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Show winners onto Melbourne
Two Daylesford Show winners are competing in the Royal Melbourne Show - after winning in their categories at the Midlands Group of Victorian Agricultural Show.
Sharni Digby in Crochet and Rosemary Keogh in the Open Carrot Cake were announced best in show at the Midlands Group's annual dinner at the Maldon Community Centre on Friday, March 24.

Eight Daylesford Show winners competed against winners from Ballarat, Beaufort, Clunes, Kingston and Maldon shows for the right to represent the district at the Royal Melbourne Show, from September 22 to October 2 this year.
The Daylesford Show last November featured 25 classes in the pavilion section and had nine winners represented at Maldon.
Those winners were: Crochet - Sharni Digby, pictured right, Carrot Cake - Open - Rosemary Keogh, Rich Fruit Cake - SeniorJanet MacDonald, Boiled Fruit Cake - Junior - Lachlan Apsley, Photography - Open - Emily Hicks, Blokes' Chocolate Cake - Mick Bolton, Embroidery - Gail Joordens, Set Subject Photography - Senior - Pam Sheean and Set Subject Photography - Junior - Albert Meadows.
Daylesford Agricultural Show president Don Harvey, pictured above, said the group dinner was attended by more than 70 show representatives and winners with speeches by junior and senior show ambassadors and a presentation from the former Bendigo Bank Community Development manager Geoff English.
Mr Harvey said Daylesford would be hosting next year's group dinner in the runup to presenting its 150th show.

"A number of classes had no representation this year including sewing, scones, cross stitch, decorated cupcakes and a posy of seasonal flowers - all of which you would think would be popular in Daylesford.
"Let's hope we can be represented next year by more winners from the Daylesford Show on November 25."
Tractors & classic vehicles
The Bullarto-Trentham Tractor Pull and Classic Vehicle Display will be held at Trentham Railway Station on Sunday, April 23 from 10.30am.

The railway site allows spectators to sit along the raised platforms on either side of the railway tracks for a better view of the tractors working hard to pull the sled for the full 100 metreshopefully allowing the crowd to call out "full pull".
Along with several classes of tractors there will also be about 60 classic vehicles on display under the auspices of the Trentham Car Club.
They will be judged by Graeme Orr, Ballarat MP Catherine King and Hepburn Shire Mayor Cr Brian Hood.
Bullarto Public Hall committee president Sandra Barnfield said there will be something for everyone who likes a country fair.
There is free entertainment by the Daylesford Community Brass Band and a free petting zoo for the kids. There's also a raffle and silent auction with tickets available and bids accepted throughout the day.
Entry is $5 with children under 12 free. Classic vehicle entry is $5.
Message From The Mayor
VNI West project - Hepburn Shire Council has made a submission on the latest consultation report into the Victoria to New South Wales Interconnector West (VNI West) project.

Hepburn Shire is one of the most proactive and innovative councils within Victoria in supporting the transition to renewable energy. We also appreciate the need to secure the state’s future energy supplies while avoiding high energy costs to consumers. In that context, Council is keen to see clear and transparent processes in the planning, and the proper assessment, treatment and mitigation of impacts on communities. Decisions made about major transmission infrastructure will have very long-term implications for host communities.
There are already successful examples of High Voltage Direct Current underground transmission line projects in Australia (Murraylink) and overseas (SuedLink, Germany) that provide relevant case studies. Council and its local government partners will continue to advocate for consideration of the appropriate use of alternative underground transmission technology.
Council has also called for AusNet Transmission Group to release more detail on compensation plans as a matter of urgency. We are deeply concerned the proposed options will have a seriously adverse impact with 80 metre high towers and 100 metre wide easements encroaching across the state’s best agricultural land. This imposition warrants appropriate compensation determined fairly in accordance with the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986. However, no matter the quantum of compensation it will never fully address the devastating, but avoidable, damage to farming, tourism and landscape amenity caused by these imposing towers and inappropriate route alignment.
Council will provide ongoing updates via Council’s engagement website https://participate.hepburn.vic.gov.au/VNI-West
And...what impact this scar across our landscape will have on the bid to have UNESCO list Victoria’s goldfields as a world heritage site remains to be seen.
Community grants open
Round 4 of Community Grants is now open until Friday 28 April. If you’re part of a community group or not-for-profit organisation and are looking to fund a new project, we want to hear from you. Take a look at the guidelines and apply via our website.
The Drop
A stunning new public artwork, ‘The Drop’, has been installed at the Glenlyon Dam. International artist, Yu Fang Chi, has created a polished stainless steel sculptural form that considers water in the landscape. It sits beautifully in the surrounding bush environment only a short walk from the entry road to Glenlyon Dam, in a location that also allows the work to be viewed across the water. The work reflects the artist’s focus on the natural environment and is a worthy addition to our public art collection. The piece was commissioned in 2021. Congratulations to the organisers on another successful CresFest event and thanks to the thousands who attended and supported numerous events over the weekend.
Cr Brian Hood, MAYOR
Council Plan Focus Areas
Have Your Say On Outdoor Trading
We are reviewing our Outdoor Dining and Trading Policy and invite you to have a say. Outdoor dining and trading typically includes elements such as tables, chairs, barrier screens, umbrellas, A-frame signage, display stands and planter boxes. Find out more and complete a short survey at https://participate.hepburn.vic.gov.au/outdoor-trading before Tuesday 11 April. The survey opened Monday, 27 March 2023. We’re working on a broader project for dog parks around the Shire, and more information will be available later this year.
Anzac Day Around The Shire
Dawn Service (6.15am arrival for a 6.30am start) at the Daylesford Cenotaph. March at 10.30am followed by a service.
Hepburn Service at 8.30am at the Memorial Gates in Tenth Street.
Dawn Service at the Trentham Cenotaph commencing at 5.55am. March at 11.30am followed by service and wreath-laying.
Dawn Service at Clunes Cenotaph - Cnr Fraser & Service Streets commencing at 6.00 am. Cemetery Commemoration Service commencing at 8.30am
March at 10.45am from RSL to the Cenotaph, with commemoration and wreath laying at the Cenotaph at 11.00am.
Dawn Service at 5.50am at the Cenotaph, Albert Street, followed by the Gunfire Breakfast at Senior Citizens Rooms. March will commence at 10.30am from the corner of Midland Hwy and Victoria St. ANZAC Day Service at 11.00am at Creswick Cenotaph. Two up from 2:00pm in front of the RSL Hall.
Assemble at 8.45am with service from 9am to 9.30am at the Cenotaph on the corner of Kingston and Victoria Rds.
Eganstown Service at 9.00am at Old Main Road.
Visit www.hepburn.vic.gov.au/ANZAC-Day-2023 for road closures and updates
Pet Registrations
Don’t forget that pet registrations are due by Monday 10 April. If your pet is already registered you should have received a reminder notice in the post. If you haven’t received it please get in touch with our Health and Safety Community Team on (03) 5348 2306. There are discounts for registration of older pets and working animals, and the first year of registration is free for desexed and microchipped dogs and cats.
Find out more at www.hepburn.vic.gov.au/Pet-registrations
The Council Plan 2021-2025 describes how Council will strive towards our vision, where to focus efforts, and how to measure progress. Each Focus Area has a series of priority statements, with actions against each item.