Tiny Games: Secret Landscape by IDITA

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Secret landscape Meditation Games to be in Flow


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Tiny Games “Secret Landscape” by IDITA Meditation games to be in Flow

“Be the explorer of your Secret Landscape, discover its secrets by engaging your senses in a playful adventure enjoying the present moment”

Play anywhere! https://play.thebentway.ca/experience/secret-landscape/

Tiny Games by the Bentway & Hand Eye Society. Visual identity by Cossette. Part of “Playing in Public” by the Bentway & ArtworxTO: Toronto’s Year of Public Art 2021-22.

Plan your Play Path! https://play.thebentway.ca/

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Secret landscape Meditation Games

Parks are places where we can catch out our breath and we vibrate with our surroundings in a peaceful way. They are also places where we can cross glances, smiles, make some friends, have fun and feel part of something.

Secret landscape Meditation Games

“Secret Landscape” meditation games, invites you to relax trough aesthetic & sensory meditation games, enjoying the positive assets of parks, in an active and passive way.

Secret landscape Meditation Games

It is inspired from composition elements, such as frame, shape, texture, color & space and the five senses, sight, sound, smell, taste and touch; which facilitate being in the present moment. It also invites to appreciate the city in a more creative and sensitive way.

Secret landscape Meditation Games

It encourages the sense of community and civic spirit, by introducing the notion of “We are everything and everything is part of us” Inviting to take care of the public spaces like we should take care of our private mental and physical space.

Secret landscape Meditation Games

Trough “Secret Landscape” meditation games, pedestrians are invited to relax their mind and body trough a sensory meditation, focusing in the positive assets that a park has to offer, such as the nature & people enjoying the space.

Secret landscape Meditation Games

The meditation games are about enhancing our senses to feel in creative and deeper ways; as a result, helping to be present in a mental and physical way and just relax...

Secret landscape Meditation Games

It promotes the sense of belonging & protection of public space by internalizing it, feeling the nature, finding meaning in the spaces and connecting our mind and body to the environment in a creative, poetical & sensory meditation game.

Secret landscape Meditation Games

In summary, “Secret Landscape” meditation games helps us to build healthy, harmonious and respectful interspecies communities!


Prompt at Canoe Landing Park


Scan the bar code at The Canoe Landing Park or just go to the Link Now you are ready to get lost in your Secret Landscape!

You can play as many games you want, anytime, anywhere, the Secret Landscape is within you...

Secret landscape Meditation Games

“Secret Landscape” meditation games, can be done in different positions and activities, you can listen to music, dance, sign, eat, use all your senses and imagination, get inspired and even create your own!

Secret landscape Meditation Games

Be the explorer of your Secret Landscape, discover its secrets by engaging your senses in a playful adventure enjoying the present moment. Meditation games to be in Flow

Secret landscape Meditation Games Human Gate Frame different views with your “binocular hands”, like a pirate or hug them with different parts of your body, stretching like a yogi. Cross the gate and explore the secret landscape of your mind!

Secret landscape Meditation Games Visual Fest Find similarities in natural and urban elements. E.g.: a tree can look like a building, the highway, a river, etc. Close your eyes and hear or imagine their sounds, what do they have in common? Discover other features in the surroundings to create more metaphors, envisioning a more harmonious natural city.

Secret landscape Meditation Games Mix-Senses Explore natural and urban elements: leaves, flowers, grass, soil, concrete, wood, metal, etc. Close your eyes and “see” them by touching and listening; breathe deeply and imagine the taste with your sense of smell. Exchange your senses to appreciate in a deeper dimension.

Secret landscape Meditation Games Emotional Rainbow Match colors you see to your present feelings; do you feel playful like yellow? Or vibrant like green? Maybe you feel full of colors like a rainbow? Where in your body do you feel that color? Use that part of your body to release it in a positive gesture or action, joining a collective rainbow of kindness.

Secret landscape Meditation Games Flow Choose a pleasant view in the landscape. Open your mind and blend into your surroundings, making soft movements: flow with the air, hum or whistle a melody, whisper a positive word. Breathe deep; enjoy this ethereal moment and take it with you…

Now the Landscape’s Secrets are yours!


Secret landscape Meditation Games

During and after the dificult Covid pandemic, it is important to learn tools to cope with the new reality and stay healthy, meditation is a great one! Meditation has been an universal way of relaxation and internalization. Also, It can be a safe group activity keeping us connected.

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Secret landscape Meditation Games

There might me others playing “Secret Landscape” meditation games at the same time, so let’s join & resonate our positive energy together! “There are studies that prove the existence of a ripple effect of peace in the surrounding environment when a group meditates together.”

Secret landscape Meditation Games Meditation Benefits • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations • Building skills to manage your stress • Increasing self-awareness • Focusing on the present • Reducing negative emotions • Increasing imagination and creativity • Increasing patience and tolerance

Secret landscape Meditation Games


More ideas to play! Become the Secret Landscape Human Gate, Make an harmonious Visual Fest, Explore Mix-Textures like the groundhog’s park, Slide down our Emotional Rainbow, Let’s Flow together!


Heard the trees, touch the smiles,



taste the view, smell the water. Breathe through your pores, be part of everything & everything will be you.


Now you are the present.

Look to the sky, relax, feel light like a cloud & fly...


Find interesting shapes in the nature & let them shape your body & moves... Sense the soil, leaves, creatures, people & become one...



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IDITA is the design studio of multidisciplinary designer Diana Andrea Guzmán Valencia. Diana is passionate about creating urban spaces that encourage inclusivity, sense of belonging and nature conservation. Let’s connect! :) #iditadesign @iditadesign idita.biz

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