Amsterdam Ideas 2014

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Amsterdam Ideas Day

This booklet gives an overview of the Ideas Amsterdam in preperation for the contribution for the Mayors Challenge 2013-2014 of Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Set up Former Mayor of NYC Michael Bloomberg and Bloomberg Philanthropies challenged European cities (>100,000 inhabitants) to come up with the best and boldest idea. Mayor Eberhard van der Laan then challenged the people of Amsterdam to help him out with Amsterdam’s idea. On the 9th of January 2014 over 350 people came together for a mega brainstorm. A top 10 of ideas was selected by the crowd. Mayor Van der Laan offered these 10 ideas and their contributers his full support to bring the ideas to fruition and implementation. Amsterdam´s application to the Mayors Challenge was based on a combination of three of the ideas of Ideas Day. as

Amsterdam Idea Day


Mayors Challenge Play2Work Europe


Amsterdam Ideas CommonSensing 10 Green Climate Belt 12 Meet my Amsterdam 14 Rainproof 16 Ring Ring 18 Urban Acupuncture 20 WitKar 22

the contribution of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge. The other 7 ideas are now open to be developed further with Amsterdam´s partners. Here you will find Amsterdam´s Mayors Challenge application Play2Work Europe and an overview of the Amsterdam ideas still being pursued as a result of Ideas Day and the Mayor’s unwavering commitment to innovation.

Facts 1 day 1 challenge 350+ people 5 idea rooms 10 ideas for the city 1 idea for Bloomberg Philanthropies


January 9th 2014 work, sign in, skype, sketch, prototype, presentations



Mayors Challenge Play2Work Europe Play2Work Europe is a European empowerment programme for vocationally trained young adults (aged 15-25). This programme offers a chance to gain self-esteem and motivation, 21stcentury skills (like creativity, teamwork and international collaboration) and work experience through serious gaming in collaboration with a European network of business and government. Recruitment. A large proportion of the target group is invisible to government and business at this moment. Through a social media recruitment tool, they will be engaged and invited to participate. The Game. A selected group of young adults then enters the game and its multi-level trajectory. Passing through consecutive levels, the players acquire new practical skills. If they are successful, step by step and over the course of time,


they close the gap to the labour market. The game levels are based on acquiring (1) a talent & motivation boost (2) 21st century skills (3) work experience. Offline coaching provided by the business partners’ employees is available to support the players. In the end, they are prepped for employment at one of the partnering companies. If desired, the ‘winners’ can use the international network of Play2Work Europe to go on international exchange. The Network. The Mayor of Amsterdam will invite the 182 cities participating in the Mayors Challenge to join the Play2Work Europe network. Together, they acknowledge the urgency of the topic of youth unemployment and form a network with business leaders. On a day-to-day basis the programme is facilitated by a central office. The game is standardized throughout the network.

Dear Mr. Mayor, I hope you will find the time to read my very personal note. I never thought I would write you, until I looked back on my time with Play2Work Europe and the way it has changed me. Discovering my talents and goals in life was the biggest reward I could receive. I know of your personal involvement with the programme and I want to send you all the support (and all the ‘likes’) I can send. I remember receiving an invitation via Facebook just when I had given up hope after all my letters had been rejected. The game intrigued me with funny questions and tough challenges. The assignments forced me to think about what I am good at. I met a cool coach who works at a company I just loved and I’m still in touch with her. And best of all was the working experience I got through Play2Work. I landed an assignment in Ankara! It was the most exciting thing I ever did! As they say in Turkey, güzel! Now I work at the House of Denim in Amsterdam, in a team with my former coach. My manager is still helping me develop and says there is a great future ahead of me. I would like to share this experience with others that need the support. We should join forces and involve as many other people in Europe as possible. I would be happy to be your first ambassador! Best, Soraya



JANUARY 9 2014

WORK europe




Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family.

PLAY MEET SORAYA Soraya finished her study a few months ago. Till now she wasn’t able to find a job.



Play2work tracked Soraya down via social media and invited her to start the online game.


WORK europe

login: password:











WORK europe




Local opportunities grow to international possibilities.

Sven is a professional trainer. He gives the group practial tips on applying for a job.


JOB! (:

Caring is sh arin g

Here she met some other participants.

ou learn as y rn Ea

Peter works at one of the affiliated companies. As a buddy he helps Soraya both online and offline.

After a few weeks playing the game, we invited Soraya for an offline get-together at one of the local locations.

Thanks to Play2work, Soraya could find a great job, and looks back on a life changing experience.

ek we O! s i Th l HER a loc

TALENT & MOTIVATION BOOST Getting started to discover who you are, what you want and what you can.


WORK EXPERIENCE Samantha is the owner of one of the participating SMEs. She challenges a group of participants to think about an problem case.



Ways of thinking. Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learning Ways of working. Communication and collaboration


What if the canals would be clean enough to swim, or even drink from? Only recently the possibility of such an idea has been proposed as a feasible civic project. Next to the recreational benefits of clean canals, increased biodiversity in the urban core of Amsterdam, and a general more healthy and beautiful city centre are imaginable. Insight into the condition of the canals remains a technocratic ordeal, dominated by reports that are centrally produced by the cities water agency CommonSensing waternet. While most citizens of Amsterdam have no way of CommonSensing stelt burgers staat knowing what is actually in the canals, everyonein assumes they are dirty.zorg Amsterpods seeksvoor to democratize actief te dragen hun eigenthis condition and make information about the quality of


designed as ecological habitats where urban wildlife can

“By making real-time data publicly lay eggs and rest: biodiversity in the canalbelt. In this way Amsterdam’s ambition to enhance its urban ecology accessible and legible it becomes , clean its water system, and make public data more Bijlage information and empowers people to transparent will all be achieved in one project. VOOrbEEld uItWErkING: WatEr - lIlypOd take action together” Solution



CommonSensing Based on open-source technology the Amsterpod measures pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity (salinity), and temperature give a good CommonSensing is ato sensor withbasic reading of water quality fluctuations for an affordable price. The an online platform that provides an affordability of the sensor allows many to be deployed,


overview of air and water quality and leefomgeving shares data. CommonSensing makes en de overheid scherp te houden. it possible for private citizens to help CommonSensing start met drie care for their own living environment Amsterdamse pilotprojecten op fysieke and keep the government on its toes. locaties. Hierbij combineren we remote It contributes to the implementation of sensing data met publieke en plekpolicies on water and air quality in the specifieke gegevens. Hiermee kunnen city. CommonSensing is launching three lokale urgenties worden geagendeerd pilot projects in physical locations in en duurzame oplossingen geïnitieerd. De Berlin river swimming Copenhagen Harbor Bath Zurich river quay Amsterdam, combining remote sensing pilotprojecten zijn allemaal gericht op data with public and location-specific het zichtbaar/tastbaar maken van data data. This makes it possible to put urgent in het publieke domein. De visie strekt local issues on the agenda and initiate echter verder dan de realiteit waarmee sustainable solutions. The pilot projects we beginnen. Het draagt bij aan het are all aimed at making data visualizable implementeren van beleid op het gebied and tangible in the public domain. van water- en luchtkwaliteit in de stad. However, the overarching vision goes Reflecting Stars - Manhatten NewYork HowlerYoon - Philladelphia LillypPod - Opensource water sensor beyond the reality that is our starting point.

TRANSMIT Affordable wireless water quality sensors continuously measure pollution at hundreds of locations


Data is sent to modem within 100m radius through cheap wireless technology.



Data is transformed and organised and made suiteable for extraction in open-source database.



Through webmap, data is geographically displayed and visualised in hourly, weekly and yearly intervals





a culture with strong tradition in water management launching the pods in Amsterdam could be the logic start of an international role out..”

With acquired insight people contribute the cleaning process of the canals, through website initiatives can be posted.




economische groei

A green swath that filters carbon dioxide from the air thanks to a new cultivar of the Viburnum lantana shrub or Wayfaring Tree. Hedgerows (coulisses) in and around the city improve the quality of life. The hedgerows stand out from other green areas due to their distinctive combination of plants and the way that they are managed. Quality hedgerows consist of a balanced mix of indigenous evergreens and specially cultivated climate-adaptive vegetation. A quality hedgerow structure (‘green climate belt) can be adapted to almost any situation. The aim is to place and plant these specially cultivated plant species at various locations in and around the city, possibly combined with educational activities.

groen binnen ieders bereik

Een groene structuur die de co2 uit de lucht haalt door het planten van de nieuwe een cultivar van de Wollige Sneeuwbal Viburnum lantana (Latijnse naam)de ‘Groene Junk’. De realisatie van groencoulissen in en om de stad verbetert de leefkwaliteit. De coulissen onderscheiden zich van ander groen door de plantsamenstelling en de beheermethode. Kwaliteitscoulissen bestaan uit een gebalanceerde mix van inheemse, groenblijvende en speciaal gekweekte klimaatadaptieve vegetatie. Voor vrijwel iedere situatie is een inrichtingsvorm in kwaliteitscoulissen (‘groene junks’). Inzet is het plaatsen en planten van deze speciaal geteelde plantensoort(en) op verschillende locaties in en om de stad, eventueel gecombineerd met een educatief aanbod.

toenemend toerisme

The green climate belt luchtkwaliteit problematiek

De Groene Klimaatgordel

balans tussen leefklimaat en groei toenemende bevolking


de groene klimaatgordel bewonerswens groen dicht bij huis

verdediging leefomgevingsklimaat


toekomstbestendig groen Groenbeheer- en ziektekosten voor maatschappij voordeliger. Door meer waardering van groen. En meer wandelen, bewegen en gezond leven.

de stelling van amsterdam Verdediging klimaat en levenskwaliteit. Biedt touristen ruimere en interessante mogelijkheden voor een bezoek aan Amsterdam.

777 ecorridors



NL Meet my Amsterdam

Meet my Amsterdam

Voorstel logo Meet my Amsterdam / Copyrights, Gies Art & Design / januari 2014

Een platform om toeristen aan Amsterdammers te koppelen. Daarmee leren zij elkaar beter kennen, spreidt het toerisme zich beter over de stad, en krijgen toeristen ook de kans iets terug te doen voor hun omgeving. Het programma is een mengvorm van online en offline ontmoetingen en stimuleert de economie en levendigheid van de wijk of buurt. De Amsterdamse ‘hosts’ krijgen daarnaast trainingen aangeboden om hun gastheerschap te versterken.


EN A platform for creating connections between tourists and Amsterdam residents. Tourists and locals get to know each other better, tourism is distributed more evenly across the city, and tourists get the chance to give something back to the city they’re visiting. The program combines online and offline encounters, boosting the economy and promoting lively neighborhoods and districts. Training courses are offered to the Amsterdam ‘hosts’ to help them maximize their hospitality.



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Buurtcafé lid van MMA

Meet my Amsterdam Café

Wijk MMA Café

Inwoner West

Meet my Amsterdam Website


Verblijf Trein

Inwoner Schiphol


•Training •Ontmoeting •Vergoeding •Economische ontwikkeling (spin-offs)

•Economische flow •Trots op wijk •Contact met toeristen •Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor ondernemers



•Beleven Amsterdamse Cultuur •Person-to-Person contact •Beoordelings systeem •Veiligheid

•Toerist draagt bij aan kwaliteit van leven van de inwoners •Economische ontwikkeling in wijk •Participatie inwoners •Verspreiding van toerisme over de stad

• Nieuwe concepten • Onderneming • Positieve ervaringen • Leren • Nieuw netwerk







Amsterdam Rainproof is een open platform en zet in op bottomup duurzame verbindingen en crowdsourcing, dit alles met als doel om catastrofale water-/regenschade te voorkomen. De Amsterdammer krijgt door Rainproof zelf het roer in handen om zijn voeten en die van de stad droog te houden. Dat gebeurt doordat iedereen met belang bij ‘het water in de stad’ met elkaar wordt verbonden. Samen dragen zij bij aan een regenbestendige stad waarin regenwater van potentiële ramp in een geschenk verandert.

Amsterdam Rainproof ensures that the city is more capable of accommodating heavy rainfall by restructuring Amsterdam’s water storage capacity. As an open platform, Rainproof uses crowdsourcing and sustainable connections structured from the bottom up to prevent catastrophic damage from water and rainfall. Rainproof puts the controls in the hands of Amsterdam’s inhabitants, helping them keep their feet dry and keep the city above water. Its approach connects everyone and anyone who has a stake in the city’s water. Together, they contribute to a rainproof city that transforms rainwater from a potential disaster into a welcome gift.

Vaker een heftige bui in korte tijd

Wolkbreuk Kopenhagen 2 juli 2011

150 mm

in 2 uur

€ schade 1.€ 500.000.000 aan investeringen

Samen slim investeren

Niet wachten tot de bui valt

€ €


€ €

Amsterdam nu

Amsterdam Rainproof





Ring Ring

Ring Ring

Ring Ring is een online platform met een app waarop je fietskilometers kan bijhouden. Per kilometer krijg je punten. Met deze punten krijg je korting bij lokale ondernemers. Ook is het mogelijk om met de buurt fietskilometers bij elkaar te fietsen om daarmee buurtinitiatieven te ondersteunen en realiseren. Het Ring Ring-platform (dat in een eerste versie al bestaat) stimuleert fietsen als gezonde gewoonte, reduceert fijnstof, stimuleert lokale ondernemers en levert interessante data om het fietsgedrag van de Amsterdammer te analyseren. Meer informatie vindt u op

Ring Ring is an online platform with an app that lets you keep track of the distances you cover on your bicycle. You earn points for every kilometer – and you can use these points to get discounts from local shops. Entire neighborhoods can work together to raise cycling kilometers to support and launch neighborhood initiatives. The Ring Ring platform (already released in beta) encourages cycling as a healthy habit, reduces fine particle emissions, supports local shops, and provides interesting data to analyze the cycling habits of Amsterdam’s inhabitants. More information:

Public Space better 4 stakeholders local government | employers health insurance | retail CycleMiles

HealthCare costs down Local Economy up 2


CO down





Stedelijke Acupunctuur

Urban Acupuncture

Stedelijke acupunctuur slaat de brug tussen initiatieven en geschikte, onbenutte locaties. Hierbij komt energie vrij en krijgt de omgeving een impuls. Het biedt een faciliteit die het probleem van de leegstand eenvoudig koppelt aan de vele initiatieven op dit gebied. Het laat kansen zien voor de stad. Initiatieven krijgen waar nodig advies en ondersteuning vanuit een klankbord van experts. Er wordt laagdrempeligheid nagestreefd en het traject van aanmelding tot realisatie is zo kort mogelijk.

Stedelijke Acupunctuur (Urban Acupuncture) offers an easy way to link empty buildings to the city’s many initiatives. By building bridges between new ideas and suitable, unused locations, it creates social energy and brings fresh incentives to the surrounding area. It reveals opportunities for the city. Where needed, initiatives receive advice and support from an expert panel. Easy-access contact is the aim, keeping the process from application to implementation as short as possible.

Geef een laatste uiting aan het idee. Vat het samen in max 200 woorden

Zie afbeelding ► Bijlage max 1 a4 met visualisatie of infographic van het idee.







De Nieuwe WitKar wordt een elektrische deelauto ten behoeve van voor- en na- transport in en om de stad. De voertuigen zullen worden uitgerust met een stadsbrede autodateparkeervergunning en de nieuwste electronica. Met het concept van de WitKar wordt een nieuw segment in de markt aangeboord, te weten dat van het ultrakort autodelen.

This electric car-sharing program is intended for pick-ups and drop-offs in and around the city. The vehicles will be equipped with a city-wide car-sharing parking permit and the very latest onboard electronics. The WitKar concept explores a new market segment: ultrashort car-sharing.

Pagina "6 van 6 "





Meer informatie over de Amsterdamse ideeĂŤn vindt u op:

More information about the Amsterdam Ideas (Dutch):

Meer informatie over de Mayors Challenge en Bloomberg Philantrhopies vindt u op:

More information about the Mayors Challenge and Bloomberg Philanthropies:

Meer informatie over Amsterdam

More information about Amsterdam

Heeft u vragen stel ze gerust aan: Gidion Peters, of Femke Haccou,

For questions please contact Gidion Peters, or Femke Haccou,




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