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1.1 Defining Apprenticeship The concept of apprenticeship, learning by doing, is one that has existed for centuries, and is currently being applied to vocational development programmes. An apprentice can be considered as a person who acquires the skills for a certain trade from an expert teacher, developing from being a novice in this area to a proficient level of knowledge and experience. Currently in continental Europe this process, in which a transfer of knowledge from teacher to apprentice occurs, usually takes place during several years and it usually coupled with formal education. In this way, the student receives an integrated education in theoretical-technical knowledge and practical skill. For those students who decide not to go on to university, this is a way to receive some sort of training before being able work, considering that many jobs require some experience previous to starting. Learning a trade from experts is becoming ever more popular in larger companies due to the benefits that it provides. On one hand, the hope is that with apprenticeship programmes young people will be able to properly obtain the skills necessary to do the available jobs in the current labour market, reducing youth unemployment. This leads to better qualified professionals who are able to develop their skills instead of being NEETs (No in Education, Employment, or Training) due to a lack of interest in traditional studies and a shortage of jobs for unqualified youth. On the other hand, businesses and experts benefit from being able to teach their apprentices about the knowledge and tools that are necessary to fit the specific needs of these companies. This means that with an apprenticeship programme, the entity that is in charge of the education of the apprentices are able to educate them in a way that fits the business. This second benefit allows companies to train the apprentices in both the production methods used in the company and the work requirements. This also means that the transition for these students into the work environment is more 0 4
fluid, saving the company time and training that it would normally have to dedicate to a new worker. Although apprenticeship is not right for every student, or for every profession, it can offer a lot of benefits when implemented properly. The proper fusion of theory and practice into a coherent whole means that, long-term, youth are being taught in way that will benefit the apprentices, the businesses and the economic market. The European Trade Union proposed a quality framework for apprenticeships is Europe in 2016, detailing 20 quality standards. Work-based and workplace learning are a way to facilitate the transfer of young people between education and training and the labour market, improving their skills and careers, according to this framework. It is inspired by existing good practices found at national and sectoral levels. See more here: The following examples are models of apprenticeship that can be found within different European states. They show differences between programmes found in different regions. The German system of apprenticeship training is created by the joint strategy ‘Alliance for Initial and Further Training 2015-2018’ where the federal and regional governments collaborate with social partners such as trade unions and employers’ organisations. They offer training for an array of different vocations by means of a dual training programmes lasting between two and there-and-ahalf years. These students earn a ‘training allowance’ from their companies that depends on the field of work, and they often find themselves with job offers when they successfully complete their training. In Germany, apprentices must apply for the training, just as though it was a normal job. Sometimes, apprenticeship offers are advertised and filled up to a year before they begin.
In France, amendments were made to the Labour Code in 2014 to introduce new opportunities for apprentice (apprentissage) training. The French president at the time also announced a serious of measures to develop apprenticeship training. This programme has been created for people between 16 and 26 who have completed their obligatory education who wish to continue their education with a vocational certificate or technological education at a higher level. The French apprenticeship education can be applied to almost any vocational programme, from carpentry to hairdressing. The courses last from one to three years depending on the profession and qualification desired. In the French system, employers pay a small salary that increases with age and experience, and pay for the schooling. Several other contract options also exist for apprenticeship-like training including: adaptation contracts, qualification contracts, and orientation contracts Within the Italian system, apprenticeship (apprendisatato) is focused on people between 16 and 26 years old. These programmes last from 18 months to four years in many different sectors, including waitressing, cooking, plumbing, carpentry, car repairs, etc. Italian employers pay apprentices 80% of the salary that a qualified worker would receive, although this increases with experience and age. In addition, they also pay for the schooling side of the education, and sometimes the cost of travel to and from school. Other options for combined training and work contracts are also available in Italy (contratto di formazione lavorativa/CFL) for students between 16 and 23 years old. The Spanish apprenticeship system (formaciรณn profesional dual) is regulated by a Royal Decree from 2012 and is a dually based programme on work-based and school-based training. It is for those students from 16 to 30 years old (which will be reduced to 25 when the unemployment rate is below 15%) with no professional experience. The apprenticeships in Spain can last from one to three years. The apprenticeship training is tied into the catalogue of professional qualifications and the Spanish higher education framework. This means that 0 6
students will receive the same certification as they would in other studies, but with a higher level of experience. In Spain there is no national regulation of economic compensation for the work done. In Bulgaria, the apprenticeship program is based on the Vocational Education and Training Act, which allows for the possibility of education through work. The goal of this programme in Bulgaria is to target unemployed persons with lower secondary education or without any education or qualification. The government provides incentive to businesses by subsidising the minimum wage and the necessary insurance that is paid by the employer for up to 12 months, and supplementary remuneration for mentoring for up to 24 months. The system for apprenticeship established in Cyprus is for people between 14 and 21 years of age and in one of two groups: those students who have not completed the compulsory education (preparatory apprenticeship) and those who have either completed the basic education or the preparatory apprenticeship (core apprenticeship). Participation in these programmes is not part of the obligatory education and is free of charge. The preparatory apprenticeship phase lasts one year; the core training phase is three years. During this core training, students spend a ratio of 60:40 between incompany training and school-based training during the first two years, and a ratio of 80:20 in the third year. Students are not considered as workers and receive a weekly payment of 87â‚Ź for the entire apprenticeship period. In Greece, the apprenticeship training is mostly established on the idea of schoolbased training. This programme is either a mix of school-based training the first two years and work-based training the third year, or school-based education for the first three years and a fourth year in the workplace.
Apprentices in Greece sign a contract during the entire period of the work-based training and receive a wage that is 70% of the minimum wage. However, they are not entitled to join a trade union. The Latvian equivalent of apprenticeship is a school-based training also incorporates an element of work-based practice. The main form of Latvian apprenticeship is currently dedicated to the craft sector, which is someone who has joined a craft company or educational institution with a training contract. Programmes usually last four years, although a large portion of the students (55% in the 2014/2015 school year) do not finish. Apprentices sign training contracts, not labour contracts, and therefore are not considered as workers. This means that they may not join trade unions and that the payment of these workers is not regulated. Some apprentices receive a wage, but others are not. In the Netherlands, there are two different ways to obtain an apprenticeship qualification: the work based pathway (beroepsbegeleidende leerweg – BBL) and the school-based pathway (beroepsopleidende leerweg – BOL). Both options are considered of equal value, and therefore it is possible to change from one to the other. In BBL apprenticeships, the student spends a minimum of 60% of their time in their workplace; in BOL apprenticeships this time is reduced to 20-59%. These educational tracks in the Netherlands do not correspond directly to ‘yeargroup’ but have programme flexibility to finish the programme earlier or later than standard school years. Depending on the training agreement, an apprentice will either sign a contract or not. Those who sign a contract are paid wages and have the rights to join a trade union. In Poland, work-based learning is an important part of the vocational education. Apprenticeship is part of the system (along with alternance training, on the job training, and a work-based learning integrated into a school-based programme). In Polish apprenticeship programmes, students spend a majority of time on employer premise.
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In this type of training, the apprentice signs a contract with the employer and will receive remuneration for their work. Apprenticeship has two forms, occupational training (nauka zawodu) lasting from 24 to 36 months and training for a specific job (przyuczenie do wykonywania określonej pracy) lasting from 3 to 6 months. There is no specific definition of apprenticeship within the Slovenian legislation, but there are several school-based programmes with work-based elements. In upper vocational education, an important part of the formation of the students is work-based learning in companies. This education can take from 2 to 4 years depending on the programme. Work-based learning in Slovenia requires a contract, although it is not an employment contract. In addition apprentices have the right to join a trade union. The wages for the work in companies is determined by sectoral agreements.
1.2.The importance of apprenticeship in meeting business needs. Although many people may think of apprenticeship programmes as mainly beneficial to the student, they bring several key benefits to the business employing them as well. The main focus of these advantages is that apprenticeships are able to meet business needs in ways that other hiring options are not. When growing a business this advantage is clearly highlighted. For starters, when hiring an apprentice, you will most likely be among the first employers that this student has worked with. This means that they will most likely be open to learning how you do things when compared to seasoned professionals who already have their own way of working. This means that with apprentices the company has the opportunity to train someone to fit the organisation. In turn, this means that they will most likely have better relationships with the other members of the company and the customers due to their company-specific knowledge about the systems, culture, customers, and processes. Also, passing on skills and knowledge to workers is one of the biggest problems that many trades-based industries are facing. Apprentices are usually open to learning new skills and developing competences that are essential to the company, creating workers who are able to replace experienced tradespeople as they retire. Furthermore, many apprentices stay on top of technology and trends specific to their trades, providing a competitive advantage to the company. This creates a base to revitalize your workforce, combining the skills of the experienced workers with the desire to learn and expand of the young apprentices. In the UK, 82% of employers take on apprentices to build the skills capacity within their business.
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Apprenticeships also allow companies to build their workforce from the ground up, developing future leaders within the organisation. Most businesses with successful apprenticeship programmes will go on to hire a large percentage of their apprentices because they fit the needs of the company so well. On top of that, apprenticeship is a way providing quality training for future employees without worrying about the turnover rate. The investment that companies have to make when hiring a new employee is high, and when using apprentices this investment is usually returned when the student becomes a fulltime employee. Investing in apprentices means more loyal employees who are committed to the organisation. So not only are these young people filling roles that must be filled, they are also exceptionally loyal to their first employers and tutors, creating a good work environment and an enhanced reputation in the community. Apprentices also contribute to a more productive workforce, making the ratio investment-outcome more positive for the company the more time that the apprentice works there. Upwards from 60% (depending on the country in question) of employers consider that a journeyperson that they trained as an apprentice is more productive than an external hire. All of this leads to the cost-benefits analysis that many companies do to decide if hiring an apprentice is beneficial in the long-term. If set-up correctly, an apprenticeship programme can provide substantial financial benefits for a company, outweighing costs.
These financial benefits come from the lower wages that apprentices earn, only increasing as their productivity and revenue generated also go up. Also, if the company decides to hire the apprentice, they don’t have to pay for training or run the risk of training someone who is not a good fit to the team. This on-the-job
training can be especially valuable to small business owners who don’t have as many resources when hiring new employees. Depending on the country or industry, there may also be government financial support available to companies training apprentices. This support can come in the form of a stipend for mentor training, tax reductions, etc.
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1.3.The different entities involved and their roles When negotiating an apprenticeship, there are different partners who are involved, and every partner has a critical role to play. Without the successful interaction between these entities, having a successful programme is difficult. Let’s consider the four main parts of an apprenticeship: the business, the workforce intermediaries, the educational institution, and the apprentices. In addition, other entities, such as the public workforce system or an established apprenticeship system will impact the success of the programme. However, these two organisations are developed at a national level, so it is important to research how they work within your country whereas the other entities can be studied at a more global level. The apprentices are individuals who will fill the roles proposed by the companies, the intermediary organisations, and the educational institutions. The role they play is important, but cannot be established until the other three entities have come to an agreement about what the apprenticeship programme will be. The educational institutions are responsible for developing a curriculum for the theoretical part of instruction with the intention of being about to communicate this knowledge to the apprentices. In addition, these entities can provide course completion certificates or higher education credits for future studies. The focus in this section, however, is on the businesses and the intermediary organisations. These entities have important roles to carry out because without the successful application of the practical education, the apprentices are just learning theoretical information. These two groups will ensure, for their benefit, that the apprentice is learning pertinent information in their trade.
The business partners can be individual companies or a consortium of businesses. The first important task that this entity needs to take on is the identification of the skills and knowledge that an apprentice must learn in order to be successful within the trade they are learning. This means that the business must be able to understand what they want from an employee before hiring an apprentice. The second step that businesses take is to hire apprentices. The adequate selection of an apprentice will make a big difference to the success of the programme. This step should not be taken lightly, especially considering that a business gets the most out of their apprentices when they are able to hire them once the training is completed. In order to complete successful training, each apprentice will need an experienced mentor and on-the-job training. It is important for the business to strategize about the training programme before the apprentice starts working in the company. They should also provide some sort of training for their mentors before they start working with apprentices in order to be as productive as possible. In addition, the business partners also have the possibility to create networks with other institutions. These networks can be a place to develop training content or to share success stories. They can also provide a support network for apprentices when they finish their training and are looking for work. The final role of the businesses is to make sure that the apprentice is receiving a fair remuneration if that is what is established by law at a national level. They will also have to decide to hire the apprentice or not once he or she has successfully completely the training process. On the other hand, the workforce intermediaries play a totally different (although just as important) role in the apprenticeship programme. These organisations can be made up of industry associations, labour and joint labourmanagement organisations, or community-based organisations. They will support the other entities involved in the apprenticeship programme, especially the businesses.
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First of all, these intermediary organisations will provide industry or workforcespecific expertise that can be used, for example, in the development of the content to be taught. This will support employers in a particular industry sector because it will provide insight into what is important for an apprentice to learn at an industry level. The intermediary organisation can also serve as sponsors of an apprenticeship programme, taking on the administrative responsibility. This reduces the burden that is placed on the employers when organising programmes within a business, especially since the intermediary organisations will become experts in managing this type of programme, facilitating the process. These organisations are also able to provide an apprenticeship programme for groups of businesses who are not able to create a programme on their own. For example, without the resources of a big company, smaller entities do not have access such a beneficial type of programme without help. Intermediary organisations are able to create an aggregation of companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), allowing these entities to have access to an apprenticeship programme in a situation where it would otherwise not be available to them. This means that the role that these intermediary organisations will play in the creation of successful apprenticeship programmes with SMEs is key. These entities should also work towards creating and providing networks so that partnerships between employers can be established, sharing the responsibility of apprenticeship programmes. Especially in situations where apprenticeship is not highly implemented, these kinds of relationships can create successful programmes that are beneficial to all the entities involved. Finally, these intermediary organisations have the ability to provide additional support and instruction as is necessary to the other entities. Their expertise in the
industry or in managing an apprenticeship programme will allow them to provide support in an effective way to business and schools.
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1.4. Main success factors Successful apprenticeship programmes are based on a variety of factors including the collaboration of the entities involved in the programmes; creating a curriculum that fits the needs of the apprentices within the business and the business itself; choosing the correct apprentice; having a strong mentoring system; being able to solve problems; etc. The different organisations will play different roles in making sure that each of these factors is maximised for success. For your organisation, these factors will be described in detail in future units, but here a quick overview will be given so that you have an idea of what is to come. The first step involved in the creation of an apprenticeship programme is the identification of needs. During this process, it is fundamental that all sides of the programme are considered. The needs to be considered should include the theoretical and practical knowledge that the apprentices should acquire in order to fit the needs shown by the businesses and the educational requirements presented for the acquisition of a certificate. The identification of needs is essential to programme success because it will help reach a specific goal that is important to all the entities involved in the apprenticeship process. The correct identification of needs will also help structure the programme so that future steps will be taken in the right way. For example, the identification of the correct apprentice(s) is another key to creating a successful programme. However, this selection is based on the needs that were identified in the previous step. The correlation between these two aspects of the programme will create a favourable base for success.
In addition, mentors should be trained with the needs and final goals in mind so that they are able to support the apprentice(s) in a way that is beneficial both to the individual learning needs and to fulfil the company’s needs. Having a positive experience with a mentor has proven itself as a sign of a successful apprenticeship experience.
Another success factor is correctly understanding and implementing the practical aspects of the apprenticeship, such as paperwork and support tools that can assist the entities in developing a strong programme. Creating a system that works for a particular apprenticeship requires developing a unique plan that encompasses the needs identifies by each of the entities involved in the process. It is also important to consider programme flexibility and problem solving. Both of these aspects can lend to a successful apprenticeship programme. Programme flexibility means that not every apprentice and mentor will be the same and that changes will have to be introduced during the apprenticeship process in order to get the most out of it. In addition, like in any employment relationship, it is normal to encounter small problems during the apprenticeship. Making sure that mentors and apprentice superiors have the competences to resolve problems and communicate well will contribute to a programme that is able to overcome small issues and create a positive experience for all entities involved overall. Like everything, creating an apprenticeship programme takes time and organisation, but the benefits are rewarding for everyone involved. In addition, intermediary organisations and support networks can help make the process easier and more successful. Overall, this means that the management of the entities involved in the development and process of the programme have to high. If the management understands the purpose of the programme, the goals that it puts forward and is willing to invest in this process, the probability of success is higher.
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1.5.Success stories In many different occupations both students and employers can benefit greatly from participating in an apprenticeship programme. Due to the specific skills that students can learn in an apprenticeship position, this type of learning has held prestige in countries like Germany. In this country, the tradition and potential of apprenticeship makes it a valued part of the economy. Along with Austria and Switzerland, Germany has a classic apprenticeship training programme. Although these classic apprenticeship programmes can vary from place to place, they always have two learning locations (the company and the part-time vocational school), and most of the training occurs in the company. In addition, there is a clearly regulated governance structure to the programme, managing the contents, skills and abilities to be imparted. Apprentices are highly valued in Germany because they provide companies with access to skilled workers and fresh input. In addition, these newly trained individuals have been educated to fit the needs of the company, making them even more valuable. Students in Germany can learn many different professions with apprenticeship programmes ranging from a plumber to restaurant specialist to office administrator. During the 2014/2015 training year, 522,094 new contracts for apprenticeships were created. In addition, Germany hosts 1,552 part-time vocational schools and over 430,000 companies participate in apprenticeship programmes (about 20% of all the companies in Germany). The German programme for apprenticeship is an example of a success story because it occupies a place within Germany society that is well looked upon. In addition, it is training future professionals and leads to jobs for these students.
Approximately 60% of successful trainees are offered permanent employment when they finish.
On the other hand, although countries differ in the way they implement apprenticeship programmes, there are some trades that are frequently taught in this way in many places. One of the trades where apprenticeship exists in several countries is the car industry. Examples of apprenticeships within this industry are with: SEAT, Ferrari, BMW, Aston Martin, etc. The apprenticeship run by SEAT in Spain has been in place for over 50 years in Barcelona. Although the programme has been modified as the Spanish government has put new regulations in place promoting apprenticeship, the main purpose of the apprenticeship training has stayed the same: to educate young people in a way that benefits both the theoretical and practical aspects of the jobs in question. SEAT considers that their apprenticeship programme is a success because the company and the students are happy with the outcomes. The training is a total of 4,625 hours during three years split between theoretical and practical learning and the students receive both a Spanish and a German training certificate. The SEAT factory in Spain takes on somewhere between 60 and 75 new apprentices every year and has had over 2,500 apprentices since the programme started. In addition, 90% of those students who complete the programme are offered a job with the company directly. This apprenticeship programme in Barcelona allows students to make a small wage while working for an international company, gaining experience along with their education. Success stories like SEAT have the ability to stand the test of time because of the value given to the benefits that the company gains from the correct implementation of an apprenticeship programme.
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2.1.Marketing and Promotion
Apprenticeship programmes are able to contribute many benefits to companies specializing in various trades. These programmes focus on educating young people in a way that makes them especially qualified to meet the needs of the business where they are trained. Right now, many trade industries are seeing a lack of youth who are prepared to enter into positions which are opening up due to retirement or business expansion. In these situations, companies have two options: hire someone who lacks the proper skills to complete the job in question or train some specifically for this role. In this way, apprentices are a true asset to the company in the way that they change from novice to proficient in the areas that are most important for the job they are filling. In addition, when the apprenticeship programme is successfully completed, these (now skilled) workers can be incorporated into the business team without the need for further training. Therefore, apprenticeships can make companies more effective, competent, productive, and competitive by directly addressing these skills gaps. Apprenticeship programmes are specifically designed to help unskilled youth reach a level of competency and performance that will benefit the company while completing certain certificate requirements. Even though hiring an apprentice may seem like a costly way to fill a position, studies show that in the long run it can save a business money. This is because during the apprenticeship process the student is trained to respond to the needs of the company. Throughout this process the apprentice is paid less than a fulltime, trained employee and once he or she finishes the programme the apprentice is ready to enter into the position and doesn’t require more training.
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In addition, tests show that apprentices increase productivity in the workplace and, when hired, are more efficient than new employees from outside the company. This productivity is a result of the interest that the apprentice shows in learning and growing within the business and ultimately improves the bottom line. And, when the apprentice finds him or herself in a position where he or she can learn and grow, a sense of loyalty and satisfaction tends to appear. In turn, these attributes of loyalty and satisfaction are reflected in a low turnover rate with apprentices hired full-time. This low turnover reduces costs because no new employees have to be trained. Also, due to the recent interest both at a national and international level, more resources are becoming available for those businesses that take on apprentices. This means that understanding the paperwork and creating an apprenticeship programme that fits your needs is now easier than ever. Apprenticeship in numbers: the Strode College partnership identifies that in the UK, 77% of employers believe that apprenticeships make them more competitive and 76% say that they provide a higher overall productivity. In addition, 80% feel that apprenticeship reduce staff turnover and 83% of employers use these programmes because they help provide skilled workers for the future.
2.2.Identifying Needs.
Apprenticeship programmes are a way to cover the lack of skilled labour that companies are looking for by making sure that new employees have been trained in order to fit the roles that the business has. This is especially pertinent in trades where there is a lack of workers with the skills necessary to fill the available jobs.
In order to take advantage of an apprenticeship programme, it is necessary to make sure to communicate the role that you wish the apprentice to take on. This means that the first step of this process is a reflexion of what needs the company has and the ways that a potential apprentice could positively contribute to this situation. Keep in mind that an apprentice should not act as a separate initiative to your current work plan. When identifying company needs, it is important to decide what occupational tasks and jobs you would like an apprentice to fill. By clearly defining what skills you are looking for and what experience that you can provide as a business, you are setting yourself up to be able to find the right candidate for the role (see unit 3 for candidate selection). When choosing a role to fill, consider both current skill gaps that you have and those skill gaps that you can foresee in the near future. Current skill gaps are those which show a more immediate need, but don’t let them keep you from those gaps which may appear in the future as well. Training an apprentice now to cover an older employee who will be retiring within five years will save problems and hassle later on. Make sure that the company has access to the space and tools necessary to correctly train the apprentice in any skills that you deem as important for your employee. In addition, take the time to decide what the job title will be and all of the responsibilities and tasks that it will entail. Being specific in what you are looking for from the beginning leads to clearer expectations later on. In addition, keep in mind the workplace culture that you cultivate in your business. Whatever apprenticeship programme you build should fit into the organisation’s culture and values. Make sure that there is engagement between apprentices and other employees, and that all members of the team have the opportunity to express their needs and concerns.
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Within these details, consider if the apprentice should be a full-time or part-time worker. This type of information will help you link the apprenticeship to a work contract (which will be different in each country). In addition, check work policies and agreements already in place to make sure that you are following all established regulations. Strong employer involvement in programme creation is considered as one of the success factors of apprenticeships, so make sure that the standards established are what your company would look for when hiring someone who is already trained. The business should be large part of the curriculum creation process in order to be able to contribute to a theoretical training that fits the needs of the company. Remember that the goal of this training programme is that your company is able to have access to workers that fit the needs of the business. This means that the inversion that is made at the beginning of the programme to identify what needs should be covered and time is spent figuring out how to include them will lead to a more beneficial programme in the long run. During the process of need identification, consider the following steps: Once these steps have been completed, the next steps to take are:
2.3.Selecting the Candidates
Investing time into the selection process of apprentices is key to making sure that the programme is a success. Like with any job, an apprentice that is a good fit for
the company and the skills required means the difference between a positive or a negative experience for everyone involved. Once you have identified your business needs and your apprenticeship offer, you can begin this selection process.
Businesses can either decide to take on the whole responsibility of selecting the candidates or they can share this responsibility with the educational institutions or intermediary organisations. The intervention of educational institutions could include suggestions based on previous academic achievements and/or teacher recommendations. This evaluation will often be subjective and personal; therefore, this input can help understand how a student thrives within the academic part of their studies, but should not be the only factor impacting the apprenticeship. Intermediary organisations can help businesses understand how to select candidates, perhaps based on competence evaluations. These intermediary organisations, in some countries, also help create the academic curriculum and, therefore, are aware of the competences that the companies are looking for. In other situations, the intermediary organisations can offer other types of support such as information about formal regulations or general characteristics of good apprentices. Intermediary organisations and educational institutions can also provide information about candidates to help shortlist them, creating a smaller group of possible apprentices. However, the company should make an effort to interview these shortlisted candidates and get to know each one a little bit for the best results during the apprenticeship period. The bottom line is that the company will be investing time and energy into the onthe-job-learning of the apprentice, so they should be the ones to make the ultimate decision. When hiring an apprentice, consider using the same techniques that you use when interviewing a full-time employee. The only difference 0 26
between the two is the amount of training that each person has already received. The main point of the interview will be to see if the student is a good fit with your company or not.
If you have an interview plan already set up, consider the knowledge baseline that you would like your new apprentice to have, but do not expect that he or she will be fully competent in all the necessary skills off the bat. All other evaluation criteria should remain the same as with normal interviews because these criteria will most likely correspond to company values and perspective. Other important characteristics of apprentices are that they are open to learning and show problem solving capabilities. These traits are essential for apprenticeships because seeing as though these students don’t have the full skillset of a trained employee, they will have to explore and learn how to complete tasks that they don’t know how to do. It is important to keep in mind that all apprentice applicants will probably have similar qualifications (with little or no work experience), so the biggest test for a company is whether or not they match the role offered and the culture generated within the company. If the apprentice is a good fit, they should feel engaged and motivated to achieve their potential and the goals proposed by the business. There are several tools that companies can use to help them figure out the some of the more personal characteristics of the student: One last note: make sure that during the apprentice selection process you are participating in a ‘fair’ evaluation of candidates. Avoid unfair discrimination, bias, or adverse impact. Practice treating all candidates well, even if you are going to reject them, and offer fair, constructive feedback.
2.4.Preparing the mentors
Research shows that mentoring during the apprenticeship is essential to the overall success of the programme, contributing to the growth of both the apprentice and the mentor. A mentor is someone who is given the task of overseeing and guiding the apprentice during the programme. This mentor should have the adequate skills and be supported throughout the entire apprenticeship process. This mentorship should be instituted from two sides, at the workplace and from the sending educational institution. A strong mentoring programme will contribute to the successful completion of the apprenticeship, lowering drop-out risks and providing quality assurance. Let’s focus on the company mentor. In most apprenticeships, the company-based mentor should have a ‘trainer’ qualification in addition to work experience in the relevant area. Mentors will be the direct link between the apprentice and the knowledge about how to work in a specific trade. This on-the-job-learning is based mostly on the application of theoretical knowledge in a practical way, developing the apprentice’s skills. Therefore, it is also necessary for the mentor to be aware of the academic or theoretical information that the student is receiving at school. This allows for the creation of links between what the apprentice is learning at a theoretical and practical level. Joining these two areas is especially important for students who have normally have difficulties in an academic setting, motivating them in a hands-on way. As an employer, it is important to offer mentors both training at the beginning of the programme and support throughout the programme. This allows the mentor 0 28
to formally understand his or her role in the training process of an apprentice. Mentorship training can include instruction on how to use training manuals, learn about assessment techniques, and understand how to demonstrate skills. As an employer, it is important to understand how you can support your mentors during the apprenticeship programme in order to get the most out of it.
Mentors should be able to focus on a small number of apprentices and should not be given a large number of students as responsibility. Having a high mentorstudent ratio (one-to-one would be ideal) allows for more quality assurance in the training that the apprentice receives. This also allows for a strong professional relationship to grow, another success factor to apprenticeship programmes. This mentor-student relationship should begin when the student starts his or her apprenticeship, and will last for the duration of the programme. The student should not be without a mentor during the training process. Company-based mentors should keep in mind the following tasks: When choosing mentors, be aware of the how this selection process also contributes to a meaningful training experience for apprentices. This means looking for characteristics beyond a technical competence (and being aware that sometimes the worker with the best technical competences might not be a good mentor). Some important characteristics for mentors are: their leadership skills, having a positive attitude, having the ability to communicate effectively, being open to working with younger people, a willingness to cope with time constraints, and the capacity to manage the additional workload in a flexible way.
In addition, mentors should have the ability to teach. This means that they are not only able to show the apprentice how to do something, but that they are also able to explain why it is done that way. In order to have successful apprentices, it is important that these students are able to understand the thought process behind the work and have the capacity to solve problems in the future. Mentors also must be aware that there will be moments when apprentices will need more intense support, and times when the students have to practice and learn from their mistakes. Knowing when to provide more (or less) support is something that is both inherent in teaching, and something that can be learned with practice.
It is important to remember that mentoring an apprentice is not only beneficial for the student, but also for the mentor. Mentoring is an opportunity to develop people management responsibilities for people who have not had these responsibilities before. In addition, around 80% of employers believe that their mentors benefit from training an apprentice because this process renews and revitalizes the mentor, enhancing productivity and safety as mentors look to model best practices.
2.5.Understanding the Main Steps of Apprenticeship
The apprenticeship programme can be divided into three main parts: before the apprenticeship, during the apprenticeship, and after the apprenticeship. In this module, we have focused on the first part of this process, highlighting the importance of identifying needs, selecting candidates, and collaborating with other entities in the process. Before the apprenticeship takes place, it is important to understand what the legal regulations of starting an apprenticeship are and apply these norms to the 0 30
programme that you want to form. These regulations will vary in different countries or even States within countries, so it is important to do your research. Important aspects that the legal regulations will contribute to the programme include, but are not limited to: the amount of time the apprentice is in the workplace, the type of work placement that the apprentice can undertake, and the learning requirements in order to obtain the certificate, etc. In addition, it is important to know what the health and safety checks are necessary to perform before the apprenticeship and the insurance requirements during the apprenticeship.
Another important aspect to cover ‘before the apprenticeship’ is the development of the curriculum and the definition of the role that the apprentice will fill. The official curriculum should be developed on the legal basis for the apprenticeship and the needs analysis carried out by the business mentioned Unit 3. Therefore, the curriculum design will include a mixture of theoretical teaching which will compliment and be complimented by the practical teaching. It is important the both the educators and the employers are aware about the expectations and goals of the programme. Having a clear perspective of these aspects will allow the entities to carry out the programme more effectively. In addition, before the apprenticeship begins, the candidate is selected. This selection period is essential to the success of the programme because the company is integrating a new worker into their business and, like all new employees, it is important that he or she fits into the company culture. If the selection is suitable, the probability of the apprenticeship being positive is increased.
The second part of the programme occurs once this candidate is selected and the apprenticeship begins. During the apprenticeship, it is important that the student is supported from all directions. The aspects of the process of apprenticeship will be discussed in following modules, but here we will provide a brief overview in order to give you an idea of what is to come. Before starting the practical interaction in the company, it is necessary for the apprentice to understand what the expectations are. In order to make sure that everyone is on the same page, creating a training contract and a training plan are a good place to start. These documents will serve both as a record of what will be covered during the apprenticeship and a basis so that everyone is clear on the expected outcomes.
In addition, it is important to formalize a contract. This contract will depend on the country and the legal regulations of this country, but may include information about wages, holidays, insurance, etc. In most countries, the apprentice is covered under the same laws as a regular labourer, but the company may have access to some incentives used by countries to promote apprenticeship creation. The duration of the apprenticeship programme can be broken down into smaller phases that will take the apprentice from the adaptation period to the completion of the programme. In the next module, these different stages of learning will be talked about more in depth, but consist in the evolution of the apprentice from novice to someone who has a good basis of professional knowledge about a certain trade. During the entire time that the apprenticeship programme is in place, both the mentors and the apprentices should receive support when necessary. The support can be internal to the company, but should also include interaction with the educational institution and any other external or intermediary organisation involved.
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The last part of the apprenticeship programme is the evaluation. However, it is important to consider that the evaluation of the programme should not be a onetime thing that only happens at the end of the apprenticeship. If the evaluation is going to be beneficial to the evolution of the programme, it is important to have the evaluation purpose in mind during the entire apprenticeship process. The final evaluation should take place towards the end of the apprenticeship (or once it has finished), and should include people from across the partnership. This review of the entire process should focus on whether or not the original objectives and outcomes were achieved. In addition, the evaluation should have an element considering future changes that could be made to the programme. That is, evaluations should be carried out in order to be able to identify how the apprenticeship system and process used to organise and manage this experience could be improved. This improvement should be considered from the viewpoint of the business entity, but also from the perspective of the apprentice. These last two parts of apprenticeship will be broken down and explained in depth in the following modules, focusing on how to carry out an apprenticeship in order to make it a beneficial experience for everyone involved.
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3.1.The Apprenticeship Process There are many different ways to structure an apprenticeship programme. The official structure of the programme will depend on what processes and competences are highlighted in the curriculum, which in turn are based on the legal norms established in your country. This may mean that work-based training and classroom-based learning are simultaneous, or they could be alternated between on-the-job and off-the-job phases. No matter the curricular structure of the apprenticeship programme, it is important to understand the creation and learning phases that the members involved in the programme will have to go through in order to be successful. The first step of developing an apprenticeship programme is creating relationships with the other entities involved and organising a curriculum plan. In order to take on this first step, it is important that all of the entities have a shared understanding of the expected outcomes of the programme. These results should be beneficial to everyone involved (the business, the apprentice, the educational institution, etc.) because the success of the programme is directly related to the interests of these entities. To be able to reach this common understanding, consider the importance that language has on conversations, interpretations, and the possibility for success. If language is clear, the objectives and expected outcomes of the programme will also be evident. However, if there are misunderstandings about what is trying to be said, reaching a common understanding is difficult. As a business, having a clear idea of what you are thinking about for the apprenticeship programme before heading into the development process can help you express yourself better. In addition, being an active listener during the
process can help you understand what other entities want to communicate. Consider checking out the resources provided at the end of this section to brush up on your communication skills, and consider implementing common language strategies to make sure the development phase of the apprenticeship programme is successful. Once the curriculum has been created and the legal limitations have been put in place (these regulations are different in each country, or even each region), the learning process begins. This learning process can generally be divided into five stages: In addition, we can identify different teaching methods that are identified in apprenticeship learning programs. The basic model for this process is divided into five teaching methods: These strategies are the way that the teacher or mentor is able to induce or help the apprentice move through the five stages of apprenticeship previously mentioned. However, it is important to keep in mind that all apprenticeships are different and finding what works for your company is important for programme success. The final stage of the apprenticeship programme is the evaluation. Later on in this course, different evaluation techniques will be suggested, but during the entire process this final evaluation should be kept in mind. This final stage will depend on the original objectives and outcomes that were established in the curriculum building stage of the programme.
3.2.Your Entity During the Apprenticeship As the business hiring the apprentice, you will form the backbone of the apprenticeship programme. Your level of involvement for the duration of the process should be high. This is because your goal is to use apprenticeships as a long-term approach to growing your workforce and ensuring that the skills 0 36
needed to maintain the company are available. This means that the apprenticeship programme will help assure that your future needs are covered. Therefore, in order to achieve this competitive edge of having a supply of skilled workers, it is necessary to truly incorporate an apprentice into the business. In some cases, businesses even guarantee a job offer for apprentices that successfully complete the programme. Even if this is not possible in your case, consider how you can integrate this apprentice into your future planning. Considering this end, the company should be involved in all phases of apprenticeship and should be aware that this engagement in the programme will be reflected in the final outcomes and company benefits. Let’s consider all the different steps where it is beneficial for a business to be present: The different tasks will correspond to employees working in the organisational levels where they are carried out. For example, during the development of the curriculum with the educational institution, and the recruitment and hiring of the apprentice, management should be involved. This process needs to fit the needs of the company; therefore, management is the most suitable part of the business to tackle these aspects. On the other hand, the apprentice’s mentor will take on the majority of responsibility when it comes to instructing and supporting the apprentice during the duration of the programme. This should not mean that the rest of the company is not involved – management and other staff should provide assistance and support when needed. Finally, some parts of the apprenticeship programme should be taken on by various parts of the business team. The creation of a training plan and an evaluation plan are things that both management and mentor should agree on. By having both parties agree on these plans, you can be confident that there is an understanding between the two of them and that the expectations are realistic.
These plans should be developed around the tasks that will need to be carried out during the apprenticeship programme. By adapting the training to your company’s needs, you are more likely to set the people involved up for success. During the apprenticeship, it is important to understand that there will be moments when the apprentice might need more support. The programme should be built in a way that allows for the implementation of effective support mechanisms, especially when this apprentice is very young. In these cases, apprentices will probably need to be managed fairly closely in order to develop within the company more quickly. This support should include making the apprentice feel comfortable in the company, and provide them with an understanding to what his or her role is within the team. In addition, by sharing information like when breaks are, the dress code, and safety plans, you are able to create a situation where the apprentice feels included and is more likely to develop. Essentially, you are creating an environment in which your apprentice(s) can thri Throughout the programme, the apprentice should receive constructive feedback both from management and from their mentors. This feedback should be given in a way that allows for apprentices to change and grow in a positive way. Once the apprenticeship is finished, the apprentice should also receive a final feedback, regardless of whether the company is going on to hire them or not.
3.3.Practical Aspects to Consider While there are many different ways to carry out the practical aspects (frameworks, training plans, journaling, etc.) of an apprenticeship programme, this unit will cover some basic things to keep in mind when organising an apprenticeship. When applied correctly, these practical aspects will contribute to the quality assurance of the apprenticeship. 0 38
Once again, it is important to be aware of the different legal regulations that exist in your country. These norms will outline the basic agreements that must be created. When deciding how to structure your apprenticeship programme, always keep in mind the specific needs that your company has according to these laws. The first step to take is to select a training framework to follow. This framework should be set up at the same time that the academic curriculum is established. This framework will include the legal obligations of the company in the apprenticeship programme and will consider: the registration and certification provided by the apprenticeship, the duration of the programme, the stakeholder responsibilities, etc. This framework will not enter in to the specific details of the apprenticeship programme, but will serve as an official document to be presented to the government agency in charge of apprenticeships. In addition, it will ensure the quality and recognition of the certification process. Depending on your country, there will be different interpretations of how to create this official framework. Therefore, this framework should be written up according to the regulations established at a national or state level. The next step is to create a formal contract or agreement between your business and the apprentice. This contract is a short agreement between the employee (apprentice) and employer regarding the basic legal aspects of the relationship. See the additional resources to see several examples of apprenticeship contracts. The two documents mentioned should correspond to the legal requirements in your country or region. If you are not sure about the necessary paperwork for an apprenticeship programme, consider asking intermediary bodies such as the local Chamber of Commerce who will have more experience in the creation of apprenticeship programmes.
After the legal basis has been covered, it is important to create a strong internal structure for the apprenticeship in order to be successful in the form of a learning or a training plan. This means that the apprentice, the mentor, the company, and the training institution are all clear on what the objectives and expected outcomes of the programme are. This information can be structured in a non-legal document (although in some countries it may be required) that is internal to the programme. It should express the path that both the apprentices and the employees hope to take during the apprenticeship, and could include aspects such as: what will be learned during the apprenticeship, apprentice goals, when regular progress checks will be carried out, etc. This agreement should include the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the programme. Although this type of document might not be legally required in your country, it has been proven to help boost the success of apprenticeships when everyone is clear on the expectations and outcomes. Therefore, we recommend the inclusion this type of plan into your apprenticeship preparation. In addition, it should be created or adapted specifically for your apprentice in the specific job position that this apprentice fills. During the development of this plan, consider the following factors: The overall goal of this type of document is to begin to create an environment where the apprentice feels like he or she understands what the expectations of the programme are. Understanding expectations has been shown to boost confidence and allow apprentices to feel come comfortable in their development. In addition, it will provide a holistic vision of the outline of the programme from the beginning. At the same time, this plan should be flexible and open to evaluation during the entire apprenticeship process. Therefore, the creation of the evaluation plan should be carried out at the same time as this learning plan. In the next module we will enter into the creation of the evaluation plan in depth; however, here it is important to show that continuous evaluation is necessary in order to be able to modify the learning plan according to needs shown during the programme. 0 40
In order to complement the evaluation, consider exercises to complete before the apprenticeship and apprentice journaling during the programme. These aspects will be considered in more detail in the next module, but see the learning resources for a brief introduction to apprentice journaling.
3.4.Frequent Problems and some Solutions Like in all situations where different people come together, conflict can appear during the apprenticeship programme. This conflict is not necessarily negative, and can be used to improve relationships and work situations. However, if conflict in the workplace is not addressed, it can manifest into a serious problem. Therefore, we recommend be open to and aware of possible conflicts and problems that might arise during the duration of the apprenticeship. If these issues can be solved informally first, the resolution will more likely be beneficial for all of the entities and individuals involved. In addition, problems that are resolved informally will have a lower likelihood of contributing to the continuation of the problem. However, if it is not possible to solve the problem informally, it may be necessary to move on to formal procedures. Formal procedures include talking to higher management within the company or getting in contact with the organisation in charge of setting up the apprenticeship. Be sure to understand how to deal with formal conflicts in your country when establishing your apprenticeship framework. In this unit we will focus of potential problems and possible solutions for issues that can be resolved informally. If dealt with correctly, these problems and conflicts can be worked out in a way that ultimately lends to the successful
completion of an apprenticeship. Please remember that if you as the company have problems with the apprentice, it is possible that this apprentice also has problems with the business, so reaching solutions will probably be mutually beneficial. One of the biggest issued faced in apprenticeships is that the fit between company and apprentice doesn’t work out. In previous sections, we talked about the importance of recruitment, but it is important to reiterate here that choosing your apprentice is as important as choosing an employee. One of the best ways to resolve conflict is to prevent it, and being careful during the recruitment process could save your business problems later on. However, even with the best recruitment process, not every work relationship is perfect. The second issue that might appear during the apprenticeship is miscommunication. Miscommunication can take form in many different ways, so it is important to be a clear communicator from the first moment. Some common forms of misunderstanding include: All of these issues can lead to poor performance by the apprentice in the workplace, and conflicts between the student and mentor. In order to prevent these types of misunderstanding, everyone involved in the programme should be aware of the different responsibilities and expected outcomes that have been established. In addition, employer/mentor engagement is essential to identifying problems early and trying to resolve them before they have serious consequences. This involvement should take form in listening to the apprentice and observing the training sessions. The following steps can serve as a potential guide for mentors/employers when confronting problematic situations (although they probably won’t be as effective if the situation has grown to be significantly problematic): When dealing with any type of conflict resolution try to make the apprentice comfortable, avoiding that he or she feels attacked. At the same time, make sure that the apprentice knows that if no solution is reached, the problem will have to 0 42
be resolved higher up the managerial ladder. If necessary, make the meeting more formal by creating a written document/journal entry between the people involved. The final big problem that apprenticeships have is apprentice dropout. This issue can stem from various determinants, both work and life related. In the case that these dropouts are work related, your business should review the previous suggestions for taking extra care in the recruitment process and conflict resolution. When this dropout is related to life issues, the company has less possibility to control the situation. Check out the learning resources for more tips on what to look for with potential dropouts. Keep in mind that conflict is not necessarily a negative addition to the workplace, but a normal and almost guaranteed result of people working together. Making the most of these situations, to improve relationships and the quality of the apprenticeship, can even make the results of conflicts positive. Letting problems sit without resolution, however, can lead to disastrous results for the programme.
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4.1.Establishing the Quality Assurance and Evaluation Plan The development of quality assurance and evaluation plan should take place at the beginning of the apprenticeship programme. Evaluation should be thought of as a continuous process in addition to a final report. In this way, the quality assurance and evaluation plan can help improve the quality of the programme during the process and not just once it is completed. The requirements of the evaluation will have to fit to the legal regulations in your country, therefore, before you begin the development process make sure to check out these regulations. This assessment of the apprenticeship programme must be created in order to see if the objectives and expected outcomes are achieved. Therefore, the quality assurance and evaluation plan should be built on the theoretical curriculum and practical framework of the apprenticeship programme, highlighting how the competences proposed are to be assessed. During the creation and implementation of the assessment it is important to clearly understand what the purpose of the evaluation is: an objective process orientated towards understanding how the programme was implemented and if the effects were as foreseen or not. This evaluation can be organised in several ways, depending on the country regulations: assessment done completely on-the-job or off-site, or an assessment that is done dually both on and off-site. Keep in mind that the evaluation is a process that will be in place during the entire apprenticeship programme. The assessment can include a self-evaluation carried out by the apprentice and/or the active inclusion of the apprentice in the evaluation process.
The final result of the quality assurance and evaluation plan should be to genuinely measure if the student has been able to complete the established objectives. Both input (ex. administration costs) and output factors (ex. the completion rates of the programme) should be considered for the success of the programme. In order to ensure the validity of the plan, it should asses the core skills, knowledge, and behaviour presented as to be acquired in the framework previously established. Generally speaking, skill-based competences should usually be reviewed using observation or practical assessments. Knowledge-based competences can be evaluated using a range of methods that are both theoretical (tests, assignments, etc.) and practical (problem solving, etc.). Finally, behavioural-based competences can be judged by using direct observation and value/ethical assessments. However, this evaluation should be designed in a way that is holistic, focusing on the integration of the skills, knowledge, and behaviour acquired during the programme. This plan should also be developed in a way that it fair and transparent, efficient and manageable. The OECD identifies the following principles for the evaluation of modern apprenticeship programmes: In a later unit we will talk about certification, but in many countries a grading process will have to be included into the evaluation plan in order to obtain this final diploma. When establishing grading scales, a minimum of two groups (pass/fail) must be created. From there, the scale can be more or less precise depending on legal regulations and programme objectives. As a business, along with the educational institution and intermediary organisations involved, you should agree on: appropriate assessment methods, the timing and duration of these assessments, and any special aspects that should be considered. The quality assurance and evaluation plan should be detailed enough to guarantee consistency, but flexible enough to be applicable in different situations.
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Small businesses that collaborate with other small businesses and intermediary organisations may find that these organisations are able to help with the development of an assessment plan. Many intermediary organisations have experience working with this type of plan and will be able to facilitate knowledge and insight into the process. In addition, businesses can look for external input when carrying out quality assurance checks. Intermediary organisations can also help evaluate the overall success of the programme. If possible, these checks should be done periodically, in order to promote improvement during the programme, in addition to the final assessment. The intermediary organisation should be considered as a resource to the company because it will work towards helping improve the system. These organisations can support your business during the entirety of the process, helping to ensure a quality programme that benefits your needs.
4.2.Change Management and Plan Flexibility When starting an apprenticeship programme, it is important to be aware that the workplace and the market are constantly changing, and it is the company’s responsibility to respond to these changes. Similarly, we should consider that the evaluation of the programme should be used to reflect on possible reforms and changes that could be made to improve the apprenticeship. Therefore, the quality assurance and evaluation plan should also be made in a flexible way that is open to change when necessary.
This flexibility should be reflected in the development of the delivery and evaluation of the apprenticeship programme, providing businesses and external evaluators with the possibility of taking into account different factors. Because the same programme will not be carried out in the exact same way every year due to a variety of factors (such as labour market changes, different people involved in the programme, etc.), this flexibility allows the framework to remain in place and still be valid. It is important that this capacity for change corresponds to aspects such as the implementation techniques used in teaching, but does not affect the skills, knowledge, and behavioural competences necessary for the programme competition. These basic outcomes of the programme should remain the same. However, because the need for change is expected from the beginning of the project, it can be integrated into the design accordingly. To be able to make your plan flexible, keep in mind personal differences, taking into account not only the teaching methods, but also diverse learning styles. More often than not, there is more than one way to share the same information, and if you are able to include this flexibility into the plan, it will maintain the validity of different methods for the same results. This flexibility should also be reflected in the ability to carry out the assessment of the apprenticeship both on- or off-the-job sites. In different learning situations, it may be necessary for the apprentices to go off-site, but this should not influence the inherent evaluation of these students. This means that the evaluation plan should be adaptable regardless of where it is implemented. It is also important to keep in mind that the flexibility of the programme should be able to address and keep pace with the constant change of industry. Especially in trade industries, not reacting to this change could be detrimental to the business health of the company. Therefore, being aware of possible trade changes is important for programme success.
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In addition, consider the future skills needs and legal changes that might end up affecting the apprenticeship over time. This might include new laws that are coming into effect, new technologies that will be launched soon, etc. By being aware of these changes, you will be able to incorporate them into your training plan. However, even if you are not able to include specific changes, you should try to make your plan flexible in order to accommodate industry evolution. As a business, you should make sure that the educational organisation that is carrying out the theoretical training is also open to flexibility, especially timetable flexibility. Choosing the ‘right’ educational institution as your partner could make a difference in the success of your apprentices and for the programme overall. See a short article in the additional resources provided for a brief overview of what types of services you should be looking for when contacting a partner institution. If you have access to an intermediary organisation in your area, they can also help out with understanding how to accept change during the programme and offer advice when unexpected situations appear. These organisations should be able to provide you with a larger outlook of apprenticeship programmes and expertise on how to carry them out. The changes made to the apprenticeship programme should be considered as a positive evolution of the system. For every year that an apprenticeship programme is carried out, changes should be expected. Resisting the natural evolution of the industry could be detrimental not only to your apprenticeship programme, but also to your business.
4.3.The Final Evaluation
As we have previously mentioned, in many countries a final evaluation is put in place in order to be able to validate and certify the apprenticeship programme. In many places this final evaluation is included so that the apprentice is able to obtain a diploma. When establishing grading scales, a minimum of two groups (pass/fail) must be created. From there, the scale can be more or less precise depending on legal regulations and programme objectives. With this assessment, it is necessary to confirm that the apprentice has learned the necessary skills, knowledge, and behavioural competences to carry out the profession for which they are training. The plan for the final evaluation should be detailed enough to guarantee consistency, but flexible enough to be applicable in different situations. It should integrate both the theoretical and practical parts of the learning process, although the entirety of the assessment can be carried out in the workplace. Depending on the situation, the assessment criteria can be developed particularly for an apprenticeship or may be based on other sources (as long as the assessment aligns with the need of the apprenticeship). This final assessment should be coupled with the continuous evaluations to determine which apprentices are best fit for certain jobs. In some cases, assessment teams may decide to weigh specific aspects more than others. This final evaluation will be developed by your business together with the educational institution and the intermediary organisations including assessment specialists if possible. The requirements for the final evaluation will be determined by the legal regulations established in your country and the initial framework that this collaboration has created. Three important aspects to consider for this final assessment include: The evaluators of this final assessment should be experts in the area and might even be include representatives of your company in addition to members of the educational institution, the intermediary organisation, or other external evaluators. According to the European Commission’s guidelines, this evaluation should provide a fair, valid, and authentic assessment of the learning outcomes.
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For example, in Luxembourg, instead of a traditional final assessment exam, the evaluation process is an ‘integrated project’. This assessment tests the apprentice’s capacity to demonstrate his or her ability to complete tasks in a stimulated work situation. This ‘project’ has a time maximum of 24 hours (and 8 hours per day) and is evaluated by a team made up of: a teacher, a representative of the employers, a representative of the Chamber of Employees, and is chaired by a representative of the Ministry of National Education. In other situations, we can see how this real world assessment is complimented by an exam testing theoretical knowledge and/or an interview. For each of these three evaluation methods, assessment instruments should be developed to ensure: the validity of the instrument (that it measures what it is supposed to measure) and the reliability of the instrument (that the results are consistent). In addition, depending on the needs of the apprenticeship programme, the grading scale will have to be developed. As noted earlier, this scale could simply be ‘pass/fail’, or it could be a more elaborate system. In countries such as the UK, there are Assessment Organisations who can help you understand and develop these assessment instruments and final grading plan. During this development process, and throughout the evaluation itself, it is important to keep in mind that the purpose of the final assessment is to distinguish between those apprentices who are ready to work in their field of study and those who are not. It is not just about obtaining a set of knowledge or skills, but the ability to apply them in specific situations and the behavioural competences to interact and survive in the social settings generated by the profession.
4.4.Certifying the Apprenticeship
In most countries the certification methods of apprenticeship are standardised at a State or Regional level. The programmes should be certified by official entities in order to ensure that the apprentices are learning the knowledge, skills, and behavioural competences of their professional field. In turn, these certifications will lead to the qualification of workers that are adequately prepared. At a European level, the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) was formed in 2008 to create a common reference point between the different qualification systems. At a national level, this means that all qualification systems should reflect this international framework. At the end of 2014, 23 Member States had already referenced their national qualifications frameworks to this European one. This EQF is made of eight reference levels based on the learning outcomes of the programme, or the knowledge, skills, and competences that the student obtains. With the framework, the EQF expects to comprehend what he or she knows, understands, and is able to do on completion of the learning process. While this Framework does not directly mention apprenticeship training, it is contained within the section of vocational education and training. Therefore, official apprenticeships are recognised and classified in this Framework and it is important to keep these aspects in mind when choosing a certifying entity (apprenticeships that are not formally established will not form part of the Framework). The purpose of a certification system with common factors is to provide a qualification for the apprentice that can be used outside your company in the case that you decide not to hire him or her. Accordingly, when you are looking for a certification organisation to accredit your apprenticeship programme, you should make sure that this organisation is recognised at a national level, but also has competences to make sure it is valid at an international level. 0 52
Our recommendation is that apprenticeships are certified by competent bodies made up of different experts to ensure an encompassing review of competences. In some countries the legally recognised certification bodies are established at a national level (see the additional resources for the official UK list). If that is not the case in your country, make sure to partner with a company that will provide you with a recognised certificate. Knowing how the certification process works is essential for the apprenticeship programme. For example, in Germany, apprentices receive three certificates: the examination certificate, the certificate from the vocational school, and the reference of the training company. However, in Austria, on completing the apprenticeship programme successfully, the apprentice will receive a single certificate with the name of his or her profession. By knowing how certification works in your country, you will be able to structure your programme accordingly. As a business, look to your intermediary organisation to help you understand what your certification options are if you don’t fully understand your alternatives. These entities will have a larger overview of the different possibilities and will have experience in choosing which is best for your business.
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5.1.Communication Skills Training Like in any environment where you are in contact with other people and/or entities, during the development of the apprenticeship programme and the training process, communication is a key factor for success. In Module 3 we talked about the importance of these communication skills, including the possibility of using a common language and the importance of active listening. In this unit, we are going to delve a little deeper into the importance of communication skills and how to develop them. The link between good communication and success in apprenticeship programmes is high; therefore, as a business, you should consider that these skills will be necessary in all the phases of the programme. That is, from the creation of your relationship with an educational institution and intermediary organisation, to the mentoring of your apprentice, to the final evaluation, it is important that you and your employees are able to communicate effectively. Communication skills are traditionally linked to basic verbal and non-verbal communication; however, other important competences include presentation, writing, listening, and interpersonal skills. In fact, two of the most important skills for effective communication may be active listening (mentioned in Module 3) and nonverbal communication. When communicating, consider these three elements: According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian (1981), our communication is divided between these three elements with only 7% importance being given to the words spoken. The other 93% is split between voice tone (38%) and body language (55%). Therefore, we can see how this non-verbal communication is essential when trying to express our ideas to others.
In situations where you are trying to establish rapport with your partner institutions, having good control of your non-verbal communication can be beneficial to the relationship. In addition, consider how non-verbal indicators can help you when trying to get your ideas across. Having good communication leads to improved cooperation and benefits the outcomes and success of the apprenticeship. Therefore, make sure that the communication between your business and the other entities involved in the programme is structured, ensuring an understanding between partners. And, in the case that there are large discrepancies between entities, you should also consider how changing your communication style could improve these relationships. For example, check out our additional resources for some insight into some ways we communicate with our bodies. Before the apprenticeship starts, consider putting a communication plan in place to provide guidelines promoting effective communication for employees and apprentices. This will help make sure that everyone is on the same page and help diminish miscommunications. In addition, make sure that the communication channels are open between apprentice, mentor, employer, and teaching staff. Being aware if something is going wrong is essential if you want to sort it out as soon as possible. Communication skills are especially important in the mentorship programme where 65% of employers feel like the addition of a mentor improves the apprenticeship. Therefore, selecting mentors who are able to communicate effectively will positively influence the success of the programme. Accordingly, these skills should definitely be included in your mentor training programme, but consider also incorporating them into regular employee training as well. As a mentor consider the following steps to improve your communication with the apprentice: In this way good communication skills are a way to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts between partner entities and in the workplace. This holds true for all business relationships, but be especially aware of the role of communication
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when working with apprentices who are in a working environment for the first time.
5.2.Creating Supportive Environments. The purpose of apprenticeships is to train young people in a work environment, in a specific trade, in a way that is also beneficial for the employer. This means that the conditions in which this apprenticeship programme is produced should be conducive to good practices and create a supportive environment. People work best when the overall ambiance is positive, so make sure that this supportive vide extends beyond the mentor-apprentice relationship to all aspects of the programme. From the most general perspective, make sure that the relationships between your business and the other entities involved in the apprenticeship programme create a supportive environment. This means that the communication channels are open and that the entities are in frequent contact with one another. The relationships should be professional, but they should also be flexible and supportive. Within the company, you should also work towards creating a positive, supportive environment. This means that the apprenticeship programme should be agreed upon and seen as a beneficial addition to the company. In addition, the environment that is generated in the workplace will directly affect the success of the apprenticeship. Supporting your existing staff, including providing them with additional training if they desire, will lead to a more positive overall environment and a more successful apprenticeship programme.
Intermediary organisations should be able to offer your business advice, support, and connections to help you build this positive environment within your company. They should also be able to support you in the following ways: This supportive environment is especially important to transmit to the apprentices. These students will most likely have little work experience and will be exposed to workplace issues for the first time. The work environment should also be a safe place where the apprentice feels capable of reaching his or her full potential. In this way, the company is responsible for meeting the training needs of the apprentices which will, in turn, support the programme for success. Practical support and guidance, when provided correctly, will help the apprentice settle into his or her role within your company. It will also contribute to the benefits that the apprentice can bring to your company and promote the success of the programme. By giving the apprentices a clear outline of expectations and room to develop, you will be helping to create a safe, supportive environment. Providing a mentor for the apprentices is another way of supporting them and making sure that the apprentices are receiving the help that they need. It will also improve communication within the apprenticeship programme. In turn, it is also important that these mentors are supported by the company and, if it is the case, the intermediary organisations. By supporting mentors and their personal development, you can also add value to these employees. In addition, consider providing your apprentice with a buddy or an experienced worker who, informally, can help the student with day-to-day questions that he or she may have. The different levels of support will allow the apprentice to find his or her way, adding value to your company. Consider giving feedback as a way to improve the workplace environment and apprenticeship programme. Remember the communication tips that were talked about in the previous unit to ensure that you are expressing yourself clearly and actively listening to others. The feedback process should always be constructive, never negative and accusing.
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When, via constructive feedback, issues with the apprenticeship programme are detected, it is important to review the situation and make improvements as necessary. Therefore, the creation of a supportive environment is linked to the creation of and carrying out of the evaluation plan. The purpose of creating a supportive environment, at all levels of the apprenticeship programme, is based on the idea that this will create more value for all the individuals and entities involved. That is to say, apprentices will benefit from the learning experience, mentors will expand their skill sets, companies will acquire added value from these actors, and the overall success of the programme will benefit the educational institutions and intermediary organisations.
5.3.Developing Networks . There is a lot more communication than there used to be between different companies, educational institutions, and intermediary organisations about apprenticeship, spreading the word about the benefits of this type of programme for businesses. However, more can be done to develop networks and use these relationships to create a supportive environment for apprenticeships. At a more local level, creating and promoting networks within your country and region can help improve the apprenticeship programme. These networks can be especially beneficial for small or specialised enterprises that might not be able to host an apprentice without the support of a network. In order to have effective networks, participating entities should commit to the same objectives, and be able to truly benefit from them. Networks can provide a multitude of types of support. They can contribute to knowledge about good practices, create training alliances to take the training
burden off one company, etc. This type of network is particularly beneficial when a company is participating in an apprenticeship programme for the first time or, like previously mentioned, is incapable of participating in the programme without support. At a national or regional level, the entities that should be involved in this type of network are: the companies, the educational or training institutions, and the intermediary organisations. Within a national/regional network Small and Medium Enterprises will have the opportunity to be in contact with larger companies and will be able to develop their apprenticeship practices. In addition, continuous contact with educational institutions allows for a mutual understanding of needs. Different companies in similar industries should see this networking opportunity as a chance to grow and improve their apprenticeship programmes and businesses. While it is possible that these companies see each other as competition, collaboration among entities can be mutually beneficial for all the actors involved. For example, best practices can be established, shared training responsibilities can be set up, agreements with the educational institutions can be created, etc. Smaller networks can, in turn, be incorporated into larger networks, creating inter-country relationships or European-sized networks. The connections between the relative stakeholders in the programme are highlighted as being positive for the overall success of the apprenticeships. For example, a strong network of entities involved in apprenticeship training already exists in Germany. In addition, Germany is involved in networks with Portugal, Italy, Greece, Slovakia, and Latvia to help strengthen the cooperation towards good practice apprenticeship training. At a national/regional level these networks should also support the apprentices, such as providing vocational information and career guidance for students, like in the case of Switzerland. Access to this sort of support allows for the apprentice to grow and develop, leading to an increase in the value of what he or she can offer to the apprenticeship programme. 0 60
These networks should also provide the apprentices with the opportunity to develop personal contacts with people in their trade. In addition to providing value for the apprentices, this will also build up the trade network in the region. At a company level, the networks should provide the apprentice with access to support as he or she needs. These inter-company networks will most likely be led by the apprentice’s mentor and, in some cases, other employees who have been assigned certain responsibilities in regards to the apprentice. Apprentices should also have access to a network of their peers in order to build on their experiences and to enhance their learning experiences. In order to create effective networks, participating entities should commit to the same objective and look towards a shared end. Overall, networks of key actors are capable of identifying the supply and demand for certain skills; creating relationships that promote supportive environments; and can improve the quality and extension of apprenticeship practices.
5.4.Identifying Ways to Improve the Apprenticeship Programme. With the push to improve apprenticeships at a European level, this last unit is focused on how to take advantage of apprenticeship programmes to their maximum. At a national level, such as in England, we can see how new apprenticeship standards are being developed in order to extend the positive impact that apprenticeship programmes can have at a company, regional, and economic level. However, improvements to apprenticeship programmes do not have to be nation-wide.
As previously mentioned, we should consider the possibility to modify the apprenticeship programme as an integrated part of the process and evaluation of apprenticeships. We talked about how flexibility in the programme structure can permit continuous improvements throughout the entirety of this process. Here we will also consider other aspects to have in mind while trying to improve apprenticeship programmes. We have also highlighted how mentors can be beneficial for apprenticeship programmes, but studies show us that they greatly improve the training process if implemented correctly. Consider how the way you use mentors can improve communication and knowledge transfer, reducing conflicts and providing the apprentice with additional training value while positively impacting apprentice retention on programme completion. At the same time, be sure to think about how you can improve the value of your employees through a mentorship programme. Keep in mind that you can also change the mentorship pairing if you find that this change will be beneficial. These types of changes come about because of the continuous evaluation plan and the desire for improvement. Although on a big scale they may seem small, keep in mind that simple modifications can make a big difference in the overall success of the programme. At the apprentice level, conducting exit interviews with apprentices who are finishing their programmes can help provide beneficial insight into more ways to improve the apprenticeships in the future. Consider using some open-ended questions so that the apprentices are able to express themselves with more than a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Even though they usually have less work experience, feedback from apprentices can be an important factor to improving programme success. At a social level, creating more social prestige and improving the overall attractiveness of apprenticeship programmes at a national and international level will help improve the development and implementation of such programmes. Consider including citizen participation via regular open conferences so that they can see the impact of these programmes. 0 62
For example, sharing good practices and real-life examples to make the benefits and positive aspects of apprenticeship programmes visible. By improving the image of apprenticeship programmes, the quality standard of these programmes will be raised, ensuring professional results. At a social level, we can also consider improving how apprenticeship programmes address the following three areas: Improving gender balance refers to an equal number of women as men participating in apprenticeship programmes. Currently research shows that men and women have a tendency to train in different sectors. Men have a propensity to participate in higher-pay sectors where women are more seen in lower-pay ones. Addressing this fact in the recruitment strategy can help make these differences less prominent. The ethnic diversity varies by country, but we can see under-representation of certain ethnic groups in apprenticeship programmes. To help improve this situation, consider advertising your apprenticeship vacancies in schools where ethnic minorities reside and inform different types of schools about your opportunities. Most importantly, make sure that your recruitment practices are inclusive and don’t actively discriminate. Working with disabled people can be complicated depending on the trade you specialize in, but work with intermediary organisations and educational institutions to see how you can include these types of apprentices in your practice. In many situations your company can receive additional benefits and support for making adjustments and opening your doors to disabled workers.
Each partner should be aware of the role that it plays in improving the apprenticeship programme. Specifically, the entities should consider where they are most involved in the process and how they can improve this area of the programme. Improvement in programme effectiveness can be addressed via a communication strategy established among partners. Overall, when working towards programme improvement, it is important to keep in mind the comprehensive goals apprenticeships have: training young people and providing them with better career opportunities in the future; to provide benefits for the company in terms of moral, growth, and long-term valued employees; and to focus on improving the economic situation of our countries.
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