The Beat 6 September 2013

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6 September 2013

Young teacher Two students drown dies in accident on school trip ga, but neither of them responded in time. One of the taxi’s, that was the A school was dumped into a terrible group’s official transport, took the three tragedy during a Geography trip to the girls to the Matibidi Hospital which was Lowveld. the closest to the Blyde Canyon Students from the Mohlakamotala Resort. At the hospital Mokgophi and Secondary School departed from Alma Hlongoane was pronounced dead, while during August for a fun and educational Manyanye was admitted for further two day trip to the Lowveld. Their first observation. She was released on the overnight stop was at Forever Resort following Monday. Blyde Canyon in Mpumalanga. The Post contacted the Head Master Just after 21:00 on Thursday evening, of Mohlakamotala Secondary School 22 August, three of the group’s memas well as the District Manager of the bers wandered off to a Waterberg Department of nearby swimming pool. Education. Neither one of According to eyewitnesthem wanted to speak to A cold front ses, the three girls Lerato the newspaper. Mokgophi, Bonolo HlonA teacher from the was moving goane and Wisdom Mohlakamotala Secondary over the area. Manuanye jumped or fell School, that would like to I myself jumpinto a cold water swimming stay anonymous, says that pool. None of the girls were everyone at the school is in ed into the known to be able to swim. mourning, and that everypool to try and Mokgophi and Hlongoane one is going to miss the rescue one of drowned and Manuanye two students. was rescued by a security According to Phuti the girls... guard from the Blyde Seloba, spokesperson of Canyon Resort. the Department of EducaAccording to Pieter Erasmus, General tion in the Limpopo Province, everyone Manager of the Forever Resort Blyde is saddened by this terrible tragedy. Canyon, it was a freezing cold night. “A “The MEC as well as the department cold front was moving over the area. I sends their deepest condolences to the myself jumped into the pool to try and families who have lost their children.” rescue one of the girls, and it took me When asked about the actual events, hours to get warm. I have no idea why Seloba stated that the department the girls thought that they could swim believes that it was an accident, but under such conditions,” he said. that they are conducting a full investigaErasmus also stated that the resort’s tion. Negligence of staff members that guards were alerted by an alarm going were present will also be looked at. off in one of their venues. They went to According to a spokesperson of the investigate and immediately called for Dintjie police station an investigation assistance when they saw the three was in progress. girls in the pool and realized they were An autopsy was performed on both in trouble. According to Erasmus they students, but the results were not immediately called both the ambulance made public. and Dintjie police station in MpumalanMarlene Vermaak

The truck that was involved the accident. Photo supplied Marlene Vermaak A young teacher from Meetsetshehla Secondary School in Vaalwater was killed in a tragic accident on the road to Modimolle. Tshepo Mataung (23), a graduate of the University of Pretoria, was a passenger in a truck belonging to Makouvlei Meubels. Makouvlei Meubels owns shops in Vaalwater, Modimolle and Bela Bela. Mataung taught at Meetsetshehla Secondary School in Vaalwater. Mathematics and Life Sciences were her subject fields, and before her death she was involved with preparation for the Eisteddfod Festival that is taking place this week. Individual and group dancing was her specialty. The accident that claimed Mataung’s life happened when the truck she was in allegedly tried to overtake another car and truck and drove head first into the truck. The driver of the car said that he immediately realised that an accident was imminent when he saw the Makouvlei truck starting to overtake himself. He speculated that it is possible that the driver of the Makouvlei truck did not see the other truck’s indicator

Bela-Bela pupils win reading competition

light, as he was blocking the back of that vehicle with his own car. After a bit of research, it was noticed that the road signs and markings on this stretch of the road were not clear enough. There are no big boards next to the road showing a major turnoff to Groenfontein Plotte. The road markings indicate a stipple line, merely 200 meters away from the turnoff, and only a very short solid line right next to the turnoff. Mr Dup Du Plessis, owner of a farm in Groenfontein, says that he has been communicating with The South African National Roads Agency for a number of months. “After numerous SMS-messages, e-mails and meetings, SANRAL still seems to ignore my plea to upgrade the visibility of this turnoff,” Du Plessis said. Du Plessis and his wife Caroline, says that they regularly send pictures of accidents happening there to SANRAL, and hope that deaths, like the one of Tshepo Mataung, can be avoided in the future. Meetsetshehla Secondary School held a memorial service yesterday (Thursday, 5 September).

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Cancer survivor

speaks out

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SAB playoffs

coming soon

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6 September, 2013

Bela Bela police give weekend report

Bela Bela Police constable Glen Manamela. Photo: Justin Steyn Justin Steyn The Bela Bela police informed The BEAT about two incidents that happened last week. The first incident occurred on Friday 30 August within the R101 next to the R516 off ramp where a young girl, approximately fifteen years of age, was allegedly driven over by the taxi she was travelling on. A witness of the incident told police that the passengers of the taxi stopped at the side of the road for a short break when the girl stood behind the vehicle where the taxi reversed over her. The witness then contacted the police as well as emergency medical services but the girl was declared dead on the scene. Bela Bela police spokesperson, Const Glen Manamela, said that the vehicle registration number of the taxi is unknown and the police is asking the public to assist in the investigation. “We are asking the public to give us any information regarding the deceased as she is not known to us and no one has reported her missing” she said.

New Doctor in Town DR. TAC RAMASODI

The girl was wearing a white shirt, maroon jacket, blue denim jeans and white sneakers at the time. Manamela said that it is possible that the taxi was travelling from Polokwane to Pretoria. A case of rape had been opened against three young men who allegedly raped a sixteen year old girl on Friday in the Bela Bela Township. Manamela said that she was patrolling the area when the victim’s sister hastened to her requesting for assistance. “The girl told me that her sister had been dragged off by three young men and she had trouble finding her, I offered assistance in the matter but it wasn’t until the next day when the victim approached the police opened a case that she could be found,” she said The three men, aged between 17 and 22, made their first court appearance in the Bela Bela Magistrates court on Tuesday, 3 September. At the time of going to press the outcome of the appearance was not made public. Manamela has also asked the public not to leave valuable belongings inside motor vehicles at shopping centers as this is a growing problem. Manamela can be contacted on 072 070 7775, Website:

August crime report Justin Steyn The fence at Towoomba, Bela Bela, was in the spotlight again in the August Community Police Forum (CPF). The fence in the area has been absent for several months due to theft. Chris Sonnekus, of the Agricultural research centre, again stressed that replacing the fence will cost millions and runs the risk of being stolen again. He added that the focus should rather be on the animals in the area, in particular stray cattle that roam in the road, running the risk of being hit by oncoming traffic. The Bela Bela police said that immediate action will be taken by collecting all animals that wonder into the road unsupervised. A pound for these animals is seen as a temporary solution. Regarding the issue of loud music played by shops in the Bela Bela CBD, the traffic department said that they should be notified and they will attend to the call. Businesses that make use of loud music in order to attract customers are asked to consider those residing nearby. The Bela Bela police reported recurring instances of assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm in the township. These incidents are said to have occurred regularly in taverns in Moroka Street and police are monitoring the area. Shoplifting at Spar and Jet clothing has also become a problem in the CBD. The Bela Bela Police would also like to remind the public that no trucks are permitted to park on the streets of the CBD. Chairperson of the meeting, Col.

Sibongile Ndaba, said that truck drivers who stop in the CBD are often linked to serious crimes. “Over the past few months the police have monitored these truck drivers who stop on our roads. We have discovered that they are often linked to crimes such as theft and prostitution,” she said. Representing Barloworld logistics, Hannes Knoetze, said that the forty trucks belonging to the company that travel from Dwaalboom to Polokwane make use of Bela Bela as a resting place for drivers and said that the demand of no stopping in town is unreasonable. Ndaba suggested that truck drivers should spend their nights at the nearest fuelling stations en route to their destinations. Regular patrols will be done by the police will be conducted to ensure no trucks spend the night in the CBD. The Department of Education has made an urgent plea to the Bela Bela police as they have noticed an increase in substance abuse in school children. It is suspected that hawkers on school grounds are the cause of the problem. The Bela Bela Neighbourhood Watch initiative seems to be in full swing. The chairperson of the neighbourhood watch said that they will be focusing on three issues namely; safety at home, patrols and radio communication. He added that members of the community who want to be involved have been appointed. The next CPF meeting will take place on Wednesday 25 September.


GENERAL PRACTITIONER 17B Pretoria Road, between KFC and the Magistrates Office

These suspects are wanted in connection with incidents of housebreaking in the area. If seen, please contact w/ o James Findlay of the SAPS at Modimolle: 082 414 3218

Tel/Fax: 014 736 3801 /5126 CONSULTING HOURS: Monday - Friday: 08h30 - 17h00 Saturday: 08h30 - 13h00

For a speedy & friendly service call: Jan: 073 1593 875 •Home: 014 737 8373 •Fax: 014 737 1577 Makwela: 071 490 3030, Website:

6 September, 2013

Mathale’s wife’s illegal mining operations under the spotlight get a possible fine of R5 million if found guilty of mining illegally. “The R5 million fine that Kgohloane is Concerns were widely raised after the said to be facing, will just be a slap on former Limpopo Premier Cassel the wrist compared to the wealth she Mathale’s wife Mokgadi Kgohloane was might have accumulated arrested for alleged fraud as a result. It is clear that and illegal mining. It was the net of investigations reported that Kgohloane need to be cast even handed herself over to the The R5 million wider. It is unclear how Hawks on Tuesday, 27 the whole illegal mining August, following allegafine that Kgohloane operation would continue tions that her mining is said to be facing, for such a long time company, Blue Platinum will just be a slap without the authorities Ventures 16 (Pty) Ltd on the wrist combeing aware,” said the DA was mining with an leader in Limpopo and expired mining permit. pared to the wealth Member of Parliament The DA called for the she might have (MP) Jacques Smalle. forfeiture of all the money accumulated as a He added that the whole Kgohloane and her other result. It is clear process includes a long five associates could chain of players but it is have derived from the that the net disturbing that it was not operation. The associates of investigations uncovered earlier. Smalle include George Maponya, need to be cast said that the only reasonHelen Moreroa, Simon even wider... able conclusion that this Mokhina, Tau Mogoboya, matter now surfaces is and Matome Maponya. because Mathale has lost political clout The party’s Limpopo provincial spokeswith the ANC and that now a political person Langa Bodlani said that the DA cover up is no longer expedient. wants every cent derived from the The DA calls for the state Asset Forfeioperation to be forfeited to the state. He ture Unit (AFU) to be urgently involved said that the law is clear on its provision and start calculating every cent that that proceeds from an illegal operation Kgohloane and the company could have are criminal and the state forfeiture laws earned as a result of this mining operaare applicable. tion. “That money must be forfeited to According to media reports, Kgohloane the state,” Smalle concluded. company, trading as Batlhabine BrickThe Hawks’ spokesperson Captain work has been illegally excavating land Paul Ramaloko told the media that the without a valid permit from the Departpolice had received a tip-off and ment of Mineral Resources. She and her investigated the matter, which resulted co-directors have allegedly been mining in the six failing to produce the permit. illegally since 2006 in violation of Mineral Ramaloko said that according to the Acts. The DA says that in the process, Minerals and Petroleum Resources they must have amassed millions of Development Act, if a company is rands. given a mining permit, it should mine The six were all released on warnings within a year or else it lapses. He when they appeared in the Naphuno confirmed that the team continued to Regional Court in Tzaneen. They face 15 operate without renewing the permit. counts relating to the contravention of The company was reportedly granted mineral, environmental and water laws. the mining permit by the Mineral In 2011, several media reports alleged Resources Department in December that the company had extended its 2005, but operations started in Demining activities to an environmentally cember 2006. sensitive area without getting approval or The six are expected to appear again the required environmental management in court on 4 November. plan. The outcome of this has reportedly affected some properties and crops that belonged to the community of Bathlabile Village near Lenyenye, outside Tzaneen in Limpopo. Kgohloane could possibly spend 10 years in jail or


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Informal settlement residents sceptical about coming development

Lizzy Bapela

Informal settlement Hlalampya is promised development in the future. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba Residents of Bela Bela’s informal settlements are sceptical about promises of development made by ward councillors ahead of next year’s general elections. The Zuma View and Hlalampya settlements have been in existence for more than four years now and the latest news is that they are due for development in the near future. In recent weeks Hlalampya residents have been submitting their names and stand numbers to their local councilors, in an effort to help government plan

coming development. Roads and basic services are currently quite a distance from the settlement. Some residents said they still find it hard to trust their councilors/ “They need us when they are heading for elections but once they win they forget us,” said one resident. Another said that they have been residing in Hlalampya since the settlement’s beginning. “We had registered for houses a long time ago,” one said. The BEAT was unable to reach Bela Bela’s mayor Freddy Hlungwane for comment.

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6 September, 2013

Jinnah Park celebrates Spring Day, Website:

Winning learners make Bela Bela proud

Oratile Kekana and Ramokone Moloto of Spa Park Primary School showed off their prizes with their educators and principal after winning in Modimolle. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela

Learners enjoying the little train journey. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba Jinnah Park Primary School celebrated their Spring Day in style last week Thursday, 29 August. The school, with assistance from Just Fun Entertainment, hosted a celebration and there were activities such as jumping castles, bikes, trains and rock climbing to name a few.

Educator Lucas Kgabo said that students were required to pay R60 each for use of the equipment and that the money was going toward fulfilling some of the school’s needs. “This is a first to happen in our school and we are glad that the kids are having fun and at the same time this will help the school to pay some of our services that the municipality isn’t paying,” he said.

Modimolle Hip-Hop group aiming for South African Music Awards Black Chick, Tumzen and Super Roto. Photo: Supplied

Four learners from primary schools in Bela Bela made their hometown proud when they won the recent Reading and Writing Competitions at the district level. Oratile Kekana (9) and Ramokone Moloto (8) of Spa Park Primary School, as well as Amogelang Mahumane (8) and Modjadji Mautsane (9) of Mamakwa Full Service School put their schools on the map when they topped the winners’ list during the competition. Kekana obtained position 1 in all the levels in the reading category, while Mautsane obtained the second position in the same category. Even though he could not make it at the district level, Mahumane also did well in the previous levels in the writing category, with fellow learner Moloto obtaining position 1. Kekana also became the best learner in the district with her overall marks topping the list of all the learners in the district. Spa Park school headmaster Johan Adams, expressed excitement over the learners’ great achievements. Adams said that the learners are among those who have shown much satisfaction in their school work and are taking initiative to achieve the best results. He also congratulated them and encouraged them to remain disciplined and dedicated to their school work and put it first. The learners thanked their educators

and principal for helping them becoming some of the best, especially Friddah Mdau and Gloriah Masote, who helped them a lot with the competition. “I thank mam Mdau for taking her time, teaching me how to read. Her kindness made me feel comfortable around her and helped me learn fast,” said Kekana. “I thank my teachers for teaching me how to write well and helping me achieve great results in the competition,” Moloto said. Meanwhile, Mahumane and Mautsane also expressed excitement in their achievement, also thanking their educators for all the help they had given them. The competitions started at the cluster level and in Bela Bela, and took place at Laerskool Warmbad. At the circuit levels the competitions took place at Koedoeskop, with the district level competitions taking place at Modimolle’s Eenheid Primary School recently. The Department of Basic Education organizes the event annually for the Foundation Phase, being the Grade 1 to 3 and sponsors the winners’ prizes. This year the learners who obtained position 1s were awarded with certificates, medals, stationery and caps, with their educators receiving T-shirts.

A Simple Seedling Pot idea for Spring (which translates to Township). “The mixtape was influenced by out Modimolle-based hip-hop group Y6G township, it’s the first of its kind to ever have their eye set on a South African come out of Modimolle,” they said. Y6g Music Award (SAMA) someday. has recorded a music video as well, Matome (Tumzen) Tau and Markus which is currently available on YouTube. (Super Roto) Sono, who describe their “We have also recorded a number of style as a blend of hip-hop and kwaito, mix tape singles for download by the started their group in 2000 and haven’t fans,” said Marcus. The group has looked back since. shared the stage with names like Mandla “We’ve performed at a couple of events Spikiri, Bricks, Donald Moatshe, DJ around the Waterberg and Limpopo,” Shimza and also a list of popular radio said Matome. and stage DJs from Limpopo’s Capricorn They recently performed at Capricorn FM. FM Limpopo’s youth radio station and “After all that Y6G has achieved in such have released a mix tape titled Kasi a small time, the future of local hip-hop is facing a change and a new genre of music is being introduced. Y6G is very confident that once we have a Algemene Praktisyns / General Practitioners chance to showcase our skills to the rest of the Dr. V.G. Emslie Dr. T.M. De Jonge country, the Na-ure MB.Ch.B(Pret) MB.Ch.B(UP) SAMA’s will have Nr. 0332747 Nr. 0380342 no choice but to After Hours (014) 736-3019 (h) (014) 736-5616 (h) give us the Best 014 736 2032/3 082 490 6242 082 450 8411 Newcomer award,” ABSA Bosveld Pick ’n Pay Sentrum Tel: (014) 736-2032/3 Postnet Suite 80 concluded h/v Marx & Potgieter straat Faks: (014) 736-4809 Privaatsak X1604 Matome. Bela-Bela 0480 Bela-Bela 0480 TK Mashaba



What your seedling pot should look like. Photo as illustration

Justin Steyn Spring has arrived in South Africa and new flowers are blossoming everywhere. Over the next four weeks The BEAT will be focusing on simple and affordable ways for both young and old to bring spring closer to home. This week we would like to show our young readers how they can make a seedling pot using just a toilet roll and a pair of scissors. Step 1: Take an empty toilet roll and press it down until it is flattened. The roll should now have reshaped in to a square or a rectangle instead of a circle.

Step 2: Take the toilet roll and cut each corner at even length. Four flexible flaps should now be visible. Step 3: Fold the flaps into the inner part of the roll. Step 4: Using your fingers press the flaps down so that they form a wellcovered bottom Step 5: Fill the container with the desired seed and fill with soil. Note: if your seedling pot is slightly lopsided don’t worry. Filling the pot with your seedlings and soil will balance the pot. The seedling pot can also be decorated by use of paint and or wrapping paper., Website:


6 September, 2013

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Photo of the week Spring is in the air “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” – Margaret Atwood. It’s that time of year again, when the August winds have blown themselves away and every breath reminds you that somewhere, there are flowers just blooming. At night the air is heavy with the scent of blossoms and every one of us can feel the blood rushing just that little bit faster under our skins, saying that it’s time to shake off the weariness of winter and forget the cold days. Leo Tolstoy, author of the famously depressing Russian novel Anna Karenina, did have one cheerful thing to say: “Spring is the time of plans and projects.” Spring is the time when we want to do new things. Learn an instrument, write a book, plant a garden. In the case of many middle Eastern countries in 2010, have a revolution. In the case of several of the same countries in spring 2013, have another revolution. Spring is the time when our blood runs hot, when we want to fall in love and live life to the full because, as the world awakens around us it reminds us that, after everything, at the heart of it we’re animals too, and animals love the coming of springtime. Our lizard brains equate the coming of spring with warmer temperatures and the coming of rain, with enough to eat and no need to hide from the weather. It’s the time to do new things, to be brave, to flower into your fullest and best self. Do you have plans for spring? Are you going to fall in love or write a poem, or plant a garden this year? If not, why not? This is the ideal time to start something new. You don’t have to do something huge. Just one little thing, maybe a thing you’ve always wanted to do but never had the chance to. Go out and do it. Go ask the prettiest girl you know to go out with you. What is there to lose? The worst that can happen is she will say no. Write a poem. The worst that can happen is that it’s terrible. Write a song. Sing a song. Dance. Join a band. Learn something new. Write a letter about the government. Take part in a peaceful protest. Make yourself heard. It’s spring 2013. This is the time of your life. What are you doing with it?

The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have a great story or something that you want us to bring to light, please email or send an SMS to one of our reporters: Lizzy: 072 264 7740, TK: 076 756 9740 or Justin: 072 388 8568 We would also LOVE to see some of your weird and wonderful photos for our editorial page. Do not delay, just contact us today!

Facing Our Fears Silas Tlou

East Rand’s DJ Tumi Rephlex Skosana kept the people dancing during Mofaya’s 9th Street Party in Bela Bela. Photo: TK Mashaba

Tel: (011) 447-1264/5/6

COPYRIGHT The reproduction or broadcast without written permission of any material published in The Beat and its supplements is forbidden and expressly reserved to Upfront Events Two CC, under section 12(7) of the Copyright Act, 1978 and any amendment thereof. The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC. The Beat: 7 Minnaar Street, Tel: (014) 736-2723, Fax: (014) 736-3428, PO Box 16, Bela-Bela. Email: The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC and is printed by Paarl Coldset, 83 Heidelberg Rd, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.


are proud to:

• provide our readers with complete, accurate, credible and objective news reporting • remain unbiased under all circumstances • strive to reflect the truth, objectivity and interests of the community in our reporting • support and contribute to freedom of speech, human rights and the economical and social upliftment of the towns and regions of our readers

Philippians 4:6, 7 “Be anxious for nothing. But in everything by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving let your request be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.” We all face fear. At times, fear motivates us. At times, fear paralyzes us. Our fear can come from almost anything at any time. In some cases, the fear may be of disappointing parents who have set high standards and expectations on us. We are motivated to meet and exceed those expectations, and we are afraid we will let those parents down. Another type of fear arises when you face a wild animal in the midst of nature. That will get some fear going in you! That is fear getting into your heart, and you can feel it. You get this adrenalin taste in your mouth, your palms sweat, and your heart beats faster. This is what is call “Fight for Flight Response”. Your body is pumping up the adrenalin to take care of two methods of meeting what is coming at you. You either fight it or flee from it. And sometimes fleeing is what we do. Some situations paralyze us with fear that prevents us from facing certain things. I have seen people who have gone through a relationship, and when the relationship breaks up, they are so hurt, so damaged, that they are afraid to get involved in another one. Without a doubt, in their mind, they know what is going to happen, and they know it will not be good. Fear takes over and controls their life. I’ve seen people who have worked at the same job all of their life, and they absolutely hate their work. They are miserable. You can see the pain in their face. They are stressed-out. Their eyes look tired. There are lines on their faces. They can’t eat. They can’t sleep. They are so afraid to take a chance and make a change that they let it damage their life forever. Fear takes over and controls them. It seems to me that the best way to figure out how to deal with fearful things is to look in the Bible. After all, the Bible is full of people who faced fear every day, and remember in those days just staying alive was a struggle, the early Christians knew that at any moment they could be put to death for their beliefs and yet the continued doing what they were called to do. When you are afraid to take that next step, when your fear has you paralyzed; pray. Because when you pray, you are going to get the strength to handle that fear you face. That fear that you can taste. That fear when your eyes get glassy. You know you can’t face this. But when you turn that fear into prayer, you are going to find you can do it! Pray with a thankful heart, and pray with all of your heart.

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6 September, 2013, Website:

Cancer survivor from Bela Bela shares her story ‘Make sure you survive any kind of criticism and check what you say because you build your future by what you say with your mouth. Do not ever limit yourself in life but always set bigger goals and work towards achieving them no matter what,’ Lizzy Bapela A cancer survivor from Bela Bela, Josephine Selamolela shared her story with other women to motivate them to take the disease serious and have regular checkups. Selamolela addressed a hall full of women during a Women’s Month Celebration held at the Bela Bela Hospital on Friday, 16 August. The event was held under the theme “Women United in Diver-

sity” and was meant to motivate women while simultaneously commemorating the 1956 heroines. Representatives and officials from the MDR TB unit, Hospital Board, SAPS and Concerned Parents Fighting against Drug Abuse (COPFADA) attended the event. In her address, Selamolela highlighted the different types of cancers that women are in danger of including breast, cervical and skin among others. She said that one can

sometimes not be aware that she has it, so it is always recommended to have regular check-ups. Selamolela had blood cancer, which she said she took as an allergic reaction at first, until after several appointments with different doctors. “As women, we are at war with this deadly disease and it is often an uphill battle and we need all the support we can get from our loved ones. I was diagnosed in 2010 and


Cancer survivor Josephine Selamolela shared her story with women during a Women’s Month celebration held at the Bela Bela Hospital recently. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Harry Gwala Str. 6, Private Bag X1008, Modimolle 0510

PAYMENT OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES Modimolle Local Municipality would like to advise residence to pay municipal services. The community is informed that users of prepaid electricity will not be able to purchase electricity if their Municipal Accounts are in arrears. Consumers are therefore advised to settle their accounts in full before the 1st November 2013 in order to receive a 5% discount or make payment arrangement to their accounts. Failure to adhere to the payments will result in legal actions as per our Credit Control and Debt Collection Policies. We further request the community to apply for free basic services (Indigent). Applications can be obtained from the Indigent office (Beehive Centre) during August and September 2013. Paying service will improve service delivery. For more information please contact Finance Department at 014 718 2000 during office hours (8h00 till 16h00) (Notice number 43/07/2013 – 2013-07-30)


BETALING VAN MUNISIPALE REKENINGE Die inwoners van Modimolle word versoek op alle munisipale rekeninge te vereffen. Die inwoners word ingelig dat geen voorafbetaalde elektrisiteit verskaf word as u rekening agterstallig is nie. Inwoners word aangeraai om u uitstaande balans op u rekening ten volle te vereffen voor 1 November 2013 of betalings reëlings moet getref word voor 1 November 2013. Indien u u uitstaande balans ten volle vereffen, kan u kwalifiseer vir 5% korting. Indien u versuim sal regstappe geneem word soos uiteengesit in die munisipale Credit Control en Debt Collection beleid. Die gemeenskap word versoek om ook aansoek te doen vir gratis basiese dienste (Indigents). Aansoekvorms kan verkry word by die Indigent kantoor by die Beehive Centre gedurende Augustus en September 2013. Wyk 4 en Wyk 8 se inwoners kan ook met Wykskommittee lede skakel vir aansoek vorms. Betaling van dienste sal dienste lewering bevorder. Vir verder navrae kontal Tessourie Department by telefoon nommer 014 718 2000 tydens kantoor ure (8h00 – 16h00)

now I feel much better. So I urge you all to get checked regularly, as cancer can be treated if detected early,” she said. Selamolela is proudly single woman, raising her son alone. During the event, pastors from different churches also delivered sermons and words of encouragement to women for different roles that they are playing within the workplace, in communities and in their families. Pastor Johanna Ndlovu encouraged women to change a bad mindset, urging them to stay strong when other people look down on them. “Make sure you survive any kind of criticism and check what you say because you build your future by what you say with your mouth. Do not ever limit yourself in life but always set bigger goals and work towards achieving them no matter what,” she said. Reverent AA Mukhwevho also motivated the women with the Bible, encouraging them to learn to control their anger and not extend it to the next person. As usual, pharmacist Abina Makakaba was active and she also motivated and praised women for the “flower and strengthener” they are. Makakaba is one of the staff members who always take part in activities that the hospital embarks on. She is commonly known for her talent and love of drama, choir, poetry and dance to name a few. Other active members join her when there are events and they entertain the audience.

(Notice number 43/07/2013 – 2013-07-30)


TEFELO YA DITIRELO TšA MMASEPALA Mmasapala wa selegae wa Modimolle o rata go hlohleletša baagi ka moka go lefela ditirelo tša mmasepala. Baagi ba lemošwa gore bao ba šomišago prepaid electricity ba ka se sa dumelelwa go reka mohlagase ge ba kolota rente. Baagi ba kgopelwa go lefela dikoloto tša rente ka moka pele ga di 1 November 2013 gore ba humane phokoletso ya 5% goba batle ga mmasepala go beakanya mokgwa wa go lefela dikoloto tša bona ka moka. Bao ba tlago tšwela pele ka go se lefele dikoloto tša bona batla lebana le letsogo le maatla la molao.Baagi ba hlohleletswa go tlatsa dikgopelo tsa go hwetsa ditirelo tsa mahala(Indigent). Dikgopelo di ka dirwa ofising ya Indigent ko Beehive Centre kgweding ya August le September 2013. Go lefelwa ga ditirelo go tla kaonafatša kabelo ya ditirelo. Go humana tshedimošo ka botlalo ikopantšhe le Finance Department mo nomorong ye ya mogana 014 718 2000 nakong ya mošomo. (Notice number 43/07/2013 – 2013-07-30 )


Municipal Offices O R Tambo Square

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) CASE NO. 624/2011 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED Plaintiff and KUNGA CONSTRUCTION CC REG. NO: 2003/002917/23 Defendant. In execution of a judgement of the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) in the abovementioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held by the Sheriff, Nylstroom (Modimolle) in front of the Magistrate’s Court, Van Emmenus Street, Nylstroom, on Friday, 27 September 2013 at 11h00 of the undermentioned property of the defendants subject to the conditions of sale which are available for

inspection at the offices of the Sheriff Nylstroom, 50 Leyds Street, Modimolle (Nylstroom). Erf 3070 Nylstroom Ext. 23 township Registration Division: K.R Limpopo Province Measuring: 1085 (one zero eight five) square metres Held by deed of Transfer T29713/2006 subject to the conditions therein contained Better known as Erf 3070 Nylstroom Ext. 23 (Koro Creek Golf Estate) The following information is furnished with regard to improvements on the property although nothing in this respect is guaranteed: This is a vacant stand. Dated at Pretoria on July 2013. HACH STUPPEL & ROSS Attorneys for Plaintiff 2nd Floor, Standard Bank Chambers Church Square, Pretoria REF: T. DE JAGER/ YOLANDI/HA10120 Tel: 012 325 4185., Website:

6 September, 2013


Page 7

District municipality celebrates women ‘A centenary of Working Together towards Sustainable Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality’... Lizzy Bapela The Waterberg District Municipality joined South Africans who commemorates Women‘s month in August, paying tribute to more than 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 in protest against the extension of Pass Laws to women. By taking part in activities celebrating women, the municipality has cemented the role played by the Class of 1956 who were actively involved in the struggle for the liberation of the country. The municipality ended Women’s Month with an event to honour women in the district. The district Women in Sports Event and gala dinner were held at Bela Bela Forever Resorts on Wednesday, 28 August. The event started with a fun walk in the morning, followed by a team building session, wave pool and swimming activities. Young and old female politicians and administrators took part in the sporting activities and showed the spirit of togetherness on the day. Members of the Mayoral Committee (MMCs) and Exco members, councillors and officials from sector departments and municipalities joined the district executive mayor Tlotlanang Mogotlane during the event. General Managers and employees of the resort also graced the event. The 2013 Women’s Month activities were held under the theme “A centenary of Working Together towards Sustainable Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality”. The strategic objectives of this theme include, among others, to mobilise society to be united in action for women‘s socio-economic freedom, promote

Mayors enjoyed a dance after the gala dinner. Photo: Lizzy Bapela the prevention of violence against women and girls and promote the access of land ownership by women. The theme also aims to create a platform for young women‘s movement aimed at building self-confidence and leadership opportunities and promote social cohesion and nation building. Mogotlane congratulated the government for pursuing female representation in leadership positions, which has reached 42 per cent. Five out of nine Premiers are women, which mean that the majority of provinces are governed by women. There are also women mayors and executive mayors. In the Waterberg, four out of seven mayors are women, five out six speakers are women and four out of seven chief whips are women. Administratively the Waterberg District Municipality has four out of seven

managers as women and according to Mogotlane, this is a clear indication of how women are starting to be recognised and proving their leadership capabilities. In her address, Mogotlane said that female empowerment and gender equality remains a challenge 19 years since the advent of democracy. She added that in spite of the work done by the movement to transform the lives of women, there remains much to be done to sustain the strategic positioning of gender and women‘s issues high on the agenda of economic transformation and development. Mogotlane said that poverty, inequality, unemployment and landlessness are formidable challenges for the nation, with women being the face of poverty. “The provision of education, for girls in particular, in scarce skills as part of a

Waterberg Executive Mayor addresses women Lizzy Bapela Executive mayor of the Waterberg District Councillor Tlotlanang Mogotlane recently gave a welcome and overview address during a women’s prayer day. The event was held at the Vaalwater Sport Ground on Thursday, 15 August. Mayors, councillors, members of the Executive and mayoral committees from local municipalities within the district attended. Pastors, representatives of the Moral Regeneration Movement, members from different religious formations, progressive Women Formations, representatives of the ANC Women’s League and community members of Vaalwater were also present. Municipal spokesperson Pat Malete said that the gathering was not only meant to celebrate Women‘s Month, but also to embark on a prayer meeting for women. He said that the Women’s Day of Prayer provides an opportunity for women to learn about each other and pray for one another. Malete added that the day was the time to reunite with God and one another to strengthen spiritual bond. “Prayer for women everywhere creates a spiritual network of empathy and understanding amongst women. It is a day in which women from all religious beliefs have the opportunity to strengthen ties amongst themselves and with God,” he said. In her speech, Mogotlane said that prayer brings communities together

“ Their pain is a shared pain and their hope a shared hope. Regardless of religion or creed, we reflect on the sacredness of life and express their sympathy for the wounded... and can be a wellspring of strength and support. She said that in the result of senseless acts of violence and abuse against women and children, the prayers of countless South Africans signal to grieving families and a suffering community that they are not alone. “Their pain is a shared pain and their hope a shared hope. Regardless of religion or creed, we reflect on the sacredness of life and express their sympathy for the wounded, offering comfort and holding up a light in an hour of darkness,” she said. Mogotlane urged people to give thanks for the freedom to practice their faith as they see fit, whether individually or in fellowship. She also urged them to remember in their thoughts and prayers, all those who are sick and all those who are affected and infected. “Let us pray for the police officers, fire-fighters and other first respond-

ers who put themselves in harm’s way to protect their fellow South Africans. Let us also pray for the safety of our brave men and women in uniform and their families who serve and sacrifice for our country. Let us come together to pray for peace and goodwill today and in the days ahead, as we work to meet the great challenges of our time,” said Mogotlane. The day was not meant for speeches but to pray for women in the rural villages, those in the far corners of the district and women all over South Africa to receive the grace of God. Attending women took the opportunity to ask for blessings from the Lord to give them many days to live in order to support their families. The district municipality and the stakeholders acknowledged the fact that women play a major role in making sure that families survive the hardship of life. The women also prayed for peace in their families so that their children learn from them. As they prayed for one another, the women also remembered and prayed for former President Nelson Mandela to get well soon and be with his family. They asked God to give them strength so that together they build a united nation that will be enjoyed by the future generation. “May God bless us and give us strength in our daily lives to overcome the devil’s wishes,” concluded Mogotlane.

human resource development agenda and socio-economic freedom should be advanced as a matter of urgency. This will be a fitting way to accord high respect, honour and pride to these remarkable patriots who led and participated in many marches for a better life for all. Our democratic government has prioritised female economic development in rural areas by introducing the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme to ensure that a better life for all becomes a reality,” she said. The programme is aimed at improving the living standard and welfare of people living in rural areas through the provision of small, medium and macro-enterprises development and rural industrialisation. Those who live in rural areas understand the hardship that rural people, especially women are facing on daily basis. “The abuse of women and children is still a thorn in our lives. We call upon our male counterparts to be real men who should represent the Holy Father in this world. The use and abuse of drugs by our children cause nightmares to parents. Let us work together with all stakeholders to make sure that we deal with the substance abuse and the scourge of HIV and AIDS. These are some of the challenges we face at the present moment that must be dealt with,” said Mogotane. August is an important month, but continue for the rest of the year. Let us make sure that we continuously engage on women issues on daily basis to advance and sustain the momentum for women empowerment and gender equality.

COPE hosts provincial women’s prayer day

Women from all walks of life attended this year’s provincial women’s prayer day celebrations. Photo supplied Justin Steyn COPE in Limpopo celebrated the end of women’s month on Saturday 31 August at the Nazarene Church in Thohoyandou, Vhembe. The event focused on issues such as Woman and Child Abuse, peace in the country and substance abuse among the youth. COPE Vhembe regional chairperson, Geoffrey Tshibvumo, told press that they are very happy with the outcome of the event. “The leadership of COPE in Vhembe is very happy to

have been part of such a successful event and we would like to thank everyone who were involved especially the men who have cooked for the women,” he said. He added that COPE intends to tackle the issues raised by those who attended, in particular, service delivery in Thulamela. “Most of those who attended said that they feel sidelined by the administration of Thulamela and that the municipality has shown not to have the necessary capacity to render quality services,” added Tshibvumo.

Page 8


6 September, 2013, Website:

Diesel n Dust recruiting new blood

FIFA World Cup CEO Danny Jordaan. Photo supplied

Regional SAB League officials meeting to elect new SAFA president TK Mashaba Regional SAB league officials will be coming together in two weeks’ time to decide who will be heading the South African Football Association (SAFA) as president. Waterberg and Limpopo are likely to cast their ballots for World Cup CEO Danny Jordaan. Jordaan, who was nominated last week, was expected to announce his intention to run for the SAFA presidency after 32 out of 52 regions nominated him as their candidate. According to media reports, Jordaan is officially challenging for one of the most powerful positions in local football. Incumbent SAFA leader Kirsten Nematandani vowed to continue the fight to retain his position at the helm of south African soccer. Power player and chairman of the

Premier Soccer League Dr. Irvin Khoza, who is also the owner of the Orlando Pirates, has pulled out of the election race, allegedly due to conflicts of interest between his current position and the presidency as described in Article 37.9 of the SAFA Constitution. During a media briefing Khoza told reporters that his standing will create negativity which the sport could ill afford. Candidates proposed for the vicepresidency include Chief Mwelo Nonkonyana, Elvis Shisana and Bela Bela’s Councillor Lucas Nhlapo. Former Mamelodi Sundowns managing director Anastasia Tsichlas, Ria Ledwaba and Nomsa Mahlangu, among others, are apparently set to serve on the SAFA national Executive Committee, with their names appearing on a number of the nomination lists.

Stadium construction delayed

Bela Bela’s Lucas Nhlapo. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba Lucas Nhlapo, a member of the Bela Bela Municipal Executive Committee, took some time this week to clarify the municipality’s current thinking regarding the stadium that

is apparently to be built in Bela Bela. “We were waiting for the council to take a resolution among others to adopt some of the documents that were presented to them by SAFA, including land availability and the maintenance and security of the stadium once it is built,” he said. Nhlapo cautioned against negativity and urged the community to have faith that the project will go forward as soon as these arrangements are concluded. “There are a number of proceedings that need to be finalized before the project starts, but we still believe all will come together,” he added. Bela Bela won the bid for their FIFA legacy stadium after it was decided not to use the original choice of Lephalale. It has been confirmed that the stadium will encompass boardrooms and changing rooms and will seat around 20 000 people. The building of the stadium will not only affect soccer fans, but will also be a benefit for tourism in Bela Bela and the Waterberg.

Diesel n Dust FC during a friendly game at Bela Bela High School sports grounds. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba Local team Diesel n Dust is looking for fresh blood to enhance their team roster. “We will be looking to sign more than 5 players over 21 years of age in the new 2013/2014 season,” said Pat Seema, the team owner. Diesel n dust, which joined the SAB League after the cluster merge, ended the season in fourth place in Stream A — a notable achievement for newcomers to the league. They also played convincingly in a friendly against Total Surrender, beating them 2-0, though they later lost 5-0 to another newly promoted team, Happy

Hearts. “During their friendly match with Happy Hearts and Total Surrender neither me nor the coach were available, however it was just a training session,”said Seema. Seema said he is looking forward to the season with a flexible squad of youngsters. “We are aiming high this coming season and we want to see ourselves championing the league at the end of the season,” said Seema. Diesel n Dust will be training at Sunfa and Moloto Stadiums as the Bela Bela Sports Grounds will be in development during the coming weeks.

SAB play-offs have a date at last join the SAFA second division teams in the new season. Lephalale’s Ocean birds are a strong The hotly anticipated SAB play-offs will be contender as the team played this weekend on powered to victory in only Saturday and Sunday 7 and their first SAB season, 8 September ahead of the ...we are having emerged from the new season. LFA during cluster merges. The finals were delayed by newcomers in “We are working very hard arbitration matters between and our aim is to end up two teams from the Caprithe SAB league being in the SAFA Promocorn District. This week but we did tional League come the new SAFA official Pat Seema season,” said Ocean Birds told The BEAT that the case wonders... coach Aaron Motlogeloa. has finally been resolved, “We came as underdogs to and that Molemole FC will many teams as we are be the team representing newcomers in the SAB league but we did Capricorn in the round robin. wonders,” he said. The Lephalale boys “The other four teams are Ocean Birds won a hard-fought championship in Bela from the Waterberg, Winners Park from Bela after beating Yster United in their first Mopani, Joe Express from Vhembe and game with a final score or 2-1 and played Masokolara from Sekhukhuni,” Seema a 1-1 draw with Total Surrender in their last said. The number one and two ranking game. teams from the play-offs will automatically TK Mashaba

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