Communication handbook

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COMMUNICATION HANDBOOK McDonald’s Ancenis-Saint Géréon

Diane Delaveau For Virginie Aspe and her direction team

Welcome on this manual to help you challenge your communication strategies. You will find here all the information you need to better understand your company









Diane Delaveau For Virginie Aspe and her direction team

McDonald’s Ancenis-Saint Géréon


INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1 WHO AM I? ............................................................................................................................... 1 WHY DO YOU NEED A COMMUNICATION STRATEGY? ....................................................................... 2 WHAT IS THIS DOCUMENT ABOUT? ................................................................................................. 7 RESEARCH HANDBOOK ......................................................................................................... 7 THE IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH IN COMMUNICATION PLANNING ...................................................... 7 RESEARCH ROLE AND SCOPES ....................................................................................................... 8 EVALUATION OF YOUR CURRENT COMMUNICATION PLAN ............................................................... 10 RESEARCH HANDBOOK .............................................................................................................. 16 RESEARCH ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................. 40 INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE COMMUNICATION ANALYSIS ............................................................. 42 GUIDELINE FOR COMMUNICATION STRATEGY ................................................................... 42 STRATEGIC GUIDELINE ................................................................................................................ 42 PROPOSAL 1: MCDO FID FIDELITY CARD ...................................................................................... 44 PROPOSAL 2: MUSIC EVENTS TO ATTRACT CROWD AND PROMOTE LOCAL COMMUNITY ...................... 50 PROPOSAL 3: A STRONGER SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE .................................................................... 54 PROPOSAL 4: INTERNAL COMMUNICATION ................................................................................... 59 BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 63



Diane Delaveau

Third Year Media and Communication Student, specialized in Public relations and Events management. I worked at McDonald’s Ancenis for about three summers over the last years as a staff member. I am also a resident of this area, which makes me an expert of the surrounding, the local audience and the diverse communication outlets available in the environment. I am aware of the local lifestyle and I am involved within local social circles, which already gives me a great inside of the local audience and how to communicate effectively to them. Passionate about successful company, I feel close to the values and ethics promoted by McDonald’s Corporation over the last few years. Linking this strategic report to the current national marketing strategy is highly valuable for my studies but also for my personal growth as a future professional. McDonald’s is a company that can adapt to situations of crisis and can challenge the market by offering innovative communication and appealing products.


UNDERSTAND THE CORPORATE COMMUNICATION Corporate communication is such a vast and natural concept that one sometimes forgets its importance. While all entrepreneurs are aware of the importance of good communication, some forget that the latter requires real preparation. Indeed, just as one cannot improvise a business plan or an advertising campaign, it is impossible to communicate properly without a good communication strategy. Above all, the concept of communication strategy should be defined. The communication strategy is simply the way in which a company prepares and coordinates its communication. It is necessary to determine beforehand what are its axes of communication, both with its customers, its partners and employees. Contrary to popular belief, corporate communication is not limited to a prospectus or advertising. Just like a real person, a business has a personality and a way of communicating. It is the communication strategy that will help an entrepreneur to focus his messages. By faithfully following his communication plan, the entrepreneur will succeed in giving a true personality to his company, which can only be positive for his notoriety and reputation.

TO WHO DO YOU COMMUNICATE? An effective communication plan must necessarily be as comprehensive as possible. The communication strategy will thus encompass the various communication targets. In business, professional communication is not unidirectional, that is, it is not only between the company and the customer. On the contrary, the communicator must think of all the targets to be reached by corporate communication.


THE CUSTOMER Certainly, all entrepreneurs think of the customer for brand communication. Indeed, advertisements and information intended for the customer are those that allow a company to increase its turnover and make itself known. Part of the communication strategy will therefore focus on the company's target and how to present the products and services to the company. In addition to advertising communication, an entrepreneur must also consider institutional communication, and think about how he wants to present the company to his clients.

THE PARTNER Because another part of the company communication will concern the partners. More involved than customers without belonging to the company, partners must also be informed and receive a coherent image of the company. Knowing how to interact properly with its partners will also allow development opportunities.

EMPLOYEES Finally, while the two previous targets represent external communication, an entrepreneur must never neglect internal communication, just as important for the proper functioning of his company. This time it is time to think about how employees look at the company, but also how they communicate with each other. Knowing how to circulate information between different services and being able to broadcast a uniform message regardless of the interlocutor is part of the communication strategy. Understanding the complexity of corporate communication helps to better prepare its communication strategy. Never forget the different communication targets when designing a communication plan. The main challenge is to be able to deliver a uniform message and to circulate information both internally and externally. Having a thoughtful communication


strategy will enable all employees to be effectively trained to become ambassadors of the company.


Local businesses


Local authorities

Communication Sponsoring...


Director and vice-director



WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE THROUGH THIS COMMUNICATION? Now that we have studied in more detail corporate communication and the importance of its targets, it is worth noting the interests of an effective communication strategy. If you are still skeptical about the usefulness of a communication plan, this should interest you. While the benefits of corporate communication are numerous, we can focus on the three main ones.

1. CREATING THE BUYING DESIRE The primary goal of business communication and marketing is obviously to increase sales. Controlled external communication will make it possible to highlight the products and services of the company with the right target. Mastering its communication strategy means offering the right image to the right target, and thus generating sales.

2. ESTABLISHING A CORPORATE CULTURE Less obvious for a beginner communicator, the communication plan will help define the image of the company and create a personality. Thinking about how to present the company, both internally and externally, will make it possible to convey the company's values, its symbols and its history. If this seems to be incidental, it is not! The corporate culture will indeed allow the client, partners and employees to take ownership of the latter, and to feel closer. Through your communication strategy, you will strengthen your brand image and differentiate yourself from the competition.

3. OPTIMIZING RELATIONSHIPS Finally, your communication plan will allow you to optimize all your business relationships. Taking control of its communication makes it possible to not miss any opportunity, and to be closer to its customers and its partners. Internally, communication helps build team 5

spirit and support for the company. Outside, communication will strengthen relations with partners and be more often in contact with customers.

Corporate Culture




WHAT IS THIS DOCUMENT ABOUT? This document is to be used as a guideline for your current communication project, but also as a toolbox to implement future ideas to create a better link with your audience and enhance your business reputation within the local area. All the components work here together, but you can always use only some information, depending on your needs.


THE IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH IN COMMUNICATION PLANNING Doing research about your own company, your audience but also your competitors can be a great start to define and understand the needs of your public and develop more efficient and more powerful communication. By gathering relevant information in a systematic and efficient way, we can control and monitor essential information to enhance your internal and external communication. And therefore, targeting the good audience, at the right moment and at the best place.

USING THE RESEARCH FOR YOUR PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS The aim of this report is to be able to understand and offer solutions to resolves your need and highlight the best channels and methods for your public communication. Throughout this extensive project, it would enhance the sector of Public Relations and Event management. By undertaking an extensive research on the stakeholders affected and affecting your business, but also by analyzing your own company, we are set to have a detailed understanding of your market. Knowing the consumption patterns and the demographics of your audience will help delivering the right message, to the right audience with the best medium. More than being cost-effective, a well-researched communication plan can show greater results. 7

Moreover, research can also help you forecast trend and monitor competitors. By having an extensive knowledge of your competitors offer, a strategy can be implemented, but can also secure your actual communication plan.

RESEARCH ROLE AND SCOPES Through research your company, it is firstly important to understand what are your needs or issues that you would like to challenge with your communication. Whether you want to expand your market or just use efficiently your communication budget, it is therefore important to research specifically what you are looking to change. Although this handbook aims to answer your actual issues, it can be re-use in the future and be the great basis of a successful communication campaign.

WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? With a franchise of five restaurants, across Angers and Ancenis, you are currently one of the main actors in the fast food market in the region. McDonald’s is an already well-known brand in the French market. Recently, on the 24th of November 2016, you opened a new restaurant “Les Portes d’Angers” on a motorway service area, which seemed to challenge your other restaurants, due to their geographic proximity. Moreover, your main challenge is the opening of competitor next to one of your restaurant in Ancenis: Burger King, which is targeting the same local audience and therefore is a threat. Therefore, the aim for your communication is to keep your loyal customers satisfy to reduce the risks to give them to your competitors. By researching your market and understanding these new challenges, we can produce a campaign that better target your audience and can limit the impact of your current issues. It is however important to incorporate this new communication ideas in correlation with your already existing channels.


WHAT KIND OF INFORMATION IS NEEDED? This report is aimed at giving an informative insight to your own business and getting to know and understand the main stakeholders involved in the success of your company. Information is overall affected by time but having a first communication report can help you organizing your research in the most efficient way to pursue your project objectives, and answer new issues and challenges over the next months and years. It is a great start to involve research and create a challenging and more impacting communication outlet.

HOW WILL THE RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH BE USED? Research is a crucial component in communication and marketing. It will be for you the opportunity to shape accordingly your communication plan for the best impact to your audience, and to challenge your competitors. Strategic public relations research can help create a powerful and efficient plan in your competitive business environment.

WHAT SPECIFIC PUBLIC SHOULD BE RESEARCHED? Focusing the research of the two area that present challenges in your market, it is important to research the overall local audience, the local competitors, the media outlet available for promotional use and the local authorities that can help you shape your project. You are a company with an already existing national and international public relations strategy that is well enhanced. Being one of the leading company for fast food restauration is key in your development and is a great asset for your local communication. However, through the opening of a new restaurant or the implementation of a strong competitor in your market, thinking about a local public relations strategy can aimed to keep loyal customers satisfy and encourage new audiences to consume your products. Already aware of your national communication strategy, the local plan can enhance and support this by creating a more personalized communication for your audience and therefore more attractive and engaging.


HOW WILL THE RESEARCH DATA BE ANALYZED, REPORT AND APPLIED? This report aims for you to be informed and bring you into the direction of successful public relations strategy. It can be applied by implementing it through your already existing communication plan, and can help shape future promotional outlets.


THE PURPOSE OF EVALUATION Before starting to research and analyze your core market, evaluating your existing communication strategy can help to see if it matches the current need and to enhance it in future project. As requested, I focused mostly my evaluation of the marketing plan of your restaurant in Ancenis, which is the one that will face the opening of a Burger King in May 2017. This evaluation is the opportunity to judge if your effort on communication and public relations has achieved it objectives.

SUMMARY OF STRATEGY It seems that the main directive is to implement strong communication outlets to face the entry of Burger King as the strong competitor on the reduced market. An embellishment of the dining room was carried out in January 2017, with the addition of 3 televisions and 3 IPad, dividing the restaurant space into three parts, dedicated to different segments of the audience (young people, families, professionals). To compete with the external corner of the competitor, you have arranged your terrace with umbrellas. Finally, you have developed your online communication tools with a website and a Facebook page, to relay your promotional campaigns and activities. To host a larger family audience, you organize workshops for children every Wednesday afternoon, free of charge and free of charge. Finally, you have created an


offer for students at 6 euros, which aligns with the price of your competitors nearby, and promotional coupons dedicated to families.


Strengths •Diversified communication channels •Great answers to the threat of Burger King

Weaknesses •Lack of a global strategy •Non-integration with the national campaign • Lack of communication reach

Opportunities •Local market adaptability •Development of the commercial zone

Threat •Uncertaincy of the competitor's communication campaign •Political uncertaincy

This SWOT analysis is the starting point of this evaluation. What is called SWOT matrix is a tool to analyze business strategies, to make an internal and external diagnosis of its strengths and weaknesses. Often presented as a two-way table, it facilitates the expertise and makes visible the dynamics involved. Thanks to all the data gathered, we now have a great overview of your current communication and all the information requires creating a message that will reach your selected audience. Your communication objectives are precise and reachable throughout the first six months of 2017. Through this marketing presentation, it is outline what is our major threat and how you are planning to answer. It seems however that some of the actions taken are working with different objectives, or it is unclear if this solution is suitable for your objectives.


By offering a lot of communication channels to the audience, it assures you that they will be able to reach you and find you. However, there is a need to go further and use this communication outlets to reach your audience. You dispose from all the appropriate channels to reach all your audience, but don’t take fully advantage of it. By implementing a strategy to expand the visibility of your communication outlets, they will then be more strategic for your marketing campaign and give them a greater appeal for the audience to inform themselves through them. By implementing services such as TV, newspapers and IPad within the restaurant and by refurbishing the outside terrace, it is a great strategy to offer a qualitative service to your audience. This is enhancing their overall satisfaction and limit the competitor influence. Moreover, it seems that there is a lack of overall strategy, which can be useful for your internal communication. Communicating effectively to the members of your business is also a great way of advertising your business. They are the ambassador of your restaurant and are likely to speak about to friends and family. It is therefore important to also keep a great corporate image to them, by having a clear and distinctive strategy plan that they can remember and understand. With all the activities and promotional offers, the national McDonald’s campaign seemed to be include alongside this local campaign, rather than included. By aligning the two of them, it could offer coherence to the customers and therefore be easier for them to interact with it.

MEASUREMENT Through researching online, the Facebook page and the official websites appears at the top of the page. However, there is no mention of your restaurant on online articles from 2017, or your ongoing promotions and activities. 942 people currently likes your Facebook page on the 20th of April 2017, which makes 1.4% of your consumer area (64234 local inhabitants within your market area).


A survey realized in February 2017 regarding your marketing campaign to evaluate it gave great results: 50 respondents from the towns of Ancenis, Saint-Géréon and Ligné answered. 45% of the respondents value the addition of televisions to the restaurant, while only 25% of them found interesting the addition of IPad to the premises. They show interests to the potential addition of new entertainment items, as a jukebox or society games. It seems that the respondents were also really interested to the addition of plugs and free wifi to the restaurant. Respondents are willing to subscribe to the Facebook page of the restaurant, but they need to find useful and updated information on the current promotional offers and activities (75% answered yes to the question “Will you be subscribe to your restaurant Facebook page to find current discounts and events?). Most of the participants go to McDonald’s to eat, but it has also been highlighted that they come for the playing area with their children and the free wifi.

CONCLUSION Therefore, through this preliminary evaluation, how to estimate the quality and efficiency of your marketing plan? It is difficult at first to get an constructive answer, due to the current lack of research background and information on the local area and the stakeholders. However, it seems to have a clear strategy, and each communication components are answering a specific need. However, there is a need to bring all these activities together to create a strategical message along each outlet used, that will give coherence for the consumers. Along the lack of coherence, there is a need to implement communication channels. All your existing activities are great and achieve the targeted the strategy, however they are unknown for the public and need more exposure to be fully efficient. Therefore, public relations is the perfect tool to engage with your objectives and get the best of what you have already create!


SOME PRELIMINARY ADVICES: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNICATION STRATEGY? 1. Be authentic People do not like to be talked to as consumers. We must address them in a sincere way. When you post and interact with consumers, use a tone that does not seem forced and always speak like a human being. In a few words: be authentic, communicate directly with customers, be flexible and spontaneous. Authenticity and transparency are the first things consumers want. 2. Conduct the conversation The tone and registry your brand is going to express is very important. Make sure you humanize your brand and take part in conversations naturally. Take time to conduct a real-time, realtime conversation with your customers and prospects in order to better position your brand in a fast-changing world and where market niches are growing. Define and maintain a strong voice Marketing on social media, and others will start doing your marketing for your account. 3. Show your personality Adopt the voice that will delight your consumers. Satisfied consumers will speak favorably of your brand and share your new content that will eventually reach other prospects and consumers, delivering your message naturally. Give a face to your brand and let express a real personality through this face. Satisfy your personas buyers by posting the type of content they appreciate and expect. Make sure readers know that your brand is professional, of course, but also fun. Your buyers personas must be able to identify with your brand. People always prefer the connection over information.



Show yourself helping

Create a social presence by helping others. Take the time to manually provide useful answers rather than just putting links to everything-going, as a help or answers. Building this kind of relationship with your consumers will propel your business forward and quickly. It is therefore crucial for you to spend time to help, instead of too much focus on traffic and metrics. 5.

Provide relevant content

Quality content is valuable only if it matches the target audience. Take the time to really understand your readers. Find out what their goals are and publish only content that speaks directly to them at the place and time they prefer. By doing this, you will increase your retention power.






FOOD CONSUMPTION HABITS The French use 20.4% of their total budget in food consumption. This budget has fallen sharply since 1960 thanks to the rise in the standard of living. 75% of this budget is devoted to food at home, the rest is spent outside: This one represents around 900 euros per person per year. Consumption outside in France has also increased since 1960, from 14% of the budget to 26% (Larochette & Sanchez-Gonzalez, 2015).

FOOD CONSUMPTION TIME We are seeing the development of fast food restaurants in France. Over the past 10 years, the number of establishments has increased the most in this sector. The time devoted to eating in 2010 is 2h22. It should be noted that among young people under 25 years of age, food consumption outside the home accounts for 40% of their daily share of time spent on food. The average time spent outdoors in a fast food outlet is on average 50 minutes. The rhythm of three meals a day rhythm the time of feeding of the French. There is a fixed pattern of time slots, relatively uniform within the population (see graph). For example, at 1 pm, half of the French population is having lunch. The time of the meal constitutes a pleasant moment for the French, especially when it is shared with other individuals. It is the younger ones who appreciate least these times of the day. On the contrary, the older ones derive the most satisfaction from it and, as has been mentioned, devote more 16

time to it. Among the social categories, managers and the higher intellectual professions judge this moment less favorably, unlike employees and workers (de Saint Pol & Ricroch, 2012)

FAST FOOD IN FRANCE The Fast Food industry represents €10.6 billions in sales. Fast food outlets are becoming a commonplace within the French landscape. While the French economy has still not recover from the global economic crisis, the budget for eating out has consequently reduced for the French households. But thanks to a low-pricing, fast food becomes a great alternative to traditional restaurants, with an average transaction value of €9 per head. Fast food is therefore appealing due to its convenience, price range but also its growing availability on the French territory. Chained fast food, as McDonald’s or Burger Kings, shows better results than independent outlets in 2015. Fast food Home delivery is however still underdeveloped in France, while over territory such as the United States or the United Kingdom has adopted the new consumption trend. As research, the most popular to eat Fast food is to eat within the premises of the restaurant. Take-away represents only 25% of sales in 2015, due to the French culture of dining outdoors is embodied as a social event (Euromonitor International, 2016). Chained burger fast food outlets represent around 11% of the French fast food market, but their sales is set to be 40% of the total sale value.

MCDONALD’S FRANCE McDonald’s is part of the Fast Food market, which can be understood as the retail of drinks and food for immediate consumption, either on the sale sites or for outside consumption. Fast Food restaurants, as McDonald’s, represent 69.2% of the market’s local value in 2011, which means McDonald’s and similar competitors are the main fast food outlet available to French consumers. On the European market, French fast food market represents for 16.7%, which make it the second biggest market right after the United Kingdom one (MarketLine, 2011).


“With a value share of 44% in 2015, McDonald’s remained the leading player in fast food.” (Euromonitor International, 2016). The company is still observing a growth in sales in 2015, thanks to their adaptability to the market and their understanding of the consumers demands.

PROSPECTS The competition on the fast food market will continue to grow and challenge the leadership of fast food chain, especially McDonald’s. This can lead to a consequent price pressure, and the growth of outlet proposing ‘healthy’ option, as salads, fruits and vegetables. This trend is set to be global to gain the trust of the French consumers, to win higher social class and adapt to the global trends (Euromonitor International, 2016).

ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN NATIONAL CHAINED COMPETITORS As this research is aimed at your specific market, I decided to include an overview of your national competitors present on your local market, within the area of the mall Espace 23, Saint Géréon.



Burger King, sometimes abbreviated to its acronym BK, is a fast food chain with more than 13,000 stores in 88 countries, two-thirds of which are in the United States. Burger King in the worldwide number 2 of fast food retailers. They made a recent come back on the French market, with a strong competitive approach. Burger King began a winning re-conquest of the French market, which he withdrew in 1997.

A SUCCESSFUL AND CREATIVE COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN While McDonald’s tends to target families, Burger King is clearly focused on teens. The chain of fast food indeed cares for its presence online. Present on Facebook and Twitter, Burger King cultivates an offbeat communication. With a funny and impactful communication, Burger King's online presence ensures an avalanche of publicity through the dozens of media that relayed their communication. The burger giant has always distinguished itself in other countries by a strategy of communication deliberately staggered or even aggressive towards its competitors.



Strengths • Product quality •International franchise network •Strong brand image

Weaknesses • Higher price range •Easily reproduced business model

Opportunities • Market development •Good reaction to the entry of the french market

Threat • Strong competition • Healthy nutrition trend



Founded in 1965 by Fred De Luca, Subway is an American franchise fast food chain specializing in the sale of sandwiches and salads. It is a fast food chain catering to a relatively young audience (adults aged 16 to 45). 50% of clients are under 30 years of age. Nowadays,




become a real alternative to traditional fast food (burgers or bakery sandwiches). Subway restaurants offer consumers the opportunity to personalize their sandwich with a variety of healthy products. The real strength lies in this customization of the sandwiches according to the taste of each one. The different ingredients are presented as healthy, as the products are not friend. Subway listens attentively to its consumers. For example, in order to satisfy its female clientele, in partnership with Danone, Subway launched a Food & Balance program to offer balanced menus in its restaurants. More, Subway France has released a new sandwich called "BabySub". As the name suggests, it is a small sandwich that measures 10 centimeters and costs only one euro. It is aimed at a clientele with a limited budget or aimed as a snack. To attract a wider target, Subway did not hesitate to launch a sandwich for vegetarians. The idea is to always leave the choice to customers. Subway sandwiches are prepared to order, under the eyes of customers. The client chooses his bread and the ingredients that will make up his sandwich (tomato, salad, cucumber, peppers, etc.). This is a real break in the fast food sector.


SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths • Great product concept • Brand notoriety • First chained sandwich outlet in France

Weaknesses • Lack of audience visibility • Poor digital marketing • Absence of fidelity program

Opportunities • Increase of healthy choices demand • Restrain spending power

Threat • Strong competition • Hamburger outlets leadership •Saturated sandwich market

LA MÎE CALINE The stores are located in the heart of major French cities in shopping centers, major French cities, on motorway areas and on the outskirts of cities. La Mîe Caline is positioned as an option of practical and quality restoration in the French tradition. The company adapts to changes in society and consumer trends by continuously improving our concept. Well established on the whole French territory since 1985, the concept of La Mîe Caline evolves and develops on the outskirts of town. This change is making it possible to conquer a new market and a clientele complementary to that of downtown. New services are offered such as sitting restoration, drive and a more complete range of products. This new alternative constitutes an important growth lever for the network's partners.



Strengths •Respect of the French tradition •Large range of products •Frequent renewal of sthe food range

Weaknesses • Low visibility • Similar products at cheaper competitors (Supermarkets, etc)

Opportunities • Developpement of a biological range • Significant development of the fast food market

Threat • Strong competition



Buffalo Grill is the leader of chained traditional restauration in France. Their market is composed of 341 restaurants on the national territory. It is a restaurant franchise specialized in grilled meat, inspired by the American food. Created in 1980, Buffalo Grill served more than 30 million individuals in 2015. In 2016, Buffalo Grill was elected by the consumers as the "Favorite Restaurant of the French" for the second consecutive year and for the 3rd time in 4 years. This award, awarded by a panel of 5000 French, rewards the restaurant leader who has placed customer satisfaction at the heart of its strategy. Historically specialized in the restoration of meat and grills, the brand represents about 40% of the grill food market share in terms of turnover. The concept Buffalo Grill has a unique positioning as a popular steakhouse, quality, convenient, fast, and generous. With its attractive pricing policy, Buffalo Grill provide good price-value ratio within it sector. The clientele is both family and business. Buffalo Grill has renewed its offer to anticipate the needs of consumers and face the challenges of an increasingly competitive sector.



Strengths •Unique positioning •Traditionnal dining experience with competitive pricing

Weaknesses •Outdated marketing policy • British Beef Scandal

Opportunities • Growth of Healthy trend

Threat • Strong competition • Growth of the Take-away market



Crescendo is a French chained self-service specialized in cooking fresh ingredients. All their dishes are made on-site and they offer specialized arrangements for large groups. The brand has 66 restaurants throughout France. Restaurants are often in a shopping center or mall. They are then the restaurant or the cafeteria of the commercial complex of which they cover. The French brand is positioned in the fast food segment. The restaurants, open 7 days a week, are similar to a self-service, offering classic menus, with starter, main course (with vegetables at will) and dessert, emphasizing the possibility of being able to eat balanced for a reasonable price.


Strengths • Adapted to large groups • Fresh and large choice of products • Healthy options

Weaknesses •Outdated image of the self-service in France • Limited visibility

Opportunities • Healthy food trend • Holidays season: Practicilaties of family/friend gathering

Threat • Strong competition • Growth of online groceries


MEDIA COVERAGE Meaningful content analysis can shape a responsive communication, especially the media coverage of your company. However, I didn’t find online any information regarding your restaurants in news outlet. We will see how to make your communication appears in online news outlet, to bring more visibility to your events for example.

CUSTOMERS’ OPINION THROUGH ONLINE WEBSITE Customers’ opinion websites are free to use and influential. For your type of restaurants, it is therefore important to monitor this online presence and take accounts of the comments to offer a better experience to your customers. When typing the name of your restaurants online (McDonald’s Ancenis), these websites are the first to show. It is therefore important to answer to this comment and solve issues that can compromise future clients to come within your premises and choose to go to one of your competitors. It is also a vital source of current opinion to understand the need of your customers and therefore adapt your overall strategy.



Overall rating

3/5 N°5 on 6 restaurants at Saint-Géréon

Satisfactory points

Cleanliness Good price-quality ratio Fast service Polite staff

Unsatisfactory points

Missing items


GOOGLE REVIEWS Number of comments


Overall rating


Satisfactory points

McDrive organization and efficiency

Unsatisfactory points

Bathroom cleanliness Missing items

PAGESJAUNES.FR Number of comments


Overall rating


Satisfactory points

Late opening Efficient service Polite staff Great for children

Unsatisfactory points

Cold fries Missing items


CRITIZR Number of comments


Overall rating


Satisfactory points

Great promotional offers Efficient service Polite staff Cleanliness

Unsatisfactory points

Missing items

ANALYSIS OF MCDONALD’S AS A CORPORATION As one of the biggest food retailing chain, McDonald’s operates restaurant that serve a standardized menu across all the franchise and company-operated French restaurant. McDonald's is an emblematic brand, with an extensive network and a wide and diverse geographic location. In 2015, it has performed well in France, while we saw that the brand was struggling in big market such as the United States and China. Different and new chained fast food are entering the market, as Burger King in 2015 or Five Guys recently. The new trend of Latin American food is also making an entrance in France, which is experience a good performance. Therefore, the strategy over the next years will be to be innovative and adapt to this new competition.



McDonald's France SA

Chained burger fast food Chained specialist coffee shops (McCafe)

Net Sales (2013): €4.5 billion

Number of employees (2013): 70,000

POSITIONING In 2015, McDonald’s is the leading chained fast food in France (Euromonitor International, 2016). Competition since 2014 dramatically increased: Burger King heavy penetration, And premium burgers chained arrival as Shake Shack and Five Guys. The popularity of Latin American food is also consequently increasing. To answer this competitive threat, McDonald’s France release a range of premium burger, the Signatures, which the clients has the option to customize. While these burgers are more expensive than the price-range of McDonald’s, they are set to challenge the offer of the new competitors with a better quality and customization as their new competitive advantage on the market. The price range of McDonald’s is still situated on the low-end with the French food market, and the restaurants are place in busy locations, to attract a great number of consumers looking for an affordable and efficient food option. 30

The company is always looking to innovate to offer better quality and service to their customers, for example with the large implementation of the automated food ordering machines, which reduces the waiting line during lunch and dinner hours but also has increased sales. Alongside their traditional fast food offer, McDonald’s is developing their coffee shops, McCafé, implemented within the premises of their restaurant. The success of McCafé resigns in their location in small and medium-sized town, which aren’t a target of their other competitors, especially Starbucks as a key competition. McCafé keeps the positioning of McDonald’s as being affordable, but still offer a great quality experience to the consumer. Table: McDonald’s France position in 2015

Product type

Foodservice value share



Fast Food

7,8% (Euromonitor International, 2016)

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES The management of McDonald's France has set up four operating principles for the company's franchisees in April 2016 (Siège Social de McDonald's, 2015) : -

Put the consumer at the center


Promoting simplicity in actions


Promoting progress rather than perfection


Become responsible

These principles must reaffirm the role of McDonald's as a leader in fast food in the French market. These actions make McDonald's a modern and progressive burger company.


McDonald’s has focused on quality, service and cleanliness in their restaurant while streamlining their operating procedures and offerings.



INTERVIEWS Unscientific and unreliable but it gives your company a quick overview of the current exposure and opinion

ETHNOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES Observing individuals within the premises of your restaurant is a great tool to understand their consuming approaches and help you understand the potential issues that can lead to a bad consumer experience. By just observing your consumers, you can gain knowledge of the kind of customers who come and how long they stay, which you cannot analyze through quantitative data.

QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Random sampling and Sample size To get indications of attitudes and opinions. It will not predict the consuming approaches but rather secure the previous qualitative findings.


SECONDARY RESEARCH Your McDonald’s Saint Géréon- Ancenis is situated in the Pays de La Loire region and the Loire Atlantique department. It is part of the Communauté de communes d’Ancenis, which is composed of 61672 inhabitants in 2014 (INSEE, 2014): this represents the global market your restaurant can potentially reach, as Ancenis is home to the majority of fast food chained restaurants of this locality.

UNDERSTAND YOUR AUDIENCE SEGMENT In the west of France, families are more likely to have more favorable living conditions. In Pays de la Loire, families' living conditions are more favorable: in eight out of ten cases, the family's parent (s) is employed (compared to seven out of ten in France); Two out of ten beneficiary families live below the low income threshold (compared with three in ten in France). The share of lone-parent families is also inferior to the national average (17% vs. 22%) Within the locality of Ancenis, more than 25% of the families are composed with three children or more (Buisson & Lincot, 2016). 31% of French families live in the suburbs of town, while 22% live in the town centre. French Family structure Structure of families with underaged children in France 1990



en milliers


en milliers


en milliers


Couples with children

6 547


6 163


6 085


Single parent family



1 199


1 638


within : Women with child(ren)



1 049


1 376


within : men with child(ren)







Total of family with underaged children

7 430


7 362


7 723


(INED, 2012)


Structure of families with underaged children in France in 2012

Couples with children

Single parent family

Households in France Nearly 7.4 million households have only one person and logically 7.4 million people live alone in their households. So many households have two members, so 14.8 million people live in 7.4 million two-person households, and so on: the higher the number of households, the more the number of households involved are different. Thus, more than six out of ten households (62%) are "small", in the sense that they have only one or two inhabitants, but the inhabitants of these small households are in a minority: less than 39% population. Conversely, only 200,000 households (0.9% of households) have seven or more people, but 1.6 million (2.7% of the population) live in a household of seven or more people.

Households depending on the family structure in 2013 (INED, 2012)

Man alone

Women alone

Couples without children

Couples with children

Single parent family

Complex family




Age pyramid


Working occupations in Ancenis (INSEE, 2013)

Farmers 0% Unemployed 14%

Cratsman, trader, entrepeneur 2% Managing profession Farmers 8% Cratsman, trader, entrepeneur Intermediate profession Managing profession 14% Intermediate profession Employee

Pensioner 33%

Employee 15%

Worker Pensioner

Worker 14%


Main working environments of the city and its surroundings


Main school environments With 11 schools, Ancenis welcomes nearly 5,000 schoolchildren each day. It is possible to go from kindergarten to BTS, both in public and private education. Outside school time, the city offers many activities for children and young people. A welcome is organized every Wednesday to help working parents and different structures await the Ancenian youth during the holidays according to their age. Ancenis depends on the Academy of Nantes, in zone A. The city has four primary schools to which are attached four nursery schools, two middle schools, Saint-Joseph and René-GuyCadou, Joubert-Maillard high school of general education, Technological and vocational education, the private secondary school Saint-Joseph, two private vocational high schools, Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin and Jean-Baptiste-Ériau, the private agricultural school of Briacé), the establishment or help service by work , The medical-educational institute, the training institute for caregivers, and the private vocational training center (Mairie d'Ancenis, n/a).


Main events in Ancenis

February - Hall Music and Clap en Loire

May - Marché de l'ascension

21 June - Fête de la musique

July - Summer holidays

14 July - Fête nationale, Feu d'artifice

September Start of School and Salon du Dahlia



STAKEHOLDERS Identifying all your stakeholders is important. Mapping your stakeholders is a great start to understand which individuals have interest in your business. They can be single individuals, groups and even bigger organizations. All stakeholders have a different impact on your business objectives and therefore can influence your decision-making abilities over your marketing and communication plan.

Key Stakeholders

•Customers •Employees •Suppliers

Secondary Internal Stakeholders

•Ronald McDonald Charity Houses •Trade Unions

Secondary External Stakeholders

•Communities •Local authorities •Political organisations •Rivals •Media outlets •Pressure groups

Let’s review the interests your key stakeholders have of your business and how this can affect your management and communication decision:


Customers •Product quality •Quality of service •Relation of trust •Information on environmental and social impacts

Employees •Remuneration •Employment Security •Interest of work •Health and Safety

Supplies •Profit •Information •Communication •Sustainable Partnership

MARKET ANALYSIS Overall, the main challenges for fast food retailer of the national fast food market is the high degree of rivalry and the low switching costs for buyers. This means that the choice decision for buyer relies mostly on the personal taste and the different desires on a daily basis. Indeed, buyers power is relatively moderate, but they show a strong independence in terms of choices, due to the large among of fast food retailer on the territory. Therefore, there is high tendency to switch, depending on their desire of the day or appealed towards a specific retailer. Supplier power therefore relies on the maintenance of marketable food quality. Subtitutes for fast food retailers, as ready meals or home cooking ingredients, are also numerous and can influence on the consumers’ decision. Although, buyers have a strong implication on the fast food market, it is the degree of rivalry that makes the competition among the market and is mostly influencing the retailers’ communication campaigns. Rivalry is challenged through a strong price competition, highly focus on the value meal pricing and the seasonal offer. Brand power, as the one of McDonald’s, is still valued among consumers and aim to keep a fair segment of the market by providing a quality image and a strong global advertising.





MISSION STATEMENT DEFINITION Defining a clear mission statement for your industry will help you manage your stakeholders, employees and direction team. They reflect the vision of what you want your restaurant to be and helps create strategic objectives to match this vision. They provide the direction for the next decades, and can therefore be ambitious. Good mission statements must have limited number of goals, reflect your major policies and values, define your competitive market share, seek a long-term view and be as memorable and meaningful as possible. In your situation, the best approach can be to adapt McDonald’s Corporation mission statement to your own local business, by approaching the core value of the corporation but adapting to your more local challenges



McDonald's Corp. mission statement •“Our overall mision is for McDonald’s to become a modern, progressive burger company delivering a contemporary customer experience. Modern is about getting the brand to where we need to be today and progressive is about doing what it takes to be the McDonald’s our customers will expect tomorrow. To realize this commitment, we are focused on delivering great tasting, high-quality food to our customers and providing a world-class experience that makes them feel welcome and valued.”





McDonald's Ancenis mission statement •A consumer-driven restaurant • Implanted within the local environment • Quality food experience • Innovative consumer experience • A central space for the community of Ancenis and it suburbs


McDonald’s restaurants are often defined by what kind of products they are offering to their consumers and advertising to them. However, it is also important to define your business as being a customer-satisfying process. While your product range can vary over time and location, how you value and answer your customer needs will be long lasting. By understanding customers’ needs you are potentially aimed to find new growth opportunities. A target market definition can therefore help you focus your product within a strategic market.

Product definition

We sell burgers.

Market definition

We offer convenient and affordable food products.

CORPORATE OBJECTIVES The goal of your global communication campaign is to maintain your leadership on the fast food market of the locality of Ancenis and its suburbs. We want to reduce the impact of the opening of a Burger King on the local market, and be as close as possible to the sales figures of 2016. This communication strategy is primarily aimed to engage with your current and potential customers, although it is also important to create an internal communication for your employees and direction team. While your goal is setting up overall strategy, it will impact and create multiple strategies. Before setting up the potential objectives of your restaurant of Ancenis-Saint Géréon for 2017-2018, it is firstly important to highlight the primary objectives of McDonald’s as a fast food restaurant: •

To provide customers with quality food

To offer a quick and friendly service

To offer good value for money


While this is the basic objectives of any restaurants like yours, depending on the issues and trends, it is important to renew your objectives and adapt them to your particular situation. I here created a list of objectives that you could implement within your communication management, and the proposals I made for your communication are linked and represent this objectives.

Internal communications

External communications

• To create a better corporate image of the company to employees, the direction team and their relatives • To promote the engagement of McDonald's France to preserve environment and natural ressources

•To use social media to target the young audience •To perform print communication to attract the local communities •To market the new set of events offered within the premises of the restaurant •To engage customers in a valuable and long-lasting experience through the implementation of a loyalty program •To promote the new services of your restauration, like the table service or the order personalisation •To place the restaurant as a central space of the community

These objectives are responding to an overall strategy: to Increase customer satisfaction and create fidelity to face competitor.




McDo Fid, Ma Carte de Fidélité McDonald’s http://

SUMMARY Mcdo Fid is an intelligent loyalty program that allows customers to know their customers and reward them for their consumption. It is a simple and efficient system for the customer, but it is also scalable and profitable for your company. Within the 22 member restaurants, 66,000 customers have joined the loyalty card and the direct marketing campaigns via the data of its customers present high rates of return. Loyalty is here a marketing strategy designed and set up to make your customers loyal to your restaurant. This will minimize the rate of lost customers in favor of your new competitor and stimulate the most interesting customers. The main objective is to create a privileged relationship with your best customers. Joining the Mcdo Fid loyalty program can increase your restaurant's attendance and turnover. The best asset is customer loyalty with a personalized welcome, and therefore increase the visits of your customers during the year, as well as their consumption.


THE ROLE OF A LOYALTY CARD To fully understand the role of a loyalty card, it must be realized that a loyalty program will have two distinct goals: -

For you: it is about retaining a clientele by rewarding customers who come back several times.


For the customer: it is about seeing his loyalty rewarded, by a discount, a free product, a gift, benefits, etc.

It should never be forgotten that customer loyalty is one of the keys to the success of any business. Indeed, the loyal customer will bring a regular turnover, but will also be the ambassador of the shop and will be able to convince new customers.

OBJECTIVES You will find many interests to launch a loyalty card system. Here are the four main advantages of the loyalty card on your company: 1. You are encouraging new purchases Who says loyalty card of course says loyalty. The goal of launching a loyalty program is simply to get your customers back. Only by creating a loyal and regular clientele can you truly start your business! The loyalty card is precisely one of the tools that could ensure the regular return of customers. 2.

Reward your customers

It is very common that it is the customers themselves who ask for a loyalty card. Indeed, loyalty programs are so common that customers are sometimes surprised when an establishment does


not offer them. To offer a loyalty card to its customers will then be a way to consider their considerations and to prove to them that their fidelity has a value to you. 3.

Strengthen your brand image

Another major interest of the loyalty card is that it is a communication medium that customers will always keep in their wallet. As a result, your customers will often be led to think about your business, since they will regularly see your loyalty card. This makes it easier for you to strengthen your brand image and make your business more memorable for your customers. 4. You build a solid database Finally, remember that a loyalty program can be the opportunity to create a customer database. Before giving a loyalty card, you can ask your interested customers to fill out a membership form. This will be an opportunity for you to know their e-mail address or their phone number. Why? Simply being able to launch SMS campaigns or create a newsletter: new ways to remind your customers of your existence, and encourage them to buy!



• Loyalty scheme are well-known by consumers and understands the concept without a need to explain it to them

• Knowledge about your clients' habits • Rewarding scheme that shows you your major consumers segments • A more srategic and aware communication to this loyal clients • Distribution of 1500 cards over the summer 2017

• The program already exists in other franchise and therefore easy to implement within your own.

• Reward your consumers and engage them to come back at your premises and not at the competitors • Offer them an exclusive loyalty card that Burger King doesn't have

• Launch July 2017: Give you time to promote it over the quiet period of Summer and create a communication campaign in September within the mall



Starbucks, an international brand, is positioned in a very dynamic market (selling coffee and hot drinks on the premises and take-out), but its leadership position is being challenged by fierce competition (McDonalds in particular). In order to assert its positioning vis-Ă -vis its main competitor, Starbucks has built an image based on the true values of authenticity, human warmth and service. Today, the challenge facing Starbucks is long-term customer loyalty.

THE TERMS OF THE PROGRAM A Starbucks card is a payment card, on which you charge money and that you use to make all your purchases in Starbucks coffee shops (off train stations, airports, rer, metros, corners department stores and highway areas). "My Starbucks Rewards" is the program attached to the Starbucks card that rewards your loyalty through special offers and benefits that go up depending on your visit frequency. To participate in "My Starbucks Rewards" and benefit from the benefits of the program, you can charge a card to a show or on our website, and then register online. You will earn a "star" for every checkout with your Starbucks card. 48

The program is available in 3 levels. Each time you move to the next level, you will keep the benefits of the lower level. In addition to the benefits of each level, you will receive personalized offers by email: -

Welcome level as soon as you register in the program - A free drink is offered on your birthday


Level "Green" from 5 "stars" - We offer you an extra dose of espresso in your coffeebased beverages, a refill of your cup of tea or your filter coffee, and a Tall beverage for any purchase of coffee beans


"Gold" level from 30 "stars" - We offer you a free drink every 12 "stars", as well as exclusive offers throughout the year.

THE OBJECTIVES The primary goal of the program is to encourage attendance by rewarding loyalty through an additional service offer. The second goal of this program is to increase the time spent at the point of sale and thus to encourage the customer to consume more. Finally, the third objective of the program is to create a sense of belonging to the Starbucks coffee culture. By creating an emotional connection between Starbucks and its customers, the brand intends to face increasing competition from competitors.

THE APPEAL OF THIS LOYALTY SCHEME An outstanding mobile experience which offers an interactive and effective experience for the consumer. It is easy to navigate through and contains only the necessary information. In the United Sates, the loyalty card generates great results, as 22% of their sales is made by consumers using their scheme.



GOALS AND OBJECTIVES This second proposal answers to the objective: to place the restaurant as a central space of the community. It is indeed a great way to bring an audience to your premises by offering an entertainment and a place to gather. It is also the opportunity to create a link with the local community by promoting local artists and bands. It will therefore give your restaurant a valuable place as being beyond an environment to eat but rather be a space of expression and gathering. It is a unique way of communication that your competitors do not perform.



•A younger audience during the week evenings •To attract the audience to your premises by offering an additional and unique service •Engage and get to know the local community •Increase sales in-doors during the week


•One band performing per week •An audience of 50 person/concert •For each individuals coming to see the performance, a potential purchase made (menu/drink/small item)


•Space available to welcome the band and audience •Newly refurbished terrace for the summer •Birthday hostess can easily manage the organisation of the event •Music licensing already paid for the restaurant radio system


•Uniqueness of the communication event •Promote locals and your restaurant •Free to participate but potentially engage for a consumig experience of your restaurant

•Summer 2017 and potentially Septembe •As soon after the opening of Burger King •One event per week


A GREAT WAY TO START PROSPECTING FOR MUSIC EVENTS: SURVEYING YOUR AUDIENCE’S TASTE AND AVAIBILITY (EXAMPLE OF A POTENTIAL PRELIMINARY SURVEY) Your McDonald’s Ancenis-Saint Géréon wants to promote the local community and create new attractive weekly events for families and friends to gather. We would like to have your advices and preferences of this future project and would be most grateful if you would fill in this questionnaire. •

Would you be appealed by the staging of music events at your restaurant?

Please pick two choices, 1 for your first choice,2 for your second choice. o

What kind of music would you like to hear during this music events? §







Lounge DJ




Open mic session

Preferred timing: please circle one box of each line o

Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday


Lunch / Afternoon / Dinner / Evening

Do you know any artists or bands of the Ancenis community that are looking for venues to perform? IF YES, please let us know their name and ways to contact them.

Many thanks for your kind help. We look forward to welcoming you at our future events, which will be advertised soon.



Objective: A unique experience to gather local community

Environment search: The venue is situated in a commercial zone, which is deserted after 7pm, except for restaurant outlets.

Competitor: Le Café de La Gare, Fête de la musique (21st of June)

Stakeholders: Neighbors, audience, employees, artists, local authorities, restaurant clients

Information gathering process:

1. Release of survey through social media and restaurant IPad with Google Surveys and paper exemplar in restaurant 2. Potential costs: sound system, physical stage, artists’ income, decoration, printed advertising 3. Venue: Outside terrace of the McDonald’s Ancenis-Saint Géréon 4. Staffing: Outdoor employee and Hostess 5. Artists: Research through social media, survey responses, local news outlets, highschool, fête de la musique organisation

AN EXAMPLE OF MUSIC EVENT THAT WORKS IN ANCENIS: LE CAFÉ DE LA GARE While Le Café de La Gare is also situated in Ancenis, it is not a direct competitor of your restaurant, due to its size, price range and food offer. However, they do attract more audience of their quiet weekend evenings by welcoming performing bands and DJs to entertain their audience and create fidelity, with individuals knowing about the event and spreading the attractiveness through word-of-mouth. They also market their nights through Facebook. Overall, it has a created a loyal


audience over the weekend, coming for the performance and therefore consumer at the bar of the restaurant. It has also a unique position and make the difference when individuals of the community are making the decision to go for a drink. It has also consequently augmented the traffic on their Facebook page, and therefore extend their range of audience to promote their venue to the local audience.



UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL MEDIA “Social media are the online means of communication, conveyance, collaboration, and cultivation among interconnected and interdependent networks of people, communities, and organizations enhance by technological capabilities and mobility” (Tuten & Solomon, 2013) While this definition is certainly complex and not straightforward to understand, it is important to recall what is social media to understand which objectives this proposal is answering to. Social networks are becoming increasingly important in personal and professional life. They are popular with a wide variety of audiences. At least three people are needed to talk about a social network, because in a network there are strong relationships and others that are less so. Two individuals form a personal relationship therefore necessarily a strong relationship, there is an intimate character. If one of the two individuals disappear, there is no relationship at all. When we gather three Internet users, the relationship becomes interpersonal and therefore more impersonal. Strategies are developing. A social network, has no boundaries bounded, a potentially infinite network. Today, it is risky for a company to stay away from this evolution of modes of communication. You must know how to use them and exploit the full potential of these new tools. But how to know on which social network to position itself in priority? What is the most relevant social network for your business?

WHY MARKET YOUR BUSINESS VIA SOCIAL NETWORKS? The number of social networks is steadily increasing, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Viadéo, Tumblr, Snapchat, Instagram ... These are ideal platforms to reach a very large number of Internet users. The degree of maturity of each of these social networks is very heterogeneous.


Communication via social networks remains an investment that is still difficult to quantify in terms of return on investment. The audience is very variable, it depends on your activity, it can go up very quickly and "fall" as fast, hence the interest of posting relevant and striking messages, to attract Internet users and retain them. Keep in mind that the presence of a company on the web must register in time with spaced impacts over time.


To make known its activity, products, services,


Involve people who cannot travel to follow events in real time,


Communicate with the public in two ways (Internet users interact with the brand and challenge it);


Recruiting employees, ...

Some companies even plan to use it internally as a communication tool. Before, leaders were wary of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. They assimilated their use as a waste of time, an exchange of gossip. Today, companies consider the importance of their presence on social networks and exploit the benefits for their organization. Therefore, implementing a better and more structured social media usage can lead to answer the objective: to use social media to target the young audience and to promote the new services of your restaurant.


FACEBOOK, THE MOST PERTINENT SOCIAL MEDIA TO USE FOR YOUR KIND OF BUSINESS - A broad audience: Facebook is the number one social network in France with 26 million users. - A close relationship: Consumers want to have a close relationship with businesses. They want to feel that they are listening to them and that they can talk to the restaurant at any time if they have any questions. Burger King actively uses social networks to communicate its future openings and current offers. Their communication is better implemented on social networks than McDonald's France, so it is important to build customer loyalty before the opening of the competing restaurant. You must promote your restaurant in a connected way to maintain the privileged relationship you have so far with your customers. - Regular information: Your Facebook page allows you to talk to your audience directly, using the tools on your page. You keep them informed about promotional offers, and you can inform them about your products and services with articles, photos and videos. - Customer data: The Facebook page provides detailed information about the people who follow you. Having a Facebook page gives you access to Facebook Insights (statistics), which can provide valuable information about your clients that you can use and analyze to improve your services.



You already have an existing Facebook, where you advertise your offers and seasonal products. It is already a great start as it allows you to monitor your own social media presence. However, it seems that the audience is rarely interacting with what you are posting, each post having less than 5 likes. It is important to create interactive material that will captive your audience and make them interested in your social media presence. It should also give more price information, as this is a great incentive for people to come in your premises if they are aware of your price range, especially the youth who dispose of a tight budget. Overall, the current communication offers a great start to implement a better and more consistent communication on Facebook.

PROOSED IMPROVEMENT OF YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Social media marketing can be described as the use of social media to ease exchange between you and your consumers. It is a valuable communication point because it is inexpensive to use and you can engage in various ways with your customers.


1. Diversify your social media posts Social media marketing activities

User-generated content


Viral content

Product reviews

Coupon delivery

New product advertisement

Event anouncement

National campaign videos

Local news

Ronald McDonald Charity Houses

2. Post at a more precise time during the day: People use Facebook at work and at home, on mobile, table and computer. The best is to create your own schedule and program all your future post at the beginning of the week. Best time to post 12:00-01:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays 3:00-4:00 pm on Wednesdays 1:00-4:00 pm on Thursdays and Fridays

3. Repost influential pages of interest for your business communication Examples: McDonald’s videos on YouTube, McDonald’s France, Maison des parents Ronald McDonald’s de Nantes, Ville d’Ancenis, Presse Océan, Ouest France, etc.





WHAT ARE INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS? Internal communication comprises all the communication actions implemented within a company for employees. Understanding internal communication means understanding all the services it can provide, especially as a tool for motivating employees regardless of the size of the company. The internal communication allows to present results, to transmit information, to explain a new orientation, to motivate the collaborators and to bring together the actors around a business project. Employees are interested in the company's practices. Thus, an internal communication strategy makes it possible to bring together managers and employees for a better bilateral listening and meet the expectations of employees in terms of information.


Alignment: You need to coordinate your external and internal communications to offer a clear overall strategy to your employees.


Inclusiveness: Your internal communications should be aimed to all your stakeholders. You need to make sure that all of them understand your strategy. By giving clear and manageable set goals to your employees, you give them the opportunity to fully get involved in your strategic development. Being transparent about your management organization will also help them endorse your brand and be great ambassador to their friends and families outside the working space.



OBJECTIVES Humanizing the relationships between employees within the same company: -

Promote the creation of links through parenting between employees, families and managers.


Sensitize managers: Help managers to consider the parental and personal spheres of their employees, without interfering in their private lives.


Motivate younger generations and prepare them to apprehend their arrival


In the world of work: To highlight the enriching and diversified aspect of the crafts proposed by your restaurant o

To create a better corporate image of the company to employees, the direction tem and their relatives.

Establish a climate of trust with the locality

Increase awareness of the company

Attract future employees

Enhance the work of employees Explain the expertise of your company


WHAT IS THIS “DISCOVERY DAY� ABOUT? - A day to welcome families and friends of employees - An annual appointment - A different day for employees - Activities: workshops to discover the company's professions, visit of the premises, demonstration of the different workstations - Themes related to the company's priorities: protection of the environment and natural resources, product qualities, job security, professional development, etc.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Buisson, G. & Lincot, L., 2016. Où vivent les familles françaises?, Paris: INSEE. de Saint Pol, T. & Ricroch, L., 2012. Le temps de l'alimentation en France, Paris: Insee. Euromonitor International, 2016. Fast Food in France, London: Euromonitor International. Euromonitor International, 2016. McDonald's France SA in Consumer Foodservice (France), London: Euromonitor International. INED, 2012. Structure des familles avec enfants. [En ligne] Available at: [Accès le 12 03 2017]. INSEE, 2013. Évolution et structure de la population en 2013. [En ligne] Available at: [Accès le 25 03 2017]. INSEE, 2014. Population légales 2014. [En ligne] Available at: [Accès le 18 04 2017]. Larochette, B. & Sanchez-Gonzalez, J., 2015. Cinquante de consommation alimentaire: une croissance modérée, mais de profons changements, Paris: Insee. Mairie d'Ancenis, n/a. Education et Jeunesse. [En ligne] Available at: [Accès le 30 03 2017]. MarketLine, 2011. Fast Food in France, London: MarketLine . Mcdonald's Corp, 2017. An Iconic Brand, Moving Toward the Future. [En ligne] Available at: [Accès le 15 04 2017]. Siège Social de McDonald's, 2015. McDonald's Corporation - Extrait du rapport annuel 2015, Boulogne-Billancourt: McDonald's France SA. Tuten, T. L. & Solomon, M. R., 2013. Social Media Marketing. New Jersey: Pearson.


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