IAMS Brief

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Media Strategy is also creative

By Diane Delaveau, Helena Cruz, Irene Lera, Josh Hanson, María Luisa Garcés de los Fayos and Sara Casalegua.

Objective As a marketing firm working with IAMS our objective is to design an advertising campaign revolving around the idea that pets are considered part of the family, and as such they should be getting the same sufficient nutrition as their owners. To do this we have designed a campaign with advertisements on multiple types of media, with emphasis on traditional forms. We have broken our overall campaign down into Print and AudioVisual campaigns. The print campaign utilizes billboards on both a national level and a regional level, as well as utilizing magazines. The audiovisual campaign uses television, and radio to reach out to our target consumers. Our campaign will run from March the 12th-March the 19th. We have come up with a slogan that will be used in a majority of the campaigns to help promote the idea that pets are a part of the family. The slogan is: “Your dog is a member of your family, so why not feed them like one?”. This slogan will be incorporated in a majority of the ads in our campaign to reinforce the idea of pets being part of the owner's’ family. Through this association we are attempting to create, we believe by the end of this campaign that sales for Iams dog food will increase substantially.


Printed campaign 1. Our Campaign A. National Campaign

B. Regional Campaign


2. Billboards Billboard advertisement is one of the best way to advertise our product to the spanish households, and to raise their awareness regarding our brand. Billboard advertisement are one of the medium that are the most recall by the main spanish audience, and therefore our specific targeted audience. ​With more than 30.000 billboards throughout the country and with a size of 24 sqm each, billboards are a priority in Spain.

Where ? ●

On the west coast of Spain, on the way to a popular destination and on the way to the south of spain towards Gibraltar, or Malaga : People taking the car are more likely to pay attention to surroundings of the street and won’t be able to miss our advertisement. Regarding the location, we decided to target mainly this area as this is where most of the dog owners are living. Sport matches for teams in the South and West : for the same reasons as the first point, sport fans are also more likely to be pet owners. By advertising in a leisure place and not work places, we are targeting a relaxed audience that is more willing to receive messages from advertising. Advertisements inside the site or by it surroundings might also increase the chance for us to be seen by a massive amount of person at the same time, more than usual. Places where dog owners tends to walk their dog more : We want to place our campaign in places where our potential consumers are more likely to walk by. That’s why parks, green areas, beaches in cities but also nearby a veterinary office or pet shops. We want them to see our advertisement when they are with their pet : they will be more likely to be fully involved in our message and more aware of our product. Dog shows : Throughout our selected week, there is two dog shows that are taking place in Spain. The first one is in Gerona (19-20 march) and organised by the ‘​ASSOCIACIÓ CANINA UNIÓ CINÓFILA DE CATALUNYA​’. The other one is in Montijo on the 19th of March. As this events are specifically targeting our audience, we have to be sure to be seen, and have an important covering (as the event might also attract our competitors)

What ? Two campaigns, one national and the other targeting specific events means there is a need to advertise in a different way. On a national scale, we need to advertise our global range and our brand. As the second seller of dog food worldwide, dog owners might already know our name and therefore will recognise our brand through the advertisement and make a mental link between family, nutrition and IAMS. On the other hand, on a more specific and targeted scale, the focus will go on our special offer and prize competition. The aim of this campaign is to interact with the audience and give them a chance to know what IAMS has to offer to them. Giving them the opportunity to try the product by a discount means that there is higher chance a client is trying our product and appreciate it, because of the interesting 3

offer. Winning a trip can also be a way to our audience to spend time on our website and register the name of our brand and our values in their head. If they know us and the quality of our product, they are more likely to buy our dog food ranges on their next shopping trip.

How much ? If we want to target mainly the South and West coast of Spain, but also focus on the two major cities of the country, Madrid and Barcelona, we have to achieve a national circuit and rent to a company a certain amount of billboards throughout the week. Moreover, as we also want to target more specific events to reach more precisely our audience, we also need to create a targeted circuit to enhance our campaign. There will be already billboards in this areas but as our targeted audience is more likely to be concentrated in this sites, we have to adapt our advertisement campaign consequently. Here is a table to recap the costs of our billboard campaign, for both different circuits. N° of billboard

Cities/Region targeted


National circuit


28 regions of Spain

243200 euros

Targeted circuit


Gerona, Montijo, football stadium (Madrid, Málaga, Valencia, Sevilla)

21 000 euros


264200 euros (numbers according to Zintx Media Agency, numbers might be approximate)

3. Magazines Our magazine ad campaign will be spread around many types of publications to reach as many different audiences as possible. Unfortunately, there are not many magazines about nature and animals in the current market, as the most important ones have either stopped being published or switched to online editions. The only relevant one today is probably National Geographic but its readers were not the right target for our campaign, since most of them were men and only 36% of them were housewives. Those facts in addition to the high cost of the ads were decisive to not chose to advertise in it. ●

Saber Vivir: a magazine that promotes healthy habits. It is the best selling monthly magazine in the country and it embraces the benefits of the product, so it was a perfect match. The profile of the readers is 79 % women, 50 % between the ages of 25 and 54 and 66% housewives. The cost of a general interior page will be 12.350 euros. Mia: a magazine for real women around their thirties looking for inspiration, orientation, information and entertainment. This can include housewives and single 4

women, very different from each other, but both can be dog owners who want the best for their dogs but at a reasonable price. That is the reason why the chosen ad here is “Double your deal!”. Since it is a weekly magazine, only one ad will be printed: half of a vertical page. The cost of this ad will be 9.500 euros. It would be logical to think that the ad should be put in one of the complementary magazines like Mia Vital or Mia Cooking, but the price was the same and more people real the generic one than the others. Muy Interesante: a very multicultural magazine full of fun facts, many of them about animals. It is a publication for the whole family, so it aims at a wide variety of people. “Your dog is a member of your family. Why not feed him like one?” was the one that suited the best the type of magazine. The location of the ad will be half of a vertical page, which in this case is 14.000 euros. However it is a monthly publication, so the impact will be bigger.

The ​final budget​ for magazine ads will be 35.850 euros.

Audiovisual campaign 1. Radio advertisement The radio ads will be in two main spanish radio stations: “OndaCero” and “SER”. The idea of chose this stations cames because the first one have one of the most popular pet programmes of the radio, and the second one due to we would like to spread our advertisement in a main radio station. As in the ads of the other channels this one will share the same slogan: “Your dog is a member of your family, why not feed him like one”. In the ad will appear the voice of a young woman who is telling the experience of have “her first baby”, how you take the decision, the nerves, the preparations and the important things he will need, as the food. In that moment is when the listener will discover that she is not talking about a baby if not a dog and then will appear the slogan. Moreover after that she will explain that in IAMS we don’t want that the growth of your family prevent you to travel and that’s why we are raffling a trip to Orlando, Florida. The total length of the advertisement will be 20 seconds. ●

OndaCero: The advertisement will appear at 16:00 because just at this time finish a programme about pets called “Como el perro y el gato”. That’s the perfect moment to achieve and be listened by the targeted audience. It will appear on the 12th, 13th and 19th of March. We chose those days because are the days when the programme 5

take place. It will be a national campaign, and the price for each day at this time is 1.260 €, so for the 3 days the total cost of the radio advertisement would be 3.780 €. Source: ​http://www.oblicua.es/tarifas_publicidad/Publicidad_Radio_Onda_Cero.pdf

SER: in this radio station the programme chose is “Carrusel Deportivo” because is the prime one, so a lot of people could hear the advertisement. It is about sports, but it is listened by many families which are in our targeted audience. Carrusel Deportivo is issued Saturday and Sunday from 16 to 23, hours in those our advertisement will appear. The price for one day at this time is 7.810€, and we will hire 3 days, the 12, 13 and 19 of March so we will need 23.430€ to make our ad sound in all Spain. Source: ​http://www.oblicua.es/tarifas_publicidad/Publicidad_Radio_Cadena_Ser.pdf

To sum up, the ​global budget ​that will be necessary for our radio campaign is 27.210 €.

2. First Television Campaign : Face Swap application Examples of images shown in advertisement

“FaceSwapping” has become incredibly popular, with many SnapChat users performing the FaceSwap with family members. As with the rest of our campaigns, we would like to promote the fact that we recognize that pets are family members and should be treated as such. Thus having consumers take a FaceSwap picture with their dog and send it to Iams helps create association that Iams is the pet food brand that recognizes that pets are apart of the family. The advertisement will feature multiples images of people FaceSwapping with their dogs. After the images have been shown the Narrator will explain the promotion asking our audience to participate and send us their own FaceSwap of them and their pet for a chance to win 2 bags of Iams dog food, with the funniest FaceSwap winning.The idea is to get consumers talking about Iams and associating the brand with the fact that it recognizes the 6

relationship owners have with their pet. Creating this association should result in increased sales as this paints a positive image for Iams in the minds of consumers. We have chosen to capitalize on the growing popularity of the mobile app Snapchat’s FaceSwap feature in this campaign in order to engage and interact with the audience. The advertisement will be aired on Cuatro on Sunday March 13th, Tuesday March 15th, and Thursday March 17th at 21:00 coinciding with the halftime break of football matches. The idea behind this is that our audience is typically healthy and active, and interested in watching sports, which is why we felt this would be an ideal opportunity to appeal to our target consumers. The reason we have chosen the dates, is due to the TV schedule for football games, as the matches take place at 20:25 on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Furthermore because Iams would like to focus on the Southern and Western parts of Spain, we have chosen to air these ads during football matches involving teams in these regions (Malaga, Granada, Sevilla, Vigo, Coruna). The ad will be 30 seconds long and will be aired on Cuatro TV during halftime of the matches. Due to the ad being shown during “primetime” the cost is on the expensive side at 19.500€ for 30 seconds on Sunday, and 17.500€ for 30 seconds on Tuesday and Thursday. However we feel that this is well worth the money due to the fact that this will be seen by a large portion of our target audience. Total Cost of FaceSwap TV Ad:​ 54.500€

3. Second Television Advertisement : Dogs are family This TV advertisement shows a family composed by a mother and a father (around 45 years old both) with two children, a 16-year-old girl and a child of 6. This medium class family also has a dog, an adult Saint Bernard. The first scene of the ad will be located in the garden of this family. The four members of the family will be eating all together as a united family in the table of the garden. The first scene will end on the little child, and we will see how he smiles looking at the floor. What the child is looking at is the dog, who is eating next to the family as one member more. The next scene will be playing in the swimming pool all together while it appears in the scene the logo of our brand (IAMS). It is also important to show what the family is eating: healthy food. This will make our audience believe that we are talking about a family that cares about the health of its members, and that is why they give the best for all of them. As the dog is another member of this family, it food will also be good for it health. We want to transmit a clear message: as we love our dogs as if they were one member more of our family, we have to give the best to them; and the best is our product. The length of the add is of 20”. As said before, our target audience is people around 18 and 54 years, and mainly those families with dogs. That is the reason why in the advertisement the characters ages are between these ones and we are talking specifically about a family with a dog. 7

We intend to cover different channels at the same time. The variety of channels selected and the different schedules are established in order to reach our target audience. The channels and programs selected are: Antena 3: -


​El hormiguero from Monday to Thursday at 9.45 pm to 10.45 pm (2 advertisements

each day). The sum of the four days would be around 78.000€. -


the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) in the first prime time (3 pm to 5 pm). The

frequency of the add on the screen would be around 2 ads per day. The cost of these would be 9.600€. Neox: -


​Modern Family ​on Sunday nights from 9.45 pm to 2 am (4 advertisements). Price of

16.000€. Total cost for this TV advertisement:​ 103.600€ Source : http://www.zintx.com/television-in-spain-prices/

Budget Type of Ad

Duration of Ad

Cost Per Day/30”/Page

Total Cost of Ad


1 Week

37.742€ per day


TV (Face Swap)

3 days

19.500€ Sunday, 17.500€ Tuesday and Thursday


TV (Dogs are Family)

1 week

78.000€ Monday to Thursday 9.600€ weekends 16.000€ Sundays



3 days

1.260€ +7.810€ per day



1 week

12.350€, 9.500€ and 14.000​€


Total for entire Campaign:



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