The Beat 22 February 2013

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22 February 2013

High winds batter buildings

Large parts of Khabele Primary School’s roof blew off during the windstorm, causing the wet ceilings to collapse into the classrooms. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba A fierce storm wind, which came from the west, left Khabele Primary School limping in its path of destruction. Khabele Primary School felt the full force of the windstorm that hit Bela Bela on Thursday, 14 February. The wind left six classes without a roof. The Grade R, Grade 1 and Grade 2 classes were the worst hit with roof plates blown off and ceilings falling in. According to Mike Letlalo, teacher at Khabele Primary School, the storm came

out of nowhere and unleashed its force on the school. He said that the teachers were in a meeting at another school when the wind struck. “It only took 40 minutes to destroy large parts of the roof,” he said. Some parts of the roof that was blown off landed on the soccer field and was recovered there. Other roof plates were found leaning against a wall at Mmamakwa Primary School. Letlalo said that Khabele was waiting for the Department of Public Works to evaluate the damage costs. In the meantime, the Grade R classes moved to the school

Municipal council dragged to court

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RDP houses in Mookgophong were severely damaged in a windstorm that hit the town. The houses were left without roofs and severe structural damage. Photo: TK Mashaba hall while the Grade 1 and Grade 2 classes moved to a few spare classrooms that were on hand. On the same day, high winds also struck Mookgophong and caused severe damage to several RDP houses in the area. The houses suffered severe damage including structural damage and roof plates being blown off. The houses are open to the elements, leaving electrical wires open to rain and the weather, creating hazardous circumstances. According to Sello Nkoana, ANC Youth League chairperson in the area, said that

families were left without cover after the wind blew off the roofs of their homes. Nkoana said that four families were affected by the storm. Nkoana told The BEAT that they sent a letter to the municipality for assistance for these families, but received no answer. He asked for urgent assistance and donations to help the families who are left out in the cold. The BEAT contacted the Mookgophong municipality for comment, but at the time of going to press, the municipality did not respond to our enquiries.

Premier sees urgency in service delivery

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22 February, 2013

Court controversy for Bela Bela Municipality Ingrid Pepler The on-going discord in the Bela Bela municipal council has reached new and unprecedented levels. In a new twist in this saga, an executive council member this week brought an urgent application in the High Court in Pretoria to set aside the alleged appointment of the town’s new manager of corporate services. Councillor Lucas Nhlapo also asked the court to issue an urgent order compelling the municipal council to appoint a new manager in the corporate services division within thirty days. The man, who, according to Nhlapo, should rightfully have been appointed in this position, is a lawyer and the second applicant in the case, Phineas Ombali Sebola. The court application was brought against the following six respondents: Clifford Motsepe, CoGHSTA MEC in Limpopo, Freddy Hlungwane, the mayor of Bela Bela, Nicholas Nyambeni, the acting municipal manager, Kobus van der Merwe, DA councillor, Bela Bela Town council and Adv. Abel Molefe Ramolotja whose appointment is now in the balance. The applicants also asked for an order for costs against Hlungwane and Van der Merwe who are both executive committee members. Alternatively, the council will have to pay the costs. By Wednesday afternoon the cost of the application already exceeded R100 000. The application concerns the alleged un-

lawful and irregular appointment of a manager in the corporate services division. In the founding affidavit Nhlapo and Sebola, state that according to Section 56 of the Municipal Systems Act the full municipal council must decide on the appointment of a manager. There is no provision in act that the municipal council may delegate such powers of appointment. The Post, The BEAT’s sister paper, contacted Hlungwane this week. He confirmed that the councillors were notified of the court action against them. Various other councillors also confirmed it. The respondents that The Post spoke to said they intended to oppose the application and that they have had discussions with their legal representatives. At the time of going to press this week these respondents were in the process of filing a notice of opposition and answering affidavits. A municipal law expert said the defendants’ affidavits would be submitted to the court this week. If the plaintiffs could not prove urgency, the case would be struck from the roll Last week The Post reported that the police were hastily summonsed to the council chambers on 5 February after a council meeting became volatile while the councillors were discussing the appointment of Sebola. Some councillors and members of the public did not want Sebola to be appointed because his qualifications had allegedly not been verified by the South African Qualifications Authority (Saqua)., Website:

Killing of women raise concerns in the Waterberg Lizzy Bapela The increasing number of women who are being killed by their partners has raised concerns in the Waterberg. This follows three recent murders that took place in Bela Bela on the same weekend. Another woman in Mookgophong was brutally murdered and her boyfriend is the suspect in the case. Mookgophong police spokesperson, Warrant Officer George Ledwaba, said that the incident happened on Sunday, 17 February, but was only discovered on Monday the 18th. He said the deceased’s daughter told the police she went to check up on her mother and turned back when she found the house locked, thinking she could have gone for drinks somewhere nearby as usual The daughter added that she came back with some of her family members on Monday, only to find her mother lying dead in cold blood.

Ledwaba said that the police and paramedics were called to the scene, whereby they certified the woman dead on arrival. He said the deceased had an open wound on her head and several open wounds on her left side of the stomach. He also said the police found a mess of things in the house. This indicates that there allegedly was a huge fight between the deceased and her suspected killer. According to the police, the deceased and her boyfriend had clashes on many occasions in the past and that made him the main suspect and led to his arrest on Monday evening. The police cannot say what kind of sharp object was used to kill her but investigations continue. Pastors and concerned residents of Bela Bela have proposed a prayer session following these incidents. Stakeholders involved in the proposal are still in plenary session to can voice out their concerns and strongly warn against these murders.

Trial start for children in stoning case TK Mashaba The six children, who stand accused of murdering three orphans by stoning them to death, will start their trial on Monday, 25 February. The trial will take place in the Mokopane Regional Court. “The six, who are still minors, has appeared in the Mookgopong Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 18 February, for a trial

date to be set,” said police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Ronel Otto. The six accused are on trial for killing 9-year-old Bafana Kekana, his brother Hosea Kekana, 10, and their cousin Johanna Kekana, 12, in August last year. The three orphans, from Mantane DropIn Centre, were found dead in the bushes at the old location in Mookgophong on Saturday, 18 August. Mookgophong police spokesperson, Warrant Officer George Ledwaba, told The BEAT that the children were found tied with shoelaces and that the young girl was raped. According to the caretakers at the centre, the children went missing on Wednesday. The caretakers indicated that the children formed part of other learners from Dikubu Primary School who were taken out of school to join a march held on that day. The National Children’s Act prevents the media from attending court proceedings, publishing photographs or naming the accused.

The Bela Bela police have made a breakthrough in arresting two suspects in connection with dagga planted at a farm in Grootfontein on Thursday, 14 February. Detectives’ commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Abel Phetla, said that the owner of the farm told the police he bought the seed for the dagga at an Agri-store in Durban and brought documents allowing him to plant it. He said that the police do not believe the allegation but will wait for forensic reports and then arrest the owner as well. Phetla said that the street value of the dagga is estimated at R250 000 and the police are still waiting for thorough investigations to estimate the value of the planted dagga at the farm. He said if the owner is found guilty, then his farm will be confiscated. Photos: Lizzy Bapela

Forty-six up for public violence

Members of the National Union of Metalworkers (NUMSA) went on strike on 10 January, causing the closure of the Medupi building site in Lephalale. Photo: Eskom Lizzy Bapela Forty-six people were arrested following a public violence that erupted at Medupi Power station in Lephalale. The incident happened on Friday, 15 February. Limpopo police spokesperson, Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi, said that workers at Medupi clashed with the police and burned Eskom vehicles. He said that the workers damaged a police vehicle and that the police condemn the violent protest. “The SAPS would like to reiterate that violent protests are completely intolerable and inexcusable in a democratic society,” he said.

“These protests are often characterised by destruction of facilities and the blocking of roads. These acts of criminality often undermine the genuine concerns raised. The SAPS will not relent to bring the perpetrators of this violence and anarchy to book,” said Mulaudzi. Mulaudzi said that most of these perpetrators benefit handsomely from the lawlessness. Mulaudzi said that the police are monitoring the situation. The 46 people who were arrested are expected to appear before the Lephalale Magistrate’s Court shortly on charges of public violence and malicious damage to property., Website:


22 February, 2013

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Promotion — Metropolitan

Ladies continue to invest in their future

Constance Mhlangu and Bulani Monyebody also attended the event.

(L-R) Penny Lebyane hosted the event while Ntombi Mponda, Wilfred Moyo, Metropolitan's Investment and Economic Strategist and Cebisa Mfenyana shared valuable information with the ladies. Metropolitan kicked off its annual Invest in Your Future Financial Health and Wellness Workshops in Hammanskraal earlier this month. About 200 energised and motivated women from the surrounding areas arrived at the Hammanskraal Community Centre eager to gain financial and health insights. Popular MC Penny Lebyane hosted the event whilst various fitness and health experts kept the audience engaged, intrigued and informed throughout the morning. Various spot prizes were up for grabs, and the guests were treated to informative talks on health, financial wellness and easy ways to eat healthier. Various Metropolitan products and services, like policies and saving plans, were explained to the guests enabling the guests to make informative and decisions regarding

their personal finances. Ntombi Mponda, Brand Experience Manager at Metropolitan says, "We had a fantastic response and were inspired by the warmth of these amazing women," says Ntombi Mponda, Brand Experience Manager at Metropolitan. "These events are about taking the first step and staying committed to your savings goal. The ladies had a wonderful time, but also learnt that, by just saving a little each month and choosing the right financial products to suit their needs, they can help shape their own financial futures.'' This event, the first one this year, is part of Metropolitan's way of empowering communities to confidently shape their future. Watch out, we could be in your area next!

Several women attended the Metropolitan event, aimed at equipping them with information to make better financial choices.

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22 February, 2013, Website:

Premier emphasise service delivery during Lekgotla Lizzy Bapela

The Limpopo premier, Cassel Mathale spoke at great lengths about the urgency of service delivery improvements in the province, especially clean water. Photo as illustration



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Postnet Suite 80 Privaatsak X1604 Bela-Bela 0480

Limpopo premier, Cassel Mathale, led members of the provincial Executive Council (EXCO) during the 2013 Budget Lekgotla hosted by the provincial government. The two-day Lekgotla was held at the Forever Resort Warmbaths, in Bela Bela, on Tuesday, 12-, and Wednesday, 13 February. Financial year in review The meeting presented an opportunity for the government to assess progress made in implementing service delivery plans during the current financial year. The EXCO Lekgotla reviewed the provincial and municipal expenditure trends to date, forecasted expenditure up to the end of the 2012/13 financial year and the budgetary requirements or the 2013/14 and 2014/15 Medium Term Expenditure Framework period. Spokesperson for the provincial government, Mashadi Mathosa, said that the objectives of the EXCO Lekgotla are to confirm the priorities and budget requirements for the 2013/ 2014 to 2014/2015 financial year and to assess progress on the implementation of the clean audit strategy 2014. Provincial growth a priority Mathosa said that the EXCO Lekgotla received a report on the provincial growth points. A comprehensive report on the analysis of municipalities’ IDPs for the current financial year was also presented. Mayors, heads of departments, municipal managers, leaderships of state-owned entities and chairpersons of the House of Traditional Leaders also attended the EXCO Lekgotla. Service delivery is key In his opening address, Mathale said that the government must push very hard and move with speed in implementing all outstanding service delivery projects since the EXCO Lekgotla is taking place al-

most a year before the 2014 General Elections. He said that, at some point, they would account for every minute spent in office and everything they did or failed to do as the government. He highlighted his government’s primary responsibilities. These responsibilities include creating decent job opportunities for the people, expand and build health care infrastructure, comprehensively develop our rural communities, fight crime and corruption and provide quality education, which is easily accessible. Mathale said that they have long agreed that forward and integrated planning is the best method that must be employed in the government’s operation and they have achieved that in certain instances. He said that the planning that they are speaking about could only be achieved if politicians and administrators are doing what is expected from them. “We have a compelling obligation to succeed in our assignment because failure is not an option. The African National Congress has directed us to accelerate the provision of clean running water to our people. Our service delivery centres, which are responsible to provide water to our communities, must do so without any waste of time. We must exploit all avenues that will enable us to succeed in this regard,” he said. Mathale said that the building of suitable human settlements, sanitation facilities and provision of electricity must also remain top on the government’s agenda. He said at the centre of their mandate is their basic primary responsibility to work hard to better the living conditions of the people. “We have clear policies which must be immediately implemented to initiate ways and means that will grow our economy. At the same time we must speed up the wheels

of service delivery, especially the creation of job opportunities for our youth and women, expand our infrastructure, build rural economies and empower our communities,” said Mathale. LEDA to take the lead He emphasised the fact that the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA) has a mandate to realise these burning obligations. He said that LEDA must operate differently and lead the way in establishing and building a strong cooperative movement in the province. Mathale said LEDA must also improve the tourism industry, ensure mining beneficiation for communities through a state owned enterprise, grow the agricultural economy and make Limpopo an industrious province. He called on the agency to collaborate with institutions of higher learning and further education centres to ensure that there is skills development for the people; especially the young ones. Expertise needed Mathale said money is available for service delivery but is returned because it could not be spend. All while communities are in dire need of services. He called on the audience to come up with a resolve to use infrastructure money for its original purpose and to guard against returning of funds. The premier said that service delivery centres that lack technical expertise to ensure that infrastructure grants are used must be assisted immediately. He said failure to use the grant because of inadequate capacity must not be left without consequences. “Every municipality and department has an immediate obligation to ensure that all critical vacant positions are filled by people with the required skills and commitment to service,” Mathale concluded.

From prisoners to graduates in Modimolle

Municipality Harry Gwala Str. 6, Private Bag X1008, Modimolle 0510

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all interested parties who had contractual obligations with Arabest CC on advertising boards/notices that the municipality has terminated the agency agreement with the company Arabest CC. The agency agreement is terminated effectively from 1 February 2013. All affected parties are hereby requested to visit the office of Mr Patrick Shika or alternatively Mr David Molekoa at the municipal offices, First Floor between 08:00 and 16:00 from Mondays – Fridays. You are hereby requested to submit contract documents entered into Arabest 121CC between yourself and the service provider and or any other proof deemed necessary. Members of the community business communities and the public at large are hereby by notified to remove all the illegal boards erected within our jurisdiction. The illegal boards does not conform to Town Planning Acts, Municipal By-Laws, Road Traffic Act and Advertising Standards. Applications may be made with the office of Mr Patrick Shika at (014) 718 2045 or 083 287 3336. The Civic Centre O R Tambo Square Harry Gwala Street N J MOAGI MODIMOLLE 0510 ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice number 9/2/2013 – 18/2/2013

The offenders perform a jazz dance during the graduation and award ceremony. Photo: Mzamane Ringane Mzamane Ringane Offenders at the Modimolle Correctional Service Centre dressed to kill last Wednesday, 13 February, when they attended their graduations and award ceremony. The centre awarded the offenders with Adult Education and Training (AET) Level 4 certificates and behaviour certificates. The Waterberg Department of Education human resources

deputy manager, Lesiba Mashishi, urged the offenders to become better people in the community, once they are released. Mashishi said that South Africa was one of the countries with the highest number of prisoners. He gave the correctional management and staff a pat on the shoulder for allowing offenders an opportunity to become better people in the society. “You have opened the prison doors for teaching and learning not because you want prison population

to be reduced and you retrenched, but for a good cause. I am saying this because Victor Hugo once said ‘he who opens a school door closes a prison’. Your intention is to develop the prisoners and make them better human beings,” said Mashishi. Mashishi advised the offenders not to relax, but to continue with learning and studying in order to secure a better future. “Your level 4 certificate is a preparation for life, not life itself. That certificate will allow you to muster tolerance, respect and compassion. The more you learn, the more you will learn who you are, what are your believes and you will also develop a sense of humour”, Mashishi said. Reverend Motshwara Maleho gave a motivational talk to the offenders, advising them lead better lives. Maleho frequently quoted from the Bible as he spoke to the offenders. The Modimolle Correctional Centre asked local residents to donate books for the offenders. The main aim is to ensure that inmates are allowed an opportunity to equip themselves with reading skills. Any person who is willing to help can contact the Modimolle Correctional Centre on 014 717 2573 and ask for Lethabo Mothapo or Cedric Makhobela., Website:

Violence against women It is as if something collectively happened to the South African community over the past three weeks. Gruesome stories of murder and rape dominated the headlines and conversations. Local communities were also shocked by brutal family and domestic murders. A high profile domestic shooting brought the message home; women in South Africa are under attack. The South African Institute of Race Relations revealed that 2488 adult women have been murdered in South Africa per year. This means that seven women are murdered every day in South Africa. In another study, by the Medical Research Council of SA data shows that most violence against women is perpetrated by their husbands, boyfriends or intimate partners. In fact, the report indicated that a woman was killed by her intimate partner every eight minutes in this country. Unfortunately, South Africans seem to have a very high tolerance of violence against women. This is evident by the reaction that The BEAT received about the killing of Kedibone Kwadi. People were outraged by the murder, but many asked why she cheated on him. There is no evidence that Kedibone ever cheated on her boyfriend. These rumours only started after the murder. If she did cheat on him, did she deserve the death penalty? The shooting and killing of Reeva Steenkamp, allegedly by Oscar Pistorius, has drawn the spotlight on South Africa’s high crime levels. The incident was the latest in a string of murders and near-killings of women by their husbands, boyfriends or intimate partners. However, it took a murder involving a celebrity to remind the people about the crimes perpetrated against women by their partners. Suddenly everybody is outraged. They organise protests and walk around wearing black to show their support for the cause. Unfortunately, this will have no impact on actual statistics. No wifebeater stops in the middle of a beating to think about a poster that he saw on the street. The only way to combat this scourge on our society effectively is to implement the laws that are already in our law books. The only way to ensure that these laws are implemented on every level of society is to educate the people. Children should be taught from a young age that violence is never a solution. Men should be taught that women are not possessions. Women should be taught that they are worth more than they think.

Tel: (011) 447-1264/5/6

COPYRIGHT The reproduction or broadcast without written permission of any material published in The Beat and its supplements is forbidden and expressly reserved to Upfront Events Two CC, under section 12(7) of the Copyright Act, 1978 and any amendment thereof. The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC. The Beat: 7 Minnaar Street, Tel: (014) 736-2723, Fax: (014) 736-3428, PO Box 16, Bela-Bela. Email: The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC and is printed by Paarl Coldset, 83 Heidelberg Rd, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.


22 February, 2013

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The Holy Spirit is our comforter Bishop Silas Tlou

The state of dilapidation is evident from this photo of the netball courts at the Bela Bela Community Hall. The fence has fallen over and is in dire need of repair. Photo: TK Mashaba.

The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have a great story or something that you want us to bring to light, please email or send an SMS to one of our reporters. Lizzy: 076 609 7644 or TK: 076 756 9740. We would also LOVE to see some of your weird and wonderful photos for our editorial page. Do not delay, just contact us today!


are proud to:

• provide our readers with complete, accurate, credible and objective news reporting • remain unbiased under all circumstances • strive to reflect the truth, objectivity and interests of the community in our reporting • support and contribute to freedom of speech, human rights and the economical and social upliftment of the towns and regions of our readers

The dictionary described comfort as a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. That is a reasonably good general explanation of comfort, but such conditions can happen as much from bad things, as good things. False comfort, deadly comfort, can come from alcohol or drug abuse, or other self-destructive substances or habits, that all too often result in misery and death after, or even while, they provide their “comfort.” The Word of God also speaks of comfort, but of a kind that is based upon truth; a comfort that enhances physical life while the process toward eternal life is happening. The Comforter of God’s people is the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is an advocate, someone who provides both advice and moral support. John 14:15-18 – “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever, the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” Jesus Christ plainly says here, “If you love Me, you will keep My Commandments,” and then the Comforter will come. The coming of the Holy Spirit of God is conditional upon obedience to God. Jesus repeats this command a second time, just a little further on in the passage. The Holy Spirit will only come to us, if we are obedient to God’s will. John 14:23-27 – “Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me. “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” The Holy Spirit also brings us freedom. Romans 8: 2 - “The Holy Spirit will give you life that comes from Christ Jesus and will set you free from sin and death.” The Holy Spirit prays on our behalf. Romans 8: 26 – “In certain ways we are weak, but the Spirit is here to help us. For example, when we don’t know what to pray for, the Spirit prays for us in ways that cannot be put into words.” The Holy Spirit is God, the third Person of the Trinity. As God, the Holy Spirit can truly function as the Comforter and Counsellor that Jesus promised He would be.

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SMALLS BELA BELA SALVAGE AUCTION, Industriard 2, Bela Bela. 014-7363143. Next Auction Sat 16/2/2013 at 11:00. Vanessa 0814679690


22 February, 2013

Limited Plaintiff and Mokgaetji Johanna Rakumako Defendant A sale in execution of the undermentioned property is to be held by the Sheriff of Nylstroom, at the Magistrate’s court, Van Emmenes Street, Nylstroom on Thursday, 07 March 2013 at 11H00. Full conditions of sale can be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff Nylstroom, No. 50 Leyds Street, Nylstroom, who can be contacted on (014) 717 3647, and will be read out prior to the sale taking place. No

warranties are given with regard to the description, extent and/or improvements of the property. Property: Portion 2 of erf 571 Nylstroom Ext 4, Registration Division; KR Limpopo Province, measuring 1148 square metres,also known as 13A Smith Street, Nylstroom Ext 4. Improvements: Vacant Land Zoned residential. FINDLAY & NIEMEYER INCORPORATED Attorneys for Plaintiff


Bela Land-use Scheme 2008, I we, the undersigned, intend applying to the Bela-Bela Municipality for Special Consent to establish a Paraffin Tanker on Portion 58 a portion of portion 2 of the farm Het Bad 465 KR zoned Business 1 known as Route 101 Business Park, Potgieter Street BelaBela Unit E2, E3, E4. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hous at Bela-Bela Cash and Carry Portion 58 a portion of portion 2 of the farm, Website:

Het Bad 465 KR known as Route 101 Business Park, Potgieter Stree BelaBela Unit E2, E3, E4 or at the offices of the Manager: Planning and Development, Bela-Bela Municipality, Chris Hani Drive, Bela-Bela. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof in writing, with both the Manager: Planning and Development, BelaBela Municipality and the undersigned not later than 15

March 2013. Applicant’s Details: Full name: Devland Cash & Carry Pty Ltd Reg No: 1997/ 003371/07 Address: Unit E2, Portion 58 a portion 2 of the farm Het Bad 465 KR known as Route 101 Bisiness Park, Potgieter Street Bela-Bela. Tel: (Home) 083 786 7358 (Zakir Moola) Tel: (Work) 083 786 7358 (01/3). MODIMOLLE LOCAL MUNICIPALITYAMENDMENT SCHEME NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORAMENDMENT OF THE TOWNPLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWNPLANNINGAND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) I, Nicola Ludik being the authorized agent for the registered owners of the following properties hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Modimolle Local Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning scheme in operationknown as the Modimolle Land Use Scheme, 2004 by the rezoning of the property described below, situated

within the juriction of the Modimolle Local Municipality as follows: MODIMOLLE AMENDMENT SCHEME 277: -Erf 25/2964 Nylstroom Ext 11, located in the Koro Creek Golf Estate, Modimolle from “Special” for Corporate Units and / or “Residential” purposes to “Business 3”; All relevant documents relating to the applications will be open for inspection during normal office hours at the offices of the Modimolle Local Municipality, The Divisional Manager: To w n - P l a n n i n g , Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, Harry Gwala Street, Modimolle for a period of 28 days i.e. 22 February 2013 to 22 March 2013. Any person who wishes to object to the applications or submit representations in respect thereof must lodge the same in writing to Private Bag x1008, Modimolle 0510 or lodge it with the Modimolle Local Municipality at its address and room number specified above on or before 22 March 2013. Name and address of agent: Nicola Ludik, ALTO AFRICA TOWN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS, P.O. Box 3007, Modimolle,0510. Tel: 076 606 6372 (01/ 3).

Mokgadi Rashalaga and her younger brother, Khutso, dressed to kill for the Valentine’s Day event that was held at their school, Spa Park Primary, on Friday, 15 February. Photo: Lizzy Bapela, Website:


22 February, 2013

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Belgian students assist learners Bela Bela Pirates stand to win in Stream A

These Belgian students were photographed assisting learners Bela Bela’s Mmamakwa Full Service School. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela Total Surrender are the favourites to end at the top of the Stream A log of the SAFA Waterberg regional league. Photo: TK Mashaba. TK Mashaba As the second season of the SAFA Regional Waterberg league draws to an end, there are clear favourites to come out on top in the three streams of the league. Stream A In Stream A, Bela Bela Pirates have to win their last game of the season to be crowned as the stream champions. Pirates, who are currently in the first position with 26 points, will face Modimolle’s Troublemakers, who are standing on fifth position. This match follows the Pirates’ 5-2 victory over NTK Happy Boys on Saturday, 16 February. However, the Pirates face an uphill battle this weekend as Troublemakers want to strengthen their position. Troublemakers have games outstanding and their standing on the league log could improve dramatically depending on these results. Total Surrender also stand a chance to win Stream A. They are in the second position with 25 points; only one point behind Bela Bela Pirates. They have two outstanding matches in hand and the results could go either way. This past weekend, Total Surrender beat A1 Terrors 2-0 and they will be facing Young Black Lizards next. Lizards lost 5-1 to Diesel n Dust. Bazooka will face A1 Terrors after their loss of 4-2 against Troublemakers. In Stream B, there is still a long road ahead because the stream has 12 teams on the log. In order to accommodate all teams in the fixtures, more time is needed. Yster United

are in first position on the Steam B log. Stream C The league season will also end for Stream C this weekend, except for a few outstanding games that have to be played. Seleka Callies are in first position and they are confident that they will be the ultimate champions of the Waterberg league. Seleka won by default on Saturday, 16 February, when Zaba FC did not show up for their match. They will face Super Eagles next. Ocean Birds are in second position of the Stream C log. Ocean Birds stand a good chance to win the stream if they win all their remaining games. They have four games in hand. Weekend of defaults and draws Ocean Birds beat Domingos 1-0 over the last weekend and Barcelona won by default against Super Eagles. Mogul also won by default when Sea Robbers did not pitch. Dimakatso Sundowns handed free points to Real Madrid when they did not show up for their game. On Saturday, 16 February, Yster United played to a 3-3 draw with Thaba FC, while Mookgophong All Stars played to a 1-1 draw with Benefica. It was a weekend of draws because Simple Yellows and Maxoma FC also played to a 0-0 draw. Mosesetjane All Stars beat Mokopane Stone Breakers 4-0 while Mokopane Morning Stars beat Dynasty 3-2. On Sunday, 17 February, Yster United FC beat Maxoma FC 5-2 in a game that thrilled soccer fans in the Waterberg.

BBEAG to bring debating skills to schools TK Mashaba The Bela Bela Education Advocacy Group (BBEAG) is well known in the Waterberg for the work that they do to help learners and educators reach their full potential. The BBEAG held their annual leadership development camp three weeks ago. During the camp, the decision was made to implement new strategies to ensure learners achieve their goals. One of the new plans that the BBEAG wants to implement is to bring back the debating competition between Bela Bela High School, Raeleng Secondary School and Maope High School. The organisation made a resolution that learners should be more confident when they are asked to debate something, no matter what topic they face. According to Mike Makhubela, the corporate coordinator of the BBEAG, the three schools will take part in a debating competition where learners will be pitched against each other. “The winners will receive trophies and medals from the BBEAG,” he said. He said that the main objective of the competition is to boost the learners’

confidence so that they may achieve better academic results. The debating should also teach them how to reason and solve problems. The BBEAG also discussed the activities of the BBEAG in Schools (BIS) programme. Makhubela said that the programme was implemented last year and yielded great results. “One of our BIS representatives did exceptionally well in his exams,” he said. “The BIS programme means that we have two learners in every school who make sure that the BBEAG programmes and initiatives are implemented in schools,” Makhubela said. BBEAG will also start a quarterly performance review for learners and teachers. Makhubela said that there would be a merit award for the best learner and best teacher every quarter. This initiative will ensure that teachers and learners put more effort into their work and should mean better results. The organisation also tabled a suggestion that learners would be taken on excursions to different factories, plants, departments and businesses to see the workings of these places of employment.

Eight students from Belgium have been deployed in Bela Bela to assist in the education system at various primary schools. The students came to Bela Bela in early February and will return to Belgium in June. At Mmamakwa Full Service School and Spa Park Primary School, the students will be assisting learners with barriers in learning. They will also go to Bosele Drop-in Centre and Home Tekna to assist learners with their homework in the afternoons. The Belgian students at Mohau Pre School assist learners with ordinary school lessons and provide simulation at Home Talje. The two students at Mmamakwa, Miette Biets and Sander Maers, told The BEAT

that they are enjoying their stay in Bela Bela. They said that they received a warm welcome from the schooling community. The students said that they have not had trouble during their visit yet and acknowledged the hospitality that they received from the educators. The two students are currently assisting learners of all grades at Mmamakwa, focusing mainly on a full service class of learners with different difficulties in learning. Each year, the Rotary Club sends a different group of students to Bela Bela for a period of four months to assist schools in various learning areas. The also donated 40 computers and borehole water supply to Mmamakwa in 2011 and is assisting all schools that partnered with them.

BELA BELA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Private Bag X1609 Bela Bela 0480

INVITATION TO PROSPECTIVE SERVICE PROVIDERS TO BE REGISTERD ON THE SUPPLIER DATABASE FOR PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES NOTICE NO: 13/13 Bela-Bela Local Municipality hereby invites interested service providers to register on the municipality’s supplier database. The application form should be accompanied by: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

CK / Proof of company registration Original valid tax clearance certificate Original B-BBEE verification certificate Certified ID copies of the members/shareholders of the company CIDB cerficate (where applicable) Company profile and Proof of payment.

Suppliers who applied previously should also re-apply for 2013/14 financial year. Service providers are further advised that registration form is obtainable at a cost of R100.00 PLEASE NOTE: According to the Municipal Supply Chain Regulation issued by the Minister of finance, in terms of Section 168 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (Act no.56 of 2003), persons within the organs of the state, such as councilors, other elected representatives(members of the provincial legislature and national parliament),full time employees, national and provincial Public servants ,municipal officials and other directors of the public and municipal entities are prohibited from bidding or to provide services to the municipality unless proof of declaration of interest is attached when submitting the form. The forms are obtainable at procurement office at the main municipal building, 58 Chris Hani drive, Bela-Bela during office hours (07h30 to 16h00, Monday to Friday) and on our website: Completed registration forms may be handed, delivered or posted to the address on the application form no later than 31st May 2013. Failure to submit the required documents will invalidate the application. For enquiries please contact Supply Chain Unit at the following numbers: 014 736 8049 / 014 736 8034 N NYAMBENI ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER Tel: (014) 736 8000

Chris Hani Drive BELA-BELA 0480

Page 8


22 February, 2013

Three teams join LFA in the second round

Local LFA teams received their grants from the FIFA Legacy Trust. Danny Jordaan (left) and Jerome Valke (right) are both on the board of trustees of this trust. Photo: Supplied. TK Mashaba The Local Football Association (LFA) in Bela Bela played open cards with The BEAT when questions were raised about the three new teams that joined the league at this late stage. Bela Bela Kids FC, Bazooka XI FC and Total Surrender FC are the three rookie teams that recently joined the league. This step led to questions about why these teams were allowed to join in the second round of the league season. Late registration advantageous Levy Thantsha, LFA league manager, told The BEAT that the new teams were allowed to register at this late stage because the league is in dire need of more teams to make it viable. “These teams had problems in the registration process during the first round. We allowed them to join, because we only had eight teams in the league. At the end of the last season, three teams will qualify for promotion, which means that we will be left with only five teams to work with,� he said. League log not affected The three newcomer teams were given the status of having played eight games, but with no points on the log. This means that they start the second round of the season with a handicap. There are only nine games

scheduled for the rest of the season and the question on all soccer fans lips are whether they will be able to catch up or make it to the top of the log. Currently Happy Hearts Moments FC is leading the log with 21 points. They have played eight games and won seven. Cashbuild FC is working hard to move up from the second position on the log. They currently have 17 points. Real Rovers, who are in the eighth position and at the bottom of the log, must feel some relief after the addition of the three new teams. Rovers have played eight games so far, but lost all their games. Legacy Trust funds bring relief In other LFA news, eight teams will soon receive their Legacy Trust Funds. An amount of R10 000 will be giver to all LFA teams in South Africa, including schools and amateur clubs. The 2010 FIFA World Cup Legacy Trust is an entity established by FIFA and the South African Football Association at the end of the 2010 FIFA World Cu to promote and extend the development and the reach of the game of football within South Africa. The amount will be paid to the stores where the teams can purchase their full soccer kits. The grants are valid for this financial year.

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Warmbaths circuit shines at district athletics TK Mashaba The Warmbaths circuit did very well at the district schools athletics competition that was held in Mokopane on Saturday, 16 February. The competition was held between the circuits of Warmbaths, Bakenberg, Mahwelereng and Phalala. The primary schools meet was held at Laerskool Potgietersrus while Piet Potgieter High School hosted the secondary schools. The Warmbaths circuit, which is made up of the Modimolle-, Thabazimbi- and Mabatlane clusters, excelled in the competition with 11 of the learners

coming out on top of their respective sporting codes. In the 1500 metres the under 15 boys of the Warmbaths circuit scooped up the first, second and third place in the race. The under 17 boys did the same in the discus event. In the girls under 19 javelin event, Warmbaths won first and second place and also won first and second place in the under 19 high jump. The Warmbaths circuit boys under 19 won the first three places in the discus throw event. The Warmbaths circuit under 15 boys won first, second and third place in the 200-metre race. The Girls under 15 and girls under 19 athletes made sure that

they pocketed the first two places in both items. Forty-seven of the Mahwelereng circuit athletes will represent the district at provincial level. Phalala circuit will sent 23 athletes while Bakenberg will only send four. Warmbaths circuit came out of the competition with flying colours and will send 110 athletes to the provincial competition. The provincial athletics event will take place on 1 March for primary schools and 2 March for high schools. The venue will be announced later, but it will be either the Peter Mokaba Stadium or the Seshego Stadium, both in Polokwane.

I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan Gold medals aren't really made of gold. They're made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts. Dan Gable You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get. Michael Phelps

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