Lose your weight, not your Health!

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InDelhi PresentedbyDt.ShreyaKatyal

About Us

Welcome to Diets and More, your one-stop destination for reliable Diet Plan In Delhi. I Shreya Katyal- the best Dietitian In Delhi has years of experience and dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals through effective and Customized Diet Plans. Being a renowned Weight Loss Dietitian in Delhi, I work in direction of shaping you into the fit one. With a passion for helping people lead a healthier lifestyle, I helped countless individuals in achieving their weight loss goals and improve their overall health.

At Diets and More, I offer Online Diet Consultation servicesforclientsintheircomfortzone.Witheasy-touse online platform, you can connect with me and receivepersonalizedDiet Plan For Weight Losstailored to your specific needs and goals. I am proud to be recognizedforofferingBestDietPlaninRajouriGarden, andstrivetomaintainthisreputationbyprovidingtopqualityservicestomyclients.Whetheryouarelooking for weight loss solutions, dietary advice for a medical condition, or just need help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle,Iamalwaysthereforyourhelp.

ThankyouforchoosingDietsandMoreasyourtrusted partner in your journey towards a healthier life. Contact me today to schedule your Online Diet Plan consultationandtakethefirststeptowardsahealthier you.

Weight Loss Dietitian Weight Loss Dietitian In Delhi In Delhi

Losingweightisachallengingtaskthatmanypeoplestrugglewith. Whetheryou'retryingtoshedafewpoundsforhealthreasonsorsimplyto feelmoreconfidentinyourownskin,IShreyaKatyal


LossDietitianInDelhiisheretohelpyouinachievingyourhealthybody.I havethebestDietPlanForWeightLoss,strategiesforlosingweight,from adjustingyourdietandexerciseroutinetoincorporatinghealthylifestyle habits.

How Shreya Katyal- Best How Shreya Katyal- Best Dietitian In Delhi Help In Dietitian In Delhi Help In Weight Loss? Weight Loss?


varietyofways.FirstlyIcanhelpyouinevaluatingyourcurrent eatinghabitsandcreateaCustomizedDietPlanthatmeetsyour individualnutritionalneeds.Ihelpyoutomakelifestylechanges thatwillsupportyourweightlossgoals,suchasincreasingphysical activity,reducingportionsizes,andmakinghealthierfoodchoices.

Additionally,IalsoofferOnlineDietConsultationtomakeyou understandhowimportantisitforyourhealthandwhatlasting changesitleavesthatwillhelpyouachieveandmaintainahealthy weight.

ConsultWithMe ConsultWithMe

For Medical Issues:

Iamahealthcareprofessionalwhoprovide nutrition advice and counseling to people to help them to manage their health and preventortreatmedicalconditions.

Iofferbestdietplans formedicalissueslike; Diabetes, Thyroid, PCOS/PCOD, Hypertension & Cholesterol, Pregnancy & Lactation, Menopause, Elderly. So you can feel free to contact me for Online Diet Plan for any of thesemedicalissues.

Contact For Online Contact For Online

Diet Plan! Diet Plan!

Go nowhere other than me, if you are lookingforBestDietitianInRajouriGarden. Iamjustacallawayfromyou.TakeControl of Your Health Today! Join my healthy diet plans and learn how to eat smart and live well. Whatsappmeandgetstartedrightaway!

WhyShouldYouConsultTheBest WhyShouldYouConsultTheBest DietitianInDelhi? DietitianInDelhi?

For tailored advice and guidance according to your individualneeds


Forrightadviceonfoodselection,dietarymodificationsand lifestylechanges.

Adviceonnutritionformedicalconditionssuchasdiabetes, hypertension,PCOSetc.


To get realistic and sustainable advice which can be followedforalongterm.

To get guidance on sports nutrition and weight management.

To get help in achieving your overall health and wellness goals.

Diet Plans I Offer : Diet Plans I Offer :

Diet For Weight Loss

Diet For Menopause

Diet For Weight Gain

Diet For Elderly

Diet For Diabetes

Gluten Free Diet

Diet Plan For Thyroid

Diet For Body Building / Sports Nutrition

Diet Plan For PCOS/PCOD

Celebrity Diet

Diet For Hypertension & Cholesterol

Keto Diet Plan

Diet For Pregnancy & Lactation

Intermittent Fasting

ContactUs ContactUs Forfurtherinquiries,pleasesendyouremailto Formoreinformation,pleasecheckoutourwebsiteat shreya@dietsandmore.co.in https://www.dietsandmore.co.in ToBookanAppointment,PleaseContactusat 91-8130990650

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