the three diagrams underneath are trying to depict the different angles through which the model can be witnessed. The different views and the drawings give us a brief that how the model exactly works when seen from a naked eye

Is an old textile factory in stockholm’s old industrial neighborhood hammarby sjöstad that was transformed into a 25,000 square meter office building by tengbom architects. tengbom architects‘ aim was to create a new joint expression for the building as a whole, so they preserved the brick façade and carefully renovated the building. the architects added a five-story mass timber frame extension, covered with a corten steel façade to the original 1928 brick building.

This representation is the line drawings of the kovements of thr two geometrical shapes when colliding together.

The emotive-ness that would describe my structure would be when a person walks by it will start moving and clap into one another. The clap sound that would come out would be like a two wooden sticks banging together when someone is fighting. This is how my structure relates to the fight between Hercules and Ares.
The two variations that I toom into consideration are these, where the first one shows how the two geometric shapes can be handeled with the help of one rod only. The other one shows how two circular mecano structure can be put perpendicularly and they can be used as a medium to show the representation of the structure.

goemetric shapes
supporting rods
supporting bars (for the shapes to fall)
rods for up and down movement side boards the cam for rotation
platform of the structure
the dimensions of the structure is 200mm x 300mm x 50mm
The orange part in the axonometric diagram despicts the motor. The motor will be operated through batteries, to convey the emotive meaning of the structure.
The movement of the two geometris will be controlled by a small motor. The motoe will help the structure to show result faster and smoother so that no hand is required.

The site of the AMDC that I have chosen is area between the two bihg poles just infront of the open study area. I think this site is best for my project as it will nring out more attention. The structure being right infront will grab attention also because of thr screen present there.