The beat 31 may 2013

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31May 2013

Initiation schools deaths cause concern

An intiation ritual. Photo: Supplied Lizzy Bapela The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Limpopo has called for the government to shut down all illegal initiation schools in the province. The DA expressed concerns following the recent deaths of six initiates who died at various initiation schools in the province. The party demands that the MEC for the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs, Clifford Motsepe identify all illegal initiation schools in the province and close them down with immediate effect to prevent more deaths. “How many more young men must die in the prime of their lives before MEC Motsepe realises that it’s his job to regulate these schools?” said the party’s spokesperson on Local Government Desiree van der Walt. The Limpopo Working Committee (LWC)

on initiation schools has confirmed that 140 illegal schools in the province have been identified with more than 1056 initiates. The DA believes that that out of many of the initiates are learners who have skipped their school lessons to attend these illegal schools. She said the DA is also deeply concerned about parents who force their children to attend these illegal schools instead of waiting for the registered schools to open. The party acknowledges and respects the cultural beliefs surrounding male initiation but this transition to manhood should only be permitted at registered initiation school and under the guidance of experienced traditional authorities. They called upon MEC Motsepe and the LWC on initiation schools to ensure all operating initiation schools are registered and close down all those found to be

unaccredited and illegal. Meanwhile, Motsepe met with stakeholders involved in the Limpopo initiation schools for 2013 in Polokwane on Monday, 27 May. Spokesperson for the department Tseng Diale said the purpose of the meeting is to brief and prepare stakeholders on precautionary measures to be followed in order to ensure a smooth process during the June/July 2013 initiation period. The MEC and members of the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders briefed the media and stakeholders on the day. The MEC encourages the participants to go to legitimate schools and warned that law enforcement agencies will have zero tolerance for lawbreakers in this matter. Also, the ANC Youth League in Limpopo made a call to all who have yet to go to initiation schools to ensure that the schools are properly coordinated and that the Department of Health and the police are monitoring compliance on both safety and hygiene. The league further urged people to make use of medical circumcision as it is freely offered at public hospitals throughout the year. Speaking on behalf of the league, spokesperson Klaas Mabunda said the league also urged the authorities to arrest everybody responsible for the death of the initiates and impose harsher sentences. He said they cannot tolerate a situation where African culture is misused and brought to shame by self-centred traditional healers. “Those who initiate the schools are nowadays driven by the passion for money and they have turned the schools into slaughterhouses. If the mortality rate continues to mount, we should rise as communities against all the initiation schools and persuade laws to only recognize medical circumcision instead.” He added that the intention was not to discard or diminish cultural practices, but to save lives.

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31 May, 2013

Dossier to put Bela Bela under administration submitted Justin Steyn The DA in Limpopo handed over a dossier to local government MEC, Cliff Motsepe, on Tuesday 28 May. The dossier documents reasons for the party’s request that the Bela-Bela Municipality be placed under administration, and recommends that Motsepe act swiftly to prevent further dereliction in the municipality. “We have not taken the decision to submit this dossier lightly” said DA Limpopo spokesperson Desiree van der Walt. “We are left with no choice but to act in the interests of all residents impacted by the breakdown in delivery of basic services. We hope that intervention in the municipality will improve the quality of life for Bela-Bela residents.” The dossier states that the breakdown of the relations between the officials in this municipality are said to have led to serious repercussions The National Treasury has withheld budget allocations amounting to millions to this municipality as a result of its failure to comply with treasury regulations. According to a letter issued on 14 December 2012, the Treasury advised the MEC about the decision to halt funds, the municipality has reportedly failed to comply for the past 3 consecutive years in spite of being warned. The DA stated that contrary to the treasury recommendations, which stated that the municipality should appoint a fulltime municipal manager, the municipality had put a newly appointed CFO (barely 20 days after his appointment) in the vital position. This has again left the municipality without a CFO after an 18 months period without one, leading to this municipality earning a negative reputation and debt escalating to R126 million, according to the DA. Serious and yet unresolved matters of alleged corruption relating to a piece of

land belonging to the municipality, was swopped under dubious circumstances with politically connected individual who is facing troubles with the law, the letter states. A letter to the DA regarding service delivery from the rate payers indicated that this has virtually collapsed with sewages over spilling in many parts and potholes abounding. The Executive Committee in the municipality has allegedly failed to function due to consistent failure to attend meetings by certain councillors. The DA also addressed concerns regarding a special council meeting on Friday 24 May where the council had reportedly removed the only opposition member on the executive committee which is said to be a move to weaken oversight. The DA stated further that the council stripped the members of the executive committee of their delegated powers, rendering the body meaningless. “The Mayor is also stripped of al his powers thus making him a mere “ceremonial mayor” said Van der Walt. When asked for comment Bela Bela Municipal spokesman Matome Sebelebele confirmed that the executive committee had been stripped of some of their powers, but could not comment on the reasons behind it, and noted that regarding the budget allocations, the municipality is engaging with the Treasury and has a definite commitment to solving the municipality’s financial troubles. “We think that it is ill-conceived of the DA to request that the MEC put the Bela Bela Municipality under administration when current circumstances do not warrant such drastic measures,” Sebelebele said. “We remain confident that the request will be declined, and optimistic that the challenges currently facing the municipality will soon be resolved.”

Two life sentences for double murder Justin Steyn A Zimbabwean man has been ordered to serve two life sentences at the Bela Bela, Website:

State of the Municipality Addresses in Waterberg

Waterberg District Executive Mayor Tlotlanang Mogotlane. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Modimolle Mayor Kgaretja Lekalakala. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Bela Bela Mayor Freddy Hlungwani. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Thabazimbi Mayor Patricia Aletta Mosito. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Lephalale Mayor Moloko Maeko. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Mogalakwena Mayor Tlhalefi Mashamaite. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Lizzy Bapela

delivered her SOMA and 2013/2014 Budget Speech on Thursday, 30 May. The event was held at the Modimolle OR Tambo Hall. Mogotlane also led a council meeting that was held at the district municipal chamber at 14h00. The audience in the SOMAs and the SODA include councillors, members of the mayoral committees, chief whips, speakers, municipal officials and managers, as well as stakeholders such as the Government Communication and Information Systems (GCIS), SAPS, Corporative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) and others. All municipalities and the GCIS distribute pamphlets and information booklets during these events to inform communities on their roles and service delivery plans. Spokesperson for the Lephalale Local Municipality Nakampe Monyepao said their municipality has not yet set a date for their SOMA since it has been postponed several, times but it is expected to take place soon. He added that the municipality will reveal the date and venue once all plans have been put in place and relevant stakeholders will be invited. By the time of going to press, spokespersons for the Modimolle Local Municipality Patrick Shika and Malesela Selokela of Mogalakwena Local Municipality had not yet disclosed the dates for the SOMA and were not available to comment on the story.

magistrate court on Thursday, 23 May for the murder of a couple outside of town. The accused, Brighton Mafandeza, worked as a gardener for the couple on their farm close to Dwaalboom in December 2010 where he reportedly murdered them. Limpopo Police spokesperson, Col Ronel Otto, told press that the deceased’s bodies had been found in the trunk of their Land Cruiser on a gravel road outside of Dwaalboom and that the vehicle had been set alight. According to Otto, the bodies were identified by the jewellery they had been wearing. The couple, who had been doing Christmas shopping with their three daughters, were on their way home from Rustenburg on the day of the murder. When the couple had not phoned one of their daughters to confirm that they had returned home safely, she contacted a neighbour to look into the matter. Police investigations have since linked Mafandeza with the murder.

A week where mayors from municipalities around the Waterberg District deliver their State of the Municipal Addresses (SOMA) has already started and was busy as expected. Bela Bela mayor Freddy Hlungwani is expected to deliver his SOMA at the local community hall this Friday, 31 May at 10h00. The mayor said that he will also be tabling the municipal 2013/2014 IDP/ Budget and members of the community are invited to come in their numbers and attend, where they will be granted an opportunity to interact with their leaders. The Mayor of Thabazimbi Local Municipality Patricia Aletta Mosito will also be delivering his SOMA at ThabaPark on Friday, 31 May. Spokesperson for the municipality Joshua Motsomane said the mayor will deliver the 2013/2014 SOMA at 17h00. Meanwhile, Mookgophong mayor S a r a h Monyamane delivered the SOMA and 2013/ 2014 Budget Sp e e c h a t t h e Algemene Praktisyns / General Practitioners Municipal Banquet Hall on Tuesday, 28 May. Dr. V.G. Emslie Dr. T.M. De Jonge Na-ure Executive mayor MB.Ch.B(Pret) MB.Ch.B(UP) of the Waterberg Nr. 0332747 Nr. 0380342 After Hours (014) 736-3019 (h) District Tlotlanang (014) 736-5616 (h) Mogotlane also 014 736 2032/3



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ABSA Bosveld Pick ’n Pay Sentrum h/v Marx & Potgieter straat Bela-Bela 0480

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Postnet Suite 80 Privaatsak X1604 Bela-Bela 0480

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome. -Samuel Johnson, Website:

31 May, 2013

Community opposed to prospective mine Justin Steyn There are serious concerns about proposed mining operations in the Bela-Bela and Springbok Flats environments. Coal company Mbombela Coal (Pty) Ltd has reportedly applied for prospecting rights on three sections of Bela-Bela ,Bospoort and Buiskop, and the Waterberg Conservancy forum, led by Chris Wagner, has joined in the protest against the mine. In a meeting held on Tuesday, 28 May, Wagner explained the immense socioeconomic impli-

cations that the proposed mine could have on the town. “The mining process of the intended minerals, namely coal and uranium, can expose surrounding communities to gamma radiation and other harmful gasses” said Wagner. He added that the ecology can be irreparably destroyed as the mining process spreads radioactive dust, gas, liquid and waste. “These mines consume large quantities of drinking water and Bela Bela, at this stage, is facing a deficit. Every liter of water these types of mines used is transmitted as a poisoned vapour and liquid back into

the environment” said Wagner. The forum argued that it is shortsighted that Bela Bela should give up its healthy environment for the sake of a short-term benefits and limited employment opportunities. The Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs has awarded the prospecting rights but could not be reached for comment. The director of Mbombela Coal, Nano Mataboge said that are still awaiting their mining licenses before prospecting is commenced. Mbombela coal is said to have already contacted some of the affected land owners.

Police Search Settlers Agricultural High School Justin Steyn Bela Bela Police conducted a drug search at Settlers Agricultural High School on Tuesday, 28 May. Police told The Beat that the recent drug searches at schools are part of a campaign where two local schools will be searched every month. This comes as a direct order from the station commander, Sibongile Ndaba. The school was said to have three classes that were under suspicion for drug use. Bella Bella Police met with the Mahwalareng K9 dog unit outside the school before entering. Upon their arrival, police were met by the school’s principal and immediately selected three classes for searching. The students, who were writing an examination at the time, were requested to remain still as the unit

Police conducting a search at Settlers Agricultural High School. Photo: Justin Steyn

began their search. The sniffer dogs carefully sniffed each school bag whilst learners continued with their examination.The police then proceeded to the school hall where a large number of students had gathered for searching. Before any searches were conducted, police officers spoke to the learners, warning them against peer pressure and substance abuse. Searches were conducted as students left the hall. The K9 unit has also searched the

grounds outside the school buildings in case any substances were hidden in trees and plants. Bela Bela Police spokesperson, Glenda Manamela, reported that no illegal substances had been found at the school but raised concern that a lighter had been found in a student’s schoolbag. “No illegal substances were found at the school. However it must be made clear that it is illegal to sell cigarettes to persons under the age of 18” she said.


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31 May, 2013, Website:

Child Protection Week Lizzy Bapela The Child Protection Week, which runs from Monday 27, May to Sunday, 2 June, has officially started, following the official launch by Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini. Numerous events have already begun taking place across the country including the Waterberg district of Limpopo Province with regards to this very important campaign, which encourages everybody to take action and to play their part in the protection of children. The minister launched the campaign recognizing the fact that protecting children is a shared national responsibility. She said our elders have taught us that it takes a village to raise a child and that is why we say “your child is my child and my child is your child”. “As we launch this campaign, we recall that many children in our country are

growing up without the care of a protective and permanent family. We encourage fellow South Africans to come together to support this campaign by wearing a green ribbon and to report cases of child abuse, neglect and exploitation to social works and police officers. We therefore pledge to work with all South Africans to provide care and support to orphans and vulnerable children and to build national awareness. Equally, we pledge to join hands with all sectors of our society to combat the scourge of violence against women and children which undermines our efforts to build a better life for our people,” she said. Dlamini urged all South Africans to join the government in spreading the message that it is time to end violence against children. She said efforts must be undertaken to enhance investigations and prosecute offenders. “We commit ourselves to make children

aware of online risks, so that they can enjoy their online lives without fear. And we pledge to reduce the availability of online child sexual abuse material. We reaffirm our government’s commitment to continue its efforts to address violence against women and children through partnerships and effective of relevant implementation of policies and programmes. We pledge to take proactive action to end the abuse, neglect and exploitation of children in our country,” said the minister. She said people should discharge their responsibilities to care and support South Africans children without fear or favour as the Child Protection Week is launched, and pledged her political will to protecting children and to reducing the high levels of violence against women and children. The Government Communication and Information Systems (GCIS) said children should be the priority group to be educated on all aspects of the Children’s Act. The GCIS also said children should understand the provisions of the Children’s Act and what it stands for. Maria Ramoshaba of the GCIS in Waterberg said the act is meant to inform and educate the public on children’s rights with respect to the Children’s Act and the comprehensive basket of services needed by children in their emotional, cognitive and

physical development. She said it also aims to advocate for children’s rights, educate and mobilise families, caregivers and communities about their responsibility towards the protection and care of children, and encourage their active participation in protecting the rights of children. “The act aims to inculcate a culture of caring and protecting our children. It also motivates families and caregivers to protect and care for their children, in line with the rights outlined in the Constitution and Children’s Act. We encourage civil society and other partners to work together with the government in protecting children’s rights, delivering social services and interventions, thereby contributing to the reduction of incidents of child abuse, neglect and exploitation (CANE),” she said. Ramoshaba further said that the Children’s Act also ensures coherence of messaging, synchronization of planning and optimisation of resources between the lead departments and from all three spheres of government for a coherent campaign with the greatest impact. She encouraged members of the public to read through pamphlets distributed at public serving points such as post offices to acquire information on the campaign and any other government programme.

Municipality talks about upcoming license testing facility Justin Steyn The Bela Bela Municipality spoke to The BEAT about their upcoming drivers’ license testing facility on Thursday, 23 May. The facility, which is currently being built in Van der Merwe Road next to the Bela Bela police Station, is expected to be completed by the end of June. Municipal Spokesperson, Matome Sebelebele, told The BEAT that the testing facility had been planned since last year and has been funded from different sub sequential financial years. It is currently budgeted at R3.9

Million. “The testing grounds will have a total of eight offices on location which include a control room, eye testing room and a learner’s hall,” said Sebelebele. The local traffic department is also set to relocate to the testing grounds. Although construction is planned to be completed by the end of June a series of technical tests have to be run before the facility is open to the public. “We have to make sure that all our IT systems are fully functional before the testing grounds can be open to the public” said Sebelebele.

Still no response from Mookgophong Municipality TK Mashaba

Mayor Sarah Monyamane has yet to respond to the May 2 memorandum. Photo supplied

Unsatisfied Mookgophong residents were requesting permission for yet another protest march this week. This will make the third march in a period of four months. On Tuesday, May 2, residents handed over a memorandum to mayor Sarah Monyamane, who was expected to respond by the 16 th of May. To date, no response from the municipality has been received. SACP chairperson in Mookgophong Lesiba Seshoka, said that they were handing in a new march application because the only way to get their grievances heard was to continue protesting until something happened. “We have learnt that the mayor has been on a series of imbizo’s since we have done the protest march but however she doesn’t address some of the grievances we detailed in the memorandum” added Seshoka. The memorandum handed over on May 2 detailed a number of issues in the municipality, including the failure of the council to appoint Section 56 Managers in a timely manner and uncompleted projects with value in the millions., Website:

31 May, 2013


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31 May, 2013

Community forums receive reflector jackets, Website:

Constituency Office address the aged Lizzy Bapela The elderly from Babelegi ba Batsofe organisation in Bela Bela recently received a visit from good Samaritans. The Bela Bela Parliamentary Constituency Office (PCO) and community development project Light of Africa (LoA) visited the centre as part of their outreach programme on Thursday, 23 May. Martin Moloto of the PCO said the aim of the visit was to celebrate Mothers’ Day with the elderly, spend the day with them and show them that they are still the most important people in life as they provide wisdom to current generations. He said even though the actual Mothers’ Day has already past, they have dedicated the whole month to the elderly and will be communicating with them throughout the month. In his address, Moloto said the elderly also have to be equipped with in-

formation relating to HIV and other health related issues so they can pass the knowledge to young people in their households and neighbourhood. He said his office is there to serve the people and any member of the community can visit them for help. As the PCO gave the elderly food for thought, LoA brought them food for their bodies with help from Spar Bela Bela. Both the PCO and LoA encouraged the organisation to become part of a forum of local NGOs and register as a Non-Profit Organisation. They have pledged to assist the centre with registration processes and application forms as all members are senior citizens and some are illiterate. These good Samaritans also introduced literacy programmes to the members and have pledged to assist them in every possible way. LoA also pledged to fix the damages encountered at the centre, as it is operating from an old building.

Community forums recently received reflector jackets from Safety MEC Florence Radzilani. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela Limpopo MEC for the Department of Safety, Security and Liaison, Florence Radzilani, handed over reflector jackets to Community Policing Forums (CPF’s) and Community Safety Forums (CSF’s) across the province. In the Waterberg District, the handing over ceremony was held at the district municipal chamber in Modimolle on Friday 17 May. Councillors, officials and management of municipalities and representatives of the SAPS clusters and station around the district attended the ceremony. Member of the district mayoral committee (MMC) and acting executive mayor Sello Molekoa welcomed the guests on behalf of Tltolanang Mogotlane, who could not attend. In her address, Radzilani said the government’s crime prevention strategy is based on the understanding that the government alone can not wage a successful and sustainable fight against crime. She said the success against crime can only be attained through the mobilization and participation of all forces in the government, as “working together we can do more”. Radzilani said that the government recognizes the role of the people as the drivers of transformation and has identified the need to partner with communities in its fight against crime. She said the partnership has found concrete expression in the formation of the CPFs and the CSFs. The CPF structures are aimed at achieving more effective crime control, reducing fear of crime, improving police services and police legitimacy, while the CSF structures allow the police and the community to work closely together to solve problems and fear of crime. “The CPF’s are a partnership between the police and communities to solve safety and security problems. The CSF’s are MATRIC farewell dresses are a multi-agency available to see and to buy at crime prevention iniStoffberg str. 39 Bela-Bela.


tiative set to facilitate active participation of primary stakeholders in the planning and implementation of safety and security measures at a local level, including establishing and strengthening street and village committees,” she said. The department reported during the tabling of their 2013/2014 budget vote that that they managed to strengthen the effectiveness of community policing structures such as CSF’s in all local municipalities, local and district; and CPF’s in all policing areas. Two workshops were conducted for CSF’s in each of the five districts to further promote the functionality of these CPFs. These workshops were meant to ensure that all the 30 established CSF structures in the province are functional and are able to develop and implement community safety plans and align them to their municipal IDP’s for implementation. In an interview with The BEAT, Radzilani said that the department cannot say that they are satisfied with the participation of community members in the structures as the numbers are high when they are formed but the structures tend to lose members as time goes on. She said however, that they encourage more people to take part in the fight against crime as government cannot do it alone. The MEC said the police have done well in fighting crimes such as murder, and car hijack because of the involvement of the structures, but added that however, they are faced with serious challenges in crimes such as rape, as well as house and business robberies. Radzilani told The BEAT that the department needs to come up with other plans to strengthen community structures. She said some crimes occur among families and protection must start from within the family before the police can intervene. The department has programs in place, including awareness campaigns, public education campaign and they plan to go all out to give support to victims of crimes.

Contact: Elma vd Berg 0829285327

LEGALS NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) Case number: 624/ 2011 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED Plaintiff and KUNGA CONSTRUCTION CC Reg. no: 2003/002917/23 Defendant In execution of a judgement of the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) in the above mentioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held by the

Sheriff, Nylstroom (Modimolle) in front of the Magistrate’s Court, Van Emmenus Street, Nylstroom, on Friday, 14 June 2013 at 11h00 of the undermentioned property of the defendants subject to the conditions of sale which are available for inspection at the offices of the Sheriff Nylstroom, 50 Leyds Street, Modimolle (Nylstroom). Erf 3070 Nylstroom Ext. 23 township. Registration Division: K. R. Limpopo Province Measuring: 1085 (one zero eight five) square metres held by deed of transfer T29713/ 2006 subject to the conditions therein contained better known as Erf 3070 Nylstroom Ext. 23 (Koro Creek Golf Estate).

The following information is furnished with regard to improvements on the property although nothing in this respect is guaranteed: This is vacant stand. Dated at Pretoria on April 2013. HACK STUPPEL & ROSS Attorneys for Plaintiff 2nd Floor, Standard Bank Chambers Church Square, Pretoria REF: T. DE JAGER/ YOLANDI/HA10120 Tel: 012 352 4185. (31/5) NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA) Case number. 2665/2010 In the matter between: ABSA

BANK LIMITED: Plaintiff and DAVID VAN ROOYEN (ID NO.750803 5078 083) Defendant In pursuance of a judgement granted on the 8 July 2010, in the above Honourable Court and under a writ of execution issued thereafter the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on the 13 June 2013 at 11h00 by the Sheriff of the High Court Bela Bela, at 52 Robertsons Avenue, Bela Bela, to the highest bidder: Description: A portion of the real right that the Developer (Klaprops 69 (Proprietary Limited) reserved to extend the scheme in terms of Section 25(1) of the Sectional titles Act 95 of 1986 (as amended), which is the right to erect and complete from time to

Winter camp in need of sponsors

Some of the leaners during Saturday school in Bela Bela High. Photo supplied TK Mashaba The winter camp that will be held next month at the Emmerentia Geldenhuys missionary centre is in need of sponsors to help ensure that the camp succeeds. According to the coordinator Joseph Mashishi they are expecting 340 or more learners from Raeleng Secondary School, Maope, Bela Bela, Bathopele, Vingerkraal and Ulando Combined School to attend this camp. “We are anticipating good attendance for this year’s winter classes and all we lack is a financial boost especially food parcels for campers” he added. Mashishi said that the organizers would time in terms of Section 25(2)(a), within a period of (ten) years from date of registration of the certificate of the real right of extension, for its personal account, a building or buildings on the specified portion of the common property described as S75, measuring 3333 (three thousand three hundred and thirty three) square metres, as shown on diagram S. G. NR D266/2004, comprising a portion of the common property in the scheme known as Elements Private Golf Reserve, and as shown on the Sectional plan SS452/2004, in respect of the land and building or buildings situate at portion 9 (a portion of portion 3) of the farm Elandsfontein 440, registration division K. R. Limpopo Province, Bela Bela Local Munici-

pality, in terms of the plan reffered to in Section 25(2)(a) of the Sectional titles Act 95 of 1986 (as amended) filed with the registrar of deeds, and to divide such building or buildings into a Section and common property. Street Address: known as 7 Sanatorium Road, Bela Bela Zoned: Residential; Improvements: The following information is given but nothing in this regard is guaranteed: The improvements on the property consist of the following: Vacant stand. Held by the Defendant under Notarial Deed of Cession of a portion of the real right of Extension number SK1475/ 2005S. The full conditions may be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff of the High Court, Bela

welcome any donations, but added that food for the students would be most welcome. Learners will be paying R600 for the camp, which runs from 25 June to 12 July, and they will spend the time studying key subjects such as Mathematics, Physical Science, History and Agricultural Studies. Mashishi said that they will be advertising positions for tutors to assist at the camp, and they will be working closely with the Bela Bela Education Advocacy Group (BBEAG). Those interested in making a donation can contact Joseph Mashsishi on 083 392 4377. Bela, at 52 Robertson Avenue, Bela Bela. Dated at Pretoria on this the 16th day of May 2013. NEWTONS Plaintiff’s Attorneys 2nd Floor, Lobby 3 Brooklyn Forum Building, 337 Veale Street Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria Tel: (012) 425 0200 / Telefax: (012) 460 9491 Ref: F01080/N VILJOEN/lw (31/5) NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Plaintiffs - Hanyani William Ngobeni Defendant - Hanlou Transport Case No: RFBC 18988 You hereby advised that the sale in execution of the goods attached in this matter will be held at no 52 Robertson Av-

enue, Bela Bela on 12 June 2013 at 11H00. We confirm that our office shall arrange for the advertisement of the notice of sale. The local newspaper is called Die Pos. Items to be held on auction are: Module of the car: 1400 Registration: BTB 836 L Colour: White A Hobart Micro-wire Co2 Industrial welding machine. D M SELEKA P.O. Box 1805 Bela Bela 0480 Email 1: Email2: Tel: 014 736 3387 Fax: 014 736 3036 fax2Email: 086 528 6532. ( 31/ 5), Website:


31 May, 2013

Career expo successful

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Jinnah Park Primary soon to receive extra classrooms

The classrooms that were delivered to Solomon Mahlangu High School. Similar classrooms may soon be making their appearance at Jinnah Park. Photo: TK Mashaba Learners took part in the recent career expo held for them in Mookgophong. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela The House of Royal Church (HRC) from Mookgophong acknowledged the outcomes of the career exhibition event held recently, calling it successful. Various stakeholders attended the event, which was held at the Mookgophong Community Hall on Friday 24 May. They included the Departments of Agriculture, Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF), Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET), Health, Social development, Eskom and the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA). Over 360 learners responded to the invitation and took part in the event, collecting all the information they needed for their study and career opportunities. The church’s resident pastor Jacky Ledwaba said they realised children from the area were in need of information and relevant skills so the event suited the time it was held. He said with the departments distributing the information needed, the youth will then know where to acquire skills and which career opportunities to choose. The learners interacted with the department representatives, asking relevant questions. Stakeholders were

pleased, and are reportedly planning to have similar events in future. The representatives were concerned about learners who were absent at the event and those who are not sure which careers to choose, saying they might end up taking menial jobs as a means of survival. Ledwaba further said that the great efforts put in the successful event are expected when they host a prize giving ceremony for local high schools in October. He said the ceremony is meant for all best performing learners in Grades 9 to 12. After addressing learners, representatives from Eskom then distributed gift hampers with study materials included, as a token of appreciation and encouragement to the learners. Maila Letlhaka Events Management and Sekowa sa Masemene Trading Enterprise volunteered and provided catering for the people attending the event. Both the companies are from Mookgophong and their representatives told The BEAT they provided the catering as a means of giving back to the community and sharing their success. They encouraged learners to acquire as much information as possible to can strengthen their knowledge and grab opportunities offered to them.

TK Mashaba Teachers and students at Jinnah Park Primary School in Bela Bela are hopeful that their days of studying under a tree will soon be coming to an end. It came to light at a recent parent-teacher conference that the school does not have enough classrooms for all the students, with the result that some pupils have been having lessons outside. During the meeting it was said that the school had asked the Department of Education for assistance with temporary or prefabricated classrooms. Parents felt that the department had been failing the school by not providing the requested classrooms. According to Zorro Ledwaba, a parent whose children attend Jinnah Park, the situation is

untenable, as the lack of proper facilities will eventually begin to tell on the students’ academic performance. On Tuesday, 28 May Mmakoma Phatudi, the circuit manager at the Bela Bela Department of Education, told The BEAT that Jinnah Park is on a list to receive additional classrooms, along with several other schools. Phatudi acknowledged the challenges the schools are currently facing and promised that the school will be receiving extra classrooms soon. Last year Solomon Mahlangu made the news when they had such a shortage of classrooms that there were 105 pupils per room. The problem has since been solved, but pupils and parents complained that it took the Department a long time to respond to their request for additional rooms.

BELA BELA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Private Bag X1609 Bela Bela 0480

PUBLIC NOTICE / KGOTHE KGOTHE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000, that the Ordinary Council meeting of Bela Bela Local Municipality will be held on Friday the 31st of May 2013 at the Bela Bela Community Hall at 15h00. Setšhaba se tsebišwa ka kopano ya Khansele ya Masepala wa Bela-Bela yeo e beakantšwego go swarwa ka Labohlano la di 31st May 2013 ko Bela Bela Community Hall ka iri ya boraro thapama. The meeting will be open to members of the public and interested parties are invited to attend and raise issues with Council and the Mayor immediately after the formal session of Council.

Well-known Afro-Pop singer Dr Malinga from Hammanskraal was flanked by fans after his great performance at SUNFA Stadium on Saturday 25 May. Dr Malinga interacted with his fans and promised them an album this year. He thanked them for their support and promised to celebrate his birthday in Bela Bela in June. Among other artists performing on the day include Donald, DJ Tapeit and many more. Photo: Lizzy Bapela


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Kopanong ye go mengwa bohle go ba gona le go boledišana le Khansela le Meyara seripeng seo se latelago kopano ya maloko a Khansele feela. Main items include the Mayor’s Budget Speech and the adoption of the 2013/2014 IDP/Budget. Moreromogolo wa kopano o akaretša Mayor’s Budget Speech le kamogelo ya lenanego la hlabollo le peakanyo ya mašeleng (2013/2014 IDP/Budget). Go ba gona ga maloko a setšhaba kopanong ye go bohlokwa kudu. Inquiries should be directed to Dinyakišišo di ka lebišwa go: Office of the Municipal Manager (014) 736 8000.

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31 May, 2013

Phagameng goes down at the cluster knockouts, Website:

Spa Park Primary School U13 to represent Bela Bela in Milo Cup

The Phagameng High School under 19 team during their games last week Thursday at Ephraim Mogale stadium. Photo TK Mashaba

A goalkeeper trying to shield the ball during last year’s games. Photo TK Mashaba

TK Mashaba

TK Mashaba

Phagameng High School under 19 soccer team’s hopes of representing the school and Waterberg at district and provincial level were crushed this weekend during the cluster knockout on Saturday, 25 May at Ephraim Mohale stadium . The high-riding Phagameng team showed character and determination last week during the midweek games, and performed well on Saturday. Unfortunately the team lost their final match against Mmatutuli with a score or 5-4 in penalties. The Phagameng school rocked the first knockout of the competition on Monday, and on Thursday they beat Naletsana High School of Dwaalboom 10-0 before thrashing Bela High School 3-1. Last week when The BEAT talked to Ephraim Sebola, the team manager, he said the team was looking forward to reaching the provincial level. This week, however, Sebola was not available for comment. The BEAT was able to get comment from Phagameng High School team coach Konoto Sehlapelo. “We played out first game on Saturday with Teelo of Lephalale and we beat those 2-0 and in the final game we somehow lost possession of the game” he said. Phagameng played to a 1 all draw with Mmantutule of Mokopane and only lost 5-

Spa Park cleaned up at the annual Under 13 School Milo Cup this year, and will be representing the Bela Bela circuit at cluster level. The bright boys from Spa Park defeated Albert Luthuli primary in their final match 5-0. In the first round, Albert Luthuli faced off against Mmamakwa, beating them 2-1 while Jinnah Park defeated Khabele 3-0. Spa Park was expected to face Vaalwater, Thabazimbi, Dwaalboom and Modimolle this week. The Milo Champions Tournament is a Nestle Milo-sponsored national grassroots initiative, in which schools from across South Africa sends their U 13 teams to compete for the title of Milo Champions. A Phagameng High School player in a tussle for the ball during the game against Metseetsehla High School. Photo: TK Mashaba 4 in a bitter penalty knockout. Sehlapelo noted that the loss was not for lack of opportunity, as the team missed a penalty shot.

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The tournament was launched in 2009, and is rolled out by three key partners: South African Schools Football Association (SASFA), Supersport Let’s Play and Nestle Milo. In 2009, Nestle launched the Global Health Kids program, which aims to raise wellness awareness among school-age children around the world. The Milo Champions tournament has been a part of the Global Health Kids Program since 2010, and has become a platform for promoting healthier lifestyles to thousands of children. SASFA recognizes the important role sports play in developing values such as teamwork, dedication and confidence in the youth, and believe that soccer is a powerful tool for ensuring that children understand the value of nutrition and physical activity in their lives.

Bela Bela hosting basketball tournament TK Mashaba Basketball fanatics will be convening on Bela Bela Sports Centre this Saturday, 1 June, for a basketball tournament organized by various municipalities. According to Sthethe Masoga, Viking Basketball founder and player, this tournament will give a platform for upcoming players to display their skills. The tournament is being held as buildup for the league that the national basketball association will be starting soon. “This Saturday we expecting teams from six of our municipalities; this includes Mokopane team, Rooiberg t e a m , Va a l w a t e r, B e l a B e l a a n d Lephalale,” said Masoga. The games will kick off at 9am in the morning. The Vikings say that they will not be taking these games lightly as they have already had good games in the recent

games. “We want to continue were we have left off and continue playing good basketball so that some of our players can be selected for the national team during team selection” Masoga said. Basketball will soon have a league after the Minister of Sports and Recreation, Fikile Mbalula announced the introduction of the new league. The sports ministry said Basketball National League (BNL) will be starting soon. The plan was to start the three months league in September whereby 158 games will be played between 12 teams in all nine provinces. “At the moment in Waterberg there is no team that is representing Waterberg in joining others District teams for the league matches” added William Shilajoe, a player for the Vikings. He added that logistics might be the problems since teams will be travelling as the league kicks off but that the team is willing to go ahead.

And all may do what has by man been done.- Edward Young

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