Power to the Future

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POWER TO THE FUTURE Exploring energy transition through regional design

AR2U085 R&D Spatial Strategies for the Global Metropolis (2016-2017 Q3) MSc Urbanism, Delft University of Technology

Tutor: Lei Qu, Hamed Khosravi Al-Hosseini, Marcin Dabrowski




Jinglun Du 4615042 Jesse Dobbelsteen 4385055 Nilofer Afza Tajuddin 4618963 Wenxin Jin 4617452





ABSTRACT The AMA has a high dependency on fossil fuels and this is evident in the manner in which the economy is heavily dependency on the import of these non-renewable resources and also in the spatial manifestation of the consumption of large amounts of fossil fuels. While the current system which is dependent on these limited resources, there is an urgent need to shift into decentralised system based on renewable energy resources owing to the fact that the fossil fuels are estimated to reach complete depletion by 2050. Based on this scenario, energy transition is proposed for the region. This energy transition primarily focuses on creating a new energy network relying on concepts such as technical transition, energy production and reduction in consumption of fossil fuels. Together they form a new energy network, a symbiotic system which is realised through a smart grid. Multiple nodes are prescribed and these hubs take shapes a selected pilot projects that gradually spread across different parts of the region. Together they work together achieving a synergy that drives the energy transition of the entire region. The region however is expected to urbanise further and this as a result poses multiple challenges and an increase in demand for energy. The new energy system can hence foresee and support this future growth of the urban area and cope with possible shifts in the energy cycle. Keywords: Fossil Fuel Dependency, Energy Transition, Smart Grid, Synergy, Urbanisation






Source: Cat DiStasio


In the Netherlands, of all energy consumed is generated from fossil fuels. In addition, the economy of the Netherlands is based on the concept of an energy economy, playing an important global role in the refining of crude petroleum. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2014)



gas instead of exporters. Simultaneously, we will be confronted with the damaging effects of fossil fuels on the environment as a result of increasing emissions of greenhouse gasses such as CO2.

The Netherlands has a strong position on the global market with refining fossil fuel. With approximately 25% of all import and export depending on petroleum products, the economy itself is strongly related to the fossil fuel sector. (Source: The Observatory of Economic Complexity) In fact, the port of Amsterdam is considered the petrol port of the world. Furthermore 93% of all energy consumption in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area is dependent on fossil fuels.

The demand for fossil fuels has fluctuated over the years making drastic shifts, however in recent times has undergone a gradual increase. (Sijmons, Hugtenburg et al. 2014) In fact, it is estimated that the dependency on oil resources is set to increase to 95% by 2018. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2014) The continuing ability to provide affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for a clean and habitable city requires immediate action. To an increasing extent, oil and gas are coming from politically unstable regions. And all this is taking place while there is an explosive increase in demand for cheap fuels, in particular from the developing countries and rapidly growing economies such as India and China. The demand for energy in the US and Europe is also continuing to grow. This is compounded by the fact that Europe and the US, as well as India and China, are becoming increasingly dependent on imported fuels such as oil and gas. This scarce market will lead to increasing prices. (Amsterdam, a different energy)

At the same time, Netherlands plays a key role as main oil refining centre in Europe, with supply network of ports, storage facilities and pipeline connections playing a critical role for oil supplies to the continent. Likewise for natural gas, the country plays a regional role for supply security. Natural gas net exports amounted to 25Mtoe in 2012, 76% of the Netherlands’ gas production. The country is historically an exporter of natural gas, but has a growing dependence on oil imports. Oil net imports (crude and refined) reached 46 Mtoe in 2012 and have been steadily increasing during the last 20 years, mainly driven by the petrochemical industry. 83% of electricity production comes from fossil fuels, 64% being delivered from natural gas. In the coming years, EU dependence on imported fossil fuels will continue to increase. The Netherlands will be able to experience this for themselves when, from approximately 2025, we become net importers of natural 9

Ecological impact

In fact the Amsterdam metropolitan region is highly dependent on the imports of fossil fuels. Nearly 10 million tonnes of material are consumed and of this 60% is imported. Furthermore, 50% of all imports consist of fossil fuels. This reinstates the dependency of fossil fuels of the country as well as the AMA. Subsequently this has large scale ecological impacts and resultant economic interests. Based on the economic interest vs ecological impact analysis, all sectors connected to the fossil fuels and related energy and waste cycles tend to feature more on the ecological impact aspects.

Contrustion industry


Electrical and electronic industry

Metal and chemical industry

Transport industry Machinery

Other services Petroleum industry

Household goods and services Economic interest





% 40

Oil Peat

20 Wood

Coal Other

0 1600





Source: Landscape and energy - designing transition, Dirk Sijmons, 2014






3500 3000 2500 2000 3500

Import Export

1500 3000 1000 2500 500 2000 0 1500 (Kiloton)



Non-metallic mineral



Import Export

Raw material import and local extraction

500 0



Non-metallic mineral



Raw material import and local extraction



15000 25000

Import Export

10000 20000

5000 15000




Refine Energy








Material import and export (kilotons)




Import Export


Refine Energy












Amsterdam port, Green port, Schiphol and the city centre contribute heavily to the total energy consumption of the Netherlands. Currently, the region still significantly relies on fossil fuel resources for its energy needs. Oil, coal and natural gas related power plants and industries are key stakeholders in the energy system of the AMA. Furthermore, household consumption also contributes to overall consumption levels due to complications in infrastructure systems (electricity and heating) which were originally built to be fossil fuel based. This cumulatively implies the dependency of the AMA region on fossil fuels.

The AMA is the largest metropolitan area in the Netherlands, with an organic settlement pattern and dense clustered settlements. It plays an important role in the Randstad region and addressing the energy issues in this region will significantly impact the country on the whole. The AMA which is comprised of various hubs such as the 13

A REGIONAL CONSUMPTION DEPENDENT ON FOSSIL FUELS pendency. This raises an urgent need to update existing systems in the zone in order to reduce the emissions and resultant pollution in the zone. This is further backed by the district heating and electricity layout which shows that the extents of the current clean network does not connect this municipality and hence further throws light on the apparent dependency on older forms of heating and cooling, those which run on fossil fuels.

70% of all energy consumption in the region is directed into electricity and heating supply to buildings (Amsterdam, a different energy). 78.6% of this energy is produced by burning fossil fuels which in turn impacts the environment through high pollution levels. With an overall dependency of energy resources on fossil fuel, the AMA needs to address the need for energy transition urgently in order to future proof itself in the projected future scenario. In fact the apparent fossil fuel dependency is evident in the spatial structure of the city, with the finger structure of the built environment along the infrastructure. This infrastructure has been a crucial element in trade and is a reflection of a system defined by fossil fuel related factors.

LACK OF AWARENESS ON GROUND LEVEL While this dependency is noticeable in spatial terms, it is also important to consider what is perceived on a consumer or citizen level. Based on this, the other issue that the AMA needs to address is the lack of awareness among the consumers, the fellow residents of the region, with a misconception that the region uses more clean energy resources than they actually do. Rather this misinformation results in the crucial disjunction where people perceive the use of renewable energy resources as approximately 25% of all energy resources when in reality it is a meagre 5.6% (Figure 3). This results in the urgency to also address the public awareness quotient which is crucial to the shift away from fossil fuel dependency in the future. There is a need to address the detrimental impacts of this dependency on a local level, through activities which encourage the use of clean energy resources.

The amount of energy used by each segment of the region when superimposed with the corresponding CO2 emission, key findings can be made. Drawing relations between these two parameters, a highly industrial zone such as a harbour uses larger amounts of energy in comparison to the municipality of Amsterdam but however the pollution in both zones is equal. Interesting prepositions can be made based on this observation. As CO2 emissions are often a consequence of large amounts of fossil fuel consumption, it can be suggested that the consumption in the Amsterdam city area may also be heavily dependent on fossil fuels. This suggests that the current infrastructure in place in this zone may support this de-

Source: Energievoorziening 2015-2050: publieksonderzoek | Ministerie van EZ 14




PRESENTING A POST FOSSIL FUTURE However, the non-renewable resources are undergoing rapid depletion on a global level. In fact, it is estimated that by 2050, the world’s reserves of fossil fuels will recede. In this post fossil scenario, is the Amsterdam Metropolitan region equipped to cope with this possible probable future?



1.0. INTRODUCTION: Regional design has often been considered a significant catalyst, triggering various trends in the target area. It deals with forces that shape the built and natural environment, plans and policies to ease and eliminate urban as well as regional issues. The primary focus is to integrate the various physical, social, economic and political aspects related to community development and in turn derive appropriate responses (Burden 2012). Spatial strategies are crucial in achieving territorial transformations and desired qualities of a region. This paper delves into the concept of energy transition in the region of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA) and the regional design approach for the same. The AMA is the largest metropolitan area in the Netherlands, with an organic settlement pattern and dense clustered settlements. It plays an important role in the Randstad region and addressing the energy issues in this region will significantly impact the country on the whole. Regional and Spatial design and the intended energy transition for the AMA are the core themes of this paper. Energy is an essential resource, crucial for human settlements. However, in the ever increasing demand for energy needs, where does one assess the sources and subsequent risks involved in energy production and consumption? This paper presents the possible probable future of an impending energy crisis and projects the need for a transition away from non-renewable energy resources for the AMA.

2.0. PREMISE: In the Netherlands, 93% of all energy consumed is generated from fossil fuels. In addition, the economy of the Netherlands is based on the concept of an energy economy, playing an important global role in the refining of crude petroleum. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2014) Approximately 25% of all imports and exports deal with the trade of this resource. (Observatory of Economic complexity) In fact, the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA) is home to the petrol port of the world, namely the Amsterdam Port The demand for fossil fuels has fluctuated over the years making drastic shifts, however in recent times has undergone a gradual increase (Fig.2)(Sijmons, Hugtenburg et al. 2014) In fact, it is estimated that the dependency on oil resources is set to increase to 95% by 2018. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2014) The country is historically an exporter of natural gas, but has a growing dependence on oil imports. Mainly driven by the petrochemical industry, net oil imports, both crude and refined, reached 46 Megatons in 2012 and are continuing to steadily increase in the last two decades (Amsterdam A different Energy – 2040 energy strategy). 83% of electricity production comes from fossil fuels, 64% being delivered from natural gas (European energy market reform, 2012).

In the coming years, the EU dependence on imported fossil fuels will continue to increase. In fact, the Netherlands will soon become an importer of natural gas by 2025 as against its current position as an exporter of the resource (European energy market reform, 2012). Simultaneously, we will be confronted with the damaging effects on the environment as a result of increasing CO2 emissions caused by the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.

3.0. FOSSIL DEPENDENT REGION: The AMA which is comprised of various hubs such as the Amsterdam port, Green port, Schiphol and the city centre contribute heavily to the total energy consumption of the Netherlands. Currently, the region still significantly relies on fossil fuel resources for its energy needs. Oil, coal and natural gas related power plants and industries are key stakeholders in the energy system of the AMA. Furthermore, household consumption also contributes to overall consumption levels due to complications in infrastructure systems (electricity and heating) which were originally built to be fossil fuel based. This cumulatively implies the dependency of the AMA region on fossil fuels. However, the non-renewable resources are undergoing rapid depletion on a global level. In fact, it is estimated that by 2050, the world’s reserves of fossil fuels will recede. In this post fossil scenario, is the Amsterdam Metropolitan region equipped to cope with this possible probable future? 70% of all energy consumption in the region is directed into electricity and heating supply to buildings (Amsterdam, a different energy). 78.6% of this energy is produced by burning fossil fuels which in turn impacts the environment through high pollution levels. With an overall dependency of energy resources on fossil fuel, the AMA needs to address the need for energy transition urgently in order to future proof itself in the projected future scenario. In fact the apparent fossil fuel dependency is evident in the spatial structure of the city, with the finger structure of the built environment along the infrastructure. This infrastructure has been a crucial element in trade and is a reflection of a system defined by fossil fuel related factors. While this dependency is noticeable in spatial terms, it is also important to consider what is perceived on a consumer or citizen level. Based on this, the other issue that the AMA needs to address is the lack of awareness among the consumers, the fellow residents of the region, with a misconception that the region uses more clean energy resources than they actually do. Rather this misinformation results in the crucial disjunction where people perceive the use of renewable energy resources as approximately 25% of all energy resources when in reality it is a meagre 5.6%. This results in the urgency to also address the public awareness quotient which is crucial to the shift away from fossil fuel dependency in the future. There is a need to address the detrimental impacts of this dependen18

cy on a local level, through activities which encourage the use of clean energy resources. With the energy consumption heavily dependent on non-renewable energy resources, the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region needs to undergo energy transition towards renewable energy resources in order to prevent risks and consequences in the probable future of fossil fuel depletion. This forms the explorative basis of this research. Can the AMA undergo energy transition and transform itself from a fossil fuel dependant region to a renewable energy producer and consumer? And how can the circular economy principle be used as a tool to enhance and achieve this transition? What is circular economy? How can regional and spatial strategies be applied in the region to achieve this energy transition?

4.0. METHODOLOGY In order to understand the potentials and possibilities of the region adopting and achieving energy transition, the various concepts and theories that support this shift from renewable to non-renewable resources were studied. While existing regional policies support this transition, additional proposals directed solely on the energy transition will bring the region closer to achieving the desirable goal. Concepts such as circular economy, a tool to address the various material flows and potentials in the region, and other energy related components such as energy landscapes and smart grids and the relevance to the overall energy transition were considered.

4.1. ENERGY TRANSITION: To achieve energy transition Renée M. de Waal states that there are four key-strategies derived from renewable energy science: Consideration of energy system components; diversity of energy supply; reduction in energy demand and reduction of fossil fuel emissions (2015). From this three main principles can be determined: Technical transition, production of renewable energy and reduce fossil fuel consumption. The technical transition relates to the energy system components and aims to change from fossil fuel powered facilities to the use of renewable resources. The production of renewable energy connects to the diversity of energy supply which has a connection with the energy landscape. The principle of reducing fossil fuel consumption connects to the reduction in energy demand. The reduction of fossil fuel emissions covers all the previous stated principles and therefore doesn’t need to become a fourth principle. Through the three main principles that are formed energy transition should be able to be achieved. 4.2. CIRCULAR ECONOMY: In the Netherlands, circular economy is a trending topic and is gradually becoming the ‘new sustainability’. Circular economy assumes that there are 19

short cycles and long cycles of maintenance, reuse and recycling (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2012). In its most basic form, we explain circular economy as being a regenerative approach to resources based on high quality cycles. A pragmatic explanation of the concept can be found with regards to the so called Circular economy (CE): “a living economic system, focused on the structural changes in the existing economic model, with value creation based on ‘use’ instead of value destruction based on ‘consumption’” (Het Groene Brein, 2014). A fundamental part of the CE concept is the transition from product consumption to product services (Stahel, W., 2006). Based on this concept, waste does not exist. The biological and technical waste of a product can be regarded as suppliers to fit within a materials cycle. In that way, circular economy is in contrast to linear economy, which is a 'take, make, dispose' model of production. Additionally, the CE concept is the transition from product consumption to product services (Stahel, W., 2006). CE takes the reusability of products and materials and the protection of natural resources as a starting point and pursues value at every stage of the system (TNO, 2013). The aim of CE is to maximize value creation in each link in the system. To achieve true sustainability, products must be designed for ease of reuse, disassembly and remanufacturing or recycling to keep material flows circulating at a high rate. The gains of CE are threefold: economic, environmental and social. According to McKinsey, moving towards a CE could profit Europe both environmentally and economically as it will generate an economic net profit of 1.8 trillion Euros in 2030. (TNO, 2013). Therefore, city need to be designed and constructed as a stock of services, composed in terms of products and more complex components from a CE perspective. Using circular processes as a tool, potential connections can be made between different raw materials and resources in order to make the energy system efficient. By introducing new methods of closing cycles and innovating through technology and knowledge to do so, energy transition can become a reality. It is important to further understand existing scenarios, potentials and ongoing processes in order to strategically plan the transition and hence future-proof the AMA.

4.3. ENERGY LANDSCAPE: Energy transition is closely related to the landscape. Through history most of the energy is provided by natural resources of the landscape. In turn, energy production often has some influence on the landscape because changes always take place in the physical environment (Leenaers, 2012), (Mulder, 2014), (Pasqualetti, 2013). Based on this understanding, the energy landscape could be defined as “the landscape which is energy productive and relevant to energy transition, both urban landscape and natural landscape.”

Many academics, like, Ghosn (2005), Bloemers, et al. (2010), Stremke and van den Dobbelsteen (2013), Ivančić (2010), Radzi (2009) and van Hoorn and Matthijsen (2013) argue that energy transition represents a challenge for designers who involved in planning, especially the landscape architects and spatial planners. From the mid-1990s, Schöbel, S. (2012) and Schöne, M.B (2007), both landscape architects, have studied the possible visual impact of wind parks (2010) and developed strategies for placing wind turbines in existing landscape. In this period, the main research direction is focussed on how to reduce the negative impact of new facilities. Increasingly, landscape architects believe that the spatial design can (and should) contribute to energy transition in a strategic way. For example, by energy-oriented spatial planning of land use, we can achieve energy savings and facilitate renewable energy production. Radzi and Droege (2009) explained this new view as follows: “Globally, the ground is shifting for local planning organizations and their tools. Mapping renewable energy capacity, understanding energy flows, realizing which roof and open space assets are available for renewable electricity and thermal energy conversion: such knowledge forms the basis for achieving renewable energy independence in an efficiently structured and purposeful manner.” Recently, the focus of the study shifted to taking energy transition as an opportunity to achieve societal harmony and to ensure spatial quality. Stremke and van den Dobbelsteen (2007) put forward the “sustainable energy landscape” concept, which can remind designers should not only pursue sustainability goals, but also benefit local communities and maintain landscape quality.

sumers of energy. In fact, the smart grid is modelled as an ‘energy internet’ which is comprised of several local area grids that are demand based autonomous entities consisting of a convenient mixture of different customers. (Tsoukalas and Gao 2008) Using the definition by the European Technology Platform,”the Smart Grid is a concept and vision that captures a range of advanced information, sensing, communications, control, and energy technologies. Taken together, these result in an electric power system that can intelligently integrate the actions of all connected users—from power generators to electricity consumers to those that both produce and consume electricity (“prosumers”)—to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic, and secure electricity supplies.(Speer, Miller et al. 2015)” The relevance of a smart grid in the energy transition and the efficient use of renewable resources can be seen in the Gapa Island of Korea. The conventional diesel generated power plants was replaces with solar and wind power systems and was integrated along with a smart grid comprising of elements such as a total operating system and an energy management system (EMS). This system not only provided flexibility to the energy transmission but also tracked the electricity on a real time basis which in turn optimised the energy grid on the whole. (Speer, Miller et al. 2015) This successful combination resulted in a carbon free energy system.

4.4. SMART GRID: An energy grid may be defined as a system that serves the purpose of production, transmission, distribution and regulation or control. In recent times, with rigorous research on the different sources of energy, trends and concepts of the relevant infrastructure and transmission networks have also been explored. Traditional grid systems generally transmit energy from a single or multiple sources to multiple consumers. With the democratization of energy production and supply, there has been an increase in the diversity of stakeholders involved ranging from individuals to large corporations in the energy system. As a result, there has been a growing trend in self production of energy as against the centralised traditional energy system. In this newly emerging decentralised system of energy production and supply, conventional energy structures fail to extract maximum potential, primarily in the case of renewable energy resources. (Speer, Miller et al. 2015) The smart grid as a concept primarily focuses on using smart technology and infrastructure to regulate and respond to the various producers and con20

5.0. CONCLUSION Using existing policies and proposing new ones along with a regional strategy, the AMA has the potential to achieve energy transition. The circular economy can be used as an important tool to extract existing potentials of the region in order to enhance energy transition in addition to using the spatial structure of the region to create energy landscapes. These concepts coupled with the relevant infrastructure namely the smart grid are defining elements for deriving spatial strategies for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Four pilot projects acting as different nodes in the region were proposed deriving their functional principles from the various concepts discussed in the paper. These pilot projects are zoned in the Harbour area, municipality of Amsterdam, Aalsmeer and Lelystad. Each with the larger purpose of plugging into the smart grid, the AMA is projected as a region in the process of achieving energy transition. These four hubs act as prototypes, one of the many other nodes spread across the region, contributing to as well as supporting the smart grid. This research explores the opportunities and potentials of integrating energy transition concepts in the AMA region. The application and technicalities of this process can be further studied with respect to the other material cycles that flow through the region, namely waste. In addition to the production and consumption of energy that this paper dissects, new ways of achieving energy transition through the waste cycle can be further explored. The integration of these various concepts will not only bring complexity to the regional strategy of the smart grid but will also bring the AMA closer to making energy transition and a future with renewable energy resources, a reality.











THE SPATIAL GROWTH OF AMA In order to understand the AMA, the spatial structure and historic growth of the region was analysed. The growth and evolution of the morphology of the region is crucial to defining spatial potentials and limitations.

is distinct and due to the radial pattern, the outermost developments grow farther away from the city centre. As a result of these developments, the region grew in a finger-like structure with the green wedges penetrating into the built environment of the region. This presents unique opportunity in terms of spatial structure.

While the region started growing from the Amsterdam city centre, the water structure played an important growth defining factor in terms of morphology of growth. This is evident in the canal structure of the city centre, which follows a radial pattern defined by the water. With the onset of the industrial era and the advent of vehicles as a primary transport, infrastructure played a crucial growth and form defining element. This is in fact quite evident The vehicle plays an important role in defining the growth of the region in this period. The Amsterdam city grows outwards along the infrastructure. The pattern of growth


A conceptual spatial structure model of the development of the Amsterdam-Schiphol region during the 20th century. —Spatial Structure Models


EXISTING SPATIAL STRUCTURE AS AN OPPORTUNITY The existing infrastructure system supporting the energy network of the city however caters to the present energy resources and can form an obstacle in order to achieve energy transition. Certain questions arise when looking at the current system of the AMA. Can this system be tapped into for the purpose of energy transition? What are the potentials of the existing system? What are the limitations? What does the region have to offer to achieve energy transition in terms of potential energy resources? What are the various stakeholders involved? How can strategies across various scales be applied to bring the AMA closer to achieving energy transition in the future? What are the short term and long term strategies? What are the different kinds of people involved in this process?

structure and later based on the infrastructure. This development based on the infrastructure primarily triggered through trade culminated in the resultant finger structure of the region. With the Amsterdam city centre as the heart, the city grew towards the south with developments in distinct fingers with the green wedges separating them. These green wedges are unique to the AMA region in the manner in which they infuse the cultural landscape into the built environment. Strict developmental laws over the years have protected the sanctity of these green wedges hence offering unique potential in the spatial structure of the region. In this region rich in cultural landscape elements such as farmlands, agricultural fields, forests and other green and blue elements, there are various materials that flow through the region in order to sustain it. In order to address the possibility of achieving energy transition, a critical understanding of these material flows related to energy as well as allied sectors in essential.

The spatial structure of the AMA, by virtue of its morphology offers a strong potential in integrating strategies related to energy transition in the regional fabric. In fact, historically, the city first grew based on the water


NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY FLOW The circular economy principle was used as a tool to evaluate the current as well as potential energy setup in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. The Non-Renewable resources that flow through the region primarily manifest themselves in a linear flow, with raw materials entering the cycle and passing through steps such a refinement, processing, supply and part export. The industries and power plants reliant on these resources are important stakeholders to be considered in the transition from non-renewable to renewable energy. While comparing the three main elements of this cycle, petroleum, coal and natural gas, each of these materials flow in linear directions, often not connecting or coinciding in the process. While natural gas and coal are two main materials associated with electricity generation, the petroleum flow largely feeds into the transport and industrial sector. As a result these are two focus points, one in the case of natural gas, coal and electricity and the other being petroleum and transport.


RENEWABLE ENERGY FLOW In contrast, the flow of renewable energy resources in the region is interconnected in a way that each by-product is further connected to cycles from other resources. Solar and wind powered energy are both linear processes because most of the energy is generated and distributed locally, often through collectives with shared interests. The main advantage is that due to the short distances less energy loss will occur. Two main solar fields are situated in the AMA which generates power for 1.400 households. The remaining solar energy is produced from private owned panels of people and are used directly for the household. Waste provides a unique opportunity for electricity and heat generation and the resultant heat from the incineration processes can be used as a clean resource as well. The renewable energy flow is highly interconnected making it comparatively more efficient and an opportunity for a better energy system. Also, availability of resources plays a crucial role in its position as a better system in comparison to the highly limited resource dependent fossil fuel material flow. 29



When analysed spatially, the elements of the non-renewable energy flows show a centralised structure. For example, in the case of oil as a resource, there is a concentration of all stakeholders and other allied processes in the harbour area. While coal has a single stakeholder in the region, natural gas related elements are spread across the region, however showing selective concentration in the various hubs

of the AMA. On the other hand, the renewable resource elements are specific to availability of resources in the region, and have a dense network that is spread across the extents of the AMA with complex processes uniting them. 31





































EXPLORING POSSIBLE LINKS Using the principle of circular economy, The non-renewable and renewable energy resource flow was evaluated in order to identify open ends and close potential ones. In the broad agenda of shifting from fossil fuels to renewable forms of energy, the potential of landscape as an experimental ground for energy generation, the potential of waste, both organic and inorganic, as an energy resource and the subsequent adaptation of existing infrastructure for future renewable energy transmission was explored. For example, the inorganic waste from the food sector as well as household sector can be used as an energy resource and further be used in district heating while

the organic waste can be used as bio-fuel. The eventual motive of these links is the concept of energy transition which prescribes a shift from non-renewable energy flows to renewable energy flows.


THE CENTRALISED SYSTEM AND ITS IMPLICATIONS The combination of the material flows and how they manifest spatially results in the apparent centralization of the current energy system. This system being heavily dependent on fossil fuels suggests this centrality. Centralization of the energy system in turn results in consequences such as heat and energy loss and a broad dependency on selective stakeholders. When energy is transmitted over a certain distance, larger the distance covered, more the loss of energy. This may result in a

consumption level which is higher than the actual amount of energy utilised. Owing to the fact that this energy is often resourced through fossil fuels, decentralisation of the energy system in addition to the transition from non-renewable to renewable energy resources in an urgent issue to be addressed.


CENTRALISED SYSTEM, CENTRAL SOURCES The present configuration of the energy system is illustrated. This system which is heavily dependent on a centralised fossil fuel powered system is evident through the singular prominent spines that run through the region. This spine signifies the gas pipeline that connects the region through the harbour area. This harbour area plays an important role in the centralised system. With distribution systems originating from the harbour and greenport, the centralised system faces challenges such as long distance transmission and resultant heat loss. Towards the south-east segment of the region, another single stakeholder is identified which further functions as a central power source to its immediate surroundings. 34

DECENTRALISATION AND THE SMART GRID In order to improve this current situation and enhance the efficiency of the energy system, a decentralised system is proposed. This proposal primarily focuses on modifying the system in such a way that multiple hubs co-exist and support one another to form a synergised system. This ‘synergy’ can be achieved by introducing a smart grid. A smart grid can be understood as a system of multiple nodes united by technology and infrastructure to achieve efficiency. This forms the basis for the proposed new system. These nodes may play different roles in the region. The most important aspect is the co-working and co-existence in order to support different functions and roles of the various nodes. In addition to the existing hubs in the region, new nodes are sought to be introduced for energy

production and transmission purposes. Another implication of this decentralised system is the extent of localisation of the nodes. Local scales which further plug into a larger regional system play a crucial role in this proposal. As a result, specific zones for these various nodes of the smart grid are explored in the region.


04 POTENTIAL for energy transition






Source: Landcape and energy - Designing transition, Dirk Sijmons

SOURCE: Landscape and Energy - Designing Transition - Author: Dirk Sijmons

UNDERSTANDING FOOTPRINTS In the quest for energy transition and deriving relevant strategies, it is also important to be aware of the spatial requirements of the same. The relation between raw material, required infrastructure, resultant waste products and extraction area was studied for both fossil fuels and renewable energy resources in order to draw relations between them. While nuclear and coal resources have considerable amounts of raw material needed, in contrast, solar and wind energy resources need none. However the latter cases need more space as against that of the former. Thermal energy from water remains the resources with the highest extraction area while nuclear is the lowest. Waste to energy is an interesting prospectus to be pursued and can also be considered a relevant energy resource for transition. Further, the way this resource connects to the circular economy can connect directly to the potentials of the region.


POTENTIALS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION Based on this initial research, the spatial potential of the region in terms of producing renewable energy was analysed. While the region shows an abundance of resources spread across its extents, certain zones cane be identified, those with a diversity of opportunities and potentials for generating renewable energy. For example, the harbour area shows the diversity of wind and solar energy coupled with geothermal resources. Similarly, the Aaslmeer area shows the unique potential of wind, geothermal and a possibility of accommodating glasshouses as secondary energy source.


BIOMASS THROUGH DIVERSITY OF LANDSCAPES The region shows a rich variety of different types of landscape and this richness could be a good potential for biomass. Both cultivated as well as sourced from other sectors, biomass can be considered an important source of bio-fuel. In recent times, biofuels have been considered potential energy resources, primarily in relation to the transport industry. Burning biomass in turn is a source of residual heating which also been constantly considered a potential source of energy in the renewable transition. This could present a unique opportunity as an energy resource.





EXISITING ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE In order to realise this smart grid and the resultant energy transition, the potentials that the region has to offer was explored. The existing energy infrastructure suggests the network that exists currently can be reused and adapted in future for energy transmission. For example, the natural gas pipelines can be gradually converted and adapted into renewable energy related supply systems. These are backed by other parameters of assessing potentials of the region.


TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE With the current trend of electric vehicle and the government keen on banning private electric cars by 2050, the transport industry which is heavily dependent on oil resources can be addressed. Renewable sources of energy can used as a factor to adapt the existing system and encourage sustainable transport systems.


AVAILABILITY : VACANT LANDS Owning to the region being one of the most dense in the Randstad region, vacant lands are comparatively scattered across the region in small proportions. The harbour area however shows a concentration of vacant areas that may be considered for future developments. This heavy industrial area not only offers potential through the diversity of stakeholders and industries involved but also poses challenges in terms of environmental quality.


LOCATIONS OF FOSSIL FUEL RELATED STAKEHOLDERS The different types of energy resources result in several types of stakeholders that are spread across the region. While key companies and organisations such as Shell, Nuon and Esso can be identified as key players in this aspect, multiple other stakeholders are identified throughout the region. The harbour area by virtue of the nature of its land-use has a variety of stakeholders. Diversity of renewable energy resources, vacant plots burdened by the expanding city and an added characteristic of the stakeholders indulged in the fossil fuel industry suggests potentials in the harbour region as a unique opportunity.



LANDSCAPE POTENTIAL Furthermore, the cultural landscape and the diversity of terrains present a unique opportunity to superimpose the energy transition concepts. In addition to being an important resource for biomass which is a crucial raw material for biomass, different types of landscapes, for example, forests, farmlands, agriculture and wetlands pose a wide variety of opportunities. Assessing this diversity of landscape overlaid with the potentials of the region in terms of producing renewable energy resources, gives an interesting perspective on the opportunities that can be derived from this unique combination.




The Strength-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats are mapped on the AMA region in order to understand the relations between these criteria which are integral to deriving responses accordingly. While categorizing the weaknesses and threats, it is observed that the dependency on fossil fuel is the prime issue which is further heightened by the fact that the current renewable energy production is a meagre 5%. While the production of biomass is almost negligible, the current energy system prevalent in the region is highlight centralized. Moreover, district heating in the region is being underutilised despite the potential of it as a clean heat resource.

While the future scenario is evident, with the fossil fuels projected to run out by 2050, an added factor that needs to be considered in this future is that the city is constantly growing, and this implies that there will be an increase in demand for energy as well. Further, in order to address this sharp increase in demand in the coming years, addressing consumer behaviour towards the use of fossil related sources is an urgent need.


In term of the strengths and opportunities, the region has multiple outlets for extracting potentials. Netherlands, being in a prime position in terms of research and innovation, can pave the ground for new breakthrough in the sustainability sector. Further, the Amsterdam Port with its global position in the energy market can play a decisive role in reinventing itself with the aspect of energy transition. Also, the landscape itself with its multi-resource potential can be key to creating diverse energy landscapes that can be the driving force in energy production.



Based on the current spatial structure of the region, the green wedges of the Amsterdam provide unique potential in the association of spatial structure, energy landscape and hence energy transition.

trend of an increase of the use of renewable energy from 5% to 14& by 2020, existing stakeholders can be approached to negotiate this transition towards cleaner energy resources. Interesting zones for focus can be derived further, for instance, the harbour area based on the availability of large stakeholders, vacant lands, proximity to the main city area and the diverse supply of renewable sources.

Elaborating on current circular processes in the region, biomass can be considered a relevant resource in the future. Further, district heating powered by the various industries in the region can be a way of closing certain cycles. While the agenda for the region already addresses a 49



A DECENTRALISED ENERGY NETWORK Using the potentials of the existing spatial structure and the opportunities of the cultural landscape, energy transition is envisioned for the AMA by creating nodes or energy hubs throughout the region. These hubs may take shape as energy landscapes and other pilot projects which trigger the trend of the shift towards renewable energy resources. These hubs are united through the smart grid, which increases efficiency of each of the hubs by creating a symbiotic system. Supporting one another, a particular hub may contribute to energy production through landscape while another may target residential areas dependent on it. By mutual sharing of resources and energy, a ‘smart’ energy system is envisioned. This is further backed through relevant infrastructure and technology.



ENERGY TRANSITION The green wedges which are significant elements of the structure of the AMA are used as unique potentials for creating energy landscapes which are integral energy producing elements. The intended energy transition manifests itself spatially through energy landscapes which are derived by superimposing the existing spatial structure of the region over the potential energy resources.

Energy transition in the AMA can be achieved by deriving relevant strategies. The primary approach to this is by first addressing decentralisation as a module. In order to achieve decentralisation, creation of local hubs or nodes is essential. These nodes or hubs are unified by the smart system as an efficient energy network. Each hub has its own role to play in the larger aim towards achieving energy transition. This role can be based on the principles based on energy transition. These principles can be shaped into three main focus points – namely the technical transition, energy production and reduction in consumption of fossil fuels.

In order to create pilot projects in order to drive the transition in the region, local hubs or nodes are created throughout the region. These hubs plug into the smart grid and in turn the symbiotic network that connects the region together. The concept of energy sufficiency and neutrality is explored in each project, with strategies across various scales designed to make each hub efficient in its own manner. They further branch out through the smart grid and support each other, creating a shared network.






DERIVING STRATEGIES The derivation on strategy stems from the fundamental principles of energy transition – technical transition, energy landscape and reducing consumption of fossil fuels. These form the basis of selection of hubs or nodes that form the elements of the smart grid. These hubs are the foundational elements in each of the pilot projects proposed. These prototypes are derived such that they first apply in selected zones and later spread to the entire region in a step by step manner. With the introduction, functioning and successful application of each hub, the smart grid which is proposed becomes increasingly complex and efficient. Based on these principles to achieve energy transition, different criteria is analysed for each principle. The technical transition of the harbour is mainly influenced by the concentration of stakeholders, the diversity of renewable energy production potentials, the environmental quality in term of emission of CO2 and resultant pollution, its significant location and accessibility to infrastructure and the availability of vacant areas for future interventions plays an important role. In the case of creating energy producing hubs, parameters such as proximity to areas of consumption, availability of energy resources such as geothermal and biomass and potentials for generation of wind or solar energy, accessibility to infrastructure, accessibility through infrastructure and the diversity of the landscape of the region are considered. To reduce the consumption of fossil fuel, strategies that affect day to day consumption are tapped into. In this project, household consumption and transport sector consumption are focussed on. The density of population, degree of energy consumption, household waste generation, infrastructure, income and the potential of local energy production are explored.



































SMART GRID Technical transition hubs LEGEND Buildup Area Rural Area High Way Train

FACILITIES Main connections Industry Biomass collection Waste collection

To support the selection of the most relevant hubs for technical transition, the criteria for the same were configured into a rubric to assess the starting point of the technical transition. While the transition will spread to the rest of the region eventually, the pilot project is the trigger for the trend that is adopted by hubs in the rest of the region. The harbour area is selected as the driving force for the technical transition. This harbour area is the most strategic location derived from the given criteria.






Connection of Infrastructure Energy Consumption CO2 Emission Renewable Energy Potential Available Vacancy Stakeholder Cluster





































SMART GRID Electricity System






SMART GRID Electricity System High Way Buildup Area Rural Area Train


Buildup Area Rural Area

High Way Wind Turbes(Existing) Train

Wind Turbes(Proposed) Solar Farm Power Plant (Coal & Natural Gas)


Power Plant (Biomass) Biomass toTransfer) Power Plant (Proposed

Wind Turbes(Existing) Wind Turbes(Proposed)


Solar Farm

Power Plant (Coal & Natural Gas) Electricity Grid Power Plant (Biomass) Green house Power Plant (Proposed toTransfer) Biomass collection Waste collection

FACILITIES Electricity Grid Green house The rubric when used as an assessment tool for relevant Biomass collection energy producingWaste hubs reveals the greenport Aalsmeer collection as the driving factor in this typology. The availability of diverse energy potential, landscape, the presence of power plants and the availability of secondary energy resources such as residual heat are decisive elements that contribute to the selection of the greenport as a pilot project.










Connection of Infrastructure Commuting Tme Energy Consumption Landscape Diversity Renewable Energy Potential Connection of Infrastructure AvailableCommuting Vacancy Tme Stakeholder Cluster Energy Consumption Population Landscape Diversity Renewable Energy Potential Available Vacancy Stakeholder Cluster Population










































SMART GRID Consumption system LEGEND Buildup Area Rural Area High Way Train

CONSUMPTION High fossil fuel consumption area

In order to select pilot projects to address reduction of consumption of fossil fuels, based on the criteria, Amsterdam city area and Lelystad are chosen as two pilot projects to address household consumption and transport based consumption respectively. Amsterdam city area being the most densely population urban area in the region presents a strong potential to address household consumption. Meanwhile Lelystad, which is situated farthest from the city centre of Amsterdam and faces daily commute to and fro from Amsterdam presents unique potential for addressing transport based consumption. The concept of ‘sleepy’ city, which is often used to describe urban areas like Lelystad reinstates this daily commute and hence needs to be considered for transport based consumption.

Lelystad P

Amsterdam Municiple P

EC Population








Energy Consumption Household Waste Commuting Time Accessibility of Infrastructure




PILOT PROJECTS Four pilot projects are proposed in the AMA and each project acts a node or hub in the transition towards renewable energy. The technical transition in focussed in the harbour area, which is an important industrial zone of the region, however showing a large concentration of stakeholders related to the fossil fuel sector. These activities also manifest spatially in this zone, with multiple policies already in place to address high levels of pollution and degrading soil quality. The technical transition is hence aimed at addresses the harbour area as a crucial node that sets an example for other industrial zones which are fossil fuel driven. The Aalsmeer greenport is focussed on producing energy by creating a diverse energy landscape. This hub focussed on the combining existing cultural landscapes with the energy producing landscape to create a rich image-ability of the region. It aims at redefining how people perceive the existing green areas of the region and reinvents it by making energy an active part of everyday life. To reduce the use of fossil fuels, two pilot projects aimed at tapping into daily life are proposed. The first is based in the municipality of Amsterdam and the second is based in the municipality of Lelystad. The pilot project based in the municipality of Amsterdam mainly focuses on the peri-urban areas and reduces the consumption of fossil fuel by increasing the production and use of renewable energy resources. Addressing mainly households and the citizens as stakeholders, this project weaves concepts of energy transition into daily life and aims at creating awareness on the local scale. Using waste and solar power as an energy opportunity, this project integrate small scale strategies that make a larger impact on the region through community, collective and cluster based configurations. The pilot project based in the municipality of Lelystad mainly focuses on integrating electronic mobility in the community. By promoting biking, maximising clean transport and community based shared transport systems, E-Mobility is proposed. Each of these pilot projects work in association with each other, across various scales in order to address energy transition. While the technical transition addressing the adaptation of current systems highly dependent on fossil fuels and suggests future development of the city, the Aalsmeer project is the prototype and stimuli for many other energy producing landscapes in the region. While these address large zones and create large scale hubs, the Amsterdam city project and Lelystad E-mobility are more focussed on promoting daily habits which contribute to the regional transition on the whole. These four hubs are a few of the multiple nodes that are spread across the region.


Source: https://www.portofamsterdam.com/en 70



While the energy system shifts towards renewable energy sources, its subsequent impact affects the port area, which is has a prominent global position in the transhipment of coal and other oil products. While this shift and apparent change in character of the port is inevitable, redefining the port for the new future is seen as an interesting proposition. New types of cargo, industries, business models and sustainable energy generation can be seen as the new ‘future’ of the port area. A unique collaboration between consumers, stakeholders and businesses is integral to achieve the process of transition. A new international sustainable hub relevant to the new economy is proposed as the technical transition of the harbour area.


HARBOUR TRANSITION To accommodate the energy transition the harbour is divided into three parts. Each part collaborates in a different way to increase efficient use of the harbour. As the city of Amsterdam keeps growing the need for space increases to develop housing. Therefore the east part of the harbour will change from industries to residential area. The current facilities will be transferred to the large amount of vacant lands situated in the west part of the harbour. The middle part of the harbour connects everything together through a knowledge hub which focuses on research and education on sustainable technologies. 72


Each part of the harbour has their own characteristics which links to the use of that part. In order to create successful developments in the harbour different principles have been created. The principles show how the transition should take place and how different functions can work together.


TYPOLOGY 01: HOUSING Before people can live in the harbour area the polluted soil has to be cleaned through phytoremediation. Suitable existing facilities will be re-used for residential and commercial functions. The added vegetation will stay and increase the spatial quality for the residents. After the transition 700 ha of space becomes available for development of housing.

TYPOLOGY 02: KNOWLEDGE HUB To accelerate the increase of knowledge on sustainable technologies a close collaboration between students and the practice is stimulated. The gained knowledge will be directly applied in the facility and products from this facility can be sold at the same place. By creating a concentration of these different functions the liveliness will increase of this area.

TYPOLOGY 03: COLLABORATION The west part of the harbour accommodates the production of renewable energies. In this area a few large stakeholders focussing on sustainable development will be situated to give an example for other industries. On the surrounding vacant areas there is place for small start-ups to initiate their business. When a start-up has a potential idea but doesn’t have the resources, the larger stakeholder can invest in this idea to stimulate innovation.



The visualization shows the transformation of the harbour area for residential functions. Existing storage facilities are re-used for housing. During the phytoremediation the storage facilities can still be used for storage providing that there are no polluting materials stored. After the phytoremediation parts of the greenery can stay in the area to increase the spatial quality. 77


This image shows how larger stakeholders can work together with start-up companies. The knowledge hub promotes collaboration between stakeholders and facilities to increase sustainable technologies. This knowledge is strengthened through a school of sustainability where students learn about sustainable technologies. The new knowledge can be directly applied in the area to accelerate the energy transition. 79




TECHNICAL TRANSITION NODES The harbour of Amsterdam functions as an example to transit from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. When the harbour area is successful other industrial areas through the region can follow this example and initiate their own transition. These industrial areas will form new nodes in the decentralized smart grid system. When these nodes are connected they will create a more efficient distribution of energy. That way the current system can shift from a centralized production system to a decentralized system.


Source: https://www.shutterstock.com/video/clip-16646419-stock-footage-aerial-video-of-biogas-and-solar-power-plant.html 84



Research into the use of biomass in Aalsmeer., and by extension: the realization of a biomass plant in Greenport Aalsmeer. The project also identifies the contribution of biomass plants for energy existing in the agricultural lands. This further provides opportunity for district heating in homes. Governments, civil society and business in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area will make joint efforts to create a regional heating network. Energy that is otherwise wasted, is so recycled. This is better for the environment and the regional economy.



residual heat






Many of the flows crossing the Aalsmeer (daily waste, residuel heat, water thermal, and the logistics tracks that transits through the whole area) are huge and will likely yield revenue models that combine sustainable and economic prospects for AMA, and have a great impact on the spatial and functional transformation of the region.

There will be a transition to a renewable energy supply system with the many local clean plants as porduction hubs for the import of raw materials and export of clean energy, recycling of waste materials, coupled with an recreation function that offers great opportunities for new public space and new development.


TYPO 01: NEW LANDSCAPE Aalsmeer is able to respond to the drastic changes in energy production by using part of the huge freight flow through for the development of biomass and organic waste collection for small-scale, clean energy production. Also adding solar panels in vacant space to produce clean energy for surrounding.

TYPO 02: ENERGY PRODUCTIVE In addition to produce new energy, productive areas are also acting as the boundries to control the scale of city growth. At the same time, the more efficent spatial relationship between building environment and energy productive area will be created.


In addition to being functional, the new energy productive areas are also of recreational and ecological value.


Since Aalsmeer is disturbed by industry area, like noise and smell, the design take updating pipeline as an opportunity to re-organize the city structure. By seperating the living route and industrial route, the living quality can be maintained.

TYPO 05: New recreation area The new version of the heat hub also has a public function with innumerable possible uses, from waterfront space, watchtower to public spaces and district sports.


ENERGY LANDSCAPE = NATURAL LANDSCAPE + FACILITIES As AMA region has diversity of natural landscape, the different types of renewable ernegy will be introduced according to identity of landscape. The page give some priciple examples, from top to bottom: forest could be combined with wind turbines to save space, also to prevent visual pollution. The wet land could offer amount of biomass, which means the big potential for biomass plant. The large roof area of glasshouse has the potential to place solar panles. Also, the huge area of farmland can combine with biomass plant for local energy production. The lake can provide water thermal for local heating and cooling. 90

ENERGY HUB = NATURAL LANDSCAPE + HEATING NETWORK + BIO-WASTE COLLECTION This conceptual drawing shows an example of a smart energy hub in the rural area. As illustrated the landscape produces clean energy or renewable resources such as biomass. This is used locally to reduce the energy loss. According to the landscape identity different kinds of energy will be produced creating an unique identity for every energy hub. Examples are placing a medium-scale biomas plant in the farmland to reuse the organic waste from crops or placing wind turbines in forest areas to create a new kind of forest.

This shows the abstract version of the grid and how the elements are connected. It also shows when enough energy is produced it can be transmitted to the larger grid and provide for other hubs if necessary. The section shows the new spatial relationship of energy production and consumption. We use a decentralized energy production to achieve maximum efficiency from the smart grid.



The renewable energy plants, biomass plant and windpark, are designed for a small zone. By shaping the landscape around these intervention, the area can now be used also for recreation. Using elements of the natural landscape surrounding the plant: polder structure, rows of trees, small ditches, the building of the biomass plant will be hardly noticeable in the landscape. And that is exactly what we desire: a beautiful landscape that generates sustainable energy, while being enjoyed by people recreating in a high a quality experience of nature.





RENEWABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION NODES The varied demand at neighborhood level and the presence of geothermal heat bring opportunities for creating a heating network that is stabilized by a grid of heat hubs. What are known as temperature islands or (same temperature) heat zones can also be made, depending on the needs of the district. AMA can also give substance to its sustainability ambitions by including more sustainable sources of energy, such as wind and solar power, in its energy mix. Heat hubs form the couplings between residual heat from the port and geothermal heat at depths of 2 and 4 km. The hubs also control the cascading of the various demands for heat from the immediate environment. By these six potential area for renewable energy production, the decentralization could be achieved. Locally, a beautiful landscape that generates sustainable energy, while being enjoyed by people recreating in a high a quality experience of nature, will be created. In regional, a new energy supply network, which is high-efficent, will be formed.


Source: http://insideedison.com/clean-energy-in-2030 98



Reducing the consumption of fossil fuels can be addressed through the consumer. The municipality of Amsterdam plans to empower every citizen with a solar panel in the coming years. Household waste is also seen as an opportunity as an energy resource. Each citizen can be involved in this journey towards energy transition? Awareness can play a role in how large scale strategies are accepted and adapted on a local scale.


ADDRESSING HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION The Amsterdam city consumption project addresses the need to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. This can be achieved by increasing small scale production of renewable energy to gradually reduce the dependence on the fossil fuel network. The focus lies in the peri-urban area. The ongoing policies for Amsterdam, aim at eventually empowering each household with solar panels and providing relevant subsidies. Furthermore, using the potential household waste produced by each household and making waste separation and management efficient at the ground or local level, waste as an energy resource can be utilised. Awareness is created by involving each citizen directly in the process. In addition to this, art installations, pavilions, second hard markets in public spaces and buildings and revamping of municipal waste collection points as landmarks that relate to people are crucial elements. These awareness initiatives also serve as a portal for awareness of other strategies that are ongoing in the region. As a result these are crucial region-citizen connections.

are key to spreading awareness throughout the region. Further the concept of public hubs can be extended to neighbourhood level public spaces through pavilions and art installations such that they are blended into daily life. These act as elements that motivate citizens towards a circular economy and their contribution to it. Amidst these public hubs, second hand markets, yard sale and reuse activities are encouraged to maximise recycling, reuse and up-cycling of waste material.

In order to apply solar panels as a strategy throughout the built environment of the Amsterdam city area, the archetype or typology of households is mapped. Five types are identified namely city block, open block, family block, high-rise and old city centre. 38% of all households are of the city block configuration and hence serve as a starting point. Theoretically 70% of roof surface can be used for solar power generation. The power generated through these photovoltaic panels is used to power the shared or common spaces of each block. In this way each archetype can be powered. By powering the block partly, overall consumption is reduced hence reducing considerable fossil fuel usage. Housing corporations are the first stakeholders involved in this process, by waiving electricity bills for those who adapt these energy solutions. Eventually individual house owners are also brought into the system. While the shared spaces are powered by this ‘community energy farming’, the waste generated by each block can also be further plugged into a regional waste system. Municipal waste collection points play an important role in this network. By localizing waste collection by way of levying taxes on maximum distance that waste can be transported across, waste collection points cater to immediate localities only. As a result waste collections becomes highly neighbourhood specific with waste further being separated at a block level. This waste collection trends throughout the region, through a network of clusters composed of small neighbourhood that eventually plug into local waste collection points. While they are well integrated into urban fabric in terms of location within the extents of the city, they perform poorly in terms of legibility and image-ability, often masked using landscape elements. This presents a potential of redesign of the centres in order to integrate them into the fabric as visual landmarks. This redesign can stem from recycled building materials which further add artistic value. This value becomes a defining element of each collection point, with relevant public spaces abutting them to make them function as vibrant public hubs. These public hubs 100





Typology TYPOLOGY 01: WASTE CENTRE This typology consists of the redesign of the municipal waste collection centres. There are six centres currently spread across the region. Each is redesigned using recycled waste to create an attractive hub. Redesign enables functioning of a waste centre as a public hub which derives activities from neighbouring programs and integrated public activities within it as well.


This typology consists of the neighbourhood scale. Public spaces are used to conduct second hand markets and yard sales and also encourage shared resources and community activities thereby strengthening social cohesion. Public spaces also integrate art installations and pavilions to support different circular activities.


This typology addresses the architectural block. The roofs of buildings are used for local production of solar energy. The energy generated in used to power shared spaces hence decreasing cost of shared amenities. Waste separation takes place in this scale to optimise the waste management at a small scale. By transitioning towards a self-sustaining hub, each block can make an impact on the energy system



The waste collection centre is an important portal to public awareness and perception. The waste collection points is visualised as public landmarks, vibrant with inclusive spaces and legibility. Art installations play a crucial role in generating and attracting interests. These hubs are envisioned as well integrated public hubs, seamlessly stitched into daily life.





REUSE OF WASTE The Amsterdam city area focuses on the peri-urban areas as a crucial hub to optimise waste upcycling and management and self-production of energy through small scale strategies. This provides various opportunities for residents to be involved in circular process and adapt their daily lifestyle to it. In addition, the awareness based elements introduced throughout the hubs serve as important elements through which the change in the region can be propagated such that there is greater social and societal acceptance towards the energy transition. 111



Despite pursuing a traffic-limiting policy, paid parking, encouraging the use of bicycles, public transport and clean conventional vehicles, the traffic and transport sector is still responsible for a considerable part of the CO2 emissions in and around Amsterdam. In 2006, this amounted to 20% of the total emissions in the city. Cars, lorries and boats not only generate CO2 emissions but also produce fine dust particles and nitrogen dioxide emissions. These substances have a negative effect on the quality of the air and therefore on the health of the population of Amsterdam.

Source: http://www.elconfidencial.com/tecnologia/2014-08-08/ingenieros-espanoles-crean-un-sistema-para-recargar-coches-electricos-en-marcha_172222/ 112


Analysis of Lelystad

Rail way

Motor way

Bus line

Bike routes


Charging point


High density

Low income

Currently, transportation is mainly depend on oil. However, Lelystad has a lot of potential in renewable energy including wind, solar and biomass.


Industry Area

Central station

Community center




Shifting system in Lelystad (Proposed)


Central Station

Community Center

E-car sharing and bike sharing points can be added in the central station, community center, neighbourhood which attract more people to form the shifting system in Lelystad.


The renewable energy potential can be used to transform the transportation from fossil fuel dependency to renewable energy dependency. E-Bus

Bike sharing E-car sharing

Industry Area

Central station

Charging point



E-car & bike sharing

Community center




The shifting center in Lelystad central will be improved to encourage the use of railway for the regional travel encourage the use of bus and bicycles inside the city area. The bicycle and car sharing points are proposed to be added in the Lelystad central as well as each community center. Also the current bus will be transformed to the electric-powered bus. And the quick charging points will be added in the shifting center to power these busses. And these points will directly connect will each communi-

ty through more Park and Ride locations. It is expected in the future that almost all the kilometers travelled by car in the future will be powered by green electricity generated by windmills, solar panels and biomass power stations.


TYPOLOGY 01: CENTRAL STATION The bike sharing and E-car sharing points will added outside the central station. Solar panels on the roof can generate electricity to power the E-car and E-bus. Also, energy theme bar can be added outside the station to increase the awareness of people. In the future, when the technology developed cars may be able to pick up power while on the move.

TYPOLOGY 02: COMMUNITY CENTER The shifting system will be placed near already existing functions like parks, public facilities and bus station. The urban waste collection, e-bikes, e-car sharing and charging points will be added to let more people use public transportation and making people aware.


In the neighborhood, the urban waste collection and charging points will be added. The organic waste and unused rainwater can be collected to generate energy. If more people are will to use share vehicle, there will be less car, and more public space for childrenplaying or meeting to increase the quality of public life.



The shifting center in Lelystad central will be improved to encourage the use of railway for the regional travel encourage the use of bus and bicycles inside the city area. The bicycle and car sharing points are proposed to be added in the Lelystad central as well as each community center. Also the current bus will be transformed to the electric-powered bus. And the quick charging

points will be added in the shifting center to power these bus. And these points will directly connect will each community through more Park and Ride locations. It is expected in the future that almost all the kilometers travelled by car in the future will be powered by green electricity generated by windmills, solar panels and biomass power stations.





CONSUMPTION OF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM The transportation account for more than 20% of fossil fuel consumption. E-mobility is already an on going trend in Netherland and developed in Amsterdam municipal. Among the different modes of public transportation, the rail way has already achieve 100% renewable. Lelystad can be a label project to develop E-mobility among surround cities. And in the long term, the same strategy can be implemented in the other sleeping cities like Almere. By encourage the use of public transportation and electric cars for the long distance trip in AMA region, the transportation consumption in fossil fuel will be reduced and the efficiency of transportation will be improved in the region. This efficient transportation system can also support the growth of the sleeping city and attract more investors.


07 SYNERGY The course of the various pilot projects were interlinked in order to understand the synergy between the various strategies applied in the region.





The new energy system is envisioned as a collective system of different types of nodes that work together to form the smart grid. Each pilot project gradually spreads across the regional. These nodes together form a constantly growing energy network, the smart grid. Together they form a symbiotic system which forms the new system that can influence future urbanisation of the region. The smart grid as a result now acts as the ‘new growth factor’ that guides the growth of different parts of the region. In the future, densification along the smart grid is suggested and these new densifications further plug into the smart grid and achieve efficiency of energy.




STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS The stakeholder analysis shows a selection of stakeholders in the AMA. Interestingly to see is the large amount of stakeholders which have potential to accelerate the energy transition. However these stakeholders still lack power or influence to initiate these processes. Therefore policies have to be implemented to increase the influence of these stakeholders. The top-right corner shows the stakeholders that should be approached to initiate the energy transition. The stakeholders on the left side should be persuaded or convinced to join the energy transition. All these actions will help accelerate the process towards a successful energy transition.


PHASING The phasing in the region takes place gradually. While the transport and household waste nodes can be developed within a relatively shorter period of time with considerably lesser investment, the energy landscape and harbour transition take a larger span of time to attain completion. On the contrary, while the latter nodes have single or prominent stakeholders involved, the former have a considerably fragmented network of stakeholders due to the fact that it consists of bottom up solutions that aim at a diverse group of stakeholders. These factors influence the time line as well as phasing of the projects throughout the region. The phasing first begins with the initiation of all pilot projects, the subsequent implementation and the further expansion in stages.
















To guide the process towards a successful energy transition, a variety of policies have to be implemented. This map shows where these policies have to be implemented and how important they are for a specific place. The size of the icon represents the hierarchy of importance for that policy. The money gained from tax policies, e.g. CO2 emissions, will be used for the subsidies to award stakeholders that participate in the energy transition. Finally, all projects help to reduce raw material shortages, mainly by reducing the use of fossil fuels for heat, electricity or transport. Ongoing Actions and follow up AMA is not starting from scratch. The current policy has presented a wealth of opportunities that connect to the ambitions held by the various parties involved in the city. Parties that range from waste processing companies to IT firms and from projects initiated by residents to the design agencies like those united as the AMA. The initiatives already under way in the harbor provide us all with a great position to start up follow-up activities.



The impact diagram shows that the renewable energy production is not only focusing on production, but also could help increasing environmental quality and creating new recreation area. At the same time, if we want to achieve this, we have to face the challenges like, lack of proper space and landscape restriction. In term of risks of living quality, we may meet the rejection from the residents, since you want to place energy facilities next to their homes. And also when you want to combine energy landscape with recreation function, the extra money should be invested. It may take much effort to find the perfect investors.

The strategy of E-mobility will have a series of benefits. In terms of living q u a l i t y, i t w i l l l a r g e l y i m p r o v e t h e environmental quality by lower CO2 emission. If the sharing system works, more people can afford the electric cars and it will increase social cohesion between the rich and the poor. In terms of energy transition, the development of E-mobility will accelerate the pace of technical transition and encourage the research in it. However, it will also have some negative effect. A lot of economical cost will be spent if we want to develop E-mobility. And how to involve the different stakeholders to pay for that may be a big problem. Also, different people have different preference of transportation. So, some of them may reject to use the sharing car or feel uncomfortable to use it.


The impact diagram shows that the technical transition increases the economic value of the area. In ways of spatial growth the transition stimulates housing and creating new places for offices and industries. The downside of this transition is that parts of the harbour are heavily polluted which has a negative effect on the living quality which can cause rejection and discomfort from the people. Also the economical costs of this transition will be high due to the fact that renewable energy sources are still very expensive to use. In terms of landscape restrictions the harbour has to take environmental policies into account which will limit the expansion of the industrial area. Most of the negative impacts can be solved through time and investments into new innovations for the use of renewable energy sources.

Through impact analysis of the Amsterdam consumption project, it is evident that there will be a positive impact on living quality as self-production and increase in efficient waste management will lead to better energy solutions. Further public life is enriched through multiple interventions of redesign of waste centres such that they act as crucial public hubs. However, societal acceptance is the biggest challenge. In turn, this increases economic value of the residential environment by way of empowering each block to contribute to the larger network. This individual contribution further abets energy transition by way of reducing large scale dependency and maximising local production.




The AMA is still facing further urbanisation based on factors such as an increase in demand due to migration, population rise, urban sprawl and economic growth. This implies a significant increase in the demand for energy in the future to support and sustain this urbanisation. The current energy system however will be unable to cope with this sharp increase and hence this makes the new energy system more relevant. New models such as knowledge hubs, breakthroughs in the renewable energy sectors and social stabilisation will further ease this transition and strengthen the new energy system. There is a dire need for new techniques, new working methods, new forms of development, financing, economic growth, organisation and management.




The four strategies have particular impacts on the energy use of the city. Each project and related strategies bring the AMA a step closer to achieving energy transition. The technical hub acts as a breeding ground for new knowledge and research and also as a renewable energy hub which drives the transition of the region. While the transportation hubs address the shift away from fossil fuels in the transport sector and emphasize on the need for shared and clean transport, the household consumption and efficient waste management coupled with increased social activity and cohesion is tackled through the re-use strategy applied in the Amsterdam peri-urban areas. Meanwhile, landscape is used as a energy producing module. In addition, seemingly small changes in flows have much effect: in total, more development is expected and that means 6,000 houses will achieved self-sufficient powered by renewable energy.



CONCLUSION Using these regional and spatial strategies, the AMA can be provided with a framework that future-proofs it from the impending energy crisis. The four pilot projects eventually spread throughout the region forming a complex network of diverse nodes that are united through a smart grid. This smart grid forms the nervous system of the entire region, acting as crucial connections between the various flows of energies. In addition to forming the foundations of the transition towards renewable forms of energy, the smart grid also provides a guideline to future development, as a ‘new growth factor’ that will influence the morphology of the region. Densification and decentralisation will lead to a polycentric system based on energy. Through the various strategies proposed in this project, the AMA will indeed come closer to achieving energy transition and in turn establish its position as a global example for a successful shift towards renewable energy resources. This research explores the opportunities and potentials of integrating energy transition concepts in the AMA region. The application and technicalities of this process can be further studied with respect to the other material cycles that flow through the region, namely waste. In addition to the production and consumption of energy that this paper dissects, new ways of achieving energy transition through the waste cycle can be further explored.




As a designer or specialist involved in the process of strategic development, it is essential to understand one’s role in providing the various perspectives while approaching development (Hooimeijer & Maring, 2016). These perspectives can be characterized as certain values that connect to the role of a corresponding stakeholder.

In order to get a positive co-operation with the stakeholders it is important for them to know what they have to give in and what they will receive in return. The e-mobility project in Lelystad is a good example on this topic. The policies that are introduced to change the way transportation is used “forces” the residents to decrease the use of cars. However less cars will result in more free space which will be given back to the people. This will increase the spatial quality of the public space and increase the quality of life.

Bahm regards values as the fundamental notion in a study of ethics: ‘Fully adequate understanding of oughtness and rightness involves understanding values’ (Bahm, 1994). He further states that the nature of rightness and wrongness, codes, norms, standards, mores and laws are all related to oughtness (Fox, 2012).

The last project is focussing on the consumption behaviour and awareness of people living in the AMA. Instead of forcing people to change their behaviour through policies a different approach is used. By increasing the sense of community people will sooner address each other’s behaviour. McMillan states that the pressure for conformity and uniformity comes from the needs of the individual and the community for consensual validation. Therefore, conformity serves as a force for closeness as well as an indicator of cohesiveness (McMillan, 1997).

So in order to create a successful energy transition in the AMA a balance between different values of stakeholders has to be formed. Because there are stakeholders with varying degrees of influence and size the strategy developed for the AMA will address multiple scales. The interdependency of the various components of the strategic framework needs to be acknowledged in order to prescribe a set of values that guide the course of development. This holistic approach helps covering the values of a wide variety of stakeholders.

These four pilot projects show the different approaches that are used in order to find a balance between the values of stakeholders in the strategy for the AMA. However it still proves to be a difficult task for the designer to decide which values are ‘good’ and which are ‘bad’.

To get a better grip on the balance that has been made between different values we take a closer look at four pilot projects developed for the strategy towards a smart energy grid for the AMA. A returning element for the four pilot projects is the way how top-down and bottom-up approaches are implemented. In the first phase the top-down approach has a more prominent role in order to create a strategic framework for development. This gives different stakeholders the space to express their values that fit in the framework of the smart grid through bottom-up projects or activities. The harbour project covers the energy transition for industrial areas. A framework is created by the municipality for new developments in the harbour related to the use of renewable energy sources. Relevant stakeholders that fit in this framework are combined to share knowledge and common values. The new ways of collaboration can offer potentials and benefits for both parties. The Aalsmeer project explores the way the energy landscape can be implemented in the rural area of AMA. Basta mentions in the book ‘Ethics, Design and Planning of the Built Environment’ that in itself “innovation” is often perceived to clash with the very meaning of “harmony”(Basta, 2013). The new energy landscape can be seen as the innovation, and the cultural landscape as the harmony that is currently in place. For this project it is important to respect the values of residents by finding the balance between the way the energy landscape is implemented and the spatial qualities of the current landscape. 145

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ONLINE REFERENCE: EU regulation concerning waste: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/framework/ Map AMA: https://drive.google.com/file//0B2CAnntPrD6AeC1IWURRNHRJRDA/ view?usp=sharing Maps: https://maps.tudelft.nl Plans: http://www.ruimtelijkeplannen.nl/web-roo/roo/index Spatial development/planning/circular economy in NL: www.pbl.nl The Observatory of Economic Complexity (http://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/)


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