The happy city project

Page 1



















The Netherlands



Fig 1. Location of project area




The project is located in Rotterdam-South around the Zuiderpark. The group research area covered the neighbourhoods surrounding the Zuiderpark. After this research a location was selected for a more detailed research and creating a design proposal. The aim is to improve the social, environmental and economic dimensions of the urban environment by proposing changes in the urban fabric. For this project the neighbourhood Bloemhof is chosen for further research. This research focusses on integrating social and environmental dimensions and emphasizes the human scale. Bloemhof is a 19th century neighbourhood with a lot of social housing. The neighbourhood is devided into three parts by the strong water structure.




Fig 1. Location of project area


INTRODUCTION / CHARACTERISTICS The characteristics of Rotterdam-South are devided in opportunities and threats. The most important aspects are the low income group, the youth and children that lives there and the feeling of nog being safe in your own neighbourhood. These characteristics will be taken into account with the further research of Bloemhof.



Rotterdam: 9.8 - 10.1 C


Fig 2. Analysis of the climate of Rotterdam (source: De grote bosatlas)


Rotterdam: 5.0 - 5.5 m/s


INTRODUCTION / CLIMATE The analysis on climate for Rotteram is devided in three catagories: Temperature, wind and rainfall. If we look at the average temperature of Rotterdam, we see that it is one of the hottest areas compared to the rest of The Netherlands. If we zoom in on Rotterdam itself we see that Bloemhof is also one of the hottest areas of Rotterdam (nr. 5). Therefore the heatstress has to be taken into account. If we take a look at the wind speed we see that Rotterdam has an average windspeed compared to the rest of The Netherlands. Finally the average rainfall in Rotterdam is also in a blue area, meaning that there is a lot of rainfall in Rotterdam. 11






House value






Fig 3. Demographics of Bloemhof









SOCIAL / DEMOGRAPHICS In this analysis we take a closer look at the demographics of Bloemhof. The index shows three different data sets about the physical environment, safety and social cohesion of the neighbourhood. Overal Bloemhof scores badly compared to Rotterdam. There are a lot of safety issues and very little social cohesion. If we take a look at the households we can see that a prominent number of residents are households with children. Because of this the focus of the research lies on children aged from 0 to 18 years old. In most neighbourhoods of Rotterdam-South this number lies around 10%, but in Bloemhof this is around 35%. The housing values are by far the lowest in Bloemhof compared to Rotterdam and Feijenoord. This also relates to the low income of the people living there. This data is important to take into account for developing a strategy for the area.







Fig 4. Historical development of Bloemhof

SPATIAL / HISTORY On the left page the development from 1850 to 2000 is shown (fig. 4). Noticeable are the strong structures that are still visible in the urban fabric. These structures are marked with a blue line. The ‘T’ shaped canal is a very prominent structure in Bloemhof. It divides the neighbourhood in three different parts. Also the old polder structure is still visible in the building blocks and streets. In the image on the right page the building period is shown of the houses (fig.5). Notable is that most of the houses were built in the period from 1900 to 1930. A typical typology of this time was the closed building block which is also clearly present in Bloemhof. 1900 - 1930 1930 - 1945 1945 - 1960 1960 - 1975 1975 - 1985 1985 - 1995 1995 - 2005 > 2005

Fig 5. Building ages of Bloemhof



Fig 6. Water system

SPATIAL / NATURE INFRA GROUND Again the most prominent structure is the water system dividing the neighbourhood into three parts. Interesting to see is that it is a closed water system. This means that all the water gets to one point, the west side of the project area. This can create opportunities for using the water flow. Bloemhof is lower than the surrounding areas which can cause problems for the water flow and infiltration of rain water. The main infrastructure follows the prominent structure of the canal and also divides the neighbourhood with this. Alongside this structure is also the problem of sound pollution. Because of the prominent infrastructure a childunfriendly public space is created.


Water Green

Bus line Sound pollution


Bus stop


-3 to -2 -2 to -1 -1 to 0 0 to +1 +1 to +2


Fig 7. Spatial layers of Bloemhof


Fig 8. Spatial analysis of public space

SPATIAL / PUBLIC SPACE In the neighbourhood of Bloemhof are a lot of playgrounds for children, but still the public space is perceived as childunfriendly. To understand the reason behind this different playgrounds have been analysed. In the photo series on the left show the positive and negative elements of the playground. A lot of pavement is used as materialisation. Also some of the playgrounds don’t have eyes on the children because there are only backsides of buildings directing towards the playground. For the safety of children there always need to be front sides towards a playground. In overall the playgrounds have enough equipment to play with or on. Also important for the quality of a good playground is that there are enough places to sit for the parents. Most playgrounds in Bloemhof meet these requirements.



Soil 0 to -1 Very heavy contamination Heavy contamination

Soil -1 to -2 Light contamination

Water and nature Nature Water

Heavy metals Area with heavy metals


This map shows the ground pollution in the first meter from the ground level. According to the data the soil is very heavily contaminated.

One meter further down the soil is lightly contaminated.

The water and nature data shows that there is very little green in the neighbourhood. Only a strong ‘T’ structure.

This map illustrates the heavy metals in the area. Interesting is that they also are beneath playgrounds and schools.


The amount of playground equipment is also widely available. Archaeological value High archaeological value Normal archaeological value

The area doesn’t have any high archeological value.

Playgrounds 0 - 6 year 7 - 12 year > 18 year 0 - 12 year 7 - 18 year

Bloemhof has a wide range of different playgrounds that meets the requirements of different age groups.

Playground equipment Amount of playground equipment

For the technical analysis GIS maps have been research in the project area. These maps have 23 been divided into four categories: Health , legibility, control and safety. Some of the maps also show a section of the theme. The date of these maps then are transformed into patterns that are the building blocks of the design. More information about the patterns is discussed on page 29.

Fig 9 - 20. GIS data of Bloemhof (Health & legibility)


Cables and pipes


Electricity Telecom Gas Private cables/ pipes Sewage City heating Water

The cables and pipes are very disorganized. A potential lies in combined systems to create a more systematic lay-out.

Qualitiy public space Needs more green Needs to become childfriendly Watertask

In the whole area are water issues that needs to be resolved. Also there are a lot of too paved streets.

Sound - Day

Soft Hard

This map shows the sound pollution of Bloemhof. Alongside the ‘T’ structure is the most pollution from the tram line.

Foundation Wooden Steel Concrete Combined No data

Most of the houses have a steel foundation. These foundations are not stable on a sand layer.

SAFETY Sand Peat Clay

Subsidence -8 t/m -6 mm/year -4 t/m -2 mm/year

Fig 32. Geological layers

Ground hights -3 to -2 -2 to -1 -1 to 0 0 to +1 +1 to +2

+2 to +3 +3 to +4 +4 to +5 +5 to +6 +6 to +7


Fig 33. Water issues of Bloemhof

The top section shows the different layers of soil. The top layer consists of a small layer of sand. Beneath that layer are peat and clay. At 12,5 meters deep the stable sand layer starts.

Because of the peat layer beneath the area there is a lot of subsidence , up to 6 mm per year.

The height map shows the Bloemhof lies in the lowest part of the surroundings. This can cause problems with water.

The second section illustrates what the negative effects are of the subsidence. Because of the lower level of the neighbourhood the water of surrounding areas flows to Bloemhof. Also seepage from the Maas come to the surface in the neighbourhood. Fig 21 - 31. GIS data of Bloemhof (Control & Safety)

Sustainable development





We can’t deny it, the climate is changing and cities have to adapt to this change. New designs have to be sustainable and be responsive to the future. In the Netherlands the definition used for sustainable development is the one given by Brundtland in ‘Our Common Future’ (Brundtland, 1987): ‘The ability of humanity to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’

In 1992 the Earth Summit was held in Ria de Janeiro where the three facets of sustainable development had been identified: social sustainable development, ecological sustainable development and economic sustainable development (Dorst, 2004). These facets are broadly known as the three P’s: People + Planet + Profit. The ‘Happy City’ project for the neighbourhood Bloemhof aims to create a balance between these three P’s. The main focus are the people (mostly children) of Bloemhof.

This definition is widely accepted and used by the municipality of The Netherlands. The reason why this definition is popular is because its broad scope.


In 1992 the Earth Summit was held in Ria de Janeiro where the three facets of sustainable This report covers the sustainable development development had been identified: social susas a multidimensional-multiscale process that tainable development, ecological sustainable consists of social, environmental and economic development and economic sustainable develdimensions. This multi-layered approach can opment (Dorst, 2004). These facets are broadly be applied on three different scales. The street-, known as the three P’s: People + Planet + Profneighbourhood- and city scale. Two main views it. The ‘Happy City’ project for the neighbouron sustainable development are discussed and hood Bloemhof aims to create a balance behow they connect with the project. The main fo- tween these three P’s. The main focus are the cus lies on the street- and neighbourhood scale people (mostly children) of Bloemhof. To create because of the human scale of the project. a clear image of sustainable development experts came together in a series of workshops Important for a sustainable design is the syn- discussing about the topic. ergy between natural and human systems on the surface and subsurface level. The SEES diagram is used to illustrate this synergy. At the end of this intervention I will explain the role of the urban designer in this framework of sustainable development and the possible impact that we as designers have.

VISIONS ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT In 2000 and 2001 a series of workshops, the Dutch National Initiative for Sustainable Development (NIDO), was held. Sustainable development was defined in terms of People, Planet and Profit, which were interpreted as: liveability and social quality; minimum environmental impact through sustainable construction, use and maintenance; and facilitation of economic development (Dorst, 2004). Almost every expert during the workshops agreed that social sustainability is an integral part of sustainable development in the built environment. However two visions were formed each with a slightly different views: sustainable development as a path to a better world and as path to a better environment.

environment. All other items such as liveability and prosperity are important preconditions, D = Environmental issues. By making environmental quality the goal which can be accomplished with sustainable development, can be seen as a fixation on environment problems. Because the environment is not a priority among the residents and isn’t a policy priority two strategies are formed:

practical themes raised by a project are added to the triple P as a fourth point. This fourth corner should make the link between theory and practice and the various sustainability themes (Dorst, 2004). This new model is illustrated in figure 2.

• Environment: just do it! The task of the municipality of Rotterdam is to safeguard the future. It sets the environment into another light by giving it a priority status like health and safety.

• Generate involvement in environment issues The environment is a collection of other issues such as prosperity and liveability. Liveability is not the goal itself but functions as The first vision, A better world, sees sustainable a catalyst towards a high quality environment. development as the sum of all the good things Nature is the linkage between the issues; enwe need now and want to pass on to the next joyment of nature generates involvement with generation, S= P+P+P. This way the discussion nature conservation (Dorst, 2004) on a sustainable and liveable future end up in MODELS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELgeneralizations like ‘happiness’. Happiness as the outcome of a sustainable and OPMENT liveable society is translated for the built environment into a built environment that makes The widely used model about sustainable develpeople happy; in other words, a physical en- opment known as the triple P (people, Planet, vironment people can appreciate and become Profit). In The Netherlands two other methods attached to (Bijdendijk, 1996). Liveability is a are used in sustainable development practice in the living environment. The first one is the tripart of sustainable development. angle inspired by Johannesburghs’ triple P (fig. The second vision, A better environment, lets 1). In all projects there are specific aspects that sustainable development work towards a better should bind together all the various sustainability themes. What is proposed here is that the

Fig 1. The sustainability triangle, after Johannesburg 2002: People, Planet, Prosperity and associated themes.

Fig 2. The tetrahedron of sustainable construction based on sustainable development.


Sustainable development





A result of the research of GIS data for Bloemhof shows that the neighbourhood copes with various environmental issues. Houses that are built on top of layers of peat and clay that also got steel foundations which doesn’t reach a solid sand layer cause subsidence in the area. The result of this is that Bloemhof slowly becomes a hole to which surrounding water drains. Another water issue is the seepage from the Maas rises at a few point in Bloemhof. To create a sustainable neighbourhood, improvements on water storage and infiltration are a necessity. Instead of demolishing buildings which drive the current residents of Bloemhof away, and create a social gap between the low and high income residents, the quality of public space gets improved. In this way the first ‘P’ of three gets respected because the people of the neighbourhood shouldn’t get driven away from their homes. The rainproof public space in the ‘Happy City’ project satisfies the second ‘P’ of planet by creating a green and water resilient public space. The third ‘P’ of prosperity gets differently defined than the vision of ‘A Better World’. Prosperity is not defined by the income and economical value of the dwellings, but more as the value of life of individuals. The ‘Happy City’ project is a combination between the two visions with a slight leaning towards ‘A better world’. But the second strategy of ‘A better environment’ is also applied in the ‘Happy City’ project by increasing the environmental qualities and therefore increasing the liveability of the neighbourhood.

As an urban designer you are the person that stands between all the different stakeholders that each have their own preferences. Some stakeholders are more focussed on the profit of a project where others emphasizes environmental qualities such as greenery and liveability. As an urban designer you have the important role to satisfy both parties and meet the requirements necessary for a good design. Important to accomplish this is a good way of communication. Examples of drawings that are successful to do so are stored in the city archive of Rotterdam.

Fig 3. Strategy for Bloemhof

The best example found in the archive is a drawing of the water project designed in 1854 to create a water system that cleans the water in Rotterdam, but also functions as a recreational park around the city. The first time this plan was presented in 1841 it was denied by the city council because it was considered to be too expensive. But when the architect hired the landscape architect Jan David Zocher who made the image show in figure 4 they were persuaded to execute the project. They created a high quality living environment for the higher class of Rotterdam. Because of the high costs of the project only the west part was realised. But when the stench and cholera outbreaks still occurred the east part was also realized. Through the water project the quality of the environment increased drastically. This shows that by using the right communication tools people can be persuaded to invest in the environment. As an urban designer you can be the person who can show a combination of the triple P and in that way meet the requirements of all the different stakeholders.


Fig 4. Illustration of the water project of Rotterdam by Jan David Zocher, used to convince the municipality to develop the project


H.1 - Island of playing

H.2 - Network of playing

H.3 - Change of polluted ground

H.4 - Slow driving

H.5 - Walking motivators

C.1 - Dynamic elements

C.2 - Identity network control

C.3 - Control of identity

C.4 - Public vs private

C.5 - Social control

L.1 - Archeology

L.2 - Cognitive affordances

L.3 - Identity forms neighbourhood

L.4 - Landmarks

L.5 - Node of the crossing

S.1 - Activity generators

S.2 - Clustering programme

S.3 - Eyes on the street

S.4 - Lighting

S.5 - Organic city






A result of the GIS analysis and research by design, a set of patterns are developed. The patterns are categorized under health, control, legibility and safety. Patterns are design principles that represents the core idea. Christopher Alexander explains the function of patterns in his book ‘A Pattern Language’. Patterns function as building blocks through the design process. A broad explanation and theoretical background of every pattern is illustrated in the pattern book. This collection of patterns is found in the appendix of this document.








Area does not have a high archaeology value

Area does not have a high archaeology value

Area does not have a high archaeology value

Area does not have a high archaeology value

Area does not have a high archaeology value

No explosives found

No explosives found

No explosives found

No explosives found

No explosives found

Impact only on the public space

Impact only on the public space

Low connection

Cables don’t have an effect on the flow

Subsidence of -6 to -4 a year

Carrying capacity does’nt have an impact on metabolism

Impact only on the public space

No new buildings are built

Subsidence of -6 to -4 a year

Public space can improve by better civil constructions

Pipes can contribute in showing water flow

Area waterproof because of low setting

Impact only on the public space

New lay-out of the street interferes with current cables

No direct threath on the infrastructure

Lowest potential for ATES

Low potential, but high need of ATES

Lowest potential for ATES

Lowest potential for ATES

Lowest potential for ATES

No extraction points for resources

Organic carbondioxide for assimilation of plants (OCAP)

No potential for geothermal energy

No potential for geothermal energy

No potential for geothermal energy

Use bio gas for energy

No extraction points for resources

No extraction points for resources

No extraction points for resources

People can be made aware of the water filtering

Clean water basins in the area

Green roofs can be used to filter water

Plants can be used in the public space to show filtering

Lay-out infrastructure changed to implement filtering

Deposit can be combined with playing

Create waterlandscapes

Roofs can be used to slow infiltration of water

Can be used for infiltration and drainage

No direct relation

No source of good drinking water

No source of good drinking water

No source of good drinking water

No source of good drinking water

No source of good drinking water

People can’t use the soil

The soil is heavily contaminated

No direct relation

Bad soil limits the possibilities in the public space

No direct relation

No direct relation with people

Subsoil life has a great impact on the metabolism

Landscape can be formed for the use of people AND planet Can effect the flow of waste and energy of the neighbourhood

No direct relation

No direct relation

Use subsoil life to clean the ground

The natural landscape can be prominent

No direct relation

Has an effect on how people can use the ground

subsurface storage

sand/clay/gravel resources

ecological diversity

geomorphological quality and landscape type

subsoil life / crop capacity

clean soil

drinking water resources


water storage capacity

fossile energy resources

No potential for geothermal energy

water filtering capacity


geothermal energy

ATES (aquifer thermal energy)

ENERGY carrying capacity

cables and pipes

underground building








No direct relation

social structure (neighbourhood typology) social behaviour labour productivity labour capital


Lots of pavement limits ecological diversity

Buildings can function as a dome for ecology

Materials can be used for building

Possibility to store CO2 in the ground for later use

energy /

food water waste air (building) material products

BUILDINGS No direct relation

No direct relation

Has an effect on how the space can be formed and used

Storage places have an effect on the space above

offices housing utility culture


No direct relation

Natural landscape can be combined with infrastructure

Lots of pavement limits ecological diversity

Sound of the main roads limits ecological diversity

living environment culture nature agriculture

INFRA STRUCTURE No direct relation

No direct relation

mobility network


subsurface subsoil water energy civil constructions






High importancy


Shallow and water layer

Normal importancy


Water layer

Low importancy

Deep > 500 meter

No importancy




TECHNICAL / SEES SCHEME To bring order in all the technical information we make use of the System Exploration Environment and Subsurface (SEES) that uses six functional layers with different dynamics (Source: Quarter guide). Layers consist of people, metabolism, buildings, public space and infrastructure. The subsurface layer is ordered in the themes civil constructions, energy, water and subsoil. The diagram is used for analyzing threats, chances and to function as an inspiration for the project. This SEES diagram functions as an evaluation of the research and can be used as inspiration for the design. The colors representing the mount of potential that the certain domain and connection have with the design project. Red means that there is a high potential to use the certain layer in the design. The diagram also shows if the layer is a threat or an opportunity for the project.

Fig 33. SEES diagram



TECHNICAL / POTENTIAL MAP The potential map is a collection of GIS data combined into one map. The map represents the technical body of data in the sustainability framework, can be included in the vision document and play a role in the development of specific blocks in the area (source: Course guide Q2). For this map a selection of GIS data have been chosen that relates to the design project. The map shows what the threats are such as the foundations and too much pavement, but also what a potential place is for water storage and how the new lay-out of cables and pipes can give order to the site. In the section you can see that the wadis are connected to the sewage system but also to the water storage. In this way the wadis can

Fig 34. Potential map and section

provide the basic water storage, but when a cloudburst occurs the large water storage and sewage system can take in the extra water. The main focus of the design strategy lies on making the public space climate proof. Then over a period of time where buildings are slowly replaced by new buildings, the foundations can be adjusted in a way that there will be less subsidence. So instead of steel foundations build concrete foundations that go all the way down to the solid sand layer.



TECHNICAL / REFLECTION In this part I reflect on the use of GIS data for the project and talk about the interaction between the development of the sustainability framework and my proposal.

can be applied to encourage people to walk. Also some streets have to be redesigned to make them more child- and pedestrian friendly. By applying the ‘woonerf’ concept streets become more interesting to use by pedestrians. All these elements will increase the health of the residents and the water quality.

The SUET proves to be an important aspect for the design choices. By using the SEES diagram a clear image can be created about the opportunities and threats of an area. By creating patterns a solid base is formed for the deThe map on the left page shows the location sign. This whole process can be seen as a part where certain patterns can be applied. By using of the design process to create an evidence the SEES diagram together with the GIS data based design. In the next chapter de design is the patterns can be applied to a specific place in Control focusses mostly on social control on the explained and shows the relation with SUET. the project area. The colours representing the public space. This fits with the strategy and vidifferent themes that are used to categorize the sion of the project that also aims to improve the patterns and GIS maps. Red stands for health, public space. Most of the streets in Bloemhof green for control, purple for legibility and blue have a very harsh transition between the pubfor control. lic and private space. By adding small areas in front of the facades people can claim their own In the category of health are a few things import- peace of street and therefore control more of 37 ant. First of all the canal in the ‘T’ can be used the public space. When there are dynamic elefor phytoremediation. In this way the water that ments in the public space that can be adjusted comes from the streets can be cleaned. Along- and changed, people will feel in control off a side of these structures new walking motivators space. This pattern can be applied on different squares in the neighbourhood. The legibility theme can be applied in just a few places because there are no archeological value in the area. Large schools can function as landmarks and squares can contribute to creating an identity for the place. Fig 36. Phytoremediation

Fig 35. Pattern map

Safety can be increased by creating more eyes on the street and improve lighting in certain areas. Also by creating activity generators on sections or unsafe places creates more life on the streets and therefore more safety.




Water task



Heavy contaminated soil

Noise from tram

No Drainage


Heavy metals from industry

Little to no green in the streets

S e e page

Solid ground

Steel foundation causes buildings to subside becoming a ditch. River causes seepage in the neighbourhood Car is main user

Fig 37. Problem statement

DESIGN / PROBLEM STATEMENT The results of the analysis can be divided into three themes: Water task, Child unfriendly spaces and polluted soil. The most important issue of the water task is the lack of good drainage and infiltration. Also because of the subsidence of the area extra water flows into the project site. Therefore increasing the water problems that occur there. The public space is a very child unfriendly space. Factors that create this are the noise from the tram, little to no green in the streets and that the car is the main user of the public space. Another big problem is the polluted ground. There are a lot of heavy metals because of the industrial history that the site has. Also the first meter is heavily contaminated and needs the be cleaned in order to create a better public space.





Fig 38. Method and hypothesis

Happy city, charles montgomery

DESIGN / METHOD + HYPOTHESIS The method used for the project starts with the problem statement. The problems are translated to three different domains, the physical, the mental and the environmental domain. The aim is to increase the happiness of the neighbourhood which will have a positive effect on the people, planet and profit. Profit is not necessarily measured in in wealth but also in the value that people give to life. To accomplish this happy neighbourhood a hypothesis is constructed built on the argument of Charles Montgomery in his book ‘The Happy City’. He argues that in order to increase the happiness of a city you have to start with the children. In the hypothesis of the project aims to create a happy neighbourhood by increasing the amount of children on the streets. This will result in a more lively streets which have an effect on the health, social control and safety of the residents. When there are more children on the streets people will assume that it is a safe place. All these factors will increase the overall happiness of the people. This hypothesis has a circular effect because when people are happier they are more likely to reside in the public space. This again creates a more lively street contributing toward a happy neighbourhood.


Social Networks Network

Nodes Nodes 44

Underground Substratum

Fig 39. Layered concept


Fig 40. Domains

The focus to create a child friendly neighbourhood is to improve the public space in a way that it meets the requirements for children. To accomplish this a framework is developed, based on the book ‘de nieuwe generatie stadskinderen’ by Lia Karsten. The framework consists of a network of child friendly routes connecting various nodes together. Both have a strong relation with the substratum. The nodes representing the playgrounds and schools wich the children use the most. The children have to be able to move safely between the nodes through the network without the supervision of adults. The concept covers a few domains illustrated in figure 40. The horizontal field consists of the main street and residential streets (network) and playgrounds (nodes). The vertical field covers the substratum, ground, eye level and the air.















DESIGN / STRATEGY The strategy map shows how the concept is projected on the neighbourhood Bloemhof. The orange color represents the playgrounds in the area. The green buildings are schools ranging from 4 to 17 year old students. These nodes are connected with a child friendly network (red dotted line) creating the framework from the concept. The canals will function as a cleaning machine for the water coming from surrounding neighbourhoods. The system of drainage and infiltration is based on the earlier polder system. The streets that lie perpendicular on the cleaning machine focus on draining the water towards the canals. The streets that lie parallel to the canals focus on infiltration of the water. This is the most effective way to deal with the increasing amount of water in Bloemhof. The child friendly network between the nodes is recognizable through small playful interventions such as a parking sign as a tumbler or a lamppost that also functions as a swing. This network also combines walking and cycling together. The cleaning machine uses phytoremediation to clean the water and create a healthier environment.

Polder system


47 Combined walking & cycling

Slow the waterstream

For this project the water square west of the project area will be further designed and researched.

Fig 41. Strategy map

Define route with playfull objects


DESIGN / THE CLEANING MACHINE The cleaning machine uses different plants to clean the water. Most commenly are reeds and different kinds of bulrush. The canals will also be made more accessable for pedestrians. This creates awareness of how plants can help creating a healthier environment.




Fig 42. Impression of the cleaning machine

Fig 43. Section of the cleaning machine






DESIGN / THE SQUARE Different factors have influence on the form of the water square. The most important one is the routing connected to the child friendly network (1). The second factor is the drainage of the water from the streets, this divides the square into two parts (2). These two parts both have their own theme. One is a more adventurous and natural theme, the other is the water square (3). The last one is the language of the square. It consists of a border of greenery and wadi’s. The infill speaks the same language in materialization.


Fig 44. Spatial influence on the form of the square


DESIGN / THE SQUARE On the left is the design of the water square. The main route through the square is 15 cm lifted from the surface. This way the route is clearly recocnizable. The more adventurous side contains different natural playground equipment such as wooden structures to climb on and two small hills where the children can crawl through and slide off. The hills stand out because of the two large trees on top of them. The green borders are wadi’s that are connected to the larger water system of the neighbourhood. This way the plants in the borders can be used to clean the water and show the drainage system of the square to the people. When there is a large cloudburst the wadi’s can direct the water towards the water square that functions as a water storage but also a playground. The square functions as a location to meet and play, but also as a intersection between the important routes for children.

Fig 45. Design of the water square



DESIGN / WATER SYSTEM Figure 46 shows the watersystem and how the wadi’s and watersquare are connected to the larger water system. The two bassins of the water square are two different heights. The smalles storage room is the first one to be used at a large rainstorm. That way the playground can still be used by children to play basketball and skate. When a large cloudburst occurs the larges bassin can be filled with water. In figure 47 is illustrated how the drainage system of the wadi works and how it is connected with the watersquare. In figure 48 the different states of the wadi are shown. The ground of the wadi is layered with on top mulch, below that bio retention soil and at the bottom a layer of gravel.


Fig 47. Drainage system of the wadi

Fig 46. Watersystem

Fig 48. Series showing the function of the wadi


DESIGN / MATERIALS In this section the materials used for the design are illustrated. It is divided in the groundcover, the understory and the canopy. The path is covered with resin bound gravel. This gravel is very porous which makes it easy for water to infiltrate to the ground. The plants used for the groundcover are picked on their ability to clean the soil of heavy metals. An example is the Thlaspi caerulescens or the Brassica juncea. The understory consists of reeds and different steppe grasses. The Celtis occidentalis is mainly used in the canopy, but on the hills stands the Acer rubrum ‘Franksred’ prominent as a landmark on the square. The water square itself is made of white concreate which is painted with different shades of blue.

Fig 49. Section with materialization and flora 1:300

Fig 50. Section of a playhill with tube 1:100

The section also shows the connection between the wadi and the water square. On the next page are two impressions of the square which shows the square on a sunny and a rainy day.

Fig 51. Section of wadi 1:100



Fig 52. Impression of the water square during a sunny day



Fig 53. Impression of the water square during the rain


SOURCES / LITERATURE Alexander, C., Ishikawa, S., & Silverstein, M. (1977). A pattern language: Towns, buildings, construction. New York: Oxford University Press. Bijdendijk, F. P. (1996), Duurzaamheid en solidariteit. Haarlem: architect. Dorst, M.J. van & Duijvestein, C.A.J. (2004). Concepts of sustainable development - The 2004 International Sustainable Development research conference – Conference proceedings 29-30 march University of Manchester, UK Pötz, H., Bleuzé, P., Sjauw, E. W. A., Baar, T. ., & Sherwood, D. (2012). Groenblauwe netwerken voor duurzame en dynamische steden =: Urban green-blue grids for sustainable and dynamic cities. Delft: coop for life.


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.