2013 Spring Magazine

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FALL 2013




| special message

Crucial factors s the new Board Chair, I want to share my enthusiasm for Simpson College. During the last several years, I’ve seen progress in curricula and infrastructure. As for results, I can tell you from firsthand experience, the Simpson graduates my company has hired are thriving. Simpson prepares students to lead, not just “do.” As the first female Board Chair of Simpson, I’ve been asked about “firsts.” Better phrased, I’m a Board Chair who happens to be female. Early in my career, I was one of a handful of female branch managers for IBM. That is what brought me to Des Moines, and to Simpson’s Board. In 1983, it was unusual to see a woman as a business leader, but by 2013 it is no surprise. Regardless of gender, it is an honor to serve as Chair of the Board. Thank you! But I want to talk about Simpson. I met many of you during the search for our new President, Jay Simmons. He will be great, and a great President makes the Board’s job easy. Already Jay and the Board have been discussing future actions. Sunnie Richer Chair, Board of Trustees

Three factors are crucial to the College. The first is ensuring we continue to provide an exceptional educational experience for Simpson’s students. Significant interaction with faculty is part of that formula. Secondly, fundraising fills the gap with scholarships as tuition covers only about half of Simpson’s expenses. We need to continue to find new ways to expand our reach. Finally, recruiting and retaining top students is a critical component to a vital and thriving academic environment. To move quickly, we have two task forces underway. One deals with outreach to the business community and alumni. By strengthening those ties, we will increase internships, career placement and grants. A second task force is working on the long-term structure of Emerge, Simpson’s project in entrepreneurship. Also, President Simmons will be launching an update of Simpson’s strategic plan. We’re just getting started. I invite you to email me at sricher@doextra.com or give me a call at 515-865-4383. I am looking forward to a successful 2013-2014 school year at Simpson. Plus, an exciting future!




THE MAGAZINE Simpson College President Jay K. Simmons Produced by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations Jill Ramthun Johnson ’85 Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations Leslie Byars Diehl ’03 Art Director Ken Fuson Marketing Writer/Media Specialist


Greg Votava Digital Content Specialist Amanda Leichty ’10 Graphic Designer Bryan Geelan ’07 Athletics Communication Director


Oscar Preis Web Development Specialist Mary Fortune Administrative Assistant Jenifer Mertes Welch ’12 Copy Center Manager


Touring the Years Editor Sara Thompson Contributing Writers Ken Fuson Bryan Geelan ’07 Jill Ramthun Johnson ’85 Photography Luke Behaunek Greg Votava Office of Alumni Relations Andy English ’05 Director 515-961-1547 Office of College Advancement Bob Lane ’81 Vice President 515-961-1549

The Simpson magazine is published by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Letters to the Editor and story ideas are welcomed. Send correspondence to themagazine@simpson.edu


- Where Are They Now? - Faculty Accomplishments



First Impressions


- Homecoming & Family Weekend - The Iowa State Fair - The American Gothic Statue - RAGBRAI


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| this is simpson

Randy Olson


Monte Shaw

Nile Ramsbottom


hree Simpson College alumni have helped to position Iowa at the forefront of the growing and increasingly important biofuels movement. Monte Shaw ’95, of Shenandoah, is the executive director of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association. Randy Olson ’94, of Ankeny, is executive director of the Iowa Biodiesel Board. Nile Ramsbottom ’66, of Innsbrook, Mo., is senior advisor for Renewable Energy Group, a biodiesel company he started in Iowa in 2000. Shaw, Olson and Ramsbottom are leaders in an industry that generates an estimated $12 billion to Iowa’s gross domestic product and creates $576 million in state tax revenue. Founded in 2002, the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association promotes renewable fuel sustainability throughout Iowa. As executive director, Shaw helps educate Iowans about the state’s renewable fuels industry.



“Our association represents many of Iowa’s ethanol and biodiesel producers,” he said. “We work on promotions, regulatory issues and political issues. We work on market development, too, anything we can do to get a greater production and use of ethanol and biodiesel. Not just in Iowa, but all over the country.” “The increased use and production of biofuels benefits Iowa and the country in many different ways,” Shaw said. “We produced over a billion gallons last year and we’ll probably produce a billion and a half of biodiesel this year.” Olson also helps educate the public about the biodiesel industry. The Iowa Biodiesel Board represents Iowa’s biodiesel industry from production to consumption. “We build bridges and break down barriers for increased biodiesel production and consumption across our state and our nation,” he explained. “We work with our partners and our

board of directors to advance the initiatives of the biodiesel board.” Ramsbottom is considered one of the industry’s pioneers. “Biodiesel is that one fuel where we use one unit of energy and recreate five,” Ramsbottom said. “With petroleum, they use one unit of energy and create one. They don’t really improve energy efficiency.” Biodiesel is produced from renewable resources like vegetable oils and animal fats. It can also be made from recyclable restaurant greases. The biofuels industry not only powers Iowa’s economy, but also the federal government. Outside of Iowa, it is estimated the ethanol industry will also increase federal tax revenues by nearly $223 billion between 2009 and 2022.

production has on Iowa jobs, Iowa income and Iowa wealth creation. Clearly, Iowa’s economy would be in a much different place if ethanol and biodiesel production were still at 2002 levels.” Shaw shared that he relies on his Simpson education in his job.


“One of the real key reasons for biodiesel support is that it’s made locally,” Olson said. “Many times when people think about renewable fuels, they think that it’s something off in the future and off in the distance. In truth, biodiesel is here and now.” Olson said the United States has suffered adverse consequences due to a dependency on foreign oil as well as U.S. military involvement in the Middle East. “Supporting biodiesel is one way we can minimize those continued impacts,” he said. “We’re making a significant dent in our nation’s fuel supply.” Shaw wrote in the introduction of a 2012 study to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association: “The last decade really has been one of progress and prosperity for renewable fuels and rural Iowa. The study highlights the profound impact ethanol and biodiesel

“The time I spent in the classroom at Simpson combined with the internships I had during Simpson honed many skills and opened opportunities that led me to where I am today,” Shaw said. “Whether it’s dealing with the media or lobbying in Washington, D.C., and here in Iowa, the skill set I developed at Simpson still applies.” Olson said he’s privileged to work with passionate Iowans who care about the state and the nation’s energy independence. Success in the industry is accomplished by maintaining and building relations, he said.

“There’s a lot of misinformation and misconception about biodiesel,” he said. “With many audiences, we’re just starting from scratch, really. Simpson is an environment where it’s easy to get to know people and develop relationships. The ability to hone those skills in college has certainly served me well.” Ramsbottom studied business administration and economics at Simpson, which helped him in building a start-up company. “Coming from a family unable to afford college,” he said, “Simpson’s financial aid program, as well as the availability of employment in Indianola, made my college dreams possible.” Now Shaw, Olson and Ramsbottom are making dreams come true for others, with energy efficiency and job growth. “Certainly the economic development that comes from biodiesel is important and adds value to our agricultural economy, providing jobs in rural America with a cleaner burning fuel, so we all benefit from having a clean alternative to diesel,” Olson said. ■

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| investing faculty pursuits in simpson

FAST START TOWARD BIG GOAL hen Justin Zenanko graduated from Simpson College in 2009, then-President John Byrd asked him about his future goals. “One of my goals is to be the largest donor in the history of Simpson College,” Zenanko replied. It’s not clear how Byrd responded—a shout of joy, perhaps? Let’s assume that is not the first thing listed by young college graduates when asked to discuss their immediate career plans. Zenanko said he has no difficulty standing apart. In fact, he said it’s a personality trait that Simpson encouraged and nurtured.


“The thing about Simpson College is, it allowed me to be me,” he said. “It allowed me to set a goal and to achieve it.” Zenanko works as the chief financial officer of Recombinetics, Inc., a company in St. Paul, Minn., that is using advances in gene editing technology to increase farm productivity, which would feed more people, and to produce improvements in prescription drugs and medical devices.

“There’s a real chance to have a huge, profound impact on the world,” he said. Zenanko also owns an accounting company and a capital company, Phoenix Capital Group. “Trying to stay busy,” he joked. In doing so, he has managed to exceed another goal he set at graduation—to give at least two percent of his gross income each year to Simpson.



“One of the reasons I feel so indebted to the College is because if President Byrd hadn’t allowed me to accelerate my timeline to get out in three years, I would not be where I am today,” he said. “I feel I owe it to myself and also to the College to try to make sure Simpson is a place where other people really have an opportunity to build skill sets for the future.” When he first arrived on campus from Minnetrista, Minn., Zenanko said he was interested in business, but wasn’t sure what he wanted to do. He credits relationships with Byrd, Mark Juffernbruch, professor of accounting, and Frank Colella, an Emeritus professor of economics, for guiding him. Zenanko majored in accounting, management and economics, with an emphasis on finance. He has other goals, including this one: “To put Simpson College on the map as one of the leaders in the field when it comes to business development and driving entrepreneurs to Simpson to help students change the world. I will do anything and everything I can to achieve that goal.” ■

faculty pursuits |

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED ot long ago, when Spencer Waugh and Steve Griffith, Simpson’s academic dean, were discussing the possibility of reviving the College’s long-dormant debate program, Waugh made no secret of his lofty goal. “I said, ‘If we do public forum debate, I think I can get you a national champion in the first two years,’” Waugh recalled. Mission accomplished. Simpson not only won the College Public Forum National Tournament earlier this year, the final round also featured two Simpson teams. That had never happened before. The winning team—Ethan Frederick and Jacy Gomez— consisted of freshmen. In fact, Simpson returns all 10 debate participants and Waugh hopes to add 10 more students this fall. Is there a debate dynasty in the making? “That’s the goal,” said Waugh, and he wasn’t smiling. Starting a debate program essentially from scratch isn’t new for Waugh. His Indianola High School teams captured five individual and two team state titles during his 12 years there. At Simpson, debate has a distinguished history. The College joined Pi Kappa Delta, the collegiate forensics association, in 1918, but the program was discontinued in the 1990s. Dean Griffith decided the time was right to revive the program, and he turned to Waugh. He recruited six students to participate in 2011-12. So why was Waugh so confident Simpson students would eventually flourish? “I love coaching this event, and I knew that Simpson has such talented students,” he said. “It was just a matter of arming them with the right material.” Public forum debate is one of the fastest-growing and most popular forensics events among high school students, and its popularity is growing at the collegiate level. But Simpson remains the only college or university in Iowa to offer it. Waugh believes that will give Simpson a recruiting edge, as will offering competitive speech for the first time this fall. In October, Simpson will host as many as 300 high school students in a debate and speech tournament.


Instructional specialist, Speech and Debate Education: • B.A. in German, Central College, 1998 • M.A. in Teaching and Learning, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008 Debate and speech promote critical thinking and communication, two of the pillars of Simpson’s Engaged Citizenship Curriculum. This fall, Waugh will join the faculty full-time. For him, the biggest reward is taking students who have a tremendous fear of speaking in public and lack selfconfidence and working with them over a four-year period to develop as confident and articulate human beings. “To me, that’s greater than winning state championships or national titles.” ■ MORE ABOUT SPENCER WAUGH What’s the most interesting thing in your office? A Back to the Future movie poster. I’m a big Michael J. Fox fan. If I weren’t teaching, I would be… Landscaping. A book everyone should read is… To Kill a Mockingbird. If I won the lottery, I would… Fully fund a speech and debate mentoring program for all Iowa public schools. One thing people wouldn’t know about me is… I like to restore old Hondas. Who wins the most classroom debates, you or your students? My students do. I love coaching brilliant students! THE MAGA ZI N E | FA L L 2 0 1 3



WHERE ARE THEY NOW? hen Margaret Aten says she has remained active since retiring from Simpson in 1999, she’s not kidding. “It’s the only way to be,” she says. She does yoga at least four times a week, completes Zumba workouts twice a week and Pilates once a week, along with strength and weight training. “But my big thing now is gardening,” Aten says. “I work with several gardens. At the church, I started a big area that used to be sod or weeds, and we’ve converted it to droughttolerant and native Texas plants. I think gardening is sort of in my blood, but I’ve never enjoyed it as intensely as I’m doing it now. Aten worked at Simpson between 1980-99, mostly teaching accounting, but also serving the last five years as registrar. She and her husband, Paul Bohlig, live in Flower Mound, Texas, about halfway between Dallas and Fort Worth. What else keeps you busy? We live near our son, Justin, who graduated from Simpson in 1994, and our two grandchildren. Our other two grandchildren live in San Francisco, and we visit them several times a year. Did the campus change much during your almost two decades here? Oh, yes, immensely. When I arrived in 1980 they had just barely skirted bankruptcy and everything was pretty austere. Over the 19 years I was there, they restored buildings and made them gorgeous inside. They built McNeill Hall and added on to the Carver Science Center. Practically every building underwent major changes. I doubt there’s another period of time in Simpson’s history when the campus changed so much, for the better.



What are some of your favorite memories? In 1992, I went with several faculty members­—Frank Colella and Bob Gieber, Jane Kvetko and her husband, Stan Malless, and Glenn Buhr—and a group of students to Europe. We had a great time. We were studying the various mechanisms of the European Union. We were in Luxembourg for the Court of Justice and in Strasbourg, France, for the European Parliament. That was a big highlight. Earlier that year, I was in charge of hosting a member of the German Parliament, who had come from the former East Germany. That was about three years after the Berlin Wall came down. He was on campus a week and talked to history and German classes. That’s a fond memory that I have. What do you miss about teaching? I just enjoyed the opportunity to keep learning new things all the time, and I still try to do that. There’s not the pressure to keep up with the latest accounting bulletins and changes. That was always an intellectual challenge. Now I really don’t bother with accounting issues at all. (Laughs.) I’m still using my liberal arts background. I’m a political junkie and I follow a lot of political blogs. I hope not too much. I miss kibitzing with some of the other faculty. We had a lounge in Mary Berry Hall, and if you were really brave you went over there and swapped opinions with the Mary Berry crowd. Any message you’d like to send to your former students? I hope they’re well and happy. I know the Simpson Experience was an important time in their lives. I advised hundreds of students, and I know so many of them had such good experiences there. I think they and Simpson had a great relationship, and I hope they remember their time fondly. ■

FACULTY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Assistant Professor of Religion Maeve Callan’s book, The Templars, the Witch, and the Wild Irish: Vengeance and the Mythologies of Heresey in Medieval Ireland, has been accepted for publication by Cornell University Press and should be available within the next year.

then building, Iowa Realty into the state’s largest real estate firm. Along the way, he became one of the area’s leading developers, a foremost figure in the Iowa Democratic Party, and a prominent community philanthropist. amazon.com/The-Real-DealLife-Knapp/dp/0615852793.

Associate Professor of Music Dave Camwell’s arrangement of Corelli’s La Follia has been published by Jeanne Publishing. Camwell also released two CDs on the Teal Creek Music label— Timescape and Sonoroso. Another CD, Xplorium!, will be released on the Innova label later this year. Camwell has also been a guest artist at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Furman, North Carolina-Greensboro, North Carolina-Charlotte, Western Carolina, Cincinnati College-Conservatory, Wyoming, Colorado State and Colorado-Boulder.

This summer, Peter Taggart, adjunct professor of history, taught a four-part lecture series in the Ray Society at Drake University entitled, “The Civil War – Without the Battles,” on the philosophical, theological, social, economic and cultural causes of the American Civil War and its continuing after effects on American society. Taggart also presented a lecture on the “History of Free Masonry on the American Frontier” as part of the Des Moines Scottish Rite Consistory’s continuing University of Free Masonry Historical Lecture Series.

In May, Rosemary Link, associate vice president for academic affairs, made a presentation to the International Human Rights Conference at the Sanskrit University of Karnataka, India, titled: “The Convention on the Rights of the Child: Implications for Education.” Dr. Link made this presentation to faculty, students and colleagues, including the group of Simpson students participating in the May term travel abroad course exploring global citizenship in India, based in Bangalore and Mangalore.

Tracy Dinesen, associate professor of Spanish, co-edited Volume XXVIII, the 2012 edition of Revista Monográfica, a special edition which focused on the works of Alicia Giménez Barlett. Giménez Barlett is a bestselling author of Spanish detective fiction who writes the Petra Delicado series, the longest running fiction series with a female protagonist. In addition, Dr. Dinesen published an article, “The Consequences of a Marriage: Petra Delicado in Nido vacío and El silencio de los claustros,” in the 2012 Revista Monográfica. The article focuses on the compromise needed in order to balance work and family life for the main character, Petra Delicado, and how this compromise debunks the stereotype of the modern working woman.

“A Test for Slope Heterogeneity in Fixed Effects Models,” an article co-authored by Simpson College Assistant Professor of Economics, Oleksandr Lugovskyy, Ph.D., along with Ted Juhl, University of Kansas, was accepted for publication in June by Econometric Reviews. In August, a second co-authored article, with Alexandre Skiba, University of Wyoming, titled, “The Distance Effect is Not Disappearing, Just Poorly Estimated,” was accepted for presentation at the Missouri Valley Economic Association Meeting in October. Professor of History and Director of the Iowa History Center, Bill Friedricks’s book, The Real Deal: The Life of Bill Knapp was published in August. The biography examines Knapp’s rise from his poor southern Iowa farm beginnings to establishing, and

Jennifer Ross Nostrala ’85, department chair and professor of theatre arts, has been appointed to serve on the Board for StageWest Theatre in Des Moines. Last spring during his sabbatical, Paul Craven ’94, associate professor of computer science wrote and published a textbook about computer programming called, Program Arcade Games With Python and Pygame. The paper version is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble and an e-book is also available through Amazon Kindle.

Nathaniel R. Boulton ’02, adjunct professor of management, completed the Isle of Man marathon in the United Kingdom, his 12th marathon in the past 12 months. David Richmond, professor of art, is the president of The Iowa Bonsai Association. Richmond organized the Bonsai exhibition at the 2013 Iowa State Fair and also won a third place ribbon for his tree which is a literati style, Juniperus chinensis, ‘Shimpaku.’ The Waltham Philharmonic performed Instructor of Music, James Poulsen’s orchestral work, Heartland Poem, May 4, in the Boston suburbs. The work has also been performed by the Des Moines and Dubuque Symphonies. Waltham has also programmed Poulsen’s Five Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, for Tenor and Orchestra, for a concert this fall. The Poe cycle is also being performed this fall at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, one of the country’s largest and most prestigious music programs. Mr. Poulsen made 30 appearances with various jazz groups this summer, including the Ottumwa Symphony, the Ballyhoo Foxtrot Orchestra, Soya Vista Jazz Band, John Morgan Orchestra, Steve Charlson Trio, the Max Wellman Quartet and his own jazz quartet. Kate Lerseth, instructor of education, completed her Ph.D. at Iowa State University in Curriculum and Instruction. She also presented at the International Reading Association Annual Convention in San Antonio on the topic of “Identity Development in Pre-Service Teacher Candidates.” As part of his sabbatical, Nick Proctor, professor of history, travelled to nearly a dozen institutions, including three universities in China and one in Japan, to teach faculty how to use the Reacting to the Past game-based pedagogy. Justin Brown, assistant professor of biology, published his work on spinal cord processing and pain in the journal, PAIN. Brown also attended the 7th Annual Summer Neuroscience Workshop at the University of Missouri.

continued >>>>>>

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FACULTY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Professor of Psychology Don Evans wrote and submitted a grant to the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust this summer and was awarded $50,000, specifically for the purchase of eye-tracking equipment to be used for research in neuroscience. Bernard McDonald, Simpson’s director of opera, was featured in a front page of the online edition of the New York Times International Chinese edition. The article was about opera training in the United States in light of the current Chinese boom in Western opera and featured the Juilliard School, Columbia University as well as Simpson. Professor of Philosophy John Pauley’s essay, “Philosophy From Literature: Art Informing Argument,” has been accepted for presentation at the School of Visual Arts National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, held this fall in New York City. This year’s conference focuses on papers and presentations on the collaboration between the arts and the humanities.

Shane Cox, assistant professor of accounting, attended the 2013 Lilly Conference and collaborated with professors in accounting as well as other disciplines to discuss various methods of engaging and improving the ability of students in the area of learning. Cox also renewed his license as a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Iowa and became a member of the Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA). Mike Hadden, assistant professor of sports science and health education, traveled to Washington, D.C., to speak to legislators in support of funding for continued research on Lou Gehrig’s Disease. The disease took the life of his 17-year old niece in 2011, which to date, has been the youngest case of the disease in history. Professor of Education Steve Rose served as a peer reviewer for “Assessing Teamwork Using Five Criteria for Cooperative Learning.” This piece is being considered for publication in The


Teacher Educator. Rose also served as poet in residence for the Winterset Art Council this summer. Heather Groben, assistant professor of psychology, has published a paper titled, “5-HTTLRPX Stress in Adolescent Depression: Moderation by MAOA and Gender,” in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. In this paper, Groben and co-author Janet Hyde examine how genetic and environmental risk factors combine to predict depression in a sample of adolescents who have been followed since birth. Professors of Mathematics Rick Spellerberg and Heidi Berger received funding for the MAA TensorSUMMA program. This will be the third year in a row Simpson has received this grant from the Mathematical Association of America to host a summer workshop focused on preparing a high school teacher and three of his or her students for the High School Mathematical Competition in Modeling (HiMCM). ■

WALT ESTATE TO HOLD BOOK SALE TO HELP PRESERVE SIMPSON HISTORY he late Joseph W. Walt loved teaching, research and travel, all of which required books. He also loved Simpson College and worked tirelessly to preserve its history.

General volumes will sell for $5 (larger donations will be gladly accepted), with special folios and art items at a higher price. Inquiries and online orders may be placed with Dyer at cyd.dyer@simpson.edu.

“He had walls of books in his home,” she said. “I believe Joe So it’s fitting that the Walt Estate Book & Art sale would be immensely pleased that the funds acquired through the will be held during Simpson’s Homecoming, the weekend of Oct. 11-13, and that the proceeds of the sale of his book collection will contribute to the preservation of Simpson College history.” sale will be used to digitize items from the college archives. The sale will be held in Dunn Library. The following will be available in the Craven Room. The numbers in parenthesis refer The first goal: Creating an ebook version of Walt’s to how many boxes of boxes each listing contains: Folios (3), JW Beneath the Whispering Maples: the History of Walt signature items (2), Special (3). Simpson College. “Joe was always giving me Simpson documents to make sure we had a copy in the archives,” said Cyd Dyer, college librarian/ archivist. “His hope was that we preserved Simpson’s history. Not only do we need a ‘paper trail,’ we also need to digitize the most useful parts of the collection for research and enjoyment online.” Those would include newspapers, yearbooks and George Washington Carver’s letters, she said. For book lovers, the sale should be a bonanza. Some 1,300 books, sorted by subject, and 12 works of art will be available for purchase. 10


The following will be available on the second floor by topic: Art/Music, Asia, Australia/Falklands, Britain (7), Fiction (2), Fraternities, Germany (5), Greece/Rome (7), History (6), Iowa, Middle East/Rome (2), Miscellaneous, Mormonism/Stamps, Reference/Fiction, South Pacific, Sweden/Switzerland/France, U.S. History (2) ■ SALE HOURS 1-6 p.m. Oct. 11 9 a.m.-1p.m. Oct. 12 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Oct. 13

evening, weekend & graduate programs |



DON’T WAIT! rady Fry had been working for Casey’s General Store, the convenience store franchise, for 25 years when the company’s CEO, Robert Meyers, encouraged him to go back to school and get his degree. “I remember sitting in his office that day and he said to me, ‘Brady, you should get a college education.’” “I had thought about it and regretted not doing it, but became pretty good at convincing myself not to go back,” Fry explained. It was Meyers’ urging, along with the support of Casey’s COO Terry Handley ’09, a Simpson College graduate of the Evening, Weekend and Graduate (EW&G) program, that finally convinced him to take the next step. Fry contacted Craig Peck ’89, director of Simpson’s EW&G programs in Ankeny, five minutes away from Casey’s corporate headquarters. “It was April 2012 when I talked to Craig and said I was interested in starting the program in the fall,” Fry said. “Craig said, ‘No, you should start right now’, and I did. I signed up for a summer class that started just a few weeks later.” Most of Fry’s classes have been on the Ankeny campus, but he has taken classes at all three locations, including Indianola and West Des Moines, over the last 16 months. “Simpson has had every class I have wanted or needed to

take for my Business Management degree,” he said. “The locations offer a lot of flexibility and Craig has been great to work with to get everything scheduled.” Now that he’s back into the swing of taking classes, he finds his perspective on learning has changed. Fry said, “By having life experience, you have a good idea what reality is and it’s not always the same as what’s in the book. I would say that’s an advantage. It gives you a different perspective. You appreciate the education more and probably put forth a little more effort.” Having professors he can relate to has been a bonus. “The professors work really well with working adults. They gear their programs toward them and it makes a difference,” Fry explained. Fry is hoping to complete his degree in 2015. Does he see value in getting his degree after 25 years on the job? “Absolutely. And honestly, I didn’t think I would in the beginning. I’ve always valued hard work, honesty and integrity and thought you could work your way into just about anything. The reality is, and I would tell anybody this, it’s the education. It will open a door for you. You might have to push a little, but it will open a door and give you a chance to earn your keep or earn what you deserve.” ■

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| a simpson space


he Gaumer Center, named in honor of the Gaumer family, opened in January 2012 as the new home for communications and art faculty offices. Located on Detroit Street, an easy walk from the main Simpson Campus, the building previously housed a medical clinic. Green Screen: Construction of the video suite is nearing completion. The green screen allows various backdrops to be shown, similar to what a TV weather announcer uses. On Air: Shhh….KSTM, the campus radio station, is broadcasting. Known as Storm Radio, it’s at 88.9 on the FM dial and serves Simpson, Indianola and Warren County with an eclectic mix of music.

KSTM: One of the Gaumer Center’s attractions is expanded space for KSTM, where Simpson students can gain practical experience delivering the news, weather and sports.



The Simpsonian: The Simpsonian is nearly as old as Simpson itself. First published in 1870, “The Simp,” as it’s fondly known, is the nation’s oldest continually published student newspaper. Meeting Space: No more cramped offices for student reporters and editors. They gather for editorial meetings in what’s known as The Simp Lab. It’s a great way for students to collect clips that might help them land an internship or job after college.

Travis Mickle works in his lab at KemPharm, Inc., in Iowa City.

Technology: Keeping up with technological advances is one of the great challenges of the modern media world. Simpson students gain valuable experience with the same advanced electronic equipment used by TV and radio broadcasters everywhere.

Office Space: “It’s a super place,” says Lisa CarponelliLovell, department chair of communication & media studies. “They did a great job with the remodeling. My office is right across from the radio station, so I see students coming in and out. It feels different, in a great way. It’s a media hub now.” ■

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| cover stor y

Jay Simmons lends a hand on Move-In Day.















There’s little time to waste as Simpson College’s new president gets acquainted with the campus community in his first weeks. f this is Wednesday, it must be time for the Convocation speech. At least that’s what the schedule says. One might forgive Jay Simmons for viewing the past several weeks as a seamless blur. Since taking over as Simpson’s 23rd president on June 17, his life has become a relentless series of meetings, luncheons, get-acquainted gatherings, one-on-one consultations and dinner receptions with the various constituencies that represent the Simpson community. If he’s not being interviewed by The Des Moines Register, he’s serving brats to international students. If he’s not having lunch with alumni, he’s scooping ice cream to first-year students. If he’s not attending a meeting of the Rotary Club of Indianola, he’s welcoming new employees to campus. Has there been time to reflect? “I had 30 minutes today to do that,” Simmons said during the week in August that fall classes began. He laughs. “Unfortunately, I lost it. The city manager wanted John Sirianni (special advisor to the president) and I to talk to the owner of a company that may move to Indianola.” He was willing to do it. If there’s a chance to promote Simpson, if there’s an opportunity to meet someone who might advance the College’s cause, Simmons appears eager to make room on his ever-jammed calendar. Enough time has passed for Simmons to have formed a few first impressions about Simpson, which he will gladly share, but you might want to grab a pair of tennis shoes to keep up.



The College may be 153 years old, but its energetic new president shows no indication of moving slowly.


The Convocation, Simmons explains, is a centuries-old tradition that was passed down from Europe. It formally marks the beginning of the school year. “We would have had to import that from Europe because who in the world thinks it’s a good idea to wear academic regalia when it’s 101 degrees outside?” he said. That’s one of the first things people notice about Simmons: His sense of humor. “Students seem to really enjoy interacting with him,” said Mark Siebert, who began this fall as assistant professor of communication and media studies. “He’s down to earth and funny. How many college presidents would describe their voice as sounding like a cross between the devil and Eeyore?” That was how Simmons explained his raspy tone before beginning his Convocation address to some 375 first-year students in Smith Chapel. He also reminded the students that he, like them, is still learning his way around. “I’ve tried to figure out how much time it takes to get across campus before I’m late for my next appointment,” he said. “I haven’t quite managed that one yet, but I’m working on it. I’ve also been very careful about not stepping on the seal outside of College Hall.” continued on page 18 …


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He presented the results of a survey of the new class, pointing out that 25 percent have a family connection with Simpson. He also noted that at least two students reported—tongue-in-cheek, we assume—that they drove Lamborghinis to campus. “I’d like to talk to you when this is over,” he said. Then Simmons turned serious. “You’ve seen and heard the word ‘success’ quite frequently since you arrived on campus,” he said. “That’s what we’re trying to accomplish with you at Simpson College. But I hope you just don’t see it. Our goal is that you experience it. “We want you to find success through your service to others…. We want you to understand that you can attain accomplishments that today you may not even be aware of. You may find an area of study that you may not realize you’re even interested in and that you may soon develop a passion for.” He didn’t tell them that a liberal arts education could change their lives, but all they would have to do is review his own resumé to see that.


Simmons, 50, grew up in Muscle Shoals, Ala., a community of 6,000 that is part of a much larger, four-city area. His father built transmission cases for Ford Motor Company, while his mother kept the books at his grandfather’s paint store. Neither had attended college, but both insisted that he should. After high school, “if someone would have asked, ‘What’s a liberal arts education?’ I would have had no idea,” he said. It was his experience at Birmingham-Southern College, an institution he likens to Simpson, that opened his eyes to an array of educational opportunities. And that’s the message he wants to deliver to prospective Simpson students. “If you have a great idea of what you want to do, wonderful,” he said. “We can accommodate you. That’s the best part of who we are. But if you’re not entirely sure, that’s even better in some ways, because part of what we’re trying to do is introduce you to the span of human inquiry. We want to introduce you to other areas of study and endeavor in which you might want to engage yourself. That certainly happened to me.”

ALUMNI, FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS FORM SAME POSITIVE IMPRESSION He knew it was coming. He has done this before.

Four years ago, Simmons took over as president of Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, so he knew the opening months would be a sprint. 18



“Those first 120 days or so, you want to get out and try to meet as many people as possible,” he said, “and you need to do that all as quickly as you can, to help them make a connection with you as a new president. But it’s more important for me as the new president to learn from them the institutional saga and values and aspirations that they have for the College. That’s why the pace is so important.”

“He seems like a really nice guy,” he said. “You can tell he’s from Alabama, which is pretty cool. He seems really connected with what Simpson has been doing in the past. This is my first year, too, so as a class we get to go through things together with him.”

And that’s why Simmons may be having lunch one afternoon with Chuck Kerr ’53 and other former Simpson athletes in the Kent Campus Center, then serving up ice cream that same evening to first-year student Ryan Skaar of Stuart, a member of the Class of 2017.

“There’s a strong ethic from everyone I’ve met so far,” he said. “They say we’re at this level and we want to go higher and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get there. That has been confirmed multiple times.”

Kerr had already met the new president. His wife, Roberta Starry Kerr ’50, made a loaf of banana bread that he delivered to Simmons and his wife, Jenné, not long after they moved into the Sigler House this summer. “He invited me right in to sit down and talk about Simpson,” Kerr said. “We visited quite awhile. My impression is very positive.” Simmons told Kerr he was traveling by motorcycle the next morning to visit his mother in Alabama. “I didn’t see any tattoos,” Kerr joked. Skaar, the student, also left his first meeting impressed.

Kerr and Skaar may represent different generations, but to Simmons they are part of the same story.

So how does Simpson move to that next level? The 23rd president has some ideas.


Simmons and his family—wife Jenné and daughters Samantha and Madison—have settled into the Sigler House, the president’s residence. The family attends services at the First United Methodist Church in Indianola, and Simmons says one of his goals is to strengthen the bonds between Simpson and the Methodist Church. continued on page 20 … THE MAGA ZINE | FA L L 2 0 1 3



That should be easy, he said. Other challenges might be more difficult, but Simmons is confident Simpson can meet them: • “Demographics are working against us. That’s going to be a serious challenge. We know that.” • “The cost of higher education, in terms of how we provide resources to make a Simpson College education affordable for our students—again, nothing new here, but we have to be attentive to that.” • “We’ve got to do a better job documenting the outcomes that our students attain. We have wonderful anecdotes that we can share about student success, but we have to demonstrate that those anecdotes are representative. President Obama has talked about tying financial aid to the quality of a student’s education and experience. I welcome that. I think we’re going to come out looking very good.”



Simmons said his suggestions for the College’s Strategic Plan should be ready for the Board of Trustees to review next May. “We have a good record of success, so the issue to me is, what can we look at and say that job’s done, let’s focus on these three or five other topics?”


Simmons has all the research he needs to reach one conclusion: “This is the warmest and most welcoming community I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing. “Everywhere we turn, people have offered help and assistance and good counsel and numerous expressions of support for us and for Simpson College. This has been a daily occurrence.” Simmons seems almost bubbly as he races to keep up with the demands of the day’s schedule. “I feel that Simpson is so well positioned to accomplish so much. I can’t imagine an institution in the Midwest that is better situated to accomplish great things in the next 10 years.” Those are enough first impressions for now. He needs to leave. There’s another meeting to attend, another hand to shake, another student to meet, another convert to make. The Jay Simmons Era at Simpson College has begun. All aboard. ■








Save the date I





THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014 INDIANOLA FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH For more information, contact the President’s office, 515-961-1611 or brenda.wickett@simpson.edu

“Simpson College is an institution that still truly values and builds upon its mission of educating and graduating students who continue to grow as free, responsible and fulfilled individuals in the world of family, work, service and scholarship. It’s an honor to serve as its President.” -Jay K. Simmons, Ph.D.

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| chaplain’s corner


t seems to me that we are really good at marking the “firsts” in our lives. When you have small children, keeping track of the firsts, or milestones, is how you remember those early months and years. First smiles, laughs, steps, haircuts, and holidays—all of these things seem to be imprinted not just in the baby books, but on our hearts and minds as well. While these moments in life are more or less predictable—they will happen whether we take the time to document them or not—we assign them significance because of the very fact that they happened first. But there are other firsts that are intentionally memorable, like the first lesson you teach in a new classroom or the first sermon you preach to a new congregation. These firsts are memorable because we intentionally choose what to say and how to act. It is our way of impressing upon our audience who we are, and what we are all about. Jesus used a big first—his first public sermon—to share with the people in his hometown just what it was that he was up to. As he read from the scroll of Isaiah, he let the people know what his ministry would be about: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:1819) Through these words, Jesus made it clear that his ministry was to be one of action, confronting societal norms and meeting the needs of the least, the last and the lost. As I prepare to begin a new round of firsts as the next chaplain at Simpson College, it is my prayer that all of our firsts are met with intentionality. As the first days of a new academic year unfold, we will be faced with decisions as to how we spend our time. May we act and speak with dignity, love and grace and remember that as these firsts occur, they are our building blocks for creating the type of future we wish to see. ■



Photo by FGCU Athletics.

athletics |

PERSEVERANCE erhaps the only thing more remarkable than Florida Gulf Coast University’s appearance in the Sweet 16 of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament last March was the route that Marty Richter ’99 took to become an assistant coach there. Talk about perseverance.

“I jumped right on it,” he said.

And that’s how Richter found himself with a front-row seat to one of the more incredible runs in NCAA history. Seeded 15th (out of 16) in their bracket, the Eagles knocked off Georgetown and San Diego State to become the tournament’s Cinderella team, earning the nickname “Dunk City” in the process.

After playing four years as an off-guard for the Storm, from 1995 to 1999, Richter’s dream of “I can tell you this: It was a lot of fun,” Richter becoming a head basketball coach took said. “Our kids did a great job of getting him to the University of South Dakota prepared. The moment never got too big for WHAT SIMPSON (graduate assistant coach); Bowling them.” Green State University (administrative DID FOR ME IS THAT What he learned: “Never take anything for assistant and assistant coach); Chipola IT PROVIDED ME granted. Enjoy every moment that you have, College in Florida (assistant coach); because you never know when you’re going to THE OPPORTUNITY Indiana University (video coordinator); Budivelnyk Basketball Club in the TO DEVELOP AS A get back there.” Ukraine (assistant coach); back to STUDENT AND A Richter now has the title of associate head Chipola College (assistant coach); coach as the Eagles look for an encore this PERSON; IT BUILT evaluator and collegiate scout for ESPN; season. and finally to Florida Gulf Coast MY CHARACTER.” (assistant coach). He credits his parents and Bruce Wilson ’76, -Marty Richter ’99 who was his basketball coach at Simpson, with “I did get frustrated, because you’re teaching him how to handle adversity and seeing other people get jobs that to not give up, even when you’re living in the Ukraine and you’d like to get,” he said. “There was a stretch when I wondering what the future holds. came back from overseas when I was trying to get jobs everywhere, and I kept getting told no, because there “Simpson educated me in how to conduct myself in various weren’t any openings.” situations and channel my energy and efforts in positive directions,” he said. “Every university is going to educate How Richter finally ended up at Florida Gulf Coast in you. What Simpson did for me is that it provided me the Fort Meyers is a story in itself. His wife, Brynn, landed opportunity to develop as a student and a person; it built a job at Florida State University, so Richter watched the my character. I was educated by professors, firsthand, with men’s basketball practices there, getting to know Andy a student-teacher ratio that wasn’t 50 to 1, but more like 12 Enfield, an assistant. to 1 or 14 to 1. I could get to know the professors and they could help guide me in the right way, in more than just the When Enfield was hired as Florida Gulf Coast’s head classroom. That was important.” ■ basketball coach, he invited Richter to join him. THE MAGA ZINE | FA L L 2 0 1 3


housed in different buildings across campus in addition to scheduling and space issues.

HIS NEXT QUEST FOR SUCCESS rian Niemuth needed a new challenge. As the head women’s basketball coach at Simpson for the past 26 years, he had built the program into a juggernaut. He had amassed more than 500 wins, 11 conference titles, 11 NCAA Tournament appearances and seven conference coach of the year awards. Yawn. But throw in the keys to an entire athletic department – one which consists of 19 varsity sports – while in the midst of a major facility renovation that disperses the staff across campus? Now there’s a test. “If I can survive the first year with all of the current challenges, I’ll be good to go from there,” said Niemuth, who was the interim director of athletics from mid-January to July 1, when he assumed the role permanently. The main challenge to which Niemuth is referring is the renovation of the Cowles/Carse athletic facility. While the end result will be a top-of-the-line facility at the heart of campus, the current scenario causes staff members to be



“It will feel like a thousand pounds off my shoulders [when the project is finished],” Niemuth said. “What I have to do [until then] is make the current situation work with the weight room, fitness center, hosting events, etc. Right now it feels like the staff lives in different cities the way we are spaced apart, so it will be nice to get everyone under one roof again. I can’t wait for that to happen.” While dealing with the renovation of the program’s primary indoor facility has its growing pains, learning the day-to-day operation of the athletic program has been a smooth transition for a man who has held eight different positions in the department. In his 27 years, Niemuth has also served as the athletic training director, instructor of physical education, assistant baseball coach, intramural director, outdoor facilities manager, women’s basketball coach, assistant athletic director and interim director of athletics. “I’ve been involved in a lot of different jobs, which helps me understand how everything works and allows me to walk in someone else’s shoes.” A clear priority during Niemuth’s tenure will be winning. The most decorated head coach on staff, he has been around for all four of Simpson’s Iowa Conference Marjorie Giles Women’s Sports Championship Trophies and the lone Elmer Hertel Men’s Sports Championship Trophy, and wants to return the program to that level. The women last took home the award in 2006-07 while the men’s trophy came in 1988-89. “I told the coaching staff at our preseason meeting that, as long as we keep score, I want to win,” he said. “Coaches are competitive by nature, so all of them have that fire already. What I need to do is put them in a position where they can be successful. That means growing staff and growing funds. That’s what we need to happen in order for us to be successful as an athletic department.” Given Niemuth’s track record of success, odds are that this new challenge will evolve into another trophy on his mantle. Ho-hum. ■

2013 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES JESSE HARRIS ’03 One of the finest student-athletes to ever wear the Red and Gold, Jesse Harris was decorated on the court and in the classroom. On the basketball court, he was a four-time, All-Iowa Conference performer, earning first team honors in 2001, 2002 and 2003. He was a DIII News Honorable Mention All-American in 2003 and a two-time Jostens Trophy Finalist. Additionally, Harris was the 2002-03 Iowa Conference Scholar Athlete of the Year, a 2003 NCAA Post-Graduate Scholar and a two-time First Team Academic All-American. His 1,573 career points are fifth all-time at Simpson. MICHELLE STOVER JUON ’02 Playing under long-time women’s basketball head coach­­—and now also athletic director—Brian Niemuth, Michelle Stover Juon was one of the most talented players to come through the Simpson program. Juon was a two-time honorable mention All-American and a three-time First Team All-Iowa Conference performer. Her 1,458 career points rank fourth in Simpson history and she is one of just six players to score more than 1,000 points and grab more than 500 rebounds.

COWLES/CARSE RENOVATION UPDATE • Much of the south wall of Cowles has been knocked out, opening up the area overlooking the stadium. • Concrete work between C and D Streets and the south entrance to Cowles is well underway. • Carse Wing is progressing nicely, as the framework for the athletic offices and classrooms is nearly complete. • Structure of the academic offices and cheer/dance/ multipurpose room is in progress. • Framework for the south glass wall is in place (will overlook the stadium). • Precast concrete that frames the south wall is in place. • The arch that tops the south entrance/exit to Cowles is also in place.

BRENT PARROT ’98 Enjoying one of the most successful runs in Simpson football history, Brent Parrott helped lead legendary coach Jim Williams’ defensive backfield to an undefeated regular season and an Iowa Conference Championship in 1996. He was a Second Team AllIowa Conference performer in 1995 and, in 1996, earned First Team All-America honors from the American Football Coaches Association. He led the team with 64 solo tackles and two interceptions in 1996. AWARD WINNERS The Double “S” Award recognizes former athlete at Simpson who have been successful in their career, volunteer activities or hobbies. This year’s award winner is Terry Lillis ’77. Lillis—a letterwinner in basketball— has served on the Alumni Board and the Board of Trustees and is currently a Senior Vice President and the Chief Financial Officer at Principal Financial Group in Des Moines. The Dick Buxton Award is given in memory of Dick Buxton ’57 to community members who willingly give his/her time and efforts in support of Simpson College athletics. This year’s winners are Jon Friest ’88 and Kyle Owens ’81. Friest helps on the scorer’s table at numerous events and Owens is a long-time assistant softball coach. ■

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ON OUR CALENDAR OCTOBER 2 McBride Lecturer Dr. Laurence C. Smith, Smith Chapel, 1 p.m. 10 Matthew Simpson Lecture, Amy-Jill Levine, Kent Campus Center, 7 p.m. 11–12

Fall Opera Productions: Suor Angelica by Puccini and Curlew River by Britten, Amy Robertson Music Center, 7:30 p.m.

11–13 Homecoming and Family Weekend Reunion gatherings for the classes of 1943, 1963 and 1988

Joe Walt Estate Book Sale, Dunn Library, 10/11: 1–6 p.m., 10/12: 9–1 p.m. and 10/13: 11 a.m.–1 p.m.


Fall Opera Productions: Suor Angelica by Puccini and Curlew River by Britten, Amy Robertson Music Center, 2 p.m.

15 Festival Concert: Simpson College Honor Choir, Smith Chapel, 6:30 p.m. 17 Presidents’ Society Dinner 24 Simpson College Symphonic Band, Great Hall, 7 p.m. 25–26

Lysistrata Jones, Pote Theatre, 7:30 p.m.


Lysistrata Jones, Pote Theatre, 1 p.m.

Simpson College Chamber Singers Concert, Plymouth Congregational Church, Des Moines, 4 p.m.

29 Simpson Speaker Series: Dr. Jay Simmons, West Des Moines Campus, 5:30 p.m. Jazz Ensemble Concert, Amy Robertson Music Center, 7 p.m. NOVEMBER 3 Simpson College Choir and Women’s Choral Concert, Smith Chapel, 3 p.m.



The Iowa History Center presents The Three Lives of Grant Wood’s American Gothic, Kent Campus Center, 7 p.m.


Jazz Ensemble Concert, Amy Robertson Music Center, 7 p.m.



The Women of Lockerbie, Pote Theatre, 7:30 p.m.


The Women of Lockerbie, Pote Theatre, 1 p.m.

Simpson College Community Orchestra Concert, Kent Campus Center, 7 p.m.


17th Annual High School Theatre Festival

Instrumental Chamber Music Concert, Amy Robertson Music Center, 7 p.m.

DECEMBER 5 Simpson College Symphonic Band Concert, Blank Performing Art Center, 7 p.m. 8 Lessons and Carols, Smith Chapel, 2 and 5 p.m. 14 December Commencement JANUARY 30–31 9th Annual Simpson College Jazz Festival, Amy Robertson Music Center, 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. FEBRUARY 13–18 Night of the Soul by David Sparr, Blank Performing Art Center, 7:30 p.m. 28–Mar 1 Spring Opera Production: Street Scene by Kurt Weill, Blank Performing Art Center, 7:30 p.m. MARCH 2 Spring Opera Production: Street Scene by Kurt Weill, Blank Performing Art Center, 2 p.m. 20 Inauguration of President Jay K. Simmons, Indianola First United Methodist Church 30 Madrigal Singers in Concert, Smith Chapel, 3 p.m.


A Simpson student will be calling you soon to talk with you about your Simpson Experience and how you can invest in the lives of current students. He or she will also bring you up-todate on campus life, college news and ways you can stay connected with Simpson College.

We look forward to talking with you soon! If we miss you, please visit www.simpson.edu/pledgeonline or call (800) 610-6369.

NEW DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI RELATIONS ndy English ’05 is coming home. “Definitely,” he says. “That’s what I’ve been telling everyone.” English began Sept. 16 as Simpson’s director of alumni relations. He didn’t have much time to get settled into his new office. One of the office’s big events, Homecoming, takes place in October. But he’ll be ready. English is not only a Simpson graduate, majoring in marketing, he also spent four years on campus working as a counselor in the Admissions Office. He spent the past four years working at Drake Law School, but grabbed the opportunity to return to Simpson. “I’m excited because it really is home to me,” he said. “It’s that feeling you get when you walk on to campus, that you belong here.”

His first goal is to meet as many Simpson alumni as possible. “I want to learn what needs to be done and get things accomplished as quickly as possible,” he said. “I want to engage the alumni and get more of them to come back to campus. I want to mobilize them to help the Admissions Office, and to help with athletic recruiting, and those types of things.” English, his wife Erin, and 8-month-old son Hudson live in Carlisle. English remembers his Simpson Experience as presenting him with multiple opportunities. “I wasn’t just an athlete,” he says. “I wasn’t just a fraternity member. I wasn’t just a part of the Religious Life Community. I could be involved in a lot of different aspects, and that allowed me to realize who I was as a person and to grow into who I am today.” ■

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| extra!


THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HOME! We have a wide array of fun activities planned, including: • Campus tours • $10 golf at Deer Run Golf Course • Red and Gold Celebration in Kent Campus Center • Alumni Recognition Reception in Kent Campus Center • A Simpson Opera performance • Yell Like Hell! • Greek reunions • Tailgate party • Little Stormchasers area • Beat the, uh, stuffing out of Central in football. (Who names a college after a time zone, anyway?) • Post-game party featuring Dueling Pianos in The Principal Financial Group Black Box Theatre • Sunday worship service and community brunch

SPECIAL NOTE: The classes of 1943, 1963 and 1988 will be holding special reunions this weekend.

Some events require reservations. Find more information at .


SPECIAL EVENT: The Joseph W. Walt Estate Book & Art

Sale, featuring 1,300 books and 12 works of art, will be on Homecoming weekend in Dunn Library. See page 10 for details.



O CTO B E R 1 1 - 1 3


or the first time in anyone’s memory, Simpson College sponsored a booth this summer at the Iowa State Fair—and it’s difficult to imagine a more successful debut! We have the numbers to prove it. Consider: • Nearly 45,000 mini-Frisbees were handed out, each one promoting the “Success” brand at Simpson. And probably the same number of “Simpson College” temporary tattoos were affixed. • More than 4,000 people had their photos taken at our “no-booth photo booth,” which allowed fairgoers to decorate themselves with Simpson-related icons and then post the results on Facebook. • More than 200 potential students—both high school and adult—filled out prospect cards. And here’s the kicker: The College only learned seven weeks before the fair opened that it would have space available for a booth in the Varied Industries Building.

out giveaways and getting our many volunteers lined up to work the booth,” said Jill Ramthun Johnson ’85, executive director of marketing and public relations. The interactive photo booth was a hugely popular feature. Many fairgoers said it was the coolest thing they had seen (even better than the butter cow!). “Simpson’s presence at the State Fair provided a wonderful opportunity to connect with prospective students, parents and alumni, as well as current students and their parents,” said Deb Oswald Tierney ’79, vice president for enrollment. “It was gratifying to hear so many positive comments about the eye-catching presentation of our booth.” So will Simpson now have a permanent spot at the Iowa State Fair? “Yes, we will be there next year,” Johnson said. “I think we set the bar pretty high in the Varied Industries Building. I would even argue we had the best booth there.” ■

“I took the idea to Cabinet and they gave their approval and we went forward quickly with designing the booth, figuring

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BIGGER THAN LIFE ill Friedricks, director of the Iowa History Center, has discovered a sure-fire way to entice people to visit Simpson College. All that’s required is displaying a 25-foot, 30,000-pound sculpture by Seward Johnson that depicts the famous couple from Grant Wood’s American Gothic painting. From the first day this summer that the sculpture, called God Bless America, was assembled across from the Kent Campus Center, visitors have flocked to see it, and it has been featured on central Iowa TV news programs. Friedricks is thrilled with the response. “This will bring more attention to Grant Wood and his work and is another example of how the Iowa History Center and Simpson College are committed to preserving and celebrating Iowa history,” he said. The “American Gothic” couple will remain visitors at Simpson for six months. Several educational events will be held this fall in connection with the statue’s display. Bringing the impressive sculpture to Simpson is made possible, in part, through the generous financial support of the James W. Hubbell, Jr. and Helen H. Hubbell Foundation and the State Historical Society, Inc. ■


e was encouraged by a former Simpson basketball teammate to go. But what finally swayed Nate Ackerman ’99 to hop on his bike and join Team Simpson on RAGBRAI in July was the opportunity to ride with his mother. Ackerman and his mother, Cindy Ackerman of Colfax, were among 53 members of Team Simpson who completed the 406 miles between Council Bluffs and Fort Madison. It was Nate Ackerman’s first RAGBRAI. One thing he won’t soon forget his decision to ride 107 miles in one day. “I decided to do it last minute,” he said, laughing. “It was definitely hillier than I thought it would be.” Ackerman graduated from Simpson with a degree in environmental science and now works as a conservation warden in Berlin, Wis. One of his RAGBRAI highlights was riding into Des Moines, with the other Team Simpson members, everyone sporting their cool Simpson jerseys. “There weren’t a whole lot of schools like that that were together,” he said. “I was also approached by a lot of Simpson 30


alumni who would see the jersey and ask us questions about the team.” It wasn’t only alumni who took note of the Team Simpson jerseys. “I did have some people from Central ask us about our team, and they were disappointed they didn’t have as cool jerseys as we did,” Ackerman said. While the journey was more strenuous than he had anticipated, Ackerman said it was a rewarding experience. Once he accomplished it, he wanted to have some way to commemorate his great ride. That didn’t quite work out as planned. “I wanted to take a picture of my bike computer at over 100 miles,” Ackerman said. “I then put my hand over it and erased it. With 107 miles, I was a little disappointed I couldn’t get a picture.” But that disappointment was outweighed by the joy of bicycling with his mother, an experience Ackerman said he greatly enjoyed. When asked if he plans on riding on a future RAGBRAI, Ackerman replied with a simple, “You bet!” ■

touring the years | CLASS NOTES Charles Stephenson ’50 is retired and wrote a book on black music and jazz in Texas. He is currently researching Houston history at the Houston Metropolitan Research Center. Charles and his wife, Sue, reside in The Woodlands, Texas. Dr. J. Young ’53 recently had his book, “The Journey From Doubt to Faith,” published. He and Caroline Farley Young ’56 reside in Marion and recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Betsy Crusinberry McCarville ’54 is retired and resides in Redding, Calif., with her husband, Robert. Dr. Lloyd Anderson ’55 received the Distinguished Scientist Award from the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine and the Residual Feed Intake Team Award from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Lloyd resides in Ames with his wife, JaNelle. For 15 years, Greta Stuart Bryan ’57 and Albert Bryan ’57 have spent several weeks each year in Africa, the Philippines or Haiti or on a mercy ship providing eye care, primarily cataract and glaucoma surgery. Donna Balzer ’59 completed a master conservation course and is starting her 20th year as a loon observer for Department of Natural Resources in Minnesota. Dr. J. Ernest Breeding, Jr. ’60 has his doctorate in geophysics and gives lectures to groups on climate change. He and his wife, Rebecca, reside in Slidell, La. Thomas Croat ’62 works for the Missouri Botanical Garden as the P.A. Schulze Curator of Botany. Thomas and his wife, Patricia, reside in Pacific, Mo. Mary Joyce Baker Pickett ’62 and her husband, Leroy, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June. The couple resides in Downers Grove, Ill.

Charles Bohi ’63 retired from the Vermont Legislature in 2012 after two terms as a state representative. Dr. Jan Dale ’63 has performed in central Iowa for 35 years with a cowboy band, The Ames Good Guys. He authored a soon-to-be published book on skills for parenting and marriage success for all states of life entitled, “Our Journey Through Life.” Jan and his wife, Donna Dolmage Dale ’63, reside in Ames. Phillip Simms ’64 is retired and spends his days following his grandchildren, volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and his church and playing golf. He and his wife, Ardith, reside in Bettendorf. Philip McBlain ’65 and Sharon Bardole McBlain ’65 are enjoying their 40th year as antiquarian booksellers and reside in Hamden, Conn. Steven Hemping ’66, recently elected East Naples fire commissioner, is the first Democrat elected in Collier County in almost 30 years. He and his wife, Norine, reside in Naples, Fla. Sharon Link Struthers ’67 and her husband, Don, received the Iowa Master Farmer Award sponsored by Wallace’s Farmer magazine. The couple resides in Collins. Thomas Awtry ’68 recently retired from South Ottumwa Savings Bank. He and Sue Morton Awtry ’68 reside in Ottumwa. Leslie Johnson Shively ’68 retired from the position of accounting secretary at Valley High School. Thomas Shively ’68 is a college and career counselor at Dowling Catholic High School. Leslie and Tom met their freshman year at Simpson College and were married one week after graduation. The couple resides in West Des Moines. Richard McKinney ’70 wrote original music for the play, “Naked Darrow,” which opened off-Broadway this June. He directs the Kirksville

Community Chorus and Grace Notes, a treble vocal ensemble, and writes a blog twice weekly that is carried by eight Missouri newspapers online. Rich most recently was writing lead sheets for a Los Angeles jazz performance in August featuring one of his former students. Donna Helble ’71 is a retired professor of education at Winona State University. Donna is now doing consulting in the field of elementary education. Mark Ambrose ’72 has been church organist at the Nevada United Methodist Church for 40 years. He originally studied organ under Robert L. Burns on the Reuter organ in Smith Chapel at Simpson. Dennis Moore ’72 is an adjunct instructor at Des Moines Area Community College. Betsy Holt Schwartz ’72 is a fan services associate for the Chicago Cubs and resides in Northbrook, Ill., with her husband, Robert. Kathy Worster ’72 is the vice president for administrative affairs/chief financial officer for Newberry College in South Carolina. Kathy and her husband, David Wicks, reside in Appomattox, Va. Eric Youngberg ’72 is a relationship manager for Neighborworks America. During 2013, he is celebrating his house’s 100th birthday, his 33rd anniversary with Gary Krogh and 30 years of employment with Neighborworks America. Eric and Gary reside in Kansas City, Mo. Maj. James Thomas ’73 retired as a special educator with the Clark County School District and resides in Henderson, Nev. Richard Warren ’73 is a senior technical writer for Strategy Engineering. Rev. John Darlington ’74 is pastor at the United Methodist Church in Willmar, Minn.

Margaret Golden George ’74 is a private fine arts instructor, teaching guitar, voice and piano. She resides in Des Moines with her husband, Philip. Deborah John ’74 retired from public education after 35 years as an English teacher/ instructional coach. She is celebrating 30 years as a group fitness instructor and resides in Fort Collins, Colo. Dave Kruse ’74 retired after 29 years of parish ministry with the Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church. He now is a bus driver for West Central Valley Schools in Stuart and Windstar Bus Lines, Inc. Dave and his wife, Annette, live in Guthrie Center. Dennis Lederer ’74 is the owner of North Star Jewelry and Loan pawn shop in Wheeling, Ill. Dennis is semiretired, having sold four of his five pawn shops. Deborah Farrell Menning ’74 retired from full-time teaching in the English department at Northwestern College. Finding retirement tedious, she launched Legends & Legacies, LLC, a memoir-writing and memory-keeping business. She has written, designed and published various memoirs of World War II veterans as well as business persons. As a personal historian, she enjoys hearing and preserving clients’ life stories. Dr. Steven Schier ’74 published two books with Ratledge Publishers: “American Government and Popular Discontent” (coauthored with Todd Eberly) and “The American Elections of 2012” (coedited with Janet BoxSteffensmeier). Steven and his wife, Mary, reside in Northfield, Minn. Bruce Stuart ’74 works for Perry Equipment, Inc., in Crawfordsville, Ind. Jim Ullery ’74 is owner and president of Center for Organization Energy, Inc. Jim and his wife, Joanne, reside in North Fort Myers, Fla.

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Jill Brooks ’75 is a senior administrative associate at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. Charles Holt ’75 is the president and founder of Caring Hands Foundation, which overseas Christian missions to Uganda and North Vietnam. Charles is an emergency physician at ECI/Covenant Hospital in Waterloo. Celeste Lauer Yanke ’75 wrote, directed, choreographed and sang in the 10th Annual Starliter Production, “Our Great American Songbook.” She resides in Poinciana, Fla., with her husband, Fred. Sandy Samuelson Pickup ’75 is a development coordinator for the Crisis Center of Johnson County in Iowa City. Debra Anderson ’76 recently celebrated 30 years of employment with Seneca Cayuga Arc and resides in Seneca Falls, N.Y. William Utterback ’76 is a building specialist for Compass Housing Alliance and resides in Renton, Wash. Monica McMath Crouch ’77 retired from teaching and now writes used car comments for Dealer Assist Now, an online distributing company. She and her husband, Kevin, have three grown children and reside in Red Oak. David Kendall-Sperry ’77 is a rector for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Dave and Karen Kendall-Sperry ’77 reside in Dublin, Ohio. Mark Tucker ’77 retired from teaching and coaching in Indianola after 34 years with the school district. He now works at Orchard Place in Des Moines. Mark resides in Indianola with his wife, Janice Mehalovich Tucker ’89. Dana Woods McNeill ’78 is the vice president of corporate communications at CoOportunity Health.

Linda Vanderpool ’79 is a teaching artist at Drake University. Pamela Keller Brockman ’80 of Clarion retired in May after 35 years of service with the Iowa State Patrol. Kay Chopard Cohen ’80 is the executive director for Identity Ecosystem Steering Group (IDESG) Secretariat. She resides in Manassas, Va., with her husband, Adam, and two sons. John Kem ’80 works for Delta Airlines and resides in Minneapolis, Minn. Jill Tallmadge Morgan ’80 is a flutist in the Northeast Florida Conservatory Band and Orchestra. She and her husband, Thomas, and their four children reside in Jacksonville, Fla. Scott Slechta ’80 of Fairfield was chosen to teach for the Iowa State Education’s Professional Academy. Debbie Yount-Woods ’80 is vice president of business development for Life Line Screening America. She and her husband, Jack, reside in Altoona with their daughter, Jade.

Rev. Rebecca Campney Carver ’83, chaplain for Iowa City Hospice, received certification in thanatology from the Association of Death Education and Counseling in 2011. Revita Payne De Chalus ’83 received her master’s degree in Christian studies (biblical counseling) from Master’s International School of Divinity. She resides in Bartlett, Ill. Marilyn Goodhue ’83 is a substitute teacher for the Carlisle Community School District. She and her husband, Mark, grow and sell farm-fresh produce at their farm stand and the local farmers market.

and recently performed in the Minnesota Opera’s 50th anniversary season productions of Nabucco and La Boheme. Kimberly Nolting Johnk ’85 is a physical therapist for the Heartland AEA and resides in Panora with her husband, Mitch Johnk ’86, and their three children. Todd Coy ’86 is athletic director and teaches physical education at the South Hamilton School District, where his wife, Melissa Magill Coy ’87 also teaches. Todd, Missy and their three children reside in Jewell.

Linda Weeda Swanson ’83 is pursuing a master’s degree in school psychology at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls. She and Rolf Swanson ’83 and their two children reside in Minnetonka, Minn.

Eddie Dobbins, Jr. ’86 of San Francisco, Calif., is managing director for Love Your Spirits Tours, LLC., providing conscious immersion tours for the mind, body and spirit in a nurturing and rejuvenating environment.

Kristie Tigges ’83 is an assistant professor of voice at Saint Catherine University

Mark Crady ’87 is a regional director for Heartland AEA. Mark was the 2012 School

Sheri Cook-Cunningham ’81 is pursuing a doctorate in music education at the University of Kansas. She and her husband, Kevin, and three children, reside in Overland Park, Kan. Spencer Fallgatter ’81 received the Excellence in Education Award presented by Tempe Diablos. The award is given to an individual who produces exceptional growth in student achievement as indicated by measurable data over a threeyear timeframe. The award represents his work at Kyrene del Norte, where he is principal, from 2009-2012. Spencer resides in Chandler, Ariz., with his wife, Lilia, and two children. Debra Wyatt Perry ’81 and Donald Perry ’81 celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary this summer and became first-time grandparents last September.

ATO “OLD FARTS” GOLF WEEKEND Left to right, front row: John Chew ’71, Jymm Oplt ’72, Dave Coil ’73, Jeff Cassat ’73, Steve Renftle ’71, Don Lamb ’70, Jim Hamer ’68, Galen Jacobsen ’57, Chuck Brice ’69 and Mac MacKenzie ’70. Left to right, back row: Tim Lehman ’73, JB Gross ’74, Steve Jennings, Terry Olsen ’71, Rich Collins ’69, G. Michael Henderson ’68, Steve Montague ’72, Bruce Wilson ’76 and Terry Lillis ’77. One SAE – Dr. Steve Jennings just for flavor. And arriving in time for dinner and drinks – but too late for the picture - Dr. John Barakat ’68 and Doug Barakat ’68. We had 3 guys from Texas – Lamb, Gross and Hamer and one from Missouri - Montague.



Administrators of Iowa (SAI) Central Office Administrator of the Year. Wendy Barnard Heisch ’87 is a special education preschool teacher for Harrison Lane Elementary in Hurst, Texas. She and her husband, Dale, live in Euless, Texas, with their two children and two stepchildren. Kaye Livingston Martin ’87 is a manager of demand planning for Walt Disney Theme Parks in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. She and her husband, Buck, reside in Orlando, Fla. James Mathis ’87 is president, owner and certified advertologist for ADwerks, a full-service advertising and marketing communication agency in Sioux Falls, S.D. He currently serves as president of the board of directors for SculpureWalk Sioux Falls, a non-profit arts organization dedicated to bringing art to the people. James is also a board member for the Visual Arts Center at the Washington Pavilion in Sioux Falls. He and his wife, Kara, reside in Sioux Falls.

Maria Frantum ’90 is the dean of students at Norwalk Schools. She and Bunny Bruning reside in Adel. Solomon Rosenbaum ’90 is a certified public accountant at the Vormas Group, LLP and resides in Urbandale. Joelle Selk ’90 received her bachelor’s degree in nursing from Western Governors University. She is a registered nurse at Cooperative Health Center and resides in Helena, Mont. Paul Vanast ’90 resides in Los Angeles, Calif., and leads international volunteer teams for Habitat for Humanity. This winter, he will lead a team to the Dominican Republic. Chad Waller ’90 works for EMC Insurance in risk services. He also is a lead teacher and confirmation guide at Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ and was recently elected to Plymouth’s Board of Membership.

Andrea McAreavy ’87 is an accountant at Best Best & Krieger LLP in Riverside, Calif.

Jeffery Wilson ’90 is a business information manager for Albaugh, Inc. He resides in Ankeny with his wife, Yolanda, and twin sons, Jacob and Jordan.

Lisa Chapman Goodanew ’88 is the owner and chief executive officer of Robins Nest Family Day Care in Hiawatha, where she resides with her husband, Stephen, and son, Zachary.

Jennifer Brandon Berry ’91 is the vice president of financial analysis for MasterCard International and resides in Fenton, Mo., with her husband, Kent, and three children.

Kenneth Barloon ’89 retired from CDS Global, Inc. last September as chief financial officer after being with the company over 33 years. Ken and his wife, Kathy, reside in Altoona.

Teresa McCuen Garside ’91 is the director of market development for John Deere Financial in Johnston.

Pamela Rhoades Chenoweth ’89 is a substitute teacher for the Van Buren School District and resides in Van Buren, Ark., with her husband, Andrew, and five children. Michael Sadler ’89 is the assistant vice president at Centurylink and currently chairs the Central Iowa Workforce Investment Board.

Jill Guess Crall ’92 is a junior high math and reading teacher for Albia Community Schools. She and her husband, Kevin, reside in Albia with their children, Cassie and Cade. Dustin Meseck Ibarra ’92 received her master’s degree in education (counseling) from Buena Vista University in May. She works for Denison Consolidated Schools as a sign language interpreter and bus driver.

Chad Keeling ’92 is a controller for Access Systems and resides in Norwalk with his wife, Jan Gould Keeling ’94, and family. Timothy Baudler ’93 was promoted to brand director and publisher of Nutritional Outlook magazine at UBM Canon and resides in West Hollywood, Calif. James Benjamin ’93 and Suzanne Dennis Benjamin ’93 own Des Moines Dance, where they teach ballroom dance. The couple won the 2012 Senior IV American Smooth Ballroom Championship last October. Brian Kelly ’93 is a performance manager for PayPal in LaVista, Neb. Brian and Amber Leed-Kelly ’91 reside in Omaha, Neb. Pastor Kevin Miller ’93 is a special education teacher, farmer and bi-vocational pastor. He was ordained by the Southern Baptist Church last November. Kevin and Judith Miller ’98 and family reside in Seligman, Mo. Mike Miller ’93 is an elementary education teacher for Centerville Community Schools. Brian Pick ’93 works for Linoma Software as a sales manager. Brian and his wife, Lori, reside in Omaha, Neb. Elizabeth Carlton Gomez ’94 is a supplemental outreach (bilingual) counselor at the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District. Elizabeth, her husband, William, and their daughter, Kaitlyn, reside in Houston, Texas. Melinda Hardin ’94 works for the Lynnville-Sully Consolidated School District as a high school English teacher. Peggy Haugh Hutchison ’94 is a payroll administrator for Warren County. Denise Brewer Lazear ’94 received her master’s degree in education and curriculum and instruction from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2011. Denise is a teacher for Chariton

Community Schools where she resides with her husband, Steve, and son, Jon. Marcy Welch Ostrander ’94 is school secretary at North Polk West Elementary in Polk City after teaching vocal music (kindergarten-12th grade) for eight years. She and her husband, Douglas, reside in Waukee. Denise Schulze Beyer ’95 is the county auditor for Allamakee County. Brent Beyer ’94 is self-employed as an on-line professor for various colleges. The couple resides in Waukon with their children, Claire and Brady. Shawn Espe ’95 is a database II systems engineer for Nationwide Insurance. He and his wife, Carrie, reside in Ankeny with their daughter, Ellie. Denyse Galvin Gipple ’95 works for the Iowa Department of Public Health as a regional epidemiologist. Denyse and Michael Gipple ’95 reside in New Sharon. Brooke Peterson-Burch ’95 is a research scientist at Pioneer. Brooke and Lisa Brucker have four children, Darian, Kelden, Kayden and Keegen. Joel Ryon ’95 is a family medicine doctor at Family Medicine of Mt. Pleasant. Heidi Rhine Ryon ’94 is a substitute teacher for the Mt. Pleasant Community School District. They reside with their children, Abigail and Luke, in Mt. Pleasant. Susan Faulkner Cogar ’96 is a personal assistant for the Department of Human Services, Rehabilitation. Susan and her husband, Patrick, reside in Galesburg, Ill., with their twins, Chelsea and Christopher. Julie Schroeder Jamison ’96 is manager of application development for Meredith Corporation in Des Moines. Dina Gottschalk Nightingale ’96 is a registered nurse supervisor for Unity Point Health. THE MAGA ZINE | FA L L 2 0 1 3


Amy Spaur Anstey ’97 is an infection prevention registered nurse for Cass County Health Systems. Amy lives in Atlantic with her husband, Cory, and family.

Jessica Spencer Barnard ’99 is a teacher for Creston Community Schools, where she resides with her husband, Tom, and daughters, Gracelyn and Marlee.

Dr. Mark Denniston ’97 is an assistant professor of criminal justice at Weber State University and resides in Ogden, Utah, with his wife, Christie.

Megan Farnsworth ’99 received her master’s degree in educational technology and library media from Indiana State University. Megan is a teacher and librarian at AdairCasey Community Schools.

Amy Runyon-Harms ’97 is the executive director at Progress Now Colorado and resides in Denver, Colo., with her husband, Jason. Amy Hanson Stegeman ’97 is an early childhood consultant for the Iowa Department of Education. She earned her specialist in education degree in educational leadership from Drake University. Amy and Eric Stegeman ’06 reside in West Des Moines. Jose Vasconcelos ’97 works for Wells Fargo as an electronic trading technology manager. Jose resides in Charlotte, N.C., with his wife, Aida, and two children. Brent Kock ’98 is a sergeant for the West Des Moines Police Department and recently completed his master’s degree in criminal justice at Simpson College. He and his wife, Nikki, and two sons reside in Clive. Angela Pytleski Mitchell ’98 is a preschool associate for Carlisle Elementary School. She and Marty Mitchell ’97 and two sons reside in Carlisle. Kristi Ferguson Sexton ’98 is a teacher for Elkhorn Public Schools. She earned her master’s degree in education (graduate and elementary education) from College of St. Mary. She and Dennis Sexton ’97 and their three children reside in Elkhorn, Neb. Trent Shaner ’98 is a pathologists’ assistant at Iowa Pathology Associates in Des Moines. Trent and Becky McLain Shaner ’98 reside in West Des Moines with their three children.



Leah Voorhees Jackson ’99 is a 2nd grade teacher for the Des Moines Independent Community School District and resides in Ankeny with her husband, Robert, and children, Lucas and Ava. Karen Nissen-Boryczka ’99 is a registered nurse in the cardiac cath lab at William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital. Karen and her husband, Andy, reside in Middleton, Wis. Anna Ludwig Satake ’99 is a geriatric clinical practice manager at Northbay Hospital and resides in American Canyon, Calif., with her husband, Daniel, and their two daughters. Gregory Simmons ’99 received his Master of Music in music education and pedagogy from Sam Houston State University. Greg is the director of jazz studies at Valley High School, where he led the jazz orchestra to the Class 4A 2013 Iowa State Jazz Championship. Greg and Terri Lutz Simmons ’98 reside in Des Moines. Dennis Vasconez ’99 is vocal music director at Ottumwa High School. Dennis and Melissa Bryan Vasconez ’97 reside in Ottumwa with their three children. Jason Benson ’00 is the chief financial officer for Cline Tool and Service Co. He resides in Newton with his wife, Mindy, and two daughters. Dr. Charles Foat ’00 is the director of emergency medical sciences at Johnson County Community College.

He received his doctorate in education/instructional design from Capella University last year and resides in Olathe, Kan. John Hanley ’00 is the vice president and senior director of marketing for Equity Bank in Kansas, where he oversees all marketing plans and strategy for the $1.2 billion bank’s 29 locations surrounding Kansas City and Wichita. Terry Hatfield ’00 teaches high school social studies at Johnston High School. He completed his master’s degree in education leadership at Drake University last August and resides in Des Moines with his wife, Elizabeth, and two children. Charles Rodgers ’00 is working with his wife, Lisa, on a reality TV series they are developing about a family that hand fishes or “noodles” and participated in the hand fishing world championships in Paul’s Valley, Okla., in August. Talli Smith ’00 is pursuing her pharmaceutical degree at Drake University while working at Orchard Place and Nucara Pharmacy. She and her husband, Rees, and their children, Jack and Greta, reside in Des Moines. Jason Wegner ’00 is project superintendent for Graham Construction and resides in Grimes with his wife, Emily, and their three children. Lyndsay Perrin Wolfswinkel ’00 is the owner/bookkeeper for Brentwood Construction and resides in Cherokee with her husband, Brent, and their four children. Nick Ackerman ’01 is the director of prosthetics for American Prosthetics & Orthotics at their Des Moines headquarters. Nick is a boardcertified prosthetist and received his Certificate in Prosthetics from Northwestern University in 2003. In addition to seeing patients, he will also be focusing on community outreach, education programming to allied health care professionals and upgrading and standardizing internal protocols.

Sarah Bidney ’01 received the 2012 Iowa PGA Teaching Professional of the Year award. She works as the PGA gold teaching professional at Sugar Creek Golf Course. Jessica Lorimor Carter ’01 is an English teacher for Horizon Science Academy. She resides in North Ridgeville, Ohio, with her husband, Ben. Rebecca Casey Carter ’01 is an area manager/physical therapist for ONR, Inc. She and her husband, Brian, reside in Albia with their children, Casey and Jess. Jason Dinesen ’01 is the president at Dinesen Tax, Inc. in Indianola, where he and his wife, Tracy, reside. Steven Gauthier ’01 works for AlloSource as a senior regulatory affairs specialist and resides in Aurora, Colo., with his wife, Sheila, and their three children. Eric Goodhue ’01 is a project manager at Wells Fargo and was recently appointed to the Carlisle City Council. He and Stacy Gausman Goodhue ’01 and their two children reside in Carlisle. Carol Griglione ’01 is a senior administrator and executive advisor in the law department at The Principal Financial Group. She is also president of the board of the Animal Rescue League of Iowa, Inc. Carol and her husband, Tom, reside in Runnells. Melanie Mielke Hood ’01 is a marketing and development director for the National Ski Patrol in Lakewood, Colo. Dr. Andrea Hastings Lamphiear ’01, recipient of the Susan G. Komen Mammography Fellowship, is working at the University of Illinois. Chris Menke ’01 works for Viafield in Charles City as marketing communications director and resides in Mason City with his wife, Danika, and their children, Addison and Sawyer.

Joey Begovich ’02 received his master’s degree in hospitality administration from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in May.

Mary Hilsenbeck Doose ’03 is a teacher in the Des Moines Public Schools. She and her husband, John, reside in Ankeny.

Amanda Frauenholz Brown ’02 is a family and consumer sciences teacher at Keota Community Schools. She received her master’s degree in teaching from Kaplan University this summer.

Sarah Beary Graham ’03 is a reading specialist for the Bellevue Public Schools. She completed her master’s degree in education (literacy) at Concordia University in 2012. Travis Graham ’03 works for Sojern. Sarah and Travis reside in Papillion, Neb., with their children, Broderick and Zoe.

Jeremy Crozier ’02 is director of choral activities at Halton High School in Halton City, Texas. He received his master’s degree in educational leadership and policy studies with principal certification from the University of Texas-Arlington. Rev. Betzy Elifrits Warren ’02 is the pastor at Richlands First United Methodist Church in Richlands, Va., where she resides with her husband, Brock, and their son, Benjamin. Mark Gelbman ’02 is the owner and wealth management advisor for Strategic Wealth Solutions. Mark and Jean McCoy Gelbman ’01 reside in West Des Moines. Rosalyn Haskins Roberts ’02 received her master’s degree in Spanish from New Mexico State University. Bryant Sheriff ’02 is a senior team manager for WebFilings and resides in Scottsdale, Ariz. Jennifer Smith ’02 recently obtained her master’s degree in management (contemporary development of China with a focus on corporate social responsibility) from the School of Social Development and Public Policy at Beijing Normal University in China. She is now works for Volkswagen as an internal communications specialist. Alysun O’Brien Archibald ’03 works for Accounting Associates of Indianola. She and her husband, Aaron, reside in Norwalk. Lisa Croat ’03 is the financial aid director for Mercy College of Health Sciences in Des Moines.

Bryan Maher ’03 is a satellite operator for the U.S Air Force and resides in Overland Park, Kan., with his wife, Rebecca, and their daughter, Emma. Alanah Davis Mitchell ’03 works for Appalachian State University. Alanah and Jason Mitchell ’04 reside in Boone, N.C. Dr. Tate Vanhouten ’03 is the owner and manager of Integrated PT and Sports Medicine, an outpatient orthopedic and sports rehabilitation physical therapy clinic located in Des Moines. Stephanie Schloemer Barrett ’04 is a mental health counselor for Visiting Nurse Services of Iowa and resides in Des Moines with her husband, Beau Barrett ’05. Traci Nicolino Koesis ’04 is a sales coordinator for Angel Fire Resort in Angel Fire, N.M., where she resides with her husband, Hogan, and their child, Remy. Kimberley Lamon-Loperfido ’04 is a manager of patient and caregiver services for Pulmonary Hypertension Association. She resides in Arlington, Va., with her husband, JV. Johanna Sheets MacKenzie ’04 recently completed her master’s degree in education from Drake University. She teaches French for the Norwalk Community School District. Jeremy Poland ’04 is a church planter for the Iowa Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church and resides in West Des Moines with

his wife, Kristen, and their daughter, Katryna. Kathryn Langgaard Victora ’04 is the director of finance and human resources for Valley Church in West Des Moines. Kathryn and her husband, Jason, reside in Grimes with their son, Landon. Joshua Brown ’05 was elected to serve as one of Iowa’s two National Education Association (NEA) directors and will be representing Iowa educators on the NEA Board. Andrew English ’05 is the director of alumni relations at Simpson College. Andy received his M.B.A. from Drake University and resides with his wife, Erin, and son, Hudson, in Carlisle. Sarah Lauterbach ’05 received her master’s degree in occupational therapy from Washington University in St. Louis. She is now an occupational therapist at Van Matre Health South in Rockford, Ill. Megan Wilson Merkel ’05 received her master’s degree in education from the University of Northern Iowa. She is an early childhood special education teacher at HowardWinneshiek Community Schools and resides in Spring Valley, Minn., with her husband, Shawn, and son, Connor. Mark Phillips ’05 received his associate degree in applied science (telecommunications technology) from Des Moines Area Community College and is the district technology assistant for the Bondurant-Farrar Community School District. Lindsay Taylor ’05 is a division accountant for the Republic Services in Phoenix, Ariz. She received her master’s degree in accountancy from Arizona State University. Scott Bogue ’06 is an associate test engineer for GDIT in Des Moines. Patricia Cobb ’06 is working on her master’s degree in early

childhood education at Grand Canyon University. She and her husband, Erick, and two children reside in Chariton. Sara Goretska Curran ’06 is a special education teacher for the Chariton School District, where she resides with her husband, Adam Curran ’06, and their children, Ky and Mya. Aaron Howard ’06 is a financial advisor for Edward Jones Co. Kelli Esbaum Kain ’07 completed her pharmaceutical degree at the University of Colorado last May. She and Dustin Kain ’06 reside in Prairie City. Grant Peterson ’06 received his medical degree from the University of Iowa and is now a physician at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Amanda Oakes Pitzen ’06 received her master’s degree in music education from Boston University and teaches kindergarten through 12th grade vocal in the Elk HornKimballton Community Schools. Amanda and Kevin Pitzen ’05 reside in Elk Horn with their children, Dylan and Chloe. Anthony Warnke ’06 is senior manager for access programs for American Express and resides in New York. Tara Bragg ’07 received her orthoptic certification from the University of Iowa and is now an orthoptist at the University of Iowa Hospitals. Jennifer Gibson Dovre ’07 is a teacher librarian/media specialist for the Ballard Community School District. She has a master’s degree in school library studies. Jennifer and Anders Dovre ’07 reside in Slater. Jeffrey Goodell ’07 works for Korn/Ferry International of Chicago as a managing consultant-life science sector. Jeffrey and his wife, Britney, and sons, Odin and Asher, reside in Coralville.

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Jessica Martin Hazelton ’07 is a special education teacher in the Indianola School District. Jessica and Brandon Hazelton ’08 reside in Altoona with their two children, Payton and Trevon. Kelsey McKimpson ’07 received her master’s degree in education from the University of Kansas. Kelsey is an instructional coach for Kansas City Kansas Schools and resides in Prairie Village, Kan.

Jessica Irvin Fletcher ’08 received her master’s degree in teaching from Kaplan. She and Trevor Fletcher ’08 reside in Bedford with their two children.

Nate Nims ’07 is senior pastor at the Waterloo First United Methodist Church.

Brian Gumm ’08 is a distance learning technology analyst for Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Va., where he earned a M.A. and Master of Divinity.

David Williams ’07 is a team sales manager at TGW.com/ soccersavings.com and resides in Wichita, Kan.

Elena Halbmaier ’08 completed her master’s degree in art therapy and counseling at Mount Mary College.

Jodi Monahan Adams ’08 recently completed her master’s degree in forensic science at Nebraska Wesleyan University. She is a crime scene investigator II for the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Forensic Services Division. Jodi and Eric Adams ’07 reside in Council Bluffs.

Travis Hamilton ’08, a detective with the Johnston Police Department, is pursuing his master’s degree in criminal justice at Simpson College. He and his wife, Emily, and their two children reside in Urbandale.

Blair Boyd ’08 received her master’s degree in teaching from Simpson College in 2012. Blair teaches high school Spanish in Winterset and resides in Indianola.

Bethany Hanson ’08 received her law degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law and is now an assistant public defender for the State of Missouri. She resides in West Plains, Mo.

Kayla Burkhiser Reynolds ’08 works for Catholic Charities of Iowa as a member of the shelter staff. Kayla and Jason Reynolds ’08 reside in Des Moines.

Danny Heggen ’08 works for Healthways in Des Moines as project manager of the Blue Zones Project. He and his wife, Katy, reside in Des Moines.

Lacey Danielson Cherniss ’08 is pursuing her master’s degree in counseling at Drake University while she is working at the Pleasantville Middle School as a school counselor. She and Travis Cherniss ’07 reside in Carlisle.

Melody Burgus Johnson ’08 works at Wells Fargo as a sales development consultant. She and her husband, Calvin, reside in Indianola.

Nicole Cleveringa ’08 is a proposal writer for Teachscope. She received her master’s degree in secondary education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and resides in San Francisco, Calif. Tara Brown Dawson ’08 is a 3rd grade teacher for Southeast Polk Community Schools and


is working on her master’s degree in special education at Morningside College. Tara and Corey Dawson ’09 reside in Altoona with their daughter, Clarke.


Beriet Bichel Moffitt ’08 is an elementary art teacher in the Burlington Community School District and resides in Mt. Pleasant with her husband, Matt. Beth Nelson ’08 teaches first grade at Eagle Grove Schools. Elyse Novak ’08 is an account coordinator for the Des Moines Register.

Jessica Painter ’08 is a business teacher for Hope High School in Hope, Kan. She resides in Abilene, Kan., with her husband, Bradley, and son, Clay. Rev. Jessica Paulsen ’08 received her Master of Divinity from Union Presbyterian Seminary and is pastor at the Pickford Presbyterian Church in Pickford, Mich. Courtney Carothers Petersen ’08 received her master’s degree in education (literacy) from the University of Central Missouri. She teaches first grade at Independence Community Schools and lives in Lee’s Summit, Mo., with her husband, Andrew, and their daughter, Amelia. Cheryl Pleima ’08 is a department manager for Pella Corporation and resides in Pella with her husband, Dustin, and their children, Landen and Alexis. Jessie Cotton Reimer ’08 is a pre-kindergarten through 8th grade music teacher at St. Peter’s Catholic School and resides in North Kansas City, Mo., with her husband, Ben. Meghan Kloubec Reutzel ’08 works for Go Daddy as advertising manager of video and social search. Melissa Simmermaker ’08 received her master’s degree in teaching from Drake University. She now works for Americorps and resides in Des Moines. Joseph Sorenson ’08 works for the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines as manager of affiliate relations. Katie Nelson Stadheim ’08 received her master’s degree in social work from Minnesota State University-Mankato. She is a mental health therapist for Counseling Services of Southern Minnesota and resides in New Ulm, Minn., with her husband, Joseph. Jason Stanbro ’08 co-founded with his wife, Cynthia, and is the producing managing director of the Winterset Stage, a live professional theatre company in Winterset.

Maggie Anderson ’09 received her master’s degree in education leadership from Drake University. Maggie teaches 5th grade in the Des Moines Independent School District. Heather Fosburgh Bardole ’09 is attending Columbia Theological Seminary. She and Alex Bardole ’09 reside in Clarkston, Ga. Allison Mohlke Berg ’09 is pursuing a master’s degree in education leadership at Viterbo University. She teaches kindergarten in the Des Moines Public Schools and resides in Ankeny with her husband, Brandon. Allison Boardman ’09 received her doctorate from Carver College of Medicine at the University of Iowa. Allison is an OB/GYN resident physician at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington, Conn. Afton Allen Bradley ’09 is a teacher at Interstate 35 Schools. She and Jamie Bradley ’09 reside in Indianola. Keith Bryan ’09 is a commercial lines trainer for Nationwide Insurance. Sarah Schall Davitt ’09 is a science teacher for the Des Moines Public School District and received her master’s degree in teaching from Simpson College. Jaclyn Haag Easter ’09 received a master’s degree with endorsement in TAG, biology, middle school math and science from Drake University in May. After teaching summer school at Orchard Place, she is a middle scholars educator at Bergman Academy, a secular private school. Timothy Fairfield ’09 is a landman for TPrime, LLC and is currently in Texas researching mineral rights. He is also creating his own business to make and sell etched glass. Kylie Fulton ’09 is a physical therapist for the Life Care Centers of America. She received her doctorate in physical therapy from A.T. Still

University in Mesa, Ariz., where she resides. Erin Hoversten-Majewski ’09 received her doctorate and master’s degree in physical therapy from Des Moines University. She is a physical therapist for Agility Health. Erin and her husband, Patrick, reside in Webster City with their son, Gavin. Rachel Unekis Klaassen ’09 is a consultant for Palmer Group and is currently assigned to FMH as a systems tester. She and her husband, Derek, reside in Orange City. Sara Stoddard McManus ’09 received her Master of Divinity from Vanderbilt Divinity School. She is associate pastor at the First United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls, S.D., where she and Kyle McManus ’08 reside. Jeremy Miller ’09 is attending Life University in Marietta, Ga., for a Doctor of Chiropractic and master’s degree in sports exercise science. Jill Braddock Moomey ’09 is pursuing her master’s degree in criminal justice at Simpson College. She works at Booth Law Firm as a legal assistant and paralegal and resides in Osceola with her husband, Ryan, and their children, Nicolas and Jocelyn. Erica Bloem Neisen ’09 is an accountant for Criterion, Inc. and resides in Waterloo with her husband, Jake, and their daughter, Kaylynn. Emily Beckmann Nichols ’09 is an account manager/ client services for Lessing-Flynn Advertising in Des Moines. Lucas Robins ’09 is a train conductor for BNSF Railway and resides in Murray. Denise Johnson Sebeck ’09 is an accountant for the City of West Des Moines and resides in Osceola with her husband, William. Erica Shannon Stueve ’09 is an administrative assistant to the president of the senate for the

State of Iowa. She completed her law degree at Drake University in May of 2012 and resides in Norwalk with her husband, Nathan. Shannen Prust Summers ’09 received her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction at Doane College. She teaches at Elkhorn Public Schools and resides in Omaha, Neb. Samuel Swalwell ’09 is an underwriter for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. Ashley Hickle Swalwell ’09 teaches kindergarten at Sacred Heart School in Boone. The couple resides in Huxley with their daughter, Amira. Elizabeth Tjaden ’09 is the assistant director of admissions for Buena Vista University and resides in Storm Lake. Tanner Warrington ’09 is a teacher and coach at Kuemper Catholic Schools in Carroll, where he resides with his wife, Ashley. Sarah Wheatley ’09 teaches 3rd grade at AHST Community Schools and resides in Anita. Andrew Wingen ’09 is a senior research associate for DuPont Pioneer in Ankeny. He holds a master’s degree in science, technology and environmental policy from the University of Minnesota. Jessica Barkley ’10 is attending Creighton University in pursuit of her bachelor’s degree in nursing. Troy Bergeson ’10 is a tax accountant for Casey’s General Stores, Inc. in Ankeny and is working towards his master’s degree in accounting at Drake University. Hannah Pickett Bolte ’10 is a reporter/anchor for KETV Omaha. She contributed to an Edward Murrow Award for breaking news for news coverage of a tornado that hit Thurman in 2012. Elizabeth Maurer Diersen ’10 is a home preservation specialist for Wells Fargo. Brad Diersen ’11 is a data base administrator

for Shazam. The couple lives in Granger with their son, Caden. Kelly Grow ’10 is a marketing and office manager for Matt’s Automotive Service Center in Moorhead, Minn. Rachel Gull ’10 is a content editor for Channel Fusion and resides in Hiawatha. Lauren Hartman ’10 is an account executive for the BECO Group and resides in Mount Prospect, Ill. She completed her master’s degree in music (voice performance) at the University of Northern Iowa. Steffani Johnson ’10 is pursuing a master’s degree in psychology at California Southern University while working for Life Connections in Algona as a behavioral health intervention service provider. Tausha Kroll ’10 is an account manager for Ford, General Motors and Subaru for Yahoo! Inc. and resides in Detroit, Mich.

Katie Vaux Richter ’10 works for MidwestOne Bank as a service associate. Katie and John Richter ’10 reside in Marshalltown. Shawna Robinson ’10 is a grant coordinator for Wayne and Decatur counties and is currently working on a community transformation grant to promote health, exercise and worksite wellness. Stephanie Vampola ’10 is pursuing a doctorate in osteopathic medicine from Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences. Kellie Whitney ’10 is a chiropractic assistant/ receptionist at Dunham-Fritz Chiropractic in Marshalltown. Danielle Caswell ’11 works for Lutheran Services in Iowa as a program supervisor. Amy Hamilton ’11 is a staff accountant for Latta, Harris, Hanon & Pennigroth L.L.P. and resides in Tipton.

Katie Luzum ’10 is an athletic trainer at Fort Madison Community Hospital. She completed her master’s degree in athletic training at the University of Northern Iowa in 2012.

Brandon Harrison ’11 is a 5th grade teacher for the Mt. Pleasant School District and is working on his master’s degree in literacy education through the University of Northern Iowa.

Allison McNeal ’10 is an editor for the Dallas County News in Adel. She is one of the youngest editors ever at the Dallas County News.

Scott JohnsonMartin ’11 is a 2nd lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps. Scott and Lindsey Graham JohnsonMartin ’11 reside in Quantico, Va., with their twin sons, Owen and Elijah.

Anna Peterson Nalean ’10 is a community investment and marketing assistant for the Community Foundation Greater Des Moines. Lauren Bucklin Nelson ’10 is a speech language pathologist for Heartland AEA. She received her master’s degree in speechlanguage pathology from the University of Iowa in May and resides in Altoona with her husband, Bill Nelson ’08. Whitney Bryant Pike ’10 is pursuing a graduate degree at the University of Missouri. She and her husband, Jacob, reside in Columbia, Mo.

Kari Kennedy ’11 is a scientist at Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. in Ames. Andrew Kirkegaard ’11 works for FarmLogs as a software engineer. Amy Looft ’11 is a community banker and operations specialist at Peoples Savings Bank. Raelen Main ’11 is a chemist for NB Coatings in Lansing, Ill. Kasey Peters ’11 works for Aspire Resources, Inc. as a quality assurance specialist and resides in West Des Moines. THE MAGA ZINE | FA L L 2 0 1 3


Chelsie Rohrs ’11 is special events coordinator for the Iowa Cubs in Des Moines.

Anna Aldridge ’13 plans to attend Iowa University in the fall of 2014 in pursuit of her doctorate. She is currently employed at Iowa Health Hospital in Cedar Rapids as a physician’s extender/athletic trainer. She is also a part-time athletic trainer at Simpson.

Lydia Schettler ’11 is teaching elementary music at Kuemper Catholic Schools.

Travis Alger ’13 plans to attend Cleveland Chiropractic School in Kansas City.

Zachary Smith ’11 works for the Memphis Redbirds in inside sales and resides in Memphis, Tenn.

Aimee Allen ’13 plans to attend the University of TennesseeKnoxville to pursue a master’s degree in vocal performance.

Susan Lathrop Stearns ’11 is an adjunct instructor and criminal justice program advocate at Southwestern Community College. She resides in Woodburn with her husband, Tony.

Allison Anderson ’13 is employed at Candeo as a mental health instructor.

Mary Huff Ray ’11 is pursuing a doctorate in behavioral neuroscience at the University of Iowa. She and her husband, Kyle, reside in Iowa City.

Danae Tuhn ’11 is the head athletic trainer at Clifton J. Ozen High School in Beaumont, Texas. Kayla Vanderhorst ’11 teaches 2nd grade teacher in the Riverside Consolidated School District. Ian Zimmerman ’11 is lead community builder for Dwolla in Des Moines. Alicia Kollenkark Bowlin ’12 is a marketing reporting analyst for Marsh in Urbandale. Alicia and her husband, Daniel, reside in Indianola. Miranda Irlmeier ’12 is a certified nursing assistant at St. Anthony’s Regional Hospital in Carroll. Erika Lyon ’12 is a graduate assistant at the University of Maine. Adam Summitt ’12 is the assistant men’s and women’s tennis coach at Grand View University in Des Moines and is working on a degree in sports education (coaching education) at Ohio University. William Swalwell ’12 works for Midwest Family Lending in Urbandale. William and Tracy Sibbel Swalwell ’12 reside in Johnston. 38


Alison Austin ’13 plans to attend University of MissouriKansas City to pursue a master’s degree in social work. Adam Bobier ’13 plans to attend Palmer College of Chiropractic in the fall. Chad Boston ’13 is employed at Pioneer Hi-Bred as a research assistant. Jayde Boyle ’13 is a high school math teacher at LoganMagnolia High School. Samuel Carroll ’13 plans to attend Louisiana State University to work on a master’s degree in vocal performance. Katelyn Chamberlin ’13 is a social media consultant for Reset Marketing in Urbandale. Laura Collins ’13 plans to attend University of Notre Dame in pursuit of her doctorate in physics. Michael Comer ’13 is a programmer for EMC Insurance. John Cord ’13 plans to attend graduate school to earn a master’s degree in sports management. Nicole Crisp ’13 plans to pursue her M.B.A. at the University of Phoenix. McKaylie Croghan ’13 is a 1st grade teacher in the GliddenRalston Community School District.

Mark Cronin ’13 is a part of the tax staff at Ernst & Young, LLP. Mitchell Davis ’13 is a personal trainer at Aspen Athletic Clubs. Logan Dorpinghaus ’13 is employed at Nationwide in Des Moines. Leslie Downing ’13 is an assistant auditor at the State Auditor’s Office. Marc Dwenger ’13 plans to attend the University of Louisville in the pursuit of a master’s degree in physiology and biophysics.

Kelly Hein ’13 is employed with Teach for America Indianapolis Corps as a Teach for America Corps member. Kelly plans to attend Marian University to work on her master’s degree in education. Stephen Henrich ’13 plans to attend Northwestern University to pursue advanced degrees in the medical scientist training program. Mary Houangsavanh ’13 employed with the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants as a staff accountant.

Jamie Elbert ’13 is employed at KPMG LLP as a tax associate.

Kenneth Jaeger ’13 is an assistant manager for Famous Footwear.

Katherine Elder ’13 works in diverse segments at Wells Fargo.

Jeremy James ’13 is a research worker for Pioneer.

Kara Engebretson ’13 plans to attend St. Cloud State University to pursue a master’s degree in social work.

Brooke Johnson ’13 plans to attend Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine to pursue a doctorate in osteopathic medicine.

Thaddeus Ennen ’13 plans to attend the University of Tennessee-Knoxville to pursue a master’s degree in music and voice. Conor Fair ’13 plans to attend the University of Georgia to pursue a master’s degree in entomology. Emily Fichter ’13 plans to attend Washington University to pursue a master’s degree in social work.

Jessika Jones ’13 is a prescription technician for Medicap Pharmacy. Catherine Kain ’13 teaches 9th grade English at Norwalk High School. Michael Kern ’13 is an audit associate for KPMG LLP. Meagen Kirts ’13 is a personal trainer for Aspen Athletic Club in Des Moines.

Michael Flanagan ’13 is sitesupervisor for Indianola Child Care.

Dianna Krejsa ’13 is working with the U.S. Geological Survey.

JoAnna Freeland ’13 is a customer service representative/ teller at People’s Bank.

Ryan Lane ’13 is a physical therapy technician at Mercy Indianola Physical Therapy.

Jason Graham ’13 is employed as a personal trainer at the YMCA Healthy Living Center and Anytime Fitness.

Susan Leslie ’13 plans to attend Carver College of Medicine to pursue her medical degree.

Katharine Groehn ’13 plans to attend the University of Denver to pursue an advanced degree in counseling. Dennis Halverson ’13 is a territory representative for Swedish Match.

Kara Lovik ’13 plans to attend Washington University in St. Louis in pursuit of a physical therapy degree. Sheyenne Manning ’13 is an AmeriCoprs volunteer for City Year.

Natalie McCormick ’13 is an executive team leader for Target. Devun Miller ’13 is an international documentation intern at DuPont Pioneer. Ashley Mohr ’13 plans to attend Palmer College of Chiropractic. Lindsay Nash ’13 is employed with Fitness Together in Clive. Rachel Nees ’13 is a kindergarten teacher in the Coon Rapids-Bayard School District. Katherina Nielsen ’13 plans to attend Des Moines University in pursuit of her doctorate of physical therapy. Taylor Norland ’13 is an analyst for Nationwide. Victoria Osborne ’13 plans to attend the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse to pursue a master’s degree in human performance. Meg Parks ’13 is a middle school special education teacher for the Kearney R-1 School District in Kearney, Mo. Tyler Pawletzki ’13 is employed with Drees Company. Jennifer Pfeifer ’13 plans to pursue a master’s degree in education at the University of Iowa. Victoria Phillips ’13 is a sales floor team member for Target in Des Moines. Jeremy Reinert ’13 is pursuing his masters degree at Briar Cliff University in Sioux City. He is also a graduate assistant for men’s soccer. Haley Roecker ’13 plans to attend Iowa State University to study veterinary medicine. Austin Roy ’13 is a high school science teacher in the Dallas Center-Grimes School District. Charlie Sandvick ’13 works for Apollo Group as a community outreach representative and resides in West Des Moines.

Sarah Schoon ’13 plans to attend Allen College to pursue her bachelor’s degree in nursing.


Christopher Schuberg ’13 plans to attend Aurora University to pursue a master’s degree in social work. Michael Schwery ’13 is employed at KPMG LLP as an audit associate. Heidi Scott ’13 is a high school math teacher in the Ottumwa Community Schools. Caitlyn Shiek ’13 teaches Spanish at Logan-Magnolia High School. Alexandra Simpson ’13 is stage manager for Theatre West Virginia. Jesse Stewart ’13 works on air and as farm director for Three Eagles Communications in Mason City. Taylor Stockdale ’13 is a research intern for the Ames National Laboratory. Taylor plans to attend Washington University in St. Louis to pursue a master’s degree in materials engineering. Emily Stover ’13 is a high school social studies teacher in the Laurens-Marathon Community School District.

Everett Laning ’53 and Mary True, July 27, 2013, Indianola. Karen Faber ’63 and James Hartzler, August 27, 2011, London, Ohio. Patricia Miller ’70 and Charles Poch, March 10, 2013, Palm Bay, Fla. Barbara McCracken ’71 and Kenneth Carroll, May 12, 2013, Euless, Texas. Jennifer Dobbs ’84 and Timothy Whitley, July 2, 2011, Wesley Chapel, Fla. Brenda Landas ’87 and Douglas Tiffany, April 13, 2013, West Des Moines. Marie Lindquist ’95 and David Webb, March 20, 2013, Little Rock, Ark.

Holly Stevens ’96 and Erin Sheriff, January 2, 2012, West Des Moines.

Jacob Sutton ’13 is an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Jennifer Miller ’01 and Joshua Trusty, July 15, 2012, Lees Summit, Mo.

Tyler Utzka ’13 is a reporter on television station KEYC in Mankato, Minn. Erin Westering ’13 teaches Spanish at Audubon High School.

Alysun O’Brien ’03 and Aaron Archibald, October 13, 2012, Norwalk. Amy VanPelt ’03 and Lindsy Reinert, August 10, 2012, West Des Moines. Julie Wolfram ’03 and Andrew Smith, April 14, 2012, Shaker Heights, Ohio. Douglas Dodds ’04 and Amanda Dodds, February 25, 2012, Montrose. Kara Lambert ’04 and David Baker, May 5, 2012, Barrington, Ill. Nicole Six ’04 and Klayton Kmett, May 4, 2013, Grimes.

Thomas Vodraska ’95 and Lori Vodraska, December 12, 2012, Saint Charles.

Mikayla Struebing ’13 is an audit associate with KPMG LLP.

Jessica Toyne ’13 is an executive team leader at Target in Mason City.

Wendy Boka ’03 and Sheldon Gonzalez, June 22, 2013, San Antonio, Texas.

Courtney Wearmouth ’01 and Jeremy Nobiling, June 30, 2012, Cambridge. Ariel Ebbers ’02 and Steven Genheimer, May 26, 2012, Des Moines. Jody Gray ’02 and Mike Weese, June 29, 2013, Grimes. Luis Arredondo ’03 and Lindsey Anderson, May 5, 2013, Chicago, Ill. Casaundra Christensen ’03 and Bryce Pieper, June 16, 2012, Smith Chapel, Simpson College.

James Morgan ’05 and Kristin Stiles ’06, July 6, 2013, Stuart. Elizabeth Ankeny ’06 and Blaine Vriezelaar, May 5, 2012, San Diego, Calif. Kristi Boas ’06 and Chad Anderson, September 22, 2012, Brooklyn Center, Minn. Tyler Grieser ’06 and Sherry Johnson, May 11, 2012, Ames. Rebecca Hachinsky ’06 and Lucas Hoge, May 18, 2013, Kansas City, Mo. Eric Adams ’07 and Jodi Monahan ’08, August 18, 2012, Council Bluffs.

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Zachary Craig ’07 and Chelsea Burns ’09, July 3, 2011, Kansas City, Mo.

Adam Thorson ’08 and Katheryn Pearson ’10, June 23, 2012, Ankeny.

Scott Danielson ’10 and Chelsey Degen ’11, September 1, 2012, Washington.

Hannah Walter ’08 and Scott Davis, June 15, 2013, West Des Moines.

Leah Grothe ’10 and Kirk Alliman, October 8, 2011, Norwalk. Jacob Hamilton ’10 and Amber Vrbsky ’10, April 21, 2012, Altoona.

Amy Brandt ’11 and Robbie Rohe, June 1, 2013, Arcadia. Kara Griggs ’11 and Shawn Franzen, July 21, 2012, Ankeny. Zachary Haugland ’11 and Lindsay Harms ’11, June 16, 2012, Eagle Grove.

Katie Langesen ’07 and Jake Bowers, May 25, 2013, Oak Park, Ill.


Chelsea Wells ’07 and Andrew Dellaca, August 25, 2012, Des Moines.

Emily Beckmann ’09 and Levi Nichols, April 6, 2013, Des Moines.

Shane Akers ’08 and Kathleen Dierking ’09, September 15, 2012, Leon.

Garrett Christensen ’09 and Kelsie Host ’10, July 21, 2012, Bondurant.

Jessica Anderson ’08 and Michael Krogman, August 3, 2013, West Des Moines.

Andrew Conyers ’09 and Heidi Conyers, September 15, 2012, Des Moines.

Beriet Bichel ’08 and Matt Moffitt, June 13, 2013, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.

Laura Meihofer ’09 and Dirk Erickson, September 8, 2012, Rochester, Minn.

Jami Coates ’08 and Nick Brown, August 4, 2012, Storm Lake.

Heather Johnson ’09 and Daniel Handy, June 2, 2012, Norwalk.

Martha Davis ’08 and Michael Goldstein, May 25, 2013, St. Louis, Mo.

Tracy Robson ’09 and Joseph Kroeger, October 28, 2011, Des Moines.

Stephanie Grigsby ’08 and Eric Schlotterbeck, January 21, 2011, Lisbon.

Kelsey Ubben ’09 and Shaun Bolton, October 15, 2011, Indianola.

Britney Hospelhorn ’08 and Eric Geisler, December 29, 2012, Paton.

Austyn Wolfe ’09 and Emily Smith ’10, September 1, 2012, Fort Dodge.

Ashley Katch ’08 and Kristopher Dunn, September 29, 2012, Urbandale.

Jennifer Acheson ’10 and Jerome Russ, June 1, 2013, Des Moines.

Brandi Mullen ’08 and Benjamin Hull, May 26, 2012, Fort Madison.

Laura Anderson ’10 and Matthew Hansen, October 20, 2012, Avoca.

Emily Nelson ’08 and Caleb Enger, October 20, 2012, Wever.

Whitney Bryant ’10 and Jacob Pike, April 20, 2013, Columbia, Mo.

Nicholas Sideris ’08 and Elyse Sideris, February 19, 2011, Des Moines.

Christopher Cowan ’10 and Amanda Fichter ’12, June 9, 2012, Indianola.

Sheena Smitley ’08 and Robert Grove II, June 29, 2013, West Des Moines.

Ames Cross ’10 and Mallory Cross, July 9, 2011, Coralville.


Megan Leiser ’10 and Collin Harrison ’11, May 18, 2013, Smith Chapel, Simpson College. Rev. Thomas Woodin ’62 returned to his alma mater to perform the wedding ceremony.

Mary Huff ’11 and Kyle Ray, April 27, 2013, Orient. Marie McGary-Smith ’11 and Gabriel Smith, January 14, 2012, Evanston, Ill.

Caitlin McLaren ’10 and Robert Anderson, May 19, 2012, Las Vegas, Nev. Hannah Pickett ’10 and Ben Bolte, March 10, 2013, Maui, Hawaii. Michael Peterson ’11 and Mickenzie Block ’11, June 22, 2013, West Des Moines. Heather Smith ’11 and Trevor Nelson, May 25, 2013, Winterset.

Sarah Schlitter ’10 and Seth McChesney, June 22, 2013, Mason City.

Allison Stevens ’11 and Gregory Rhoulhac ’12, March 31, 2012, Norwalk.

Katherine Veatch ’10 and Nathaniel Branzuela, August 11, 2011, Sacramento, Calif. Meagan Zickau ’10 and Nicholas Rector, April 28, 2012, Ankeny. Glenn Beenblossom ’11 and Abby Ceynar ’11, September 1, 2012, Janesville.

Blaise Mikels ’12 and Becky Pietig ’12, August 3, 2013, Carroll.

Chelsey Benoit ’11 and Branden Schroeder, March 22, 2013, Urbandale.

Meredith McCay ’13 and James Brewer, June 8, 2013, Martensdale.

Laci Doherty, November 27, 2001; Josiah Doherty, October 30, 2008; and Maria Doherty, September 26, 2010; adopted on December 20, 2012, by Daniel S. Doherty, III ’99 and Tricia Doherty, McCordsville, Ind. Kinnick Doherty, December 16, 2011, joined the family on June 30, 2013.

Michael John Stuart II, September 28, 2012, to Anne Bohnet Stuart ’92 and Michael J. Stuart, Sandston, Va. Oliver Christopher Lynch, June 29, 2012, to Christopher D. Lynch ’93 and Sue Lynch, Pardeeville, Wis., joined Skylar and Chase. Several Simpson College alumni, current students, faculty and staff joined Blaise and Becky Michels on their special day.

Vivian Rae Alley, April 9, 2013, to Donni Popejoy Alley ’95 and Chad L. Alley ’95, Des Moines, joins big brother, Cam.

Back row (left to right): Zach Ripka ’14, Kraig Thomas ’12, Jordan Vorrie ’12, Robert Trimble ’12, Alyssa Thompson ’12, Michael Schwery ’13, Brad Davison ’13, Luke Behaunek, photographer and director of residence life.

Regan Elizabeth Morse, December 26, 2012, to Heidi Workman Morse ’95 and Mark Morse, Jr., Waukee.

Front row (left to right): Dr. Heidi Berger, assistant professor of mathematics, Jazmin Rubel ’14, Blaise Mikels ’12, Becky Pietig Mikels ’12, Kayla Ferguson ’13, Susan Leslie ’13, Michael Comer ’13. Not pictured is Blaise’s brother, Park, who was not allowed in the picture because he wasn’t officially a Simpson student yet in early August…but he is now!


Zachary Chance Morrison, May 30, 2013, to Joe W. Morrison, Jr. ’82 and Kimberly Morrison, Orlando, Fla., joins Hanna and Kenzie. Adrian Grover, September 12, 2011, to Dr. Ian R. Grover ’90 and Tina Grover, San Diego, Calif., joined Luke and Zachary.

Twins Brooklyn and Kennedy Way, April 14, 2011, to Dr. Kristin Smith ’95 and Spencer L. Way, Laguna Beach, Calif. Twins Chelsea Elaine and Christopher Leon Cogar, December 1, 2012, to Susan Faulkner Cogar ’96 and Patrick C. Cogar, Galesburg, Ill. Elijah Edwards, April 2, 2012, to Michael J. Edwards, Jr. ’96 and Danielle M. Edwards, Granger, joined Isabel and Lyla.

Bailey Melissa Anstey, May 21, 2013, to Amy Spaur Anstey ’98 and Cory Anstey, Cumberland, joins brothers, Gabriel and Riley, and sisters, Kaycee and Emma. Chloe Beckett, June 26, 2011, to Dr. Michael C. Beckett ’98 and Candace Beckett, Oshkosh, Wis. Emily Dixon, April 16, 2012, to Lisa Wagoner Dixon ’98 and Jonathan B. Dixon ’00, Seward, Neb., joined Blaine. Reese Hicks, March 21, 2013, to Janan Felts ’98, Des Moines. Grace Richter, October 8, 2011, to Jeremy J. Richter ’98 and Abby Richter, Stow, Ohio.

Sophia Welch, July 11, 2012, to Hollie Miller Welch ’96 and Todd Welch, West Des Moines, joined Austin, Abigayle and Olivia.

Addison Striegel, November 9, 2012, to Shawn E. Striegel ’98 and Jennifer Striegel, Mount Pleasant, joined Alyssa and Linzy.

Austin Merrill Willeman, May 16, 2013, to Juli Holmes Willeman ’96 and Christopher C. Willeman ’96, Ballwin, Mo., joins Audri.

Logan Bradway, February 27, 2011, to Jennifer Vanek Bradway ’99 and Brian L. Bradway ’99, New Brighton, Minn., joined Sophia.

Ellen Ione Grandgeorge, June 10, 2013, to Jenni Dunaway Grandgeorge ’97 and Peter Grandgeorge, Bondurant.

Grant Robert Brummond, June 4, 2012, to Kelly Shepherd Brummond ’99 and Troy Brummond, West Des Moines, joined Stella.

Eva McGary, February 23, 2012, to Karne Dunshee McGary ’97 and Patrick D. McGary, Greenville, S.C., joined William and Lilias. Tate Anthony Valenta, July 26, 2011, to Leslee Dreiling Valenta ’97 and Brian L. Valenta ’99, Grimes, joined Zoey and Wyatt. Trevor Quigley Anderson, November 27, 2012, to Jamie Regan Anderson ’98 and Sean Q. Anderson, Plano, Texas.

Maddison Ann Surene Chyma, May 27, 2013, to Cynthia Evenson Chyma ’99 and Joey Chyma, Cedar Rapids, joins Parker and Alexis.

Molly Getter, February 17, 2013, to Jerad W. Getter ’99 and Jacie Terwilliger Getter ’99, Silver City, joins Parker and Will. Harlynn Sue Hillyard, February 11, 2013, to Dr. Heath A. Hillyard ’99, Burlington. Lacy McDaniel, August 1, 2011, to April Wallace McDaniel ’99 and Brian McDaniel, McCool Junction, Neb., joined Lane and Samantha. Sarah Sue Morgan, November 13, 2012, to Joshua C. Morgan ’99 and Dawn Artelli Morgan ’99, Indianola, joined Emily, Kelly, Brett and Molly.

Katherine Claire Pierce, February 9, 2013, to Margery Hanes Pierce ’99 and Casey J. Pierce ’99, Ankeny, joins Brynn and Deacon. Marlee Beth Spencer, April 27, 2012, to Jessica Barnard Spencer ’99 and Tom Spencer, Creston, joined Gracelyn. Saylor Coppola, September 9, 2011, to Joseph W. Coppola, III ’00 and Holly Remsburg Coppola ’00, Urbandale, joined Joe IV and Maddox.

Nina Katherine Coppola, October 23, 2012, to Kelly Davis Coppola ’99 and Anthony M. Coppola ’02, Decorah, joined Davis and Bennett.

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Greta Barrett, May 29, 2012, to Talli Smith ’00 and Rees E. Barrett, Des Moines, joined Jack. Ashlyn Wegner, July 20, 2012, to Jason D. Wegner ’00 and Emily A. Wegner, Grimes, joined Madigan and Kellen. Emmett Eike, January 9, 2013, to Erin Murray Eike ’00 and Shilo Eike, Ankeny, joins Olivia and Hudson. Roger “Beau” Hancock, May 17, 2013, to Ryan Hancock ’00 and Sarah L. Hancock, Riverside. Lindsey Paige Hollinger, April 13, 2013, to Megan Rogers Hollinger ’00 and Andrew M. Hollinger, Des Moines, joins Allison. Jade Ivancic, April 30, 2012, to Stephanie Millsap Ivancic ’00 and Michael Ivancic, Boulder, Colo., joined Chase. Breclynn Jane Leick, June 5, 2012, to Jane Jorgenson Leick ’00 and Tony Leick, Council Bluffs. Marcus Myles Oswald, July 18, 2012, to Kevin E. Oswald ’00 and Dr. Gwen Bigelow Oswald ’05, Winterset, joins Abram.

Charley Wolfswinkel, October 25, 2012, to Lyndsay Perrin Wolfswinkel ’00 and Brent A. Wolfswinkel, Cherokee, joined Laney, Addy and Grady. Hailey Elaine Zoske, January 24, 2013, to Trisha Heiden Zoske ’00 and Matthew Zoske, Conrad, joins Calvin, Daniel and Adelynn. Ryan Everett Courcier, May 3, 2011, to Tracie Griffieon Courcier ’01 and Cory L. Courcier, Norwalk, joined Megyn. Brennan Matthew Darrah, March 7, 2012, to Anne Detlie Darrah ’01 and Jason Darrah, Dexter, joined big brother, Collin. Joseph Gauthier, May 4, 2011, and Johnathon Gauthier, July 27, 2012 to Steven O. Gauthier ’01 and Sheila Gauthier, Aurora, Colo., joined Lillian. Miura Marcella Gruenzner, July 17, 2012, to Tressa Grube Gruenzner ’01 and Ben Gruenzner, Owatonna, Minn., joined Regan.

Jaxx Aaron Roberts, April 28, 2012, to Jessamy Helma Roberts ’00 and Jason C. Roberts, Frisco, Colo., joined Jagger. Logan Roberts, November 27, 2012, to Victor J. Roberts ’00 and Rosalyn Haskins Roberts ’02, Clive, joined Jenna, Kira and Hallie. Greta Rodgers, April 2012, to Charles M. Rodgers ’00 and Lisa Rodgers, Nevada, joined Parker.



Turner Heitland, August 15, 2011, to Brent R. Heitland ’01 and Mindi A. Heitland, Waukee, joined Mack. Grady Hood, October 26, 2012, to Melanie Mielke Hood ’01 and Taylor Hood, Broomfield, Colo., joined Gavin. Oliver Bishop Kallal, December 29, 2012, to Sarah Bishop Kallal ’01 and Michael C. Kallal, Kansas City, Mo., joined Elyse. Sophie Jeanne Kleinmeyer, February 1, 2013, to Blake C. Kleinmeyer ’01 and Ann Gosnell Kleinmeyer ’04, Williamsburg, joins Ella.

Maximus Lamphiear, March 19, 2012, and Maverick Lamphiear, June 26, 2013, to Dr. Andrea Hastings Lamphiear ’01 and Lt. Warren M. Lamphiear, Edwards, Ill. Graham Leeper, May 2, 2013, to Dr. Bryan J. Leeper ’01 and Jodi Leeper, Olathe, Kan., joins Latham and Emery. Sawyer Menke, November 28, 2011, to Chris W. Menke ’01 and Danika Menke, Mason City, joined Addison.

Gil Dillinger, December 22, 2012, to Crystal Hill Dillinger ’02 and Tosh L. Dillinger, Polk City, joined Greta. Tenley Rose Elliott, May 18, 2012, to Bart J. Elliott ’02 and Amy A. Elliott, Melcher, joined Drake. Dylan Hutt, December 2, 2011, to Robert W. Hutt ’02 and Alicia Stoaks Hutt ’02, Waukee, joined Lincoln and Hayden.

Haley Taylor, June 8, 2012, to Jacci Hardie Taylor ’01 and Aaron B. Taylor, Winterset, joined Hunter.

Aaron Johnson, April 28, 2012, to Dr. Matthew D. Johnson ’02 and Molly Mitchell Johnson ’07, Cherokee, joined Evan.

Twins Eli and Grant Wilson, April 1, 2011, to Dr. Aaron J. Wilson ’01 and Sarah Wilson, Grimes, joined Kate.

Brody Edward Lloyd, February 24, 2012, to Eric E. Lloyd ’02 and Kelsey Tucker Lloyd ’05, Waukee.

Beau Berryman, November 1, 2012, to Dr. Clinton T. Berryman ’02 and Callie Sheets Berryman ’03, Oelwein, joined Alexa and Grant.

Devyn Ludwig, April 5, 2011, to Kyle R. Ludwig ’02 and Lynsay Ludwig, Caldwell, Idaho, joined Gavin.

Quinn Marie Blake, March 13, 2013, to Abigail Archibald Blake ’02 and Casey Blake, Indianola, joins Bailey, Lauren, Dana, George and Mady. Lydia Mae Blanchard, January 9, 2013, to Mindy Thomas Blanchard ’02 and Mark Blanchard, Altoona, joins big brother, Thomas. Corbin Briggs, January 2, 2012, to Tiffany Pettitt Briggs ’02 and Daniel D. Briggs ’02, Waukee, joined Cameron, Kiara, Caleb and Calvin. Taylor Rae Carmel, August 25, 2012, to Dr. Melissa Sheehy Carmel ’02, Slingerlands, N.Y. Jess Patrick Carter, August 28, 2012, to Rebecca Casey Carter ’02 and Brian Carter, Albia, joined Casey. Alvin Andre Cook, October 16, 2011, to Torryhe R. Cook ’02 and Melissa-Rose D. Cook, Fuquay Varina, N.C. Owen Palmer Davis, October 13, 2012, to Brianne Bachman Davis ’02 and William B. Davis ’03, Boulder, Colo., joined Blake and Landon.

Benjamin Lee Ortiz, May 2, 2013, to Alaina Hinman Ortiz ’02 and German Ortiz, Iowa City. Max Serwitz, April 25, 2012, to Jennifer Howe Serwitz ’02 and David Serwitz, Decatur, Ga., joined Laney. Evie Walker, August 8, 2011, to Andrew R. Walker ’02 and Andrea Walker, Clive, joined Pete. Benjamin McGwire Warren, October 29, 2011, to Rev. Betzy Elifrits Warren ’02 and Brock M. Warren, Richlands, Va. Porter Boeding, February 16, 2013, to Jamie Presley Boeding ’03 and Benjamin Boeding, Princeton, joins Brennon. Anjali Margarita Cripps-Vallejo, September 7, 2011, to Rev. Paula Cripps-Vallejo ’03 and Santos Cripps-Vallejo, Jr., Bensenville, Ill. John Degen, August 7, 2012, to Julie Jackson Degen ’03 and Brian E. Degen, Muscatine, joined Jackson.

Jonathan Thomas Claassen, February 25, 2012, to Mary Jane Buzbee Claassen ’04 and David A. Claassen, Irving, Texas, joined Micah.

Rylee Christen Fitzgerald, March 13, 2012, to Kyle P. Fitzgerald ’03 and Jill Heim Fitzgerald ’04, Cedar Rapids, joined Keaton.

Brylee Marie Thompson, June 7, 2013, to Wendi Curran Thompson ’03 and Eric G. Thompson, Norwalk. Wakefield Phog Fincham, February 20, 2013, to Amanda Frohling Fincham ’04 and B. R. Fincham, Beloit, Kan. Westyn Jade Foley, September 8, 2012, to Nathan A. Foley ’04 and Andrea Flatt Foley ’04, Omaha, Neb., joined Xander.

Isaiah Michael Harman, January 24, 2013, to Tyler T. Harman ’03 and Sarah E. Harman, Decorah, joins Kalin. Drew Hickenbottom, May 2, 2012, to Mary Woiwood Hickenbottom ’03 and Matthew C. Hickenbottom ’13, West Des Moines, joined Hayden and Brett. Claire Elizabeth Koenig, November 7, 2012, to Brian J. Koenig ’03 and BobbiAnn Koenig, Council Bluffs.

William Wilkinson, May 24, 2013, to Ashley Wilson Wilkinson ’03 and Scott Wilkinson, Westminster, Colo., joins Madeline. Chloe Allison, March 2, 2012, to Zachary R. Allison ’04 and Sarah Mannetter Allison ’04, Clive, joined Katie.

Evan Michael Gesellchen, May 26, 2012, to Jessica McDonald Gesellchen ’04 and Mike Gesellchen, St. Louis Park, Minn. Madden Lee Jermeier, December 4, 2012, to Matthew R. Jermier ’04 and Katie Morrison Jermier ’04, Waukee, joined Kale.

Emma Maher, May 10, 2012, to Bryan W. Maher ’03 and Rebecca J. Sipes, Lompoc, Calif. Caleb Nicolino, November 27, 2012, to Phillip A. Nicolino ’03 and Berlyn Colorado Nicolino ’03, West Des Moines.

Maci Rae Parcel, January 22, 2013, to Shanie George Parcel ’04 and Michael Parcel, Des Moines. Katrynna Poland, September 28, 2011, to Jeremy M. Poland ’04 and Kristin A. Poland, West Des Moines. Mitch Sauser, October 26, 2012, to Amy Moylan Sauser ’04 and Brian T. Sauser, Omaha, Neb., joined Julia and Tony. Harrison Shepherd, June 1, 2012, to Rachel Fogt Shepherd ’04 and Blake E. Shepherd ’04, Urbandale, joined Liliana. Jack Aiden Tucker, February 3, 2013, to Lindsay Clark Tucker ’04 and Brad Tucker, Winona, Minn.

Brecken Luc Leeper, June 11, 2012, to Anna Reinsch Leeper ’03 and Welby Leeper, Clarence, joined Braylon. Bridget Maddy, February 18, 2011, and Gregory Maddy, May 3, 2013, to Eric A. Maddy ’03 and Beth Maddy, Urbandale, join Meredith.

Knox Cowden Nelson, January 4, 2013, to Sara Cowden Nelson ’04 and Bric Nelson, Earlham.

Kinley Barrick, November 6, 2011, to Kelly Dentlinger Barrick ’04 and Nic Barrick, Johnston. Norah Bauer, August 11, 2012, to Janine DeHaai Bauer ’04 and Jeff Bauer, West Des Moines, joined Cohen. Wyatt Alexander Buckner, May 31, 2012, to Jeffrey L. Buckner ’04 and Jill McIntire Buckner ’05, Urbandale, joined Caleb.

Remy Hogan Koesis, August 17, 2012, to Traci Nicolino Koesis ’04 and Hogan Koesis, Angel Fire, N.M. Addison Luna, August 6, 2012, to Emily Anderson Luna ’04 and John Luna, Des Moines, joined Mariah. Cole Carlson Murphy, December 6, 2012, to Jennifer Burch Murphy ’04 and Brett C. Murphy ’04, West Des Moines, joined Riley and Harper.

Landon William Victora, September 10, 2012, to Kathryn Langgaard Victora ’04 and Jason Victora, Grimes. Grayson Bumblauskas, December 23, 2012, to Kendra Cole Bumblauskas ’05 and Dan Bumblauskas, Jefferson City, Mo., joined Addilyn and Taryn. Avett Joseph Darrington, July 12, 2012, to Cory M. Darrington ’05 and Abby Janssen Darrington ’06, Des Moines.

Twins Melanie and Riley Carlson, January 21, 2012, to Rachel Koller Carlson ’04 and Christopher L. Carlson, Niles, Mich., welcomed by Cameron. THE MAGA ZINE | FA L L 2 0 1 3


Leah Veen, March 28, 2013, to Cory J. Veen ’05 and Tiffani Veen, Des Moines, joins Ella. Macey Marie Bengard, July 2, 2012, to Rebecca Cermak Bengard ’06 and Brandon J. Bengard ’07, Grimes, joined Juhl. Schafer Elaine Day, April 3, 2013, to Amy Bell Day ’05 and Klint Day, Des Moines, joins Riley.

Alex Andrew Bergman, September 9, 2012, to Andrew J. Bergman ’06 and Ashley Noe Bergman ’08, West Des Moines. Lola Grace Brown, November 2, 2012, to James K. Brown, II ’06 and Laura L. Brown, Des Moines.

Hudson Clayton English, December 20, 2012, to Andy C. English ’05 and Erin English, Carlisle. Twins Cooper and Olivia Mann, December 8, 2011, to Nicole Kjolhede Mann ’05 and Eric Mann, Omaha, Neb. Kael James Nelson, May 14, 2011, and Avery Kay Nelson, November 8, 2012, to Amber DeRiemacker Nelson ’05 and Beau Nelson, Muscatine.

Benson James Claxton, September 3, 2012, to Brandon B. Claxton ’06 and Emily Kimzey Claxton ’08, Grain Valley, Mo., joined Colson.

Evelyn Grace Smith, May 1, 2013, to Stephanie Williams Smith ’06 and Brian Smith, Montrose, S.D., joined big brother, Justin. William Stirling, October 3, 2011, to Joshua A. Stirling ’06 and Melissa Muell Stirling ’07, Gardner, Kan. Harper Anderson, January 10, 2013, to Scott G. Anderson ’07 and Halie Stalzer Anderson ’07, Altoona. Beckett William Carlson, September 20, 2012, to Sarah Harriman Carlson ’07 and Grant P. Carlson ’07, Dickinson, N.D. Brooklyn Elizabeth Davis, October 13, 2012, to Sara Klein Davis ’07 and Daniel M. Davis, Des Moines.

Mya Curran, June 27, 2011, to Sara Goretska Curran ’06 and Adam J. Curran ’06, Chariton, joined Ky.


Blake Webb, October 8, 2010, to Jennifer Orchard Webb ’07 and Eric Webb, Ankeny. Ashton Leroy Akers, May 28, 2013, to Shane L. Akers ’08 and Kathleen Dierking Akers ’09, Leon. Kinley Belland, June 7, 2011, to Blair C. Belland ’08 and Kathrine R. Belland, Williamsburg. Taryn Ann Brown, January 18, 2011, to Julie Mallams Brown ’08 and Mitch L. Brown, Mount Union.

Addison DeGroote, May 4, 2013, to Amanda Mulholland DeGroote ’07 and Andrew DeGroote, Norwalk.

Noah Huston, June 24, 2013, to Roger J. Huston ’06 and Shawna Baker Huston ’07, Oxford, Pa.

Kendall Fuerstenau, April 7, 2012, to Lindsay Bormann Fuerstenau ’07 and Adam M. Fuerstenau ’08, Grimes.

Claire McCarty, November 22, 2011, to Emily Barker McCarty ’06 and Aaron McCarty, Madrid.

Camilla Rose Hefner, June 21, 2012, to Gwendolyn Dickmann Hefner ’07 and Micah Hefner, Grain Valley, Mo., joined Alexander.

Grace Elna Papich, June 21, 2012, to Sarah Merritt Papich ’05 and David D. Papich, Norwalk.

Greyden Chris Neisess, May 24, 2012, to Denae Crookshank Neisess ’06 and Geremy Neisess, Marshalltown.

Chloe Anna Pitzen, April 3, 2012, to Kevin B. Pitzen ’05 and Amanda Oakes Pitzen ’06, Elk Horn, joined Dylan.

Daxyn Ohnemus, March 4, 2013, to Nathan A. Ohnemus ’06 and Jessica Vickroy Ohnemus ’06, Indianola.


Abby Marie Simpson, January 20, 2013, to Tessa Van Oosbree Simpson ’07 and Zachary T. Simpson, Albia, joins Landen.

Lila Fulton, March 12, 2012, to LeeAnn Clifton Fulton ’06 and Michael Fulton, Urbandale, joined Evelynn.

Kylea Elliott, May 2, 2012, to Megan Warner Elliott ’07 and Joseph Elliott, Ankeny, joined Keegan.

Raymond Cross Oswald, April 5, 2013, to Miranda Lund Oswald ’05 and Jason Oswald, Omaha, Neb., joins Anson and Palmer.

Jackson Dane Rideout, July 12, 2012, to Andrea Kruse Rideout ’07 and Ron Rideout, Orlando, Fla., joined Cooper.

Clarke E. Dawson, August 13, 2012, to Tara Brown Dawson ’08 and Cory M. Dawson ’09, Altoona. Carter Franzeen, September 2, 2012, to Mindy Sylvester Franzeen ’08 and Blake B. Franzeen, Johnston, joined Cameron. Natalia S. Garcia, September 7, 2012, to Sara Best Garcia ’08 and Jose M. Garcia, Johnston.

Gavin Johnson, February 22, 2013, to Stacey Johnson ’07 and Grant Johnson, Savage, Minn.

Amelia Elyza Nickel, February 6, 2013, to Dr. Annie Marshall Nickel ’08 and Jake Nickel, Fairfax.

Ean Lansink, July 17, 2012, to Andrew D. Lansink ’07 and Lisa Lansink, West Des Moines.

Silas Peacock, April 9, 2012, to Amanda Hudson Peacock ’08 and Corey R. Peacock, Carlisle, joined Peighton and Lana.

Amelia Mae Petersen, November 14, 2012, to Courtney Carothers Petersen ’08 and Andrew Petersen, Lees Summit, Mo.

Reid Henry Strong, June 18, 2013, to Joseph K. Strong ’09 and Stacy J. Strong, Indianola, joins Norah.

Twins Elijah Donald and Owen Blake Martin, May 18, 2012, to Scott F. Johnson Martin ’11 and Lindsey Johnson Martin ’11, Quantico, Va.

Alexis Pleima, May 9, 2012, to Cheryl Pleima ’08 and Dustin Pleima, Pella, joined Landen. Kavon Ziesman, March 12, 2012, to Lisa Holechek Ziesman ’08 and Zachariah Ziesman, Radcliffe, joined Kyler.

Madison Markley, June 7, 2012, to Allison Cunningham Markley ’11 and TJ L. Markley, Pella, joined Mallory.

Blake Sanford Brotherson, January 15, 2012, to Erin Weaver Brotherson ’09 and Derek A. Brotherson, Avoca, joined Gage.

Amira Ann Swalwell, January 8, 2013, to Samuel J. Swalwell ’09 and Ashley Hickle Swalwell ’09, Huxley.

Emmett James Cope, June 5, 2013, to Matthew P. Cope ’09 and Katie Meier Cope ’09, Woodward.

Hadley Catherine Swoyer, November 8, 2012, to Meridith Sayler Swoyer ’09 and Zachary T. Swoyer, San Diego, Calif.

Makena Mykel Davitt, December 12, 2012, to Sarah Schall Davitt ’09 and Ben Davitt, Indianola, welcomed by brother, Joseph.

Mirabel Pearl White, September 14, 2012, to Aaron R. White ’09 and Dana Dunn White ’10, Carlisle, joined Bronson. Caden Diersen, January 22, 2012, to Elizabeth Maurer Diersen ’10 and Brad D. Diersen ’11, Granger. Parker Benjamin Gierstorf, March 15, 2013, to Marcy Baker Gierstorf ’10 and Benjamin D. Gierstorf, Jefferson. Brynnley Renee Porter, April 8, 2013, to Jamie Eddy Porter ’10 and Chanceller R. Porter ’10, Osceola.

Gavin John Majewski, May 17, 2013, to Erin Hoversten Majewski ’09 and Patrick J. Majewski, Webster City.

Carter James Stockton, April 8, 2013, to Stephanie Jacobson Stockton ’10 and Jeff Stockton, Oklahoma City, Okla.

DEATHS Katherine Liggett Boyum ’33, December 29, 2012, Portland, Ore. Pauline Murphy Reynolds ’33, January 5, 2013, Winterset. Helen Buechler Beal ’34, December 19, 2011, Boone. Kenneth L. Henderson ’38, July 12, 2012, Mission, Texas. Walter D. McEwen ’38, January 9, 2013, Des Moines. Katheryn Piffer Rumpeltes ’40, June 22, 2013, Boise, Idaho. Margaret Maxson Day ’41, April 24, 2013, Ottumwa. Betty Wilson Jeffryes ’42, June 1, 2013, Colorado Springs, Colo. Frances Heerema McGee ’44, May 23, 2013, Phoenix, Ariz. Marjorie Martin Crabb ’45, December 23, 2012, Arvada, Colo. Merrill A. Ewing ’46, March 30, 2013, Salisbury, Md. Thomas E. English ’48, March 8, 2013, Washington.

Jocelyn Rae Moomey, April 30, 2013, to Jill Braddock Moomey ’09 and Ryan S. Moomey, Osceola, joins Nicolas. Kaylynn Sientje Niesen, February 15, 2012, to Erica Bloem Neisen ’09 and Jake M. Neisen, Waterloo.

Charles Jevne, September 11, 2011, to Zachary R. Jevne ’11 and Shannon M. Jevne, Spencer.

Helge S. Bruland ’49, July 18, 2013, South Bend, Ind. Ermadean Bowers McClurg ’49, April 6, 2013, Austin, Texas. Hadlie Margaret Hopkins, March 10, 2013, to Megan Harris Hopkins ’11 and Caleb Hopkins, Halbur.

William S. Davis ’50, April 29, 2013, Des Moines.


LARRY JOHNSON To understand the impact of Larry Johnson, the Simpson Hall of Fame coach who died April 7 at the age of 81, read some of the many comments on the Overton Funeral Home website devoted to his memory: “When I arrived at Indianola, Iowa, from Colorado, Larry was one of the first coaches I met, along with Coach Ken Heizer. He made me feel so welcome and being away from home, that was so important. He was fabulous to me and my wife and baby. He used to always kid me about my car hood always being up during the winter. He would ask what I was feeding it. He will always be an important person in my life.” -Jerry Brumit ’65 “Larry was our coach, but he was so much more. He was our counselor, confidant, friend, mentor and role model. He positively influenced those of us that played for him that wins and losses could never measure…. He will be missed, but a part of him will remain with us forever in our hearts and in our memories.” -Dr. Richard Meszar ’68 “Your influence and humor were a great comfort to many people finding their way through their college years. The time and extra effort you gave me after my injury had a life-long impact on my work and my professional teaching and coaching career. Thirty-three years later, your laugh and your smile still burn bright in my memory. You were a good and kind man. Thank you for your friendship. Bless your family.” -Kent Mick ’85 Johnson coached baseball at Simpson for 19 seasons, from 1961-68, 70-74 and 78-83. He also coached football, track and wrestling, and was the first coach for the women’s basketball program in 1974. He was named to the Simpson College Coaches Hall of Fame in 2011. A Korean War veteran, Johnson also had served on the Indianola City Council. THE MAGA ZINE | FA L L 2 0 1 3


Barbara Cockrum McLin ’50, March 11, 2013, Fountain Valley, Calif. Donald M. Maffett ’50, December 27, 2012, West Des Moines. Dr. William A. Moats ’50, August 2, 2012, Canandaigua, N.Y. Paul B. Orchard, Jr. ’50, March 1, 2012, Omaha, Neb.

George T. Qualley ’53, January 6, 2011, Des Moines.

Lonne Paup ’57, April 21, 2012, Clovis, Calif.

Kenneth D. Clary ’67, March 22, 2013, Liberty Center.

Kenneth L. Ward ’53, February 21, 2012, Twin Falls, Idaho.

William C. Cleveland ’58, March 21, 2013, Coralville.

David H. Foster ’68, March 24, 2013, Greenwood, Ind.

Jeannine Prior Johnson ’54, October 25, 2011, Pinehurst, N.C.

Marion D. Hanks ’59, May 14, 2013, Rogers, Ark.

John A. Milice, Jr. ’68, May 26, 2013, Gladstone, Mo.

S. Michael Arts ’60, May 2, 2013, Milwaukie, Ore.

Ronald K. McCauley ’70, March 25, 2013, San Antonio, Texas.

Rosemary Slater Blakely ’55, February 26, 2013, Los Angeles, Calif.

David E. Pullman ’50, April 25, 2013, Columbus, Ohio.

Ardyce Clemons Brunsting ’55, February 24, 2013, Cedar Rapids.

Robert S. Weisinger ’50, May 10, 2011, New York, N.Y.

Clark C. Ditzler ’55, March 20, 2013, Katy, Texas.

Orville D. Bellville ’51, January 6, 2013, Ankeny.

Keith L. Downing ’55, August 4, 2012, Memphis, Mo.

Glendell J. Taggart ’51, June 23, 2013, Des Moines.

Velma Myers Weber ’55, July 21, 2013, Glenwood.

Rev. Robert D. Williams ’51, July 29, 2013, Indianola.

John J. Barnes, Jr. ’56, April 17, 2013, Villa Rica, Ga.

Rev. Laurence L. Garrett ’53, July 21, 2013, Burlington.

Steven R. Heathershaw ’60, August 15, 2013, Wernersville, Pa. Franklin R. Weber ’60, September 27, 2011, Missouri Valley. Robert Hefflefinger ’61, March 20, 2013, Danville.

Jacob H. Shiveler ’70, October 24, 2011, Naples, Fla. Raelene Beach Best ’72, April 27, 2013, Indianola. Madeline Will ’72, June 8, 2012, Seven Lakes, N.C.

Joel G. Stewart ’61, May 17, 2013, Houston, Texas.

David E. Given-Seymour ’73, June 11, 2013, Bellingham, Wash.

Helen Gilbert Thorne ’63, January 20, 2013, Washington.

Dennis Russo ’75, July 5, 2013, Scottsdale, Ariz.

Jack E. Chandler ’56, January 5, 2013, New Virginia.

Grace Blaschke Arrowood ’65, August 7, 2013, Parkersburg, W.Va.

James M. O’Neal ’76, January 30, 2012, Cleveland, Ohio.

Warren H. Kurth ’53, April 11, 2012, Ackley.

Sandra Harriott Johnson ’56, April 17, 2013, Indianola.

Edwin R. Paglai ’53, July 25, 2013, Ankeny.

Robert H. Reed ’56, August 2, 2012, Manchester.

Wilma Lettington Halterman ’65, August 22, 2012, Indianola. John H. Mayer ’65, June 24, 2012, Oskaloosa.

David A. Lockridge ’87, July 8, 2013, West Des Moines. Robert L. Weddell ’92, June 27, 2013, Des Moines. Laura Farris ’95, April 25, 2013, Pleasant Hill.


LUTHER L. HILL, JR. Simpson College officials often joked that they knew Luther L. Hill, Jr. was thinking of the College every day because that’s how often they heard from him. Described as “the best friend Simpson ever had,” Hill died April 23, at the age of 90. “He did more for Simpson College than anybody I know,” said Charles Rohm, an honorary life trustee. “He was just terrific.” Hill’s service to Simpson began in 1955, when he was elected to the Board of Trustees at the relatively young age of 32. But it didn’t take long for him to make an impact. Hill “made Simpson a consuming hobby, almost an obsession, lavishing on it time, money and attention and, above all, wisdom that combined a happy mixture of visionary passion and sober judgment,” wrote Joseph W. Walt in “Beneath the Whispering Maples,” the history of the College.


Hill served several positions on the Board of Trustees, including chairman from 1972 to 1979. Among his many achievements, he is credited with saving College Hall; encouraging Amy Robertson to donate $10 million to Simpson, the largest single gift in the College’s history; and inviting successful Des Moines businessmen to join W W W. S I M P S O N . E D U /MAGAZ INE

the Simpson board. He also was known as a loyal supporter of the Simpson wrestling program. Construction projects that occurred during his time as a trustee included the Amy Robertson Music Center, Carver Science Center, McNeill Hall and the renovation of Mary Berry Hall. “Luther Hill was possibly the most transformational person in Simpson’s history,” said Bob Lane, vice president for College Advancement. “The ripple effect from this one man is unbelievable.” It’s unclear why Hill remained so devoted to Simpson. He didn’t attend the College. His wife, Sara Sigler Carpenter, grew up in Indianola in what’s now known as the Sigler House, the home of the College president. But she didn’t attend Simpson, either. “He was driven to Simpson because it was so strong as a liberal arts college, and he supported it for years as a result,” said Jordan Hansell, treasurer of the Board of Trustees. Born in Des Moines, Hill was a World War II veteran and served as general counsel for Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa. He served as administrator of the Iowa Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association. He also was involved in a wide array of Des Moines civic organizations.

SUCCESS ALUMNI who have productive and fulfilling lives and who can look back on

their time at Simpson and realize how their experiences have impacted them both personally and professionally.

CURRENT STUDENTS who find out they can do more than they ever thought

FRIENDS OF THE COLLEGE who, despite not having earned a degree here,

possible in their classes, through internships, by taking leadership roles, by selflessly providing service to others and by learning how to really learn.

realize the value of a strong liberal arts education and the important role it plays in developing tomorrow’s leaders.

FACULTY who work diligently to provide a meaningful education and develop

personal connections with students to create a solid foundation for learning and for life.

STAFF MEMBERS who lend their talents to support the college in its quest to deliver the Simpson Experience to all students.


, it’s much more than a slogan. It’s When we say what we do and who we are. It’s all of us, working together to better the world. One day, one student and one future at a time.

THE MAGA ZINE | FA L L 2 0 1 3


701 North C Street Indianola, Iowa 50125 800.610.6369 l www.simpson.edu


HONK IF YOU LOVE SIMPSON! Next time you’re traveling down the road, be looking for the new Simpson College passenger bus. The 35-passenger bus joined the fleet this summer and will fill a variety of needs, including transporting athletes to away venues, bringing prospective students to campus for visits and taking students on May term trips. But best of all, it will be a very visible “billboard on wheels” for Simpson.

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