How to get the cottagecore look at home
If you love wildflowers, crafting, embroidery, plants and a fairy tale-like esthetic, the cottagecore look may be right for you. This trendy style evokes the atmosphere, lifestyle and romanticism of English country houses. Fortunately, you don’t have to live in a literal cottage to get the look. Here’s how to bring this design style into your home.
To create a dreamy and poetic atmosphere, paint the walls in pastel tones.Alternatively, apply a flowery wallpaper.Just make sure the print isn’t too busy, as this can overwhelm the space.
Whether it’s wood or ceramic, light flooring is a good fit for the cottagecore look. If you add a rug, consider choosing a white or beige macramé model.
Wood, wicker, rattan and other natural materials contribute to a country esthetic. Look for chairs,tables, beds and other furniture made of these materials.Vintage and antique pieces are also on theme.
Floral prints and botanical fabrics will set the right tone. Plants are a must, but consider incorporating dried or fresh flowers into the space as well. Handmade items, vintage dishware and folk art pieces are also a good fit.
To create the cottagecore look in your home, visit shops and antique dealers in your area.
When furnishing a room, a little planning goes a long way. Most importantly, it helps you avoid making impulse purchases and selecting furni ture that’s the wrong size.Here are some tips to help you make the right home decor choices.
6 tips for setting up a small kitchen
Do you need more room in your cramped kitchen? Here are six smart ideas to make the most of a small space.
1. Mount a rail to the wall. Use a support bar and hooks to hang utensils, measuring cups, pots, pans, oven mitts,cutting boards and anything else you want to keep handy.
Before you start furniture shopping, list every thing you need in order of importance.This will help you determine how much of your bud get to put toward each item. For instance, if you have trouble sleeping, you may decide to splurge on your mattress rather than on a dres ser or vanity. Or, if you work from home, you may want to spend a little extra on an ergono mic office chair.
Once you’ve planned your purchases, it’s time
to bargain hunt. Be on the lookout for sales and
2. Hang shelves. Install them above the stove, fridge, countertop and doorway. Shelves provide an easy storage solution for spices, bins of pasta, candy containers, fresh herbs and more.
3. Opt for integrated design features. Built-in appliances or a trash chute incorporated into the countertop can help you make the most of a small space. Similarly, a slide-out shelf can extend your countertop surface.
4. Get two-in-one appliances. A combination oven, which acts as both an oven and a microwave, allows you to have a single appliance that can bake, grill and reheat food.A microwave with a built-in hood is also a great option.
5. Install cabinets close to the ceiling Build them high to maximize storage space, and use the top shelves for items you rely on less frequently. Just be sure to keep a folding step ladder nearby so you can easily reach any item.
6. Invest in a portable cooktop. Some electric cooktops
Letthesunintoyourhome withaskylight
Skylightsareanenvironmentallyfriendly solutiontolightingupadarkroom;they allownaturallighttoenterandbrightenup aspacewithoutconsumingmoreelectricity.
Skylightsaredesignedtocapturethelightof thesuninsideyourhomeviatheroof,using atubeoranaluminumframeandenergyefficienttransparentmaterials.Skylights thatopenelectricallyarealsoavailableon themarket;theyconsistofahiddenmotor andaremote-controlsystem.Someproducts evenincluderaindetectorswhichautomaticallycloseskylightsincaseofrain.
Installingaskylightdoesnotrequireany structuralchangestotheroof.Relatively simple,installationcanbecompletedinjust afewhours,dependingonthemodel.The mainconcernistheriskofwaterleakage, andsoitisadvisabletocarefullyfollowthe manufacturer’srecommendations.
Whenpurchasingyourskylight,takethe timetocomparewarrantiesandcost,as pricesvarygreatlyfromonemaketoanoth-
Theinstallationofaskylightisagreat waytoreduceyourelectricitybill andhelptheenvironment.
er.Consumersoughttokeepinmindthat skylightsarenotintendedtobereplacementsforwindows—theyarestrictlyrecommendedforthoseplaceswhereitisn’t possibletohaveawindow.
Anewwaytoluxuriate: outsizebathrooms
Thisyear,bathroomsareexpandingand takingonanXXLpersonality.Thattranslatesintoextra-longcounters,furnishings withlong,cleanlines,super-largesinks, spa-sizebaths,andshowerswithkingsizebasesandimmenseshowerheads thatprovidecascadesofwarmthand relaxation.
Thefocalpointofanybathroomisthe bathtub—itsetsthetonemorethanany otherfeature.Whethersportingthemodernlinesofcontemporarydesignorthe clawedfeetofanantiquemodel,bath-
tubsarethesymbolofcomfort.Mineral castbathsaremodernreproductionsof theclawedtubandarecoveredinpolyestergelforamorecomfortablefeel.In keepingwiththeoutsizetrend,islandor built-inbathtubsaregettingbiggerthan everbefore.
Showersarealsoincreasinginsize,many ofthemadoptinganopendesignwithout doorandfourwalls.Forstructurallyconventionalshowerstalls,designersare throwingmodestytothewindasthey choosedoorsandwallsthataretotally transparent.Thesetempered glasswallsresultinanincreased impressionofspaceandlight andallowtheinnerdesignof theshowerroomtoreceive attention.
Whencoolfallweatherdrivesusinside, weoftenstarttofeeltheurgetoredecorateourhomes.Beforespendingyour moneyoninteriorpaintandnewcouch cushions,takesometimetoconsiderthe trendsinhome-décorcoloursfor20112012.Choosinganewcolourschemeis themostinexpensivewayoftransformingyourhome,butifyoudon’tchoose wiselyyourhomewillsoonhaveanoutdatedlook.
Overthelastfewyears,neutralcolours havebeenpopularforinteriors,especiallybrowns,beiges,andlighter tonesofgrey.Thesedays,however, morecolourfulshadesaremovingin, suchasdarkreds,variousshadesofblues andgreens,aswellasrichearthtones, includinggoldandclay.Sunnyyellows arealsomakinganoticeablesplash. Anothertrendistowardstheuseofblocks ofcolouronwalls.Thisconsistsofcreatingsquare,rectangular,orroundshapes onthewalls,usuallywiththeaimofhighlightingaspecificarchitecturalelement.
Doyourresearch:goodpaintstoreshave take-homepamphletscontainingthelatest
Expertsonthesubjectwilltellyouthat trendsinthekitchencounterindustryhave evolvedsignificantlyinrecentyears.Formica andotherlaminatesurfacingproductsare makingwayforelegantquarriedrock, whichbringsdurabilityandup-to-datestyle toanykitchen.
Quartzisthematerialpreferredbyamajorityofhomeownersbecauseofitssimilarity togranite.Butwheregranitecanbepermanentlystainedbyoilsandcookingfat, quartzisquiteresistant.Counters madewithtilescomposedof glass,ceramic,porcelain,ornaturalstone,suchasslate,arealso popular.Tilesallowyoutoreally personalizeyourkitchen,thanks tothehugerangeoftextures, colours,andpatternsavailable onthemarket.
Bathroomsinksarealsovery muchinthespotlight,adopting differentshapes,materials,and patterns.Somehand-hewnmodelsaretreasurestobehold. Richlydecoratedbowlsarereal eye-catchers,whilethebeauty ofsomesculptedmodelsheightensthestyleofthebathroom.
Designersarecreatingmore opennessinthebathroom.
Forthosewithamplebudgets,a sectionofmarbleinakitchen counterlayoutrepresentssheer luxury.Eventhoughthismaterial isidealforrollingpastry,marble isrelativelyvulnerable tostains,shocks,and scratches.Thatiswhy manypeoplepreferto keepthistypeofcounterforthebathroom. Stainlesssteelcounters arelong-lasting,hygienic,andareresistantto heatandrust.Theycan alsobeanenvironmental-
Danville:570-275-8440 -Bloomsburg:570-784-5206 -Northumberland:570-473-7300
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#1304Newmanufacturedhomelocatedin Gene’sMobileHomeParkinWilliamsport. NaturalGasheat, stove, refrigerator, dishwasherincludedwiththis 2BR, 1Bath home. Thebike/walkpathis directlybehind thishomesoitisvery convenienttohoponand keep yourNew Year’sresolution!
Greatopportunity awaitsyouwiththis 43.7%acreparcel, mostlywoodedwith5 acresofopenlandwith astream owingthru. Greatlotfor Touristry &AirBnB’s. Hunting, shing,canoeing, even has asmallpond.Has ahorseorbeefbarn too!Has atrailerin
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Strong,durable,costeffectiveandbeautiful.Thereisnobetterchoicethana manufacturedhomefromAstroVillageListingService. Sellingvalue,notprice.
CONVENIENTLEWISBURG LOCATION, 45+acres with amagni centviewofthe Susquehanna River. Land extends down to theriverbank. Consider timberingorclearingthe treesfor adockor subdividing. Locatedalongthe West Branch Highway. Call Martha Lewisburg(20-88589U)
ONLY 3LOTSLEFT in popularSmoketown Fieldsdevelopment! Buildyourdream housewithan experiencedbuilder! CallLise Lewisburg$66,000 -$73,000
BEAUTIFUL HOMEWITHVIEWS! 4-bedroom 1.5 bath.Featureswood oors,ornatewoodwork,a replace,2stairways, abalcony,2zoned naturalgas heating, central air, anda 1-car garage. eporcho ers scenic townviews. emansionwas builtaround1858 with signi cant Victorianstyle updatesdonearound 1890 to become thebeautyitistoday.CallDoug. Milton $299,750(20-95947N)
ASTUNNINGEXAMPLE of ColonialRevival Architecture, this solid brickresidence evokesacommanding presenceonone of themostbeautiful streetsinhistoricDowntown.Flexliving space abounds.Invitefriends to enjoythe gardens, summer house& delightful outdoor living space &expansiveveranda. Stepo that envy-worthyporch, you’ll delight in anydirection.Call Mark Lewisburg$875,000(20-96012U)
THEMILTONART BANK! is abeautiful BeauxArts buildingw/grand columnsand twooriginalbank safes. Wasthe Public Library. Currentlyusedasanover 1500sq contemporary artgallery.Acompletely exible space.1.5 bathsand asmall studio on the rstlevel, additional storageupstairs, andamezzanine. Street parkingand free municipalparkinglot.Call Nicole! Milton $299,975(20-95860N)
PRIMELOCATION at thecornerofRt.15 andRt.45. Commercial RealEstate. Includedisa3Bedroom,two story houseat920 W. Market Street. Call Peg. Lewisburg$550,000(20-92810U)
lawn andgarden equipment, anda frontporchtoenjoy.Call Brett. Beavertown $289,500(20-94607S)
METICULOUSLY RESTORED,Nationallyregistered Historichomeset on adoublelot in Downtown Lewisburg Pine &oak oors,9’ceilings &custom woodwork throughout.Gourmet kitchen with Wolf custom cabinetry &quartzcounters, livingroomwithgas replace &ensuite bathroomsinall bedrooms.2side porches agstone patio, balcony &a2car garage.CallLise. Lewisburg$895,000(20-95307U)
ENJOY CAREFREELIVING at Willowbrook is spacious townhousehas afullbath andbedroom on the rst ooraswellasafull master suiteonthe second oor. Call Barb Lewisburg$263,000(20-96057U)
THIS STATELYRESIDENCE showcases re neddetail andhidden treasures. Spacious rooms,4 replaces, privatebalconies andacurvedstaircase withthegrand entryfoyer. egreat room has oortoceilingwindows openingtoapatio revealingthe beauty of thegarden and grounds eentertainer’s kitchen owsintoabreakfast room.Severalofthe 6+ bedrooms featureen-suitesand privatebalconies. Situated on 18+acres. Call Martha Lewisburg$1,450,000(20-95794U)
LOT85ISTHE LAST remaining lotowned by the original developer. isis atownhomedevelopment, thepropertywillbeconnected to an existing townhome. eWillowbrook Townhome Association owns theadjoiningland. Lot85will have aviewofthe pond.Call Martha Lewisburg$50,000(20-93408U)
handsofaskilledcabinetmaker;hisorhertechnicalvirtuositywillrevivethepieceandletit becomeatreasuredfamilyheirloom.
Cabinetmakingisatrue craftthatrequiresboth talentandmeticulousness.
AUTOBODYREPAIRERS haveperfecttechnique
Changingabumperandrepairingdentsarejusttwoofanautobodyrepairer’smany skills.Ifyourvehiclewasinanaccident,orifyouparkedtooclosetoanothercarin themallparkinglot,theseprofessionalscanbeentrustedtoretouchthepaintjob,replaceadamagedpanel,orrepairandrestorethebodywork.
Theirworkrangesfromrepairingsuperficialscratchestoperforatedortornbodywork, althoughtheirskillsalsoincludereplacingwindowsaswellasinteriorandexterior trims.Autobodyrepairersknowhowtoinstallairconditioningsystemsaswell.
Restoringbodyworkrequiresflawless technique.Aswellasknowinghowto handlemetal,plastic,andaluminum,these tradespeoplemustalsohaveknowledgein mechanicsandelectronics—anykindof automobileprecisionworkthatrequires manualdexterityandmeticulousness.
Autobodyexpertsmusthavestrength andstamina,butabovealltheymust haveaneyefordetail.Theirtradedemandsthemasteryofvariousassemblingandweldingprocedures,andthey mustalsobecommittedtoupdating theirknowledgeandskillsonacontinualbasis.Forexample,20yearsago therewereonlythewiresforthehorn behindadashboard.Thesedays,there areairbagswithreleasemechanismsand, needlesstosay,alotmoreelectricalwiresthaneverbefore.
Expertautobodyrepairersaremastersin theartofdentremoval,levelling,straightening,andrestyling,allwiththegoalof makingadamagedvehiclelooklikenew.
agoodidea.Imagine,forasecond,that youhavelostyourhomeandallitscontentsinafirebecauseyoumessedupan electricaljob.It’sjustnotworththerisk. What’smore,yourinsurancecompany couldpenalizeyoubecausetheworkwas notdonebyaqualifiedelectrician.
Electriciansensurethatlightingand electricheatingsystemsareinstalled followingstrictsafetystandards.
TILERS aremastersofmaterials, shapes,andcolours
Ceramic,porcelain,marble,andnaturalstone:therearemanydifferenttypesofcoverings toembellishfloorsandwalls.Someareheavierthanothers,somemorefragile,butwhatevermaterialyouchoose,it’salwayspreferabletocallontheservicesofaprofessionaltiler.
Thetilingtraderequirestheskillofabricklayertomakeexactlytherightmortaraswell asagoodknowledgeofmaterialsandsealants.Aptitudesincalculation,precision,and drawing,combinedwithawell-developedsenseofesthetics,arealsonecessary.Indeed, youhavetobesomethingofanartisttoknowhowtocreatetheperfectlayout.
Withtheirknowledgeofproducts,colours,andtrends,tilerscanhelptheirclients choosedecorativepatternsandappropriatematerials,dependingonwhattheroom willbeusedfor.Whetherit’sakitchen floororabathroomwall,tilersfirst drawupadetailedlistoftheworkto bedone.Theythenpreparethesupportingfloororwall,applythemortar, andtracethelayoutsothatthetiles willalignproperly.
Thetilesarelaidinsuchawayasto harmonizecolours,shapes,andpatterns. Oncethetilesarecementedinplace, tilershaveonlytocleanorsandtheir handiworkinordertoobtainanimpeccableresult.Ifyoudon’thavethecreativity,patience,orskilltoinstallaglass orceramictilebacksplashinyourkitchen,you’remuchbetteroffentrusting thetasktoatiler.You’llprobablysave yourselfalotofstress!
Tilershavetobecreativesothat theycanadapttheirworktothe lifestylesandtastesoftheirclients.
Three-bedroomA-frameintown locationwithcountrysettingfeaturing anopen oorplanandin-groundpool. Yes,thishomewillneedattentionand updating .Imagineentertainingon yourdeckenjoyingcookouts,cooling offinyourpool,andwatchingthe wildlifeinthebackyard.Ductless heatpump,vaultedceilingwith oor-to-ceilingbrick replace.Lower levelincludesfamilyroom,halfbath, andlaundry.Theseareaswillrequire renovations.Pricedwiththisinmind. Donotmissthisrareopportunity.Call Scott570-412-6121formoredetails. MLS#20-96244
Timetomovesouth!Ownerbuilt thehomeandhaskepttheproperty impeccable!Recentlyinstalled hardwood oorand acomposite reardeck.Noworriesabouttraf c, lasthomeonReedyStreet. First- oor laundry,masterbedroomwith ¾bath, oilhotwaterheat,fullbasement, and alevelbackyardwithstream. Convenientlylocated: 1miletoGMC, shopping ,andschools.Ifyouwishto purchase aranchhousedonotwait andmissthisrareopportunity,call Scottat570-412-6121formore details. MLS#20-96245
Wellestablishedbar/restaurant. Ownershavedecidedallgoodthings mustend(retirement)anditistime forthe‘’ElRancho’’tostar titsnext chapterwithne wowners.Thelocation hasgoodvisibilitywith ahightraf c count(11,000+/-daily).Alllicenses, equipment, andtrade xturesare included.Potentialextraincomewith asecond- oorapartmentandthe sitehasthreemanufacturedhousing pads. Parkingfor70+/-vehicles CallScott570-412-6121. MLS#2096026
Convenientlylocated2-unitproperty toGeisingerMedicalCenterand downtownDanville.This2-unit propertyoffers alarge1-bedroom 1st oorunitwithlivingroom,eat inKitchen,of cearea,laundryand coveredporch.2nd oorunithastwo bedrooms,livingroom,andlaundry room.Whetheryouwanttoowner occupyoneunitandrenttheotheror youlookingtoaddtoyourportfolio thisis astrongincomeproducing property.CallJoeHumphre yat570259-7547. MLS#20-96312
Facility –120plusacres -18holegolf course;EasyaccesstoInterstates #80,#180,andUS#15,located betweenMilton &Watsontownamid therollinghills,picturesque,and historicSusquehanna Valle y. Banquet Facilityincludestwoliquorlicenses, andcanaccommodate200plus guests.Thereis alounge,ProShop, twogolfsimulators,lockerroom, andof ce.Saleincludes asinglefamilyhomeconstructedin2015 with atwo-carattachedgarage. MLS#20-90076 CallScottformore informationat570-412-6121.
CABINETMAKERS areveritable wizardswithwood
Theworldofcabinetmakingiscentredonwell-stockedworkshops,machinetools,and thesmellsofwoodandwax.Creative,skilled,andmeticulous,cabinetmakerslove workingwithdifferentmaterialsandstyles.Thevarioustypesofwoodhidenosecrets fromtheseartisanswhohavetheknowledge,artistry,andmanualskilltorestoreold furniture,buildcustomfurnitureandcupboards,orevenreproduceperiodpieces.
Cabinetmakersmustalsomasterdrawingandassemblytechniques.Inconsultation withtheirclients,thesetradespeopledefinethestyleofthepieceorinstallation,establishdimensions,andchoosethetypeofwoodtobeused.Next,theyproduceasketch, thenadetailedplanofthepieceoffurniture.Theycutallthepiecesofwoodtothe exactdimensionsrequiredandassemblethepiece,usingthinsheetsofwoodforany decorativemotifs.Afterverifyingthatallthedifferentpiecesareadjustedproperly,the lastphaseinvolvesthefinishingsteps,includingsanding,varnishing,orwaxing.
Changesinthefurnishingsectoroverthelastfewyearshavepromptedcabinetmakers tospecializeinproducingfurniturethatcanfitintoexistingdécors.Currenttrends embracesimplicityandtheuseoflocallygrownwoodinordertominimizetheimpact ontheenvironment.
Meticulousandcareful,thesecraftspeoplecombinemanualdexterityandartisticawareness withgreatfinesse.Grandma’soldchestofdraws isperfectlysafeinthe handsofaskilledcabinetmaker;hisorhertechnicalvirtuositywillrevivethepieceandletit becomeatreasuredfamilyheirloom.
Cabinetmakingisatrue craftthatrequiresboth talentandmeticulousness.
AUTOBODYREPAIRERS haveperfecttechnique
Changingabumperandrepairingdentsarejusttwoofanautobodyrepairer’smany skills.Ifyourvehiclewasinanaccident,orifyouparkedtooclosetoanothercarin themallparkinglot,theseprofessionalscanbeentrustedtoretouchthepaintjob,replaceadamagedpanel,orrepairandrestorethebodywork.
Theirworkrangesfromrepairingsuperficialscratchestoperforatedortornbodywork, althoughtheirskillsalsoincludereplacingwindowsaswellasinteriorandexterior trims.Autobodyrepairersknowhowtoinstallairconditioningsystemsaswell.
Restoringbodyworkrequiresflawless technique.Aswellasknowinghowto handlemetal,plastic,andaluminum,these tradespeoplemustalsohaveknowledgein mechanicsandelectronics—anykindof automobileprecisionworkthatrequires manualdexterityandmeticulousness.
Autobodyexpertsmusthavestrength andstamina,butabovealltheymust haveaneyefordetail.Theirtradedemandsthemasteryofvariousassemblingandweldingprocedures,andthey mustalsobecommittedtoupdating theirknowledgeandskillsonacontinualbasis.Forexample,20yearsago therewereonlythewiresforthehorn behindadashboard.Thesedays,there areairbagswithreleasemechanismsand, needlesstosay,alotmoreelectricalwiresthaneverbefore.
Expertautobodyrepairersaremastersin theartofdentremoval,levelling,straightening,andrestyling,allwiththegoalof makingadamagedvehiclelooklikenew.
ELECTRICIANS arewiredforperfection
Electriciansarekeyspecialistswherethecomfortandsafetyofourhomesareconcerned.Workingfromplans,electriciansdeterminetheplacementofallcomponentsand theninstallelectricalpanels,outlets,cables,andwires.Theirjobalsoincludesinstalling lighting,electricalheating,airconditioning,andalarmsystems.
Thetradeofelectricianrequirespatience,precision,andcautionaswellasagreatdeal ofmanualdexterity.Electriciansmustalsohavegoodcolourvisioninordertodistinguishbetweenthedifferentelectricalwireswhenconnectingthem:redwithred,black withblack—wedon’twantanythingtogoupinflames!
Electriciansarealsoskilledinrenovatingoutmodedelectricalsystems.Wiringand devicesageovertime,andduringarenovationprojecttheseelementsshouldbe replacedbymaterialsthatconformtocurrentstandards.
Theworkofelectriciansisnolongerlimitedtosupplyingpowertolightsandheatingdevices.Theynowinstallcablingfor telephones,televisions,alarmsystems,computernetworks,andelectronicgadgetswhich requireastablepowersupply.
Somepeopleliketodotheirownelectrical workinordertosavemoney,butitisnever agoodidea.Imagine,forasecond,that youhavelostyourhomeandallitscontentsinafirebecauseyoumessedupan electricaljob.It’sjustnotworththerisk. What’smore,yourinsurancecompany couldpenalizeyoubecausetheworkwas notdonebyaqualifiedelectrician.
Electriciansensurethatlightingand electricheatingsystemsareinstalled followingstrictsafetystandards.
TILERS aremastersofmaterials, shapes,andcolours
Ceramic,porcelain,marble,andnaturalstone:therearemanydifferenttypesofcoverings toembellishfloorsandwalls.Someareheavierthanothers,somemorefragile,butwhatevermaterialyouchoose,it’salwayspreferabletocallontheservicesofaprofessionaltiler. Thetilingtraderequirestheskillofabricklayertomakeexactlytherightmortaraswell asagoodknowledgeofmaterialsandsealants.Aptitudesincalculation,precision,and drawing,combinedwithawell-developedsenseofesthetics,arealsonecessary.Indeed, youhavetobesomethingofanartisttoknowhowtocreatetheperfectlayout.
Withtheirknowledgeofproducts,colours,andtrends,tilerscanhelptheirclients choosedecorativepatternsandappropriatematerials,dependingonwhattheroom willbeusedfor.Whetherit’sakitchen floororabathroomwall,tilersfirst drawupadetailedlistoftheworkto bedone.Theythenpreparethesupportingfloororwall,applythemortar, andtracethelayoutsothatthetiles willalignproperly.
Thetilesarelaidinsuchawayasto harmonizecolours,shapes,andpatterns. Oncethetilesarecementedinplace, tilershaveonlytocleanorsandtheir handiworkinordertoobtainanimpeccableresult.Ifyoudon’thavethecreativity,patience,orskilltoinstallaglass orceramictilebacksplashinyourkitchen,you’remuchbetteroffentrusting thetasktoatiler.You’llprobablysave yourselfalotofstress!
Do water heaters require regular maintenance?
Just got a brand new water heater? To maximize its lifespan, follow these maintenance tips.
If you have an old water heater that’s never been maintained, refrain from draining it; this could damage the appliance.
If your tap water is particularly hard, ferrous or calcareous, it’s important that you fully empty your hot water tan once every year. To find out how to proceed, refer to the owner’s manual. However, if your water heater is combustion-powered, call a professional to do the work. Regular drainage will prevent sediment buildup at the bottom of the tank, which can damage the appliance. Buildup in a sealed combustion heater is especially hard on your energy bill, as this particular type of appliance heats water from the bottom. It doesn’t take much accumulated residue to hinder heat transfer and reduce the water heater’s efficiency.
Finally, periodically check on the state of your water heater’s sacrificial anode the component that protects the exterior from corrosion) and make sure that the safety gasket is still perfectly watertight to avoid unpleasant surprises.
What to consider when choosing a railing
Both decorative and functional, handrails should be chosen with care. Here are a few considerations to help you make a smart purchase.
Four clever ways to use under-the-stair space
Think the space beneath your staircase is lost? Think again! There are 1,001 smart ways to turn it into a useful part of your home, regardless of the configuration of the space. Here are a few ideas to get you inspired.
Take advantage of the space beneath the stairs to create storage — you can never have too much storage! Between kitchen cabinets, alcoves, modular storage units, baskets, bookshelves and beyond, there’s no shortage of options when it comes to neatly tucking away items of all kinds out of sight. You could even turn each individual stair into its own practical drawer.
Have enough storage? Then why not put in a glass display cabinet or some shelves to display souvenirs from your
Maximize your living quarters by making good use of the space under your staircase.
travels, family photos, artwork, or whatever else you’d like to showcase?
well defined space li e the one under your stairs is ideal for a home office, a reading nook, a minibar or a cloakroom (with a cubby for each family member, for example), among many other potential uses.
Hiding a powder room under the stairs is without a doubt an ingenious use of space. A secret playroom is another option that’s sure to stir up your little ones’ imagination.
Of course, to achieve visual harmony, you should choose a model that matches the style of your staircase and the surrounding area. But before thinking about aesthetics, it’s important to consider the role of the railing as a safety barrier — especially if you have young children or share your home with anyone with limited mobility.
How to choose the right mirror
For example, as far as the handrail is concerned, it’s a good idea to go with a rounded shape to make it easier to grip. For the banister, avoid horizontal bars: children can easily climb them. lso, ma e sure that little ones aren’t able to fit their heads or shoulders between the bars. There are various norms and regulations that govern things like minimum railing height — call in an expert to make sure everything is up to code.
Finally, when it comes to choosing a material for your railing — metal, wood, plexiglass — style is of course important, but also make sure to keep maintenance in mind.
While we mainly use them to look at — perhaps even admire our own re ections, mirrors can serve a number of other purposes. They can increase the amount of light in a room, create the illusion of space in tight areas, or simply embellish your overall decor. Need some tips on how to navigate the multitude of models available on the market? Keep reading.
First off, know that the shape and size of the mirror will depend on how you intend to use it. For example, if you want to be able to see yourself from head to toe, the mirror has to be at least half as tall as you are. To visually enlarge a space, opt for a wide, oversized model. In a playroom, one or more mirrors cut in fun shapes — animals, clouds, etc. — will add a unique touch. An atypical mirror can even serve in lieu of a work of art.
Just like any other decorative element, a mirror should match the style and palette of a room as well as the surrounding furniture. For example, a golden-framed mirror would look great in a glamorous setting; simple square mirrors work wonders in modern interiors; and a series of small mirrors would be perfect for a hallway. Obviously, the size of your mirrors should make sense compared to the overall amount of space you’re working with. A word of advice: always leave a strip of empty wall space around mirrors to prevent a cramped look. To find the perfect mirror for your needs, browse your local home decor stores — or, better yet, have one custom made!
A day in the life: responsibilities of a real estate agent
So, you’ve decided to buy a house? Congratulations! While it might seem attractive to not have to pay that commission to a real estate agent, these professionals are essential to ensuring that you get the right price on a purchase that suits your needs. With that in mind, you’re probably wondering what your real estate agent actually does with their time when it comes to finding your new home. The following is a list of responsibilities your real estate agent has when finding you the house of your dreams:
One of the primary responsibilities of a real estate agent is to be constantly inquiring about and responding to listings of
homes that might interest you on the market. In this age of constant interconnectivity, people in the industry won’t wait long for a response. That means your real estate agent is always “on” and working to find you a home.
Real estate agents are responsible for scheduling showings for houses that you want to visit. If you want to buy in a certain area, this means coordinating a number of different showings for any given day. It takes careful planning and immense attention to detail.
Any offer you want to make will go through your real estate agent first. Once an offer is made, negotiations begin. This can be a back-and-forth process that goes on for weeks at a time. Your real estate agent will make sure that you get a price that works for you on a home that you want.
How to pick the perfect tenant
When it comes to picking the perfect tenant for your rental property, it’s important that you do your due diligence before making any snap decisions. You need to make sure that your tenant will be able to pay you every month, in full and on time. So as a responsible property owner, how do you go about picking the right tenant? The following is a list of things you should consider doing before agreeing to any prospective renter.
This could mean a lot of different things. Discrimination can be against someone’s age, race, gender, religion and even family status. It’s important to stay within the confines of the law when it comes to choosing your renter. Remember, just because someone is married or has kids doesn’t mean you can refuse renting to them.
Always check the credit score of a prospective tenant — no exceptions. As a responsible landlord, you need to know that your tenant doesn’t have any outstanding debts that will prevent them from paying the rent on time every month. It’s also important to verify their income. Their monthly salary should be about three times what they pay in rent.
While a criminal history shouldn’t automatically exclude someone as a potential renter, it’s important to check that they have no history of violent crimes or other activities that could jeopardize the safety of your other tenants.
There’s no better indicator of how someone will behave than simply talking to them. This will give you a good idea of their personality and how they’ll act as your tenant.
Terms you need to know when applying for a mortgage
When it comes time to shop for a house, you’ll almost certainly have to apply for a mortgage (unless you have hundreds of thousands of dollars stuffed in a briefcase somewhere). Negotiating your mortgage can be difficult, so it’s important to understand the terms that go along with it. The following are a few key words you’ll want to familiarize yourself with before going out to buy a house:
•Principal: the principal is the initial amount of money you owe on the balance of your mortgage.
• Amortization period: this term refers to the number of years you will take to pay down the principal balance of your mortgage.
• Appraised value: this is the value of a piece of property as appraised by a qualified professional.
• Open mortgage: an open mortgage is one that has no fixed term. You can pay off the balance any time you want without suffering a penalty. While that does seem attractive, these types of mortgages tend to have higher interest rates to compensate.
• Closed mortgage: a closed mortgage is one with fixed terms. That means a fixed rate over a set period of time. Breaking the terms will generally result in having to pay an amount equivalent to three months of interest. The most common term is five years. This type of mortgage generally comes with lower interest rates.
•Default: a word that nobody ever wants to think about. Defaulting on your mortgage means failure to pay your agreed upon rate.
Go green with recycled paint
ade from leftover paint that’s been filtered, purified and remixed, recycled paint is the perfect eco-friendly option for all of your home renovation projects.
In terms of quality and ease of use, recycled paint is similar to most other paint options on the market. The only slight drawback is that there’s a limited number of colours and
finishes to choose from. owever, its affordable price tag more than makes up for the relative lack of variety.
Not only does recycled paint support efforts to reuse and recycle, it’s more energyefficient to produce than conventional paint.
So why not give it a go for your next remodelling project?
Three ways to renew your home’s facade without breaking the bank
Would you like to give your home’s exterior a makeover? If you don’t want to spend a fortune on a full renovation, there are several affordable solutions that will get you similar results. Here are three smart ideas to help you spruce up the look of your home without going broke.
To effectively refresh your home’s exterior, there’s nothing better than a few coats of paint in one or more strategic places. Why not dare to try a brighter colour on your front door or window frames? Eye-catching results, guaranteed!
Adding chic lighting (wall-mounted lights, solar-powered lanterns, etc.) is a great way to brighten up your entryway. ust ma e sure the fixtures you choose complement the overall style of your home.
Well-thought-out landscaping and a few choice accessories (a unique mailbox or address plaque, for instance will significantly enhance your home’s curb appeal.
Electronic locks for a safer home
Increasingly popular among safety-conscious homeowners, electronic locks guarantee superior protection for your home. Because they’re unlocked with a key card or a secret code instead of a traditional key, they’re among the most effective methods to prevent burglaries.
Electronic locks are a great solution for tech fanatics and smarthome enthusiasts. In fact, certain models on the market can be controlled directly from a cellphone or tablet via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. This means you can lock and unlock your doors no matter where you are. These remote management capabilities also mean you can provide temporary access to a family member, friend or cleaner, if need be.
To find the best electronic loc for your home, visit a hardware store near you today. Would you like to put up some wallpaper to complement a room’s decor? For the results to live up to your expectations, make sure you don’t ma e any of these five common mistakes.
Five common wallpaper mistakes
3. Not measuring: if you want your wallpaper to be put up the right way, get a measuring tape and a level, and draw reference lines on the walls to make sure the strips are vertical. Don’t rely just on wall angles, since they aren’t always perfectly straight.
1. Forgetting to prepare the surface: for the wallpaper to adhere properly, thoroughly wash and dry your walls beforehand. and uneven or rough parts and fill any holes. Finally, apply a primer that’s specially designed for wallpaper application.
2. Choosing the wrong paste: there are many types of wallpaper on the market, and each one requires a specific type of adhesive paste. Therefore, to prevent your wallpaper from becoming deformed or from detaching, carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions and get the right paste for the job.
4. Leaving no wiggle room: never cut your wallpaper to the exact size of your walls. Plan for an extra to 10 centimetres instead, since wallpaper can stiffen while drying. You’ll just have to cut off the surplus with a utility knife.
5. Not wiping off extra paste: since wallpaper paste isn’t transparent and can create unsightly shiny spots, don’t wait until it dries to wipe it off. Always keep a damp sponge handy and remove excess paste every time you place a strip of wallpaper.