Portfolio English B1-E1 Second Partial

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GRAMMAR EQUAL COMPARISON December 13/2020 As Adjective As I am as tall as my sister. I am as tall as my mother. Chocolate cake is as delicious as orange cake. The Eiffel tower is as big as San Francisco bridge. My dog Hachi is as small as my cat Rudy. Not as Adjective As My sister is not as tall as me. Chocolate cake is not as delicious as banana cake. The Eiffel tower is not as big as the Egyptian pyramids. Big Differences Much a Lot far + Comparative Encebollado is much more delicious than fish soup. My cousin is a Lot thinner than my sister. My house is much more bigger than my neighbor’s house. Small Differences A little (bit), a bit, slightly + Comparative My sister is a little bit older than my cousin Alexandra. A chocolate cake is a bit more delicious than a cheesecake. Psychology is a little easier than psychiatry.

1. Form the degrees of comparisons:

2. Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparisons:

1. nice: nicer, the nicest 2. short: short,shortest,the shortest



The highest

3. young: younger, youngest

2. small…..


The smallest.

4. new:newer, newerst

3. large……….


the largest

4. heavy


The heaviest

5. new



6. interesting

more interesting

the most interesting

7. beautiful

More beautiful

The most beautiful

8. difficult

more difficult

The most difficult

9. creative

More creative

The most creative

10. …………


the most careful

11. bad



5. old: older,oldest 6. careful:more careful,the most careful 7. modern: more modern,the most modern 8. popular: more popular, the most popular 9. dangerous:more dangerous, the most dangerous

3. Choose the correct variant:

4. Fill in the…………… correct form of the 12. …………. the word: most

1. Mary is ___ than Kate.

1. July is the hottest month of……………. the year. 13. ………….. better

a) tall

2. My bike is the cheapest 14. little ……………

b) taller

c) the tallest


2. Tom is ___ than Bob.

3. This is the highest tree in this park.

a) short

4. Peter is the best runner at school.

b) shorter

c) the shortest

3. Bill reads ____ than Ben.

5.Mona is the cleverst student in our class.

a) much

6. This task is the most difficult in the test.

b) more

c) the most

4. Pam is ___ than Helen.

7. The traffic on this road is the most dangerous.

a) old

8. It is the heaviest box here.

b) older

c) the oldest

5. Mona’s dress is ___ than Pam’s dress.

9. My granny is the oldestin our family.

a) cheap

10.This car is the most expensive here.

b) cheaper c) the cheapest

5. Comparative or superlative? 1. April is warmer than January. 2. August is the hottest month of the year. 3. November is colder than September. 4. It is the oldest tree in this park. My mobile is more expensive than yours. 6. This text is the easiest text in the book. 7. It is the more boring film this week. 8. Pam’s hair is longer than Kate’s hair. 9. I think it is the longest day.

6. Correct the mistakes: 1. I have the heaviest bag. 2. Tom is best in our group. 3. Helen is thin than Pam. 4. Mona is happier than Liz.

5. Tony is the older than Pete. 6. This apple is the sweeterst. 7. Your watch is cheaper than mine. 8. The tree is the oldest in the street. 9. My house is more expensive than yours.

WRITING DATE: 14/12/2020 Have a boyfriend/girlfriend on line Studying in the U Regularly exercise

Improv my knowledges

LIFE-CHANGING EVENTS Not being able to travel on vacation down

Dead relatives pandemic

Class on-line


Living a

MY LIFE-CHANGING EVENT Some year ago I had a happy marriage. I was the happiest woman in the world. Suddenly, all my world changed. My husband got sick slowly. Soo, he died from cancer. I was desperate. My world was disastrous. I got a terrible depression. But, I prayed a lt and realized thah for my daughter’s sake I had to continue. Now. I am a very self-confident person and I trust in my self. MY LIFE-CHANGING EVENT A year ago, my cousin Jeremias was born, this Christmas he is 9 months after his death. The news was very hard for my family and especially for me. I had to be very strong at that time for the whole family but inside it hurt too much. I spent several sleepless nights wondering why. But after much thinking, Praying and going to mass I understood that he is with my grandfather in a better place.

HEALTH PROBLEMS A. Fill in the blanks with the correct word “Health problems and treatments” Fever / colic / backache / earache / cold / headache / sore throat / stomach-ache / cough / Toothache. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Cold a respiratory disorder characterized by sneezing, sore throat, cough, etc. Cough an illness characterized by frequent coughing. Sore throat scratchiness in the throat, painful and sensitive condition. Headache a pain located in the head as over the eyes, at the temples or at the base of the skull. Colic severe abdominal pain caused by spasm. Fever abnormally high body temperature. Earache pain in the ear. Backache a pain or discomfort in the region of the back or spine. Toothace pain in or about a tooth. Stomachache pain in the stomach or abdomen.

B. 1. a. b.

Choose the correct option or remedy. I have a headache. You should listen to the radio. You should take an aspirin and rest.

2. I have a stomachache. a. You should eat junk food. b. You should drink some Pepto-Bismol. 3. I have a sore throat. a. You should drink cold beverages. b. You should drink some chamomile tea and with honey and lemon. 4. I have a toothache. a. You should eat a lot of candies b. You should go to the dentist 5. I have a cold. a. You should go to the doctor, drink a lot of fluids, stay home and rest. b. You shouldn’t see a doctor; you must go to work. 6. I have diarrhea. a. You should eat healthier and wash your hands frequently. b. You shouldn’t eat healthier, and don’t worry about washing your hands constantly. 7. I have a backache. a. You should go to the chiropractic.

b. You should carry heavy things. C. Write the correct thing to do in case of‌. Electric shock / broken bone / drowning / poisoning / burns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Burns Put the affected area under cold water. Electric shock Separate the person from the appliance or wire. Broken boneize the area. Drowning_ Press the chess hard and give breath directly mouth to mouth. Poisoning Take the person to the hospital with the container.

GRAMMAR DATE: DECEMBER 16/2020 USED TO Affirmative Subject+used to+ verb I used to play tennis. When I was a child, I used to play marbies. When I was in school, I used to study Literature. When I was 5 years old, I used to eat many chocolates. When I was a kind, I used to visit my grandmother every Sunday. Negative Subject+didn’t+use to+verb They didn’t use to study. I didn’t use to eat vegetable. I didn’t use to go to mass no Sundays. Interrogative Did+subject+use to+verb? Did she use to be vegan? Did you use to travel to Oruro in Bolivia? Did you use to go to the cinema when you were a child?

VOCABULARY Get better: Mejorarse Get a job: Conseguir un trabajo Get paid: Obtener una paga Get on well: Llevarse bien Put on weight: Ganar peso Gain weight Get ill: Enfermarse Get an offer: Obtener una oferta Get to know: Llegar a conocer Get engaged: Comprometerse Get together: Reunirse Get a place: Obtener un lugar Get divorced: Divorciarse Get in touch: Ponerse en contacto Died: Dieta Way of feeding Exhausted: Agotado/a Feel tired Keep in shane: Mantenerse en forma To keep in shape Lose weight: Perder peso Lose body fat Bad habits: Malos hรกbitos Wrong way Put on weight: Ganar peso Gain weight Have allergies: Tener alergias Respiratory, nervous and eruptive disturbances Overweight: Exceso de peso Has a lot of weight





Passive: Pizza is eaten by Diane.

Active: Tom wrote a book. S



Passive: A book was written by Tom.

Active: The government raised taxes. S



Passive: Taxes were raised by the government.

PASSIVE IN PRESENT ACTIVE: Japan manufactures the biggest car production. Passive: The biggest car production is manufactured by Japan.

Active: Ecuador exports flowers and bananas in a large scale. Passive: Flowers and bananas are explored by Ecuador in a large scale.

Active: Hollywood produced the most amazing films during this year. Passive: The most amazing films are produced by Hollywood during this year.

PASSIVE IN PAST Active: Michelangelo painted th Mona Lisa I 1420. Passive: The Mona Lisa was painted by Michaelangelo.

Active: Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. Pasiv: American was discovered by C.C. in 1492 Passive: The Family album which describes regatton and latin music is sung by the famous Colombian singer J. Balvin. Passive: The Fifth Symphony was composed by Beethoven in 1719. Passive: La Gioconda was painted by DaVinci in 1503. Passive: Th Eiffel Tower was donated by the USA Government to France. Passive: “Alma en los labios� poem was written by Medardo Angel Silva. Passive: Romeo and Juliet romance novel was written by William Shakespeare. Passive: Star Wars science fiction movie was directed by George Lucas in 1980.

for : is used for a duration of time : for a long time; for four hours; for ages. since : is used for a point in time : since 6 o’clock; since she was a child; since last year.

Complete the sentences with for or since (be careful of the forms)

1. I’m absolutely exhausted! I’ve been correcting my students’ essays for hours. 2. They’ve been living next door since 2004. 3. Paul’s had his car for six years. 4. She’s worked for that company since she left school. 5. My neighbours have been arguing for over an hour. 6. David’s been waiting for the bus for half an hour. 7. Johnny has been a famous singer since 1980. 8. I’m fed up! It’s been raining for two days. 9. The children have been playing tennis since lunchtime. 10.Brenda’s been going to that club since she came to London.

11.Pat’s been here for three hours. 12.Since when have you been interested in astrology? 13.Sue’s lived in Italy since she was a child. 14.Ever since I was a child I’ve been interested in history. 15.Have you been back to Paris since last year? 16.There hasn’t been a king in France since 1789. 17.The euro has been in circulation in France for several years. 18.I’ve been married since 2001. 19.Fiona has been learning English since she was six years old. 20.I’ve been speaking French since I arrived here in 1981

VOCABULARY Well known: Bien conocido Well known or recognized person Highlighted: Destacado Outstanding Boring: Aburrido Something unattractive Frightening: Aterrador Something that is scary Trapeze: Trapecio A horizontal bar hanging by two ropes and free to swing, used by acrobats in a circus. Surfing: Surf Slide through the sea while standing on a board Racing driver: Conductor/a de carreras Drive a vehicle in a motorsport race. Diving: Buceo The body is submerged in water Windsurfing: Windsurf It consists of moving on the water with a board and a candle. Championship: Campeonato A series of opponents compete for victory, especially in sports and games. Cycling stadium: Ciclismo en estadio A bicycle is used to travel circuits Water skiing: EsquĂ­ acuĂĄtico Sport that mixes surfing and skiing. Boat race: Carrera de botes Rowing competition Long jump: Salto de longitud An athletic event in which competitors jump as far as possible along the ground in one leap.

Best-selling: Mas vendido Most bought Relaxing: Relajante Soften something or calm down Exciting: Emocionante Something that gives happiness Sprint: Pique Run at full speed over a short distance.



If you eat too much,

I’ll be disappointed

(exercises) 1) Match the sentence halves.

if it doesn’t rain tomorrow

I’ll be happy

if I pass my final exam

you’ll feel unwell

1. I’ll be disappointed if you don’t come to the party. 2.I’ll be happy if you eat too much 3. I’ll phone you If I need your help. 4.We’ll go to the park if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. 5. I’ll be happy if I pass my final exam. 6. You’ll feel unwell 2) Choose the best answer, a or b.

I’ll phone you We’ll go to the park I’ll pay for lunch

1. If I find the book you want, I’ll send you a text message. a) I’ll definitely find the book

b) I might find the book

2. If the tickets are too expensive, Sam won’t buy them. a) Sam might buy the tickets

b) Sam will definitely buy the tickets

3. I’ll tell Jane the news if she comes to the party. a) Jane might come to the party

b) Jane’s definitely coming to the party

4. John’s parents will give him a car if he passes the exam. a) He might have a car

b) He’ll definitely have a car

3) Complete these superstitions 1. If a cat wash behind its ears, it will rain. 2. If the bride make) her own dress, it will bring bad luck. 3. You’ll catch a cold if a cat will sneeze three times. 4. If you open an umbrella indoors, it will bring bad luck. 5. Something bad happen to you if you will walk under the ladder. 6. If you take the last piece of bread on the plate, you’ll be unlucky. 7. If you have an itchy nose, you’ll have an argument with someone soon. 4) Complete the first conditional sentences with your own ideas. 1. I’ll be happy it i pass the exam. 2. If it rains all weekend, it don’t go to the park. 3. If I forget my best friend’s birthday, it now she’s angry. 4. I’ll pass all my exams, I’ll be hapy. 5. If I don’t feel well tomorrow morning, it don’t go to the park. 6. I’ll go to bed early. It will bring bad luck. 7. I’ll be disappointed, if you don’t come to the party.

If you pay for dinner,

If I need your help,

if you don’t come to the party

GRAMMAR DATE: 07/01/2021 FIRST CONDITIONAL If i study hard. I’ll pass the test. IF+PRESNT SIMPLE CLAUSE I will go back to, Sleep if it rains If it rains, I will go back to sleep. If I pass the test, I will be very happy. I might be very happy, If I pass the test.


+If I study, I will pass my exams. -If I don’t study, I won’t pass my exams. ? Will I pass exams if I study hard? If I don’t do exercise, I won’t be on shape. Example: 1. +If I eat, I will lose my diets. -If I don’t eat, I won’t lose my diets. ? Will I lose my diets if I eat?

VERBS PATTERNS VERBS FOLLOWES BY TO+INFINITIVE Decide Learn Want Choose Want Refuse Arrange Forget Seem Agree Manage Promise Expected Use Arranged Pretended Offered Tend Allowed Appears Wait Mean

VERBS FOLLOWED BY VERB + ING Enjoy Start Describe Discuss Recommended Imagine Miss Dislike Regret Avoid Imagine Spend Suggested Fancy Practice Admit Avoid Consider Feel like Help Deny Fancy

BOTH Begin start Continue prefer Like Love Hate

VERB +PREP+ING Thinking About Making Worry about Talking Thinking of Studying Finish Start Involve


1) I refuse to be an instrument of our social destruction. 2) They miss studying in the same high school.

3) You forgot to mention another important aspect in our company.

4) Your doctor may recommend taking some medicine.

5) You agreed to put money into my account every week.

6) I can’t Imagine living in another city.

7) None of you managed to finish the job.

8) We arranged to meet for a drink.

9) He seemed to be enjoying working with the trainers.

10) I avoid smoking every day.






1. He promised to buy her a tablet if she got Good grades in her exam. 2. We decided _to take_ the bus because the train was a lot more expensive. 3. I really enjoy __going____ to the theatre when I´m in London. 4. She expected __to get___ a Good result, but she didn´t. 5. My children used to love __playing__ games on the beach when they were Little. 6. She´s arranged to meet at the check-in desk at the airport. 7. He finished __reading_ his book and then went to bed. 8. It started ___snowing_____ heavily last night and now they´ve close the airport.

VOCABULARY Learned to speak: Aprendi a hablar Start talking Thinking about making: Pensando en hacer algo Plan something for the future Loved using: Me encanta usar Something that is nice to use Wanted to get: Quería conseguir Wish I had something Stranger: Extraño Someone unknown Family disagreements: Desacuardos familiares Problems between family Shyness: Timidez Feeling of insecurity or shame Regret doing: Lamentar hacer algo Feeling sorry for something or someone Get low grades: Obtener bajas calificaciones Lower than normal scores Start saving: Empeza a ahorrar Save money to buy something Decided to leave: Decidió dejar Get away from something or someone Fail in exam: Fallar en un examen Failing an important exam Hand in an essay: Entregar un ensayo do investigation on a topic Get into university: Entrar a la universidad Start studying at university Do a degree: Obtener un titulo

Finish studies at university Revise: Revisar Rate something Take notes: Tomar nota Copy, write something down Get good marks: Obtener buenas notas Have grades above normal Hand an essay in late: Entregar un ensayo tarde Turn in a job out of time


We use the second conditional to describe an imaginary situation or event, and its result.

Second Conditional (exercises)

1) Look at the pictures. Use the words below to complete the second conditional sentences. 1. If I were the dog the Browns, I let sit at the table 2. If it was John it at home sunny. 3. Sarah would buy thinner if she that dress 4. Kate could go to the cinema if her Sam invite. 5. If Jake had gone to the dentist, he more courage

2) Complete the second conditional questions with the verbs in brackets. 1. What age would you be if you could be any age right now? 2. If you be an animal, what animal would ? 3. Which year would you go to if you could travel backwards in time? 4. If you found a purse full of money in the street, what will you do? 5. How much money you give to charity if you won 1 million pounds? 6. If you stop studying English, would you change your life (change? 7. Would you cheat if you don’t know the answer in an exam and nobody was looking? 2)

3) Underline the mistakes in the second conditional sentences and write the correct words on the right. 1. What would you do if you would see a big hairy spider in your bed? 2. If I spilled orange juice on my English homework, I will be upset. 3. Did you explore a desert island if you were alone on it? 4. What did you do if I forgot your birthday?

______ saw ______ would would would

5. Would Adam come to the party if we would send him an invitation?


6. If I lived not far from you, we can walk to school together.


7. If you could be anyone in the world, who will you choose to be? 8. Which one item would you rescue if your house is on fire? 9. If you have a special power, what would you be able to do?

would Were/was had

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

There are some students in the dining room. Would you like any tea? There aren’t any interesting people at the meeting. Are there any tomatoes left? Have you got any bread? Could I have any bread, please? There is some sugar on the table. Are there any pretty girls in the class? I don’t think I have some milk left; would you prefer any fruit juice? Julie can speak some French but she can’t speak any Spanish. I can lend you some money if you want. We haven’t got some eggs.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

How How How How How How How How How How How How

1. 2. 3.

Our art teacher is disappointed: very a few parents came to see our exhibition. I have a little money, at least enough to buy you an ice cream. You have worked too little and have completed very a few exercises; I would like you to do some more. Although I am a new student, I have got few friends whom I can rely on. Hurry up! We have very littletime left. Betty knows little French ; it is not enough to get around Paris. I managed to get a little information on him; now I know a bit more. She is always on her own; she has very a few friends. I usually have little wine with my lunch, the doctor told me it’s good for my health! I don’t like Mrs. Spencer, our new math teacher; she has very few patience. They have watched that film a little times; they said it’s good. Are you sure you can drive? Yes, I have had little drinks but don’t worry I am not drunk!

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

many friends do you have? much sugar does Mum need for the cake? much money have you spent? many lumps of sugar do you put in your coffee? many people were on strike? many does it cost? much petrol can you put in the tank? many exercises did the teacher give us? many children are there in your son’s class? many sandwiches shall I prepare? much television does he watch every day? much water do you drink every day?


Name: Diana Pasti Level: B1-E1 UNIT 10- LESSON B QUANTIFIERS A. Read the sentence; complete with the corresponding quantifier. 1. We didn’t have --- food in the fridge. a. a few

b. too much

c. any

d. no

2. My friend had --- money to buy her mobile. She could afford it. a. enough

b. some

c. too much

d. a bit of

c. too many people

d. some

3. The place was ---. No one could enter. a. a lot of crowded

b. too crowded

people 4. The test had --- questions. We couldn’t answer some. a. enough

b. too much

c. a few

d. too many

5. The boy walks ---. I spent a lot of time to arrive to the place. a. too fast

b. too slowly

c. too quickly


B. Correct the mistake in the following sentences. 1. The children ate too many junk food.


2. The room was clean enough. There was food everywhere. Wasn’t 3. Children need many help to do their project.


4. My mom doesn’t have many energy.


5. There were students in class. It was empty.


d. not slowly


MATCH 1-8 WITH A – H TO MAKE SENTENCES 1.- ……e…….Could you pass 2.-…a………. Why don’t you come 3.-…c………At some hotels you have to hand 4.-……d….. My neighbor has agreed to take 5.-…f………As they were very tires, they didn’t feel 6.-…b………I asked him to speak in English, but he carried 7.-…h……….His mother looked 8.-…g………..He was offered a great job, but he turned it

a.- down because he didn’t want to leave Italy. b.- after him when he was ill last week. c.- care of my cats while I’m in hospital. d.- in your passport when you first arrive. e.- on speaking in German, so I couldn’t understand him. f.- like going to the cinema, so they watched a film on TV. g.- round to my house for dinner on Saturday? h.- on my complaint to the manager, please?

UNDERLINE THE CORRECT WORDS TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES 1.- It’s very rude to carry IN/ON/AFTER talking when the film begins. 2.- When Jack lost his job, they decided to put UP/ON/OFF their wedding until he could find another one. 3.- My neighbor came ROUND/AFTER/TO for a cup of coffee this morning. 4.- If you don’t feel DOWN/LIKE/OFF eating much, just have a slice of toast with honey. 5.- My sister’s sad because she and her boyfriend broke DOWN/OFF/UP yesterday. 6.- I found someone’s mobile phone under my desk, so I handed it IN/ON/UP to my teacher.

VOCABULARY Passed on: Trasmitido Broadcast or issue Put off: Posponer Leave an activity for later Carried on: Llevar a cabo Carry out or start a project Came round: Venir Gto a specific place Looked after: Cuidado Caution for something or someone Handed in: Entregada/o Availability to carry out an activity Broke up: Romper Break a thing into irregular pieces, or separate a part of it Turned down: Rechazado Separated from the group or evicted Joined in: Unido That loves another person very much Felt like: Sentirse como... Mood Choice: Elecciรณn Select something Complaint: Queja Protest something I don't like Delivery: Entrega Give something to someone Explanation: Explicaciรณn Teach something Decided: Decidida

Person proposing something Queue: Fila Organization to enter somewhere Receipt: Recibo Proof of payment when purchasing Refund: Reembolso Return something that is wrong Exchange: Intercambiar Change something for another


GRAMMAR DATE: 27/01/2021 DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES They give us more information about the subjetive.

Relative clauses are usually introduced by pronouns: who,wich and that.

Who.- refers to people Ex. The women who lived here before us is a romantic novelist. The cat who slept with my dog now they are friends. That/Wich That._ is more usual Wich.- especially in conversation. More formal Exam An e-book is a gadget wich serves to facilite communication between teacher and students. Teaching material is a system wich that facilitates learning for children Relative adverbs We can also some relative adverbs ar the beginning of a relative clauses: WHERE: refers to a place Exam We went to a camp where we stayed two years ago. WHEN: refers to a time Exam. I’ll never forget the day when I met you.

DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES 1. Fill in the blanks with: who, whom, which, whose, where or when.

1. Can you give me back the money WHEN I lent you last month? 2. This is the restaurant WHERE we used to eat when we lived in Boston. 3. Mark has sent me an e-mail WHO I haven’t replied yet.

2. Join the sentences to make defining relative clauses. Make the necessary changes.


Pass me the dictionary. I put it on the shelf.

. Pass me the dictionary who I put it on the shelf. 2. Will you help me to do the exercises? I don’t understand the exercises. Will you help me to do the exercises? I don’t which understand the exercises.

4. Who’s the person WHOSE is sitting next to Nancy?

3. We haven’t met Mr Smith yet. His daughter studies with Paul.

5. They complained about the wrong goods WHICH were sent to them.

We haven’t met Mr Smith yet whose is daughter studies with Paul.

6. This is Susan WHO husband works in the sales department. 7. Candy is wearing a new dress WHICH she bought in the summer sales. 8. Monday is the day WHEN bills have to be paid. 9. The secretary showed me the filing cabinet WHICH important documents are filed. 10. Do you like the boy WHOSE Mary is talking to? 11. We enjoyed the party WHERE Peter and Pam had to celebrate Christmas. 12. Are you the person WHICH applied for a job as a receptionist? 13. Is this the pub WHICH you meet your friends? 14. You have to delete the sheet WHO is repeated. 15. April is the month WHERE we have Easter holiday in Spain. 16. The advice WHOSE Sam gave me was quite senseless. 17. Have you bought the food WHO I asked you? 18. Phone Mrs Smith WHERE you will have to talk to tomorrow. 19. Let’s visit the park WHEN we played after school. 20. Celebrities receive lots of invitations WHICH

4. We won’t forget the day. We went to Justin Beaber’s concert that day. We won’t forget the day when we went to Justin Beaber’s concert that day 5. Peter has read the book. I recommended the book to him. . Peter has read the book who I recommended the book to him. 6. They sent me a postcard of the hotel. They stayed there on holiday. They sent me a postcard of the hotel where they stayed there on holiday. 7. This is my best friend. I met her at school ten years ago. This is my best friend when I met her at school ten years ago. 8. Is this the man? This man accused you of stealing his wallet. . Is this the man? This man accused whose you of stealing his wallet. 9. Peter made a lemon cake. It is his speciality. Peter made a lemon cake whose It is his speciality. 10. I want you to introduce you to Mrs Black. Her husband is an engineer. I want you to introduce you to Mrs Black which her husband is an engineer 11. Can you show me the room? Meetings are held in that room.


VOCABULARY As exepcted: Como se esperaba Form to which it is expected to find Popping: Explotar Make a light explosive sound. Accidentally: Accidentalmente Do something without wanting to Amazingly: Asombrosamente Something without explanation Fortunately: Por suerte Something expected Surprisingly: Asombrosamente Something I didn't know was going to happen On purpose: A propósito Action that is done with intentions Melt: Fundir Convert a substance Unlucky: Desafotunado/a With little fortune or luck Digging: Excavación Dig a hole On purpose: A propósito Action that is done with intentions Damaged: Daño Damage, evil or misfortune. Buried: Enterrado/a Buried in the ground Underground: Subterráneo/a Under ground Address book: Directorio

Book that has numbers and addresses of people Bookshelf: Estante de libros Place to put the books Ticket office: Taquilla Place where i can buy tickets Key chain: Llavero Key ornament Road sign: SeĂąal de transito Signs for when driving Science fiction: Ciencia ficciĂłn Kind of millennial cinema

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