27 September 2013
Mayor to the rescue
The Hlongwanes’ house burnt to ashes for reasons unkown two weeks ago. Photo supplied. Story on page 3
Cable thief goes underground
Pg 2
Modimolle matrics look fabulous
Pg 7
Total Surrender holds try-outs
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27 September, 2013
Alleged cable thief makes narrow escape
beateditor@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Police urges community to keep proof of ownership Justin Steyn Police in Mookophong have informed The BEAT that many victims of theft are not keeping the proof of ownership of their valuable items. Warrant officer George Ledwaba said that victims of theft often approach the police claiming that stolen property recovered by the police belongs to them. “Complainants often approach us claiming that we have recovered some of their stolen property, unfortunately we cannot return these items without some sort of proof,” he said Ledwaba said that a till slip or invoice
with a corresponding serial number of the item in question will serve as valid proof of ownership. He added that the Mookophong police have noted a growing trend in the theft of flat screen televisions and said these items are just an example of items with high value that residents attempt to reclaim from the police with no proof of ownership. Ledwaba said that incidents of theft or housebreaking should be reported immediately as valuable items are often sold to buyers from neighbouring countries at low prices, making it hard for police to relocate them.
Bela Bela detectives make a breakthrough that some of the stolen items including beach chairs and hose pipes were recovered in Orchards and suspects were A tracing team of the Bela Bela police then detained on detectives led by Friday, 20 SeptemConstable Frans ber. According to Sekgobela made a According to the police, the police, the breakthrough in the hijacked truck was hijacked truck was arresting two coming from Macro suspects in concoming from Macro depot depot in Cape nection with a case in Cape Town... Town. The susof truck hijack. The pects were reincident happened manded to police custody when they in Pienaarsrivier and the suspects were appeared before the Bela Bela Magisarrested on Thursday, 19 September. trate’s Court on Monday, 23 September. Sekgobela said that the police received Sekgobela said that it was discovered information about the suspects hiding in through investigation that the suspects Suurman in Pretoria and went and were also wanted in Pienaarsrivier for investigate. He added that the suspects another case of truck hijacking. were found in a vehicle, which is believed The suspects are expected back in to be used when they commit the crimes. court on Tuesday, 1 October for formal Sekgobela said that the suspects were bail application. then questioned and the investigation proceeded to Orchards. He further said Lizzy Bapela
One of the drain pipes from where the alleged cable thief could have escaped from. Photo: Justin Steyn Justin Steyn In the early morning hours of Wednesday 18 September Bela Bela police were in pursuit of an alleged cable thief. It was reported that an unknown man took copper cables from the Waterfront Shopping Centre which was noticed by security guards on duty. The guards immediately gave chase, but the man fled into an underground tunnel nearby. Two men who witnessed the incident reported the matter to local police while the guards were searching for the suspect. “We just saw a man carrying copper cables running from the security and he crept into the tunnels and we then called
the police to assist in the matter” they said. Two police vans were seen parked in Marx Street next to the Bushveld centre where the officers tried to find the suspect from inside a sewage pipe nearby. The pipeline from which the police were trying to locate the suspect was too narrow for them to enter and it was suspected that the thief had already made his escape. Passers-by suggested a dog unit be called in to assist but never occurred. After an approximate three hour search the police returned to the station. At the time of going to press Bela-Bela police spokesperson, Glen Manamela, said that no arrests have been made and the matter is still under investigation. Any persons who can provide the police with information can contact them on 014 736 9700 or approach the station directly.
New Doctor in Town DR. TAC RAMASODI
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Tel/Fax: 014 736 3801 /5126 CONSULTING HOURS: Monday - Friday: 08h30 - 17h00 Saturday: 08h30 - 13h00
South African economy on the road to recovery ‘In another indication of its diversity, the DTI through its industrial development cluster approved 70 film productions, including the recently released ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ and Monyetla Work-Readiness Programme, which trained 3,819 learners in the Business Process Services,...’ Lizzy Bapela The Director General of the Department of Trade and Industry (the DTI), Mr Lionel October said that the country’s economy is on the road to recovery. He highlighted the culture of “buy local” and the need to narrow the division between big business and township business as important components of efforts to build an inclusive South African economy. October said this while presenting the DTI’s annual report to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry in parliament on Friday, 20 September. He said that the good news for South Africans is that the country’s economy is recovering. October further said that it may still be too slow for the liking of some people and a full recovery may still take some time. He also said that indications are that the fundamentals that were put in place and the decisions that were taken when the recession and the Euro-zone crisis started biting are starting to bear fruit. He added that the country was on a slow road to recovery but it is continuing to face challenges. “The main challenge was the slow contribution to global growth, which was 1, 6 % in 2011 and the 1, 3 % in 2012 of the advanced economies. The problem for South Africa was that it still had a skewed reliance on the advanced economies for exports. The economic woes of countries making up this bloc
meant fewer export opportunities for South Africa,” said the DG. October has indicated that another big challenge centred on South Africa’s trade deficit is that there has been an improvement in exports, but this still lags behind the expansion in imports. He said that the emerging economies have performed far better at 6, 3 % and 5, 1 % over the past two years. He further said this provided clear proof of the astuteness of the DTI in increasing efforts to diversify South Africa’s trade and investment markets by turning to Africa, South-East Asia, the Middle East and South America. The department’ spokesperson Sidwell Medupe said that currently, the DTI is achieving its best successes in four key areas, namely the auto industry, clothing and textile industry, business process services and the film industry. He indicated that the Business Process Services Incentive Programme provided R1.3-billion to create an estimated 4 500 jobs over the next three years. “In another indication of its diversity, the DTI through its industrial development cluster approved 70 film productions, including the recently released ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ and Monyetla Work-Readiness Programme, which trained 3,819 learners in the Business Process Services,” said Medupe.
beateditor@gmail.com@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
27 September, 2013
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Front page story...
Bela Bela Mayor helps poor family affected by fire Lizzy Bapela The mayor of Bela Bela, Councillor Freddy Hlungwane, came to the rescue of a family that was in need and helped them back on their feet. On the morning of Monday, 9 September, a house belonging to the family of Hlongwane – not related to the mayor - in Extension 5 burnt to ashes. Nearby community members who witnessed the incident rushed to the scene to assist in putting out the fire and save the occupants’ belongings. Unfortunately it was too late, as everything that was in the house was destroyed and the residents only managed to save a couch. Identity Documents and other personal belongings also got burnt in the fire. The house belongs to 94-year-old Ella Hlongwane, who stays with her midforties son. The son is mentally disturbed and receives a social grant. Hlongwane told the mayor that she did not know what could have caused the fire, as they just saw the house burning while they were sitting outside. Concerned community members and neighbours called the mayor for help and he responded swiftly. He also summoned the acting municipal manager Morris Maluleka and manager for Social Services Dolly Mafa to the scene to assist. The mayor told The BEAT that upon arrival, he tried to establish a case to find out the cause of the fire. He said that he provided from his own pocket, 20 brand new iron sheets and other home-building materials to the family.
IDs of the family members also got burnt beyond recognition. Photo: Supplied
A meter box was also affected by the fire. Photo supplied
ANC branch meeting postponed
ANC Khutsong Branch members came out in numbers to attend the bi-annual general meeting. Photo supplied Lizzy Bapela Members of the ANC Khutsong Branch expressed dissatisfaction over the nonattendance of the representative Sarah Lamola, who was deployed to come and help launch their newly elected branch executive committee members. The members held their bi-annual branch general meeting (BBGM) at the local clinic on Sunday, 15 September. The branches were supposed to be relaunched following a declaration from the office of the ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe, who dissolved all official structures in the province with hope to start new functioning ones. The chairperson of one of the Khutsong branches, Butani Mabunda, told The BEAT that they were not informed of the reasons for Lamola’s non-attendance. He said that the meeting was set up for 1pm and the members had waited for Lamola from 12pm until 6pm. “We formed a quorum with 312 mem-
bers but the deployed member just decided to sabotage the branch with her absence. We will have another BBGM within seven days and we are fully confident that we will emerge victorious. Our branch has confidence in me as chairperson and even intends to nominate me for a position in the regional executive committee in the coming elections,” said Mabunda. He indicated that their branch still stand by their elected secretary Gosh Rachidumela and have confidence in their preferred list of candidates for the whole executive committee. Mabunda said that there were no major disruptions or conflicts during the meeting, just a group of youths who were getting impatient waiting for Lamola. The local ward councillor, John Sesane, was not impressed by noticing that his name was not on the list. He said that he had registered and renewed his membership several times but he is still not in the database. Mabunda said that the ANC is currently experiencing a challenge of membership statistics and that is a provincial crisis. “There is no bad hand in the matter and many other members’ names are not in the database, including the councillor’s. Anyone who has complains or queries regarding the matter can send their copies themselves to the provincial coordinator and make enquiries themselves,” he said. Mabunda told The BEAT that their branch is canvassing and rallying people behind supporting and retaining Andries “Blackberry” Lekalakala as regional secretary and the support is very strong.
The municipality then issued a R1 500 voucher for groceries and eight blankets and also helped them get temporary IDs. The local business community donated household appliances and some groceries to the family. A week later, a church from Soshanguve called Word of Nation and Outreach visited Bela Bela for a charity drive and donated food parcels to local needy families and the Hlongwanes were among those who benefited from the initiative. The mayor indicated that he visits the family very often to check up on them and assist where there is still a need. During an interview with The BEAT on Monday, 23 September, he said he had just come from there and everything was back to normal, as the house was in order. The mayor confirmed that concerned neighbours and community members from the ward, assisted with the rebuilding of the house, adding that people from that ward are very progressive and thoughtful. He said that it was also a pleasure for him to assist, as there was a need. “I can never forget where I come from, as it pains me seeing a person in dire need of things that they have a right to have such as IDs and a place to lay their heads. I also come from a disadvantaged background so I know how such people feel, as I also went through a similar experience,” said the mayor. Gogo Ella expressed her gratitude towards the mayor and the municipality’s efforts of helping them. She told The BEAT that she is over the moon with the assistance.
Family feud ends up in court TK Mashaba A dispute between members of the Maila family in Bela Bela has had to go to court. According to Mmaphuti Maila, she has been ordered by the court not to approach closer than 500 meters to her own home because her sister in law lodged a complaint with the police. Mmaphuti and her sister in law Olga appeared in the Bela Bela Magistrate’s court on Monday, 23 September. According to Mmaphuti, who lives in the township, Olga told the police that Mmaphuti’s traditional ritual was not allowed in her house. Olga and Mmaphuti belong to different churches, and do not subscribe to the same set of beliefs. “She alleged that my rituals are not supposed to be performed here, but this is my home – our parent’s home – and then she went ahead and opened a case at the police,” said Mmaphuti. Don’t waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour’s duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it. Ralph Waldo Emerson Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom. Euripides
“Me and my sister in law both work at the Bela Bela hospital and we are not on speaking terms at the moment. I believe that she made a big mistake by going to the police because if she wanted to solve this she should have gone to the family elders and we could have met and discussed the situation,” she added. The pair will be appearing at court again on the 3 rd of October. The BEAT attempted to call Olga for her side of the story, but she could not be reached.
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27 September, 2013
Department talks on annual assessments
beateditor@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Mogalakwena mayoral team plants trees
Minister for the Department of Basic Education Angie Motshekga wished all learners well for their Annual National Assessments. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Lizzy Bapela The Department of Basic Education has interacted with media houses pertaining to the administration of the 2013 ANA (Annual National Assessments), which began with Language Assessments for grades 1, 2, 4 and 5 on 10 September. Minister Angie Motshekga is already conducting radio interviews on the administration of the assessments. The department declared its readiness to administer 2013 ANA process on Monday, 9 September. The department announced that more than 7-million learners from Grades 1 to 6 and 9 were to participate in the assessment in public schools and independent schools that qualify for government subsidy in South Africa. The department has indicated that this is an important activity for them, as these assessments are used to gauge the literacy and numeracy skills of learners at the foundation, intermediate and senior phases of the education system. The ANA results will help in identifying areas that need urgent attention and improving the learning success levels of the children. These results will be used to monitor progress, guide planning and the distribution of resources to help improve literacy and numeracy skills of learners. ANA will also assist the provincial education departments to make informed decisions regarding schools that require extra attention so as to improve learner performance. The department acknowledges that South Africa is the only country that administers such a test on an annual basis, indicating that this demonstrates the government’s commitment to ensuring that a minimum of 60% of South Africa’s learners achieve acceptable levels of performance in literacy and numeracy by 2014. This is being done in keeping with President Jacob Zuma’s directive in his 2010 State of the Nation Address. Meanwhile, the Government Communications and Information Systems (GCIS) in the Waterberg had indicated that it must be stressed to learners and parents that these assessments are not used to determine a child’s progression or promotion to the next grade. “It is purely to measure the learners’ progress with the curriculum and to establish the level at which they are performing and the areas of the curriculum that
teachers should concentrate on. Parents can assist their children by ensuring that they revise all the work done thus far, go through the activities in their workbooks and working through the exemplar tests that have been distributed to schools and are also available on the department’s website,” said Maria Ramoshaba of the department in Waterberg. The Minister said that these assessments that have been administered since 2011 have proven to provide extremely useful information. She added that there has been a steady improvement in learner performance, since the introduction of these tests. She stressed that special attention has been devoted to the development of this year’s maths test for grade 9 learners, to ensure that it serves as an appropriate indicator of learner’s performance at that level. “In 2012, the Grade 9 mathematics performance was particularly low and this has raised some pertinent questions of mathematics teaching at this level. We are confident that relevant interventions have taken place and that we will see an improvement in this year’s results,” said Minister Motshekga. The Minister said that a significant amount of effort has gone into the preparation for the task. She said that educators have been trained to administer these tasks under standardised conditions across all schools. She further said that there are special mechanisms in place to ensure that the marking by educators is tightly controlled and quality-assured. Sample scripts from every class in each school will be collected and re-marked at a central venue in the province, to ensure that the school marking is of the appropriate standard. To further ensure that the results of ANA 2013 are reliable and credible, the department has appointed an independent agent that conducted the tests at more than 2 000 selected schools across the country. These tests were to be collected and marked by the independent agent and the results from these selected schools will be used to verify both the process and the results obtained from the rest of the country. The Minister wished all the learners well during these assessments, saying that she looks forward to the analysis of the results.
The Economic Freedom Fighters called out to its supporters and members of the public from across the country to donate to the movement using SMS. They told the media that many people have been enquiring about how they can contribute to the financial muscle of the EFF on small scale. The movement’s national spokesperson Mbuyiseni Ndlozi said that this is one of the direct and most useful ways to achieve the initiative. He added that the proceeds of this SMS
Lizzy Bapela That time of the year has come, when people volunteer and grab shovels and plant a tree for Arbor Week, an environmental campaign aimed to promote a more beautiful South Africa. Councillor Rahaba Lebelo, on behalf of Mayor Tlhalefi Mashamaite, and Mayor Tlhalefi Mashamaite led municipal councillors, executive committee (EXCO) members and officials in planting trees in the area. A delegation led by Lebelo converged at Ithuteng Primary School in Mahwelereng and planted ten trees, distributing others to the neighbouring schools. A formal event took place at the school to embrace Arbor Week, which is celebrated throughout the country. Meanwhile, Mashamaite and his delegation officially opened the Amoloba Nursery plants in Tenerif Village. The formal event took place on Friday, 6 September. In his address Mashamaite indicated that it was a blessing that the municipality and the community of the particular ward now have a place where plants, including indigenous trees and fruit trees, are propagated and grown. “We humbly appreciate having such an initiative in our area and rejoice over the fact that the nursery has created 13 permanent job opportunities and they will create another five permanent job opportunities to the community of Ramela Village,” he said. The mayor extended words of gratitude to the nursery owner Godfrey Masegela and his partners for ensuring that 18 households will be able to provide food for their families through the project. He encouraged the local community to make use of the garden services at
fundraising campaign will go into the organisational costs and preparations for the official launch in Marikana on Sunday, 13 October. Anyone who wishes to contribute to the movement can SMS EFF to 42009 and donate R30 to the organisation. This means that R30 will be deducted from the contributors’ airtime. “This way, you would have had an opportunity to support your organisation, contributed to the building blocks of a vehicle that must lead the struggle for economic emancipation in our lifetime,” said Ndlozi.
their doorstep, encouraging them to plant, nurture and celebrate the unique biodiversity of their homes, municipality and country at large. Mashamaite also used the opportunity to remind schools learners who attended the event that Arbor Week is celebrated each year in the beginning of September to focus people’s attention on the importance and value of trees in their daily lives. He added that the week also aims to raise awareness about the need to plant more trees, their importance in people’s daily lives and their biodiversity and protect existing ones. “This year Arbor Day is celebrated under the theme “Trees are terrific in all shapes and sizes”. The theme is designed to increase knowledge about the importance of tree diversity in community forests. We are encouraging communities to stop cutting trees but plant them and contribute to the greening of our country. Let us protect our trees and stop veld and forest fires,” he said. Mashamaite indicated that trees are the lungs of the earth, thus by planting trees and greening the country “we are saying no to desertification”. He urged communities to remember that electricity and gas are better and cleaner sources of energy for cooking than firewood. He also urged people to use deadwood and invader species for firewood. “To our learners and the youth in general, Arbor Day seeks to instil a sense of responsibility for the environment that we live in, especially the trees. We need to take care of our trees and flowers at our respective homes, in our streets and in our parks,” said Mashamaite.
Spa Park community to hold a land meeting TK Mashaba
EFF SMS fundraising campaign Lizzy Bapela
Mogalakwena Mayor Tlhalefi Mashamaite, Kgoši Phuti Matlala, EXCO members and councilors posed for a photo after the official opening of the Amaloba Nursery. Photo Supplied
The community of Spa Park are calling on residents of the farm Platneus a few kilometres out of Bela Bela town for a land meeting. This is, according to concerned residents, a long-overdue meeting. The objective is to discuss their options, as they say that the land was taken over by a trust that did not involve the rest of the community before they were moved to Spa Park. A resident informed The BEAT that the community, mostly made up of coloured people, had been staying on Platneus for years before they were moved by the Department of Labour in 1983. The Nosejeje Trust, which includes only
some of the former residents, later claimed the land. Attempts to negotiate an equal distribution of the land failed. “We are calling together all the former Platneus residents including those who are renting the small portion there, to come together with the Trust to this meeting, which will be held on Saturday, 29 September at the Spa Park Community Hall,” said one resident. The farm included areas around Buiskop, which has been allowed to fall into serious disrepair. The resident said that this meeting would be Nosejeje’s last chance as all previous attempts have failed, and that the farm’s former residents would occupy the land if the trust failed to show up at the meeting.
beateditor@gmail.com@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
27 September, 2013
Page 5
Photo of the week The best adventure Holidays are very expensive. It costs money to get where you’re going, to stay once you’ve got there and, once it’s over, it costs even more money to come back. Let’s talk about the kind of adventure you can have without ever leaving the comfort of your own home or, if you like, ever leaving your own bed! Let’s talk about reading. Books are the best-disguised thing you will ever see. A book may look like a dull rectangle made out of dead trees, but what it is…oh, dear reader, what it is, is a portal to another world entirely. Some of you may have heard of a British television show called Doctor Who, about a man (well, technically not a man, but let’s not quibble about details) who travels through all of time and space in a telephone box called a TARDIS. A book can be your TARDIS. A book is a magical thing that, if you only let it, will whisk you away from your boring life and let you live, for a little while, in a different world. Books can take you to Neverneverland, where nobody ever grows old and Peter Pan has the most fabulous adventures. Books can take you to Middle Earth, to journey with Bilbo or Frodo. Both these books have been made into films. And while film is nice, and I, personally, approve thoroughly of actors, there’s something quite different about reading a book for yourself, about seeing the characters come alive in your own mind, in your own way. No film is ever going to be exactly like it was in your head, because nobody else is ever going to see what you see when you read it. When I was small, books took me all over the world. I’ve seen Italy, I’ve walked the halls of Versailles. I’ve been in Jerusalem during the Crusades, and Venice during the Black Plague. When I was small, books were my best friends. I learned so much from Peter and Wendy, and Frodo, and even silly old Winnie the Pooh. Things I couldn’t have learned in school, about being kind, and brave, and that sometimes being silly is the only right way to be. Now that I’m all grown up, with responsibilities and a job, books are my adventures. This past week, I have been in London, investigating crimes with Sherlock Holmes, and China, where a good friend of mine had lost his memory and his dragon. I visited a town called Sorry-in-theVale, where magic is real. I travelled the stars on a ship called Enterprise and walked the halls of Hogwarts with Harry Potter. I stayed over for a bit in Ankh-Morpork, a city in the strangest world you can think of (no, really, try hard. Did you imagine a flat world standing on the backs of four elephants, all supported by a giant turtle flying in space? Bet you didn’t.), and had some really excellent adventures there. This week, let’s go on an adventure together. Go to the library and take out a book. Ask the librarian if you’re not sure what you would like to read. Take a little break from the real world, with its real – and often quite dull – problems, and come with me to a world that’s unlike anything you’ve ever imagined, where the problems are rather more interesting. Read a book. Have an adventure.
Some local comedians from Modimolle during the matric farewell parade. Photo: TK Mashaba
The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have a great story or something that you want us to bring to light, please email beateditor@gmail.com or send an SMS to one of our reporters: Lizzy: 072 264 7740, TK: 076 756 9740 or Justin: 072 388 8568 We would also LOVE to see some of your weird and wonderful photos for our editorial page. Do not delay, just contact us today!
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• provide our readers with complete, accurate, credible and objective news reporting • remain unbiased under all circumstances • strive to reflect the truth, objectivity and interests of the community in our reporting • support and contribute to freedom of speech, human rights and the economical and social upliftment of the towns and regions of our readers
A great poet, Kahlil Gibran, once said: “God has made many doors opening into truth which He opens to all who knock upon them with hands of faith.” It’s a nice idea, that God will gift us with the truth. The thing is, though, that you do need to knock. You need to ask questions, you need to think! Blind faith is an idea made popular by churches and institutions, in whose best interests it has always been that people don’t ask too many questions. Blind faith is not what the Lord is after. Informed belief is much better than blind obedience. Think of the body of believers as an army. Anyone can put on a uniform, grab a gun and call himself a soldier. But without any training, without knowledge, how useful a soldier can he really be? The answer, of course, is not very useful at all. Give that same person a bit of knowledge – teach him how to fire a gun and to keep his head down – and he becomes a much more important part of your army. Give him a bit more – teach him how to bandage a wound, how to dig a trench – and he becomes really useful. Then take that same person, that same useless person who didn’t know how to fire a gun, and teach him how to command others, teach him tactics and strategy and the art of war, and suddenly you have a general. Do you see how knowledge makes a soldier more useful? How a little bit of knowledge, and then a little bit more, makes a soldier a better soldier? A little bit of knowledge and then a little bit more can only make you a better soldier of the Lord as well. Knowledge is power, they say, and this is equally valid whether you’re talking about an army of soldiers or the host of the Lord. You need to arm yourself with every scrap of knowledge you can find, so as to be as useful to God as you possibly can. You cannot afford to be ignorant. It will not be easy. It will be hard work, and it will take time, but the payoff is so very worth it. Not only in terms of your faith, which will grow stronger as you learn more about it, as you acquire a firm bedrock of fact on which to base it, as you learn enough to avoid the traps and snares that seek to draw you away from the true path, but in terms of your entire life, which can only be improved by the addition of new skills and knowledge. One of the greatest blessings of universal – or almost, we’re still working on it – literacy, is that you do not need anyone to tell you what the Bible says, because you can read it for yourself. And despite what many would have you believe, what the Bible says is generally what it means. It does not need to be explained, excused or illuminated, it is the Word of God, and sufficient unto itself. Use it. Learn it. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is dangerous, and it is stupid, and God does not want it for you.
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27 September, 2013
beateditor@gmail.com@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Waterberg celebrates Heritage Day in advance Lizzy Bapela The Waterberg District Municipality celebrated Heritage Day before the actual time this year, due to number of work commitments during the month of September, also known as Tourism Month. People from all walks of the district flocked to the event, which was held at the Makapan Valley World Heritage Site under the Mogalakwena Local Municipality on Friday, 20 September. The day was celebrated under the theme “reclaiming, restoring and celebrating our heritage”. Spokesperson for the district municipality, Pat Malete, said that the objectives of the theme include amongst others to promote unity in diversity among all sectors of the South African society. These objectives also include raising awareness and illustrating the importance of liberation heritage to the youth and “born free” generation, and to reaffirm and promote the significance of liberation heritage as part of the cultural heritage of South Africa. Among other people attending the event include Mogalakwena Mayor Councillor Hlalefi Mashamaite and other mayors from across the district. Chiefs representing the District Local House of Traditional Leaders, speakers and chief whips in the district, Members of the Mayoral Committees (MMCs) in the District, councillors, officials and managers from sector departments and municipalities in the district, officials from sector departments and municipalities and the community at large also graced the event. The district executive mayor Tlotlanang Mogotlane gave a keynote address during the event, highlighting the importance of commemorating and celebrating the historic site Makapan Valley and the heritage month. In her speech, Mogotlane pointed out that children born in 1994 will be able to vote for the first time in 2014, saying that this is an important milestone, not only for this group of South Africans, but for the nation as a whole. She said that young people are confronted with an ever-changing world, globalization, rapid technological advances and many other
P. O. Box 12417, Bendor Park, 0713. Tel: 015 230 0010. Fax: 086 602 1851. (20&27/9/13).
MODIMOLLE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY AMENDMENT SCHEME 298 Modimolle Local Municipality herewith give notice in terms of Section 28(1) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 15 of 1986 that a concept town planning scheme has been prepared in respect of a portion of Portion 3 of Erf 2883 Nylstroom x15. The scheme is an amendment of the Modimolle Land Use Scheme 2004, and represents the rezoning of the north eastern portion of Portion 3 of Erf 2883 Nylstroom x15 (±2800m² in extent), situated at AD Diederick Street, from “Public Open Space” to “Government” with the addition of Annexure 296 to the Scheme in order to permit the construction of Offices for the Department of Home Affairs. All relevant documents relating to the application and concept sheme will be open for inspection during normal office hours at the offices of the Modimolle Local Municipality, The Divisional Manager: Town-planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, Harry Gwala Street, Modimolle for a period of 28 days i.e. 20 September 2013 to 17 October 2013. Any person who wishes to object to the applications or submit representations in respect thereof must lodge the same in writing to Private Bag x1008, Modimolle, 0510 or lodge it with the Modimolle Local Municipality at its address and room number specified above on or before 17 October 2013. Name and address of agent: RIAN BEUKES TOWN & REGIONAL PLANNERS AND PROPERTY CONSULTANTS
BELA-BELA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSENT IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 21 OF THE BELA-BELA LAND-USE SCHEME, 2008, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A TELECOMMUNICATION MAST AND BASE STATION Notice is hereby given that, in terms of Clause 21 of the BelaBela Land-Use Scheme, 2008, we the undersigned, intend applying to the Bela-Bela Municipality for Special Consent for the construction and operation of telecommunication mast and base station on the Remaining Extent of Portion 3 of the Farm Verloren 452 KR zoned as “Agricultural”, situated at 12 km from Bela-Bela on the R101 towards Modimolle. Plans and particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at the address of the Applicant: 414 Rustic Road, Silvertondale, Pretoria or at the offices of the Manager: Planning and Development, Bela-Bela Municipality, Chris Hani Drive, Bela-Bela. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof in writing, with both the Manager: Planning and Development, BelaBela Municipality and the undersigned not later than 25 October 2013. Applicant details. VUKANI INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING SERVICES INC. PO Box 32017, Totiusdal, 0134 414 Rustic Road, Silvertondale, 0184 Tel: 012 804 1504, Fax: 012 804 7072 / 086 690 0468
The Waterberg District executive mayor Tlotlanang Mogotlane addressed the scores of people during the district Heritage Day celebration. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
challenges, adding that it is important that they remain rooted in their cultural traditions and practices. Mogotlane added that the theme for Heritage Day 2013 is aimed at encouraging the youth to realize that no major civilization or development has happened outside a cultural and heritage context. The district municipality acknowledges that Heritage day recognizes diverse culture and history of the people, regarding the gathering as a way to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and diversity that has the power to build a nation. Malete said that people also affirm the diverse cultures and in so doing shapes the national character, as a “rainbow nation” that is at peace with itself. Celebrating heritage is part of the country’s effort to heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights. The municipality encouraged communities to use the day to move towards the vision of national unity and cultural harmony. “Everyone should be proud of their heritage. We should look back with pride as a nation at our peaceful transition from a
mosquito repellent Justin Steyn This week’s springtime insert will show you how to protect yourself and your family from mosquito bites. Spring in all its glory also sees the return of these unwanted house guests that either leave us wide awake at night or itching and scratching the next morning. Mosquito bites are responsible for diseases such as malaria, which causes a million deaths each year. Mosquito repellents, especially those containing the chemical Diethyl-metatoluamide (DEET), are also associated with respiratory problems and in some cases hazardous to your skin. It is for this reason that The BEAT brings you a mosquito repellent recipe that is not only easy to make but also natural and safe to use. For the first repellent you will need: Essential oils (citronella is preferred.) Vegetable oil (such as sunflower oil or olive oil – medicinal olive oil is quite reasonably priced) Aloe Vera gel (this is optional but highly recommendable) Step 1: add 10 to 25 drops of essential oil into a glass jar. Step 2: add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil Step 3: add 1 tablespoon of the aloe vera Step 4: These ingredients should now be placed in the jar and must be stirred to blend A few drops from the concoction can be dabbed on your skin and clothing to
divided society to a stable democracy, which is one of our most important achievements in our country. This history forms part of our nation’s heritage, as we continue to hold free and fair elections every five years as stipulated in our Constitution,” said the executive mayor. She indicated that the nation should, irrespective of shortcomings or challenges, preserve these traditions and hand them down to the next generation. Mogotlane said that our heritage is the springboard that will help brand South Africa as one of the greatest theatres of struggle and to illustrate the country’s victory over apartheid and the world-renowned model of reconciliation and nation building. “The government will continue to ensure that together we build a nation that encourages dialogue, fosters social cohesion and celebrates its heritage. Great progress has been made in ensuring that our cultural institutions portray South Africa’s diverse history. Prior to 1994, our museums and monuments were accessible only to a few and reflected the experiences and political ideals of the minority,” said the mayor,
adding that since 1994, the government has ensured that many institutions such as museums and monuments reflect the history and experiences of all citizens. She said that cultural institutions are now in line with the constitution and the Bill of Rights that recognize and respect people’s culture equally. She also said that various heritage sites and buildings are named after a number of liberation struggle icons from South Africa and the continent. These include Sol Plaatjie, Nelson Mandela, Shaka Zulu, Steve Biko, Samora Machel, Kenneth Kaunda, our own Makapan Heritage site and many others. South Africa is also home to eight of the world’s official heritage sites, as determined by UNESCO’s (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage Committee. The national anthem represents various components of the past and it is owned by everyone. The heritage gives us a sense of identity and belonging, according to the municipality. They also indicated that heritage opens opportunities in jobs and skills providing platforms for performers, crafters and subsidiary industries. “Our rich liberation heritage must be used to draw visitors to South Africa, especially in Waterberg. It will also serve to ensure that we protect our common heritage and advance a national heritage, which is inclusive of cultural diversity,” said Mogotlane. The Department of Arts and Culture has identified more than 28 heritage and related projects, which it is attending to in this 2013/14 financial year. The district municipality is also contributing R100 000 towards making Makapan Valley World Heritage Site one of the best attractions in the country. Malete said that these projects will contribute towards social cohesion, nation building and reconciliation. The municipality encouraged all South Africans to talk openly about all the places that make South Africa a unique and proud country adding that “working together we can do more to contribute towards nation building and social cohesion”
Restaurants’ wage increase demands continue Lizzy Bapela The Care Centre, Catering, Retail and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (CCRAWUSA) announced on the morning of Monday, 2 September that no agreements have been made with regards to wage increment for restaurant workers. The union leadership met with the Bargaining Council to further discuss workers’ demands on Monday 26 August. The union’s general secretary Isaac Mosoeu told The BEAT that they would be picketing at the offices of the CCMA in Pretoria on Friday, 6 September. Mosoeu said that members were to be reminded how to conduct themselves during strikes, as there are rules which need to be followed. He added that they will be announcing a date for the next strike soon. It has been a month now since affiliating members of the union including shop stewards and other workers in the hospitality industry countrywide staged a wage protest, demanding a fair increment in what they were paid as wages. The protestors submitted a memorandum of their grievances to the council’s headquarters in Pretoria on Friday 2 August. Mosoeu signed the memorandum, which stated that the workers demand a decent salary, bonuses, meal and transport allowances, permanent employment for all independent contract workers including a fixed basic
salary and a provident fund. Spokesman for the Tshwane Metro Police Isaac Mahamba reportedly said that no incidents were reported during or after the march. Mosoeu had previously said that the restaurant sector paid their workers far less than all other sectors and even farm workers earn better. He indicated that according to the Government Gazette, cooks earn R549 a week, waiters R520, while qualified chefs earn R950. The union had previously notified general managers of restaurants that the council had reached a deadlock on wages and other substantial issues. This resulted in the union declaring a dispute against the employers or their organization. The council then issued a certificate, indicating that workers could go on a protected strike action pursuant of their wage increase demand. In a recent interview with The BEAT, Mosoeu confirmed that several restaurants had come to an agreement of settling the matter to avoid the strike action. The workers demanded a 12% and Tacoma Spur in Bela Bela had agreed to 9%, with Wimpy offering their workers a 7% increase. Mosoeu had said that other stores were still adamant and that the union will not rest until the workers’ demands are met.
beateditor@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
27 September, 2013
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Modimolle matrics looking glamorous at their farewell ‘I know at this stage there is more pressure coming from parents, educators and those who have already passed, but remember that it’s been a long road for you and you need to be focused and do the best you can,’ TK Mashaba Phagameng High School’s matric students looked like film stars during their farewell parade at Ephraim Mogale Stadium on Friday, 20 September.
After the parade, they went to a guest house outside Mookgophong for a gala dinner, where they were briefly addressed by William Matshoge. “The educators have done their part, and now it is time for you to show that you have learned their lessons well,”
he said. He urged the students to exceed everyone’s expectations, and added that it was time to change the expectation of Phagameng students that there will be few distinctions in the class. “I know at this stage there is more
pressure coming from parents, educators and those who have already passed, but remember that it’s been a long road for you and you need to be focused and do the best you can,” said Victoria Letwaba, an educator at the school and one of the event organisers.
Dineo Mokae and Milliam Maluleka. Photo: TK Mashaba
Frans Minnar and Lethabo Minaar. Photo: TK Mashaba
Johanna Motsegoa and Tebogo Mbalangane. Photo: TK Mashaba
Keneilwe Kolobe and Johannes Maphaka. Photo: TK Mashaba
Kgaogelo Monene and Raki Molefe. Photo: TK Mashaba
Patrick Morudu and Queen Mookamedi. Photo: TK Mashaba
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27 September, 2013
Total Surrender trials at Moloto Stadium a success
beateditor@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Vaalwater hosts School AIDS Day The Care Works netball team took part in the sport during the School AIDS Day event held in Alma recently.
TK Mashaba The sudden cold snap didn’t dent the spirits of the young men who arrived at Moloto Stadium on Saturday, 21 September, to show Total Surrender coach Zwakala Mokoma their moves. Moloto said that he was satisfied by the level of dedication the young men showed. “These boys really showed that they needed this so much and displayed the kind of skills we are looking for,” he said. Mokoma said that in the under 13 trials they recruited 19 new players, while the under 15s delivered 15 new players. The under 17 trials were less successful, and Mokoma said that the team may have to schedule another date for that age group’s try-outs. “There weren’t that many under 17s and we agreed to hold try-outs on a different day for them,” he said. “Our plan with this is the development of these boys from under 15 to under 17 to boost the teams. Some of the players we’re using on our A teams are from these development teams that we had years ago,” Mokoma said, adding that he is looking forward to the new season.
Lizzy Bapela
Zwakala Mokoma in the blue shirt, giving coaching advice during a game. Photo: TK Mashaba
Gauteng’s Fat Cats hit Bela Bela One of Gauteng’s most influential social teams in all codes, are coming from outside teams are scheduled to hit Bela Bela town Bela Bela, particular, Johannesburg, this Friday, the 28th of September in what Pretoria and Polokwane” In netball, more than six teams are going is dubbed the biggest social games ever head to head in what is expected to be a hosted by locals. The popular Johannesburg-based team will tense battle for supremacy in the sport of the fairer gender. Bela Bela will be reprecompete with Bela Bela municipality in the sented by local Devine Divas, Old Crookes, opening of the just-for-fun games known as Letlhabile girls against Fat Queens, the Finest Tournament that will also see Majantja and Road Accident Fund netball Road Accident Fund soccer team playing team from Pretoria. against Majantja FC, another fashionable BBFU head of Joburg outfit. The sponsor Tshidi games, organised Molebatsi said the by Bela Bela Finest We believe these wonderful organisers were United (BBFU) games will trigger not only happy with support which is made up by interest in Bela Bela as a tourist they were getting a social network of hub of choice in Limpopo, but from local busientrepreneurs, will also inspire the community nesses but still working professionto start caring about each other appealing to more to als and sport in a such way that each resident meaningful contribufanatics from Bela and community member is a tions to the Bela, will feature 16 upliftment of the competing teams keeper of the other... community, espeplaying not only cially the youth. “We soccer but netball, believe this is an opportune moment for volleyball and basketball. The games will business to build a solid relationship with include well-liked township card game the black diamonds and in particular the “Casino” and a table pool completion middle class in black communities, by otherwise known as Snooker, with enterpromoting their products and services. This tainment by local Dj’s. is a great opportunity The games, expected to draw thousands BBFU Chairman Matome Sebelebele in and outside Waterberg, will be played at indicated that all visiting teams together Moloto street sport field, Mmamakwa with local participants will be conducting a Primary School, Bela Bela Community Social Responsibility Investment proHall. According to the BBFU Secretary gramme and donations at Thusanang General Thabang Sephai, the games are Special School for the Physical and Mental designed to mobilise the community, Impaired. “We believe these wonderful particularly the youth, to pursue positive, healthy lifestyle The objective of the Finest games will trigger not only interest in Bela Bela as a tourist hub of choice in Limpopo, Games is to offer the Bela Bela community but will also inspire the community to start an “innovative stage for social interaction, caring about each other in a such way that positive role modelling and networking each resident and community member is a between the employed and the unemkeeper of the other,” he said. ployed” The games will start at 08:30 and end “Through these games we also seek to with the battle of DJ’s on the 28th Sepdevelop and support local economy through tember. sport tourism, because most of our visiting
Community members of Alma, Mabaleng flocked to the Mabaleng Sports Field to attend the School AIDS Day event and HIV awareness campaign event organized for them on Saturday, 21 September. The event was an initiative by the Care Works HIV management organisation, in partnership with the Waterberg Welfare Society (WWS). It is held annually, with different areas targeted according to their needs. Julius Maluleka of WWS said that the main aim of the event was to encourage the community of Alma to get tested and know their HIV status. After an address by representatives from both the organisations, 61 people took part in the Voluntary HIV Counselling and Testing (VCT) and received their result on the spot. Both the organizations previously hosted two-day awareness campaigns in Vaalwater, where 168 people were tested. The initiative took place during a time where the organizations were also celebrating an event they hosted called Mandela
Sports and Culture day. Local artists and sports teams participated in the School AIDS Day event and the winning teams received cups and stationeries. The Care Works netball team, Nature Boys and Mighty Green soccer teams and Thusanang Support Group volleyball team from Alma were among the participating teams for the day. Learners from the local Moshia High School presented drama, poetry, music and other entertainment activities on the day. Maluleka said that the HIV awareness campaign is still continuing and this time the organizations are targeting the Vaalwater community and other nearby rural areas. A team of local youth peer educators in Alma and Vaalwater are receiving help from Care Works and WWS in organizing the events and mobilizing community members to attend. The organisations work with the local clinics for references and other stakeholders in the communities to bring balance and unity in reducing the spread of HIV.
Minister to transform horse-racing industry ‘The minister indicated that it was clear during the presentation and inputs of various stakeholders that the industry is not close to achieving transformation but the department is committed to assist.’ Lizzy Bapela The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is expected to put together a team of facilitators to assist the horse-racing industry to transform. This was an announcement made by the department’s minister, Dr Rob Davies. He made this commitment during the hearings on the status of transformation in the horse-racing industry held by the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry in Parliament. Various stakeholders including grooms, trainers, owners and industry associations participated in the hearings. The minister indicated that it was clear during the presentation and inputs of various stakeholders that the industry is not close to achieving transformation but the department is committed to assist. He said that in order to achieve this, the department will appoint a team of facilitators, who will consult with everyone involved and produce recommendations, which will enable all stakeholders to move forward. Horse-racing industry analyst Robin Bruss has reportedly requested Minister Davies to institute a commission of enquiry into horse-racing in the country, in order to inform an appropriate and equitable dispen-
sation leading to a sustainable growth path for all who participate in the industry. He added that the unique structure of the horse-racing industry was a barrier to transformation. “R9 million per annum is bet on horseracing and yet all the components are in decline because the industry is underfunded. Most of the decline is evident in employment, which has gone down from 100 000 in 1995 to 15 000 in 2009,” said Bruss. Although the Chief Executive of the National Horse-racing Authority Denzil Pillay said that the industry was in the throes of transforming itself, the presentation made by the Chairman of the South African Grooms Association Chopelikaya Simoto indicated that the two stakeholders are diametrically opposed. The departmental spokesperson Sidwell Medupe said that this prompted Minister Davies to offer to appoint facilitators. Medupe said that the aim is to help bring all the stakeholders closer in order to agree on the way forward before he could make present recommendations and proposal to the gambling council.