The Beat 27 July 2012

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27 July 2012

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27 July, 2012, Website:

Help find missing man Lizzy Bapela

Thursday 19 July Unknown suspects fled after committing a burglary at Zuma View informal settlements, in Bela Bela. Police spokesperson, Captain Johnny Thiyo, said that the suspects stole a wheelbarrow, perfume, necklace, wrist watch and a braai stand, all valued at R720 and he said the suspects also stole cash to

the value of R200. In another case, unknown suspects fled the scene after stealing household items to the value of R2 300. Thiyo said that the suspects opened the door by force before stealing the items. He said the incident happened at Roodepoort farms.

Friday 20 July Police in Bela Bela are looking for a suspect in connection with a case of burglary that took place at a furniture store in industrial road. Thiyo said that the suspects stole a computer, camera,

radio and CD player, as well as a bicycle, all valued at R9 400. He said the suspects forced the door open to gain entry into the store, before fleeing the scene with the items.

Saturday 21 July Modimolle police are looking for Mr Daniels Mwamba, photographed here, who went missing in 2010. Photo: Supplied Lizzy Bapela Police in Modimolle have launched a search for a man who went missing, two years ago, at the end of July in 2010. Police spokesperson, Warrant officer James Findlay, told The BEAT that the 43-years-old Mr Daniels Mwamba was last seen in Modimolle and Bela-Bela. Mwamba was staying at Phagameng Modimolle with his wife and a child. He had a workshop in the area, where he served as a car mechanic. The missing Mwamba’s wife said that he is originally from Malawi but grew up

in Zimbabwe and came to South Africa at a later stage. Mwamba used to work at the, now defunct, Waterberg Community Radio, which was based in Bela Bela, and served only for a month in the early 2000’s. The police are pleading with members of the public to assist them in finding Mwamba. Anyone with information about his whereabouts requested to contact Warrant Officer Findlay on 082 414 3218 or the detective services branch commander Lieutenant-Colonel Malesela Mogale on 082 565 8606.

Police officer seized for alleged drunk driving TK Mashaba A police officer found himself on the wrong side of the law when he was allegedly caught driving under the influence of alcohol in Modimolle. Modimolle police spokesperson, Warrant Officer James Findlay said that Constable Douglas Mafuma appeared before the court on 9 July after he was arrested on 7 July. His next appearance is pending the results of the blood test results that are still outstanding. Mafuma was on his way to Modimolle from Mookgophong to report for guard

duty when some of his colleagues allegedly spotted him on the road and noticed that his driving seemed erratic. When they stopped him, they allegedly realised that he was driving under the influence of alcohol. The accused was charged with driving under the influence and was released on R500 bail. He will appear before the court again when his blood samples are returned from the forensic testing needed to prove his blood alcohol level. In another case, Mr Gert Nortjé was sentenced to five years in prison after he admitted to 27 charges of fraud and theft. Findlay said that these incidents took place between 26 March 2010 and 18 July 2012. According to Findlay, Nortjé was sentences to five years in terms of Section 276(1) (i) of the CPA 51/ 1977. Go back a little to leap further. John Clarke


Bela Bela police are investigating another case of burglary following an incident that happened at a house in the Township. Thiyo said that the suspects

Sunday 22 July A 45-year-old woman was rushed to the Bela Bela hospital after she was allegedly drugged and raped while having some drinks. According to Thiyo, the suspect mixed the woman’s drink with nyaope before raping her. The suspect is still at large. Eleven people in Bela Bela were arrested for drinking in public. Thiyo said the suspects were nabbed on streets next to different local taverns and were all released after paying admission of guilt fines of R200 each. Another case of burglary is under investigation following an incident that happened at a house in the township. Thiyo said that the suspects stole shoes and clothes worth R4 400. The suspects opened the door by force. They are still at large.

MB.Ch.B(Pret) Nr. 0332747 (014) 736-5616 (h) 082 490 6242

Lizzy Bapela Representatives of community-based organizations (CBO’s) were bussed to Polokwane for the Grassroots Movement conference hosted by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture in Limpopo. The MEC for the department, Ms Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba, and her office led a delegation to the event, which was held at Oasis Lodge on Thursday, 19 July. Fifty key stakeholders identified from each district gathered at the conference in support of the movement that was launched by MEC Letsatsi-Duba recently. Parliam entarian, Dr M athole Motshekga, addressed the audience,


Na-ure After Hours 014 736 2032/3

ABSA Bosveld Pick ’n Pay Sentrum h/v Marx & Potgieter straat Bela-Bela 0480

Tel: (014) 736-2032/3 Faks: (014) 736-4809

Police in Mookgophong closed down 11 tuck-shops following Operation Close Down that took place in the area. Police spokesperson Warrant Officer, George Ledwaba, said that all the suspects were released after admission of guilt fines of R500 each. Mookgophong police expressed their concern following a high volume of housebreakings that have been taking place at Extension 3, 5 and 6. The police warn members of the public to watch out for suspects breaking into people’s RDP houses and stealing their belongings. Ledwaba said that the suspects usually steal electrical appliances and sound systems. People are warned to be careful and ensure that their houses are locked at all times.

Successful Limpopo grassroots movement conference

Algemene Praktisyns / General Practitioners Dr. V.G. Emslie

opened the window by force and stole a DVD player valued at R1 500. He added that the suspects are still at large.

Dr. T.M. De Jonge MB.Ch.B(UP) Nr. 0380342 (014) 736-3019 (h) 082 450 8411 Postnet Suite 80 Privaatsak X1604 Bela-Bela 0480

talking about morals and values of different cultures in the country. Motshekga encouraged parents and guardians to re-install the spirit of Ubuntu and togetherness in the minds of the youngsters to go back to living according to morality and culture. Interim commissions representing different sectors from the districts deliberated on three given topics reporting with resolutions. The commissions discussed issues such as the role of community structures in building the moral fibre of the society, societal ills facing the country and the role of government and community based organization (CBOs) in addressing them, as well as interven, Website:


27 July, 2012

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Provincial Jika Majika knockout TK Mashaba

Entries for the 5150 triathlon close on 30 July. Go to to book your place in this epic event now. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Sunshine Mini Market is taking place on Saturday, 4 August, at Pick n Pay in Bela Bela. For more information, please contact Drienie on 014 736 3523 or Lirpa on 082 855 8600 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Why not enter a team for the Bela Bela Relay For Life that is taking place on 7 September? Call Amanda on 082 979 4717 for more information about this worthy charity event. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The BBEAG is urgently looking for outside funding. Anybody with information about grants or who could make a contribution, can email the BBEAG on •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Bela Bela Business Chamber will have a meeting on 16 August at the Dros restaurant in Bela Bela. Entry is free. Contact 014 736 2248 for more information. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Save this internet address in your favourites! The BEAT is now available on the following website: http:// You can also follow The BEAT on Facebook

The five Bela Bela based Pantsula dancers, spearheaded by the flexible Johannes Chauke, are in for a treat on Saturday, 28 July. They will be travelling to the Jika Majika studios, in Johannesburg, to compete against other provinces in the Jika Majika provincial knockout. Johannes Chauke (20), Saul Mothobi (19), Mpho Mpete (17), William Chauke (15) and Katlego Chauke (17) will be representing Limpopo in the provincial knockout. The group that wins this prestigious televised competition will be boarding a plane to the USA to perform with Beyoncé Knowles. The Pantsula crew were advised to get their passports in order in case they win. They are feeling very confident about the competition, claiming that there is no way that they will lose. “We are competing against Kwa Zulu Natal, Northwest and Gauteng and we are very confident,” Chauke said. Mr Butane Mabunda, arts official in the

The Bela Bela based Pantsula dancers who will represent Limpopo at the Jika Majika’s provincial knockout session. Photo: TK Mashaba We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. We often discover what we will do, by finding out what we will not do. Samuel Smiles

Child Labour still rife in SA Lizzy Bapela About 121 000 children from across Limpopo are reported to be engaged in market economic activities since 2010, in a study released by the Limpopo Department of Labour. Labour Minister, Ms Mildred Oliphant, has released results of the Survey on the Activities of Young People (SAYP), which showed shocking levels of injuries among children in the workplace over the past 12 months; as well as absenteeism from school. The study was released following the minister’s visit in Limpopo during the national day against child labour on Thursday, 19 July. Stakeholders such as the business sector, organised labour and civil society organisations supported and accompanied the minister during her visit, which was done under the theme “let me be a child”. Provincial spokesperson for the department, Mr Johannes Mokou, said that, amongst the worrying findings of the study, 90 000 children were reported to having been injured in the past 12 months while doing an economic work activity. Oliphant said that 4 392 000 children, over 40% of those attending school, were reported to have been absent for five or more days since the beginning of the school year in 2011 and 2012. “Of those who were absent for five days or more, 59 000 gave work related aspects as the main reason for their most recent absence at schools. If broadly defined, this includes helping at work with household tasks and looking after their own children and other household members,” she said. Mokou said that the study is tilted Child Labour and other work related activities in South Africa. He added that, among children engaged in market economic work, 47% of those attending school had missed for five or more days, while among those engaged in non-market economic work; this was the case for 50% of those attending schools. Mokou said the same challenges of child labour were identified in Waterberg as well

and the department is determined to put the issue as one of their priorities when they intensify their inspectorate. The Minister said South Africa would abide by the international labour organisation’s request for the country to lead the campaign to bring neighbouring countries on board to comply with attempts to eradicate the worst forms of child labour. Mr Vic van Vuuren, of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), said that 215 million children worldwide were subjected to child labour and it was time for governments, trade unions, civil society groups and business to cooperate to end the scourge. Dr Norman Mabasa, MEC for Health and Social Development in Limpopo, said that they receive children as their clients, especially when they are involved in drug and alcohol abuse. “If you have a farm and you employ a child you are like a man with a gun shooting people,” he said in his strongly worded statement.

Bela Bela municipality, told The BEAT that he believes this team will do very well in the final knockout. “I have faith that this group will do very well and make Limpopo proud,” he said. The competition works as follows: at first twenty Pantsula dancers from each province compete against each other and five finalists will be selected from these competitors. The five finalists will battle it out against the finalist from other provinces. Chauke started dancing when he was 14years old and performed in the World Cup Road Show in 2010. He also performs during other campaigns and municipal Imbizos. He is 20years old and goes to school at Maope High School. “My focus is on dance as well as production, because I have learned about the production side of the business too,” he explained. Jika-Majika is a youth entertainment television show that is aired on SABC 1 on weekdays. Dancers compete against each other for the prizes at the end of the show.

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27 July, 2012, Website:

Speeding up municipal services

Bela Bela municipality spokesperson Mr Matome Sebelebele says the municipality is determined to improve services to the community. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela The Bela Bela Local Municipality’s inhouse electricity selling points are closing their doors at 15:30 since the municipal service points have expanded. Municipality spokesperson, Mr Matome Sebelebele, told The BEAT that the rea-

son is that, nowadays, members of the public can pay their electricity and rates at various places so there was no longer a need for the municipality to operate their pay points until late in the afternoon. He added the municipality aims to improve services to the community. Previously, the selling points at the municipal premises were operating until 18:00. Now people can buy their electricity, or pay their rates and municipal services, at the post office, various filling stations and certain businesses in the township such as tuck-shops. Sebelebele said that people are welcome to visit the municipality to verify their details and payments after paying elsewhere assured The BEAT that everything is recorded and accurate. Meanwhile, services at the local library are still at a standstill. Sebelebele said the library is not functioning simply because there are still outstanding logistics between the municipality and the provincial Department of Arts and Culture that have to be sorted out first. He said that the proceedings are happening at a slower pace than anticipated and that the department is not responding quickly enough. Sebelebele promised the public would be informed when things are back to normal and the library starts functioning.

Ms Cecilia Shiri, of the Bela Bela Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP), posed with police spokesperson, Captain Johnny Thiyo, displaying a donation that the local police station received from a group of women in in town. The donation consists of 24 bags of toiletries that will be given to needy victims of crime and abuse who visit the centre for counselling and other kinds of assistance that they may need. The donation was received on Tuesday, 24 July and VEP members register all donations received in the asset register book. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Modimolle NTK Limpopo Agric joins the Mandela fever NTK Limpopo Agric Managing Director Tienie Ras enjoy his time with the children at the Phagameng Crèche. Photo: Supplied

Mzamane Ringane Modimolle was a hive of activity on Mandela Day last Wednesday, 18 July, with many organisations, citizens and government departments joining hands in the 67 minutes voluntary service. The staff and management of the NTK Limpopo Agric were also in the mood for lending a helping hand to those who needed it most. The NTK Limpopo Agric head office in Modimolle put a smile on the children at

the Phagameng Crèche and those who were admitted at the FH Odendaal Children’s Ward. “Our activities included visiting the Phagameng crèche and the FH Odendaal Hospital. The kids sang for us and rendered lovely poems. We gave them some sweets, pictures of Mandela and some crayons for colouring the pictures,” said Elizabeth Tshabangu of the NTK Limpopo Agric. Tshabangu said they also donated cleaning material during their visit at FH Odendaal Hospital.

Modimolle Mandela Day

Mayor Lekalakala (in blue) applies her building skills during Mandela Day. Photo: Mzamane Ringane Mzamane Ringane The Modimolle Local Municipality officials, spearheaded by Mayor Kgaretja

Modimolle Local Municipality spokesperson Mr Pat Shika was hard at work, when they were building a house at the Manganye household in Modimolle. Photo: Mzamane Ringane

Lekalakala, embarked on the 67 minutes activities during Mandela Day last Wednesday, 18 July. The event started at the Phagameng Old Age centre, where the mayor and her entourage enjoyed breakfast with the elderly. Those who attended the event sang songs that praised the freedom-fighting icon, Nelson Mandela. Lekalakala told the packed venue that the elderly citizens of Modimolle had to be celebrated, since they played an important role in upbringing the leaders of today. She said a mechanism had to be found to identify and celebrate the lives of senior citizens in Modimolle. Lekalakala also applied her bricklaying skills during the construction of a house at the Manganye Household in Phagameng. Bakgalaka Holdings, who donated building equipment, made construction possible.

Mr April Mametja of Modimolle donated old bricks to the help in building the foundation phase of the Manganye household in Modimolle. Photo: Mzamane Ringane Mr Sam Mamune from the Thabazimbi Tourism Board interacted with children during their Mandela Day activities. Mamune joined officials from their local municipality and the local business community in distributing blankets for orphans, vulnerable children, and disadvantaged families in Thabazimbi on Wednesday, 18 July. Photo: Lizzy Bapela, Website:


27 July, 2012

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Letter to the Editor Working children Among all the good news of people doing their bit of community work as part of the celebrations of Mandela Day, there was also the shocking news that children are still being exploited in the workplace. Almost 121 000 children from across Limpopo are reported to be engaged in market economic activities in a study released by the Limpopo Department of Labour. The worst part of this shocking report is that children are often also hurt in the workplace and their working keeps them from going to school and getting the education that they so badly need. It is understandable that when a family is starving and living below the breadline, any income is welcome and even children have to do their share for the family to survive. Poverty is what drives our children into the workplace instead of into the classrooms. This is not a new phenomenon and a worldwide problem. Child labour was employed to varying extents through most of history. Before 1940, numerous children aged 5-14 worked in Europe, the United States and various colonies of European powers. These children worked in agriculture, home-based assembly operations, factories and mining. According to the Department of Labour the South African Constitution provides that children under 18 have a right to be protected from work that is exploitative, hazardous or otherwise inappropriate for their age, detrimental to their schooling, or detrimental to their social, physical, mental, spiritual or moral development. However, there is a definite line between child labour and child work. Child labour is not child work. Child work is good for the child and can enhance a child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development without restricting schooling, leisure and rest. Helping parents in their everyday activities and business after school, in their free time, also adds to the development of the child. Child labour, however, is the opposite of child work. Child labour obstructs the normal bodily, intellectual, emotional and ethical growth of a child. When it comes to child labour, some people think that they can get cheap labour, and they are usually correct. The cheaper the labour, the higher the profit. That is why some people have no problem exploiting children. Then they soothe their consciences by saying that they are actually helping the child, because the child’s family needs the income so badly. Children are the future and child labour does nothing but destroy the future. By keeping children out of school, the country will never be able to develop its full potential.

Tel: (011) 447-1264/5/6

COPYRIGHT The reproduction or broadcast without written permission of any material published in The Beat and its supplements is forbidden and expressly reserved to Upfront Events Two CC, under section 12(7) of the Copyright Act, 1978 and any amendment thereof. The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC. The Beat: 7 Minnaar Street, Tel: (014) 736-2723, Fax: (014) 736-3428, PO Box 16, Bela-Bela. E-mail: The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC and is printed by Paarl Coldset, 83 Heidelberg Rd, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Bela-Bela entangled in deadly power struggle Cllr. Kobus van der Merwe writes: Something very disturbing is going on at the Bela-Bela municipality and its municipal council due to political interference and internal fights. During a municipal election, the community normally votes for specific individuals to represent their interests. It seems that somewhere along the line within the structures of the ANC there is a person(s) or structure(s) that ‘governs’ all activities of the municipality and councillors. It seems that the ANC councillors are being controlled and manipulated by their ‘regional committee’, MEC, Premier, Provincial Executive Committee or some other “dark force”. This does not only apply to politicians but is also evident in the appointment of municipal managers, heads of departments and other staff. Seemingly decisions are being made at another level and ANC councillors are not ‘in control’ of municipal issues anymore. It seems that they are being used as rubber stamps to promote the interests of other. A decision was taken in June 2012 by the executive members to put the municipal manager on forced leave — just to be informed later that some or other structure overturned this decision. Another decision was taken by executive members to end the municipal manager’s contract by paying him a substantial amount — again just to be “amended” by someone to stop the process. During January 2012, the executive committee interviewed incumbents for the position of Chief Financial Officer. No appointment was made and the municipality was once again “mislead” or “misguided” by some or other political structure or person. As a result, the municipality has been without a CFO for 11 months despite the fact that we received an “adverse” audit opinion from the Auditor General. In the meantime, the contracts of Manager Planning and Infrastructure and Manager Corporate Services end on 31 July 2012. The municipality was “forced” to extend their contracts with two months and the interviews should have started on 23 July 2012 for the three management positions. Again, it was “blocked” by someone! In the final analysis, it is evident that

the council is not in control of the BelaBela municipality. On 18 April 2012 the NCOP (National Council of Provinces), a group of about 30 people from different spheres of government, visited the municipality with the intention of focusing on “Clean Audit 2014”. Councillors and municipal officials were severely reprimanded and stringent requirements were set. It looked as though councillors were “shocked” by the visit and realised that something had to be done urgently to improve the situation, but still nothing has changed. During June 2012, the MEC from COGSTA (Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs) visited Bela-Bela and harshly criticised the performance of councillors and the administration. He reiterated that he should actually put the municipality under administration and promised to make extensive changes to ensure improvement. All this was only talk. This also applies to the “Turnaround Strategy” implemented by President Zuma in 2009 — nothing comes from nothing and the ANC’s struggle continues. Not against the loyal, paying and tolerant residents but against themselves, their own members, structures and leaders. There is an entrenched desire and urge for “seats, positions, control and power”. Why? Because with the position comes all kinds of “benefits” and opportunities. Or is it about who benefits financially from the cream of the crop? The Auditor General, Mr Terence Nombembe, revealed this week that only 13 (5%) of 283 municipalities received a “clean audit”. R14 billion has been spent without authorisation and R3 billion was “unaccounted” for. If Kgalema Motlanthe admitted and said of corruption in the ANC: “This rot is across the board. It is not confined to any level or any area of the country. Almost every project is conceived because it offers opportunities for certain people to make money,” it makes sense that the State has failed all. Moreover, when Lindiwe Sisulu conceded in an interview: “When you say ANC, immediately the word corruption comes up in the minds of our people” it is enough evidence that corruption goes on in all spheres of government. This will not happen under Democratic Alliance rule. Take note and be aware that the community is sick and tired of the situation in Bela-Bela.

The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have a great story or something that you want us to bring to light, please email or send an SMS to one of our reporters. Lizzy: 076 609 7644 or TK: 076 756 9740. We would also LOVE to see some of your weird and wonderful photos for our editorial page. Do not delay, just contact us today!


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Encourage yourself in the Lord Bishop Silas Tlou 1 Samuel 30:6 - And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters; but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. David and his soldiers have just returned home, only to find that it had been burned with fire, and their wives and children carried off by the Amalekites. The Bible says they wept bitter tears until they simply had no more power to weep. For David, it was even worse, for he was their leader, and his men were so consumed by grief that there was even talk of stoning him. He was in distress, and it might have destroyed him, except for this: David encouraged himself in the LORD his God. This required a definite resolve on David’s part, an act of his volition. To default on this decision would only have deepened his distress, and discouragement would have rendered him helpless. What is more, the wives and children of him and his men would have been lost forever. Therefore, David chose encouragement. David did not encourage himself in himself. Rather, the Scripture says that he encouraged himself in the Lord his God. You see, this was not just about David, for David had a covenant with God, and that made this whole thing God’s business. Having thus encouraged himself, David was then able to move on to the solution God had prepared for this problem. Discouragement does not come from the Lord; it comes from our adversary the devil. That is why David could encourage himself in the Lord, because the Lord was the source of his solution, not the source of his problem.Discouragement is an indication that we are walking by sight, not by faith. Paul said, “We walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5.7), and that was the source of his stability and strength. When we walk by faith, with our confidence in the Lord and his promises, it is impossible to be discouraged. However, when we walk by sight, trusting in our senses, our feelings and our own understanding, we easily fall prey to all the deceptions of the world, the flesh and the devil. The solution is to put our trust back in the Lord. Paul said that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10.17). So when discouragement comes and you find that you have been walking by sight instead of by faith, head back to the Scriptures and let the promises of God build your faith back up to strength. Stop giving voice to your discouragement and start giving voice to your encouragement. Stop repeating the lies of the devil and start speaking the promises of God.

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SMALLS LEGALS MODIMOLLE LAND USE SCHEME, 2004 Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that in terms of clause 23 of the Modimolle Land Use Scheme, 2004, I, (full name) NGOBENI HLENGANE SAMUEL intend applying to the Modimolle Local Municipality for Special Consent to: TUCKSHOP on (property and suburb) 565 EXT 1 LESEDING MABATLANE also known as (street name and number) located in a Residential 1 zone. (Example: Residential 1, Business 2 etc). Any objection, with the grounds therefor, shall be lodged with or made in writing to: The Divisional Manager: Town Planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, or Private Bag X 1008, Modimolle, 0510, within 28 days of the publication of the advertisement in the Local Newspaper, viz 20 July + 27 July 2012. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours (08:00 13:00 and 13:45 - 15:00) at the above-mentioned office, for a period of 28 days after the publication of the advertisement in the Local Newspaper. Closing date for any objections: 29 August 2012 APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS AND POSTAL ADDRES P.O. Box 81487, Doornpoort, 0017 Telephone: 076 507 5126 MODIMOLLE LAND USE SCHEME, 2004 Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that in terms of clause 23 of the Modimolle Land Use Scheme, 2004, I, (full name) NZAMA NELSON intend applying to the Modimolle Local Municipality for Special Consent to: OPERATE A TUCKSHOP/ SPAZA SHOP on (property and suburb) PTN 41/ ERF 7681 PHOMOLONG also known as (street name and number) located in a Residential 1 zone. (Example: Residential 1, Business 2 etc). Any objection, with the grounds therefor, shall be lodged with or made in writing to: The Divisional Manager: Town Planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, or Private Bag X 1008, Modimolle, 0510, within 28 days of the publication of the advertisement in the Local Newspaper, viz 20 July + 27 July 2012. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours (08:00 13:00 and 13:45 - 15:00) at the above-mentioned office, for a period of 28 days after the publication of the advertisement in the Local Newspaper. Closing date for any objections: 29 August 2012 APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS AND POSTAL ADDRESS 7681/41 Phomolong, Ext 8 Phagameng Telephone: 073 402 2184 MODIMOLLE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY AMENDMENT SCHEMES NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TOWNPLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN-PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) I, NICOLA LUDIK being the authorized agent for the registered owners of the following properties hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, (0rdinance 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Modimolle Local Municipality for the amendment of the Town- planning scheme in operation known as the Modimolle Land Use Scheme, 2004 by the rezoning of the properties described below, situated within the jurisdiction of the Modimolle Local Municipality as follows: MODIMOLLE AMENDMENT SCHEME 260: • Erf 3/293 Nylstroom, located at 94 Alf

27 July, 2012 Makaleng Street Nylstroom, Modimolle, from “Residential 1” to “Business 1”, subject to certain conditions. MODIMOLLE AMENDMENT SCHEME 262: • Erf 3/297 Nylstroom, located at 29B Nicol Street Nylstroom, Modimolle, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3”, at a density of 75 units per hectare (5 units on the property) subject to certain conditions. All relevant documents relating to the applications will be open for inspection during normal office hours at the offices of the Modimolle Local Municipality, The Divisional Manager: Town-planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, Harry Gwala Street, Modimolle for a period of 28 days i.e. 20 July 2012 to 17 August 2012. Any person who wishes to object to the applications or submit representations in respect thereof must lodge the same in writing to Private Bag X1008, MODIMOLLE 0510 or lodge it with the Modimolle Local Municipality at its address and room number specified above on or before 17 August 2012. Name en address of agent: NICOLA LUDIK, Alto Africa Town Planning & Development Consultants, P.O. Box 3007, Modimolle, 0510, 076 606 6372

terms of clause 23 of the Modimolle Land Use Scheme, 2004, I, (full name) SHONGOANE NTSHOBO MARTIN intend applying to the Modimolle Local Municipality for Special Consent to: TUCKSHOP on (property and suburb) 2719 EXT 2 LESEDING MABATLANE also known as (street name and number) located in a Residential 1 zone. (Example: Residential 1, Business 2 etc). Any objection, with the grounds therefor, shall be lodged with or made in writing to: The Divisional Manager: Town Planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, or Private Bag X 1008, Modimolle, 0510, within 28 days of the publication of the advertisement in the Local Newspaper, viz 27 July + 03 August 2012. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours (08:00 13:00 and 13:45 - 15:00) at the above-mentioned office, for a period of 28 days after the publication of the advertisement in the Local Newspaper. Closing date for any objections: 05 September 2012 APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS AND POSTAL ADDRES P.O. Box 672, Vaalwater, 0530, Telephone: 072 757 7730

MODIMOLLE LAND USE SCHEME, 2004 Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that in terms of clause 23 of the Modimolle Land Use Scheme, 2004, I, (full name) ONICA MALOKGOWANA MOOBI intend applying to the Modimolle Local Municipality for Special Consent to: TUCKSHOP on (property and suburb) 5 VAALWATER also known as (street name and number) located in a Residential 1 zone. (Example: Residential 1, Business 2 etc). Any objection, with the grounds therefor, shall be lodged with or made in writing to: The Divisional Manager: Town Planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, or Private Bag X 1008, Modimolle, 0510, within 28 days of the publication of the advertisement in the Local Newspaper, viz 27 July + 03 August 2012. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours (08:00 13:00 and 13:45 - 15:00) at the above-mentioned office, for a period of 28 days after the publication of the advertisement in the Local Newspaper. Closing date for any objections: 05 September 2012 APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS AND POSTAL ADDRES 5 Ext 1, Box, Vaalwater, 0530, Telephone:

NOTICE OF ENVIROMENTAL INVESTIGATION Thandabantu Mining cc lodged an application to prospect for diamonds with the Department of Mineral Resources in terms of Section 16 of the mineral petroleum resources development act 28 of 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) with reference number LP30/5/1/1/2/ 11027PR in the respect of various portions of the farm The Oaks 153, Oatlands 151, and Jakhalsfontein 119 in the magisterial district of Bronkhorstspruit. Interest and affected parties are hereby requested to raise their comments, objections and issues to Mr. M.M. Van Wyk on the following address or email addressess; Postal address 101 Kappertjie Street, Keurtjiekloof, Vanderkloof Dam, 8771 Physical address 101 Kappertjie Street, Keurtjiekloof, Vanderkloof Dam, 8771 Cell Phone number: 076 462 3911, Fax: 053 664 0202, Email address: or, And or the regional manager DMR Private Bag X 7276, Witbank, Telephone 015 287 4700, fax: 015 287 4700

MODIMOLLE LAND USE SCHEME, 2004 Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that in terms of clause 23 of the Modimolle Land Use Scheme, 2004, I, (full name) R A M A D I M E T J A TRYPHINA MAITALA intend applying to the Modimolle Local Municipality for Special Consent to: TUCKSHOP on (property and suburb) 913 VAALWATER also known as (street name and number) located in a Residential 1 zone. (Example: Residential 1, Business 2 etc). Any objection, with the grounds therefor, shall be lodged with or made in writing to: The Divisional Manager: Town Planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, or Private Bag X 1008, Modimolle, 0510, within 28 days of the publication of the advertisement in the Local Newspaper, viz 27 July + 03 August 2012. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours (08:00 13:00 and 13:45 - 15:00) at the above-mentioned office, for a period of 28 days after the publication of the advertisement in the Local Newspaper. Closing date for any objections: 05 September 2012 APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS AND POSTAL ADDRES 913 Ext 1, Box, Vaalwater, 0530 Telephone: MODIMOLLE LAND USE SCHEME, 2004 Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that in

NOTICE OF ENVIROMENTAL INVESTIGATION Thandabantu Mining cc lodged an application to prospect for diamonds with the Department of Mineral Resources in terms of Section 16 of the mineral petroleum resources developement act 28 of 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) with reference number LP30/5/1/1/ 211027PR in the respect of various portions of the farm Oatlands 151 RE, portion, 1,4,5 in the magisterial district of Bronkhorspruit. Interest and affected parties are hereby requested to raise their comments, objections and issues to Mnr M.M. Van Wyk on the following address, or email address; Postal address 101 Kappertjie Street, Keurtjiekloof, Vanderkloof Dam, 8771 Physical address 101 Kappertjie Street, Keurtjiekloof, Vanderkloof Dam, 8771 Cell Phone Number: 076 462 3911, fax: 053 664 0202, Email address: or, And or the regional manager DMR Private Bag X 7276, Witbank, Telephone 015 287 4700, fax: 015 287 4700 MODIMOLLE LAND USE SCHEME, 2004 Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that in terms of clause 23 of the Modimolle Land Use Scheme, 2004, I, (full name) SEKALO PHEHANE HARMANS intend applying to the Modimolle Local Municipality for Special Consent to: TUCKSHOP on (property and suburb) 9010 EXT 10 also known as (street name and, Website:

Busy Mandela Day for Thabazimbi

Thabazimbi mayor Ms Patricia Mosito was photographed handing over blankets to an older person at Meriting Informal Settlement. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela Thabazimbi mines, Anglo American and Kumba Iron Ore, in partnership with political principals of the local municipality, engaged in a busy day; celebrating Nelson Mandela’s birthday on Wednesday, 18 July, with the rest of the world. Thabazimbi mayor, Ms Patricia Mosito, led a team consisting of

various stakeholders in conducting the various events, which were held at different places on the same day. Mosito and Kumba general manager, Ms Cornelia Holtshausen, officially opened the day, which kick-started with the team visiting Regorogile Community Centre. The team then split into three groups, performing three different

activities in order to cover most parts of the area. One group handed over 100 blankets to residents at the Meriting informal settlements, while the second group conducted a cleaning campaign in the area. The third group painted the Gloria Primary school. The activities then proceeded to Thabang Place of Safety, where 50 vulnerable children also received the blankets. Mosito and Holtzhausen addressed the children and the staff members at Thabang. The two led the team again when visiting the community of Smasher Bloch, another section under the municipality. The two hundred community members who welcomed the team received blankets and sang a happy birthday song with the stakeholders. The team wrapped up the day by handing over 150 blankets to the community of Raphuti in Leeupoort, before going back to their workplaces and homes. All the blankets recipients acknowledged their leaders’ visits and efforts and expressed their gratitude towards them.

Mandela Day celebrated in style

Bela Bela Mayor, Mr Freddy Hlungwani, seen painting during the 67 minutes of Mandela day. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba Mandela Day brought together people from many different departments, businesses and organisations to make a difference in Bela Bela. The SAPS, Department of Social Development and Hyperland, managed by the Devon Group, celebrated

the day by inviting older people to the Bela Bela Community Hall and serving them a delicious lunch. Bela Bela police spokesperson, Captain Johnny Thiyo, told The BEAT that this was their special way of honouring all elderly people, including Nelson Mandela. “We had to spend 67 minutes on Mandela Day doing great things for those who are disadvantaged. So we called the elderly of the community and cooked for them and showed them how special they are in our lives,” he explained. Mr City Sebelebele, from Hyperland, thanked Nelson Mandela for fighting for freedom and encouraged the older people at the event to remember where they came from and never to stop fighting for their freedom and their rights. In Modimolle, the Social Crime Prevention Unit visited Ons Hoop and Waterberg Old Age Home in celebration of Mandela’s 94 th birthday. Modimolle police spokesperson, Warrant Officer James Findlay, the SAPS have each pensioner a piece of cake. “Later we went to Shoprite and the taxi rank with a group of local traditional dancers to celebrate further,” he said. Former mayor of Bela Bela, Ms Henrietta Ledwaba, teamed up with

her Ward 5 residents to clean up the street. “This is always a special day for all of us and I wish we could do this always,” she said. The Bela Bela municipality mobilised their workers by taking them on a cleaning spree. They shared five sections in town to be spruced up between them. Bela Bela Mayor, Mr Freddy Hlungwani worked with other volunteers, donning their working clothes to paint Ms Paulina Makhafola’s home in Extension 1. Ledwaba and other municipal workers joined in the fun and hard work. Municipal manager, Mr Sam Bambo, was painting the Tswelopele pre-school with the help of local learners and divisional manager, adv. Jomo Ramolotja, spent his 67 minutes planting trees at Mampatile Primary School. Another group of municipal workers spent their time cleaning up the illegal dumping site next to the Raeleng Secondary School. Raeleng’s principal, Mr Joseph Mashishi also helped at this site. The last stop for the volunteer cleaning crew, consisting of Bela Bela municipal workers, was to clean out the Leseding Section storm drainage system.

Childline volunteers serve 67 minutes clean the building and grounds at the Bosele Dawn drop-in centre in Bela Members of the Childline non-gov- Bela. They did so as part of their 67 ernmental organisation, from minutes service to the community to Modimolle in Limpopo volunteered to commemorate Nelson Mandela’s birthday on Mandela day, 18 Full particulars and plans (if number) located in a ResidenJuly. any) may be inspected during tial 1 zone. They scrubbed and polnormal office hours (08:00 (Example: Residential 1, Busi13:00 and 13:45 - 15:00) at ness 2 etc). ished the floor, removed brothe above-mentioned office, Any objection, with the ken chairs, packed books for a period of 28 days after grounds therefor, shall be and sorted out messy lodged with or made in writthe publication of the advering to: The Divisional Mantisement in the Local Newsstationary.One of the ager: Town Planning, Ground paper. caregivers, Ms Lydia Lelaka, Floor, Modimolle Municipal Closing date for any objecBuilding, or Private Bag X tions: 05 September 2012 said that the team was very 1008, Modimolle, 0510, APPLICANT supportive. “The centre is within 28 days of the publicaSTREET ADDRESS AND spring cleaned inside and tion of the advertisement in POSTAL ADDRES 9010 Ext the Local Newspaper, viz 27 10, Phagameng, Modimolle, outside. The members of July + 03 August 2012. Telephone: 078 633 7686 Thandekile Sibanyoni

Childline and the surrounding community came to show their support at the centre,” she said. Community members of Bela Bela cleaned the yard. They removed all the grass and unwanted plants behind the building. Others watered the vegetable garden, helped with dishes, and cooking. The children also pitched in to do their 67 minutes of community service in order to honour Nelson Mandela. Spar supermarket donated a cake, toothbrushes and toothpaste for the children at the centre. These children enjoyed a Mandela day cake and lunch., Website:

27 July, 2012


Page 7

Khabele Celebrates Mandela Day Learners of Khabele Primary School and their parents during the Mandela Day celebrations at the school. Photo: Thandekile Sibanyoni

Thandekile Sibanyoni Members of Huis Tekna and children from the Valuable to Jesus programme distributed gifts to learners during their charity projects at schools. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Legal eagles do their bit Lizzy Bapela A team from Moloto Attorneys and magistrates from the Bela Bela Magistrate’s Court took part in charity activities in honour of Mandela Day. The team visited the home of orphans and vulnerable children in Bela Bela at Huis Tekna on Wednesday, 18 July. Attorney, Ms Teko Moloto, led her team, consisting of Ms Joggie Mmmabane, Mahlatse Ramalekana and Winky Mmabane to the Centre, while from the magistrate’s court; the team was led by magistrates Moraka Rametse and Maggie Mokone. The children received some goodies from these good Samaritans, who also took their time and played with them. The visitors were touched to hear the news about how the children ended up at the centre. Huis Tekna had taken part in charity work in partnership with the SAPS in Bela Bela and members of the Valuable to Jesus programme in 2011. The volunteers visited local primary schools with the aim to teach the learners about child trafficking and God’s love of His children. All the speakers spoke to the learners about the importance of seeking help after being hurt or abused. During his addresses, Bela Bela police spokesperson Captain Johnny Thiyo told the learners to contact the police or talk

to their elders when they face abuse. Members of the Valuable to Jesus programme talked to the learners about the way they are valuable to Jesus and they must believe He loves them all and they are all special in a unique way. The members interacted with the learners and even gave them gifts including hand made dolls and painted heart-shape papers in the name of love. The members were touched when they learned their visits to the schools were acknowledged and that schools requested more visits. Meanwhile, another Bela Bela magistrate, Ms Tanya du Preez, accompanied by the local Spar Supermarket, visited Khabele Primary School and played their part in the activities. The team donated some toothbrushes and toothpastes to the learners and shared with them a big cake from Spar, while singing a happy birthday song for Madiba. They also cleaned the schoolyard, accompanied by local Community Development Workers (CDWs). During the visit, Ms Lize Coetzee, from Spar pledged presents to the top three learners from each grade of the school at the end of the year, based on their results. Coetzee indicated that the aim of her pledge was to promote academic awareness and encourage more hard work from the learners.

Learners of the Khabele Primary School, in Bela Bela, celebrated a special Mandela Day on Wednesday, 18 July. The event started in the morning with assembly and a morning prayer. Then the school hoisted the South African flag and sang the national anthem. The learners then joined the teachers in singing a special birthday song, dedicated to the hero, Nelson Mandela, during the special assembly. The school’s tribute to Mandela Day was initiated and organised by a non-governmental organisation called Light of Africa and sponsored by Spar. Light of Africa cocoordinator, Mr Josias Ramalekana, said that they saw the need to do something special for the children on this day. “The aim of our organisation is to identify the needs of the community. Our aim

MEC honours Mandela Day in Lephalale Limpopo MEC for Agriculture Mr Jacob Marule and his team enjoyed their visit at Nailana Vegetable Project in Lephalale for Mandela Day events. Photo supplied

Lizzy Bapela

Employees, from Working on Fire, Land and Water Limpopo programmes, gathered to clean the streets of Thabazimbi, in honour of Mandela Day on Wednesday, 18 July. Ms Maria Ramoshaba, of the Waterberg Government Communications and Information Systems (GCIS), joined the volunteers and distributed pamphlets, magazines and newspapers with information on government programmes. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

is not only to celebrate this day but also to teach children to start doing things for themselves and not expect the government to do everything for them. We identify the needs of the community and therefore invite other stakeholders to lend a hand. We saw the need to do something special for the children and invited Spar to be part of the celebration,” he said. Spar donated stationary, toiletries and refreshments to the school as a way of giving back to the community. Khabele Primary School Head of Department (HOD), Ms Johanna Thindisa, said that they invited parents to join them in honouring the day. “We invited parents to join the learners by cleaning the school yard, picking up papers and sweeping the ground to honour Mandela day,” she said. Attending parents, teachers, volunteers and the children enjoyed a special lunch and gifts donated by Spar.

The Department of Agriculture in Limpopo, led by MEC Mr Jacob Marule, honoured and celebrated Mandela Day in the Waterberg district. The event took place on Tuesday, 17 July, in Lephalale. MEC Marule led a team that rendered community services to Nailane Vegetable Project, which is situated in Kgauletsi Village. Ms Estina Nailana, her spouse and young people, aged between 18 and 30 years, own the project. The six-hectare project produces tomatoes, spinach, beetroot, cabbage, onion and butternut. The project has created two permanent jobs and six temporary ones. It also supplies the local market and several individuals. The project is located on the communal agricultural lands at Kgauletsi, 85 km away from Lephalale on the road to Ga-Seleka. Provincial spokesperson for the department, Mr Kenny Mathivha, said that the project is an affiliate of Badirammogo Sec-

ondary Cooperative and that there are plans to register it as a primary cooperative. He said the international community has declared the day to celebrate the life of the former and first democratically elected president in South Africa, Dr Nelson Mandela. “In his honour, the world is asked to dedicate this day to community work, which is aimed at improving the living standards of the less fortunate people in our communities. We took an effort to come and render these services at this project as part of our 67 minutes of community work in honour of Dr Mandela and we ask people to also play a part in their communities as well,” Marule said in his speech. “As we celebrate the hero’s life and the contributions that he made to enable us a better life today, we must always remember those less fortunate than us,” he added. The day was celebrated under the theme “from farming to agricultural industrial development.”

Page 8


27 July, 2012, Website:

Mosesetjane All Stars finally off to Vodacom League TK Mashaba Mosesetjane All Stars have finally done what they set out to do at the beginning of the last season. They will be joining the Vodacom League come the next league season. Mokopane based Mosesetjane All Stars were the Waterberg champions during last season’s SAB Waterberg Regional League. Their first place on the log earned them the chance to play in the play-offs in Venda. A win there would have given them the opportunity to be promoted to the Vodacom League, but they did not make

the cut. Last week The BEAT reported that the owner of Mosesetjane All Stars, Mr John Molomo, was looking at buying the Vodacom League status of Dinare FC. Early this week Molomo proudly announced that he did indeed buy the Vodacom League status of Dinare FC. He also said that his team would be using the Mosesetjane name in the Vodacom League. Mosesetjane All Stars have finally made it to the big leagues. “I am so happy that everything went according to plan with the seller. We are definitely ready for the next season,”

Less than one week to close of 5150 Bela Bela Triathlon Entries With less than a week until the close of entries to the 5150 Bela Bela Triathlon, on 30 July, and less than five weeks until the race itself, the hype and excitement is building around a race boasting some prominent names in South African triathlon. The inaugural 5150 Bela Bela Triathlon last year saw South Africa’s Travis Johnston and Czech, Lucie Zelenkova walk away with the inaugural titles. Th i s y e a r Ze l e n k o v a , a form er Ironman and Ironman 70.3 champion, will be back to defend her title in Bela Bela. Together with Zelenkova, the Elite field at this stage will feature the likes of Kent Horner, Rudolf Naude and Henri Schoeman on the men’s side and Riana De Lange, Andrea Steyn and Australia’s Anel Steward in the women’s field. Entries are still open so we can expect more big names to enter before Monday. 5150 Bela Bela Triathlon also includes a team element and this year Team 5FM will be taking part consisting of Angie Khumalo from The Roger Goode Show and Fikile ‘Fix’ Moeti from The Rob Forbes Show. The women from the airwaves have been going all out in training to take on South Africa’s biggest standard distance triathlon along with the nearly 800 athletes. Entries have almost doubled from last year and this year’s race is set to be a cracker. With entries already around the Lucie Zelenkova a former Ironman and 800 mark, the 5150 Bela Bela Triathlon is Ironman 70.3 champion, will be back set to be the biggest standard distance to defend her title in Bela Bela. Photo: triathlon ever in South Africa. A staggerFinisherPix ing 31% of the field are female, which is a significant number for any triathlon event and shows that the number of female triathletes in South Africa is on New & Used vehicles the rise. Less than one-week remains to get your entry in so get online to today and be part of the fun and excitement at South Africa’s biggest Tel: (014) 736 2127 standard distance Fax: (014) 736 3241 triathlon in the Cell: 078 782 4501 breath-taking Bushveld setting of email: Forever Resorts Warmbaths this MOPANI TOYOTA August. 12 Potgieter Street. Bela-Bela 0480. PO Box 1061 LEAD THE WAY

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Molomo said. Molomo told The BEAT that he is going to use the same players that played in the team’s SAB League side, but that he will add other players too. “This time I want to reinforce my squad and we are going for glory. We know that it will not be as easy as in the SAB League, but we are willing to work hard,” he said. Simple Yellows are still waiting for their SAB League status to be sold. There seems to be some interest from two different buyers. Mr Pat Monyepao, current owner of the team, said that two buyers showed inter-

est in the team’s status, but that they have not been able to meet yet to work out the details. “They have shown interest, but since they have not charted the way forward, the status is still for sale,” he said. Monyepao, who relocated to the Capricorn District recently, is waiting for further developments after speaking to the interested buyers telephonically. Simple Yellows is a well-known team and played a tough tournament in the SAB Waterberg Regional League, finishing third on the league log. They also represented the Waterberg district in the Nedbank Cup district knockout.

Sports development in Bela Bela on the back burner

This how the netball court looks in its current state of disrepair. Photo: TK Mashaba

This is how the tennis court looks after a long time of being vandalised. Photo; TK Mashaba

TK Mashaba Bela Bela sport lovers and fanatics will have to wait a year or two for the local sports facilities to be developed. Mr Matome Sebelebele, spokesperson of the Bela Bela municipality, made the announcement this week. “We are aware of the state and condition of the sport facilities and we are working on a master plan which will guide us to which side we need to develop and prioritise, because the township is growing too,” he said. The local sports facilities in Bela Bela are in dire need of a real boost of development. Stadiums, grandstands, proper netball fields, volleyball courts, tennis courts and basketball courts are some of the sporting needs that the community of Bela Bela have named. Currently the local volleyball team is

using the tennis court to practice. The tennis court has also been badly vandalised and is not safe anymore. The volleyball court has not been developed since the day that it was built. The local netball courts are also in a serious state of disrepair. The damage to the courts is so severe that it could be a hazard to netball players. A local community member and sports lover who did not want to be named told The BEAT that the Bela Bela municipality does not take sport facilities seriously enough. “This is where they have to put their focus because it will help many children to stay focussed and be healthy at the same time,” he said. He also said that the development of the sports facilities should have been done long ago and that it is unacceptable that the community has to wait another year or two.

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