Revive & reuse pinheiros

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Transformation of place and mind

Sao Paulo has developed extremely in the past 40 years, but the implementation of new technological interventions and the utilization of the natural system is hampered by the lack of an integrated approach incorporating urban planning and design decisions. At this moment the positive sides of the Pinheiros river are not appreciated due to the floods, the waste disposal and the fact it is seen as an infrastructural barrier that reduces accessibility. In order to change the mindset of the people of Sao Paulo solutions on three different scales

have been analysed, the macro, meso and micro scale. Each scale focusses on an aspect related to that scale. By using a strategy of voids and green areas as retention areas and bioswales, important areas can be prevented from flooding. At the same time the quality of the water will be increased through natural cleaning processes. To stimulate development of the CEAGESP area a three-way link is created between the Jaguare favella, the campus and the CEAGESP.


Transformation of place and mind


Door van der Wiel

4385055 Jesse Dobbelsteen 4622650 Yi-Chuan Huang

AR0086 Infrastructure and Environment Design Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment TUDelft 2017


REVIVE USE PINHEIROS Transformation of place and mind

A portfolio from the group A produced as a result to the course AR0086 Infrastructure and Environment Design TUDelft, coordinated by Fransje Hooimeijer and Taneha K. Bacchin. This portfolio was created using Adobe InDesign, Adove Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD on a Lenovo Computer. Typed in Univers LT Std light, roman and bold Three copies Printed at TUDelft

4165233 Door van der Wiel 4385055 Jesse Dobbelsteen 4622650 Yi-Chuan Huang Dr. ir. Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin, Assistant Professor Urban Design Theory & Methods Delta Urbanism Dr. Fransje Hooimeijer Assistant Professor Environmental Technology and Design ir. Lorenzo Mattozzi Architect MSc2 Urbanism AR0086 Infrastructure & Environment Design Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment TUDelft 2017


Sao Paulo has developed extremely in the past 40 years, but the implementation of new technological interventions and the utilization of the natural system is hampered by the lack of an integrated approach incorporating urban planning and design decisions. This report show how to use an adjusted version of the layered approach, a combined water and urban management strategy for the current problems concerning the Pinheiros river area in Sao Paulo has been designed, focussing on the utilization of the positive sides of the river. At this moment the positive sides of the Pinheiros river are not appreciated due to the floods, the waste disposal and the fact it is seen as an infrastructural barrier that reduces accessibility. In order to change the mindset of the people of Sao Paulo solutions on different scales have been analysed. By using voids and green areas as retention areas and bioswales, important areas can be prevented from flooding. Also, the natural flow of the river can help to serve as a decentralized cleaning system to reduce the waste. By creating more links the accessibility of both areas and public transport can be improved and congestion can be reduced. Also the new link connecting Jaguare to the CEAGESP district will offer the people of the Favela opportunity to reach public transport easily and be more connected to the whole region, and by making the river more part of the daily live of the people will help improving their perspective towards the river and therefore reduce their waste disposal in the river. Important it to do more research about technical, financial and social aspects of the proposed solutions. Also, the project needs to be phased over a certain period of time and the main priority of preventing the city from floods with wastewater is hereby the most important improvement to be made.

Context and Problem Field

The Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo (MRSP) includes the city of Sao Paulo plus 38 adjacent cities which all together occupy an area of over 8000 km2, with 1500 km2 of urbanized area. The present population is about 19 million (Benedito& Braga, 2000). The whole area is situated about 700m above sea level and is mostly part of the Upper Tiete basin (Hermann & Braga, n.d.). The scale of the project in de macro and meso phase covers the 25km of the Pinheiros River from its origin at Represa Billings (Reservoir Billings), to its end where it joins the Tiete River. It considers the rivers actual conditions in terms of pollution, reach and use which must be revitalised and tailored for the future of Sao Paulo. In the micro scale the area is determined by the last 6 kilometres of the Pinheiros River before it joins the Tiete River. It includes banks and the surrounding urban areas. The western bank includes the urban areas which are delimited by the neighbourhood and favela “Jaguaré” up north and “Butanta” down south where the University of Sao Paolo is located. On the eastern bank “Jardim Humaita” up north and “Alto de Pinheiros” down south are located. This are also includes the “Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de Sao Paulo” (CEOGESP). The MRSP has the largest urban concentration and the largest industrial complex of Latin America. The main challenges of this project were developed in the last 40 years, with an extremely high population growth rate that has posed tremendous demands on water supply and water quality control, but also on the infrastructure in the city of Sao Paulo, which main roads are located along the Pinheiros river. Urbanization has led to extensive imperviousness of the basin and consequent frequent urban flooding. The lack of adequate wastewater treatment in the years that followed in combination with the industrialization of the region led to a very low quality of the waters in the upper Tiete River basin. These water quality problems are compounded by the fact that the Tiete and Pinheiros rivers form part of a system designed exclusively for electric power generation (Hermann & Braga, n.d.)). This system requires the flow to be reversed and consequently a mixture of untreated wastewater and the natural river flow remain permanently within the boundaries of the metropolitan area. This waste water effluent that flows towards continental lands (following the natural flow of the Tiete river) or towards the Billings reservoir through pumping stations along the Pinheiros river. Besides economic losses, floods in this basin represent a public health threat due to the poor water quality in the rivers. Next to this main problems also smaller issues can be mentioned like Next to the floods, waste and infrastructure issues, the Pinheiros river area also offers many opportunities and positive effects which are currently not being used in a way they can be in the future.

When looking at the SWOT analysis it becomes clear the Pinheiros river area is not used in the best way possible at this moment. Because of the floods, waste and traffic jams along the rivers, the citizens of Sao Paolo see the river as a source of trouble and waste and do not appreciate the opportunities of it. Therefore this report focuses on the opportunities (external) and strengths (internal) of the river to change the mindset of the people of Sao Paulo and open up the possibility to reuse the Pinheiros river.

Problem statement

At this moment the inhabitants of Sao Paulo only have an eye for the disadvantages of the Pinheiros river. They do not use the river in the profitable way it can be used. The floods, waste disposal and infrastructural barriers influence the mindset of the people towards the river. Therefore the main focus of this report is to change the perception of the citizens of Sao Paolo.

Flooding This problem affects areas, urbanized and non-urbanized along the riverbanks of the Pinheiros river. Especially areas where many streams from the mountain come together, no voids or green areas are available and with a high level of urbanization are crucial. Infrastructural barriers Because of both highways and railways it is almost impossible for both pedestrians and cyclists to reach the river. Therefore many inhabitants do not see the river as a part of their city but as a source of misery. Also because of the infrastructure surrounding the river, it has no space to ‘move’ or flood without too much damage.

Pinheiros river with barriers

Waste disposal Because of the river if not a part of their daily lives, inhabitants do not care about it and do not know the effects of their waste disposal into the river. But also the rivers are highly polluted with industrial waste. Next to all issues, also opportunities to tackle these problems are important to discuss, since the goal of this report is to make use of these chances to reuse and revive the Pinheiros river. Linking areas At this moment many areas with favela’s or vila’s are not connected to the rest of the city. People living in these sites do not have access to cars or/and have enough money to make use of public transport. At this moment they cannot reach the other site of the river because there are not enough bridges and the existing bridges are not maintained properly. By constructing new and renovating existing bridges the city gets more connected and the river will be more involved in the daily life of people. Reuse Pinheiros In the Netherlands the amount of water, rivers and canals is a strong point and something that is used in a positive way a lot. At this moment the Pinheiros is not used at all fur beneficial purposes, it only gives home to capibara. With a transformation of the river banks of the river, it can be used as a touristic attraction with shops, terraces along it. Also sports can be practised on it like rowing and also ferries and ships can sail it to transport people or goods.

Research and Design Aims

In the past 40 years Sao Paulo as a city developed extremely. The implementation of new technological interventions and the utilization of the natural system is hampered by the lack of an integrated approach incorporating urban planning and design decisions. Meanwhile, urban and economic growth of Sao Paulo increasingly competes for infrastructure and environment. The question is how to renew existing cities by integrating the parameters of the natural system, as well as technological innovations directly into urban development opportunities arising from spatial planning and design. This project aims to achieve a combined water and urban management strategy for the current problems concerning the Pinheiros river area in Sao Paolo to utilize the positive sides of the river. This mainly can be done by changing mentality; how to look at the river as something that has a natural quality in its origin and that brings benefits to the city. The river now is seen as a space for just sewage and waste discharge or as a problem (because of the floods). By integrating the river more in the daily lives of the people of Sao Paulo this mentality can be changed.

Referential Theories and Practices

Macro – ecology, longitudial connections Water is not a question of flooding but of a cycle of water. To understand water, the first thing is to understand the topography. Different types of slopes. Engineering the landscape – ecology scale. To work with the landscape as a new kind of structural element in the landscape (voids, green spaces). Landscape as infrastructure. And with this idea, how can you put calculations in nature. It is important to understand that water is not a question of flooding but a cycle of water. To understand water, the first thing to understand is the topography. It considers the whole 25km of the Pinheiros River (known as Jurubatuba before channelization) from its origin, at Represa Billings (Reservoir Billings), to its end, where it joins the Tietê River. It considers the river actual conditions in terms of pollution, reach and use which must be revitalised and tailored for the future of Sao Paulo.




Macro conclusion

Referential Theories and Practices

Meso - perpendicular connections The strategy developed for the meso scale is devided in four main goals. They are related to ecology, accessability, education and watercapacity. Certain areas are more suitable to focus for example on water capacity whereas the park and campus can focus more on education and accessability. The map on the right shows where new links are made and what goal is going to be achieved between those links. In the north part of the river de focus lies mainly on improving the ecology by retention zones which stimulates ecological processes. The favela and park need to increase their accessibility with the other side of the river to stimulate developments. The campus and the Jockey club will be used for educational purposed to show the people how te design with constructed wetlands and how water can be cleaned through a natural way. In overall five new links will be created where two of them are for cars and the other three only cyclists and pedestrians. In order to create new links it is required to do an exhaustive research about the current traffic flows. A suitable model is needed to generate predictive capabilities needed for short and long term about investments, service design and regulation. Also exploratory research into different scenarios is required. To model traffic flows in Sao Paulo input is needed about the current network with its speeds, capacity and transport modes, socio-economic data about zones and centroids. The model used best in this occasion will be the Four Step Model which will be discussed step by step later. By using this model free flow travel times, trip ends, origindestination matrices, modal-split and traffic assignments will be the resulting output (van Nes, 2016a). Using this model the impact of new links on the current situation can be modeled. A programme that is very suitable for this is Omnitrans. Omnitrans is an integrated package for multimodal and multi-temporal strategic transport planning (van Nes, 2015 et al).

Meso strategy




Water capacity

Referential Theories and Practices

Four Step Model - perpendicular connections First zonal data is needed as input for the trip generation step. Trip generation are the total amount of departures (production) from a zone and the arrivals (attraction) in a zone. Different methods to model the trip generation is via the Growth-factor approach or a cross classification method. The growth factor approach is multiplier based on a relative change of one or more zone attributes (houses, income). The cross-classification model first classifies all households in homogenous groups based on for instance number of people in households, number of cars, income, etc and secondly a multiple class analysis needs to be done to with a specific rate per type of group. The outcome of this first step is the number of trips made per zone or per group per zone. This will serve as input for the second step. In the trip distribution step the origin and destinations of all trips will be established. An often used method to do so is the gravity model. Here the number of trips between an origin and a destination zone is proportional to the production ability factor for the origin zone (Qi), an attraction factor for the destination zone (Xj) and the factor depending on the travel cost between the zones (Fij) (van Nes, 2016b). The function used is:

Now all trips that will be made from and to all zones are known. In Sao Paulo people can choose from several transport modes to transport themselves. It is important to take them all into account: Walking, Biking, Car, Train, Bus, Metro and also traveling by helicopter is a popular mode among the rich people in Sao Paulo. Via Choice Modelling the choice for transport modes can be modelled. The general method is to use Random Utility Models (RUM). Individuals are assumed to select the alternative with the highest utility (Ui), whereby utilities are treated as random variables with a random error.

When all utilities of all transport modes are know, the probability (Pi) of choosing an alternative i can be determined using a logit model (van Nes, 2016c). In this model B represents a set of attributes like costs, time, comfort, etc.

Framework for transport modelling

Logit model

Now also the transport modes used are known and now the traffic can be assigned over the network. With the feedback loop from this fourth step to the mode choice, travel resistances like congestion can be taken into account. If the car is the preferred mode in step 3, many people will travel by car and this could lead to congestion on the roads. Via the feedback loop this can be taken into account when choosing modes and now people might choose to take for instance public transport. In this way the traffic flows in Sao Paulo, and new implementations to improve the accessibility can be modelled which is required to analyse before choosing which (new) links are needed.

Referential Theories and Practices

Micro - place In order to create a functional link between Jaguare and CEAGESP three main elements should be taken into account. In the image on the right these three elements or impacts are illustrated. The first element are the barriers that separate the favela with the new developing area. The water, train track and express way block the connection to Jaguare. A bluegreen infrastructure will be created to blur the edge of these barriers. Then to increase the accessibility and stimulate continuity a bridge for slow traffic is developed. To facilitate accessibility to both the favela and the university areas, the bridge is shaped in a triangular way. Both of the paths come together at the entrance of the train station. Important is that when you move towards the station you can already get a glimpse of the monumental market building CEAGESP. When you move closer the view gets blocked, but when walking through the station the view opens again at an elevated part towards the area. This creates a dynamic experience which guides the people to different places.


Composition of the link

Dynamic view of the route to the station

Relevance and the Ethical Dimension

Due to the climate change which causes sea level rise and therefore increasing the risk of flooding it is important to investigate the possibilities of new resilient solutions against floods. In addition to this flood risk there is the health risks from polluted water. This problem occurs all across the globe and is strongly related to the flood risks. It doesn’t matter how much the water rises, when it’s polluted even a rise of 30 cm has bad consequences for the health of people. Therefore it is of the utmost importance that the problem of pollution gets resolved. Sao Paulo has a lot of problems concerning safety, corruption and wealth inequality. When proposing new interventions these factors play an important role for the success of the project. The proposal to connect the Jaguare favela to CEAGESP can be a stimulant for opening up the favela. On the other hand it might create unsafe situations where people get confronted with criminals from these favela’s. The change won’t be apparent from one day to the other, but gradually change through time.


Antonio Palermo, M. (2017). The history of the relation of the metropolis of Sao Paulo and its water. Lecture, 05/2017 Filardo, A. (2017). FLUVIAL METROPOLIS. Lecture Pinheiros Billings system (“Serra” project) background characteristics and operational transformations 05/2017 Nes, van, R. (2016a). Transportation and spatial modelling; What for, and how? Lecture CIE4801; Transportation and spatial modelling 8/9/2016. Nes, van, R. (2015). Transport Modelling in OmniTRANS: Exercise book. Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Transport and Planning. Nes, van, R. (2016c). Transportation and spatial modelling; Choice Modelling. Lecture CIE4801; Transportation and spatial modelling 13/9/2016. Nes, van, R. (2016b). Transportation and spatial modelling; Trip Distribution. Lecture CIE4801; Transportation and spatial modelling 13/9/2016. Prefeitura de Sao Paulo. (2016). Caderno de Propostas dos Planos Regionais das Subprefeituras, Brazil Thadeu Leme de Barros, M. (2017). JAGUARÉ (ZORILHO) CREEK. Lecture flood control and revitalization 05/2017 Toledo Silva, R. (2017). Integrated management of water in the RMSP. Lecture Despoluição e recuperação do complexo hidroenergético Pinheiros Billings 05/2017

Vision, Strategy and Design

The aim to achieve a combined water and urban management strategy for the current problems concerning the Pinheiros river area in Sao Paolo to utilize the positive sides of the river has been divided in sub goals to make the problem less complex and easier to attack. The most important division that has been made is the scale of the problems. The macroscale considers the ecology of the whole 25km of the Pinheiros river. It considers the rivers actual conditions in terms of pollution, reach and use which must be revitalized and tailored for the future of Sao Paulo. The Meso scale covers a length of 6km and focusses on the area of Jaguare and CEAGESP. In order to increase the water capacity of both scales a strategy of centralized and decentralized systems is applied. The centralized system is situated within the 6km boundary of the area. This will be the main retention zone of the whole Pinheiros river in case of floods. Furthermore a cleaning facility will be situated at the Tiete river to release the water of larger physical pollutions such as plastics and cans. The decentralized system is spread out across the whole of Pinheiros river where the main chocking points of the river basins are. Room for the river is created at these points to lighten up the flow of water coming from higher parts. Additionally the voids that are situated at the river will be used as constructed wetlands to clean the water. A detailed explanations will be discussed in the chapter ‘Actions’. An overview of all the scales and their basic goals and constraints is described in the table below. This shows a quick summary of how the systems work on the different scales.



1 km 0

5 km

Aims and Objectives

In the past 40 years Sao Paulo as a city developed extremely. The implementation of new technological interventions and the utilization of the natural system is hampered by the lack of an integrated approach incorporating urban planning and design decisions. Meanwhile, urban and economic growth of Sao Paulo increasingly competes for infrastructure and environment. The question is how to renew existing cities by integrating the parameters of the natural system, as well as technological innovations directly into urban development opportunities arising from spatial planning and design. This project aims to achieve a combined water and urban management strategy for the current problems concerning the Pinheiros river area in Sao Paolo to utilize the positive sides of the river. This mainly can be done by changing mentality; how to look at the river as something that has a natural quality in its origin and that brings benefits to the city. The river now is seen as a space for just sewage and waste discharge or as a problem (because of the floods). By integrating the river more in the daily lives of the people of Sao Paulo this mentality can be changed.


To be able to revive and reuse the Pinheiros river three main actions have to be implemented. They connect to the three focus points of the vision, (1) increase water capacity, (2) cleaner water and (3) changing the mindset of the people. To increase the water capacity a layered water system will be implemented situated at the crossing of the Tiete and Pinheiros river. When the water of the Tiete river becomes too high it can overflow to a nature basin next to the main river. When needed this basin can also flow water to a basin even further for maximum capacity. In worse case scenario’s where there is a major flood the area around CEAGESP can be flooded according a certain order of value. Buildings with a higher social importance, such as hospitals, will be placed higher on the slope. In this way a gradient is created which link the level of water to the importance of a building. The second action that is implemented provides two ways to clean the water and increase the quality. There are two types of pollution in the river, large particles and small particles. To get the larger particles out of the water a mechanical cleaning facility will be placed just before the Tiete meets the Pinheiros river. In this way when the water flows into the Pinheiros no large particles will be in the water anymore. Then in order to clean the water from the small particles constructed wetlands are placed in the voids next to the Pinheiros river. When the water flows from the Tiete towards the drinking water reservoir it will be directed through these constructed wetlands. But when the water flows from the reservoir back to the Tiete it will go in a straight path. The reason for this is that the water needs to flow slowly in order to clean it with plants. But when the water flows back it is already clean so it can flow faster back to the main river. The third action is related to changing the mindset of the people. One way to educate them about the possibilities of the water and the qualities people can visit the constructed wetlands and see how the system works. Another way is to bring the system to the people by implementing bioswales in the public space. In this way the system comes to the people instead that the people have to go to the system.

Layered water system - Capacity

Cleaning system - Quality

Cleaning system large & small pollution particles

Bioswale - Mindset

Bioswale system into neighbourhood


The design of the bridge isn’t only to improve accessibility, but also to rise social equity and environmental quality. Accessibility: The base purpose of building the bridge is to link the two sides of Pinheiros river .Besides such horizontal linkage,what we also emphasize is the vertical relation between urban infrastructure and fluvial hill. This results in a triangular connection of rail station, primary road and square in fluvial neighborhood. A bikeway and a pedestrian pathway are designed for this connection. Equity: Segregation of fluvial neighborhoods has become problematic issue in Sao Paulo. To respond to the social context, our bridge is located between developing business area and an isolated fluvial neighborhood. By connecting the neighborhood to railway station, riverside public places and wholesale market, we try to provide the residents with more opportunity to jobs, mobility and interaction with public within walking distance. Quality: Through a walk on the bridge or a rest at the center, people can easily reach public transportation with exposure to the green along riverside and a birdview of Ceagesp district. The station above the hill (dike) also creates a slope to touch the water but also to prevent for flood. We believe by attracting people to have more walk outside and enjoy interaction with others and environment, overall living quality can be improved.







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