8 November 2013
Police car thief in court
19-year-old fugitive Given Seshoka is expected back in court shortly. Photo supplied
Lizzy Bapela A man appeared before the Bela Bela Magistrate’s Court for allegedly stealing a police bakkie on Tuesday, 5 November. The suspect was taken for questioning with regards to a case of domestic violence that his family opened against him at the Roedtan Police Station on Monday, 4 November. Police Station Commander Captain Joyce Moabelo said that the 19-year-old Given Seshoka has been bothering his family for a while now. She said that on
Muppets invade Bela-Bela
The Roedtan Police bakkie that the suspect had stolen. Photo supplied
the day in question, he had broken all the windows, doors and basins at his family home on the day when they called in the police to assist. She further said that the police left him in the vehicle to sober up, as he seemed to be under the influence of liquor when the incident happened. She added that after a few hours when his family had left, the suspect managed to flee from the bakkie, snitch the keys from one of the police officers responsible for his case and flee. Moabelo said that the suspect drove the bakkie with a little bit of petrol it had until he reached the Kranskop Tollgate to get more petrol. “We really acknowledge the help we
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have been receiving from the community recently and in this case one of the Kranskop officials notified the police of the incident, as the suspect attached a suspicious signature on the documents,” she said. Pienaarsrivier police spokesperson Warrant Officer Maxwell Nkanyane said that they received the information about the incident and followed on the leads. He added that the suspect was arrested in Hammanskraal while still on the N1. Nkanyane said that Seshoka had bought petrol for R300 at nearby garage. He added that the suspect escaped from the Bela-Bela police’s chase and knocked off the tool-gate locks, speeding off to
Modimolle Mayor has high expectations
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Gauteng direction. Seshoka was denied bail when he appeared in court and his case was remanded to Tuesday, 12 November for further investigations and formal bail application. He is facing a charge possession of stolen state vehicle with the Pienaarsrivier police. Moabelo said that in Roedtan, Seshoka is facing charges of theft of motor vehicle, fleeing and failing to pay the tollgate, petrol theft and malicious damage to property for the things he broke at his mother’s home.
A1 Terrors in Nedbank Quarterfinals
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8 November, 2013
Crime round up Lizzy Bapela Thursday, 31 October Mookgophong police are investigating a case of car theft following an incident that happened at the local Toyota Garage. Police spokesperson Warrant Officer George Ledwaba said that the car was stolen a short while after it was delivered and no suspects have been arrested so far. More details about the incident to follow. Saturday, 2 November Bela-Bela police arrested 14 people ranging between the ages of 18 and 27 for allegedly drinking in public. Lieutenant-Colonel Abel Phetla of the Bela-Bela police said that the suspects were nabbed during a police night-shift operation and most of them were released after paying admission of guilt fines ranging from R100 to R150 each. Meanwhile, three people were arrested after being found in possession of dagga during the same operation. Colonel Phetla said that the suspects were charged according to the value of the dagga that they were found in. He added that all the suspects were charged with possession of dagga and they all appeared before the Bela-Bela Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 4 November. Bela-Bela police are looking for a suspect who fled after breaking into a local tuck-shop and stealing items to an undisclosed amount of money. Colonel Phetla said that two suspects broke into a tuck-shop belonging to foreign nationals. He said that some police officials were nearby when they heard of the incident and chased after the suspects. One of them was arrested immediately after fleeing from the shop and was caught with airtime vouchers, cigarettes
and cash to the value of R2 500. The arrested suspect appeared before the Bela-Bela Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 4 November. The police urged the community to help capture the suspect who managed to escape. Police in Bela-Bela have opened a docket of inquest following the apparent suicide of a man at the Bela Bela Dam. Colonel Phetla said that the incident happened when the man and his friends were on a social outing at the dam and reasons that led to suicide are still unknown. Investigations in the case are still continuing. The police are investigating a case of culpable homicide following an accident that happened on the Eersbewoond Road between Bela-Bela and Modimolle. The driver of the involved vehicle told the police that he was driving at that night when he just saw a pedestrian crossing the road. He added that he got out to check, but it seemed that it was already too late. He still called the police and paramedics to the scene to assist. Colonel Phetla said that the paramedics certified the victim dead on arrival. Four people died following an accident that happened on Vaalwater road between the area and Modimolle. Warrant Officer James Findlay of the Modimolle Police told The BEAT that the police suspect a head-on collision due to the manner in which the vehicles’ remains were found. He said that three occupants burnt to death and the fourth one was thrown out and still died at the scene. Findlay added that rumours have been spreading that five people including a baby died from the accident meanwhile it was only four, he said that one of the women was pregnant at the time of the accident.
beateditor@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Stray livestock a problem for township residents
Free roaming goats in the Bela-Bela Township. Photo Justin Steyn Justin Steyn Free roaming goats, donkeys and cows are always visible in the BelaBela Township. The stray cattle have also been seen roaming around the R101 between Bela-Bela and Modimolle as well as the R516 on route to Settlers. A missing fence at Towoomba has also been the highlight in many Community Police Forum meetings. Chris Sonnekus of the Agricultural Research centre in Towoomba said that to erect another fence in the area would be a waste of tax payers’ money due to the fact that a previously placed fence had ended up being stolen. “Another plan has to be developed in order for this problem to be solved. The placing of another fence is out of the question as it has been proven in the past that the fence will only end up in the hands of thieves resulting in a waste of a lot of money,” he said. The implementation of a pound for
the stray animals was also on the table of discussion by state officials but has yet to be done. The BEAT recently assessed the situation and found that a majority of goats are roaming the streets and some donkeys kept in kraals. A local resident, who lives next to a farm, said that she has to often stand outside of her house when the cattle are grazing in her area to ensure her plants are not eaten. “I have witnessed donkeys, goats and even pigs that come to my fence and eat some of my roses and other plants and flowers that I am trying to grow,” she said. By law cattle should be marked or branded in order to determine ownership by farmers. Police should also confiscate any animals that are seen in areas where they are not permitted to graze. Farmers who discover cattle not belonging to them on their property or grazing grounds should also contact the police.
House breakings, road infrastructure and Bateleur speaks out at CPF Justin Steyn The Community Police Forum (CPF) meeting for the month of October raised a multitude of issues in BelaBela. The Bela-Bela police reported that the biggest challenge they are facing is housebreaking.
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A few instances were reported at the Mabalingwe game reserve. The station commander, Sibongile Ndaba, said the cleaners of the reserve report these crimes and due to the fact that the owners of these houses do not reside on the properties staff often find it problematic to identify stolen items. Ndaba reported that four suspects, two of which have been already arrested, have been identified. The majority of stolen goods recovered consisted of grocery items which led police to believe that the criminals have a shelter nearby. A house robbery in Radium was also reported but police say that they have picked up a lead on the case. Ndaba also indicated an increase of crimes in the township and requested that the community participate in the community watch.
A representative from the Bela-Bela No attendance from the department traffic department said that a total of of roads and transport has left the 75 stop signs had been ordered for forum members baffled. Questions the town but these have yet to be about road infrastructure have been delivered. raised by the members, apparently Chris Sonnekus, of the Agricultural with little or no answer. Potholes, Research Centre in Towoomba said missing street names and nonfuncthat the focus of the CPF should tional street lights seem to be the rather shift on crime issues rather highlighted concerns. than road maintenance as this has Pieter Wagner of the farmers union, nothing to do with local crime situasaid that maintaining grass at surtions. rounding farms “These issues has not occurred are important but and as a result they are irrelevant fires have been The fires in the area in a forum that said to spread have become more apseeks to address very close to their crime issues farms. parent and due to the around the town” “The fires in the long unattended grass he said. area have beBateleur Security come more the farmers have had to spoke out on the apparent and due attend to many fires issue regarding to the long unatclose our farms,” safety at the Spar tended grass the shopping centre. farmers have had In a previous to attend to many meeting Col. Ndaba said that the fires close our farms,” he said. company’s guards are more concerned Wagner also claimed that cables with pushing trolleys for customers than running on the ground in some areas they are with guarding the premises. seem to have been accidently cut by In response, Bateleur said that they those attending to the grass which have received strict instruction from caused a fire on a mountain in SyferSpar to guard the trolleys as the loss of Fontein. “We have informed the these items can be rather costly. department about all of these disas“Spar has given us strict instruction to ters and we have received no reply,” monitor the trolleys at the centre. Each said Wagner trolley costs R1 000 and in the past 8 According to the CPF minutes months, 60 have been stolen” they received the department explained said. that their Expanded Public Works In assisting the situation, Piet Burger programme has been put in place in of Galven Security said that four camorder to reinforce manpower to eras had been installed around the address the issue of long grass along centre and more are expected within the roads. the next three months. The department added that due to The Final CPF meeting for 2013 will the unavailability of tractors the grass happen on Wednesday 27 November. has to be cut by hand.
beateditor@gmail.com@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
8 November, 2013
Nyala stabs Sondela visitor “As I was laying the bull pulled his horn out of my leg, it was quite fortunate that my brother chased the bull away with a chair,...”
Kim Kelly’s leg was severely injured after the attack. Photo: Supplied Justin Steyn An unfortunate incident occurred at the Sondela Nature reserve on Tuesday 29 October. Kim Kelly, a visitor to Bela-Bela from Johannesburg, visited the reserve with her family and told The BEAT that tame Nyala antelope were seen walking amongst visitors on the day of the incident. Feeding pellets were on sale at the resort that day and visitors were permitted to feed the animals. Kelly explained that she was busy feeding a Nyala bull when a second one arrived. “It was quite clear that the second bull challenged the first one probably because of the cow that was in the area,” she said. Kelly said that she pushed the second bull aside in an attempt to get him away from the second one when the first bull suddenly stabbed her in the left upper leg. The horn of the bull pierced right through Kelly’s leg but her brother, Garry Keiser, came to her rescue before he could stab her a second time. “As I was laying the bull pulled his horn out of my leg, it was quite fortunate that my brother chased the bull away with a chair,” she said. Keiser immediately contacted the emergency services at Sondela and they requested an ambulance be dispatched. He said that he then carefully placed Kelly in his car and raced to the entrance gates of Sondela where he met with the ambulance. “I couldn’t wait; I had to save my sister and rushed to the nearest hospital but was
really relieved when the ambulance from Tromar was already at the gate,” explained Keiser. The wound was then examined and sterilized by the medical personal before she was taken to the St. Vincent’s hospital. “It is a very sharp pain, something I wouldn’t wish on anyone” a recovering Kelly said. Keiser expressed his relief saying that things could have ended much worse. “My three year old daughter was not too far from the scene and although this is an unfortunate event I cannot imagine what the consequences would have been had she been in the way,” Keiser said that wildlife reserves should emphasize on safety measures and warn their visitors that the animals are approached at own risk. “Although animals such as Nyalas may appear docile they still need to be respected and never under estimated” said Keiser. Wildlife management at Sondela explained that the conflict between the two bulls was probably because of territorial trespassing or because of the cow that was in the vicinity. Sondela could not divulge any further information but said that a full press released will be made available to The BEAT in the coming week. Kelly was discharged on Monday 4 November and is back at her residential home where she is recovering. She wishes to thank the staff of Tromar and St Vincent’s hospital for taking proper care of her.
Peinaarsrivier Police warns members of the public to be on alert when hitch-hiking, especially between Bela-Bela and Hamanskraal, saying that the area is being targeted by criminals. Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Maxwell Nkanyane said that robberies at hiking spots had stopped throughout the year and are now resurfacing since the festive season is starting and people should hitch-hike carefully. The warning follows an
incident that happened in the area on Thursday, 31 October where suspects robbed an unsuspecting woman of her belongings. The suspects stole the woman’s cellphone, ID, bank and shopping cards; and R3 200 cash. Nkanyane said that the woman hiked a grey VW Jetta from Hammanskraal and there were three occupants in the vehicle when she joined in. The woman told the police that one of the occupants stopped the car, claiming to be in need of the bathroom. Nkanyane said that that is the phrase that the criminals are using to catch unsus-
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Young politician questions league’s actions Lizzy Bapela Former Limpopo ANC Youth League’s provincial spokesperson Nono Klaas Mabunda raised concerns about the league’s National Task Team (NTT), wondering if they know what they should be about. Mabunda said that he writes in his capacity as the former ANC Youth League Limpopo Provincial Spokesperson. His concerns come after he observed an attempt to rewrite the history of the ANC Youth League and sharply deviate from the objectivity of their appointment of reestablishing collapsed branches. He also referred to Leon Trotsky’s document, “The Permanent Revolution”, which talks about personality versus reality. Mabunda said that the leadership of the Youth League under Mzwandile Masina have not been in doubt, an essence of reconstruction since their first day in Luthuli House. He said that the league posed excellence in wrecking and demolishing even the integrity of the league itself. Mabunda said that the league’s twin task does not suggest that the young people should randomly be rallied behind the banner of the ANC, but be consciously facilitating, in order for them to be attracted. He said that this can be done through membership, wondering who these teams are leading because young people without membership are mobilizing for the ANC, though no branches of the league are taken to Annual General Meetings currently. “The league’s national convenor has in many occasions than one brought shame to our ears, speaking in confused riddles. He first said nationalization of mines is not a policy of the ANC Youth League, contradicting the 24th national conference held in 2011. Perhaps it should be that he was not even interested to be a member then. We cannot pretend as if the conference did not happen,” said Mabunda. He further indicated that the reality that the ANC Mangaung Conference had a view against the league’s resolution does not mean that the conference resolution should be discarded. He said that Masina should know that only the 25th national conference can review the resolutions. “The self-ordained tendencies of attempting to “re-launch” the ANC Youth League instead of re-establishing structures, which basically collapsed under their watch are my main course of concern, policies taken by their predecessor committees are disowned. It is
Hitch-hiker robbed between Bela-Bela and Hamanskraal Lizzy Bapela
pecting victims. According to the information received, the suspects then attacked the woman at gunpoint before fleeing the scene with their getaway vehicle. The woman could not give more information about the suspects to the police and they are still at large. The police say that these criminals rob the victims of any valuable item they can get from them before vanishing and the incidents usually happened in the middle of nowhere, ensuring that the victims do not get help urgently or at all.
The BEAT website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Former Limpopo ANC Youth League’s provincial spokesperson Nono Klaas Mabunda; Photo: Lizzy Bapela absurd of Masina to be precise to distort the history of the league. Perhaps we should also be blamed for allowing Masina a long rope to hang the ANCYL with his microphone excitement,” he said. ”Trotsky in the same document said “Learning carries within itself, certain dangers because out of necessity one has to learn from one’s enemies”. The ANCYL is gradually reduced to an angry organization, as the hatred and anger of some people to some people is highly held and demonstrated in cheerleader enthusiasm. They are deliberately excreting on Andile Mda, Anton Lembede, Mxolisi Majombozi, Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo, Chris Hani, Peter Mokaba’s graves and it cannot be allowed,” Mabudna said. He indicated that in a wake of the failed intervention by the national executive committee (NEC) of the ANC, it is proper now than ever for the NEC to disband the league’s NTT and dedicate nine directly elected members of the NEC to re-establish the league, with each devoted a Province. He said that all these problems were created by the same ANC NEC for appointing the NTT without specific terms of reference and life expectancy, adding that no wonder the NTT even interferes in Soccer Squabbles, ordinarily because they do not know what is expected of them.
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8 November, 2013
beateditor@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Team helps family with service delivery issues
A dedicated team helped a family in need. They are from left to right: Robbie Ramolotja, Zanda Chauke, Sekgwari “DK” Magoai, Piet Mabusela and Joseph Makhubela. Photo supplied Lizzy Bapela Service delivery in Bela-Bela is currently not up to scratch, due to certain leaders who do not do their job. These are the words from a concerned team of residents, who are also members of the local SACP and they consist of Philemon “DK” Magoai, Robbie Ramolotja, Zanda
Chauke, Piet Mabusela and Joseph Makhubela. The team took some time off and embarked in a door to door campaign in Bela-Bela’s Ward 2, Leseding section, where some of them reside. They asked people questions about their day-to-day challenges, including service delivery issues. Magoai said that the aim of the campaign is to
assist the ANC identify challenges within communities, especially those relating to service delivery. He said that the SACP has a continuous programme; “Know your neighbour”, which was initiated nationally and has been running for some years now. Another programme is the “Red October”, which is all about revolutionary matter. The door-to-door campaign was conducted as part of the Red October, where leaders go to the people to hear what their complaints and requests about service delivery are and help where they can. Among other programmes that the SACP conducts is “The Right to Learn”, where the leaders visit schools and give students some motivation. Magoai indicated that this year they included a programme where they encourage people to go and register to vote in the coming general elections. “It is sad to realise the hardship that our people are living in and the lack of information about their own municipal services and procedures they should follow to launch their grievances. The situation about lack of service from ward authorities shows that the different structures established by the ANC are not properly used for the betterment of the lives of the people. These bodies, including the Ward councillors, Ward committees and Community Development Workers among others are meant to detect all the social ills in the community and report them to the relevant institutions,” said Magoai. He added that, it seemed that these bodies are not doing what they were meant for and most of them are being
paid to perform those duties. During the campaign, the team came across a child-headed family, where an 18-year-old girl has to look after her own child and a sibling. Their mother died some years ago and a relative took them in, chasing them out at a later stage. The small family only survives from the grant of the two children and to make matters worse, they have no electricity and need paraffin for cooking and candles for lights. The team made it their responsibility to assist the girl first with the reconnection of electricity and then with the rest of the stuff that was needed. With the help of a well-known electrician in the township Leave Matlou, her meter box was connected to the cable and mounted to the wall. The team then went to the municipality to negotiate for the reconnection of the electricity, which was done within two days. The team went on to donate money from their own pockets and bought groceries for the family. “I am just raising this one issue to show that even though the ANC is trying very hard to improve the lives of the people, it is because of rotten potatoes that we still have people who do not want to vote for the ANC or simply just do not vote. We thank the team for their dedication on helping the society in general. It is a fact that most of our community members do not know the right channels to follow when launching complains with any department, but it is through commitment of cadres such as these that our communities will prosper,” said Magoai.
Hookah, Spice and all things nice
Private Bag X1609 Bela Bela 0480
Municipal Notice No: V79/13
Red Chili owner Fatima Lorgat with some of her products. Photo: Justin Steyn
In terms of the Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No. 6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, it is advised that the 1st supplementary valuation roll for the financial years 01 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 is open for public inspection at the office of the Chief Financial Officer, Main Building (Chris Hani Drive) during office hours 08:00 to 16:00 from 02 November 2013 to 6 December 2013. In addition the valuation roll is available at website: www.belabela.gov.za An invitation is hereby made in terms of section 49(l)(a)(ii) and 78(2) of the Act that any owner of property or other person who so desires should lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the supplementary valuation roll within the above-mentioned period. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the supplementary valuation roll as such. The form for the lodging of an objection is obtainable at the following address: Revenue Office, Bela-Bela Municipal Building, Chris Hani Drive, Bela -Bela. The completed forms must be returned to the Revenue Office during office hours, to be registered by the Property Rates Officer: Mr Elias Monyepao or Accountant Revenue: Ms Lerato Phasha. For enquiries please phone: Mr. E Monyepao on (014)736 8065 or email: monyepaoe@belabela.gov.za or Ms L Phasha on 014 736 8039 or email: phashal@belabela.gov.za Municipal Offices Chris Hani Drive Private Bag X1609 BELA-BELA 0480
MM Maluleka Acting Municipal Manager
Notice No: 79/13
Justin Steyn A mixture of many eastern delights can be found at the Red Chilli shop. The rather unusual little shop has opened up at the Spar centre in BelaBela and offers a variety of spices, snacks, delicious cuisine and the availability of hookahs. “Red Chilli is not a spice shop,” said shop owner Fatima Lorgat. “It is a place where Bela-Bela residents are introduced to a variety of eastern things like food, snacks and traditional foods.” Lorgat explained that her original intention was to have a small samosa stand where she could sell different samoosas to the public. She later realized that Bela-Bela lacked a shop where people can buy homemade spices and snacks as well as getting acquainted with halal meat. “In Countries such as Dubai you’ll find that at restaurants offer customers the chance to smoke hookahs at their tables
while they enjoy their meals” said Lorgat. She mentioned that the introduction to Halaal meats has been popular among locals of all ethnicities. “Halaal is the process by which the animals are slaughtered. A prayer is said before the animal is slaughtered and then the animal’s throat is slit and all the impure blood is then drained from the animal,” explained Lorgat “Nothing funny is done to the meat itself and the customers, not only Indians, who buy the meat say they love it. A variety of dried fruits ranging from dried blueberries to Chinese prunes are also available. On Red Chili’s Facebook page, customers will be informed about the latest specials and products available. Services such as catering can also be arranged and those interested can contact Lorgat on 073 280 7886 or email redchilli@live.co.za(.)
beateditor@gmail.com@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
8 November, 2013
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Photo of the week Child Soldiers There’s something I don’t understand. Actually, there are a number of things about people I don’t understand, but this is an important one. In general, human beings are geared toward the protection of children. A famous author, Robert Heinlein, once said that ‘any society not based on the protection of childbearing women and children is doomed to fail,’ and that is one of the best ways of putting that particular sentiment. The point of humans, after all, is to make more humans. That is why we are genetically coded to find children adorable, why we feel protective of them, why we take care of them as best as we can. Bearing all that in mind, there must be something deeply, fundamentally wrong with the kind of person who can look at the most vulnerable members of our society, our future, and think, “You know what that child needs? A gun.” And yet it is going on across the world, every day. Not just in organized war, but in gang wars and crime syndicates and a hundred different ways. A hundred different ways, every day, our children’s futures are being stolen. They might survive the conflict, whatever it is. They might reach adulthood, but they will be damaged in so many different ways. A child soldier never learns the value of human life, or how to function in normal society. It’s interesting to note that child soldiers, as a rule, do not suffer from post-traumatic stress in the same way that adult soldiers do. They do not suffer traumatic memories of conflict because, in most cases, they can remember nothing else. War becomes the natural state of being. What kind of adults do these children grow into? What kind of human beings do they become? It’s an important thing to think about, really. There are people out there in the world, who think that it’s somehow okay to steal our children’s’ future, to turn them into weapons in a war that by all human decency they should have no part in. Think about that for a bit, and then take a moment to think about what you can do.
The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have a great story or something that you want us to bring to light, please email beateditor@gmail.com or send an SMS to one of our reporters. Lizzy: 072 264 7740 or TK: 076 756 9740. We would also LOVE to see some of your weird and wonderful photos for our editorial page. Do not delay, just contact us today!
Forgiving yourself Bishop Silas Tlou
DA supporter seen giving away Sorghum beer on the street in Bela Bela town. Photo: TK Mashaba
Tel: (011) 447-1264/5/6
COPYRIGHT The reproduction or broadcast without written permission of any material published in The Beat and its supplements is forbidden and expressly reserved to Upfront Events Two CC, under section 12(7) of the Copyright Act, 1978 and any amendment thereof. The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC. The Beat: 7 Minnaar Street, Tel: (014) 736-2723, Fax: (014) 736-3428, PO Box 16, Bela-Bela. E-mail: tbeat3@gmail.com. The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC and is printed by Paarl Coldset, 83 Heidelberg Rd, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
are proud to:
• provide our readers with complete, accurate, credible and objective news reporting • remain unbiased under all circumstances • strive to reflect the truth, objectivity and interests of the community in our reporting • support and contribute to freedom of speech, human rights and the economical and social upliftment of the towns and regions of our readers
The greatest asset you have is yourself, and cognisance must be taken that life is not a rehearsal, or something to play about, we are in this world for a bigger purpose and as such, we have to make the most of it, but at the same token man has a fallible nature, which the bible calls it the nature of sin or carnality or flesh, this nature is not perfect and can never be perfect until declared perfect by God. The very same nature is in daily display of life in that we err as humans. One wise guy said “in life we committee 10 % and rectify or fix the 10% by 90% of our time ,meaning we usually consider 10% project, and 90% of time we try to make or fix , thus to say we don’t just get is first time. Under the principles of “do it right first time” we still remain fallible” full of mistakes, as we walk in self-hate. Our ambition is to have the perfection mentality, but that come at the expenses of the human nature. To err is human, meaning people make mistakes all the time ,at work, in a relationship, wherever people find themselves, there are mistakes, and so is u. And to forgive people is noble and also morally correct, but selfforgiveness is the start; hence we belabour some behaviour in work place, school or even at homes to indicate the need of selfforgiveness, at time by being aggressive or intolerant. Selfforgiveness can be a challenge to many. We wonder of where to start, and what to do when found in that condition, the process is not that difficult, but again not simple. Start the process of selfforgiveness by: 1. Admitting and own up to the mistake 2. Confess you sins to God and to the people you wronged 3. Walk in the love of God and avoid self hate 4. Pray without ceasing and believe the Word of God 5. Receive emotional healing from God and speak against thought that suggest otherwise. 1Jn 1:6-9 KJV If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: (7) But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin. (8) If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. (9) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Rom 8:1 KJV There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
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8 November, 2013
beateditor@gmail.com@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Children’s centre still waiting for donation money
The NYDA presented a R30 000 cheque to management of Mantadi Child and Youth Care Centre. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela Children and staff members of the Mantadi Child and Youth Care Centre in Mookgophong are still waiting for money that the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) promised them a month ago. During a short telephonic interview with The BEAT on Tuesday, 5 November, the founder of the centre Anna Makwela said that they have not received and of the promised R30 000 donation from the agency to this date. The agency had since presented and handed over the R30 000 cheque to the centre management to help with the running of things and other necessities on Saturday, 12 October. Makwela told The BEAT that every time when she makes inquiries, they keep telling her the money will be in
on Friday and the said Friday never comes. “I had organised a social outing for the children one Saturday, hoping that we will return with the money, as they are expecting it and there was nothing at the bank. We had to return empty handed and the children were so disappointed. I established the centre to help vulnerable children and it breaks my heart seeing them unhappy like that. I also ended unbearably stressed and had to see a doctor for help,” said Makwela. The centre had sent their gratitude towards the agency for being good Samaritans and giving them another reason to smile against all odds when they surprised them with the donation, not knowing they will be hassling to get the money. The agency’s representatives were on their way to attend an
TV star motivates students
Super model Amos Vuma is the pride of Limpopo. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela The face of Nivea skin lotion, Amos Vuma, motivated students from Maope and Raeleng secondary schools in Bela-Bela recently. Vuma had at the time accompanied the Limpopo MEC for Education Dikeledi Magadzi in her tour of launching water and sanitation projects in schools. He told The BEAT that the aim of the motivation session was to boost the students’ confidence and wished them good luck in their final exams. He spoke to all the students from different grades who attended the event, telling about the story of his life and how he got to be where he is today. Vuma encouraged the students to take life seriously and not give up in life but work hard, as nothing good comes easy. “You are about to cross the bridge to the real world now and do not even think of taking short cuts, life is not easy,” he said. Vuma is the pride of Limpopo, coming all the way from Giyani village, where he was born and grew up. He is a South African model who has achieved a lot in his life and he is regarded as one of the male models who have made it big
time. He is with the Ice Model Management, a modelling agency that is regarded as one of the oldest and most successful modelling agencies in the country. He said that not many people understood the modelling world in his home town and that has made him an inspiration to many young people in the area. He was once voted as “hunk of the week” and regarded as super sporty, stylish and sexy. He conducted numerous TV interviews and one of the programmes was “The Link” that views every Wednesday on SABC 1 at 18h30. Vuma spent more than eight years in the industry and says that his humility and professionalism are reasons for his success. He said that these qualities have earned him respect with designers and brands and they know they can always rely on him. The Nivea ambassador has reportedly said that some people get caught up in the glitz of a well-known brand when they get used to the high life. He has seen himself grow in the industry from the shy boy he once was to a more confident guy. Meanwhile, the DA in Limpopo also wished matriculants well for their exams. The party’s spokesperson on Basic Education Desiree van der Walt said that they acknowledge the hardships that many of the learners, educators and school staff had to endure months without the necessary learning materials, both in this and the previous academic years. “We acknowledge that matric exams are daunting. We know, though, that hard work and thorough preparation will pay dividends. We wish our 2013 matric class strength and calm under pressure; and reward that justly reflects their effort,” she said.
event in the area when they heard of a crucial incident about the centre mentioned in the radio news as they were listening in and then decided pay them a visit. Thapelo Maleka of the NYDA said that the main aim was to motivate the volunteers and the founder of the place and show the public that there are still good people in the world. The incident referred to is the death of the three children from the Kekana family who were stoned to death in August 2012. A passer-by found the bodies of two siblings and a cousin still in their school uniform in the street near a local resort. Limpopo police launched a manhunt following the incident, while initial investigations have revealed that the girl was raped before she was killed. Limpopo police spokesperson Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi had indicated that heavy bloodied stones were found near their bodies, which were covered by a blanket and tree branches. He added that the children had stayed at the centre, following a social worker’s recommendation. The children were removed from their homes following an investigation by the Department of Social Development, which revealed that they were allegedly being neglected by their parents. The motive for the killing was still unknown following the discovery of the bodies and the police had since arrested the alleged perpetrators and the case is still under investigation. Makwela, who is a community rehabilitation worker based at the local health centre, saw a need to establish the centre in the area over ten years ago and it is doing well regardless of the hardships encountered. She was inspired by a vision to create a healthy and independent community that is
responsible for its future. Makwela’s mission was to provide possible opportunities for the children of Mookgophong community and to enable them to face challenges posed by life. When establishing the centre, Makwela took into consideration the negative factors such as the socio-economic impact on the local community reflected by the high rate of unemployment and poverty in the area. She said that the unemployment and poverty rates further exacerbates negative social factors such as crime, prostitution and fighting among others. “Others lost hope along the way due to some difficulties but I persevered until it all came alright. It was not easy in the beginning, as there were some obstacles but we managed to make it here with the grace of God,” said Makwela. She said that they pay around R3 500 rent money to Spoornet every month and survive on charity from goodhearted donors. She further said that it took her years to get the centre registered, as some people imitated her ideas but finally things came to order. The centre cares for children ranging from new-borns to 18 years and they receive breakfast, lunch and dinner. All children are from the local community and have been enrolled in various local schools and pre-schools. The children get transported to and from the schools and numerous local adults benefited from employment opportunities created by the centre. The BEAT’s attempts to get hold of Maleka failed, as he could not be reached for comment by the time of going to press. A reliable source told The BEAT that the NYDA was experiencing financial problems and owes people money, not just the centre.
Children’s Fun Day with Muppets
Takalani Sesame Muppets to invade Bela Bela. Photo Supplied TK Mashaba The children of Bela Bela will have a chance to mingle with their favourite Takalani Sesame Muppet when Dintshang Media hosts a children’s Fun Day at Bela Bela’s Sunfa Stadium on 14 December from 09:00 to 16:00. According to information from the coordinator of the event, Thabo Mosana, the children’s Fun Day is an initiative to bring a smile to the faces of children affected by the conditions in the area. “The children’s Fun Day with Takalani Sesame road-show will focus, among other things, on inspiring children to read, child safety, inspiring children to dream big and encourage them to participate in their community,” he said. These focus areas are part of Ditshang Media’s aims and vision and will form a great foundation for the children’s future.
Mosane said that it’s going to be a day filled with much fun and entertainment. Each child will be able to greet the Takalani Sesame Muppets, and will have a commemorative photo taken with the Muppets to take home. “We believe that this will will go a long way towards bringing a positive change in the future of the children in our communities. With your support and sponsorship, more children will get to be a part of the event,” he added. “The event will enable us to bring this vision to our children and also to teach them all of this at a young age.” He added that the event was only the start of the community involvement their company has planned, all aimed at identifying more organizations and courses involved in childcare and to assist them where possible. “Other activities and social upliftment programs will be born out of this initiative.
beateditor@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
COSAS waiting for the resolution regarding publication of matric results This way of checking results will be a thing of the past if the resolution of the NWC favours COSAS. Photo: TK Mashaba
TK Mashaba The Congress of South African Students (COSAS) will be eagerly awaiting a resolution expected to be taken by the National Working Class (NWC) this week. COSAS has taken a position against the publication of matric results in newspapers, alleging that the publication of matric results is a violation of the right to privacy. “This is a mandate given to the Department of Education by the COSAS National Committee last year,” said Waterberg COSAS Secretary Abram Mohlake. “We of COSAS have come to the conclusion that the publication of results in newspapers must stop as it is a violation of the right to privacy.” Mohlake added that there were a number of other things the Depart-
ment could do with the money spent on the publication of results. “We still lack curriculum advisors and in that regard I think the department should consider doing something rather than wasting money on printing the results,” he added. Mohlake added that the worst part of the publication of results is the escalating pressure on learners. “We have had a couple of cases of learners committing suicide because they didn’t appear in the papers,” he said. Mohlake said that they have given the Department until February to respond to their memorandum. No response was forthcoming, however, and COSAS felt that they had to have a national march in June this year, followed by a meeting in late November.
Mayor expects good matric results Lizzy Bapela Modimolle mayor Kgaretja Lekalakala announced that she expects the best matric results ever from all Grade 12 students within her municipality. The mayor said this when she was delivering a message of support to the students during an event that was held at the Modimolle’s OR Tambo Hall on Thursday, 18 October. David Molekoa of from the municipality said that the event aimed at motivating the students and praying with them for good results in their final examinations. Present at the event where circuit managers, officials from the Department of Educations, students, parents and teachers from all high schools in the municipality. Molekoa said that the municipality assisted in transporting the students to the event and some of them were transported by their schools. When delivering her message, the mayor started by quoting the stalwart of the nation Nelson Mandela from his “Long walk to freedom” book when he said “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it”. The mayor encouraged the students to focus on the work done throughout the year, walk tall and conquer any fear that may arise. She said that education is the most powerful weapon, which one can use to change the world. She further said that it is important for the municipality, parents and the community at large to give teachers, students and schools support and encourage them to persevere in the remaining lap of their career in schools.
8 November, 2013
“Good plans shape good decisions. That is why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true. Go, boys and girls of Modimolle and write your exams. Positive minds should be the order to the day when approaching the question paper. Success is not final, fear is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts,” said the mayor. Lekalakala encouraged the students to involve God in everything that they do, especially at this time of their lives. She read from the bible scripture of the Philipians 4: 13, which says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. “Hard work breeds success. It is time for you to go and make us proud. I will fly like an eagle when the MEC for Education will be pronouncing matric results, when one of your schools will be counted with the top ones. We need students who will be representing us and we believe you are the ones,” she said. All the speakers followed on the mayor’s speech and encouraged the students to go out there with pride, believing that they will produce the best results ever. They all emphasized that they wanted to see students from all schools within their municipality receiving awards. The speakers also preached respect to the students, saying that what a person does reflects on who they are. The mayor said that a child’s behavior indicates what kind of a person he or she is and what kind of a family he or she comes from. Students who will pass with flying colours this time will receive laptops and bursaries from the department.
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Waterberg teams to attend development course The Kamplits girls’ volleyball team during the development games at Settlers Agricultural School. Photo: TK Mashaba
TK Mashaba Eleven teams from different Waterberg municipalities will be going on a four-day development competition in Polokwane, from the 1st to the 4th of December. The teams were selected during the Development Games at Settlers Agricultural School, which were organized by the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture. The teams were competing in different sports codes, and represent a crossspectrum of the sports codes. Bela Bela’s Kamplits Girls Volleyball, Sizwe Stars Netball team, Rapotokwane’s soccer buys, Phagameng’s boys and girls rugby and Mogalakwena’s cricket team. Stylop’s
LEGALS NOTICE TO REINSTATE A DEREGISTERED CLOSE CORPORATION Notice is hereby given of the intention to reinstate the deregistered Close Corporation: Ansuwilha Verspreiders Bk, Registration Number: 1999/044923/23. The reason for the reinstatement is that the Close Corporation is still in business and was deregistered because of an administrative omission. For further information or objection please contact: NUMERI ACCOUNTANTS INC I A Van Niekerk, tel 014 004 0100, 35 Luna Road, BelaBela, 0480. (8/11) BELA BELA AMENDMENT SCHEME 72/08 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56 (1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 1986 (ORDINANCE No 15 OF 1986) We, Geo Projects, authorised agents of the owner of portion 42 of the farm Tweefontein 462 KR Bela Bela hereby give notice in terms of section 56 (1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Bela Bela Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme, known as the Bela Bela Land Use Scheme, 2008, by the amendment of the zoning of the property by the addition of an annexure to the existing Agriculture zoning, to make provision for over night accommodation, caravan park and ancillary uses, as indicated in the annexure 161 to the amendment scheme. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Municipal Offices, Bela Bela, for a period of 28 days from 1 November 2013. Objections or presentations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to The Municipal Manager at the above address or Private Bag x1609, Bela Bela, 0480, within a period of 28 days from 1 November 2013. Address: P.O.Box 919, Bela Bela, 0480, Tel: 082 881 7252. (8/11)
MODIMOLLE LAND USE SCHEME, 2004 Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that in terms of clause 23 of the MODIMOLLE LAND USE SCHEME, 2004, I, NICOLA LUDIK, authorised agent of the property owner intend applying to the Modimolle Local Municipality for Special Consent to use Erf 831 Nylstroom Ext 6/ Modimolle for Two Dwelling Houses also known as FOUTH STREET, AS SALAAM, Nylstroom located in a Residential 1 zone. Any objection, with the grounds therefor, shall be lodged with or made in writing to Town Planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, or Private Bag x1008, Modimolle, 0510, within 28 days of the publication of the advertisement in the local newspaper, viz 1 November 2013. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours (08:00 13:00 and 13:45 - 15:00) at the above-mentioned office, for a period of 28 days after the publication of the advertisement in the local newspaper. Closing date for any objections: 29 November 2013. Applicant: NIKKI LUDIK P. O. Box 3007, Modimolle, 0510, Telephone: 076 606 6372. (1&8/11) NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF WARMBATHS HELD AT BELA BELA Case No: 414/2013 LGH BELEGGINGS (PTY) LTD Plaintiff and KAREN NOëTH Defendant Kindly take notice that in terms of a judgement granted on 16 August 2013, in the
boys’ volleyball team also made it, along with Mosate’s softball team, Marapong’s softball and Mosesetjane Soccer team from Mokopane According to Theega Ganaga, the programme co-ordinator, the development games will be held at various stadiums in Polokwane. “We have not yet given the names of the stadiums for the games but there will be four competitions,” he said. Sizwe Stars coach Koketso could not contain his excitement about the excellent challenge to be faced at the provincial. “My team always do well at locals and in district, and now it is time to show the province how good we are,” he said. Warmbath’s Magistrate’s Court and a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter, a sale in execution of the under mentioned goods will be held on 12 November 2013 at Sheriff’s Offices, 52 Robertson Avenue, Bela Bela at 11h00 consisting of: 9 Black stands and bracelets 11 Wood square frames 2 big frames (“mirror & baby clothes”) 2 Tables with beads 1 White counter 5 Flower frames 1 Mirror Ceramics 8 Stands with beads, to the highest bidder. Dated at Warmbaths on this 22nd day of October 2013. JOHAN ENSLIN ATTORNEYS Execution Creditor’s Attorneys 15 Stofberg Street Bela Bela Tel: 014 736 2619 Fax: 014 736 2650 REF: A GERMISHUYS/L010/ 13 SECTION 24G APPLICATION - NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS & INVITATION TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTY Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations 54(2)(c)(i) of Government Notice R.543 of 2010 promulgated in terms of the National Environment Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) as amended. The application for rectification of unlawful activities (section 24g application) is for the formalization of 302 sites on portion of the remainder of portion 2 of the farm Vaalwater 137 KR within Modimolle Local Municipality of Waterberg District, Limpopo Province, The application for rectification of un-
lawful activities is made in terms of section 24G of the National Environment Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) as amended. An application has been lodged with the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (DEDET Reference: 12/1/9/S24G W10). Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are hereby invited to provide written comments together with their name, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the application to the contact person indicated below within 40 days of the publishing of this notice. For further information pertaining to the project, kindly contact Phaki Phakanani Environmental Consultant. Furthermore, the draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report will be made available for comment and review upon request or you can access the report at Mokolo Primary School. Contact Person: PHAKI PHAKANANI E N V I R O N M E N TAL CONSULTANT Mr. Kabedi Mashilo P. O. Box 1198 Fauna Park 0787 Tel: 015 295 7391 Fax: 086 618 5960 Email: mkabedi@phakanani.co.za
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8 November, 2013
beateditor@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
A1 Terrors FC joins other teams in the Nedbank Cup quarterfinals TK Mashaba
A1 Terrors are still determined. Photo: TK Mashaba
Happy Hearts clear player issues
The Modimolle-based team A1 Terrors had a smooth win over newly promoted Happy Hearts FC to advance to the quarterfinals of the Nedbank Cup quarterfinals. Last year they played to a 2-all draw against Yster United in the finals before winning 4-3 on penalties. In other Stream A news, Boys to Men beat Qualitho 5-0 while new boys Elmar Auto took a drubbing from Mabatlane, losing 2-1. NTK Happy Boys lost 3-1 to Diesel n Dust while Total Surrender thrashed Modimolle All Stars 2-0. Bela Bela Pirates’ game against Home Defenders is still pending because Home Defenders did not come to the venue for the game. In the quarterfinals one of either Bela Bela Pirates or Home Defenders will be
facing Total Surrender at Bela Bela’s Sunfa Stadium on the 10th of November, while A1 Terrors will be facing Diesel n Dust. Mabatlane Arsenal will be playing Trouble Makers at Mabatlane Sports Ground on the 10th of November. In Stream B, Moloto Morningstars went through to the quarter finals after they beat the Mbu Eagles 4-2 on penalties. Maxoma beat Yster United 1-0 while Siwelele beat Ratanang 5-4 on penalties after a 3-all draw. Real Madrid knocked out Juventus 2-0 while the Black Rangers beat SASE Fc 3-1. Mokopane Stonebreakers lost 4-3 to Mosesetjane United after they played to a 0-all draw. The game between the Dimakatso Sundowns and Mookhophong, and the match between Thaba FC and Simple Yellows are still pending.
Municipality maintains silence on artificial stadium “All I can say is that nobody in the municipality knows what’s new on the issue of the stadium, and it’s not a priority at this stage,...”
Happy Hearts players (in the gold) trying to pass the ball through the A1 Terrors defender (in the blue). Photo: TK Mashaba He added that the players he lost were good, a midfielder, a defender and a striker. Happy Hearts FC have come together “We have suffered a loss in our first to resolve their issues after suffering official game of the season in the a humiliating 2-0 loss against visiting Nedbank Cup and team A1 Terrors this is a sign of in the Nedbank how things are Cup knock-out on going to be in the Sunday 3 October We have suffered a new season,” said at the Sunfa loss in our first official Letlalo. Stadium in Bela Letlalo said after Bela. game of the season in their game with The Bela Bela the Nedbank Cup and Terrors they had based team this is a sign of how a meeting and started suffering things are going to be in have managed to after they started the new season,.. sort out the official games issues of players without three of joining their their players. teams. According to team owner Mike “I told them in the SAB League things Letlalo three of the players who had are different and all the teams are been playing with them during the off playing eagerly and we need a strong season were forced to return to their team with extra players to survive,” he teams after his players complained that they did not need outside players. said. Happy Hearts will be facing the same “I was surprised when these players team again on their home ground at stopped coming to practice and I Bela Bela High School’s sports grounds heard that my players did not want to for their first SAB League fixture game. play with the new players,” he said. TK Mashaba
Matome Sebelebele, Municipal spokesperson. TK Mashaba The hype around the artificial stadium that was due to be built in Bela Bela municipality has slowed down somewhat since there has
been no action on the building of the stadium. Contrary to what was said on the 2 nd of September by Lucas Nhlapo, the new SAFA Deputy President, the delay was caused by the municipal council’s failure to make a resolution on land availability, municipal spokesperson Matome Sebelebele said that nobody at the municipality seems to have any information regarding the construction of the stadium. “All I can say is that nobody in the municipality knows what’s new on the issue of the stadium, and it’s not a priority at this stage,” he said. “The council is taking time to come to a resolution among others to adopt some of the documents that were presented to them by SAFA including some regarding land availability and maintenance and the security of the stadium once it has been built,” said Nhlapo. The building of the stadium will not only benefit soccer fans but also tourism in Bela Bela and the Waterberg, but with the municipality seemingly unconcerned about actually building it, it remains to be seen when or if it will materialize.
You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind. -Author Unknown The best way out is always through.- Robert Frost Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. -William B. Sprague