Special session on Urban Governance and the Global Agenda Briefing for the discussion Council Chamber Liverpool Town Hall UCLG Executive Bureau, June 17 at 17:00h
The Special session on Urban Governance and the Global Agenda at the Executive Bureau of Liverpool, coordinated by the UCLG Committee on Decentralisation and Local SelfGovernment, will be developed in two blocks: the presentation of a study on mapping urban governance; and a debate about urban governance and the global agenda. These are the main issues to be discussed during the session:
1. Mapping Urban Governance Chair: Philipp Rode, Executive Director LSE Cities, London School of Economics, United Kingdom The LSE Cities-UN Habitat joint initiative, with the collaboration of the UCLG Decentralisation Committee, aims at analysing urban and territorial governance in order to fins out how cities are preparing for their future. To do that, a brief survey for local authorities has been elaborated. This survey tackles the following aspects: - City governance and the design of the urban future - Institutional capabilities of local governments facing new challenges (management, planning and provision of basic services) - A comparative analysis of urban governance systems - Identification of best practices
The completion of this study requires the participation of local governments in different countries to incorporate diverse realities and learn from their experiences. It also seeks to identify risk factors and analytical tools in city management. This effort is linked to the international agenda and aims at contributing to the debate on the new Post 2015 Development Agenda and the new urban agenda (Habitat III Conference). The results would supply data for the 4th UCLG Global Report on Decentralization and Local Democracy (GOLD IV).