Interactive S(H)andbox

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2021 spring Hongik University - IDAS Digital Photography Designer. Diana Hutter Professor: David Hall

Interactive DesignS(H)andbox

Diana‘s Interactive Sandbox

what my interactive design project is about...

In my project I want to give a little insight of what my idea would look like If it would be possible to transfer yourself to different places. It should be nice places where people can relax and draw themselves to better places. That‘s were my sandbox comes into action. I really like to reach every target group. The devise is deep Relief through music and interactive sandexperimentation. Make them feel in this high resolution community, which refers to HDscreens in smartphones, TV or laptop less stressed. Solution for the eyes to slow down from vector graphics into low resolution projection. It‘s some kind of theraphy for their mind and their perception.


First concept Philosophy Physical Setup Software Setup Final Project

First concep


My very first drawing or sketch of my concept I already defined what my final project will be about. I wanted to show that the kinect tracks the position of the hand and while doing that the sand becomes a red-ish colour. The statement of me was that the hand should act like a magnet. When people move the y-height up and down it gets this specific colour code.

First sketch

If I had the ability to put myself in a place, many things would be different. I am a person who likes to travel and have adventures. Therefore, I would teleport myself to various vacation spots. Sometimes I would be on the beach with a cocktail in my hand and then mountaineering on Mount Everest. From there I would be able to do my home office. I would also visit my relatives in Vietnam and bring them gifts or medicine from Germany. I also imagine it would be cool to travel to other planets. If that was so that high definition telepresence was possible, the world would be much more advanced. The best doctors would always be on hand when there was a serious illness to be cured. The best engineers would be on hand when complex buildings needed to be constructed. Religions, however, would be much more intensively developed, because even more people of one religion would come together. I think, however, that there would be many monopolies. That the best would only work with the best. One thereby, however, a gigantic progress in the medicine, in the automobile industry or in computer companies can reach. Everything will go even faster than it already does today. In the event that I could generate a double, I would lead two separate lives. A relaxed life, where I only do what I want to do, and a second one, where I work in the area I like and develop myself further. Because my private life and my professional life are so strictly separated, my working double would probably break from burnout. My relaxed double would always be underchallenged. Both would therefore not live long. I don't think it will be necessary to drive anymore. But it's still part of the fun life, so making cars won't stop completely. In general, I would say that with this double-sidedness, the world will be quite divided and everything will become more extreme. So whether I like that kind of world is very questionable. I think it's good the way it is right now.

Philosophy TelepresenceI

Blue Sand

Projection + Sand I wanted to try first how well projection works onto sand. That was the moment when I lend the projector from the professor. Because I didn‘t had an adapter to mac I just projected blue light onto it. But I wanted it exactly to look like that, because it fits the sand very well I think.

Getting started with Touchdesiger I got into first touch with touchdesigner. Because I saw something interersting someone did on youtube and I was also into circles which bound on the surface of a square. I followed the tutorial to get kind of a insight to this topic.

Setup Touchdesiger It was quite difficult to manage. So I tried buying additional equipment to get easier and faster results. I bought kinect v1 on the internet and set it into the scene to get the depth camera working. That‘s how I created my project.

Phys Se

sical etup

I downloaded from github the thomwolf AR sandbox program, from where I had easily access to the whole world of Playful AR games. There were games with fishes and sharkes, but also wolfes and rabbits. It was nice coming closer to my approach and play with colour, because they could be justified in the user interface.

AR Sandbox

Sandbox 10 kg Sand Kinect 360 XBOX (vers. 1) Projector VGA to USB-C Adapter


Fina Pro

al oject

The final outcome of me project was a stable setup of my sandbox. Because I wanted it to look cleaner and also more cinematic, I reorganized things and bougt two metal plates, to make a shelf out of it. It was quite easy to do that. But I had to use a multi device for all my hardware. In the dark you can see that the sand appears more gloomy and reflective, while in normal daylight the contrast decreases and it‘s not that high quality. Overall I am happy with the results and enjoy playing in the arguemented reality sand box a lot.e pictures.

Rearranged Setup

That‘s all. Now have watching

. e fun my video.

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