Is It Possible To Control Diabetes Just With Diet

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Is It Possible To Control Diabetes Just With Diet? Diabetes is one of the most serious diseases, which kill patients slowly. But, it can be controlled and prevented through correct diet and supplementation. Dietitian Shreya Katyal, who is a renowned Nutritionist in West Delhi, helps plan the best diet regimen for diabetic patients.

Here Are Some Suggestions That A Diabetic Patient Should Follow:

Reduce Starchy Food: You should eat as much whole grains as you can. It is a misconception that you should lower the volume of carbohydrates in your diet, as it increases the risk. But, it is important to avoid starchy food because it can really damage your immunity and increase fat which reduces the ability to fight diseases.

Eat More Uncooked Green Fresh Vegetables: Colorful fresh vegetables contain high quantity of nutrients. So, eating more fresh and uncooked vegetables will help you boost immunity to fight diabetes.

Avoid Juice And Take Whole Fibrous Foods: Taking highly preserved juices; increases the risk of diabetes, as they have many preservatives which are harmful to diabetic patients. They also have a high quantity of added sugars. So, it should be avoided.

Reduce Animal Meat: Animal-meat has a high quantity of proteins. So, it causes insulin resistance. Being an experienced Dietitian For Diabetes In Delhi, I'll recommend that if you will reduce the amount of protein, from your diet, it will help you fight the disease better. To get a customized diet for diabetes or a regimen for any of diabetes patients in your family, you can reach us at Diets & More, anytime through our contact details.

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