Diadema Wine Brochure - Chinese version

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made with swarovski速 elements

Diadema SkyWine

made with swarovski速 elements



DIADEMA的标签是专门由施华洛世奇所制作,每个标签的细节的设计都极为认真和专业.. 标签的打印和制作都是高技术水准的成果.,全都为意大利制造。在年份和标签上所镶嵌的 施华洛世奇都是由专业手工人员在意大利制作 每个标签在使用到瓶子之前,都经过了严格的内部质量检验



背部标签的打印和个性化设计将在公 司制作,我们将采用专用的打印机与 软件。 该个性化设计可以使用照片,名字, 商标和日期来制作。而素材可以直接 从客户的网站下载或者可将素材通过 邮件发送到DIADEMA.

The customization and printing of the bottle back labels is done directly at Diadema’s production plant, with specialised software and printers. The personalization can utilise photos, names, logos and dates; they can be downloaded directly from the customer’s web site or sent via mail to Diadema. Diadema TOSCANO 2007 INDICAZIONE GEOGRAFICA TIPICA (IGT) BOTTLED by ALBERTO GIANNOTTI

selected by


0,75 litres ITALIA


COUCHE Père et Fils Cuvée Rosée BRUT


12,5% L.RO 04

Contient des Sulfites

fattoria villa l’olmo Via Imprunetana per Tavernuzze, 21-I- Impruneta (FI)

Diadema Rosso 2007 is an exceptional red wine, made from a rigorous selection of typical Tuscan grapes. Diadema rosso 2007 matured in small French oak barrels for 14 months, then a further 6 months in the bottle. It will be best enjoyed if given an hour in a decanter before serving Best served at 17 - 18°C

750 ML

prodotto, spremuto e imbottigliato da:


Label and vintage labels with swarovski® elements

OLIO EXTRAVERGINE DI OLIVA ITALIANO Olio di categoria superiore ottenuto direttamente dalle olive e unicamente mediante procedimenti meccanici L’ olio extravergine di oliva Villa l’Olmo nasce dalla cura di ogni fase di lavorazione: inizia con la raccolta totalmente fatta a mano e, nella stessa giornata, la partita di olive viene spremuta nel frantoio di Villa l’ Olmo. Il matrimonio fra Fattoria Villa L’Olmo e Diadema nasce dal desiderio di offrire ad un prodotto così nobile come l’olio extravergine di oliva,un contenitore che sia al livello del contenuto. I cristalli Swarovski che, nell’etichetta,vanno a formare la D sono la massima sublimazione per un prodotto che trova le sue origini in Italia nel Quinto secolo avanti Cristo. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro aprile 2011

Elaborè par EARL Champagne Couche, 10110 Buxeuil, France

MA - 3838 - 02 - 27502 made with swarovski® elements

Diadema 2007 Rosso IGT “Supertuscan” is the fruit of the experience and professional expertise of Dr.Stefano Chioccioli

Bottled for

Relais Villa l’Olmo l 0,50 e

Imbottigliato per


Diadema labels are made exclusively with swarovski® elements Every detail of the labels has been designed and produced with painstaking attention and professionalism The printing dies and production process are totally Italian and of the highest quality The adhesive utilised for the labels was designed for use in the aeronautics industry The insertion of swarovski® elements in the vintage date and in the label is carried out by expert craftsmen in Italy Every single label is meticulously inspected for quality before application to the bottle

Imbottigliato per

Lotto 1/10

Conservare il prodotto in luogo asciutto al riparo dalla luce e da fonti di calore Distributore esclusivo diadema

diadema www.diadema-wine.com info@diadema-wine.com

www.diadema-wine.com info@diadema-wine.com

50023 Impruneta – (Florence) www.diadema-wine.com info@diadema-wine.com

Diadema rosso



i.g.t. Toscano - 托斯卡纳典型产区 0,75lt-1,5lt-3lt-5lt - 0,75升-1,5升-3升-5升

OENOLOGIST / 酿酒学家 Stefano Chioccioli 斯蒂芬.可丘黎 LANDSCAPE / 位置 Hilly 丘陵 / VARIETIES / 葡萄品种 Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah 桑娇维塞,赤霞珠,梅洛,西拉 AGEING / 陈酿 in French oak barriques of 225 lt. for 16 month 在225升的法国橡木酒桶中陈年16个月 REFINING / 陈年 in the bottle for minimum 6 months 在瓶内至少陈年6个月

Diadema Rosso is an exceptional Tuscan red wine, made from a rigorous selection of Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah grapes. The wines colour is a deep ruby red with a hint of violet. The nose shows a rich and aromatic medley of spices and fruit. Wild red berries, underbrush, smooth spices, chocolate, roasted coffee and cinchona. The tannins are massive but elegant, fully integrated into a well balanced, generous structure. During the long finish mineral notes give again a great freshness. Diadema Rosso was matured in small French oak barriques for 16 months plus another 6 months in the bottle. DIADEMA红葡萄酒是通过对桑娇维塞,赤霞珠,梅洛和西拉葡萄的精心挑选之后所酿成的. 这样的调制便生产出了这款托斯卡纳重要的红葡萄酒,她有着红宝石般的颜色,并带着强烈 的暗紫色和鲜艳的光泽. 香味丰富,典雅中带着甜味,伴随着小果酱,香草,巧克力,咖啡 和石墨的味道。有着丹宁典雅的口感,强劲,散发着全面的协调. 余味中留下矿物般悠长的 香气。DIADEMA红葡萄酒在法国橡木桶中陈酿长达16个月。在瓶中陈年精炼至少6个月.

made with swarovski® elements

Diadema. .bianco D iadema 白葡萄酒 .T 托斯卡纳典型产区 igt


0,75lt - 0,75升


Stefano Chioccioli 斯蒂芬。可丘黎 Hilly 丘陵 / Chardonnay, Viognier, Sauvignon Blanc 霞多丽,维奥尼,白苏维翁 in stainless steel tanks with some skin contact 钢桶酒槽中 in the bottle for minimum 3 months / 在瓶中至少3个月

DIADEMA白葡萄酒是一款非常特别的白葡萄酒。是在混合搭配了霞多丽,维奥尼和白苏维 翁葡萄之后所诞生的. 该搭配赋予了一种细腻,花香般的香味:伴随着兔尾草和地中海似的 味道;柑橘味:带着橘子,柠檬和热带水果的特点;果味:带着白果,绿色水果,苹果和 白梨的特点. 一款有着良好结构和平衡的白葡萄酒,能够给予一个持久,挥之不去的余味. DIADEMA白葡萄酒,强劲中结合着优雅,浓度中伴随着清爽.

made with swarovski® elements

Diadema Bianco is a very special white wine. It derives from a blend of Chardonnay, Viognier and Sauvignon Blanc. The blend confers a subtle, floral bouquet: with hints of Mediterranean steppe, sage; citrus: with notes of citron, lemon and tropical fruit; fruity: with notes of white and green fruit, apple and white peach. A white wine with good structure and good balance, with long and persistent fruit aftertaste. In Diadema Bianco power evokes elegance, density harmonizes with freshness.

Diadema italian extra virgin olive oil 意大利特级初榨橄榄油 0,50 LT 0,50升

CULTIVAR: Moraiolo, Frantoio e Pendolino Characterized by its brilliant and intense green colour, the Diadema Extra-Virgin Olive Oil is fruit of Fattoria Villa l’Olmo’s carefully selected olives which are picked once the ideal ripeness has been reached and when the olives reflect delicate golden yellow tones and have a good consistency. The perceived aroma is that of fresh-cut grass and green tomatoes. At a first tasting, the palate perceives a complex taste of almonds with an aftertaste reminiscent of artichokes and ripe olives; afterwards, the taste is fruity with touches of well proportioned spices while the final sensation is delicate and pleasantly tangy. The suggestive Tuscan production of extra virgin olive oil at Fattoria Villa l’Olmo goes back many centuries to the first half of the XVIIIth century. Today, the orchard covers approximately 23 hectares of the estate where the Moraiolo, Frantoio and Pendolino olives are cultivated. Pruning is carried out every two years. Once ripe, the olives are hand-picked. This begins at the end of October and continues until the first ten days of November. The olives are cold pressed in the Fattoria Villa l’Olmo’s oil mill, pressed on the very same day they are picked.

种植物:莫拉约橄榄(Moraiolo),佛奥橄榄(Frantoio),配多灵橄榄(Pendolino) DIADEMA特级初榨橄榄油是经过对奥尔莫别墅庄园中的橄榄精心挑选之后的成果. 在完美 成熟的时刻采摘的橄榄,使其呈现出耀眼的绿色和饱满,带着微妙的金黄色并且结实. 在味 道上,体现着她那令人信服的香味,犹如刚割过的草地,散发着绿西红柿般的味道. 在口感 上,刚入口便能感受到丰富的甜杏仁的味道,然后在嘴中的则是洋蓟和熟橄榄般的回味; 最 后留下的是水果的回味,以微妙的辛辣感结束 奥尔莫别墅庄园中对于托斯卡纳特级初榨橄榄油那引人入胜的酿造,穿越世纪的历史,则要 追溯到18世纪上半期. 如今橄榄种植的范围占地大约23公顷. 种植着不同的品种,莫拉约橄 榄,佛奥橄榄和配多灵橄榄。进行着每隔两年一次修剪. 而手工采摘的实施是根据从十月底 到十一月份前10天的成熟情况来决定的. 橄榄在采摘的同一天,便被送到庄园内部的榨油机 房进行冷却压榨.

made with swarovski® elements

made with swarovski® elements

you can’t think

D’AMARE without a heart!

...that’s why we decided to complete the bottle decorating the collar with a heart-shaped keychain




i.g.t. Toscano - - 托斯卡纳典型产区 0,75 lt - 0,75升

OENOLOGIST / 酿酒学家 Stefano Chioccioli/ 斯蒂芬。可丘黎 LANDSCAPE / 位置 Hilly /丘陵 VARIETIES / 葡萄品种 Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot 桑娇维塞,赤霞珠,梅洛 AGEING / 陈酿 in French oak barriques of 225 lt. for 14 months 在225升的法国橡木酒桶中陈年14个月 REFINING / 陈年 in the bottle for minimum 6 months 在瓶内至少陈年6个月 Blend of Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon e Merlot. D’AMARE Rosso is a fine example of a classic IGT Tuscan wine, with a distinctive, well-defined character. Its rich, ruby red hue is immediately striking, and the nose releases a complex array of fruit, including sourcherry, wild red berry fruit, and dried plum, enriched by smooth impressions of spice sand herbs. A dense-packed suite of tannins contributes to a velvety mouth feel. D’AMARE Rosso was aged for 14 months in french oak barriques.




该葡萄酒由桑姣维塞,赤霞珠,梅洛葡萄混合而成,D’AMARE红葡萄酒呈现出的是一款经 典的托斯卡纳典型产区,但有着自己明确和独特的身份的葡萄酒. 她红宝石般的颜色极为吸引眼球。丹宁味柔和而醇厚。红水果的芳香十分丰富,让人想起樱 桃,李子和灌木丛中酸甜的小果子的味道.

D’AMARE. . . T




D’ AMARE 白葡萄酒 - 托斯卡纳典型产区 0,75 lt - 0,75升


Stefano Chioccioli 斯蒂芬 Hilly 丘陵 / Chardonnay, Viognier 霞多丽,维奥尼 in stainless steel tanks with some skin contact 钢桶酒槽中 in the bottle for minimum 3 months / 在瓶中至少3个月

D’AMARE Bianco is a highly refined Chardonnay and Viognier blend. Chardonnay provides the structure, sweetness and complexity while Viognier confers to the wine a tropical aroma, freshness and a long lasting olfactory finish. D’AMARE BIANCO has a straw-yellow colour with golden reflections. The aroma is expansive with hints of exotic fruit and white flowers, enhanced by a marked sensation of aromatic herbs. On the palate it is perceived as soft and clean, harmonious and balanced. The taste persists at length and at the end, offers a delicate sensation of kiwi. D’AMARE白葡萄酒是一款极为细腻的葡萄酒,由霞多丽葡萄和维奥尼葡萄相混合. 霞多丽葡萄有着好的结构,甜美,丰富,而维奥尼葡萄则赋予了热带的香味,清新,并能保 持着长久的嗅觉和味觉. D’AMARE白葡萄酒呈淡黄色,和闪闪发光的金色。香味充分,清新,有着异国水果的特 点,并且在草香味的点缀下芳香显得的更为丰富。口感柔和,干净,和谐并且平衡. 其余味 的持久性长,最后留下的是美妙的猕猴桃似的味道


talian extra virgin olive oil

意大利特级初榨橄榄油 0,75 lt - 0,75升 D’AMARE Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the result of the determination to render complete a product line which is important in the world of Diadema in order to position itself in the middle segment of the most important Tuscan wines and oils market. The combination of Moraiolo, Frantoio and Leccino cultivars and hand-picking maintains the integrity of the fruit. The knowledgeable workmanship respects the basic heritage required to produce D’Amare Olio Extravergine D’Oliva Italiano, a typical Tuscan oil, renown world wide for its organoleptic excellence. The colour is green with golden reflections, the aroma is alluring and penetrating and the taste is that of ripe olives with a slightly tangy aftertaste. Produced in the oil mills of Villa l’Olmo and cold pressed, D’AMARE Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a unique product which enhances the taste of food and which carries within each bottle all the essentials components of the olives.

意大利特级初榨橄榄油D’AMARE,是在想给Diadema的世界里补充一个重要的系列的意愿 下诞生的. 奥尔莫别墅庄园种植的品种中,为D’AMARE橄榄油所挑选的是莫拉约橄榄,佛奥橄榄和莱 星橄榄. 采用的是能够让果实保持她的完整性的全手工采摘,将其与一个明智的加工相结合,组成了 技术遗产的根本,从而使我们能够获得意大利D’Amare特级初榨橄榄油,让其有着托斯卡纳 橄榄油的特点,并以她良好优质的口感知名全世界. 该橄榄油颜色呈绿色,金色反光。带着说服力和穿透力的香味,并有着浓厚的成熟橄榄的味 道,余味中则略带辛辣。 橄榄油是在我们奥尔莫别墅的榨油机机房中使用冷却榨压下获得的。D’AMARE特级初榨橄 榄油是一个独特的产品,她能够提升菜肴的美味,能将橄榄中最实质的部分都保存在瓶中

i.g.t. Toscano - 托斯卡纳典型产区

BAG IN BOX 5 lt. - 盒中袋葡萄酒5升

OENOLOGIST / 酿酒学家 Stefano Chioccioli 斯蒂芬。可丘黎 LANDSCAPE / 位置 Hilly 丘陵 VARIETIES / 葡萄品种 Sangiovese, Syrah - 桑娇维塞,西拉 AGEING / 陈酿 Tonneau for 12 months / 在法国橡木桶中12个月

Sarà di Sera is a modern dry Tuscan red with an intense ruby red colour and light garnet hues. The bouquet is fruity, with good complexity and hints of spice. The taste of Sarà di Sera is smooth, pleasant, balanced, tender tannicity, the conclusion rich in aftertaste. Sarà di Sera is aged for 12 months in casks of French oak. It is said that the “bag in box” is a moniker for plain, ordinary table wine. We believe the time has come to dispel this misconception and present a bag in box containing a wine which maintains the high standards of quality, bouquet and appearance of prestigious labels, yet with all the advantages of comfort, ease of use and storage of a bag in box. Diadema, while maintaining its position in the upper echelons of image and quality, has chosen, with Sarà di Sera, to expand into the bag in box channel to meet market expectations and the demands of an increasingly vast consumer world. 在大众的意识中盒中袋的葡萄酒是一般餐桌上的葡萄酒,简单而普通. 如今我们认为是消除 这样的想法的时候了,因此展示了这款使用盒子,而里面装的是一款在质量上,味觉上和感 官上都有着重要的水准的葡萄酒,运用盒装来加强在使用和保存上的便利. Diadema,保持着他在高水准的形象和质量上的定位,挑选了Sarà di Sera,使用盒中袋的方 式面对市场,面对日益广泛的消费者的世界.

Sarà di Sera 是一款现代托斯卡纳干红葡萄酒,呈强烈的红宝石色,色调上略带石榴红. 其香 味呈水果味,良好而丰富,带着辛辣的特点。Sarà di Sera 的味道柔和,舒适,平衡,柔和 的丹宁味,余味中带着丰富的香气 Sarà di Sera 在法国橡木桶中12个月.

Diadema rosè . ..P aoc


0,75lt - 0,75升


Nicolas Turounet / 尼古拉斯。徒娄尼特 Plain / 平原 Syrah, Grenache, Cinsault / 西拉,歌海娜,神索 in cement vats / 在水泥池中陈酿

The Diadema Rosé was born when Alberto Giannotti, and Henri Fabres, one of the finest tradition rosé wines producers in Provence-Côte d’ Azur met. Diadema Rosé is one of the most attractive high scale rosé wines combining pleasure, elegance and voluptuosness in its uniqueness. Created from an astonishing mixture of Syrah, Grenache and Cinsault varieties, this nectar, with its silky colour is a delight for experienced tasters. To enable a maximum conservation of the aromas and the quality of each grape variety the harvesting takes place in the evening and is followed by a low temperature maceration allowing a maximum extraction of the fragrances and aromas.

该酒是在Alberto Giannotti 和Henri Fabre的相遇中诞生的,Henri Fabre是普罗旺斯最知名的 桃红酒酿造者之一, Diadema 桃红葡萄酒是目前在市场上所存在的最有吸引力的桃红葡萄酒 之一. 结合了,愉悦,典雅和乐趣。混合了西拉葡萄,歌海娜葡萄,神索葡萄. Diadema 桃红葡 萄酒,有着柔和和舒适的颜色,能够给最苛刻的品尝者带来最真实的愉悦. 为了能够保留下最卓越的香味和不同品种的葡萄的质量,采摘都是在夜晚进行,之后进行在 低温下的浸渍,由此得以获得最完美的芳香和香味

made with swarovski® elements

Diadema Diadema




Diadema精选香槟酒是在一个在长期和细致的 质量研究下,在生产企业的严格和高专业水准 下所诞生的,这样的挑选只在巴尔山坡(Côte des Bar),进行,挑选出的Dosage Zéro 和Cuvée Rosé ,加入到了我们Diadema葡萄酒的行列。 精选Diadema香槟采用了一个同葡萄酒不同的标 签。将凯旋的金色作为背景色,上面则是一个由 施华洛世奇所设计的突起的D。其不一样的典雅 代表着我们品牌的延伸和对独特性的探索.

Champagne Diadema Selected testifies to the lengthy, painstaking devotion to high quality and the uncompromising professionalism of its producer. The production area could only be Côte des Bar, and the selection process had to conclude with a Dosage Zéro and a Cuvée Rosé that would perfectly complement our Diadema wines. Champagne Diadema Selected bears a different label from the still wines. An impressive gold predominates as the background to a D in relief with swarovski® elements, elegant difference that express the consistency as well as the devotion to distinctiveness that characterise our brand.



selected Champagne Dosage Zéro

selected Champagne Cuvée Rosée 0,75lt-1,5lt

0,75lt-1,5lt - 0,75升-1,5升

made with swarovski® elements


Buxeuil e Montgueux Champagne - France / 比克伊,蒙格村-法国 Pinot Noir, Chardonnay 黑品诺,霞多丽 in stainless steel tanks and a part in barriques 部分钢缸,部分酒桶

made with swarovski® elements


Buxeuil e Montgueux Champagne - France / 比克伊,蒙格村-法国 Pinot Noir, Chardonnay 黑品诺,霞多丽 in stainless steel tanks and a part in barriques 部分钢缸,部分酒桶

Champagne Dosage Zéro Diadema Selected is amongst the very best dry Champagne in the world. For having a maximum of complexity and the full expression of grapes this Cuvée is aged up to five years before coming to the clients all over the world. Our Brut Zéro is really dry. Only the best varietals are used for Dosage Zéro Diadema Selected. Pinot Noir with about 70% in the Cuvée gives fresh red fruit, woodland strawberry and citrus. Chardonnay with about 30% adds tones of vanilla and toffee, a hint of white almonds, brioche and a touch of lime and acacia blossoms. After a moment in the glass shows its sophisticated character. Like with all Diadema products freshness, complexity and full length are of highest importance.

Very strong in colour the Cuvée Rosée Diadema Selected burst with a lot of red fruit and freshness. This complex Rosé Champagne is a blend of 70% Pinot Noir and 30% Chardonnay. For having a huge round texture a part of the wines has been vinified in barrels of French oak. Of high importance to us is also the ageing of this Champagne. Before coming into the market the bottles have to stay many additional years in a cool and dark cellar for evoluting those delicate aromas we love so much. The extraordinary strong aroma of woodland strawberry and that wonderful hint of citrus is brought by Pinot Noir. Chardonnay completes with decent tones of vanilla and mineral aromas. Even more Chardonnay gives plenty of body for having a full and smooth sensation, complex but fresh. Most Rosé Champagne show up with a orange-pink. For Diadema we only go for a real pink rose Rosée.

Dosage Zéro香槟酒是市场上所存在的最好的香槟酒之一. 为了能够提供出葡萄最丰富和完整的表达, Cuvée 在提供给我们全世界的客户之前,须成年5年的时间 只有最好的葡萄能够被Dosage Zéro Diadema所采用。Cuvée里含有70%的黑品诺葡萄,给予了红果的清 香,野果和柑橘的香味. 30% 的霞多丽添加了香草和糖果味,淡淡的杏仁和刺槐的味道. 在酒杯中的片刻醒酒 之后,将显现出他丰富的特点。正如像所有的Diadema产品,清新,丰富和明显的持久度都是极为重要的

颜色强烈,Diadema Cuvée 精选桃红葡萄酒散发着红果和清爽的味道. 这款丰富的桃红香槟酒是由70% 的黑 品诺葡萄和30%的霞多丽葡萄搭配而成。在葡萄酒在法国橡木酒桶中陈酿之后,味道十分的圆润. 黑品诺葡萄 赋予了强烈而独特的野草莓的香味,和淡淡美妙的柑橘的味道. 除了能够给整体带来饱满,柔软,丰富和清 爽的感觉,霞多丽的补充还给予了他那颇佳的香草和矿物的香味,一般的桃红香槟酒呈桃红并略带橘黄的色 调:然而我们的精选Diadema有着完全桃红色的特点.


selected 精选


Champagne Cuvée Sélection Mathusalem 6lt - 6升


Buxeuil e Montgueux Champagne - France / 比克伊,蒙格村-法国 Pinot Noir, Chardonnay 黑品诺,霞多丽 in stainless steel tanks and a part in barriques 部分钢缸,部分酒桶

This Cuvée is made of 70% Pinot Noir and 30% Chardonnay. It got a fresh character and sweetness. Therefore on the palate this Champagne is round and and softer. On the one hand that delicious woodland strawberry and red fruit taste comes out stronger, on the other hand the citric tones are a little bit more in the background. A superb french Champagne personalized by the unmistakable elegance of the Italian touch. Six liters of pure nectar draped in luminous light and swarovski® elements. Plaisir de Champagne can be easily transported on its customdesigned, black Diadema trolley. LIMITED PRODUCTION PER YEAR

Cuvée 是由70%的黑品诺和30%的霞多丽组成,结合了典型的清爽和强烈的软和. 口感呈圆 润而柔和:一边有着野草莓和红果强烈的感觉,而另一边,在余味的回味中有着柑橘美味的 特点. 极品法国香槟酒被意大利的典雅所诠释着. 6升的玉液,被施华洛世奇和光辉所装饰着. 香槟酒在Diadema个性化的黑色小推车的使用下可以十分方便的移动. 限量生产

made with swarovski® elements

made with swarovski® elements

Relais Villa l’Olmo

Relais Villa l’Olmo

IMPRUNETA-TUSCANY RELAIS VILLA L’OLMO, 起源于1500年,就像是托斯卡纳乡 村中的一片绿洲, 距离佛罗伦萨仅10公里,每半小时便有公交车从 Relais 到佛罗伦萨市中心。 在这里可以寻找到面向花园和带着海沙的游泳池的 套房,除此之外, 每个别墅还有私人花园和游泳池。 每个套房和别墅都匹配了所有的设备:无线网络, 互动电视,DVD播放器,设备齐全的厨房和空 调。Relais Villa l’Olmo 提供每日卫生服务,健身 房,按摩,早餐厅,并且设有接待处,给于客人提 供任何信息,服务和预订.

Relais Villa l’Olmo, built in the 16th century, based in Impruneta is a Borgo in the country side of Tuscany at only 10 km from downtown Florence, a bus connect the Relais to downtown Florence every 30 minutes. Here you can find apartments overlooking the gardens and the pool as well as private cottages with private garden and pool. Each apartments and cottages are equipped with all the comforts like Wi-Fi, satellite TV, DVD player, fully furnished kitchen and air conditioning. Relais Villa l’Olmo offers daily cleaning, Technogym fitness, massage, breakfast room and the reception at the guests disposal for information, reservation and sightseeing suggestions.

WWW.RELAISVILLALOLMO.IT | ph. +39 055 2311311


Private Cottage

Relais Villa l’Olmo

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