17th of May Teacher started the class explaining the use of past perfect tense, because the last class he couldn´t finish it. When he finished it, students started doing exercises about the topic, in that part of the class my participation was very important, because students has a lot of doubts, so I helped them in a good way I guess. I know the use of past perfect tense, but anyway I studied that in my home, because I knew that the students could asked me about some doubts. The students asked me so much, because the teacher, in that moment was doing some tests corrections, so while the students worked in the worksheet, I worked hard with them too. The second part of the class, was about first conditional. Teacher started explain this topic, but students didn´t understand very well, because they had a few doubt about use of future tenses. For that reason, teacher started to explain the difference between ¨will¨, ¨going to´ and ¨present continuos in the future¨(arrangements). The class finished, and the students could understand the difference between different uses of future.