Does astrology help us to find our true niche in the universe

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Does Astrology help us to find our true niche in the Universe?


What is your final decision about Destiny & free will? "Does Astrology teach fatality?" "Do the stars indicate circumstances or conditions over which the individual can have no control?" "Does

Astrology help us to find our true niche in the Universe?" These are very loaded questions and due pondering is required.Besides what are mentioned as below I have attached some links & file for you on destiny & free will written by many authors‘Tamaso maa Jyotirgamaya’ ... Take me from darkness to the eternal light. This prayer says that we always want to be positive, lively, and energetic, with the power of our Soul, which is divine. It says God is our friend. Let us learn to make God Himself our friend, get out of the clutches of Fate and Destiny and expand our free will. Let us meet God with our free will today and everyday for the rest of our lives. To find out an answer to this question we must start with the premise that there is some purpose in creation of the universe and everything therein works in accordance with a pre-arranged sequence wherein there is no chaos and man is just a small component of the whole marvel. The purpose of human life in this scheme of things is to make man perfect and thus free him from the cycle of repeated births and deaths (moksha) Many learned people say that there is nothing called destiny or fate. This line of thinking says that human beings have the option to take decisions using their free will. All our successes, failures and actions are governed by the decisions we take. If we take correct decisions and act accordingly, no one can prevent us from achieving what we want to. If we fail, it must be due to something gone wrong on account of our own shortcomings. Theory of free will does not answer the question of differences between different people at the point of their birth. Why one is born to rich parents and another to poor ones? Why are some children born healthy and some sick or crippled in some way? And such other similar questions are unanswered. The Bhagavad Gita has been advocating nishkama karma - desireless action - since time immemorial. It says “Your choice is in action only, never in the result thereof. Do not be the author of the result of action. Let your attachment not be to inaction” (2-47) The reincarnation theory also states that the consequences of actions (Karma Phala) need not necessarily be experienced in the present life; they can be carried over into future lives. Because of this, several sub-divisions of Karma have been postulated. Sanchita Karma. The store house of unexhausted Karmic end results accumulated from previous births. Prarabdha Karma. That part of one’s Sanchita Karma which started bearing fruit and must be worked out in the present life. Prarabdha is often translated as destiny. Agami Karma. Consequences of new Karma getting accumulated in the present lifetime on account of current actions which is carried forward into future lives.This theory implies that all events are predestined. There is nothing called free will. We are all like instruments in some grand design and nothing else. All our thoughts and actions are predestined. The third school contends that both destiny and free will work side by side in human activities. It says that free will is not exclusive but is included in destiny. Hindu philosophy does not entirely accept any one theory viz. destiny or free will. If destiny is the only deciding factor how is it possible then that the seeds for future births can be sown in the present birth which is dependent on one’s free will? If no initiative is taken in life and everything is left to destiny it is a mere escape from responsibility to perform one’s own duties and is fatalism. Bhagavad Gita reiterates that none can remain without performing action even for a second. On the other hand if absolute free will alone is going to be the determining factor, then why many of our efforts

result in failures despite sincere and honest efforts while many other actions succeed where no sincere efforts are made? James Allen says.........It is therefore true that man is predestined to certain ends, but he himself has (though he knows it not) issued the mandate; that good or evil thing from which there is no escape, he has, by his own deeds, brought about. It may here be urged that man is not responsible for his deeds, that these are the effects of his character, and that he is not responsible for the character, good or bad, which was given him at his birth. If character was "given him" at birth, this would be true, and there would then be no moral law, and no need for moral teaching; but characters are not given ready made, they are evolved; they are, indeed, effects, the products of the moral law itself, that is— the products of deeds. Character result of an accumulation of deeds which have been piled up, so to speak, by the individual during his life .................... with thanks & regards, [1] [2] fbid=392094447519851&set=a.169496909779607.43639.100001578970588&type=1&theater [3] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1A] However this is suggested in KP Reader that planets do not cause luck or ill luck. They only indicate the trend of events in our life. The cause is our Karma. -KP Reader II page 17

[2] Invoke his blessings to motivate His free will for manifestation of our known destiny know your destiny from natal & divisional charts & His(Almighty) free will through HORARY ASTROLOGY - Why do We often pray at the auspicious moment to invoke his blessings and to motivate His free will for manifestation of our known destiny.-Destiny FREE WILL () - His Free will HORARY ASTROLOGY , TWINS/ ceserean Birth , TWINS , TWINS HORARY ASTROLOGY / ref=bookmarks

[2 A ] Wisdom of seers direct us to perform remedies

Remedies-Upay-Grooming-Nurture do not play important role for creating our personality even though we don't have any other option except to follow these or say to accept it for want of any other option........ But Sri Tin Win Ji saysIf remedies were effective, astrology prediction is not correct. If astrology prediction were correct, remedies are not effective. Choice is astrology or remedies! But our scriptures remind us that We may prepare our selves to brighten our present, coming future and for next birth...... According to a study of twins which found that character is something you are born with. Researchers from Edinburgh University studied more than 800 sets of identical and non-identical twins to learn whether genetics or upbringing has a greater effect on how successful people are in life. But Brhadaranyaka Upanishad reminds us to recite following mantras and to make our life better Asato ma sadgamaya Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya Mrityor ma amritam gamaya Meaning Lead me from the unreal to the real Lead me from darkness to light Lead me from death to immortality. This mantra is from the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad and is an especially powerful prayer as it reminds us that our practice is to transcend the limitations of this body and this mind. As we ask to be led towards shining truth, we realize that we must refine our understanding and radically transform what we seek. Recite these mantras Sadgamaya, shanti mantra, by Ravi Shankar and George Harrison Respected Lataji sings to destroy dirty mind ................. Excellent power of 'deep', which can remove our sins and also destroy the dirty minds, its power gets increased when sung by Lataj Morning prayers & its importance- PART - B: According to the law of Karma one has to reap what had sown. Even lord Buddha suffered from the attack of dysentry, passing blood from his rectum, just before his Mahaparinirvana. When one has to reap what has been sown. -Quoted by respected Sri Tin Win Ji///// BUT I"M BOUND TO REJECT OUT RIGHTLY THE POINT OF ARGUMENT that Lord Budhdh had to suffer or mostly all other saints had to suffer badly due to their own Karm.It is most misguiding argument advanced by well known great KP Stalwart respected Sri Tin Win Ji. SINNER CAN NEVER BE SAINT or SIDHDHA. LORD BUDHDHA WAS NOT A SIINER WHO HAD TO PASS BLOOD FROM HIS RECTUM FOR HIS OWN KARM. HAD THEY(RAM,KRISHNA,JESUS,Budhdha,RAM KRISHNA PARAM HANSH and so many )BEEN SINNER to reap ,THEY WOULD NOT HAVE BECOME WORLD KNOWN SAINT and SIDHDHA . It is 100 % correct to say that 100% correct remedies were known to these saints to ward off adverse effect of planets or how to make life happiest of those who had been suffering from many problems in their lives.Who ever reached to these saints with folded hands had never been disappointed and these saints used to bless such suffering people to make their lives better. Please under stand it clearly that what had been sown by these sinners and suffering people (who used to go to these saints during their life time ) had to reap by these saints (RAM,KRISHNA,JESUS,Budhdha,RAM KRISHNA PARAM HANSH and so many ) and that is why these saints had to suffer a lot to clear off the account of sow & Reap at the time of their Mahaparinirvan or bodily death. Because these saints had to march on the way to Mahaparinirvan and no amount of karm just as loan amount to pay off or to reap in lieu of Karm had been pending with them . This is the secret of Karm theory as to When one has to reap what has been sown.. Many thousand CRIMINALS and TERRORISTS are languishing in Indian Jails since long time for non payment of heavy fine imposed upon them for committing punishable offence as under law and you can set all of them at liberty in one stroke by depositing their fine. Are you willing to deposit their pending fine? CAN YOU DARE ? Some times these Sidhdh saints blessed murderer and Butchers before these murderer or Butchers had been sent to jail or punished.So they(Sidhdha Saints like Lord Budhdha ) had to pass blood from rectum or they had been hanged.This is the secret of Karm theory as to When

one has to reap what has been sown.. Rai te parvat karai parvat rai maahi ...................................All these secret are known to saints ,sidhdha and highly spiritual men onlyand not to PROFESSIONAL ASTROLOGERS. Part - C: we Hindus have been taught much about performing Sin destroyer Sadhana s. Repentance is known as a Vanishing Concept whereas propitiation literally means to make favorable and specifically includes the idea of dealing with God’s wrath against sinners. Expiation literally means to make pious and implies either the removal or cleansing of sin.' But Osho was not right on this point as consequence of bad Karm after death reminds us to be right & punctual according to what has been mentioned for spiritual enlightenment and upliftment in present life ---By U.G Krishnamurti. v=C570V0OM5kU&feature=share v=GNQbjEKF5lI&feature=related "He (Osho ) asked boys and girls to do wrong and tell them through this, they will get enlightened." Says Jiddu Krishnamurti about Osho.. Relevant links YouTube -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[2 B] But how to worship and chant MANTRAS to invoke his blessings

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[3] Astrologers, can't change the destiny of parents, who are destined to have worst babies or NO BABY by fixing auspicious moment for Caesarean birth.

Any doctor, like Smt.Neha Sharma or any other renowned doctor who hires great KP Stalwarts / Astrologers, can't change the destiny of parents, who are destined to have worst babies or NO BABY by fixing auspicious moment for Caesarean birth whereas on other hand it is argued by these hired Astrologers that by this way , birth of very lucky baby and according to choice of parents , takes place at auspicious moment as per his/her destiny to which we simply analyze beforehand for the purposes of Caesarean birth?

[4] For noble person- The cheek is apter than the tongue to tell an errand which means truth makes the face of a person shine who speaks.The 2nd house governs the face and tongue.If the Sun governs the sub of the 2nd,one does his duty nobly and never tells a lie.Thus one is to find out whether one utters a lie,whether carries the information and presents it correctly or how he / she conducts.If the sub lord of 2nd cusp is governed by Mars in any manner connected with Mercury one speaks untruth...................................l Clean heart is the first requirement for such attitude.It is correct to say that intention behind apology is more important. Real apology is only the spiritual one that is made by person who speaks always truth and by slip or by chance any wrong has taken place on his/her part.Quality person can be judged by another angle.if sub lord of 11th is deposited in constellation of aplanet who is the significator of 5th and 10th then one will surely have the satisfaction in the spiritual life provided If the Sun governs the sub of the 2nd,one does his duty nobly and never tells a lie and this can never be ignored.Sub lord of 2nd may be Jupiter or Moon also.If the sub lord of ascendant is connected with the houses 3rd,10th and 12th and it is in any manner connected with Saturn ,the concerned person may be a quality person.The aspect of Jupiter on Lagna can make a person worthy.Besides this 1,4,5,9,11th house must be strong.

[5] For successful life-Most of the planets are seen deposited in constellation of a planet who strongly signifies benefic houses besides native is seen blessed with noble qualities-

[6] Astrologer must worship devas to know the outcome of a chart -

While describing qualification of an Astrologer Sage Mihir Acharya says that, “An astrologer should hail from a noble family, should have attractive face and physique , modest in temperament, true, impartial. He has to be active and courageous. He should be clear in his statement, witty, sincere, and free from vices. He should have no stage fear. He should worship Devas; observe fast and penance; and must be conversant with astronomy and astrology. Mihir Acharya further says, “It is easy for anybody to cross a sea if the breeze is favorable. But it is not possible for a person who is not a sage to reach the other shore of the ocean of astrology.�

[6 A] How does passage of your life seem to you? How does passage of your life seem to you? What will you do in your life, if there is no alternative way/ passage/ gali / road available to you and especially when your way is full of hurdles? How to know passage of your life is wide enough or it is blocked or there is some hurdle in your way .You can't reach to your destination, there is something in your way of life which causes often hurdles/ obstructions. You are no doubt greatest Astrologer of the world and you know all about it. But i have been pondering over this matter since long and could not find out correct answer. Driving vehicle on crowded road is difficult and you may not reach to your destination within stipulated time and consequently, sometimes you may miss your golden chance. Suppose I have commanded over Law of Easement Act and there falls many obstructions in my way while going to somewhere. Even then I can't make my journey complete, if I don't follow diverted route. But who will tell you diverted route of your life, if it is full of hurdles. It is very loaded question and due pondering is required......No interpretation of sub lord or any star lord of sub lord makes this Oedipus complex solved.

[7] First of all go through this book and then start reading from point No.1st to 6th

Submitted by - Dhirendra Nath Misra

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