Portfolio Jesse Dobbelsteen

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+31 (0)6 1372 4824







1.1 Reconstruction after tsunami disaster


1.2 Bergen op Zoom waterfront


1.3 The happy city project


2.1 Park Spangen


2.2 Bethunepolder design


2.3 Design park de Sterren


3.1 Power to the future


3.2 Intelligent subsurface



In 2018 I graduated for the master of Urbanism at the Technical University Delft. Since my bachelor graduation project I have been interested in the dynamics of delta and how to design with water in flood prone areas. As it is important to use hard engineered solutions to protect against the water I try to find a balance where natural based solutions are implemented to create a more sustainable design. In the two years of my master of Urbanism multidisciplinary working was a prominent method when developing projects in delta regions and designing the subsurface.


EDUCATION Sept 2016 - July 2018

M.Sc. Urbanism, Delft University of Technology, Delft Expected graduate date: June/July 2018

Sept 2011 - July 2015

Bachelor of Built environment in Urban and Regional planning, NHTV, Breda Minor: Landscape architecture, Delft University of Technology

Sept 2010 - July 2011

Bachelor of Urban design, Saxion, Deventer

2006 - 2010

High school, Gerrit Rietveld College, Utrecht HAVO Profile: Nature & Health

CONTACT j.dobbelsteen@live.nl +31 (0)6 1372 4824 http://www.dice-design.nl/

WORK EXPERIENCE Aug 2018 - Present

CityFörster, Rotterdam Urban designer

IELTS Academic Overal Band Score 8,0/CEFR Level C1

July 2015 - Jan 2016

Spacevalue, Breda Assistent urban designer

Bachelor Urban and Regional Planning Licence nr. 34282

Aug 2014 - June 2015

JMW, Breda Catering industry, waiter at different locations

Feb 2013 - dec 2013

Mise en Place, Breda Catering industry, waiter at different locations



SKILLS Languages Dutch (native)

Municipality of Bergen op Zoom - Graduation project on coastal developments of Bergen op Zoom - Part of the ‘Waterpoort’ project

Aug 2013 - Apr 2014

Luc Bos Stedenbouwkundigen, Amersfoort - Assisting in urban projects - Gaining experience in the field of urbanism




Software Photoshop








After Effects









Feb 2015 - July 2015


REALIZED PROJECTS June 2016 - Nov 2016

Logo design for event bureau Isa Goes Wild, Utrecht

Nov 2014 - Apr 2016

Park design for studentcomplex De Sterren, Utrecht


Gebiedsontwikkeling.nu Seminar for successfull climate adaptation


All publications: https://issuu.com/dicedesign

April 2018

Intelligent SubSurface Quality 003

March 2018

Atlantis Water & land, conflict or collaboration?



1.1 Reconstruction after tsunami disaster 1.2 Bergen op Zoom waterfront 1.3 The happy city project




MSc graduation project that researches a new adaptive approach for recovery after disaster such as the 3.11 tsunami in Japan. The project aims to find a balance between hard engineered and nature based solutions that increases the resilience. Location: Yuriage, Japan Year: 2018 Keywords: Coastal defense, multidisciplinary, tsunami mitigation, adaptation


Japan has a vast history of earthquake and tsunami disasters that Japan had to cope with, the country can be defined as a disaster society. The most recent disaster, The Great East Japan Earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0, resulted in a tsunami which had a devastating effect on the coastal regions of Tohoku. However, these crisis situations also offer a potential for implementing innovative concepts and strategies regarding disaster recovery. Japan copes with high volumes of precipitation and a rapid aging and declining population. Furthermore, as a result of the shutdown of almost all the nuclear energy plants after the tsunami there is a need for other (renewable) energy sources. It is important to take this trauma into account where most of the people want to

recover what was lost. This causes a friction between the urge to develop new areas and recover what was there before. This research project is using the Dynamic Adaptation Policy Pathway (DAPP) approach as guiding method to develop a strategy for recovery. In order to strengthen this approach a set of supplementing methods is chosen. One of the supplementing methods used is the multidisciplinary approach. There are many problems in a disaster society such as in Japan which cannot be fully addressed by one scientific discipline. To resolve problems of a disaster society, contributions from many disciplines are needed, with inputs that should preferably be balanced and integrated.

VISION+STRATEGY Actions that are developed to generate pathways and strategies that are derived from the process analysis and spatial analysis. After defining the current situation of Yuriage the developed actions can be added to the pathway map. There are two phases that the strategy will go through: adaptation and resilience. The first phase starts from the current situation of Yuriage where some hard engineered solutions have been applied. the adaptation phase provides a foundation for the shift towards more resilient solutions. In phase two the transition from adaptive solutions towards resilient

solutions is supported. Most of the hard engineered solutions are replaced by natural processes. However, in some cases the civil constructions and nature based solutions strengthened each other and were therefore combined to increase resilience.

Elevated Road Network

Miltifunctional Evacuation Facility

Fisheries (Industry)

Coastal Forest

Dune Landscape

Community hub


Land raising

Flood resilient housing

Creek system

Sand deposition

Horizontal canal

Design actions: Nature based, hard engineered, community oriented, and energy transition

Dynamic adaptive policy pathway map that forms the strategy towards the design.



Vision map for the Natori municipality.


Visual representation of the housing area (top) and the coastal defense line (bottom).



Multilayered defense line, combining hard engineered solutions with nature based solutions in order to increase the resilience and mitigation effectiveness. The combination of salt, brackish, and sweet water habitats provide opportunities for an increased biodiversity.

Harbor of Yuriage. Fucus lies on the development of fishery industries and attracting tourists. The market and shops sell regional products from the land and fish from the sea. 13

Energy hub. The agricultural land and housing will provide waste materials for the waste treatment plant which recycles or incinerates the waste. The power that is generated can be stored in the energy facility next to the wastewater treatment plant. In cases of fluctuations in the energy supply, the stored energy can be used to prevent the lack of energy.

Housing area. The housing area consists of three main parts: the buildings, the water system and the park. A water system is integrated on the raised land to enhance the relation with the water and provide quality to the public space. In addition, the housing area aims to capture and hold as much water as possible by integrating green patches between the housing clusters.


Requirements for species to settle in a habitat. By providing a variety of nodes in the natural system, biodiversity will increase.

Section of the slope that is strengthened with geotextile. By implementing geotextile the subsurface can cope with higher intensities of earthquakes. Infiltration is still possible with the textile and can be used to maintain green spaces instead of the hard engineered slopes. Furthermore, the section illustrates two housing typologies: (1) Built on slabs and (2) built on piles.



Phasing of the coastal defense measures where the dune landscape transforms into a coastal forest and is integrated with the coastal embankment. This creates a better visual connection with the sea which was disrupted by the coastal embankment. In addition, the dune landscape increases the strength of the coastal forest by providing better stability for the roots. Apart from mitigation tsunami impact, the coastal forest also stops salt spray from the ocean that affects the agricultural lands further inland.



BSc graduation project that explores the potentials of the waterfront of Bergen op Zoom. The project investigates new approaches of living with water in a tidal area. Location: Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands Year: 2015 Keywords: Tidal area, designing with water


Bergen op Zoom has an important position within the development area Waterpoort. The idea behind Waterpoort is that it is a borderless transition between water and land. In addition, the it should rediscover the relation with water and strengthen the identity that is connected to the water. Furthermore, Bergen op Zoom is part of the Zuiderwaterlinie which is a historical defense line of forts and inundation areas. Due to the salinization of the Volkerak-Zoommeer a diverse environment is developed that consists of vast salt marshes. However, because the Binnenschelde is completely shut off from this delta landscape algae developed in this lake, making it unable to use. Sometimes difficult problems can have a relative simple solution, where in the case of Bergen op Zoom the solution is to open up one sluice. As a result

System of defense Waterlinies in The Netherlands.

the native delta landscape returns to the bay of Bergen op Zoom. By bringing back the delta landscape an unique landscape is formed that helps Bergen op Zoom profile itself within the Zuidwestelijke Delta. The waterfront of becomes a robust environment with a fine patchwork of recreation, habitats, and opportunities for implementing new housing typologies.


Design for the waterfront of Bergen op Zoom

Birds eye view of the design.

Visual representation of the canal.


Design of the canal and neighborhood that form the entrance to Bergen op Zoom.

DETAILS Due to the salty water the blue algae will disappear and new development opportunities will arise. Because the tidal area a dynamic delta landscape is formed which results in four housing typologies. These typologies are implemented in small clusters to preserve the landscape characteristics of the delta. The port and fort de Waterschans are renovated and together they form the entrance to the city. The fort receives the function of a visitor center that tells the history of the Waterlinie and the delta. Additionally, the fort can be used for events and other recreational functions. Alongside the canal that leads to the city a boulevard is developed with mixed use of housing, working, and Horeca.

Design for the renovation of Fort de Waterschans.

Housing typologies in the delta landscape.




The happy city project aims to create a child friendly neighborhood according the principles of Charles Montgomery. In addtion, issues such as subsidence, pollution, and floods due to heavy rainstorms are taken into account. Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands Year: 2017 Keywords: Child friendly, subsurface design, water square, pollution


The happy city project aims to make the residents of Rotterdam- South feeling at home and safe in their neighbourhood and surrounding areas. To accomplish this happiness we have to focus on the children. By creating a framework of nodes and networks focussed on a child friendly public space the overall quality and feeling of safety will improve. The nodes in the framework are the playgrounds and the schools where the children will go to. One of the nodes will be a water square that increases infiltration and storage of water and also create a place to play and meet. By projecting this framework on the neighbourhood a safer and in the long run a happier place will develop. Creating a place to grow up.

Vision for Bloemhof.

Section of the watersquare

Design of the watersquare.


Detailed section of the watersystem of the wadi

Visual representation of the dry and wet situation.

Water system of the water square.



2.1 Park Spangen 2.2 Bethunepolder design 2.3 Design park de Sterren




A redesign of park Spangen, North-West part of Rotterdam, where the main source of inspiration was the three stages of nature: Wilderniss, controlled, and cultivated. Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands Year: 2014 Keywords: Landscape design, Multidisciplinary


Details of the cultivated landscape (top image) and wilderniss (bottom image).

Design for park Spangen.



The polder can be seen as a system or machine where products are made and constant change is happening. The polder is divided in three main parts as a result of height differences. A recreational route follows the gridstructure of the polder and connects all the parts together. In order to emphasize the polder structure flower beds are situated next to the water ways. By natural forestation in the North-East part of the polder the visitor can experience the difference in landscape characteristics when nature is not cultivated. This is also the location of a lookout tower that overlooks the complete polder and its system. Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands Year: 2014 Keywords: Polder design, Machine


Design of the Bethunepolder where there is a clear distinction between the three parts of the polder.



The former municipality building in Utrecht is currently in use by the SSH for student housing. The park strip next to it was used by the municipality during lunchtime and to take a little brake to clear the mind. However, after the municipality was relocated and student housing was developed maintenance of the park fell behind. The park got completely overgrown, making it unable to use the green space. In addition, during heavy rainfall the park turned into a swam where most of the paths were unaccessible. Therefore, the SSH decided in collaboration with the municipality of Utrecht, Stichting Bloeyendael, and Woonbestuur De Sterren to make a new strategy and design for the park. Due to the limited budget the design had to use as much of the available resources as possible that were already there at the site. This resulted in a design which can be compared with sculpting. Instead of removing all the current foliage and completely renew the park places creating new openings and spaces to stay. Existing bodies of water are increased in depth and linked to each other in order to create more storage capacity for the water. A semi-hardened path connects all the different spaces together. 26

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands Year: 2014 - 2016 Keywords: Park design, student collaboration, network of spaces

Plant scheme for park de Sterren


Result of the design for park de Sterren.



3.1 Power to the Future 3.2 Intelligent subsurface




The AMA is heavily dependent on fossil fuels and as they become more scarce there is a need for strategies that promote the use of renewable energy sources and decentrilized distribution. Location: Amsterdam metropolitan region, The Netherlands Year: 2017 Keywords: Regional strategy, circular economy, energy dependency


The AMA has a high dependency on fossil fuels and this is evident in the manner in which the economy is heavily dependency on the import of these nonrenewable resources and also in the spatial manifestation of the consumption of large amounts of fossil fuels. While the current system which is dependent on these limited resources, there is an urgent need to shift into decentralized system based on renewable energy resources owing to the fact that the fossil fuels are estimated to reach complete depletion by 2050. Based on this scenario, energy transition is proposed for the region. This energy transition primarily focuses on creating a new energy network relying on concepts such as technical transition, energy production and reduction in

Current trends in the AMA.

consumption of fossil fuels. Together they form a new energy network, a symbiotic system which is realized through a smart grid. Multiple nodes are prescribed and these hubs take shapes a selected pilot projects that gradually spread across different parts of the region. Together they work together achieving a synergy that drives the energy transition of the entire region. The region however is expected to urbanize further and this as a result poses multiple challenges and an increase in demand for energy. The new energy system can hence foresee and support this future growth of the urban area and cope with possible shifts in the energy cycle.

Fossil fuel dependency.


Energy transition in the AMA can be achieved by deriving relevant strategies. The primary approach to this is by first addressing decentralisation as a module. In order to achieve decentralisation, creation of local hubs or nodes is essential.

Systems that privided the backbone for development in Amsterdam

These nodes or hubs are unified by the smart system as an efficient energy network. Each hub has its own role to play in the larger aim towards achieving energy transition. This role can be based on the principles based on energy transition. These principles can be shaped into three main focus points – namely the technical transition, energy production and reduction in consumption of fossil fuels.



32 Vision for the AMA: A decentrilized energy network.

Layers that influence the energy transition.

33 Policy map for the AMA.

Technical transition.


Design for the harbor of Amsterdam.

Visual representation of the knowledge hub.


Stakeholder analysis.



The subsurface is closely related to the developments that happen above ground. This project explores future scenarios in a multidisciplinary context for the neighborhood Bloemhof in Rotterdam and shows the importance of designing the subsurface. Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands Year: 2017 Keywords: Multidiciplinary workshops, subsurface design, adaptive housing


WORKSHOP The subsurface is the machine room of the city where vital processes are conducted. It has to be considered when challenges such as climate change, subsidence, and increased amount of precipitation occur. Furthermore, the subsurface has an important role in urban climate adaptation and energy transition. This asks for a close collaboration between multiple disciplines in the fields of urbanism, civil engineering, water management, etc. Bloemhof-Zuid is a neighborhood from 1930 that copes with most of the problems mentioned above. It has a wet and unstable subsurface with constant subsidence. The research view of intelligent subsurface focusses on implementing innovative technologies in the current urban form. In order to decide the direction of the design a set of two workshop is organized that helps various disciplines discuss about solutions. The first workshop is meant to familiarize each discipline with the task and find out what relation each discipline has with each other. Knowledge is shared that helps set up the starting parameters for the second workshop which are two scenarios. In the second workshop the disciplines are working together in small groups and follow three main steps in order to create an explorative design. Step 1: Discuss strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Step 2: Specify the scenario with provided building blocks of typologies, street profiles, and functions. Step 3: answer the question what the scenario means for your specific discipline. The results of these workshops are translated in a design of which one, building on piles, is further clarified.





In this extreme scenario all the buildings are replaces with housing on piles on the level of the dwellings that are situated at the dike. This results in a dynamic landscape that is prone to subsidence and other natural processes. The public space will sink and strengthen the ecological value of the neighborhood. The way static and dynamic elements work together in the area is a design task for architects and urbanists. However, they are prone to the technical possibilities available by the civil engineers.



+31 (0)6 1372 4824

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