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LOS PERSONAJES Important people in the Porfiriato Porfirio Díaz - Oaxaca, September 15 1830 - 1854 he joined the military forces which overthrew Santa Anna - Participated in the Reform Wars, against conservatives - He created "El Plan de la Noria" (against Juárez, 1871) - "Plan de Tuxtepec" (against Lerdo, 1876) - 1884-1911 he governed with dictatorship - He created big technological advances and social inequality. - He surrenders in 1911 and died in Paris in July 2nd 1915 Benito Juárez - Oaxaca, March 21 1806 - He worked as Shepherd until he was 12 - He defended indigenous people - In 1853 Santa Anna sent him to Cuba - He returned in 1855 as Minister of Justice (he cuts the privileges of the army and church) - In 1858 he is Mexico's president, and he starts de Reform Laws - He lead the rebellion against Maximiliano de Habsburgo after the French intervention - He was accused of reelection by Porfirio - He died in July 18 1872

- Jalapa, México, 1827 - Nueva York, 1889 - President between 1872 and 1876 - He was Minister of Foreign Affairs with Presi-

dent Ignacio Comonfort from June 5 to September 16, 1857. May 31, 1863, when the Republican government left the capital, he joined Benito Juárez. He fought with President Benito Juarez against the French invasion of Mexico. In 1871 he opposed the re-election of Juarez and left the Liberal Party When Juarez died, Lerdo continued the process of change initiated with the laws of Reforma de Juárez 1876 Porfirio opposed to his reelection Lerdo was exiled to USA

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