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By: Richelle Faye Margarejo, IV-A June 2, 2014 is an unusual 1st day of classes for all the mariners as Atty. Alberto T. Muyot, Undersecretary of Education for Legal and Legislative Affairs, and Dr. Amancio S. Villamejor Jr., the Schools Division Superintendent, visited the school to conduct an observation to the school’s premises. The two highly respected authorities were assisted by the former school head, Dr. Ma. Victoria C. Vivo and the head teachers namely Mrs. Ma. Cristina R. Dela Cruz, Mrs. Angelita C.

Mendoza and Mr. Remar T. Dela Cruz. They visited the school premises including its facilities and laboratories to know its strengths and to help develop its weaknesses. Problems that need to be addressed were also one of the reasons of their visitation. After a long walk, room/laboratory inspection and discussions, they bid goodbye to the mariners and headed to the next school they will visit. Indeed, it was a privilege to have them see our beloved school.

By: Heaven Divina Dela Cruz, IV-A

By: Karen Portento, 9-A “With God, expect the unexpected,” quoted by Ron Joseph M. Manahan, one of the members of MMFSL Movie Trailer Team. The Regional Festival of Talents was held at DepEd Regional Office III last October 29, 2014. All Divisions in Central Luzon competed that day to identify who will compete to the upcoming National Festival of Talents. Many categories were conducted that day. One of the categories was “Tagisan ng Talino sa Paggawa ng 2-Minutong Movie/ TV Trailer” wherein our school, MMFSL, represented our Division. Five students from different year levels namely- Wendell E. Polintan I V- A ,

By: John Llyod Ramos, 9-A Herslyn A. Narciso IV-A, Karen J R. Portento 9-A, Ron Joseph M. Manahan 9-A and Joyce Ann F. Castro 9-A. Also included in the team were Maria Alwena Beatriz Gatchalian 9-B, Emmanuel Y. Santos IV-A and Kenneth Reyes 8-A who represented our school in the Division Festival of Talents. They were trained by Mr. Aberlardo Maclang, whose been with them at this competition. Our school was declared Champion over 19 Divisions in Region III. This was because of their determination to win the contest. They will represent our Region in the National Festival of Talents on April 5-6 to be held at Taguig. They believed that walking by faith not by sight is the key to success.

Last September 18, 2014,the Division Integrated Competition was held at Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School. MMFS&L students competed in different categories such as Movie Trailer, T-shirt Printing, Web page Making, Broadcasting, etc. The whole community of Malolos Marine Fishery School & Laboratory, with their coaches and trainors, specially our Head Teacher VI of the Vocational Department, Mrs. Cristina R. Dela Cruz, supported our competitors. And with God’s mercy, we ranked 2nd in the over all competition, and this will not happen without the students w h o

come home almost 6:00 PM because of trainings and practices to bring home the victory. And the winners in different competitions were: Kyla Mae Ablaza-9B, Angelica Mendoza-9A (Nail Art w/ Hand Massage, 1st Place); Jonalyn Gruezo-4A, Arcassel Panelo-9B (Children’s Wear Construction, 1st Place); Wendel Polintan-4A, Herslyn Narciso-4A, Kenneth Reyes-8A, Emmanuel Santos-4A, Joyce Ann Castro-9A, Bea Gatchalian-9B (Movie Trailer, 1st Place); Sherlyn Jane Paraiso-8A (Innovative Fish Dish, 2nd Place); Reggie Fernando4D, Jayson Laceda-9C (Baluster Making, 2nd Place); Kate Aira Capispisan-4A, Kaye Angeline Caballero-9A (PC Assembly, 2nd Place); Argee Cervantes-9A, John Llyod Ramos-9A (T-shirt Printing & Designing, 4th Place); Heaven dela Cruz-4A (Tarpaulin Making, 4th Place); Richelle Faye Margarejo4A (Editorial Writing, 4th Place); Nathanael Balite-9A (Sports Writing, 4th Place). Continue Page 3


And a l l

Vice President Jejoemar Binay greeted Bulakeňos hello last November 19, 2014. Bulakeňos warmly welcomed the vice president with smiles and handshakes. He personally picked Bulakeňos to be his audience as he defend himself on the Makati building issue. He chose to explain himself in Hagonoy, Bulacan rather in the senate for the reason that he does not need to be there because the senate will just feast on the issue. The Makati Building issue is the main content of Binay’s speech. He said that the controversy was just an alligation and a part of his enemies strategy to destroy his reputation. If to convince the Bulakeňos that he is not guilty of what is charged to him was his goal, then it was a good try. On some interviews conducted by ABSCBN, some residents expressed their opinions towards Binay going to Bulacan. A woman said, “I don’t think that he is not guilty.” Another resident even said that he is not convinced with Binay’s speech. All Filipinos not just Bulakeňos were still waiting for VP Binay’s appearance in the senate.

Fishery ranks 2nd in DNWDC


By: Nathanael Balite, 9-A Nestle Philippines in partnership with Department of Education conducted Division Nestle Wellness Dance Competition (DNWDC) in the City of Malolos last September 1, 2014. The whole community of Malolos Marine Fishery School and Laboratory joined this culminating activity.

The culminating activity could not be done without the help of Mrs. Emily Ramos, MMFSL Dance Club adviser and Mr. Abelardo Maclang, Performing Arts Club Adviser with the help of MAPEH teachers headed by Mr. Raulito Dela Cruz, PESS Coordinator together with Mr. Crisostomo, Mrs. Camua, Mrs.

Bautista and Mr. Lansangan . In the said activity, Fishery ranked 2nd out of 11 high schools in the Division of Malolos while Marcelo H. del Pilar National High School got the 1st place. We were hoping that by next year we will be able to claim the throne.

A Proof of Success. Ma’am Ramos and Ma’am Bautista gladly receive the trophy of MMFSL being 2nd runner up in DNWDC

By: Angela Joy Borlongan, IV-A

“If you can read this, thank your teacher.” This is one of the message of this year’s Teachers’ Day Celebration held last October 2, 2014 at Malolos Sports and Convention Center. The event was attended by thousands of teachers within Malolos division. It was a day full of fun and excitement. There were special presentations prepared to touch the heart of the teachers. Dr. Mariano De Jesus, President of Bulacan State University even serenaded the teachers by singing “Pusong Bato” while wearing a leather jacket and shades. Dr. Isabelita M. Borres, Regional Director, even highlighted the celebration by giving words of encouragement to the teachers of Malolos. Mayor Christian D. Natividad was also there to give roses to the teachers. The food was served in a buffet style on which the teachers, although there’s a long queue, highly enjoyed it. The raffle was one of the most exciting part of the ceremony for a number of teachers will get Php2005000. During the celebration, some students of MMFSL and Divine Colleges conducted free hand wash, hand massage, back massage, foot spa and haircut at the entrance of the venue. The celebration did not just touch the hearts of our modern day heroes but as well as their minds and to the fortunate ones, their pockets.

Local Celebration The teachers’ day celebration in every school was held the day after the divisionwide celebration. In MMFSL, the teachers as well as the nonteaching staff celebrated the day through fun and exciting games. They were divided into four groups: Academic Department Cluster I (green team), Academic Department Cluster II (blue team), Tech-Voc Department (red team), and non-teaching staff (white team). They all enjoyed the games starting from Let’s Face it up to the catching of eggs. In the end, it was the Academic Department Cluster I who won. Ten lucky teachers who will receive special beauty treatments offered by the Cosmetology students were raffled. While the rest of the teachers enjoyed other perks like foot spa, hand wash, manicure, pedicure, facial wash and back massage. Thank-worthy Teachers are really worthy to be thanked for. There will definitely be no engineer, doctor or lawyer without a teacher. In one commercial of a communications company, it is stated that on average students need 200 teachers to achieve their dreams. If you haven’t thanked one, start it now.

Teachers’ Day Groufie. MMFSL teachers and staff pose for a picture during the Teachers’ Day celebration.

Fashion Icons 2014 cuts the Ribbon By: Kimberly de Guzman, IV-A Last August 14, 2014, an unusual event was held at the corners of Malolos Marine Fishery School and Laboratory. Entitled as the Fashion Icons 2014, —the first fashion icon competition ever happened at the campus –gave honor to those in the Garments and Beauty Care Trades. 18 groups from different year level (starting from Grade 8 to 4th year) together with their models (also are MMFS&L students), competed to win the trophy. Confident and determined enough, students prepared for the big occasion for 1 and a half months. Students of the Garments Trade submitted their design of outfits for the theme of the activity—summer. All the students come up with their own designs, which differs from each other. Ms. Joanna Day, a relative of Mrs. Belinda Cruz, the former beauty care teacher, was invited to help the models know how to walk on stage. The culminating day came. All models wore the product of the garments and beauty care students’ creativity and they began

to show off their beauty through it. Many people watched the culminating activity of the school. To formally start the event, Mrs. Glenda A. Caseres led the singing of the national anthem, followed by the invocation of Mrs. Miriam Illescas and the opening remarks of Dr. Ma. Victoria C. Vivo, the former principal of MMFSL. Then finally, the competition began! Intermission numbers were viewed by the audience. Models of the different groups ramped on stage with their synchronized walking. They also had a production number. Then after, some special awards were given to the models. They were awarded as the Best in Catwalk, which was given to Lalaine Cruz, QOV Apparel Choice Awards, given to Michaella dela Cruz and Nicole Cielo Mendoza (in different categories), and Shapes Inc. Choice Awards went to Joyce Ann Cundangan. Shapes Inc., being one of the sponsors, also chose some men to be a guy model of their incorporation. Several men went on stage, but still, they were looking for the man who danced at the intermission number, who

is John Jerwin Manalaysay, a 4th year student. Many blushed for these cool guys when they show off their coolest ramps. After all the ‘commercials’, the awarding began. The Fashion Icon Best Designer winners are: Angelika Santiago (2nd Runner Up); Liezl Ann Sunico (1st Runner Up); and Kimberly de Guzman (Champion). They all won a trophy and a certificate. The Ultimate Top Model winners were: Michaella dela Cruz (2nd Runner Up); Nicole Cielo Mendoza (1st Runner Up); and Joyce Ann Cundangan (Champion). Best Hair and MakeUp Artist was awarded to the following people: Ruth Angelyn Liwanag (2nd Runner Up); Christine Angel Moran (1st Runner Up); and Almira Cruz (Champion). Everything became successful. As one of the participants, I couid say that the Fashion Icons 2014 is indeed a wonderful experience. Win or lose, everyone came home with a triumphant smile for they were able to showcase their one-of-a-kind beauty and talent.

ALL ABOARD! Mariners sail again with their appointed Captain By: Kaye Paraiso, 9-A Mr. Exmundo Forteza

September 1, 2014. Mr. Exmundo Forteza, Vocational School Administrator II, paddles back to MMFS&L after a school year and few months of being the designated school administrator of a vocational school in Pampanga. To take charge of the responsibilities that he had in the school entrusted to, DepEd designated Dr. Ma. Victoria Vivo of Bulihan National High School. During Dr. Vivo’s administration, she strengthened the partnership between the school and surrounding barangays. Upon coming back, Mr. Forteza still wish to continue what Dr.Vivo has started especially between the partnership of the school to Barangay Balite and Barangay Matimbo. Not Over Yet The school year is not

over yet and that’s the reason why planning should still need to be observed. Some of Mr. Forteza’s plan for the rest of the school year is the implementation of RPMS or Results Based Performance Management System. This will result to a standardized system of analyzing the performance of the teachers in the school. The proposal of the Student Government which is the comeback of the Junior-Senior Promenade is already approved by Mr. Forteza so, it is one of the things the administration is eyeing next year. He is looking forward to work well with the teachers, students and surrounding Barangays.

MMFS&L houses Senior Scout Leadership Encampment By: Deo Delio Asne, IV-A Peace and Development through Scouting. That is the theme of the 2014 Senior Scout Leadership Encampment held at Malolos Marine Fishery School and Laboratory last October 29-31, 2014 On October 29, 2014, the 3 days encampment started with an opening program at exactly 5 o’clock in the afternoon which was conducted by Sctr. Queen Gladie Marcos and Kathleen Bojos. A heartwhelming message coming from Sct. Remar T. Dela Cruz, Head Teacher III, welcomed all the senior scouts that came from different schools. Mr. Salvador B. Lozano., EPS-I (MAPEH) was present as well as our beloved Chairman of Balite, Hon. Lolita R. Gatchalian After the program everybody went to their respective rooms to take their dinner and to prepare for the cultural presentation .At 9 o’clock in the evening the cultural show started . All the senior scouts with their school representatives showcased their amazing performances. After the cultural show, the Halloween party started. At exactly 12 midnight the party is over all the students needed to be at their respective rooms to take their rest and be ready for tomorrow. October 30, 2014., second day of encampment all the senior scouts woke up early to take a bath and to prepare themselves to a new day of task. 6 o’ clock in the morning everybody was told to go to the MMFSL Quadrangle to dance in tune of wellness led by Sct. Carla Marmol, and Sct. Gerry Navarro after that, everybody took their breakfast and all the participants in different competition prepare themselves . By 8 o’ clock in the morning the Simultaneous Skills Competition started, like Fire Building, Water Boiling , Knot Tying , Semaphore , Wig wag and the Display of Gadgets. As part of the game, some excelled and some failed to reach their objectives that is to

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win. All the rooms needed to be cleaned up because the session will start around 4 o’clock in the afternoon and has to end around 5 o’clock in the afternoon so all the students can prepare for their fancy drill competition. After the session, the long wait for fancy drill is over because by that time all the schools showcased their well organized performances. At

candles were lightened up and everybody sang the campfire song. The ceremony ended after all the schools have finished performing their skits, song and yell. At around 6 o’clock in the morning of the last day of camping, all senior scouts were already at the quadrangle to dance and to exercise in tune of wellness

The Aftermath. MMFSL scouters’ table after the boodle fight.

around 7 o’clock in the evening everybody had their dinner and

led by selected scouts. After that, the obstacle race started , all the

their unity, strategy and some techniques for them to have the fastest time. When the obstacle race was done, everybody took their delicious lunch. The closing program started with a prayer led by Sctr. Normalyn Garcia and singing of Pilipinas kong Mahal was conducted by Sctr. Loida Mercado. And the most awaited part of the program, the awarding of trophies and medals to all the scouts who won in the different competitions. Of course, Malolos Marine Fishery School and Laboratory never let others to defeat them. MMFSL won in different competitions: 1st in Semaphore (Ryan Christian Cruz and John Patrick Gante), 1st in fire building (Jefferson Dela Cruz and Timothy Earl Hermano), 1st in cultural presentation, 1st in fancy drill, 1st in yell, 3rd in skit and lastly, 3rd in overall campfire presentation. MMFSL’s other achievements were: Patrick Gante (2nd) and Richelle Faye Margarejo (3rd) in poster making, Deo Delio Asne (2nd) in slogan-making and Liezl Ann Sunico (2nd) in essay writing. Overall, MMFSL ranked 2nd being MHPNHS the overall champion. For the closing remarks, Sct. Remar T. Dela Cruz showed appreciation to all the senior scouts and scout leaders who participated in this encampment. But, before the ceremony finally concluded, Sctr. Cristina V. Juguilon gave her thanks and scout benediction to all. And she was hoping that next year all schools in Malolos will participate in this kind of event.

prepared their skit , yell and song. After a one-hour dinner and preparation, the campfire started. Candles were distributed and everybody went near at the flagpole area. It was started with a skit with the participation of all crew leaders. After that, all the

By: Margie Robles, 9-A ones (red for torrential rains, orange for intense rains and yellow for heavy rains) were not that effective for citizens who do not have enough understanding on the meaning and damage capacity of each color. Aftermath Super typhoon Glenda left the Philippines with a number of people dead and millions of damages. Even our dear school experienced it. A number of trees were uprooted and because of that some benches and roofs got crushed by the trees. Classes were suspended and it lasted for a number of days. It was resumed a couple of days after the typhoon.

the participants who got 1st place will compete for the Regional competition in San Fernando, Pampanga. The other participants who also gave their best are: John Derick Paraiso-9A, John Patrick Gante-8A (Editorial Cartooning); Kaye Paraiso9A (Copy Reading); Micaella Recondo-9A, Margie Robles9A (Feature Writing); Deo Delio Asne-4A (News Writing); Angela Borlongan-4A (Pagsulat ng Balitang Editoryal); Raychie DC. Josue-8A (ScieTech.); Prince Zyrile Abalaza -9A (Photojournalism); Ella Lopez4A (Copy Reading); Karen Portento9A, Wendel Polintan-4A, Mary Rose Isturis-9A, Kimberly Lupenario-4A, Lea Carbon-4A, Mark Dela Cruz4A (Broadcasting); Ron Joseph Manahan-9A (Web Page Designing); Rodney Paraiso-4A, Jerome Roque-9A, Marvine Mendoza-8A, Regina Josue-7A (Math Quiz Bee); Henalyn Buenaventura-9A, Beverly Guanzon-9A, Maria Cecilla Baltazar4A, Ann Via Santos-4A, Micah Bless Atenta-7A, Hazir Roduta-7A, Alicia Roque-8B, Jeric Mendoza-8B (Science Quiz Bee); Dan Erick Eser4A (Oratorical Speech) ;Timothy Earl Germano-8A, Cylene Mae Villaflor8A(Landscaping); John Michael Recto-8C, Mariah Tamayo-4B(Hair & Make-up); Joyce Ann Cundangan4B, Art Santos-4B (Fashion Icon). Truly Mariners can compete no matter what category it may be.

Career Guidance Week commences

By: Christian Jay Cabigao, 9-A

Goosebumps. MMFSL scouters in their Halloween costumes

Super Typhoon Glenda shutdowns MMFS&L The once sturdy becomes wiggly in just one blow of the wind. MMFS&L is a no exception to the damages done by super typhoon Glenda during its stay in the country last July 16, 2014. The “Super” Category Typhoon Glenda is categorized as super typhoon because of its characteristics. It’s wind speeds up to 120 kilometer per hour with gusts of up to 165 kph. The super category is first used to typhoon Glenda to warn effectively the Filipinos for according to PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration) the former warning system which is the color coded

MMFSL bags 2nd Overall...

schools gave their best and showed

New Educational Tools gear up MMFSL's AVR By: Christian Jay Cabigao, 9-A

Kasukabe International Friendship Association and Kasukabe Rotary Club held the inauguration of the joint project audio-visual room in Malolos Marine Fishery School and Laboratory last October 26, 2014. The Kasukabe Rotary Club which is basing in Saitama Prefecture, Japan is an organization that helps schools and other organizations to improve whatever is needed to be improved. The purpose of their visitation in our dear school, Malolos Marine Fishery School and Laboratory is to make the school’s audio-visual room

more convenient and conducive for learning. They have donated a LED TV, projector and a computer unit. The visitors wanted to ensure that the school will enjoy the perks of having an educational tools like that. They also wanted the students to learn and have fun at the same time through the use of the said educational tools. The school administrator, the teachers, and students were very grateful with what was added in the school’s AVR. The school is hoping for another successful partnership with them. Arigatou Gozaimasu!

Well-Geared. Mr. Forteza (3rd from the left) and some members of Kasukabe International Friendship Association and Kasukabe Rotary Club with the new educational tools donated to MMFSL

The Career Guidance Week last July 21-25, 2014 aims to educate students specially the Grade 9 in choosing the right career for them. Parade of Dreams Selected mariners parade while wearing the uniform of the job they want to pursue. Some were dressed like engineers, teachers, lawyers and nurses. One student of IV-A, Wendell Polintan, even gave effort in wearing the uniform of a seaman. The parade was headed by the SSG Officers and some faculty members. A poster-making contest was also conducted prior to the parade. The posters served as their banners while showcasing their uniforms. Career Guidance Seminar The career guidance seminar which was facilitated by the Guidance Counselor and CGS Trainer, Mrs. Miriam C. Illescas together with Mrs. Loida Gimpaya was held last August 11-13, 2014. It was participated by Grade 9 students. The seminar enlightened the Grade 9 students about the different career paths that they may take. It was indeed a very productive 3-day seminar for the Juniors.

EDITORIAL A CIRCUS SHOW We are like inside a circus. There are lions, elephants and seals which move base on the whistle of the trainer or worst a whip. They do not have chains but are bound. That’s how the government tricks us. Blindsided by the “food” that awaits everytime we roll on the floor, jump into the ring of fire or balance plates. Open your eyes. There’s no time for listening. We do that all the time. We need to do something, not just sit and watch how they will treat us. As we, the youth of today, grow as the time passes by, we became aware of the happenings in our surroundings. The saddest part of living is accepting the fact that you’ll die anytime or worst die hopeless in their hands. Where are the houses? Where is the food? Why does the fare goes up and up? Ask the “master” of the carnival. Yes, we are through with so much pain that the Spaniards, Japanese and Americans brought us. Just when we thought we are freed, we will realize that we are being beaten up just like the

caged animals on a circus. Oh! What a great Circus Show. We are happily watching them tricking us. We gladly give them applauses for their lies. That’s not what the Filipinos who dedicated their lives for the country’s freedom fought for. That’s not the Juan Dela Cruz that Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio and Apolinario Mabini dreamed of. We just need to stand up. Do something significant. Be the change you want them to be. Be aware. Be brave. Be a Filipino. Take one step closer to your goal. Don’t let the “Masters” of the show tie a rope on your feet, make you move and control you once again. As long as we are not speaking, we have no chance to be heard. As long as we keep on closing our eyes, there’s no possibility to see the truth behind the lies. Get out of the Circus Show. You are not an animal anyway.

Illustrated by: John Patrick Gante, 8-A

REMARKABLE Crossroads... Again?

by: Remar T. Dela Cruz, Head Teacher III

in his life regrets some of his decisions. I personally don’t believe others saying they don’t have any regrets in life. For instance, an actor after a divorce will tell us that he has no regrets marrying his former wife, but the truth is he regretted it. It’s just that he decided to move on and face the current situation. We always regret decisions with unfavorable results. The only good thing with this is, we learn from our mistakes and decided not to

people tend to point fingers when something goes wrong. Never allow others to decide for you, for they will never deal with whatever the result is. You have to decide for yourself. At your age, do you know how many decisions you have made so far? How many of these made you tell yourself, “I knew it!”? How many became your regrets which still haunt you up to now and occupy the biggest part of your

“Never blame anyone for whatever situation you are in today for you gradually brought yourself there by making wrong decisions. ” Confused? Found yourself choosing between two roads to take or just as simple as answering a yes-no question? Afraid of making wrong decisions and end up regretting everything? Making right decisions is never and will never be a walk in the park. Even the brightest star you idolize, the smartest person you know, somehow, somewhere

commit the same mistake over again. We are responsible for every decision we make. Never blame anyone for whatever situation you are in today for you gradually brought yourself there by making wrong decisions. If you are unhappy, it’s your fault because you have chosen to be such. Most

problem? These are just some of the questions still left unanswered or should I say taken for granted. This is one sure way of evaluating yourself as to whether you are still on the right path. Our decisions can make or break any dreams. A lawyer for example would not be one if not because of his right decisions. Likewise, a person in

EDITORIAL BOARD June-November 2014

Editor-in-Chief Richelle Faye Margarejo Associate Editor Angela Joy Borlongan Managing Editor Kaye Paraiso DIANA ROSE R. CABIGAO Adviser, The Fishery Courier

Section Editors

News Editor Deo Delio Asne

Sports Editor Nathaniel Balite

Feature Editor Margie Robles

Scitech Editor Kimberly De Guzman

MR. EXMUNDO F. FORTEZA Vocational School Administrator II

Contributors John Llyod Ramos, Ron Joseph Manahan, Karen Portento, Christian Jay Cabigao, Micaella Recondo, Ella Lopez and Reychie Josue Photojournalist Prince Zyrile Ablaza Layout Artist Heaven Divina Dela Cruz

jail should have been exercising his freedom if not because of his wrong decisions. This goes to show that what you are today is

just the result of all your decisions. Start making right decisions for these will define what kind of life you’ll have. Decide right for your life…

FAYEry Tales Smart Phones & Dumb People? by: Richelle Faye Margarejo, IV-A

We are invaded by technology literally and figuratively. Technology has totally changed our way of living and thinking. We’re letting technology to influence and captive our great minds. Before, people used to walk or travel just to deliver their messages but now, you’ll just sit down and get your phone, type your message and tap the send button. Before, we have big cellphones with big keypads but now we have smaller, thinner and keypadless ones because you can manipulate your phone just by tapping the screen. Before, we read dictionaries and encyclopedias to find an answer for our assignments but now, in just one tap, you can see all the answers to your questions. Trully, phone technology is evolving very fast. What’s the effect of this? It makes us lazy. Whenever we have questions, instead of thinking for an answer, we search it in Google. Phones make us dumb. Some teenagers forget the correct spelling of some words because of too much

texting, or putting unnecessary symbols in their Formal Themes or essays. Some people depend so much in their phones as if they can’t live without it. We should never forget that we still have our minds with us. That we, humans, are capable of thinking. In fact, this capabality separated us from other creatures. Let us not set that aside. Be smarter than a smart phone.

“We are capable of thinking. Be smarter than a smart phone.”

by: Kaye Paraiso, 9-A


Choose to be Great!

Greatness is one of the things we’re all dreaming of. Some can achieve it within a span of time. Some may spend the rest of their lives working for it. Being great is not only a title, but a target that we should

work on. It’s not all about power; It’s all about the good things you have done. In the past years, people were considered great if they can risk their lives for others and for their loved ones. They were considered great if they contributed useful things in our society. But nowadays, great people can be found anywhere. It can be you, me or even the person who sits next to you in the jeepney. Nowadays, you don’t need a sword to prove your greatness. You just need to be equipped with your strongest weapon—your heart. Great people help others in the best way they can. They are those whose fame or influence proved long-lasting. And whose credibility and integrity are unquestionable. They are the people who respect others despite

diversity in status in life, gender, or race. These are the people that we must honor, the people that have power, but decided to use it righteously. Like what Henry Ward Beecher said, “Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strength.” To be great is a decision. If Dr. Jose Rizal didn’t decide to write the novel that awakened the hearts of the Filipinos, we might be still in the hands of the Spaniards until now. If the late Sen. Ninoy Aquino didn’t decide to go back in the Philippines to face Pres. Marcos, we might be still in the hands of a dictator. Like them, you can be great, too. Do not let anyone or anything hinder you from being great. Remember, you have the blood of a fighter. Choose to be great.

“Nowadays, you don’t need a sword to prove your greatness. You just need to be equipped with your strongest weapon—your heart.”

DEOlogy What Happened to the Youth?

by: Deo Delio Asne, IV-A

“Yes, being in a relationship gives us an inspiration but, life is not just about having a boyfriend or a girlfriend.We should never neglect our education.” Curiosity, one of the reasons why the number of teenagers involved in early pregnancy continue to increase. But, what are the things to be considered with this kind of situation? It might be the influence of society, or maybe the impact of technology. Is it the kind of life our parents planned for us? And is this the kind of life they wanted us to have? Our parents gave us education for us to have a better future, but what are we doing? Are their hardworks paying off? Think of it. We, teenagers, undergo several relationships or try different vices for us to escape our problems. Yes, being in a relationship gives us an inspiration but life is not just about having a

boyfriend or girlfriend. We should never neglect our education. Many of us, disrespect and dishonor our parents because they do not agree with our decision of having intimate relationships this early. We raise our voices to them without considering what they are doing for us. Before we decide, did we consider our parent’s intention? No child will suffer if he knows how to listen to his parents because parents really know what’s best for their children. In real life, all of us are facing struggles and hardships that make us stronger. Yes, you can learn from that but why would you choose to experience the pain when you can learn from others’ experiences. Be reminded that regrets are always in the end.


#Reasonable by: Nathanael Balite, 9-A

“ ‘Everything has a reason.’ We usually hear those words especially when something unexpected happened. But the question is, ‘What is that reason?’” In our daily lives, we encounter different questions that are usually answerable by Yes or No and followed by the question “Why”. In this case, I’m so much annoyed because I know the correct answer but I do not know how to explain it or reason out. “Everything has a reason.” We usually hear those words especially when something unexpected happened. But the question is, “What is that reason?” For me, the only one who can answer that is God, our creator. I’m sure that He has a purpose, a beautiful plan. We just need to believe and trust His timing. And when that time

comes that we already know our purpose, we should make sure that it is done before we leave this world. ”Walang sinuman ang nabubuhay para sa sarili lamang. Walang sinuman ang namamatay para sa sarili lamang.” This is a line from the song that we often hear during mass. This song have a message that all of us have responsibilities to each other. Whatever the reason why we are still living, let us unite with this single purpose. Let’s help each other. Carry each others’ burdens. Love one another as our Savior Jesus Christ, loved us.

Brea(KIM)g BOUNDARIES Not Only Two but Four

by: Kimberly De Guzman, IV-A

The Roman Catholic Church always says that there are only two genders created by God—the male and female. But nowadays, many people are showing off or admiting that they have a different gender preference. They are called homosexual or bisexual people. They belong to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

(LGBT) community. Homosexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex or gender. People engaged in this kind of behavior are commonly known as gays (men who dress, and behave like a woman) and lesbians (women who dress, and behave like a man), while bisexuality is a romantic attraction or sexual behavior toward both males and females. Nowadays, many people are being discriminated by people around the world because of gender preference. Hate crimes are dominating the news. But why are they being discriminated? Why are they being degraded by many people while they are also human? They breathe like us, look like us, do things like how we do it. The difference is that they just dress, style, or act oppositely as what they should be. But is that a reason for us to insult and

‘separate’ them from us? Being a 16 year-old girl, I have experienced being with them. I have witnessed how fun they are to be with, and how sensible they are. By that, I don’t know the reason why they need to be discriminated. Does it make us any righteous? Maybe you need to try hanging out with them so you would know them. If you keep on insulting them, then this is a wake up call for you. We must be awaken that we live in the present times that there are already ‘four’ genders, not only two. We must respect not just the two standard sexual role. They are also individuals like us. They also need someone to appreciate and care for them, someone who will accept who and what they are, someone who will love them totally. Let us be that ‘someone’ they are needing. If you can’t be that someone, respect them as you get respect from them.

“We must respect not just the two standard sexual role. They are also individuals like us.”

by: Kaye Paraiso, 9-A


s the saying goes “It is not about the destination but what is important is the journey along the way.” A good teacher, a mentor and a second father to all the students whom he embraced with the value of education was now taking another step to the chapter of his life. So let’s all go back to Mr. Diosado M. Antonio Jr.’s chapter 1. Let us know how he started and what made him decide to enjoy life outside the four walls of the classroom. Mr. Antonio Jr. started his education in New Washington Elementary School then his high school years in Aklan National School of Fishery and finally his college in Aklan National College of Fishery were he took the profession were he make most


t is not how long you lived. It is how you lived. Truly, a life cannot be measured by the number of days we had on earth but how we used and enjoyed those days. Few months ago, one of the teachers of Malolos Marine Fishery School and Laboratory kissed heaven and bid Earth goodbye. He is Sir Benjie Teodocia Isturis. He is a fish capture teacher and the husband of Ma’am Juanita Isturis. He served the school for 31 years. Long enough to share his passion, laughter and lessons for a number of students and colleagues.

of his memories. At the age of 28 he started teaching and that profession took him to the school where he spent most of his teaching career, our alma mater, Malolos Marine Fishery School and Laboratory. He said that what he loves about the school is that everybody was joyful including the students and co-workers. He honestly said that he will surely miss the Christmas program. But after 32 years of teaching and now a 60-year old Maestro, he decided to close the book of his teaching career and to start writing another book about the journey he will encounter while enjoying the fruit of his labor. Accordingly, here are some feedbacks of MMFS&L Students: “Isang napakabait na

teacher. Isa sa pinakamagaling magpayo at napakasarap kakwentuhan. Dadalhin ka niya sa panahong kanyang ikinukwento. Kaya kahit hindi ko siya naging teacher, si Sir Antonio, mahal na mahal ko siya.” A statement coming from Ron Joseph M. Manahan of 9-A. In behalf of all the students that you’ve touched with your wisdom, thank you very much Mr. Diosdado M. Antonio Jr. and goodluck to your next journey in life.

by: Kaye Paraiso, 9-A Departure Sir Benjie died last September 16, 2014 due to multiple organ failure. He died at the age of 57. On his funeral, on which most of the teachers of MMFS&L teachers attended, Ma’am Isturis said that before Sir Benjie died, his primary concern is the welfare of his family. He is worried not of himself and what awaits him after death but the ones he will leave behind. Indeed, this shows that he is really a family-oriented man. His family will surely agree to that because all his hardwork

for 31 years is solely dedicated to his beloved family. Most of the teachers said that they will miss his laughter that always bring joy to the crowd. His immediate family, though one of their member passed away, remained strong and stable because of the love and support that is given to them by their loved ones. Sir Benjie will always remain a symbol of happiness and positivity. May it radiates for the ones he left. He marked a legacy in the heart and minds of the people who knows him. And a legacy is one proof that Sir Benjie had a life well spent.


by: Kimberly De Guzman, IV-A and Kaye Paraiso, 9-A

elen Keller, born deaf and blind; Nick Vujivic, born without limbs, are just some of the examples that life really is a box of chocolate in which you don’t know what you will get. In this world, not all of us were born normal. There are people born with illness and disabilities, and they need to be given extra care, undying love and effort. And these are given to MMFS&L’s dear students Kamia Mauripia A. dela Torre and Alex V. Cruz by this two great people, their grandparents, Lola Dolores Cruz and Rosario Arnaldo. Alex V. Cruz is now a Grade 7 student. His mother was only 5 months in conception with himwhen he was born at Balagtas Hospital and after 12 hours he was transferred to Provincial Hospital

because it’s too far from their house. Alex had a twin but only him survived because of early labor. Lola Dolores takes charge of all his needs. From waking him up in the morning, dressing him up, preparing food for him, going with him to the school and making sure that her grandson is always okay. Lola Dolores doesn’t stop caring for Alex at her age, 64. She is a loving and very caring grandmother. Another is Kamia Mauripia A. Dela Torre. She was only Three years old when they found out that she has a mild autism. Kamia’s mother manages a Bakeshop while his father is working at UP as a Book Printer. Her grandmother is Rosario Arnaldo, 63 years old. Like Lola Dolores, Lola Rosario also takes charge of Kamia’s health. She

always prepares a number of food so that Kamia will have choices in case she will have tantrum attack. I admire how Lola Rosario still manages to carry Kamia’s heavy bag and file case despite her age. And despite Kamia’s situation, she never spoiled Kamia. She makes sure that Kamia will still learn her lesson whenever she did something wrong. Every day, Lola Dolores and Lola Rosario manage to stay 9 hours in the school just to ensure their grandchildren’s safety. They are the persons we should salute and give honor to. Their hearts are undoubtedly big. Hats off to their exemplary love and dedication.

by: John Llyod Ramos, 9-A


n the last decade, the number of KPOP groups in Korea has been growing. This clearly indicates that more and more people are embracing and accepting the KPOP culture. This has also led to a dynamic industry where the artists are always trying to outdo each other. This is also being experienced in the surrounding regions. Countries such as Japan, Philippines, Singapore and many others are also listening to this genre of music. I am not a die hard fan of KPOP, but I’m curious who are the Most Popular Korean Kpop Boy Groups now in 2014?, and why many people are ‘head over heels’ about this KPOP bands? I Investigated and researched who are the “Ang

PINAKA” top ten Korean kpop. In the 10th slot, they are the “Beast”. This South Korean band comprised six members. The members are Yoon Doon-joon, Son Dongwoon, Jang Hyun-seung, Yang Yo-seob, Lee Gi-kwong and Yong Jun-hyung. In 2011, they released “Fiction and Fact” which was their first complete album. In the 9th place, we have the “TVXQ(DBSK)”, or in full “Tong Fung Xien Qi” is one of the oldest KPOP boy groups. The group formed by S.M Entertainment comprises of 5 members. They are Max Changmin, U-know Yunho, Micky Yoochun, Hero Jaejoong and Xiah Junsu. In the 8th slot, the “2PM” is also known as “Beastly Idols”. The members are Taecyeon Junho, Jun

K, Wooyoung and Chansung. Their former leader was Jay-Park who left the group at the beginning of 2010. They are known for their electric and acrobatis dance styles that keep their audience on their toes. In the 7th place, “SHINEE”, this group was founded in 2008 and is managed by SM Entertainment. In the 6th slot, we have “Super Junior”, this group is a South Korean group. It was started in 2005. The group started with 12 members but currently has 13. The track that brought publicity to the group was “Sorry,Sorry” which was released in 2009. In the 5th slot, we have “MBLAQ” , simply stands for Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality. This group consists of 4 members, they are

Cheondung, Seungho, Lee Joon, G. O. they are very popular in Korea and in other countries, so we cannot deny that they belong in the list. And now we are on the 4th group, “CNBLUE” formed in 2009 in Seoul, South Korea. I know you are excited on the top 3 KPOP groups!! And in the top 3 goes to, “BigBang,” when talking about this group, one thing comes into the mind: urban style of music along side flashy fashion and style. It is comprised of 5 members. This group won many awards like the “Best Male Group”, “Artist of the year”, “Song of the Year” and many others. The 2nd slot goes to, “Infinite”, Infinite is no doubt one of the most prolific KPOP boy groups in South Korea. The group is made

up of 7 members. The group’s debut album “Come Back Again” which was released in June 2010. And who will be on top?, I think you know who rank 1st ! . “EXO”, EXO is a Chinese South-Korean boy band which was formed in 2012. It is regarded as one of the most successful Korean KPOP boy groups. The group comprised od 12 members who are sub grouped into 2 groups. These are EXO-K and EXO-M. This group made a huge impact in the music industry. Now, I understand why people are very crazy over them, and I think, this is because of the characteristics and personality of the group.

by: Kimberly de Guzman IV-A


dmit it that you do love to take pictures of everything, -- from nature to important event. May it be your fascination about the nature or you just like to take and capture the view of that beautiful site or occasion, -- to your face, may it be a selfie or groupie. And being on a techy generation, people got their own ways on taking and capturing their own pictures, plus, you could add whatever you want or put some effects and twists on your pictures. Here comes Retrica, PhotoGrid, Camera360 and others, which also comes along with the selfie stick – the monopod. Those who love to take selfie might probably got their eyes gleaming and hearts screaming because of these heaven-fallen apps and device. With the aid of these stuffs, every creepy pimples would be hidden and every moment with your friends would be taken, having the whole ‘barkadahan’ complete on the photo. People who are unaware with the ‘selfie thingy’ might be asking, “Why? What can it do with your photos?” Well, here are the

answers. Retrica is a photoassociated app in which you could take many pictures and make many different poses in just one click. It comes with its own effects, including the chic, silver, deep, elegant, etc., which may add twist to your pictures. It has also a watermark (logo) in the bottom-right of the last picture, indicating the Retrica app. You may remove it or choose other logos to use on your photo. It’s the same as the Camera360, but the difference is that you’re just able to put effects after taking pictures, unlike Retrica, you may choose what effect first before you capture your poses. PhotoGrid is different from Retrica and Camera360 in some ways. It is an app in which you could edit your picture, make a grid of your shots, or make it look like a scrapbook. Like any other photo-editing app, you could also add effects or twists on your pictures. All of these apps are only downloadable to android phones. Let’s move on to the

Name :R Birthda ommel Me n y Age: 3 : April 21, 19 doza Quinto 8 2 Messa years old 2 ge: “B aguhin dong niyo m maba un ba. No choice a standard ninyo! ba kay Masiy o? Ha aha.”

Name: Joseph Gavarra Lansangan Birthday: December 8, 1987 Age: 26 years old Message: “Thank you! Mwah mwah! Tsup tsup!”

Name: Joselito Badillo Birthday: January 12, 1985 Age: 21 years old Message: “I love you!”

selfie stick, the monopod. What does monopod have to do with pictures? Well, you don’t have to exclude one of your friends to take your ‘groupie’ and substitute another one to take another shot because with the aid of the powerful monopod, you could be complete in just one shot. All you need to do is to put your phone on the phone-holder, set the timer on your camera (or some monopod might just need the help of Bluetooth) , take the monopod into place, get yourselves ready to take a pose, and voila! An instant groufie for the whole and complete barkada. (But this device is much more suitable in taking a groufie for it is such a great help.) So, what are you waiting for? Get your phones ready, download photo-editing apps, strike a pose, and get yourself a new DP (display photo or profile picture) and cover on Facebook, or even a new home screen wallpaper, screen saver, and lock screen wallpaper too.

Name: Joel Ivan De los Santos Luciano Birthday: September 18, 1998 Age: 16 years old Message: “Thank yo u sa paghanga sa’kin .”

Name: Antonio C. Caña Birthday: December 05, 2000 Age: 14 years old Message: “Salamat sa inyong lah


by: Margie Robles 9-A

The ideal student would be one who was not working for grades but was working because he was interested in the work and not trying to compete with fellow students.” according to Carl David Anderson. In the present times, student should know how to endure in times of circumstances happening in their lives. A leader that can survive and can give full support to themselves, no matter how small it is. As a high school student, they must learn to manage their works and be a responsible one to ensure that they will be successful in the future. It is normal to see student coming to school 15-30 minutes early. It is normal for a student to review on exams and do the assigned tasks. It is normal for a student to use their vacant hours talking to their classmates and friends. If this is normal nowadays, then I can say that the person I know isn’t normal at all. He goes to school 1.5 hours to 2 hours earlier before his class. He uses his vacant hours to work. And he do all this along with the

Name: Je ric Birthday: ho Arañas Manansa Novembe r 28, 1998 la Age: 15 ye ars old Messa

ge: “Salam at sa mga suporta, na magsawa sa paghan sana wag ga sa’kin. kayong Love you. ”

do l W. Raymun Name: Wende 19, 2000 ary Birthday: Janu .” Age:14 al ko rin kayo ahal na Mah Message: “M

things he needs to accomplish as a student. The one I am talking about is Bernard Cesar Soriano of 4-A. Bernard Cesar Soriano, a 4-A student, trusts himself that sooner or later he will be as great as his teachers. At the age of 19, he commenced to be an assistant student in MMFS&L. Every school days, he used his vacant time to help in the canteen and after school hours he clean the office. He also work in school every weekend and holidays to help the other worker for keeping the cleanliness and neatness of the school. The amount of money he’ll had, will go to his own needs and the remaining he will give to his parents. He became a sleepless man because he need to finish his school requirements. “I must just learn how to endure, accept the fact that they are luckier than me. Just be proud of yourself and keep on thinking positively.” Bernard quoted. Definitely, he can be our model student. Someone who can be categorized as an ideal Mariner. Kudos!

os Llyod P. Ram Name: John 00 20 , 30 il pr A Birthday: s old Age: 14 year inyo.” hank you sa “T : ge Messa

Name: Mark Niño Castro Birthday: December 25, 1997 Age: 16 years old Message: “Thank you and I love you for the rest of my life.”

Lifted from: The sun was salmon and hazy in the west. Dodong thought to himself he would tell his father about Teang when he got home, after he had unhitched the carabao from the plow, and let it to its shed and fed it. He was hesitant about saying it, but he wanted his father to know. What he had to say was of serious import as it would mark a climacteric in his life. Dodong finally decided to tell it, at a thought came to him his father might refuse to consider it. His father was silent hard-working farmer who chewed areca nut, which he had learned to do from his mother, Dodong’s grandmother. I will tell it to him. I will tell it to him. The ground was broken up into many fresh wounds and fragrant with a sweetish earthy smell. Many slender soft worms emerged from the furrows and then burrowed again deeper into the soil. A short colorless worm marched blindly to Dodong’s foot and crawled calmly over it. Dodong go tickled and jerked his foot, flinging the worm into the air. Dodong did not bother to look where it fell, but thought of his age, seventeen, and he said to himself he was not young any more. Dodong unhitched the carabao leisurely and gave it a healthy tap on the hip. The beast turned its head to look at him with dumb faithful eyes. Dodong gave it a slight push and the animal walked alongside him to its shed. He placed bundles of grass before it land the carabao began to eat. Dodong looked at it without interests. Dodong started homeward, thinking how he would break his news to his father. He wanted to marry, Dodong did. He was seventeen, he had pimples on his face, the down on his upper lip already was dark–these meant he was no longer a boy. He was growing into a man–he was a man. Dodong felt insolent and big at the thought of it although he was by nature low in statue. Thinking himself a man grown, Dodong felt he could do anything. He walked faster, prodded by the thought of his virility. A small angled stone bled his foot, but he dismissed it cursorily. He lifted his leg and looked at the hurt toe and then went on walking. In the cool sundown he thought wild you dreams of himself and Teang. Teang, his girl. She had a small brown face and small black eyes and straight glossy hair. How desirable she was to him. She made him dream even during the day. Dodong tensed with desire and looked at the muscles of his arms. Dirty. This field work was healthy, invigorating but it begrimed you, smudged you terribly. He turned back the way he had come, then he marched obliquely to a creek. Dodong stripped himself and laid his clothes, a gray undershirt and red kundiman shorts, on the grass. The he went into the water, wet his body over, and rubbed at it vigorously. He was not long in bathing, then he marched homeward again. The bath made him feel cool. It was dusk when he reached home. The petroleum lamp on the ceiling already was lighted and the low unvarnished square table was set for supper. His parents and he sat down on the floor around the table to eat. They had fried fresh-water fish, rice, bananas, and caked sugar. Dodong ate fish and rice, but did not partake of the fruit. The bananas were overripe and when one held them they felt more fluid than solid. Dodong broke off a piece of the cakes sugar, dipped it in his glass of water and ate it. He got another piece and wanted some more, but he thought of leaving the remainder for his parents. Dodong’s mother removed the dishes when they were through and went out to the batalan to wash them. She walked with slow careful steps and Dodong wanted to help her carry the dishes out, but he was tired and now felt lazy. He wished as he looked at her that he had a sister who could help his mother in the housework. He pitied her, doing all the housework alone. His father remained in the room, sucking a diseased tooth. It was paining him again, Dodong knew. Dodong had told him often and again to let the town dentist pull it out, but he was afraid, his father was. He did not tell that to Dodong, but Dodong guessed it. Afterward Dodong himself thought that if he had a decayed tooth he would be afraid to go to the dentist; he would not be any bolder than his father. Dodong said while his mother was out that he was going to marry Teang. There it was out, what he had to say, and over which he had done so much thinking. He had said it without any effort at all and without selfconsciousness. Dodong felt relieved and looked at his father expectantly. A decrescent moon outside shed its feeble light into the window, graying the still black temples of his father. His father looked old now. “I am going to marry Teang,” Dodong said. His father looked at him silently and stopped sucking the broken tooth. The silence became intense and cruel, and Dodong wished his father would suck that troublous tooth again. Dodong was uncomfortable and then became

angry because his father kept looking at him without uttering anything. “I will marry Teang,” Dodong repeated. “I will marry Teang.” His father kept gazing at him in inflexible silence and Dodong fidgeted on his seat. “I asked her last night to marry me and she said…yes. I want your permission. I… want… it….” There was impatient clamor in his voice, an exacting protest at this coldness, this indifference. Dodong looked at his father sourly. He cracked his knuckles one by one, and the little sounds it made broke dully the night stillness. “Must you marry, Dodong?” Dodong resented his father’s questions; his father himself had married. Dodong made a quick impassioned easy in his mind about selfishness, but later he got confused. “You are very young, Dodong.” “I’m… seventeen.” “That’s very young to get married at.” “I… I want to marry…Teang’s a good girl.” “Tell your mother,” his father said. “You tell her, tatay.” “Dodong, you tell your inay.” “You tell her.” “All right, Dodong.” “You will let me marry Teang?” “Son, if that is your wish… of course…” There was a strange helpless light in his father’s eyes. Dodong did not read it, so absorbed was he in himself. Dodong was immensely glad he had asserted himself. He lost his resentment for his father. For a while he even felt sorry for him about the diseased tooth. Then he confined his mind to dreaming of Teang and himself. Sweet young dream… Dodong stood in the sweltering noon heat, sweating profusely, so that his camiseta was damp. He was still as a tree and his thoughts were confused. His mother had told him not to leave the house, but he had left. He had wanted to get out of it without clear reason at all. He was afraid, he felt. Afraid of the house. It had seemed to cage him, to compares his thoughts with severe tyranny. Afraid also of Teang. Teang was giving birth in the house; she gave screams that chilled his blood. He did not want her to scream like that, he seemed to be rebuking him. He began to wonder madly if the process of childbirth was really painful. Some women, when they gave birth, did not cry. In a few moments he would be a father. “Father, father,” he whispered the word with awe, with strangeness. He was young, he realized now, contradicting himself of nine months comfortable… “Your son,” people would soon be telling him. “Your son, Dodong.” Dodong felt tired standing. He sat down on a saw-horse with his feet close together. He looked at his callused toes. Suppose he had ten children… What made him think that? What was the matter with him? God! He heard his mother’s voice from the house: “Come up, Dodong. It is over.” Suddenly he felt terribly embarrassed as he looked at her. Somehow he was ashamed to his mother of his youthful paternity. It made him feel guilty, as if he had taken something no properly his. He dropped his eyes and pretended to dust dirt off his kundiman shorts. “Dodong,” his mother called again. “Dodong.” He turned to look again and this time saw his father beside his mother. “It is a boy,” his father said. He beckoned Dodong to come up. Dodong felt more embarrassed and did not move. What a moment for him. His parents’ eyes seemed to pierce him through and he felt limp. He wanted to hide from them, to run away. “Dodong, you come up. You come up,” he mother said. Dodong did not want to come up and stayed in the sun. “Dodong. Dodong.” “I’ll… come up.” Dodong traced tremulous steps on the dry parched yard. He ascended the bamboo steps slowly. His heart pounded mercilessly in him. Within, he avoided his parents eyes. He walked ahead of them so that they should not see his face. He felt guilty and untrue. He felt like crying. His eyes smarted and his chest wanted to burst. He wanted to turn back, to go back to the yard. He wanted somebody to punish him. His father thrust his hand in his and gripped it gently. “Son,” his father said. And his mother: “Dodong…” How kind were their voices. They flowed into him, making him strong. “Teang?” Dodong said. “She’s sleeping. But you go on…” His father led him into the small sawali room. Dodong saw Teang, his girl-wife, asleep on the papag with her black hair soft around her face. He did not want her to look that pale. Dodong wanted to touch her, to

WE ARE THE YOUTH by: Margie Robles

We, the youth, ask ourselves “Who am I to be brilliant, talented and fabulous?” We are the youth, the world of the individual person Who seek equal justice, opportunity, dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning everywhere That shall look in vain for progress of world in the larger We are the youth, who are all meant to shine as children do And will be encouraged and listened to. Our playing small also serve the world By means of act and demanding of word And there is nothing enlightened about shrinking So that other people won’t feel insecure. Someone has knocked the creativity of us That we have learned and shared in class Yet the fact is that other is not running itself nicely Because the rest of us need all the brain and energy. We are youth who have a state of mind That’s full of hopes and caring everytime Our success is around the corner And it’s coming now, not later. Victory is always heading our way No matter what other people may say Cause we were youth, we get things done We work side by side, all were one.

push away that stray wisp of hair that touched her lips, but again that feeling of embarrassment came over him and before his parents he did not want to be demonstrative. The hilot was wrapping the child, Dodong heard it cry. The thin voice pierced him queerly. He could not control the swelling of happiness in him. “You give him to me. You give him to me,” Dodong said. Blas was not Dodong’s only child. Many more children came. For six successive years a new child came along. Dodong did not want any more children, but they came. It seemed the coming of children could not be helped. Dodong got angry with himself sometimes. Teang did not complain, but the bearing of children told on her. She was shapeless and thin now, even if she was young. There was interminable work to be done. Cooking. Laundering. The house. The children. She cried sometimes, wishing she had not married. She did not tell Dodong this, not wishing him to dislike her. Yet she wished she had not married. Not even Dodong, whom she loved. There has been another suitor, Lucio, older than Dodong by nine years, and that was why she had chosen Dodong. Young Dodong. Seventeen. Lucio had married another after her marriage to Dodong, but he was childless until now. She wondered if she had married Lucio, would she have borne him children. Maybe

not, either. That was a better lot. But she loved Dodong… Dodong whom life had made ugly. One night, as he lay beside his wife, he rose and went out of the house. He stood in the moonlight, tired and querulous. He wanted to ask questions and somebody to answer him. He w anted to be wise about many things. One of them was why life did not fulfill all of Youth’s dreams. Why it must be so. Why one was forsaken… after Love. Dodong would not find the answer. Maybe the question was not to be answered. It must be so to make youth Youth. Youth must be dreamfully sweet. Dreamfully sweet. Dodong returned to the house humiliated by himself. He had wanted to know a little wisdom but was denied it. When Blas was eighteen he came home one night very flustered and happy. It was late at night and Teang and the other children were asleep. Dodong heard Blas’s steps, for he could not sleep well of nights. He watched Blas undress in the dark and lie down softly. Blas was restless on his mat and could not sleep. Dodong called him name and asked why he did not sleep. Blas said he could not sleep. “You better go to sleep. It is late,” Dodong said. Blas raised himself on his elbow and muttered something in a low fluttering voice. Dodong did not answer and tried to sleep. “Itay …,” Blas called softly.

Dodong stirred and asked him what it was. “I am going to marry Tona. She accepted me tonight.” Dodong lay on the red pillow without moving. “Itay, you think it over.” Dodong lay silent. “I love Tona and… I want her.” Dodong rose from his mat and told Blas to follow him. They descended to the yard, where everything was still and quiet. The moonlight was cold and white. “You want to marry Tona,” Dodong said. He did not want Blas to marry yet. Blas was very young. The life that would follow marriage would be hard… “Yes.” “Must you marry?” Blas’s voice stilled with resentment. “I will marry Tona.” Dodong kept silent, hurt. “You have objections, Itay?” Blas asked acridly. “Son… n-none…” (But truly, God, I don’t want Blas to marry yet… not yet. I don’t want Blas to marry yet….) But he was helpless. He could not do anything. Youth must triumph… now. Love must triumph… now. Afterwards… it will be life. As long ago Youth and Love did triumph for Dodong… and then Life. Dodong looked wistfully at his young son in the moonlight. He felt extremely sad and sorry for him.








THE WINGS OF AN EAGLE Jaworski, Hizon, Ildefonso, Alapag, Caguiao, Yap and the list will go on and on. It is impossible for the Filipinos not to know any player in the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA). Filipinos are really avid fans of Basketball since then. In fact, most of the barangays nowadays have their own basketball courts. That is the reason why you cannot deny the fact that Filipinos were born with a spinning ball on their right hand and a trophy on the left. Basketball has been part of the Pinoys’ daily routine. The association itself will not last for so many years if Filipinos are not patronizing each game. Filipinos usually rejoice over Pacquiao being the 8-time world boxing champion. But they rejoiced only once when the team made it to FIBA world and that

Illustration by: John Derick Paraiso, 9-A

is way back Jaworski’s time This might be the reason why Filipinos cried in joy when the Gilas Pilipinas headed by Coach Chot Reyes got a chance to go to FIBA world cup 2014 after so many years. The team won over South Korea who has always been a pain in the neck to us. The Gilas team flew to Spain and started doing practice games. The practice games were not as successful as Filipinos expected as well as the first games the Gilas team had in the Cup. With full confidence despite the consecutive losses, the Gilas finally won a game over Senegal. Although they did not get it to the finals, their victory over Senegal landed the team to rank 19 which is far better than its previous rank, 32nd. “Never give up!” has been the song the Gilas team kept

Mariners reap Places in City Meet 2014 7 QUALIFIED TO CLRAA

By: Nathanael Balite and Ron Joseph Manahan, 9-A Mariners reaped places in City Meet 2014 last September 8October 31 held at Malolos Sport Convention Center. Seven of them are qualified to proceed to CLRAA 2014 such as Ramil Quinto IV-B (Sepak Takraw) Jomarie H. Sacdalan 9-A and Raven B. Rodriguez IV-B (Athletics), Mark Anthony Cuevas IV-D and Joel Ivan Luciano IV-A (Volleyball Boys), and Mark Louie Centeno and Mark Jesus Segovia (Football) on December 7-12 to be held at Iba, Zambales. The following are the winners last City Meet such as: singing during every game. Their losses never became hindrances instead stepping stones to lift their heads higher. Just like the eagle who keeps its wings spread despite the changes in altitude and heights, Gilas will remain, as ever, proud. “Our attitude determines our altitude.”

Aaron Paulo Palisa, Angelo Joson, Don Marcelo, John Leslie Flores (3rd in 4x100 freestyle) with their coach Mrs. Rachell R. Camua, Ramil Quinto, Joshua Narciso, Daryll Fullente, Ferdinand Turo, Racel Alejo, Rhoberth Espinas, Jayson Cuadro, Barry Lim, Angelo Moran, Danilo Enriques, Jamiel Also, Clarence Espiritu, Dominic Atienza (3rd place in Sepak Takraw) with their coach Mr. Rommel Quinto, Mark Anthony Cuevas, Joven Caliwara, Joel Ivan Luciano, John Michael Candelaria, Ayen Clavio, Rondel Paraiso, Jerico Manansala, Ryan Roque Tina, Gerald Taguibao, Kenneth Reyes, Mark Aries Alde, Mark Anthony Paraiso,and Jamiel Magpayo (2nd place in Volleyball Boys) with their

coach Mr. Ronaldo S. Manahan. In Athletics, the winners were: Raven B. Rodriguez (1st place in 100m dash and 3rd place in Triple Jump), Jomarie H. Sacdalan (1st place Javelin throw and shot put) and Ervene Glenn SD. Dizon (3rd place in shot put) with their coach Mr. Arman Illescas. Other participants were: Odeth Manlangit, Trixie Mae Paraiso, Kyla Pangilinan, Shane Ablaza, Jennifer Caballero, Michile Lunas, Allysa Angeles, Marielle Caparas, Angelica Aniag, Leila Valerio, Angel Moran and Princess Hanna Dela Cruz (Volleyball Girls) with Mrs. Nerissa Baustista as coach, Judy Ann Alimario, Manuel Espiritu, Coby Bryan Coronel and Raymond Japallida (Swimming)with Mrs. Camua as coach.

Green Team strikes Over Three By: Nathanael Balite, 9-A

A colorful and full of excitement intramurals 2014 was held last August 8-9. Reigning as the overall champion, the Green team who strikes over the three teams: yellow, red and blue. The two day celebration started at Sta. Isabel Church with a colorful parade headed by the muses and escorts who represents their team. From Sta. Isabel Church to the school quadrangle, the students showed an energetic cheers and support to their teams. During the opening ceremony, Mr. Remar T. Dela CruzHead Teacher III, formally opened the tournament by reminding everyone about the importance of sportsmanship. During the celebration, team captains secured the safety of each participants in different events: Mr. Nicodemus for blue

team, Mrs. Villanueva for red team, Mrs. Ramos for yellow team and Mrs. Macalansag for green team. In that two-day event, mariners experienced excitement as well as the teachers and advisers who acted as coaches. At the end, green team was hailed as the overall champion with 490 points, followed by red team 470 points, yellow team 390 points and blue 350 points. Joyce Ann Cundangan, IV-B (Red Team) as the Ms. Intramurals 2014 was recognized as well as the winners and participants of different events: volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis, sepak takraw, chess and selected Athletic events.

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