This is Fly: Bahamas1980's

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This is Fly: Bahamas1980's

The latest issue of the on-line magazine This Is Fly has a story I wrote on bonefishing in the Bahamas in the 80's. Here is how the story came to be... A month or so ago I told Paris Fleezanis, the editor of THIS IS FLY, that I had scanned a bunch of my old slides from the Bahamas from the 80's and early 90's. Paris and I are good friends and have done a bunch of fishing trips together. Paris is very interested in the history of bone fishing and (very persuasively) asked me to write a story and send him some photos. I agreed (even though I was headed to Alaska in a few days). I started culling photos and writing text. It turned out to be an enjoyable process! Here is the result: BAHAMAS 1980'S. Click lower right (or left) to change the pages. The photos from the story (with a few additions) are below:

Charlie Smith ties his famous Crazy Charlie (then called a Nasty Charlie).

My dear old friend Chuck Ash, Alaska guide extraordinaire, lands a big bone on AbacoÂ

An early kayak exploration. Looks for a Campsite.

Finding boats was always an adventure!

Goo Jennings' Dad


From The Turks and Caicos: technically still on the Bahmaas Bank. Nice tailgate!

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