Of all the continents, Asia contains the greatest collection of different beliefs and religions. Asia is not only the birthplace of many of today’s major religions, but the region holds many legends, myths and stories revolving around religious figures and spirits. Everywhere one finds the fusion of ancient animistic beliefs intertwined with modern religion.
In Myanmar, a land whose main religion is Buddhism, the Nats (spirits) are worshipped during the annual Nat festivals, usually held on a full moon night. The Vietnamese, conversely, will find it difficult to tell you to which religion they belong to as several religions have co-existed for centuries and have become intertwined over time. We also take a closer look at India, the birthplace of four beliefs, namely Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism, and its most renowned places of worship.
A spiritual journey through Asia awaits you with this month’s D-Brief.