takes place December 5 & 6 from 10:30am-5:30pm at her studio: 16 East Ridge Road in Warwick. Stop by to see her new work and pick up a gorgeous, colorful piece of pottery for that special person on your holiday gift list!

Visit www.eastridgepottery.com

Wildlife Paintings in Lords Valley, PA Popular wildlife paintings add from birds to bears. a special touch to the walls at the Guy’s greatest inspiration and Gallery at Chant Realtors, 631 motivation come from spending Route 739 in Lords Valley, PA. time outdoors. He tries to convey Award winning artist Guy the beauty he discovers from the D’Alessandro, known for his creatures he sees and admires beautiful renderings of animal through his paintings. He believes and plant life on canvas, is the in preserving wild places for featured artist through December future generations, and donates to 28. the defenders of wildlife and other Working in oils, color and light wildlife protection organizations. play an important role in all of His work has been shown Guy’s art. He tries to show nature in New York, New Jersey, as he sees it or how he pictures Work by G. D’Alessandro Pennsylvania and Vermont. it would be in the wild, with subjects ranging For more information, call 570-775-7337. 6

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

December 2015

Art in Port Jervis: “Winter Solstice”

The Winter Solstice is the darkest day of the year when the Sun reaches its most southern point in the sky. After this date, the days start getting “longer,” and the amount of daylight begins “Winter Light” oil by Susan Miiller to increase. Orange Arts Grants in 2009 and 2014 for Art and About, sponsored by the Port Jervis Deerest Deerpark, an invitational show of the Council for the Arts, will present exhibit, area’s finest artists and their decorations of Winter Solstice from December 14-February fiberglass deer. Susan has been teaching faculty 8. The exhibit has a very diverse and wide-open at SUNY since 1999. Her work is included in theme and includes paintings and pastels by many important public and private collections. River Valley Artists Guild (RVAG) members. Winter Solstice can be seen at Bon Secours The works celebrate the visual beauty of winter Hospital, the Mayor’s Office & Council and those cold wintry days when snow fills Chambers in City Hall, and at the Deerpark the air and icicles glisten in the sun. Celebrate Town Hall. Winter! It brings holidays, Christmas parties, E-mail susanmiiller@yahoo.com or visit family, ice skates and sleds! www.PortJervisCouncilForTheArts.org for RVAG member Susan Miiller received more information.

Amity Arts Pottery Invites YOU!

Judy Duboff and the artisans of Amity Arts Pottery invite you to attend the two day Amity Arts Pottery Holiday Exhibit on December 4 and 5. Whether you are looking for something purely aesthetic or a beautiful but more practical gift, you will be able to find that special “something” for your special someone from a bounty of items made by local artists. On December 4, the studio will host a Meet the Artists reception for a relaxed evening

of refreshments, art and shopping from 7:00pm9:00pm. The exhibit continues on December 5, from at 10:00am-4:00pm. From a selection of beautiful jewelry items, statues and figurines, platters, vessels, bowls and mugs, covered jars and casseroles, platters and even a little something for your tree, there is something for every budget! The Amity Arts Pottery is located at 1711 Route 17A in Florida. Call 845-651-1170.

Here...There...Nutcrackers Everywhere!

The Nuttiest Nutcracker - Walden Hudson Valley Conservatory’s The Nutcracker, “cracked up and nuttier than the traditional tale”, is a whimsical world of winter-white school kids, popcorn angels, candycane acrobats, and many more hilarious big top characters, co-choreographed by Dee Wright who has brilliantly combined various dance styles into one cohesive and humorous ballet. Dee’s sister, Keely Wright (see photo), a fine dramatic actress, is great fun when she performs villains and “heavies”. See Dee’s hilarious version of the holiday classic. The Nutcracker runs from December 17-20 at the New Rose Theatre, 35 East Main Street in Walden (Snow day: December 21). For tickets, call 845-778-2478. Kennett at the Paramount - Middletown Our friends at the Paramount Theatre, 17 South Street, Middletown, are hosting Goshen’s Marya Kennett Dance Centre’s version on December 19, at 1:00pm & 6:00pm.

New Jersey Ballet Guests - Middletown

American Youth Ballet of Salisbury Mills always invites Principle Dancers from the New Jersey Ballet Company as guests to bring their professional expertise to the classic ballet they perform with the students. They are at Middletown High School, 24 Gardner Avenue, Ext. on December 4 at 7:00pm. For information, call 973-444-4865. Orange County School of Dance - Monroe Orange County School of Dance will present their Nutcracker at 22 Lake Street in Monroe, from December 11-13. Tickets are only available by advance sale: 845-782-2482. December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Community Building Through the Arts AND... with Sus a n H a ndle r

Students’ Visual Response to Human Rights After the horrors of World War II, millions of people were dead, homeless, and starving. Cities throughout Europe and Asia were in ruins. In April of 1945 delegates from fifty countries met in San Francisco with the hope of preventing future wars. The Charter preamble they wrote began with “We the peoples of the United Nations are determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war...” Three years later in Paris the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all the regions of the world. December 10, 1948: the General Assembly of the United Nationals adopted General Assembly Resolution 217A, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.The Declaration was the first international recognition that all human beings have fundamental rights and freedoms. 2015 is the 67th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Human Rights. The work for implementing Resolution 217A continues one event at a time. This December will be the fifth year that the Orange County Human Rights Commission (OCHRC) in collaboration


Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

Minisink High senior Chris Coram. Chris chose Article 5: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

with SUNY Orange County Community College and the Orange County Arts Council (OCAC), will provide a platform for 11th and 12th grade county high school students to express their interpretation of the Universal Declaration through their literary and visual artwork. SUNY Orange campuses in Middletown and Newburgh will host An Artist’s Response to Human Rights on both campuses. OCHRC Chair Fred Cook described this year’s art as “astonishing.” Guest speakers at the opening receptions will be Mr. Cook, OCAC Executive Director Dawn Ansbro, and Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus. Presenters at the SUNY Orange Middletown campus will be President Dr. Kristine Young and at the Newburgh campus Senior Associate Vice

December 2015

President Dr. Peter Soscia. Pianist Emily Landsman, a student from Valley Central High School, will perform in Middletown and Washingtonville High pianist Emmanuel senior Billie Rose with art Johnson, a student teacher Lara Held. Billie from Newburgh chose Article 3: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty Free Academy, and security of person.” will perform in Newburgh. The public is invited to see the artwork and meet the artists as well as listen to music provided by high school musicians. The SUNY Orange Middletown campus’ opening reception takes place on December 6, at 6:00pm in Orange Hall Gallery. The Newburgh campus’ opening reception on is on December 10 at 6:00pm in the Kaplan Hall Mindy Ross Gallery. The exhibit runs from December 2-16. Mindy Ross Gallery is located in Kaplan Hall at the corner of Grand and First Streets, Newburgh. Orange Hall is located at the corner of Wawayanda and Grandview Avenues, Middletown. For questions, email cultural@sunyorange. edu or call 845-341-4891.

Staying Creative Even If You Work A 9-5 The world would have you believe that there’s a polarity between creative people and business people. However, some people have managed to find a yin and yang between working in the business world and making art for the joy it brings them. Recently I interviewed Goshen business community members whom the community knows in a certain light, but the Goshen Art Walk has encouraged them to reveal themselves as artists. William O’Keeffe is a founding member

“Sidewalk Prayer” by W. O’Keeffe

and partner of the Goshen law firm of O’Keeffe & McCann LLP. His daytime work focuses on real estate transactions in the Hudson Valley. William is a practicing photographer. He has had an interest in photography since childhood, but has become increasingly serious about developing his technical skills and artistic expression through images. His tendency is to be attracted to “perfectly imperfect” subjects,

...Building the arts Through community with Sus a n H a ndle r

from a faded flower or leaf, to a world worn building, or human face. “It is my hope that photography is a means for me to slow down and take notice of the world around me, and at it’s best, can be an almost spiritual exercise in presence for me,” said William. The character and story behind the well-travelled subject is what William hopes to convey, rather than posed artificial perfection. Examples of O’Keeffe’s work can be seen at his office gallery at 25 Main Street, Goshen. Keith Roddey, the father of the Mayor of Goshen, is a small business owner of Small Bytes IT Support and works fulltime for HealthQuest in IT managing the PC Tech groups. Keith is a classical guitarist. While in the field of IT, he has always considered himself an artist. “Music is part of who I am, what I need to do in life, an outlet, a passion. Whether it’s fleshing out my own musical idea or playing music others have written, I have always had a need to play music.” He describes performing at the Goshen Art Walk as a soundtrack to the visual art. Be sure to visit Youtube to hear Keith’s music.

All her offices do double duty as galleries where she exhibits her own photography as well as the work of other local artists.

“Girlfriends at the Market, Egypt” by J. Lonergan

Joan Lonergan is the principal broker and owner of Coldwall Banker Village Green Realty with offices in New Paltz, Kingston, Stone Ridge, Woodstock and Windham, and over 100 agents and support staff. Lonergan is a potter, photographer, and patron of the arts. As an Ulster County native, she returned home to Woodstock in 1986 after studying art and having a successful career in graphic design in NYC. She was still doing free-lance graphic design work but once her family was permanently settled she wanted a career that was more grounded in the area. “My graphic design and photography skills seemed to lend themselves well to Real Estate. So, I got my Real Estate license and the rest is history. It’s amazing what doing your best can accomplish.”

A sketchbook entry by Robert Hoover

Robert Hoover is an art teacher at Goshen Intermediate School for grades 3-5 and the owner of Cosmic Sun Art Studio. He works primarily in oils. For Robert, art has never been a mere hobby. “The art making process for me is my meditation, therapy, and reason for being alive. Thinking, creating, painting, and teaching have been a way of life for over 20 years. Teaching children about the masters and the art making process keeps the art spark alive in me and around me on a daily basis. Art is the reason I get up in the morning, and usually the

last thing I think about before turning in for the night. The amount of output waxes and wanes, but one never stops thinking or looking with artists eyes.” Robert’s passion for art is infused in his students. He encourages them to create art that expresses their emotions, gives them a voice, and records and interprets the beauty in their surroundings. This year his students’ works will be included in the Goshen Art Walk. “I believe that looking at children’s art can be as rewarding as viewing art in a museum. We can learn and be inspired by artists of every age!” Balancing a full-time desk job with a life of creativity is hard and unpredictable. This balance is a work in progress that constantly requires trouble shooting and experimenting. As you have read, it is possible to work a 9-5 and participate in your artistic passion! Be sure to attend the Goshen Art Walk on December 4 from 5:00pm-8:00pm. Editor’s note: And try to stop by the Goshen Barber Shop for another example of someone who balances a job with creativity, to view the works of a gifted and promising young barber, Victor Pasaran. Visit www.goshenartwalk.weebly.com for additional information.


December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Awe-Inspiring Ornaments Adorn Newburgh Christmas Trees by Naomi Kennedy

and cuts the patterns for as much as 200 ornaments, all painted with acrylic. For the 82 old Regina DeAngelo, a vital figure in most part, her work is created from her own our community, is still going strong at the imagination. Red bows and white lights Newburgh Free Library. adorn the trees with spectacular Since the age of 18, she has themes. One year she looked worked a total of 62 years at 64 trees in Orange County with just one short break. She before selecting one! It took retired at 53 years old and 3 months to find the best continues to work part-time. tree! All of this is voluntarily For all these years, she has also done. When asked why she voluntarily decorated not only does this, she simply replied: Christmas trees for the library “I look forward to a variety and City Hall in Newburgh, of projects. It makes me feel but also generously dedicated good.” her time and talents in other Throughout the year Regina venues as well. comes up with ideas in In 1951 in her senior year preparation for these events. of high school, Regina’s art But this is not just about teacher asked if she would like decorating trees. 17 years to work at the library. They ago she and her friend Holly needed someone to help with Johnston and several other the art work. It was then that people, hoped to “save Liberty she also started shelving books Regina (right) with friend Street” in Newburgh by Joan at the Library. and working as a clerk in their planting 24 cherry trees. They circulation department. now all bloom magnificently! In May of this Regina started working in City Hall in year, she planted begonias in front of City 1972 and remained on the City Council until Hall, which are still thriving. She also paints 1980. She faithfully decorated the Christmas all the decorations for the bulletin boards at trees for Broadway in Newburgh since the the library for holidays and various events. early 80’s. If you would like to see some awe-inspiring Every year, this inspirational lady sketches handmade ornaments this Christmas, visit the


Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

December 2015

Newburgh Free Library and see the 12’ foot tree decorated by the very generous and creative Regina DeAngelo. The tree will be adorned with ornaments representing children from around the world who are donned in costumes native Regina at work! to their country. Regina’s theme, Children of the World, was derived from a banner she received at the library which depicted children holding hands in a circle, and partially from her own imagination. For City Hall this year, she will decorate a silver and white ornament adorned 10’ foot tree. Regina is also the co-owner, - along with Holly - of Landmark Collectibles, at 87 Liberty Street in Newburgh, where one can browse antiques, collectibles, and reproductions of paintings, along with Newburgh memorabilia. With appreciation, we thank you Regina!

Poetry at the Library

Barbara Adams has published three books of poetry, Hapax Legomena, The Ordinary Living and Distances. In 2007, she won the Robert Frost Foundation Award. This month, for the Newburgh Free Library’s monthly Hudson River Poets meeting, she is conducting a workshop on the sonnet as a form in English and American poetry. “I won’t be reading my own poetry, except for two sonnets I’ve written and will distribute as an example of how varied the subjects can be. This is a “class” about what a sonnet is, how it works, its themes, etc,” she explains. Mona Toscano leads the group and invited Adams to do the sonnet workshop on December 3 at 7:00pm. “On December 10 at 7:00pm I will be back at the Library reading from my newest book, Distances, and maybe a few earlier poems,” declared Adams, whose prose writings have also been published. The Library is at 124 Grand Street. Registration is suggested but not required. Call 845-563-3600 for more information.

Celebrate New Year’s Eve with Decora

Decora, the Hudson tribute to his mentor, the late folk Valley’s rising hip hop artist legend Pete Seeger, Decora was and community organizer tapped by Clearwater (Hudson and his creative company River Sloop Clearwater, Inc.) raise their own bar once more in August 2015 to represent with RESOLUTION, a New Seeger’s vision at the launch Year’s Eve performance and of Clearwater Columbia, multimedia celebration of the Portland OR, an organization arts. modelling itself on the The unique nature of Decora’s Hudson River’s successful spectacular performances environmental champion. The Decora and events are interactive and launch presented Decora and immersive, and employ his his quintet the opportunity of consciously progressive content a successful mini-tour of the and, most importantly, reflect all Pacific Northwest, to spread the the arts. WORDS and music! This innovative performer Back in Newburgh, Decora is participating in that and Neil are once again fusing relatively small percentage of their arts for a New Year’s Eve contemporary spoken word party, and they will be joined by Neil Alexander artists resting their words upon DJ H2O and the Funk Junkies. original, “sample-free” music. His is an Decora, owner of Space Create on interdisciplinary vision uniting the positive Broadway, has rented a new venue: Old ethos of folk, hip hop, jazz fusion and R&B. Factory Building, 99 Washington Street - a With some of the most forward-thinking 6,000 sq.ft. set-up for private events. Decora musicians in the Hudson Valley, notably his had his first event there this past June. Music Director, the multi-genre pianist and CANVAS readers save $15 off the regular synth-master Neil Alexander, Decora has $75 admission by using the special promotion ignited interest in a sound both original, yet code in the ad below when reserving online. evocative of the music that resides in our Deluxe VIP chauffeur service within 20 genetic memory. miles of Newburgh is also offered. After the release of his single Flowers, a Visit www.iamdecora.com for info.

Breur Joins Baker

Sculpture by Robert G. Breur

Garin Baker’s Carriage House Arts Studio is an 1890 joined pair of barns originally used as carriage and horse spaces. “It is quite a monument of architecture and interior design, the way he (Baker) rebuilt it into his studios,” said sculptor Robert G. Breur. “He is dedicating the front building into The Studio Gallery as a retail business for high end original art.” Baker, a former member of the Orange County Arts Council’s Board of Directors, is well known for designing the Trestle, Inc. murals on Front Street in Newburgh, in addition to his art works and his other Public Art Murals in Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and Washington, DC. With a strong focus on working from life, his works include large New York cityscapes filled with bustling people, to spacious rural landscapes reminiscent of the Hudson River School of Painting. To his credits are

Art by Garin Baker

numerous gallery exhibitions and National Awards. Breur’s work is both intricate in detail and graceful in pose, each with a singular all inclusive message portrayed from head to foot. Not only must his work be viewed from all sides, but often must be touched to be fully appreciated, and he encourages his viewers to do so. Baker and Breur - who just was honored with the Orange County Art Council’s 2015 Salute to Veterans Award - are having an opening reception on December 5 from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the new Studio Gallery, 478 Union Avenue, New Windsor. For additional information: contact gb@carriageart.com or 845-863-4352, or rgbreur@mac.com or 845-800-8513. See page 32 for more on Breur.

December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Wurtsboro Art Alliance Celebrates Holidays Mimi Werner: “I recently properties that can result into came across Einstein’s quote, an infinite number of outcomes. ‘Look deeply into nature and Through its plasticity, it allows you will understand everything the artist to use the tactile and better...’ and nothing makes me visual senses to manipulate, look more deeply into nature than shape, and release the energy and trying to paint it! So, I decided form that is inside it.” to give it a go! What inspired Steve Duffy: “Almost every me were its glorious colors and morning I walk along the D&H, “Lily” by Mimi Warner an interest in understanding its following the changing seasons amazing complexity.” and being inspired. This painting is Tony Piscitello: “Maestro is the of tall grass in the canal with a patch portrait sculpture of my teacher, of Lily pads in the background.” Barney Hodes, at the Art Students The Wurtsboro Art Alliance League where I have studied for (WAA) will celebrate the season the past four years. He has opened with its annual Holiday Show, my eyes in seeing aspects such as December 5-20. All are invited to movement, energy, emotions, and an Open House on December 5, feelings. With Maestro, I strive to from Noon-4:00pm at the WAA capture what makes Barney a good Gallery, 73 Sullivan Street. teacher: wisdom, patience, and “Maestro” by Tony Piscitello Aside from seeing Mimi, Tony, congeniality. and Steve’s work, the “Currently my aesthetic exhibit highlights other preference is realism. I aim members’ work in oil, to capture and reveal the acrylic, watercolor and energy that emanates from mixed media, drawings, what is the essence of the photographs, sculptures, subject - what’s below the ceramics, jewelry, art cards skin. I believe that clay, my and more. “D&H Canal #1” by Steve Duffy preferred sculpting medium, possesses versatile Email info@waagallery.org for information.

M e e t O u r A dv er t is ers ! Congratulations Flowers by Lynn!

Flowers by Lynn is welcomed Flowers by a florist and gift shop Lynn with an official owned by Lynn Manto. ribbon cutting ceremony. The shop boasts a large This new Ellenville shop, inventory of fresh located at 65 Canal Street, flowers, tropicals, plants, is Lynn’s second shop European dish gardens, along with her original contemporary, traditional store at 77 Sullivan Street Flowers by Lynn ribbon cutting and silk arragngements, in Wurtsboro. floral designs for weddings and memorials/ A delicious lunch spread was available to funerals, gourmet, fruit and gift baskets, any and all who ventured in. The chamber greeting cards, and candles. The holidays looks forward to Flowers by Lynn serving are here! Check out either one of Lynn’s and participating in Ellenville’s community locations. See her ad below for more info! for many years to come! On November 6, 2015 the EllenvilleCANVAS wishes Lynn all the best with Wawarsing Chamber of Commerce, Inc. her new location. Congrats, Lynn!

“Victorian House: Ghosts & Gothic Poems”

Robert Milby has been a featured poet at nearly 400 readings since 1996. “And open mics?,” he said, “well, over 1000 since early 1995.” Robert will be the featured poet at the area’s newest poetry reading venue, Bear and Cubs Bagel Den, 171 Sullivan Street, Wurtsboro, on December 13 at 6:00pm. Series curator is Bonnie Law.



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December 2015

Robert Milby by Glen River

Walter Worden is the evening’s guest host. Robert will be reading from and signing copies of his new book Victorian House: Ghosts and Gothic Poems (Lion Autumn Music Publishing, October, 2015), a collection of poems and prose poems exploring haunted sites in the Hudson Valley, old NYC and points south.

Music in Central Valley

Music in Central Valley (MICV) opens its series with violinist John Guarino and pianist Amy Lee, in a program of works by Vitali, Viotti, Franck, and Kreisler. John Guarino has appeared as soloist with the Brookline John Guarino Symphony, the New Philharmonia Orchestra, and the Rockland Symphony. As an orchestral musician he has toured Japan and Mexico. John made his New York City debut at Steinway Hall under the sponsorship of the Jascha Heifetz Society. Pianist Amy Lee hails from the New England area. She has performed as collaborative

pianist throughout the East Coast and abroad, in North Carolina, Great Britain and Hong Kong. A dedicated educator, Amy is on the music faculty of the Indian Hill Music School in Amy Lee Littleton, Massachusetts. They will perform for MICV on December 13 at 3:00pm at the Central Valley United Methodist Church, 12 Smith Clove Road in Central Valley. Admission is free with a suggested donation at the door. The church is handicapped accessible. For further information contact the church office at 845-928-6570.

On December 6, the Historical Society of Walden and the Wallkill Valley will host its annual Christmas Tea from 1:00pm4:00pm at the Jacob T. Walden 1760 home, (see photo) 34 North Montgomery Street in Walden. Guests will be treated to traditional cookies and sweet treats made by members. Enjoy also the Victorian greenery and decorations along

with art work of noted local artist and Walden’s own Ruth O’Reilly. Should the weather turn “frightful,” keep the spirts warm, with entertainment provided by singer/ songwriter Kevin Cronin from 2:00pm-3:00pm while savoring steaming tea or hot coffee by the fireplace. Visit http://www.thewaldenhouse.org/

Over the River and Through the Woods

Todd Rundgren Comes to Sugar Loaf!

Born and raised in Philadelphia, Todd Rundgren began playing guitar as a teenager, going on to found and front The Nazz, the quintessential 60’s cult group. In 1969, he left the band to pursue a solo career with his debut offering Runt. But it was 1972’s seminal Something / Anything? on which he produced, played all the instruments and sang all the vocal parts that catapulted Todd into the limelight and was dubbed “Rock’s New Wunderkind” by the press. In 1974, Todd formed Utopia, a new approach to interactive musicianship which combined technical virtuosity and creative passion to create music that, for millions, defined the term “progressive rock.” His latest studio album, GLOBAL, was released in April 2015, and he continues to tour with Ringo Starr as a member of the All-Starr Band, and to perform with symphony orchestras both domestically and internationally. Rundgren’s myriad production projects include albums by Patti Smith, Cheap Trick, Psychedelic Furs, Meatloaf, XTC and Hall

And Oates. He has also composed the music for a number of television series, including Pee Wee’s Playhouse and Crime Story. Rounding out his reputation as rock’s Renaissance Man, Rundgren composed all the music and lyrics for Joe Papp’s 1989 Off-Broadway production of Joe Orton’s Up Against It (the screenplay commissioned by The Beatles to be their third motion picture). In 1998 Todd debuted his new PatroNet technology which for the first time allowed fans of a musical artists to subscribe directly to the artist’s musical output via the internet. The Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center (SLPAC) is welcoming multi-talented songwriter, video pioneer, producer, recording artist, software developer, conceptualist, and interactive artist Todd Rundgren on December 20 at 7:30pm for a night celebrating his lasting impact on both the form and content of popular music. For tickets, call the SLPAC box office at 845-610-5900, all Ticketmaster locations, www.Ticketmaster.com or charge by phone at 800-745-3000.


December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Music - pop, Folk, Country, Blues, rock

sponsored by Al’s Music Center, Port Jervis & Steve’s Music Center, Rock Hill CANVAS cannot be responsible for errors & omissions. Please verify dates and times

Thunderhead Organ Trio jazz-fusion �������� The Wherehouse, Newburgh, 3rd Thursdays, 8pm FREE Music for Humanity ���������������������������������Noble Coffee Roasters, Campbell Hall, 3rd Saturdays, 8pm Dojo Dance Company’s tango & salsa Lessons@6:30pm & Dance@8:30pm ��������The Falcon, Dec 1 Slam Allen’s Holiday Soul-a-bration! soul, blues ������������������������ The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 4, 7pm Edgar Winter and his Band ��������������������������������������������������������������������Sugar Loaf PAC, Dec 4, 8pm Peter Asher & Albert Lee classic Brit pop/rock ���������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 7, 7pm Dan Bradley Big Band swing, pop, jazz, rock, Port Jervis Council for the Arts ��������������������������������� Deerpark Reformed Church, Port Jervis, Dec 11, 7pm Jim Weider’s PRoJECT PERCoLATOR roots, rock ���������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 11, 7pm Soñando Latin dance ��������������������������������������������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 12, 7pm SUNY Orange Symphonic Band pop, films, etc. ��� Paramount Theatre, Middletown, Dec 12, 7:30pm Alexis P. Suter & The Ministers of Sound gospel/rock ���� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 13, 10am-2pm Steve Guyger blues harmonica ����������������������������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 13, 7pm Corey Glover rock, soul ���������������������������������������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 14, 7pm Dojo Dance Company’s tango & salsa Lessons@6:30pm & Dance@8:30pm ������The Falcon, Dec 15 Christmas@TheFalcon soul, rock, performance art, etc. ���������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 18, 7pm Ed Palermo Big Band “British Invasion Christmas” ������������������ The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 19, 7pm The Bill Sims Jr. Trio blues ������������������������������������������������ The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 20, 10am-2pm Todd Rundgren ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������Sugar Loaf PAC, Dec 20, 7:30pm Corey Glover rock, soul �����������������������������������������������The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 21, & Dec 28, 7pm Blues Farm w/Rob Paporozzi, Pete Levin, John Tropea, Lee Finkelstein. �� Falcon, Dec 27, 10am-2pm The Big Takeover new reggae ������������������������������������������������������ The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 31, 8pm Lucky Peterson blues, rock �������������������������������������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Jan 1, 7pm

Open Mic & in-house music

Some listings below are not included in our centerspread calendar.

Open Mic w/Steve Schwartz & Antoine Magliano ������� Dutch’s Tavern, Rock Hill, Mondays, 7:30pm Musicians Gathering open mic ������������������������������������� Catskill Distillery, Bethel, Thursdays, 7:30pm The Parting Glass Band Celtic ���������������������Loughran’s Pub, Salisbury Mills, Thursdays, 7pm-10pm Jake Lentz piano & Marilyn Kennedy vocals ���������Giovanni’s Inn, Wurtsboro, Fridays&Saturdays, 6pm-9pm

Marc Von Em Soul, blues, funk ��������������������������WaterWheel Cafe, Milford, last Fridays, 8pm-11pm Dose Acoustic Sundays �����������������������������������Cafe Devine, Callicoon, 1st & 2nd Sundays, Noon-2pm Doug Rogers ���������������������������������������������������Cafe Devine, Callicoon, 3rd & 4th Sundays, Noon-2pm Songwriter’s Anonymous ������������������������������������������������Artists Market, Shohola, First Sundays, 2pm Open mic w/Jack Higgins ���������������������������������� Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Dec 3, 7pm-11pm Evan Teatum & Friends �������������������������� Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Dec 4, 7:30pm-10:30pm Brian Tice Duo ����������������������������������������� Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Dec 5. 7:30pm-10:30pm David Walton Band �������������������������������������The Callicoon Brewery, Callicoon, Dec 5, 8pm-11:30pm Peter Florance & Ted �������������������������������������������������������Dancing Cat Saloon, Bethel, Dec 5, 8:30pm Rob Schiff ����������������������������������������������� Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Dec 11, 7:30pm-10:30pm An Albi Beluli Friday Night ������������������������������������������������Dancing Cat Saloon, Bethel, Dec 11, 8pm Hurley Mountain Highway �������������������� Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Dec12, 7:30-pm10:30pm Somerville Brothers Band Does Christmas ������������������Dancing Cat Saloon, Bethel, Dec 12, 8:30pm Dan Brother ���������������������������������������������� Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Dec 13, 2:30pm-5:30pm Steve Schwartz & Jason Rosen �������������������������������������� Albella Restaurant, Monticello, Dec 16, 7pm Jack Higgins & friends �������������������������� Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Dec 18, 7:30pm-10:30pm Big Time Tomato ������������������������������������ Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Dec 19,7:30pm-10:30pm Molly Durnin & Friends Annual Winter Trip to the Cat Dancing Cat Saloon, Bethel, Dec 19, 8pm Leo B. ������������������������������������������������������ Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Dec 20, 2:30pm-5:30pm TBA ����������������������������������������������������������� Palaia vineyards, Highland Mils, Dec 26, 7:30pm-10:30pm Albi Beluli �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Dancing Cat Saloon, Bethel, Dec 26, 8pm Ed Packer �������������������������������������������������� Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Dec 27, 2:30pm-5:30pm

Dancing Cat

Somerville Brothers Band

songwriters on Music Row and perform with their band at a variety of shows and venues. Celebrate Christmas and see the Somerville Brothers Band perform when they head over to the Dancing Cat Saloon for a holiday party on December 12 at 8:30pm. Robert Kopec Holiday Jazz Trio

The music of Somerville Brothers Band combines contemporary country music with rock and roots, spanning a spectrum of influence from Vince Gill and Restless Heart to the Eagles and Jackson Browne. Ken and Barry Somerville are both signed to RPM Music Group, one of Nashville’s top publishing companies. With several albums out to date, they continue to collaborate with hit 14

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

LectureS -DEmos

sponsored by SUNY Orange & Mount St. Mary College’s Desmond Campus GWL ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Greenwood Lake Library HHNM �����������������������������������Hudson Highlands Nature Museum, Outdoor Discovery Center, Cornwall MSM-DC ������������������������������������������������������ Mount St. Mary College, Desmond Campus, Newburgh PEEC �������������������������������������������������������������Pocono Environmental Education Center, Dingmans Ferry SUNYO-GL ��������������������������������������������������� SUNY Orange, Gilman Center Library, Middletown Campus SUNYO-KH �����������������������������������������������������������������������SUNY Orange, Kaplan Hall, Newburgh Campus SUNYO-OH ��������������������������������������������������������������������SUNY Orange, Orange Hall, Middletown Campus SUNYO-RCSE �����������SUNY Orange, Rowley Center for Science & Engineering, Middletown Campus All Lectures are free - except those for MSM-DC unless otherwise noted

“U.S. Postage Stamp Collecting 101” R. Calotta �������������������������������������������� MSM-DC Dec 1, 10am “Wines of the World: Holiday Wines” JoAnn Gaglia Josephine-Louise Lib.,Walden,Dec 3, 6:30pm “Sonnets” Barbara Adams ���������������������������������������������������������Newburgh Library, Dec 3, 7pm FREE “Capturing Our Past: Visiting Washington’s Headquarters in the Mid-Late 19th Century” �������� MSM-DC Dec 4, 11am “Avoid Cabin Fever!” Claudia Jacobs �������������������������������������������������������������� MSM-DC Dec 4, 1pm Winter Ecology Hike �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������PEEC Dec 6, 10am “Adventures in Publishing: How to Independently Publish Your Own Book” �������������������������������� Marianne Sciucco MSM-DC Dec 7, 10am “Healthy Eating on a Budget” Erika Dahl ����������������������������������������Liberty Library, Dec 7, 10:30am Safe Harbors of the Hudson TOUR ���������������������Safe Harbors/Ritz Theater, Newburgh, Dec 8, 9am “The Holidays and Your Health” Richard Huntoon ��������������������������� MSM-DC Dec 9, 1pm FREE Film: “To Live” & Lecture: Social Class, Gender and Vitality in China 1946-1976 ����������������������� Cornwall Library, Dec 9, 5:30pm “All Are Psychic” Bill Wiand ������������������������������������������������������������������������� MSM-DC Dec 11, 10am “The Kitchen Herbalist-Your Home Apothecary” Lorraine Hughes ��MSM-DC Dec 19, 9am-1pm DEMO Cynthia Harris-Pagano & Exhibiting Artists paintings, pastels, etc. ����������������������������������� Otisville-Mt. Hope Presbyterian Church, Dec 5, 10am-3pm DEMO Artist Salon w/Canace (Billi Robson)& Janet Baskerville � Pine Bush Library, Dec. 11, 7pm DEMO Glass Blowing ��������������������������������������������Gillinder Glass, Port Jervis, Dec 12, 10am-2:30pm

Clubs Bridge Club ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ellenville Library, Wednesdays, 6pm Newburgh Library Camera Club ���������������������������������������Newburgh Library, 3rd Wednesday, 6pm St. James Camera Club ����������������������������������������������� St. James Church, Goshen, 2nd Tuesday, 7pm Chess Club ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ellenville Library, Wednesdays, 4pm Friday Night Chess �����������������������������������������������������������������������Narrowsburg Library, Fridays, 6pm Knit and Stitch ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Narrowsburg Library, Mondays, 6pm Knitting & Crocheting “Crochety Knitters” �������������������������������Liberty Library, Tuesdays, 10:15am Knit & Stitch Club �����������������������������Newburgh Library Town Branch, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6;30pm Newburgh Knitting Club ��������������������������������������������� Newburgh Library, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6pm Knitting Group ������������������������������������������������ Josephine-Louise Library, Walden, Tuesdays, 6:30pm Knitting & Crocheting “Knitwitz” ����������������������Jeffersonville Library, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30pm Knitting “Chain Gang Knitting Club” ��������������� Mamakating Town Hall, Wurtsboro, Tuesdays 9pm Knitting Club ��������������������������������������� Noble Coffee Roasters, Campbell Hall, Wednesdays, 2:30pm Knitting, Crocheting, Crafts “Stitch and Bitch” ���Palaia Vineyards, Highland Mills, Sundays, 1pm Knit/Crochet Club ����������������������������������������������������������������������Wallkill Library, Thursdays, 6:30pm Knimble Knitters ��������������������������������������������������������������������������Ellenville Library, Saturdays, 10am Knitting Circle ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Florida Library, 3rd Thursdays, 6pm Laurel & Hardy Sons of the Desert Int’l Org. ��������First Sunday, Ellenville, ray@themtharhills.org The Music Lovers Group classical ������������������� 3rd Thursdays, 7:30pm Montgomery, 845-457-9867 Electronic Music Meetup w/Neil Alexander �������������������������Newburgh Library, 3rd Thursdays, 7pm Ladies Night Painting Social �����������������������Wallkill River School, Montgomery, Thursdays 6:30pm Painting Social ����������������������������������������������Wallkill River School, Montgomery, Saturdays, 3:30pm Hudson Highlands Photo Workshop ���� St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Chester, 2nd Monday, 7:30pm Calico Geese Quilters Guild ���������������� Cornwall Cooperative Extension, Liberty, 2nd Monday, 7pm The Country Scrappers cardmaking, scrapbooking � Walker Valley Schoolhouse, Tuesdays, all day Scrabble Mania ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Ellenville Library, Tuesdays, 6pm Trivia Night w/Sam Hill �������������������������������������� Two Alices, Cornwall-on-Hudson, Thursdays, 8pm Trivia Night ����������������������������������������������������������� Penning’s Pub & Grill, Warwick, Thursdays, 8pm UFO Support Group ���������������������������������������� Walker Valley Schoolhouse, 1st Wednesday, 7:30pm Woodcarvers Guild ���������������������������������������������������Museum Village, Monroe, 1st Wednesday, 7pm

Dancing Cat, continued

Robert Kopec, acoustic and electric bassist from Fair Oaks, leads many of his own groups and is an in-demand sideman.

December 2015

Kopec’s resume is diverse to say the least gigs started at the age of 14 and lead him from rock to show pits, from members of the group Skid Row to backing the legendary Hennie Youngman. Robert’s love is improvising in all forms and he has had the great experience of sharing the stage with master improvising musicians

the likes of Hal Galper, Eddie Bert, Mark Murphy, Hugh Brodie, Michael Formaneck, Randy Brecker, Lew Soloff, Kazzrie Jaxen, and Jeff Hirschfield to name a few. His “Holiday Jazz Trio” performs at the Dancing Cat Saloon, 2037 NY-17B in Bethel, on December 18 at 8:00pm. For information, call 845-583-3141

canvas category calendar sponsored by Hudson Valley Planning & Preservation, Monroe CANVAS cannot be responsible for errors & omissions. Please verify dates and times.

ART walks & TourS

Goshen Art Walk ������������������������������������������������������������������������ Downtown Goshen, Dec 4, 5pm-8pm Walking Tour of Historic Montgomery �������������� maps at Village Hall & Museum Dec 13, 1pm-4pm


Adult Independent Film Night ���������������������������� Greenwood Lake Library, 2nd Tuesday, 7pm FREE Reel Eclectic Film Series ����������������������������������������� Thrall Library, Middletown, First Thursday, 2pm “Chosin” documentary ���������� National Purple Heart Hall of Honor, New Windsor, Dec 5, 1pm FREE Saturday Matinee at the Library ��������������������������������������������� Newburgh Library, Dec 5, 2pm FREE “The Muppet Christmas Carol” �������������������������������������������Bethel Woods Museum, Dec 5 & 6, 4pm “Marty” Ernest Borgnine, Betsy Blair ��� Mount St. Mary College, Desmond Campus, Dec 8, 9:30am “Pocketful of Miracles” Glenn Ford,Bette Davis,Hope Lange Cornwall Library, Dec 9, Noon FREE “The Thin Man” William Powell, Myrna Loy ����������������� CAS Laundry King, Dec 12, 7:30pm FREE Monday Night at the Movie �����������������������������������������������Newburgh Library, Dec 14, 6:30pm FREE “The Chorus” Foreign Film Night ������������������������������������������� Cornwall Library, Dec 15, 6pm FREE “Christmas in Connecticut” Barbara Stanwyck, Dennis Morgan ������������������������������������������������������� Mount St. Mary College, Desmond Campus, Dec 16, 9:30am “Emma” Gywneth Paltrow �������������������������������������������������������������� Florida Library, Dec 9, 6pm FREE “Cold Comfort Farm” �����������������������������������������������Thrall Library, Middletown, Dec 16, 3pm FREE


Joey Kola, Jaye McBride �������������������������������������������������� Jester’s Comedy Club, Chester, Dec 5, 9pm Marla Schultz The Laugh Tour �������������������������������������� The Arnold, Livingston Manor, Dec 12, 8pm Patty Rosborough, Mike Speirs ������������������������������������� Jester’s Comedy Club, Chester, Dec 12, 9pm Chris Monty, Seymour Swan ����������������������������������������� Jester’s Comedy Club, Chester, Dec 19, 9pm Marion Grodin The Laugh Tour ��������������������������������������� The Arnold, Livingston Manor, Jan 2, 8pm

holiday - celebrations

“Holiday Lights In Bloom” ���������� Arboretum, Thomas Bull Memorial Park, Montgomery, thru Dec 27 Holiday Celebration Train on Main, Poetry, Exhibit Receptions ���������������������CAS Dec 5, 1pm-5pm Holiday Party ��������������������������������������� Artists Market Community Center, Shohola, Dec 5, 4pm-6pm 47th Annual Holiday Party �����������������������������������������������Liberty Museum & Art Center, Dec 5, 6pm Holiday Open House ����� SUNY Orange, Morrison Mansion, Middletown, Dec 5, 6, 12, 13, 1pm-5pm Family Holiday Social sing-along, crafts, lunch Dingmans Ferry United Meth. Ch., Dec 6, Noon-3pm “Christmas in the Village” ������������������������������������������������������������Museum Village, Dec 6, Noon-6pm Christmas Tea Walden/Wallkill Historical Society Jacob T.Walden Home, Walden, Dec 6, 1pm-4pm Family Holiday Social HHNM Fundraiser kids’, music, ��������Newburgh Brewery, Dec 6, 1pm-5pm Upper Delaware GLBT Holiday Party w/Christine Havrilla � Best Western, Matamoras, Dec 12, 8pm “Resolution” Decora & his Band, Funk Junkies, DJ H2O - music, art, performance ������������������������ Old Factory Building, Newburgh, Dec 31, 9pm

holiday - Chorales

Delaware Valley Choral Society “Christmas with Rutter & Friends” ������������������������������������������������ Drew United Methodist Church, Port Jervis, Nov 29, 2pm & Milford United Methodist Church, Dec 6, 7:30pm Warwick Valley Chorale, w/Julie Ziavras, guest soloist ���������������������������������������������������������������������� Grace Episcopal Church, Middletown, Dec 4, 7pm FREE & Goshen United Methodist Church, Dec 11, 7pm FREE & St. Stephen’s RC Church, Warwick, Dec 13, 4pm FREE Middletown Concert Chorale “Glory to the Season” ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� North Congregational Church, Middletown, Dec 12, 7pm & St. John’s Lutheran Church, Middletown, Dec 20, 3pm Sullivan County Community Chorus “Winterscapes” ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Woodbourne, Dec 13, 2pm Newburgh Symphonic Chorale “An Early American Christmas” ������������������������������������������������������ St. George’s Church, Newburgh, Dec 13, 4pm FREE Classic Choral Society ��������������� King of Kings Lutheran Church, New Windsor, Dec 13, 4pm FREE & United Church of Christ, Blooming Grove, Dec 20, 4pm FREE

holiday - music - Dance see also schools & Conservatories

“The Nutcracker” American Youth Ballet, NJ Ballet Principle Dancers ��Middletown High, Dec 4, 7pm “Jimmy Sturr Presents Christmas” ������������������������������Paramount Theater, Middletown, Dec 5, 3pm West Point Band “A West Point Holiday” ����������������� Eisenhower Hall, Dec 5, 6pm & Dec 6, 1:30pm David Podles, violin, “Celebrate the Holidays” ������ Greenwood Lake Library, Dec 6, 1:30pm FREE “Into the Light” Vanaver Caravan & Arm of the Sea Theater, puppets, dance, music ���������������������� Ellenville High School, Dec 6, 2pm The Lyric Quartet Parksville USA Music Festival ���������������������������������� Dead End Cafe, Dec 6, 3pm Pine Bush Community Band Holiday Concert ���� Graham’s Presbyterian Church, Dec 7, 7pm FREE & Montgomery Senior Center, Dec 14, 8pm FREE Maybrook Wind Ensemble 2nd Holiday Concert ��� Cornwall Methodist Church, Dec 11, 8pm FREE & Maybrook Senior Center, Dec 18, 7:30pm FREE “Christmas with a Twist” string trio ��������������������St. Andrew’s Church, Walden, Dec 12, 2pm FREE SUNY Orange Madrigal Singers SUNY Orange, Morrison Mansion, Middletown, Dec 12, 3pm FREE Holiday Concert ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� MISU, Ellenville, Dec 17, 7:30pm “The Nutcracker” a cracked-up Nutcracker �������������������������� New Rose Theatre, Walden, Dec 17-20 Mirror Visions Vocal Ensemble “Holidays Around The Globe” ����Milford Theatre, Dec 19, 5:30pm “Messiah” Sing-along ������������������������������������Grace Episcopal Church, Monticello, Dec 27, 2pm-5pm


Terwilliger House Museum ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Ellenville, ongoing “Wildlife”, “Woodstock”, “Footwear”, “Hats” ��������Sullivan County Museum, Hurleyville ongoing Celebrating Catskill Waters Past & Present � Time & The Valleys Museum, Grahamsville, ongoing Pinchot Mansion Tours ������������������������������������������������������������������������Grey Towers, Milford, ongoing “Mark Twain” letters, art, manuscripts ���������Karpeles Manuscript Museum, Newburgh, thru Dec 27 “THREADS: Connecting ‘60s & Modern Rockwear” ������������� Bethel Woods Museum, thru Dec 31 “Warm Up At The Washingtons’” ��������Washington’s Headquarters, Newburgh, Dec 13, Noon-4pm

Music - Classical - See also Holiday-Music

Potluck Concerts “Not Quite Ready for Winter” ��������Cornwall Presbyterian Church, Dec 4, 7:30pm Music in Central Valley John Guarino: violin, Amy Lee: piano ��������������������������������������������������������� Central Valley United Methodist Church, Dec 13, 3pm FREE “Sextets” Queen of the Hudson Chamber Music ������������������� Atlas Studios, Newburgh, Dec 12, 7pm

music - jazz

Live Jazz Brunch with The Jazz Cats ������������������������ Dancing Cat Saloon, Bethel, Sundays, 1pm Thunderhead Organ Trio jazz-fusion �������� The Wherehouse, Newburgh, 3rd Thursdays, 8pm FREE Sofia Ribeiro Brazilian jazz ������������������������������������������������������������ The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 2, 7pm Fabian Almazan & Rhizome chamber jazz ����������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 3, 7pm Soulia and the Sultans jazz pop classics ����������������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 5, 7pm John Medeski Trio avant-garde fusion ������������������������������������������ The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 6, 7pm David Krakauer & Kathleen Tagg classical, world, jazz ������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 9, 7pm Billy Martin’s Festival of Percussion avant-garde fusion ���������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 10, 7pm Bucky Pizzarelli & Ed Laub Duo guitars ������������������������������������ The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 16, 7pm Jazz for Young People Thurman Baker ����������� CAS Laundry King, Livingston Manor, Dec 19, 4pm Thurman Baker & Trinity ��������������������������� CAS Laundry King, Livingston Manor, Dec 19, 7:30pm Cameron Brown’s Birthday w/Sheila Jordan, Joe Lovano, Judi Silvano The Falcon, Dec 20, 7pm Brad Mehldau & Chris Thile of The Punch Brothers ��������������� The Falcon, Marlboro, Dec 29, 7pm


“Salome” R.Strauss, w/ Teresa Stratas, Video ��������������������� Cornwall Library, Dec 20, 1pm FREE

poetry & prose readings

Veronica Coyne, Joan Polishook, Eleanor Wagner, Bill Wilson “Poetry & Prose” �������������������������� Milford Library, Dec 1, 5:30pm Marina Mati, Bill Greenfield �������������������������������Noble Coffee Roasters, Campbell Hall, Dec 3, 7pm Hudson River Poets �������������������������������������������������������������������Newburgh Library, Dec 3, 7pm FREE “Shorts and Sweets” prose, Carol Montana ������� Fallsburg Library, So. Fallsburg, Dec 3, 7pm FREE Kirby Olson, Bill Greenfield, Bill Fellenberg CAS Arts Center, Livingston Manor, Dec 5, 2pm FREE Nancy Dymond ������������������������������������������������Delaware Ars Center, Narrowsburg, Dec 5, 2pm FREE Michael Collins �����������������������������������Montgomery Book Exchange, Montgomery, Dec 8, 7pm FREE Barbara Adams “Distances” ���������������������������������������������������Newburgh Library, Dec 10, 7pm FREE Robert Milby host: Walter Worden ���������� Bear and Cubs Bagel Den, Wurtsboro, Dec 13, 6pm FREE Ernie Sherman Poetry at the Church ��������������������������Goshen Methodist Church, Dec 28, 7pm FREE Poetry Night host: Ariana Den Bleyker ����������Stella’s Frozen Yogurt, Washingtonville, Dec 30, 7pm

recreation, Dancing

Swing Dancing w/Swing Shift Orchestra �������������������������Newburgh Brewery, 1st Thursdays, 7:30pm Dancing (Ballroom) �����������������������������MISU Ellenville, 1st Saturdays, Lesson 7:30pm, Dancing 8pm “Star Wars” Trivia Night ��������������������������������������������������������������������������Liberty Library, Dec 8, 6pm


Black Dirt Storytelling Guild “Glass Slippers Revisited” �Florida Library, Dec 10, 7:30pm FREE

theatre - Musical

“The Toy Shoppe” by Kenny Rogers&Kelly Junkerman � Eisenhower Hall, West Point, Dec 13, 3pm

theatre - plays - dramatic readings

“Greetings! by Tom Dudzick ������������������������������������������������Shadowland Theatre, Ellenville, Dec 4-20 “Santa’s Hit List Mystery!” The Killing Kompany, dinner-theatre ������ West Point Club. Dec 4, 7pm “It’s A Wonderful Life” radio play �����������������������������������������������������������Sugar Loaf PAC, Dec 11-13 “A Charlie Brown Christmas” & “It’s A Wonderful Life” radio play ���������������������������������������������� Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop Sullivan County Museum, Hurleyville, Dec 11-13 A Christmas Carol” w/Gregg Shults, reading �������������������Cragsmoor Stone Church, Dec 19, 7:30pm

Schools & Conservatories

SUNY Orange Jazz Ensemble ��������� SUNYO Orange Hall, Middletown, Dec 3, 11am & Dec 4, 8pm Sing from the Heart Vocal Studio & Vezuli Music Student Recital �������������������������������������������������� Harmony Baptist Church, Middletown, Dec 6, 3pm FREE SUNY Orange Chamber Ensemble SUNY Orange, Morrison Mansion, Middletown, Dec 6, 6pm FREE “Nutcracker” ������������������������������������������������������������������� Orange County School of Dance, Dec 11-13 SUNY Orange Choir �������������������������������������������������SUNYO Orange Hall, Middletown, Dec 13, 3pm “Nutcracker” Marya Kennett Dance Centre � Paramount Theater, Middletown, Dec 19, 1pm & 6pm December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Decemb BGRV ����������������������������������������United Church of Christ, Blooming Grove, NY BW �����������������������������������������������������Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Bethel CANT ����������������������New Windsor Cantonment & Paruple Heart Hall of Honor CAS Catskill Art Society �������������������������� CAS Arts Center, Livingston Manor CAS-LK �������������������������������������������������� CAS Laundry King, Livingston Manor DCAT ��������������������������������������Dancing Cat Saloon & Catskill Distillery, Bethel



Please check the schedule for Gallery Art & Photography Opening Receptions, page 18



Music Pine Bush Community Band Graham’s Presbyterian Church, Pine Bush 8pm


Cinema Monday Night at the Library NFL 6:30pm


Music - Brazilian Jazz Sofia Ribeiro FAL 7pm

Music & Tango-Salsa Dance Dojo Dance Company FAL 6:30pm



Music - Brit Rock Peter Asher & Albert Lee FAL 7pm


Poetry & Prose Veronica Coyne, Joan Polishook, Eleanor Wagner, Bill Wilson Milford Library, 5:30pm

Poetry Glenn Werner Goshen Methodist Church, 7pm


DEAD Parksville USA Music Festival ���������������� Dead End Cafe, Parksville DOWN �������������������������������������������������������� Downing Film Center, Newburgh DVAA ��������������������������������������� Delaware Valley Arts Alliance, Narrowsburg FAL �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� The Falcon, Marlboro GOSH Cornerstone Theatre Arts �������������������� Goshen Music Hall, Goshen GWL ������������������������������������������������������������������������ Greenwood Lake Library

Cinema “Marty” MSM-DC 9:30am Cinema Independent Film Night Greenwood Lake Library, 7pm Poetry Michael Collins Montgomery Book Exchange, 7pm

15 Cinema “The Chorus” Cornwall Library, 6pm

Music - Rock-Soul Corey Glover FAL7pm

Music & Tango-Salsa Dance Dojo Dance Company FAL 6:30pm

Music Pine Bush Community Band GMCM 8pm

Cinema “Pocketful of Miracles” Cornwall Library, Noon Cinema “Emma” Florida Library, 6pm Music - Jazz David Krakauer & Kathleen Tagg FAL 7pm


Cinema “Christmas in Connecticut” MSM-DC 9:30am

Cinema “Cold Comfort Farm” Thrall 3pm





Music - Jazz Chris Thile & Brad Mehldau FAL 7pm

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

December 2015

Poetry Night Stella’s Frozen Yogurt, Washingtonville, 7pm



Art Walk.........................

Holiday..Warwick Va

Dance........................... Dinner-Theatre........ Music - Soul-Blues Music - Classical..P Theatre - Play..................... Music......................


Music.Dan Bradle Holiday..Warwick V Poetry.................. Barbara Adams “Distances”................... NFL 7pm Holiday..Maybrook Music - Jazz-Fusion...Billy Martin’s Festival of Percussion.FAL 7pm Music - Roots-Rock Open Mic.................Musician’s Gathering......................DCAT 7:30pm Theatre - Play......S Storytelling....Black Dirt Storytelling Guild.... Florida Library, 7:30pm Theatre - RadioPla Theatre - Play..................... Greetings!.................................... ST 8pm Theatre - Play..................... Music.....................


17 Music - Holiday...............Holiday Concert........................... MISU 7pm Dance........................... “The Nutcracker”....................ROSE 7:30pm Open Mic.......................Musician’s Gathering...............DCAT 7:30pm

Museum Village in Monroe will host its annual “Christmas in the Village” crafts, civil war re-enactors, Santa, sing-alongs and more - on December 6, from 12:00pm - 6:00pm. In lieu of admission, they would appreciate a food donation for the Country Kids Food Pantry!

Music - Jazz Bucky Pizzarelli & Ed Laub Duo FAL 7pm


Music - Rock-Soul Corey Glover FAL7pm

Cinema................... Reel Eclectic Film Series............... THRALL 2pm Poetry................Marina Mati, William Greenfield............. NOBL 7pm Poetry......................... Hudson River Poets.......................... NFL 7pm Prose..Carol Montana “Shorts & Sweets”..... Fallsburg Library, 7pm Music - Jazz..........Fabian Almazan & Rhizome....................FAL 7pm Open Mic.......................Musician’s Gathering...............DCAT 7:30pm

Music Music-Jazz, Fusion..Thunderhead Organ Trio. Wherehouse,Newburgh,8pm Steve Schwartz & Jason Rosen Theatre - Play..................... Greetings!.................................... ST 8pm Albella Restaurant, Monticello 7pm


Poetry Ernie Sherman Goshen Methodist Church, 7pm




Music - Rock-Soul Corey Glover FAL7pm


IKE �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Eisenhower Hall, West Point JEST ������������������������������������������������������������������������ Jester’s Comedy Club, Chester LMAC ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Liberty Museum & Art Center MICV Music in Central Valley ������������������ Central Valley United Methodist Church MISU �������������������������������������������������� Music Institute of Sullivan & Ulster, Ellenville MONTBK ���������������������������������������������������������������������� Montgomery Book Exchange


Music - Soul-Rock Dance...........................


Theatre - Play.....................

25 1

Open Mic.......................Musician’s Gathering...............DCAT 7:30pm Music - Blues-Roc Music - Reggae............ The Big Takeover.............................FAL 8pm Music-Art-Performance...”Resolution”.Old Factory Bldg, Nwbgh, 9pm

er 2015

SM-AQ ���������������������������������������������� Mount St. Mary College, Aquinas Hall, Newburgh L �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Newburgh Free Library OBL ��������������������������������������������������������������������� Noble Coffee Roasters, Campbell Hall EC ����������������������������������� Pocono Environmental Education Center, Dingmans Ferry ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Paramount Theater, Middletown TZ �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Ritz Theatre Lobby, Newburgh


......................... Goshen Art Walk......... Downtown, 5pm-8pm

alley Chorale...Grace Episcopal Church, Middletown,7pm

........................... “The Nutcracker”..........Middletown HS, 7pm ........”Santa’s Hit List Mystery!”..West Point Club, 7pm s....Slam Allen’s Holiday Soul-a-bration...FAL 7pm Potluck Concerts.Cornwall Presbyterian Ch. 7:30pm ..................... Greetings!.................................... ST 8pm ...................... Edgar Winter & his Band................. SLPAC 8pm

ey Big Band.Deerpark Reformed Ch.,Port Jervis,7pm Valley Chorale..Goshen United Methodist Church,7pm k Wind Ensemble..Cornwall United Methodist Ch. 7pm k...Jim Weider’s PRoJECT PERCoLATOR. FAL 7pm SCDW Christmas Double Bill................. SCM 7pm ay. “It’s a Wonderful Life”.............. SLPAC 7:30pm ..................... Greetings!.................................... ST 8pm .....................An Albi Beluli Friday Night................. DCAT 8pm

k-Etc....Christmas at the Falcon...............FAL 7pm ........................... “The Nutcracker”....................ROSE 7:30pm

ok Wind Ensemble...Maybrook Senior Center, 7:30pm

..................... Greetings!.................................... ST 8pm

ck........ Lucky Peterson..............................FAL 7pm


ROSE ������������������������������������������������������������������������� New Rose Theatre, Walden SCCC �����������������������������Sullivan County Community College, Loch Sheldrake SCM ���������������������������������������������������������� Sullivan County Museum, Hurleyville, SLGMN ����������������������������������������������Seligmann Center for the Arts, Sugar Loaf SLPAC �����������������������������������������������������������Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center ST �������������������������������������������������������������������������Shadowland Theatre, Ellenville


Cinema.....................“Chosin” documentary.................... CANT 1pm Holiday.......... Trains on Main, Receptions, Poetry.... CAS 1pm-4pm Holiday.......................Holiday Open House....SUNYO-MM 1pm-5pm Poetry.. Kirby Olson, William Greenfield, Bill Fellenberg..CAS 2pm Poetry............................. Nancy Dymond............................DVAA 2pm Cinema..............Saturday Matinee at the Library................ NFL 2pm Theatre - Play..................... Greetings!......................... ST 2pm & 8pm Music - Holiday.......“Jimmy Sturr Presents Christmas”....... PT 3pm Cinema.............. “The Muppet Christmas Carol”................. BW 4pm Holiday............Holiday Party.......... Artists’ Market, Shohola 4pm-6pm Holiday.................. 47th Annual Holiday Party................. LMAC 6pm Music - Holiday.............. West Point Band............................. IKE 6pm Music - Jazz.............. Soulia and the Sultans........................FAL 7pm Music............David Walton Band.. Callicoon Brewery, 8pm -11:30pm Music......................... Peter Florance & Ted................. DCAT 8:30pm Comedy................... Joey Kola, Jaye McBride.................... JEST 9pm


Holiday..........Holiday Open House....SUNYO-MM 1pm-5pm Cinema......................Family Movie Matinee....... Florida Library, 2pm Theatre - RadioPlay. “It’s a Wonderful Life”... SLPAC 2pm & 7:30pm Music - Holiday....... SUNYO Madrigal Singers........ SUNYO-MM 3pm

Music - Holiday.”Christmas with a Twist”.St. Andrew’s Ch.,Walden, 3pm

Cabaret..................Broadway Concerts Direct.................BGRV 6pm

Holiday.Middletown Concert Chorale.North Congregational Church, 7pm

Music - Latin Dance..............Soñando....................................FAL 7pm Theatre - Play......SCDW Christmas Double Bill................. SCM 7pm Music - Classical.................Sextets.....Atlas Studios, Newburgh, 7pm Cinema........................... “The Thin Man”..................CAS-LK 7:30pm Music - Holiday.......SUNYO Symphonic Band.................. PT 7:30pm Theatre - Play..................... Greetings!.................................... ST 8pm Comedy............Marla Schultz........The Arnold, Livingston Manor, 8pm Holiday.......UDGLBT Holiday Party...Best Western, Matamoras, 8pm Music.......................... Somerville Brothers.................. DCAT 8:30pm Comedy.............. Patty Rosborough, Mike Speirs............... JEST 9pm


Music - Jazz.............. Jazz for Young People.................. CAS-LK 4pm


SUNYO-KH ���������������������������������������� SUNY Orange, Kaplan Hall, Newburgh SUNYO-MM �������������������������� SUNY Orange, Morrison Mansion, Middletown SUNYO-OH ������������������������������������� SUNY Orange, Orange Hall, Middletown THRALL ����������������������������������������������������������������� Thrall Library, Middletown TUST �����������������������������������������������������������������Tusten Theatre, Narrowsburg UUC �������������������������������� Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Rock Tavern


Music - Jazz.......... Jazz Cats Live Jazz Brunch...............DCAT 11am Holiday..Family Social..United Meth.Ch., Dingmans Ferry, Noon-3pm Holiday....Christmas Tea..Jacob T. Walden Home, Walden, 1pm-4pm Holiday.......................Holiday Open House....SUNYO-MM 1pm-5pm Music - Holiday.............. West Point Band........................ IKE 1:30pm Music - Holiday............David Podles violin....................GWL 1:30pm Theatre - Play..................... Greetings!.................................... ST 2pm Music.....Dose Acoustic Sunday..Cafe Devine, Callicoon, Noon-2pm Music......Songwriter’s Anonymous...... Artists’ Market, Shohola 2pm Holiday-Pageant.“Into the Light” VanaverCaravan.Ellenville HS, 2pm Music - Holiday............. The Lyric Quartet......................... DEAD 3pm Cinema.............. “The Muppet Christmas Carol”................. BW 4pm Music - Holiday.....SUNYO Chamber Ensemble...... SUNYO-MM 6pm Music - Avant-Garde Fusion....John Medeski Trio . ...............FAL 7pm

Music-Holiday.Delaware Valley Choral Soc.Milford United Meth.Ch.,7:30pm


Music -Gospel-Rock.Alexis P. Suter&Ministers of Sound.FAL 10am-2pm

Music - Jazz.......... Jazz Cats Live Jazz Brunch...............DCAT 11am Music.....Dose Acoustic Sunday..Cafe Devine, Callicoon, Noon-2pm Theatre - Play......SCDW Christmas Double Bill................. SCM 1pm Walking Tour........Historic Montgomery House Tour..........1pm-4pm Holiday.......................Holiday Open House....SUNYO-MM 1pm-5pm Theatre - Play..................... Greetings!.................................... ST 2pm Theatre - RadioPlay. “It’s a Wonderful Life”................... SLPAC 2pm Holiday.SullivanComm.Chorus.Immaculate ConceptionCh.Woodbourne,2pm Holiday.Newburgh Symphonic Chorale.St. George’s Ch., Newburgh, 3pm

Music - Holiday........... SUNY Orange Choir..............SUNYO-OH 3pm Theatre - Musical..........“The Toy Shoppe”............................ IKE 3pm

Holiday....Classic Choral Society..King of Kings Luth.Ch., New Windsor. 4pm

Poetry.........Robert Milby....Bear & Cubs Bagel Den, Wurtsboro, 6pm

Holiday.Warwick Valley Chorale.St. Stephen’s RC Church, Warwick,7pm

Music - Blues...................Steve Guyger harmonica .............FAL 7pm


Music - Blues.................... Bill Sims, Jr. Trio...................... FAL 10am-2pm

Music - Jazz.......... Jazz Cats Live Jazz Brunch...............DCAT 11am Music..................Doug Rogers......Cafe Devine, Callicoon, Noon-2pm Opera..................... “Salome” Teresa Stratas.. Cornwall Library, 1pm Theatre - Play..................... Greetings!.................................... ST 2pm Dance........................... “The Nutcracker”.........................ROSE 2pm Dramatic Reading.”A Christmas Carol”.Cragsmoor Stone Church, 7:30pm Holiday.Middletown Concert Chorale.St. John’s Lutheran Church, 3pm Theatre - Play..................... Greetings!.................................... ST 8pm Holiday....................Classic Choral Society......................BGRV 4pm Music........................Molly Durnin & Friends............... DCAT 8:30pm Music-Jazz. .Cameron Brown&Jordan,Lovano,Hart,Silvano.FAL 7pm Comedy................ Chris Monty, Seymour Swan. ................ JEST 9pm Music.............................. Todd Rundgren................... SLPAC 7:30pm Music - Holiday.Mirror Visions Vocal Ensemble.Milford Theatre, 5:30pm

Music - Brit Xmas...... Ed Palermo Big Band.........................FAL 7pm Dance........................... “The Nutcracker”........ ROSE 2pm & 7:30pm Music - Jazz............ Thurman Baker & Trinity........... CAS-LK 7:30pm Music...........................Music for Humanity.................. NOBL 7:30pm





Music...................................Albi Beluli............................... DCAT 8pm

Comedy............Marion Grodin......The Arnold, Livingston Manor, 8pm

Music - Jazz........Blues Farm......................... FAL 10am-2pm Music - Jazz.......... Jazz Cats Live Jazz Brunch...............DCAT 11am Music..................Doug Rogers......Cafe Devine, Callicoon, Noon-2pm Holiday.Messiah Singalong..Grace Episcopal Church Monticello 2pm

Music - Jazz.......... Jazz Cats Live Jazz Brunch...............DCAT 11am Music.....Dose Acoustic Sunday..Cafe Devine, Callicoon, Noon-2pm

December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


canvas category calendar

sponsored by Back Room Gallery, Catskill Art Society, Crawford Gallery of Fine Art, Wallkill River School & Wurtsboro Art Alliance CANVAS cannot be responsible for errors & omissions. Please verify dates and times.

Art exhibits

CAS ������������������������������������������������������������Catskill Art Society, CAS Arts Center, Livingston Manor DVAA ������������������������������������������������������������������������������Delaware Valley Arts Alliance, Narrowsburg MSM-DC ������������������������������������������������������Mount St. Mary College, Desmond Campus, Newburgh SUNYO-KH ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ SUNY Orange Newburgh, Kaplan Hall SUNYO-OH ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� SUNY Orange Middletown, Orange Hall WAA ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Wurtsboro Art Alliance WRS ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Wallkill River School, Montgomery

Group Show ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������Back Room Gallery, Beacon, ongoing Group Show ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Stray Cat Gallery, Bethel, ongoing T.A. Clearwater paintings, pastels, prints ��������Clearwater Gallery at Jones Farm, Cornwall, ongoing Studio Monday Artists 2015 Exhibit ��������������������������� Daniel Pierce Library, Grahamsville, ongoing “Celebrating 10 Years (2005-2015)” Adult works of Art ��������������Greenwood Lake Library, ongoing Ron Lusker paintings, drawings ���������������������������������������������������Left Bank Gallery, Liberty, ongoing Karen E. Gersch, Gabrielle Dearborn, Josiah Dearborn drawings, paintings, silverwork ��������������� Gersch Home Gallery, Montgomery, by appt, ongoing Lana Privitera paintings ��������������������������������������������������Blazing Bagels Cafe, Montgomery, ongoing Sara Baloga photography, John Gould & Anthony Spano paintings ������������������������������������������������� Mount St. Mary College, Aquinas Hall, Newburgh, ongoing Carolyn Duke Pottery �������������������������������������������������Duke Pottery, Tennanah Lake, Roscoe, ongoing Jules Medwin outdoor sculpture ���������������������������������������������Seligmann Center, Sugar Loaf, ongoing Inscribed Tibetan Prayer Stones ��������������Tibetan and Himalayan Cultural Center, Walden, ongoing Lisa & John Strazza paintings & photography ���������������������������� Strazza Gallery, Warwick, ongoing Gayle Clark Fedigan “Passionate About Pastels” ����������������������������������������������MSM-DC thru Dec 3 Cody Rounds “New Experimental Works” �������������������������Creative Cloud Studio, Sugar Loaf, Dec 4 Lorraine Furey “Orange County Sites” ���������������������������������������������� Hudson Street Cafe, thru Dec 6 Debbie Gioello, Barbara Alice Moir “Harvest of Light & Color” �������� ARTery, Milford, thru Dec 7 “Harvest” WRS members group show ���������������������������������������������������������������������� WRS thru Dec 14 Kevin Feerick steel sculptures, Artists of Excellence series �������������������������SUNYO-KH thru Dec 17 “Art in Sixes” mixed media & small works ��������������������������������������������������������������DVAA thru Dec 23 Valley Artists Holiday Show & Sale ������������������������������������������������������������������������DVAA thru Dec 23 Guy D’Alessandro wildlife paintings ����������������Gallery at Chant Realtors, Lords Valley, thru Dec 28 Winter Members Show ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ CAS thru Dec 31 Annual Great Small Works & Miniatures HOLIDAY SHOW ���������������������������������������������������������, Crawford Gallery of Fine Arts, Pine Bush, thru Jan 6 Constant Companions: Contemporary Pet Portraits �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Orange Regional Medical Center, Middletown, thru Jan 8 Zimbabwe Artists Project ������������ Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Rock Tavern, thru Sep 2016 NEW ART EXHIBITS

The Arc of Orange County Art Studio group show ���������������Two Alices, Newburgh, Nov 25-Feb 4 Debbe Cushman Femiak & Elizabeth Ocskay, Jim Muhlhahn ��������������������������������� WRS Dec 1-31 Beverly Wynn in association with Orange County ARC ������������� Greenwood Lake Library, Dec 1-31 Carol Bennett “Crystal” ������������������������������������������������������������������Greenwood lake Library, Dec 1-31 Al Nickerson comic art ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Monroe Library, Dec 1-31 Ksenia Golubkov “Batik on Silk – A Holiday Show” �������� Rolling River Cafe, Parksville, Dec 3-31 Holiday Show pottery ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Amity Arts, Florida, Dec 4 & 5 “Third Annual Art Exhibition” group show ����������Otisville-Mt. Hope Presbyterian Church, Dec 4-6 Annual Holiday Exhibit “New Glaze Combinations” ������������� East Ridge Pottery, Warwick, Dec 5-6 Holiday Show paintings, pottery, sculpture, photography, jewelry, gift cards, etc. ���� WAA Dec 5-20 “Trains on Main” Exhibit ������ CAS Arts Center & CAS Laundry King, Livingston Manor, Dec 5-27 Elevator Gallery: Craft Show ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� CAS Dec 5-27 “Spirit Connections” group show �������������������������������������������������Amity Gallery, Warwick, Dec 5-27 Holiday Exhibit group show �������������������������������������UpFront Exhibition Space, Port Jervis, Dec 5-28 Bob Breur sculpture, Garin Baker paintings ������������ Carriage House Art, NewWindsro, Dec 5-TBD “Annual Toys for Tots Exhibit” Crawford Arts Association ��������������������������������������������������������������� Crawford Gov’t Center, Pine Bush, Dec 9-Jan 21 Holiday Artisan Craft Fair ��Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Rock Tavern, Dec 12, 10am-5pm Desmond Instructors’ Small Works Art Show ������������������������������������������� MSM-DC Dec 12-Jan 26 Karen E. Gersch, Gabrielle Dearborn, Josiah Dearborn drawings, paintings, silverwork ��������������� Gersch Home Gallery, 153 Clinton Street, Montgomery, Dec 13, 1pm-4pm “Winter Solstice” River Valley Artists Guild ������������������ Bon Secours Hospital Cafeteria, Port Jervis, & Port Jervis City Hall (Wednesdays), & Deerpark Town Hall, Dec 14-Feb 8 “Holidays” WRS members group show �����������������������������������������������������������������WRS Dec 15-Jan 14

Photography exhibits

Catharine Bale ����������������������������������������������������� Green Light Gallery, Cornwall-on-Hudson, ongoing “Growing Up in Newburgh” ��������������� Capt. David Crawford House, Newburgh, Sundays, thru Dec Nick Zungoli “Barrier Islands of the Lowcountry” ������������� Exposures Gallery, Sugar Loaf, thru Dec Vladimir Burovskiy “Moment of Life” �����������������������������Karpeles Museum, Newburgh, thru Dec 20 Frederick Buell “Place/Spirits” ���������������������������������������������������� Caffe a la Mode, Warwick, thru Jan NEW photography EXHIBITS

“Photographers of Hope: Newburgh Revival” �������� Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, Dec 12-Jan 30 18

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

December 2015

ART & Photography receptions

Holiday Show pottery ����������������������������������������������������������������� Amity Arts, Florida, Dec 4, 4pm-7pm Holiday Show paintings, pottery, sculpture, photography, gift cards ������������WAA Dec 5, Noon-4pm Elevator Gallery: Craft Show & Trains on Main ������������������������������������������������� CAS Dec 5, 1-4pm Debbe Cushman Femiak & Elizabeth Ocskay, Jim Muhlhahn ��������������������� WRS Dec 5, 5pm-7pm Holiday Exhibit group show �������������������������UpFront Exhibition Space, Port Jervis, Dec 5, 5pm-8pm “Spirit Connections” group show �������������������������������������Amity Gallery, Warwick, Dec 5, 5pm-8pm Bob Breur sculpture, Garin Baker paintings ���� Carriage House Art, NewWindsro, Dec 5, 6pm-8pm “An Artist’s Response to Human Rights” Orange County junior & senior HS students ������������������ w/Emily Landsman, piano SUNYO-OH Dec 6, 1-3pm & w/Emmanuel Johnson, piano SUNYO-KH Dec 10, 6pm-8pm The Arc of Orange County Art Studio group show ����������������� Two Alices, Newburgh, Dec 9, Noon Desmond Instructors’ Art Show ��������������������������������������������������������������MSM-DC Dec 12, 1pm-3pm “Annual Toys for Tots Exhibit” Crawford Arts Association ��������������������������������������������������������������� Crawford Gov’t Center, Pine Bush, Dec 12, 3:30pm-6pm Annual Great Small Works & Miniatures HOLIDAY SHOW ���������������������������������������������������������, Crawford Gallery of Fine Arts, Pine Bush, Dec 12, 5:30pm-7:30pm TBA ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ARTery Gallery, Milford, Dec 12, 6pm-9pm “Photographers of Hope: Newburgh Revival” Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, Dec 12, 6:30pm-8:30pm

Schools & Conservatories

Budding Artists ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Greenwood Lake Library, ongoing “An Artist’s Response to Human Rights” Orange County junior & senior HS students ������������������ SUNYO-KH & SUNYO-OH Dec 2-16

Books - Discussions/Readings /siGNings

Book Lover’s Club ���������������������������������������������������������� Greenwood Lake Library, 4th Tuesday, 7pm Mystery Thriller & Crime Book Group ������������������ Jeffersonville Library, 2nd Wednesday, 6:30pm Book Discussion Group �������������������������������������������������������Narrowsburg Library, 3rd Friday, 4:00pm Literary Day signings & readings ���������������������Newburgh Last Saturday venues, Nov 28, Noon-5pm “Bunker Hill” by Nathaniel Patrick ������������������������������������������������������ Cornwall Library, Dec 2, 7pm “Tigers in Red Weather” by Liza Klaussmann ������������������������������������ Cornwall Library, Dec 3, 7pm Great Books Discussion �����������������������������������������������������������������Newburgh Library, Dec 4, 11:30am “Images of America: Ellenville” by/w/Bucky Green ����������������������������Ellenville Library, Dec 4, 7pm “Solved: Curing Your Medical Insurance Problems” Adria Goldman Gross ����������������������������������� Barnes & Noble, Newburgh, Dec 5, Noon-1:30pm “Faith and the Fragrance Fairy” by Gina Flores ����������� ARTery Gallery, Milford, Dec 5, 2pm-5pm “The Quad Consortium and the Sword of Bale” Lillian Longendorfer �������������������������������������������� UpFront Exhibition Space, Port Jervis, Dec 5, 5pm-8pm “Maids of Misfortune: A Victorian San Francisco Mystery” by M. Louisa Locke ��������������������������� SUNY Orange, Morrison Hall, Middletown, Dec 9, Noon Gowon M. Fisher “The Great Squirrel Rebellion” & “Kenai’s Thanksgiving” ���������������������������������� Crawford Gallery of Fine Arts, Pine Bush, Dec 12, 5:30pm-7:30pm “A Conspiracy of Paper” by David Liss ��������������������������������������������� Cornwall Library, Dec 16, 7pm

children & Teens Calendar

HHNM-CoH �������������������� Hudson Highlands Nature Museum, Education Center, Cornwall-on-Hudson PEEC �������������������������������������������������������������Pocono Environmental Education Center, Dingmans Ferry


Get Graphic: Graphic Novel Book Discussion Teens ������������Newburgh Library, Dec 9, 7pm FREE “Faith and the Fragrance Fairy” Gina Flores ���������������� ARTery Gallery, Milford, Dec 5, 2pm-5pm Gowon M. Fisher “The Great Squirrel Rebellion” & “Kenai’s Thanksgiving” ���������������������������������� Crawford Gallery of Fine Arts, Pine Bush, Dec 12, 5:30pm-7:30pm Cinema

Teen Movie Night 11-17yrs ��������������������������������������� Greenwood Lake Library, Tuesdays, 6pm FREE Family Movie Matinee ������������������������������������������������������������������ Florida Library, Dec 12, 2pm FREE entertainment

“Trains on Main” Exhibit ������ CAS Arts Center & CAS Laundry King, Livingston Manor, Dec 5-27 “The Muppet Christmas Carol” film ������������������������������������������������� Bethel Woods, Dec 5 & 6, 4pm Family Holiday Social kids’ games, crafts, Santa, etc. ������������� Newburgh Brewery, Dec 6, 1pm-5pm “Into the Light” Vanaver Caravan & Arm of the Sea Theater, puppets, dance, music ���������������������� Ellenville High School, Dec 6, 2pm “A Charlie Brown Christmas” & “It’s A Wonderful Life” radio play ���������������������������������������������� Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop Sullivan County Museum, Hurleyville, Dec 11-13 Jazz for Young Folk Thurman Baker ��������������CAS Laundry King, Livingston Manor, Dec 19, 4pm Museums

Meet the Animal of the Week �����������������������������HHNM-CoH Saturdays & Sundays, 1pm & 2:30pm Eco-Zone ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� PEEC Dec 12, 1pm-4pm recreation & Lectures

“Marvelous Moths” ��������������������������������������HHNM-CoH Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, Noon-4pm Teen Painting Drop-in ���������������������������������������Wallkill River School, Montgomery, Saturdays, 1pm

Vann & Vezuli

Spotlight On: The Sugar Loaf Guild Meet Cookie Boone: Music Teacher / Interpreter for the Deaf by Vicki Botta Cookie Boone never went looking for a job, but the opportunities that have come to her have brought her the most joy in her life. She remembers taking accordion lessons when she was sixteen and a friend of her teacher called asking for a piano teacher. Cookie’s teacher recommended her and told Cookie that there was ‘nothing to it!’ “Being younger, I said, sure why not? And I have been teaching ever since. It’s the love of my life,” said Cookie, who is married to Sugar Loaf woodcarver Clay Boone. Cookie grew up in the Chicago area teaching music as a teenager. She took music classes in college and moved to Arkansas later on. While living there as a single mom, she met Clay, who had attended college in Arkansas. The Boones have been here together for 31 years and Cookie has never once had to advertise for students. They joined a church and when people heard that she played piano and accordion, they asked her to play for the church and parents asked if she could teach their children how to play. Cookie plays and teaches classical, pop, inspirational, blues, ragtime and theory, and her students’ ages range from 7 to 66.

One day, when she saw a deaf preacher in church sign the hymn How Great Thou Art, she thought it was beautiful and was determined to learn. “Once you start signing, you meet deaf people. Now I am an interpreter.” Once again, it was fate. “When people got wind of me, the school called to ask if I would interpret for a deaf child and if I would interview to work at the school. I’ve been there for 27 years now,” said Cookie. She works for BOCES, but has been placed in schools in many different satellite areas, such as Greenwood Lake, Middletown and Liberty. “I enjoy working with special students,” said Cookie. The numbers of deaf students are dwindling since the expansion and rise in the number of cochlear implants. Not all deafness is cured with the implants, but it has cured many with issues involving the cochlea. “The earlier this type of deafness is detected, the better the chances of recovering hearing with the implant,” explained Cookie. Cookie is down to three students. She said that the inclusion of deaf children in the public school system has been “much to the chagrin of the deaf population” which sees it as a threat to the deaf culture that once found solace together

in residential deaf schools. While they do still exist, they are not the only alternative anymore. In addition to teaching and interpreting for the deaf, Cookie has written and published a song and three books of humorous verse that she compares to Shel Silverstein’s humor. They are biblical in nature, such as Life on the Ark - humorous wonderings of things that could have happened on the ark, Trouble in Paradise - about the creation story of genesis and what life must have been like in Eden in a humorous tone, and the third book, Pharaoh, Pharaoh is about the plagues of Egypt. Cookie sounds and looks very youthful for someone who has been teaching for fifty years. She still has one recital a year and regularly has her signing students, as well as special guests and former students perform. She says it makes an otherwise straightforward program much more interesting to the audience as well as to her students. She also plays music for weddings and funerals, and accompanies other musicians and singers. She says she is “grateful for the divine intervention that brought me to doing what I enjoy doing so much.” To reach Cookie, call 845-283-0382.

Sing From The Heart Vocal Studio in Newburgh assists in building self esteem, creativity in performance, writing lyrics, composition and to promote overall knowledge in the basic elements of music. Owner Elex Lee Vann (top photo) is well known in the area for his powerful bass-baritone voice heard in concerts at major area chamber music, orchestral and opera venues, and in particular for his outstanding performance as Martin Luther King for Steve Margoshes’ “cantata” adaptation of I Have a Dream. Among several concerts throughout the area, Franz Vezuli appeared at age 16 with the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra. At age 17, he played his first solo recital at the Grand Montgomery Chamber Music Series. He presently teaches at Vezuli Music in Newburgh and, since he was 18, at the New York School of Music in Walden. Join Vann and Vezuli as their students perform in a vocal, piano and guitar recital at Harmony Baptist Church, 1790 Route 211 in Middletown on December 6 at 3:00pm. Admission is free. Refreshments served.

December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Queen of the Hudson’s Sextets Though Poughkeepsie may be known as the Queen City of the Hudson, if you drop the word ‘City’ - VOILA! - another great chamber music series in Newburgh! Dedicated to the art of live performance, Queen of the Hudson presents vibrant concerts focusing on chamber music: early music, contemporary, and new compositions. Arnold Schoenberg’s Verklärte Nacht (Transfigured Night) Op. 4, is a string sextet in one movement composed in 1899. Composed in just three weeks, it is considered his earliest important work. It was inspired by Richard Dehmel’s poem of the same name, combined with the influence of Schoenberg’s strong feelings upon meeting Mathilde von Zemlinsky (the sister of his teacher Alexander von Zemlinsky), whom he would later marry. The piece derives its stylistic lineage from German late-Romanticism. Like his teacher Zemlinsky, Schoenberg was influenced by both Brahms and Wagner, and sought to combine the former’s structural logic with the latter’s harmonic language. Tchaikovsky’s exquisite Souvenir de Florence Op. 70, is a string sextet scored for 2 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellos composed in the summer of 1890. Tchaikovsky dedicated the work to the St. Petersburg Chamber Music Society in response to his becoming an Honorary Member. The work, in the traditional four-movement form, was titled Souvenir de

May I Have A Word With You ... Quips, Quotes & Quiddities with Carol Pozefsky LATIN GENEROSITY

Florence because the composer sketched one of the work’s principal themes while visiting Florence, Italy, where he composed his opera The Queen of Spades. The work was revised between December 1891 and January 1892, before being premiered in 1892. Queen of the Hudson acknowledges the dedication and time musicians put forth in the mastery of their instruments and the tradition of music. Your ticket donations allow for these special events and ensure that the legacy of live music will always exist in our modern world in an intimate and accessible setting. Food and drink, a private party for all! Join violists David Marks and Regi Papa, violists Luke Flemming and Andy Lin, and cellists Jing Li and Nan-Cheng Chen for their December 12, 7:00pm concert at Atlas Studios, 11 Spring Street, Newburgh. Tickets: www.queenofthehudson.com

For more than 2000 years, the English language has borrowed so heavily from Latin, that more than half the words in our dictionaries have Latin origins. GENIUS is Latin for the divine spirit presiding over birth. Its prefix, GEN, means to be born and countless English words descend from it: gene, generation, gender, genealogy, genitals, genesis, genetics, progeny, indigenous and more. ART comes from the Latin ARS meaning skill or ability. CULTURE descends from the Latin CULTURA meaning intellectual training or the cultivation of land. LITERATURE is from LITERATURA, the Latin word for writing. ORATOR comes to us from the Latin ORARE, to speak publicly. LATIN: Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla. (Seneca) ENGLISH: Long is the journey through advice, short and efficient through example. THE GREAT CARNAK Before Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon,

and Seth Meyers, there was Johnny Carson who, as The Great Carnak would be given answers to which he’d supply the questions. ANSWER: Fondue. QUESTION: What happens to your fon if you leave it out all The Great Carnak! night? ANSWER: Capsize. QUESTION: What’s that funny little 7 1/8 label? ANSWER: Remember the Alamo! QUESTION: What were the last words of the customer who wanted ice cream on his pie? ANSWER: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. QUESTION: What were the earlier forms of Preparation H? OH, HEX! Fifteen uncommon (but acceptable) 3 letter Scrabble words using the letter X: oxy, pax, pyx, vox, xis, zax, rax, rex, dex, gox, kex, lex, lux and oxo. Until next time, dear readers!

Adria’s Advice

“I, Adria Goldman Gross, had to write this book. My decades of experience with medical practice billing and insurance claim handling rudely educated me about the high frequency of erroneous billing and mistaken denial of medical insurance coverage claims. Problems with medical bills can cause a tremendous bankruptcy. If we had a system like “single-payer” [governmentonly], I would be out of business!” Adria is talking about her recently published book, Solved, Curing Your Medical Insurance Problems. Meet Adria and get a signed book at the Book Fair for Literacy Orange at Barnes & Noble, 1245 NY-300 in Newburgh on December 5 from Noon to 1:30pm. If unable to attend, shop online at Barnes & Noble using code number 11758844. All proceeds go to Literacy Orange to support Literacy Orange volunteers for their tutoring material. “I hope this book will bring valuable resources and needed reassurance to those caught in our modern medical money maelstrom,” said Adria. Visit http://www.adriagross.com for more information about Adria. 20

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

December 2015

 The Classic Choral Society’s Christmas Present to Us All by Philip Ehrensaft The Hudson Valley’s exemplary Classic Choral Society (CCS) is celebrating its 46th anniversary with a Christmas present to us all: two concerts which blend creations of living composers of classical liturgical music with one of Franz Schubert’s last masterpieces, Miriam’s Dance of Triumph (Miryams Siegesgesang, D862, 1828). Janiece Kohler, will direct the choir, as she has since 1992. Janiece Kohler Exemplary is an adjective justly applied to the CCS’s work of presenting concerts: the family, friends and neighbors of chorale members fill halls nicely, and attract new ears to the wonders of classical music. (See photo right!) Moving from Schubert to the living composer side, there are three high points: first, three songs by one of the hot young composers in current classical liturgical music, Dan Forrest. Forrest is on the cusp of passing from the younger Millennial Generation to Generation X. Despite



career as a teacher, music having both a Ph.D. in therapist and vocalist. His composition and an M.A. Gloria for chorus, brass, in piano performance, percussion and soprano solo Forrest has chosen the was premiered in 2010. career path of a freeDirector Kohler is lance composer. If he was confident that the Thornett still an academic, given Gloria will take its place performances of his pieces among the prime Glorias in places like Carnegie Hall Jim Blanton, accompanist authored by the likes of and Lincoln Center, I’d Vivaldi. “Over the last place Forrest at the stage of months I’ve been privileged a recently tenured Associate (!) to correspond directly Professor, soon to be a full with the composer (a first for professor. me),” writes Kohler, “and Second, not in the understand our performance musical hierarchy but in is the first to be planned for the order of the program, concert-goers on the East there’s the steep challenge taken by one of America’s Coast. I’m really looking ranking wide old hands in Above photos by Meghan A. Maney forward to introducing it to liturgical composition, Russell Schulz-Widmar. our audiences this December.” Performance of his Miriam Dances at the But foremost, to my ears, there’s one of Red Sea will immediately follow Schubert’s Schubert’s grand accomplishments during the landmark Miriam’s Dance. Which is one hard last year of his brief life, the aforementioned Miryams Siegesgesang. Schubert was an intense act to follow. Third, there’s the City of Birmingham’s (UK) admirer of Handel’s choral music, and clearly Symphony Orchestra Chorus singer Gordon aspired to approach that level of mastery in Thornett, who turned to composition after a Miriam’s Victory Song. The lyrics were written

by Austria’s foremost dramatist of the first half of the nineteenth century, Franz Grillparzer. Grillparzer created an extended poem based on two lines from the Hebrew Bible: “Sing to the Lord, for He has risen in triumph, He has hurled the Jody Weatherstone horse and his rider into the sea” Building on the spirit of Handel’s oratorios, Schubert composed the Victory Song for lead soprano and chorus. The existing score has an accompanying piano, a part that Schubert would have expanded into orchestral accompaniment if disease had not robbed us of his genius when he was only thirty-one years old. But it suffices to be thankful for this marvel in its present form, and for our opportunities to hear it performed by a very fine choral ensemble. The CCS’s generous repertoire for Christmas 2015, with Jody Weatherstone, soprano solo, will first be presented at the King of Kings Lutheran Church in New Windsor on December 13, and then be performed again at the United Church of Christ in Blooming Grove on December 20. Both concerts are at 4:00pm. See ad page 8


December 2015

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 Delaware Valley Choral Society

The Delaware Valley Choral Society, under the direction of Jeffrey Fornoff, will be performing on November 29 and December 6 in a concert entitled Christmas with Rutter & Friends. The nativity story will be recounted in a set of carols written by composer John Rutter, renowned for his gift of melody and verse. Other selections for this concert include a tribute to the 50 year anniversary of A Charlie Brown Christmas in a medley of songs from the famous TV special. The chorus will also take you on a Musicological Journey Through The Twelve Days of Christmas beginning from the Renaissance up through 20th century America. Featured guest artists include Patty Turse on orchestral harp, Craig Williams on organ, and the Dingman Delaware Children’s Choir directed by Brian Krauss. The performance for November 29


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at 2:00pm at Drew United Methodist Church located at 49-51 Sussex Street, Port Jervis. The performance for December 6 at 7:30pm is in the Milford United Methodist Church, 206 East Ann Street, Milford. Tickets may be purchased in advance by contacting Helen Monisera at 845-8565696, Diane Fornoff at 570-296-5333, or Jeffrey Fornoff at 570-267-8773. Tickets will also be available at the door.

Sullivan County Community Chorus

The Sullivan County Community Chorus, under the direction of Conductor Kevin Giroux, will perform Winterscapes for its 39th Annual Winter Concert. Conductor Giroux’s theme for the concert is, as each selection or set of songs has been chosen to elicit, for both the singers and the audience, memories of feelings and events associated with the season.

December 2015


The Winter Concert will also feature the Sullivan Chamber Singers, comprised of members of the Chorus selected through an audition process. The Chorus consists of members from throughout Sullivan County, whose ages range from 16 to over 80 years of age. Performances of the Sullivan County Community Chorus are made possible in part with funds from the Sullivan County Decentralization Program, a re-grant program of the New York State Council on the Arts, administered by the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance. For the December 13, 2:30pm concert at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 6317 Route 42 in Woodbourne, students are admitted free, but with a suggested $10 donation. Immediately following the performance, there will be a reception open to all attending the concert. In case of inclement weather, the snow date will be December 20 at 2:30pm. For information, call 845-439-4458.

Warwick Valley Chorale

Gwyneth Walker has written over 300 compositions for orchestra, chamber ensembles, chorus, solo voice, and individual instruments. They have been performed

nationwide in venues such as Carnegie Hall, the Washington National Cathedral, and The Ellen Show. Her work, while appealing to modern sensibilities, is traditional and accessible. “My pieces always have melody and form and a rhythm that’s right there for you,” said Gwyneth. Soprano Julie Ziavras (see photo below) will join the singers of the Warwick Valley Chorale under the direction of Stanley Curtis as guest soloist in a Christmas cantata Alpha and Omega by Gwyneth Walker, who will attend the December 4th performance. The concert features two other Christmas cantatas; A Day for Dancing by Lloyd Pfautsch and Hodie! by John Leavitt. There will also be the world premiere of Walker’s

 Down to the River commissioned by the Chorale. There are 100 voices accompanied by pianist Gail Johnson with a special appearance by the brass quintet Brass Quintessence. Check the calendar on page 15 for three performances in Middletown, Goshen and Warwick on December 4, 11 and 13. Admission is free. Donations are cheerfully accepted. www.WarwickValleyChorale.org

Middletown Concert Chorale

Despite composing and conducting much religious music, John Rutter told TV’s 60 Minutes in 2003 that he was not a particularly religious man, yet still deeply spiritual and inspired by the spirituality of sacred verses and prayers. In Christian liturgy and music, Gloria in excelsis Deo is the main hymn of the Roman Catholic and Anglican Mass. Joining the


likes of Bach, Vivaldi, Handel and Poulenc, Rutter composed a Gloria in 1974. It was a milestone in his career and remains an evergreen favorite with choirs worldwide for its freshness, drama and sheer beauty. The Gloria is the main work for the Middletown Concert Chorale’s 2015 Holiday concert. Conductor Danielle Cornacchio has also chosen an eclectic roster of works that include pop favorites (Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas), classical, gospel, religious songs by Rutter, Jay Althouse and Don Besig, along with traditional; French, Ukrainian, English and Jewish songs, and an excerpt from Frozen, to complement Rutter’s opus. The program will Danielle Cornaccio include a half dozen solos and will end with Handel’s rousing Hallelujah Chorus. See ad on page 20 for December 12 and 20 locations and times. Note that the North Congregational Church on Linden Avenue is more easily accessed at 96 North Beacon Street, off Wisner Avenue.


Newburgh Symphonic Chorale

The Magnificat is the hymn of the Virgin Mary in Luke, 1:46-55. There are many musical settings by hundreds of composers beginning as early as the fifteenth century. A setting by the eighteenth century German-born, American composer C. T. Pachelbel, will be accompanied by Christopher King, organ; Gary Boyd and Jason Orson, trumpets; and Paul Bellino and Martin Tyce, trombones for the Newburgh Symphonic Chorale’s An Early American Christmas. Charles Theodore Pachelbel (16901750), organist and harpsichordist of the late Baroque era, was the son of the famous Johann Pachelbel, composer of the popular Canon in D. One of the first European composers to take up residence in the American colonies, Charles T. was

the most famous musical figure in early Charleston, South Carolina. Only a handful of his works survive; the most famous is an aria God of sleep, for whom I languish. His Magnificat for double choir is performed with some frequency. In 1736 Pachelbel gave two public concerts in New York. Both took place in Robert Todd’s house, an important tavern. Pachelbel played the harpsichord, accompanied by local musicians and singers. In addition to the Magnifact, the Chorale’s concert offerings will include folk carols and spirituals of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, under the direction of Peter W. Sipple, with accompanist Jenine Livingston, on December 13 at Peter W. Sipple 4:00pn at St. George’s Church, 105 Grand Street, Newburgh. No tickets are required. Attendees may contribute to a free-will offering. Plenty of parking across the street.

December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Charles Dickens in Cragsmoor...Again!

little children to a doddering old In Mr. Dickens Tells a Christmas man. Carol Gregg Shults takes Cragsmoor’s own Arthur I. Charles Dickens’ popular reading Keller illustrated the 1914 edition of his classic work, A Christmas of the book. Carol, which Dickens toured Rediscover the true spirit of throughout England and the U.S. Christmas at the historic Stone in the 1850’s and 60’s, to the next Church, 280 Henry Road in level by actually dramatizing the Cragsmoor on December 22 events in the story. at 7:00pm. The church will be Those who are fortunate to adorned with holiday decorations attend will be amazed by his and a Christmas tree. Hot cider ability to portray all of the twenty and cookies will be served. three characters in this production, from the endearing Tiny Tim Illustration by Arthur I. Keller, 1918 A donation of $8 is to the selfish Ebenezer Scrooge, the Ghosts of suggested. Shults is generously donating the Christmas Past, Present, and Future, and all the proceeds of this performance to the Building supporting characters in between. His voice, Fund for the restoration of the Headquarters of stature, and expression quickly morph from the Cragsmoor Historical Society.

Pine Bush: “Toys for Tots” Exhibit & Party

The Crawford Arts Association (CAA) will donate a portion of its proceeds to the Toys for Tots program during their annual Toys For Tots Art Exhibition which features watercolors, oils, pastels, sculpture and photography from CAA members and friends, and coincides with the United States Marine Toys For Tots Party in Pine Bush. Eat for FREE at the Party with the contribution of a new, un-wrapped toy!


Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

Enjoy a locally catered pasta dinner and dessert, chat and take free photos with Santa and members of The United States Marines Corp., all the while listening to the sounds of exceptional live holiday musical performances during a party on December 13 from 3:30pm6:00pm. The December 9-January 21 CAA exhibit and the Dec. 13 Party are in the Crawford Gov’t Center, 121 State Route 302 in Pine Bush.

December 2015

“Into The Light!” & New Ellenville Book

For the past two years, the multi-cultural pageant Into the Light! has thrilled families with live music, puppetry and lyrical dance. Ellenville Public Library & Museum (EPL&M) received a grant from Arts MidHudson to host dance and music workshops taught by Vanaver instructors. “We wanted to facilitate local kids being able to study and train with the Vanaver Caravan in Southern Ulster County,” said Asha Golliher, Outreach Librarian at EPL&M. “Performing with the company and Arm of the Sea in Into the Light! is a wonderful opportunity. Our joint vision is about using the program to build community. That’s what the story line of Into the Light is about as well - and it’s a fantastic collaboration between artists. The show is inspiring for everyone, on all levels!” Created by Isabel Cottingham, Miranda ten Broeke, Livia Vanaver and Patrick Wadden, Into the Light! touches on a variety of traditions including Chanukah, Christmas, Diwali, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, and Yule. With live music, puppetry, song and lyrical dance, it tells of how Lucia travels the world to learn how light is kept glowing through the darkest part of the year. Performers include Vanaver Caravan’s Youth Company and CaravanKids, along with the recently formed CaravanKids in Ellenville, and Arm of the Sea Theater, with special guests Barely Lace Singers. Into the Light! will be performed at Ellenville

“Into the Light!” Dec. 6 at 2:00pm!

High School Auditorium, 28 Maple Avenue, December 6 at 2:00pm. There is a $5 donation at the door; early arrival is recommended. For information, call 845-647-5530. Ellenville’s New Book! EPL&M is proud to announce the publication Images of America: Ellenville, a pictorial history produced by Arcadia Publishing. The book, coauthored by Town of WawarsingHistorian Bucky Green, uses images and archives from the library’s local history collections. Everyone is cordially invited to a celebration and book signing on December 4, at 7:00pm in the Community Room, 40 Center Street, Ellenville.

Photographers of Hope: Newburgh Revival A photography exhibit that tells the stories of ordinary but extraordinary people and organizations that are determined to build a better future for their families and community, will take place in Newburgh’s Ann Street Gallery. These photos bring to life stories of entrepreneurship, struggle, resilience and give voice to a community that believes they can change the trajectory of history. Indeed Newburgh’s grandeur, and the heart of this photo project, is not the mansions or the broad streets; its greatness is the spirit of the people who are building and rebuilding their lives. Their hope is that these photos, taken by 9 photographers from all corners of the world, will inspire people to play a positive role in their

own community, and for the government and businesses to applaud and support these efforts. An opening reception for Photographers of Hope: Newburgh Revival takes place on December 12, from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Ann Street Gallery, 104 Ann Street, Newburgh. The exhibit is on display until January 30. For information: 845-784-1146.

Exhibition: The Arc of Orange County

The Arc of Orange County use a variety of mediums including (AOC) was founded in 1954 and paint, pottery, tile, cement and many headquartered in Newburgh. The other materials. Artists supported AOC’s 750 employees provide by the studio have had their work an array of educational, clinical, displayed in a variety of locations employment, residential, and throughout New York State and day services for more than 2,000 a number of artists have been people of all ages living in Orange awarded prizes for their work. County who have developmental The AOC artists will have their disabilities. artwork on display at 2 Alices More than two hundred people Color of Sound by Lisa Samar Coffee Lounge, 117 Broadway, attend creative art classes at the AOC Art Newburgh thru February 4, 2016. All are Gallery in Middletown. The program provides welcome to the opening reception on December opportunities for students to learn new skills and 9 at Noon to view the art and meet the artists. to enhance their creativity in the arts. The artists Visit www.thearcoforange.org

The Arts & A Book...in Pine Bush “This exhibit is worth the trip over the river and through the woods to this Gallery in Pine Bush for which artists have created brand new paintings on a small scale, to tuck into fireplace hung stockings,” states artist-curator Tom Bolger. “While many of these great small works are paintings of beautiful landscapes, flowers and animals, there are also fascinating subjects captured in photography.” Now on view, and continuing through January 6 at the Crawford Gallery of Fine “Peacock Feather” by Mitchell Saler Arts’ (CGFA) Annual Great Small Works books and the stories that and Miniature Holiday Show came with them,” Bolger are paintings, drawings, continued. “By writing and photography, sculpture, illustrating both The Great ceramics, jewelry and artists’ Squirrel Rebellion and gift cards by Hudson Valley Kenai’s Thanksgiving he artists. feels he’s giving back for “At the reception, Pine others to enjoy. These books Bush High School and are for ages 1-7.” Fredonia State University Join the celebration of the graduate, author and Holiday Emporium - Great illustrator Gowon M. Fisher Small Works and meet this will be here to sign and sell fine children’s book author, his books,” announced CGFA Gowon M. Fisher at the curator Tom Bolger. Illustration by Gowon M. Fisher reception on December 12, “Gowon, a fine children’s 5:30pm-7:30pm. book author, who holds a BA in psychology, The CGFA is located at 65 Main Street, tells me his motivation for writing and Pine Bush. For information: 845-744-8634. illustrating these books comes from his experiences as a child and a love of picture

December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Annual “Holiday Lights in Bloom” in Montgomery by J. A. Di Bello “Did you see that?” she gasped, almost regretting the alarm in her voice. “See what?” replied the distracted, yet dutiful companion. “I am driving and it’s dark!” “No, I mean yes, I know that, but I am serious! That glow, over there! It’s orange, red, yellow. Wow! It’s spillin’ out from behind those half naked trees and bushes!” “Half naked?! I’m goin’ down that road!” And thus began an evening of curiosity, wonderment and discovery. That excited, yet brief exchange took place in the car of an innocent, unsuspecting young couple, as they traveled, an evening or two ago, on the Goshen Road, better known as NYS Route 416. It’s a designated Scenic Highway, just a brief stretch of pavement, reaching from Clark’s Crossing in Hamptonburgh to its junction with NYS Route 211 at the Orange County Airport in Montgomery. Unaware, the patient and distracted driver found himself and his companion in the vicinity of Grove Street and Eager Road. No one had warned them: Grove Street is the preferred entrance to the famed Orange County Arboretum, conveniently located at the Thomas Bull Memorial Park.

The couple, at first distracted and now attracted to the multi-colored light display, entered the Orange County Park via Grove Street. By happenstance and fate, the traveling companions stumbled on and discovered with wonderment the satisfaction that accompanies light. So, if on a winter’s night, a warm and colorful glow is noticed behind some half naked shrubbery and trees along the Goshen Road, “the Arboretum will be in ‘full bloom’ with beautiful, garden-themed light displays in the forms of flowers, animals and insects. Children, and adults alike, will be charmed as they stroll down paths of lit trees, walk through gardens filled with an assortment of flowers and ‘critters’, visit the 9/11 Memorial Garden decorated patriotically and stop at the water’s edge of a pond created in lights. This year, Holiday Lights in Bloom will be expanded to include an Asian Garden complete with peonies, a cherry blossom tree, a peacock and much more.” - OC Parks & Recreation Holiday Lights in Bloom is free and open to the public from 5:00pm-8:00pm, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays through December 20

and then daily from December 21-December 27, 5:00pm-8:00pm (closed Christmas Day). Volunteers from the Friends of the OC Arboretum will be in the Ottaway Education center serving hot cocoa (while supplies last) and selling handmade crafts at their Holiday Boutique. Be sure to make visiting this event part of your family’s holiday traditions! The Arboretum is located within Thomas Bull Memorial Park on State Route 416 in Hamptonburgh and is easily accessed from the Grove Street entrance to the park. For more information, call 845-615-3828.

Art & Book Signing

Author and UpFront Exhibition Space artist Dr. Lillian HynesLongendorfer (see photo) was a Medical Director at Wayne Memorial Hospital for 14 years and just retired this past October. Her most recent novel, The Quad Consortium and The Sword of Bale, is a modern work of science fiction. “It’s a story that takes place in an imaginary solar system at the outer edge of the Milky Way. It’s about a man trying to forget his past, but who, when his world and friends are threatened by his nemesis, finds the courage to face his past and try to save the solar system and his friends. It is a story of courage over fear and of good over evil,” said Lillian. Meet Lillian at a book signing for her new novel when UpFront Exhibition Space, 31 Jersey Avenue, Port Jervis has its December 5 opening reception (5:00pm-8:00pm) for their annual Winter Holiday Exhibit. Enjoy live music by Walt Edwards along with complimentary food and refreshments during the opening reception. The show runs through December 28. For more information: 845-754-5000.



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December 2015

Music & Art in Livingston Manor

The Catskill Art Society (CAS) will hold their annual Crafts Show in the Elevator Gallery, featuring funky artwork and gifts by local artisans. The December 5, 1:00pm-4:00pm opening reception is part of CAS’ day long holiday celebration featuring Trains on Main and poetry readings (2:00pm) by Kirby Olson, William Greenfield & Bill Fellenberg. Kirby Olson is professor of humanities at SUNY-Delhi. He will read from his new book, Christmas at Rockefeller Center. William Greenfield has had work published in the Storyteller Magazine, the Barbaric Yawp, the Artistic Muse and Bookends Review. Bill Fellenberg’s poems and short stories have appeared in Corduroy, Empty Boat, and Vector. He will read four of his poems at CAS.

Jazz with Thurman Barker Since 1993, Legendary jazz drummer Thurman Barker (see photo) has been an Associate Professor of Music at Bard College. He studied at the American Conservatory of Music and later served as an accompanist for Billy Eckstine, Bette Midler, and Marvin Gaye, and has played marimba with Cecil Taylor. Barher will present a pair of concerts at CAS’ Laundry King to share jazz with people young and old on December 19. Jazz For Young Folks begins at 4:00pm and presents a fun, accessible

Batik in Parksville

“Trains on Main” will roll into town for the 8th annual year! This nostalgic trip back in time features handmade model trains on view in windows on Livingston Manor’s Main Street!

program of holiday music and jazz standards that will have the little ones dancing in the aisles! At 7:30pm Barker & Trinity pay homage to the music of Irving Berlin, inspiring originals by Thurman and some seasonal favorites. Trinity features Lonnie Gasparini on organ, Miles Barnett on sax, and Barker on drums and percussion. All proceeds benefit CAS for renovation of its new performance space. Tickets are available for a suggested donation of $10. Advance reservations are recommended as seating is limited. For reservations, email info@ catskillartsociety.org or call 845-436-4227.

Great Music, Great Food at Dead End

Tom Caltabellotta Kathryn Wieckhorst Michael Celentano

Keira Weyand

Mariano Vidal

Rebecca Heath

For the Parksville USA 2015 Music Festival’s last concert of the season, producer and host Tom Caltabellota says, “It’s Christmas and our show is about good music!” Most people need no introduction to La Boheme. We all know the beauty its music contains and the heartfelt passion the dramatic aspect of the music offers us. But Puccini isn’t the only composer who can tug at our heartstrings so completely via the medium of opera. Once upon a time there was a Salzburgian named Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and many opera-philes would agree that his most beautiful operatic “song” is the sublime Soprano-Mezzo-Bass trio from Cosi Fan Tutte. The mainstay of the Festival is The Lyric Quartet, soprano Kathryn Wieckhorst, tenor Michael Celentano, pianist Keira Weyand and basso Caltabellotta. “For the holiday we are having two special guests, tenor and

long-time friend Mariano Vidal, with whom I duet for our usual shtick-bantering,” Tom quipped, “and a wonderful singer Rebecca Heath who will sing soprano as Musetta for our condensed version of Boheme, and mezzo as Dorabella for Cosi’s glorious trio.” For the afternoon’s Holiday Section, “I will sing I’ll Be Home For Christmas,” explained Rebecca, “and for an aria, The Sun Whose Rays from The Mikado,” about which Tom happily stated, “The Mikado will be perfect. You will be the first Gilbert & Sullivan performer in The Lyric Quartet’s history! Welcome!” You can expect some American, Mexican and Italian songs, too, to whet your appetite for the delicious dinner that is included in the ticket price. After the December 6, 3:00pm concert at the Dead End Cafè, 6 Main Street, Parksville, the group will take a vacation break and will open the 2016 season in April. For reservations, phone: 845-292-0400.


Batik on Silk - A Holiday Show featuring batik art and scarves by Ksenia Golubkov, runs from December 3-31 at the Rolling River Cafe, Gallery & Inn, 25 Cooley Road in Parksville. For information: 845-747-4123.

December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Fresh, Organic Art from The Farm / Art Trail at The Wallkill River School

Artists from the Wallkill River School (WRS) have teamed up with farmers to bring cultural tourism to Orange County. The Farm / Art Trail is a map of participating farm stands where one WRS artist has been painting on each farm for the past year. The trail is a map developed by Orange County Tourism, to encourage families to travel from farmto-farm. Each stop on the Trail will feature a picturesque farm and artwork by an artist who loves it, with a geo cache for viewers to offer their own comments. 15 artists have been painting at 15 farms for the past year. Each of the artists are featured in a month-long show at the WRS. Fresh art from the Farm/Art Trail, the WRS will feature Debbe Cushman Femiak’s paintings of Lawrence Farms in Newburgh, and Elizabeth Ocskay’s paintings of Jones Farm in Cornwall from December 1-30. Emerging Artist Jim Muhlhahn is being featured in a solo show in the workshop room. Elizabeth Ocskay was born in Vienna, Austria to Hungarian refugees and spent her early years on a farm in the countryside. She began drawing animals, particularly horses, as soon as she was able to hold a pencil. Her family emigrated to America when she was five, and she continued to draw studying watercolor at the Woodstock School and

“Lawrence Farms” by Debbe Cushman Femiak

pastels at the WRS. She has had several business careers: travel industry and personnel and is now a Social Worker. Though she works primarily in oils and pastels, she has also worked with pen & ink, graphite, watercolors, and mixed media. A yogi for many years, she finds spiritual strength in nature and meditation. Debbe Cushman Femiak is a Newburgh artist that grew up in Vermont and draws upon her father’s talent and her mother’s creativity. She is an instructor of children’s art and adult fiber art classes at the WRS where she is also a represented artist. A versatile artist, Debbe dabbles in drawing, acrylics, pastels, pen & ink, as well as fiber arts. She has always had an interest in art, but through the loss of her job in the corporate

“Tinka & Friends” by Elizabeth Ocskay

world of IBM, she rediscovered her passion. Her classes at the WRS with Nancy Reed Jones, an award winning Hudson Valley acrylic artist, gave her the motivation for pursuing a career in art. Emerging Artist Jim Muhlhahn is a watercolorist who recently began plein air painting on farms with the WRS. He creates very detailed vignettes that depict the time and place of each scene. Muhlhahn’s detailing stems from his hobby of wood carving. He creates intricate and beautiful wood pieces from tree roots, branches and parts that he finds and mills himself. He will be exhibiting his two creative passions for this show. Fresh produce from local farms and local wines will be served at the opening reception on December 5, from 5:00pm-7:00pm.



Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

December 2015

Art by Emerging Artist, Jim Muhlhahn

The WRS is located at 232 Ward Street in Montgomery. For information, visit www. wallkillriverschool.com or call 845-457-2727. Also on display through December 14 is Harvest, by WRS members, and then from December 15-January 14 a new members’ show entitled Holidays. TEENS: WRS holds a teen painting drop-in every Saturday at 1:00pm. All equipment and materials are provided. KIDS: Have your Birthday Party at WRS!

Jazz Explosion: “Cameron Brown’s Birthday Bash” in Marlboro “Overjoyed to be celebrating my 70th birthday with four of my oldest and dearest friends in music: playing originals, some music by Don Cherry and Dannie Richmond, with brilliant lyrics by Sheila Jordan, some standards and, of course, be-bop classics from Sheila’s early days in Detroit. We’ll take another look at some of Joe Lovano’s Trio Fascination repertoire, as well. This is a dream ensemble for me: expect the whole spectrum from gentle beauty to fireworks!” - Cameron Brown. Jazzbassist,composerandeducatorCameron Brown began his career in the mid-sixties, recording in Europe with George Russell and Don Cherry, who remain life-long influences and inspirations. He anchored some of the most important groups of the seventies, eighties and nineties, with Sheila Jordan, Roswell Rudd, Archie Shepp and Beaver Harris who were his mentors and bandleaders. He has enjoyed special relationships with master drummers Art Blakey, Dannie Richmond, Philly Joe Jones, Edward Blackwell, Idris Muhammad and Joe Chambers, as well as Harris. One of the most consistently creative jazz singers of all time, Sheila Jordan is a superb scat singer, and an emotional interpreter of ballads. Jordan has recorded as a session musician with an array of critically acclaimed artists in addition to a solo career. Jordan pioneered a bebop and scat jazz singing style with an upright bass as

the only accompaniment. Jordan’s music has earned praise from many critics, particularly for her ability to improvise entire lyrics; Scott Yanow describes her as “one of the most consistently creative of all jazz singers.” Charlie Parker introduced Jordan as “the singer with the million dollar ears.” Cameron Brown Sheila Jordan Joe Lovano Most jazz musicians are flexible: it’s a philosophical requirement of “About my fascination with Trio Fascination,” the job. At 60, Joe Lovano, both a Grammy Lovano says, “playing in a trio formation no Nominee and Awardee, is an extreme case, matter what the instrumentation is, is a joyous moving toward universality. He developed a creative exploration of personalities and music. tenor saxophone sound for his temperament I have three recordings documenting my and bebop’s complex language, by listening approach in this format on Enja Records and and following the sound of the music. An ideal Blue Note Records, one of which includes Trio Lovano performance might be one that sounds Fascination.” Among other notables, Jazz drummer and good with New York’s advanced-harmony educator, Billy Hart was a member of Herbie killer elite, but that could be effectively cut and Hancock’s sextet, and played with McCoy pasted over a trap beat or a string quartet or Tyner, Stan Getz, Quest, and recorded with scale exercises or traffic sounds. And he keeps Miles Davis on On the Corner. Hart spends changing horns...anything can happen! considerable time at the Oberlin Conservatory “Move over Pavarotti; the greatest Italian of Music, and is adjunct faculty at the New tenor isn’t Luciano, but Lovano.” - Will England Conservatory of Music and Western Friedwall/Village Voice. Michigan University. Currently, he leads the Lovano has long experimented with Billy Hart Quartet with Mark Turner, Ethan varying ensembles in duets, trios, quartets Iverson, and Ben Street, which has released and quintets, in his Wind Ensemble, Street Band and Nonet. And also Trio Fascination. two albums on ECM Records.

Billy Hart

Judi Silvano

The voice of Judi Silvano, whose wordless vocals mesh beautifully in both ensemble and in improvised passages with husband, Joe Lovano, is versatile enough to present the Jazz Standards, the unique work of Thelonious Monk, or of American women composers, or her own originals about the dance of life. Silvano, a fearless experimenter in the world of jazz vocals, shares her joy - bringing inspiration to every collaborative effort through her skilled, “other-worldly” improvisational techniques and sensitive listening. “Vocalist Silvano has guts and takes big risks singing in the new music arena, creating original music and functioning as an instrument in the ensemble.” - Kirk Silsbee / Downbeat Magazine. Cameron Brown’s Birthday Bash with the above legendary line-up takes place on December 20 at 7:00pm at The Falcon, 1348 Route 9w, Marlboro. Call 845-236-7970.

Potluck: Dec. 4 Leonid Polishchuk and Sofya Maryanova are just two of the artists who will perform Mozart, Beethoven, and Rameau for Potluck Concert’s Not Quite Ready for Winter concert on December 4 at 7:30pm in the Cornwall Presbyterian Church, 222 Hudson Street, Cornwall-onHudson. Refreshments are served after the concert. Enjoy a pre-concert dinner at Leo’s Restaurant. See ad below.

Happy Holidays from the gang at Leo’s!

December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


It’s All About Strings: No Fret There are those who devour the festive activities normally associated with celebratory events. Also, in that same line of thinking there are those creative individuals who are keen enough and have the adequate foresight necessary to plan joyful activities for the same celebrations. One such individual is Ginny Neidermier, Director of the JosephineLouise Public Library in Walden. Although not personally involved in the ageing process, Ginny is quick to recognize the party potential of a one hundredth anniversary. And so a celebratory Christmas concert is planned, recognizing with holiday spirit and music the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Josephine-Louise Public Library in Walden. As a knowledgeable Library Director and musical enthusiast, Ginny has employed her administrative talents to arrange for three local, accomplished musicians to present a holiday program. To begin, there’s Piotr Kargul on the viola; Kyle Behnken on a double bass; and Rob Murphy on the violin. Piotr Kargul is also well known about the Hudson Valley. A member of the prestigious

Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra, Piotr began his study of the viola at the age of eight and earned a Master of Arts degree at the Music Academy in Poznan, Poland. He is anxiously looking forward to the Holiday Concert, as he believes, “It will be a light and jovial concert.” Frequently, concerts using the instruments of this “no fret” family fall under the genre of “classical” or “chamber.” Don’t be deceived here and pay heed to a gentle hint from the concert’s title, Christmas with a Twist. This writer expects to encounter a lot of “jollies” and Ho-Ho-Ho’s! To further promote the thematic concept of a special “no fret” holiday, audiences will find Robert Murphy on the violin. He began his violin studies as a young child on Long Island. After an early introduction to music in school, he began studying privately which eventually lead to the Suzuki method. Suzuki laid a solid foundation and became the springboard to meeting and studying with Irene Lawton. At Stony Brook University, he was given the unique and privileged opportunity of studying and performing with the graduate level orchestra as a high school student. As high school drew to a close, Robert enrolled

at New York State University at Fredonia, where he majored in audio engineering. During this period, he performed with such professional ensembles as the Erie Philharmonic and the Fredonia Chamber Players. He maintains positions in the first violin sections of the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra, Northern Dutchess Symphony Orchestra, and the Hudson Opera Theatre Orchestra. Rounding out this holiday Piotr Kargul, Kyle Behnken, & Rob Murphy driven trio is Kyle Behnken of Wappingers Falls. As a well-rounded musician, For those in need of or just searching for classically trained in Double Bass performance, some jollies or some no fret Ho-Ho-Ho’s, join Kyle is a graduate of the Hartt School of Music. in the musical portion of the Josephine-Louise Interestingly he began his interest in music Public Library’s 100th Anniversary. with the guitar when he was 9 years of age. He All will gather at Saint Andrew’s Church, switched to the “no fret” approach at the age (across the street from the Library) corner of eleven when he switched his instrument of of Walnut and Orchard Streets in Walden choice to the double bass. Kyle is a performer on December 12. The concert will begin at with passion, as he drifted into piano and organ 2:00pm with refreshments to follow at the while in high school and studied ear training Library’s open house, 3:00pm-5:00pm. and music theory in college. For information: 845-778-7621.


YOUR AD HERE $ 30 - 1 time $ 150 - 6 times ($25 per) $ 300 -12 times ($25 per) Add $10 for color Call us: 845-926-4646


Delaware & Hudson CANVAS

December 2015

W h i s p e r i n g P i n e s ~ Cooking The History of Cookies I don’t know about you, but I make a ton of Christmas cookies every year, for unexpected guests or gifts. The first cookies were created by accident. Dutch cooks used a small amount of cake batter to test their oven temperature before baking a large cake. These little test cakes were called koekje, meaning “little cake” in Dutch. Originally called “little cakes,” cookies are made with sweet dough or batter, baked in single-sized servings. Perfect for snacking or as dessert, cookies are consumed in 95.2% of U.S. households. Americans alone consume over 2 billion cookies a year or 300 cookies for each person annually. Cookies are most often classified by method of preparation drop, molded, pressed, refrigerated, bar and rolled. Their dominant ingredient, such as nut cookies, fruit cookies or chocolate cookies, can also classify them. Whether gourmet, soft or bite-sized cookies, new categories are always cropping up as the American appetite for cookies continues to grow. Sometime in the 1930s, so the story goes, a Massachusetts innkeeper ran out of nuts while making cookies. Therefore, she substituted a bar of baking chocolate, breaking it into pieces and adding the chunks of chocolate to


the flour, butter and brown sugar dough. The Toll House Cookie, so named after the inn in which it was served, was a hit. Historians credit the innkeeper, Ruth Wakefield, with inventing what has since become an American classic - the chocolate chip cookie. The following are some of my favorite German cookie recipes. Enjoy! Haselnussmakronen

2 teaspoons butter, softened 2 egg whites 3/4 cup white sugar 1.5 cups hazelnuts: blanched, skinned, ground 6 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 2 teaspoons lemon zest 1 pinch salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine ground nuts, cocoa, lemon peel, salt, vanilla in small bowl. In large bowl, beat egg whites until they foam & thicken slightly. Sprinkle the sugar over them; continue to beat until whites form stiff, unwavering peaks on beater when lifted out of bowl. Gently fold nut mixture into whites until combined. Coat large baking sheet w/ 2 teaspoons softened butter. Drop dough by tablespoon onto prepared baking sheet, spacing them about inch apart. Let cookies rest at room temperature for 1 hr. before baking. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Place cookies on center rack; bake 30 minutes, or until firm.

Chef Douglas Frey Pfeffernuesse

4 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup white sugar 1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice 1 dash ground black pepper 3/4 cup molasses 1/2 cup butter 2 eggs, beaten 1 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar

In large bowl, stir together flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, allspice. In medium saucepan over medium heat, combine molasses & butter. Heat, stirring occasionally, until butter melts. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. When mixture has cooled, beat in eggs. Blend molasses mixture into dry ingredients until evenly mixed. Cover and refrigerate for 3-4 hours. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease cookie sheets. Roll dough into 1 inch balls, place them 2 inches apart onto cookie sheets. Bake 12-14 minutes in oven, or until firm. While cookies are warm, toss them in bag with confectioners’ sugar; toss to coat. When cool, toss with sugar again. As always, for all of your culinary questions, catering needs or personal chef services, I may be reached at Whispering Pines Caterers: 845-647-1428.

Monroe Library Art

Monroe Free Library has served many purposes in 107 years: research center, storm refuge, performance venue and craft area. One thing they never could be, due to space constraints was an Art Gallery. “Count Orlok” by Al Nickerson But it turns out that that’s one more thing that is changing thanks to their newly expanded building. The library’s Featured Artist program showcases visual artists. Painters, photographers, comic artists, scrapbookers and anybody else local who makes art that can be hung, are invited to contact the library to inquire about displaying their work. December’s featured artist is Al Nickerson. Nickerson is a comic book self-publisher and artist for DC Comics and Archie Comic publications. A writer for Back Issue magazine, he is also a professor at SUNY Orange teaching Sequential Art: Comics Illustration. The library will be exhibiting some of Nickerson’s original artwork from his comic book, An Act of Faith in December, at 44 Millpond in Monroe. For information, phone 845-783-4411.

December 2015

Delaware & Hudson CANVAS


Otisville-Mt. Hope 3rd Annual Exhibition

“Sunset from Bear Mountain Bridge” by Mitchell Saler

“Village Street in Winter, Christmas” by Gladys Loeven

The Otisville-Mt. Hope donating $40 of the fee to the Art by Evelyn Noelle Presbyterian Church will hold church. Contact Cynthia Harrisits 3rd annual art exhibition Pagano at 845-386-1712 if you featuring Gladys Loeven, would like to reserve a specific Evelyn Noelle, Cynthia Harristime, or select a time at the Pagano, Mitchell Saler, Bridget exhibit. Wolbeck, Rick Loggia and more. Refreshments will be served. There will also be a display of “It is exciting that this will children’s artwork. be the third year the OtisvilleThe show takes place on Mt. Hope Presbyterian Church December 4, (6:00pm-8:00pm), will hold an art exhibit,” says December 5, (10:00am-3:00pm), participating artist Mitchell Saler, & December 6, from (9:00amwho is assisting in organizing the 1:00pm). On Saturday, there “Bridget” by C. Harris-Pagano exhibit with Allison Wilbur. will be demonstrations given by participating The church is located at 25 Main Street, artists, including Cynthia Harris-Pagano, who Otisville. For information, call the church: will be offering half-hour sittings for matted 845-386-3851 or email mitchellsaler@ 11x14” pastel portraits for $60. She will be mitchellsaler.com or Emlee@hvc.rr.com

Instructors’ Small Works Art Show Len DeVirgilio has been a graphic designer for over 40 years, working in New York advertising agencies and design studios. Jodie Yeaple King has been an artist for over 40 years, working in illustrations, tole painting, jewelry making, fiber arts, and metal sculpting. She has owned an art-based business selling her work and that of other local artists, and has taught adult classes in the Hudson Valley. Patti Eakin owns and operates the Bruynswick Art Studio & Gallery in Gardiner, “The Bashakill” by Cynthia Harris-Pagano where she has been teaching oils and watercolors for over 16 years. from South Korea and China. She Pattie was named best artist in the has exhibited her work in South Hudson Valley by Hudson Valley Korea and the U.S. Magazine in 2010. Bob Breur typically sculpts Gayle Clark Fedigan has in clay as a maquette and then been an accomplished pastel copies that form to wood as his instructor and artist for 25 years. final art form. Bob’s works are She has taught in Ireland, Italy, intended to be viewed from all and France. directions and even touched to Cynthia Harris-Pagano be fully appreciated. His skills specializes in portraits, still-life, have recently been applied as “Boss Harbor” by Susan Minier and landscapes in oil and pastel, augmentation to art therapy for and works out of her North Light Studio in returning veterans with PTSD, as his preferred Otisville. A member of the Portrait Society of form of volunteer work. America, her paintings are in public and private What else do the above have in common collections in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. aside from the fact that they’re artists and art Esther McHenry is an active member of instructors? They will have a group exhibit Artists in the Parks and the Lower Hudson at Mount Saint Mary College’s (MSMC) Valley Plein Air Painters. Desmond Campus. Enjoy viewing their work Susan Minier is a full-time artist working and seeing the Desmond house gussied up in fabric, paper collage and paint. She enjoys and decorated for the holidays! The opening leading workshops to share her art techniques reception is on December 12, 1:00pmwith others. 3:00pm at 6 Albany Post Road, Newburgh. Sunwha Gil studied authentic and traditional The show runs through January 29. ink-brush painting with well known professors For information call 845-565-2076. 32 Delaware & Hudson CANVAS December 2015

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