Sundari Type

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Type: Sundari Additionals: Swashes & Patterns

Sundari Designer: Dejan CirkvenÄ?iÄ? Kralj Company: Re:Format - Creative Office Year: 2011


This typography is sensitive. It has to be used large enough because of it’s thin lines. Sundari is subtle, round and pretty feminine. Sundari means beautiful (in sanskrit). This type and all it’s additions, swashes and patterns, are FREE to use. Please, use it with kindness.




Sundari makes a beautiful patterns. Following are just a few examples of patterns and borders ... You can make your own.

AaBbCc ト呼好dEe

FfGgHh IiJjKkLl

MmNn OoPp

QqRrSs TtUuVv

ZzXxYy Ww

012345 6789#

!"?&.:; (/_)-*

Even č @$šž

Sundari Type will soon be available on Re:Format’s website (under downloads section): Come check from time to time, if you’re interested in getting it. Regards from sLOVEnia, Europe, Dejan CK.

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