Eco-friendly resort in Dilijan, Armenia The main objec ve of this project is to assist in eco-tourist a rac on to Dilijan (Armenia) by construc ng a state-of-the-art resort, while preserving landscape and natural ecosystem. The buildings naturally blend with the surrounding landscape, as if it is following rocky relief making an impression of a fracture or an exposed bare rock among the lush vegeta on. The Eco-resort project includes units (hotel, ďŹ tness center, recrea on, spa) built as a single building. All units are interconnected. Hotel rooms stretch throughout the building on southern and south-western sides from the 2nd to the 7th oor. Main unit has a green zone, occupying a single space from the 1st to the 6th oor and crea ng a natural microclimate inside of the building.
OďŹƒce building in San Paulo, Brazil Team: Studio Libeskind New York Thinking about a facade op on for one of the oďŹƒce projects, I resolved to take a 2D fractal triangle pa ern and transform it into a 3D structure. I achieved this by rota ng each triangle in a dierent direc on. I created a 3D Rhino model to use as my presenta on. Working alongside Jay Kim, an Associate of Studio Daniel Libeskind, we developed it structurally and presented to the client. I then created diagrams and constructed a physical model to accompany the design.
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Residen al complex in Boca Raton, FL Team: Studio Libeskind New York Client: Elad Boca Raton I worked with a team of four architects for alterna ve design op ons on residen al towers. In addi on, I developed a ďŹ nal 3D Rhino model adding balconies and terraces, created physical models and generated presenta on diagrams.
Lobby design for tower in Warsaw, Poland Team: Studio Libeskind New York Total area: 6,720 sq Client: ZLOTA 44 & BBI Development I was tasked with the design of the lobby for the Warsaw Tower project. I developed the design, composed renderings and drawings of sec ons and eleva ons to present to Mr. Libeskind and the client. The design was approved. My design contained walls with a complex structure that divided into seven horizontal segments. The bo om segment appears to be peeling away from the wall and then transforms into a black glass countertop recep on desk. The custom designed Daniel Libeskind glass chandelier completed this organic design and added a sense of serenity. A polished veneer ďŹ nish was used for the walls and Daniel Libeskind custom le on the oors.
Marfino Hotel in Moscow, Russia Team: Arwest Total area: 250,00 sqm (2,690 sq ) Client: Marfino Ltd The client requested a design to completely renovate the second floor of an exis ng building into a hotel. The suggested layout includes two honeymoon suites, one large room to accommodate a family and five standard rooms. While designing the honeymoon suite (30 sqm), I thought of the main characters and wanted it to become a genuine backdrop for a loving couple. I devised the area to reflect the feelings of lightness, cleanliness, certainty, and passion using simple design techniques. As a result, every aspect of the room has become monotonic besides the luminous fireplace which is the focal point of the composi on. The project was implemented.
Bowling Alley in Samara, Russia UTILITY ROOM
Team: Arwest Total area: 2,100 sqm (22,605 sq ) Client: 7 miles PLAY ZONE
Taxis (from the Ancient Greek τάξις, meaning ‘movement’) is a bowling alley renova on project. The owner of the alley was not happy with the exis ng design and invited us to create a new catching design that will change the en re style of the space. Working on the project, we were faced with two major obstacles - lack of space and a long corridor between the entrances, that according to the building codes we had to maintain. We were able to complete it, however we had to look at the space from a completely different perspec ve. What if we turn the corridor into a focal point of the project or what if a corridor would become an art object? We transformed the corridor into a pipe and once again transformed it into dynamic sculptural shape that made the small space appear larger by op cal illusion.
Beacon Hotel renova on, New York, NY Team: Manning Silverstein Architects Total area: 485 sq Client: Beacon Hotel Beacon Hotel is located at Upper West side and represents the tradi onal pre-war design that has been recognized and loved by many of the customers. Although client wished to refresh the design and introduce modern elements to the room that we were working on, it was very important to maintain the overall pre-war look. Together with Anne Manning, the principal of Manning Silverstein Architects, we developed a selec on of design op ons, one of which was selected by the client and approved to move ahead with construc on. I developed renderings and plans for presenta on as well as construc on sets and speciďŹ ca ons. The project is currently under construc on.