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Join our community
In our members-only Facebook group, you’ll meet thousands of other DD members doing the low-carb or keto diet.
Moderated by low-carb experts and available 24/7, the Facebook group is a kind, respectful, and knowledgeable online community. It’s the perfect place to ask questions, get advice, share struggles, celebrate successes — and make low-carb friends around the world.
How to join
All Diet Doctor members get access to the Facebook group.
Among our thousands of active members, you will find some are brand new like you; others have lots of experience and tips to share.
Everyone has a goal to reach and a story to tell. Watch and listen until you feel comfortable or dive right in. It’s your choice.
You’ll find people just like you who’ll provide support, perspective, and friendship.
What to expect
Got a question? Ask the group. The moderators will share the best evidence from Diet Doctor resources. Plus, you’ll be impressed with the quality of the information that other members provide.
Share your struggles — others will understand and provide tips that helped them through similar challenges. Be inspired by others’ victories or share your own, and others will cheer you on.