workplace issues
Feedforward and become a stronger influencer
We all want to improve our effectiveness in influencing others for our mutual good and we can achieve this when we understand the importance of establishing winning relationships, so says Justin Cohen.
rue influence is the ability to build long-term, mutually beneficial personal or business relationships. True influence is not manipulation. Manipulating people is getting them to do things that are not in their best interests. To get more, give more and giving is not always physical; in fact the giving that feels best is usually psychological. This is when we give people love, respect and attention. We build our self-esteem from the inside – but we are social creatures and a large part of our self-worth comes from the love and attention that we give others. And one of the most important keys to success in relationships , at the office and at home, is the ability to give and receive feedback – what I like to think of as feedforward, because it enables us to move forward and be better.
careersuccess magazine issue 2020
While there are laws that govern effective relationships, not everyone wants to be treated in exactly the same way. It’s important to be able to take and apply feedback so we can adjust our behaviour to suit the person and situation. Your previous boss may have liked regular updates on any project; your current one may not want to be involved that closely.
Getting feedback
If a close group of friends, family and colleagues got together, what would they say about you? You’re probably not going to agree with everyone says but if more than one person were to say the same thing, that could be a clue. No matter how self-aware you are, there will almost certainly be things