Diastika's Architecture Resume

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Diastika Lokesworo +1 213 421 7779



E ducation 2018 -


Harvard University, Graduate School of Design - C ambri dge, M A M asters of A rchitecture

2012 -


Southern California Institute of Architecture - L os A ngel es, C A B achelor of A rchitecture

W ork H istory 2015 -

P resent

8Creations a s Des i g n e r - J akarta, I ndonesi a L o t 8 C a fe & B a r -Schematic design, design development and construction admin. 8 C re a ti o n s Offi c e a nd Studi o -Interior design and construction admin. “ F i re ” Re l e a s e a n d Show case -Projection Mapping designer. K e s e mp a ta n Mu s i c Vi deo -Architectural design consultant. L i v e i n Ba n d u n g S h ow case -Architectural design consultant. Mo d u l a r -Augmented Reality (AR) stage schematic design, design development, and modeling.

2016 -


P -A-T-T-E -R-N-S Ar c h i te c ts as Ar c h i te c tu r a l De s i g n e r - L os Angeles, CA Ka rma K a n d a ra , S ti ff C hi l i H otel -Design development. Ka rma B e a c h C l u b -Design development and presentation visualization. Ka rma K a n d a ra Re s o rt Extensi on -Schematic design, design development and presentation visualization. Gi l i Me n o R e s o rt Is l and -Master plan schematic design and development. S a n P e d ro W a rn e r Brother’ s W arner Grand Theatre R enovati on and C ul tur e Tower -Project manager, schematic design, design development and presentation visualizations.

2018 -


Ha rvard Center fo r G r e e n b u i l d i n g s a n d Ci ti e s as Re s e a r ch A s s i s t a n t - C a m b ri d g e , MA H o u s e Z e ro S e n s o r B ookl et -Sensor organization, data collection and booklet graphics design. 2 0 1 8 -2 0 1 9 Re s e a rc h and C onference Papers Publ i cati ons -Publication graphics design. H C GBC Re s e a rc h P r oposal B ookl et -Summarized research papers and publication graphics design. 2 0 1 9 -2 0 2 0 Re s e a rc h and C onference Papers Publ i cati ons -Publication graphics design

S kills S oftware 3 D d i g i ta l m o d e l i n g -Rhino 3D, AutoCAD and Revit. Ad o b e C re a ti v e S u i te -Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere and Lightroom. D i g i ta l re n d e ri n g -Keyshot, Rhino Render, Maxwell, Maya and VRay.

Othe r S k ills P h y s i c a l m o d e l i n g (worki ng as w el l as presentati on). H a n d s k e tc h i n g a n d draw i ng. Kn o w l e d g e o f a rc h i t ectural theori es and desi gn trends. Arti c u l a te p u b l i c s p e aker. T i me ma n a g e me n t a nd schedul i ng. E x p e ri e n c e i n re s i d enti al , retai l and commerci al archi tecture. E x p e ri e n c e i n g ra p hi cs desi gn.

R ecognitions and E xhibitions 2 020 ( P os t p on e d )

Zero Energy Residential High-rise Chicago Art Center - C hi cago, IL

2 020 ( P os t p on e d )

Type vs. Difference: The Function of a 21st Century Residential Block Exhibition Lafayette Anticipations - P ari s, France


Dean’s Grant Scholarship Harvard University, Graduate School of Design - C ambri dge, MA


IB CAS Award British International School - J akarta, Indonesi a

20 1 2

IB Spirit Award British International School - J akarta, Indonesi a


Kirkland Student Art Gallery Harvard GSD, Student Group - C ambri dge, MA

2018 -


Women in Design Harvard GSD, Student Group - C ambri dge, MA

2015 -


One for one charity for Skid Row SCI-Arc, Student Union - L os A ngel es, C A

2010 -


IB CAS Sekolah Bisa, free school British International School - J akarta, Indonesi a

I nvolvement

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